#empty chattering
teh-inggris · 3 months
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Aint no fucking way they did that
no way they did that to her.
(Rant about episode 132)
i cant tell whats worse; lhm making Alicia have BOTH the [Magentano Carry] title (that clouds her judgement of Lloyd, basically making her incapable of doubting him) AND the poison (which is also messing with her thoughts)
OR the fact that they're reducing her character to just being Lloyd's Love Interest.
it's so upsetting. just. look:
this scene wouldve been cute if it wasnt for the fact that she was hallucinating it
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If youre wondering about the blur on the 2nd photo; the panel is originally like that. It's to show that when she hugged Lloyd, she was in a hazy state of mind. Which is. Totally. Not at all concerning. Haha.😐
(also i just noticed that Lloyd isnt even hugging her back. Hes just so confused ☹️)
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(it's probably just me but, Alicia's eye here made it look shes traumatized. Which, lets be honest here, she probably is)
There's the power of a higher being and now the effect of a poison messing with her mind and they have the gall to write this off as romance??? You can easily write a psychological horror fic about her state of mind alone! She literally cant doubt him, shes not allowed to!
How much of her 'love' for Lloyd is ACTUALLY love and not the narrative forcing her to love him????
She's a strong female character. She had little chance of inheriting the throne, yet she persisted. Hell, she had to lie about her age just so people will take her seriously. She's bold, yet fair. And whatever she says, goes.
To reduce her to just being a love interest is just. so. disrespectful😐
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r-aindr0p · 2 months
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More scribbles of this thing guy Another degenerate roaming around the Octavinelle hallways When he uses his unique magic, his clones can be squashed, tossed, smashed on a wall, as long as at least one remains he can remultiply/become full size again
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spottedenchants · 2 months
Question for anyone who's read some of Touching Sentiments!
I'm currently in the process of building a visual timeline that's more precise than the text-based timeline (which I am planning to overhaul once the visual version is done).
Fic titles will be laid out by month/year and dated if applicable, and arcs will be labeled. The only 'events' I have labeled so far are character movements (ex. Essek returns to the Vurmas outpost, Caleb leaves Eiselcross, etc.) and Caduceus's progress on Temple of the Gods.
Here's an example of what the timeline is on track to look like:
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greenconverses · 8 months
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there’s just something about this bit that encapsulates everything’s that wrong with the way riordan writes now but i can’t quite put my finger on what it is
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I honestly find it so funny when people start having intricate fandom discourse and analysis and stuff to defend their favorite side character- especially if it's like a side side character- 'cause like, mate: your're defending 2 minutes of screentime and 4 spoken words rn, there is no hill to die on bestie 💀
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greengalaxy-254179 · 2 months
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They didn't give Abes a fifth button eye?
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goblinofthelaboratory · 6 months
i have three working braincells at the moment but I will fucking juggle them
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The fucking RELIEF of being back in a country with good public transport after having to rely on other people to give me lifts and panicking about cancellations/delays for 10 days straight
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
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Was messing around with the one Bill ai and trying to get an idea on how it would lead my sona to making a deal and all.
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fangedtracks · 4 months
its been four months since ive had to say goodbye to peeka and honestly, i think if i didnt have izzie i would have drowned in my grief ages ago. yeah, i'm still hit with pangs of grief and loss and sadness, but having this silly mischievous little girl with me has helped a lot.
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teh-inggris · 16 days
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The upcoming AvM episode is going to be a musical one set in a concert, conducted by Green. The recent BFDIA episode featured Kevin MacLeod's objectsona (i never thought i would say that) conducting a performance of one of his music
Do what you please with this info
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creepyscritches · 1 year
My friend does NOT believe me when I say I love doing move out deep cleans for apartments and keeps trying to let me bow out of helping him out and I'm!!!! BRUH...LET ME WASH YOUR WALLS AND CLEAN YOUR SHOWERS!!!!
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wedbetter · 7 months
tucked in bed with a blanket up under my chin just my rosy cheeks and cherubic curls on the pillow and theres a big soft fluffy thought cloud above my head and you peek inside there to see vivid dreams of me being bred in every hole
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How to explain that going to church makes me hurt and angry, but not going to church makes me sad and depressed.
#I need to go to Mass. I need to get over the anxiety mental block and just go.#blue chatter#it’s just. I’ve only gone a couple times this semester and every time has left me feeling more empty and hurt than when I walked in#and I know Mass is more than just how you feel. and that it matters that I am there where God calls me to be#I know.#I wish nobody there knew me so they wouldn’t be so worried and ask questions about where I’ve been#it’s like. I cannot possibly explain to my church friends why I haven’t been showing up.#it’s not even scrupulosity anymore it’s just. I can’t be here. I don’t belong here.#and the new priest is trying *so hard*. I’ve been honest with him about how I’m struggling.#but it’s just. there’s something missing. he wants to include the congregation but fundamentally doesn’t understand what that means.#‘everyone is welcome. No I will not make an effort to include marginalized people. they’re welcome bc they can Walk In The Door.’#and I know it’s not that the church has changed#if anything I’d be having the same issues with the old priest. I’m the one who’s changed.#but instead of spending my Sundays with God I’m just. melting into a puddle of Sad. and that’s not good for my faith life.#I need to do *something*. I just. any time I think of trying a new church i feel exhausted.#God please help me.#I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t want to be alone and miserable and losing touch with my faith
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tahnisreu · 4 months
for the fanfic I'm attempting to write with spider and addi all I'm gonna say is this would be a scene in it but with a thanator
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