#emi x shiro
creative-hanyou-girl · 5 months
Sometimes I like to imagine all my OTPs meeting eachother and becoming a friend group/found family.
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kahran042 · 10 months
The Q-factors of various anime characters
If you're wondering, the Q stands for cuteness, measured in kinomoto, with one kinomoto being the approximate cuteness of Sakura Kinomoto. And keep in mind that this is all subjective, so if you disagree, then you disagree, and that's fine.
Est (Bladedance of Elementalers) - 0.8 kinomoto Hitomi Kanzaki (The Vision of Escaflowne) - 0.8 kinomoto Natsumi Suzuhara (I'm Gonna Be An Angel!) - 0.8 kinomoto Quatre Raberba Winner (New Mobile Report Gundam Wing) - 0.8 kinomoto Shiro (No Game No Life) - 0.8 kinomoto Tohma Seguchi (Gravitation) - 0.8 kinomoto Wolfram von Bielefeld (Kyo Kara Maoh!) - 0.8 kinomoto Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club) - 0.82 kinomoto Ai Enma (Hell Girl) - 0.85 kinomoto Garrod Ran (After War Gundam X) - 0.85 kinomoto Hotaru Tomoe (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon) - 0.85 kinomoto Kanade Sakurada (Castle Town Dandelion) - 0.85 kinomoto Kazuto Kirigaya (Sword Art Online) - 0.85 kinomoto Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin) - 0.85 kinomoto Neese Starseeker (Record of Lodoss War) - 0.85 kinomoto Tiffa Adill (After War Gundam X) - 0.85 kinomoto Suguha Kirigaya (Sword Art Online) - 0.87 kinomoto Akatsuki (Log Horizon) - 0.9 kinomoto Keen Kiss (Aura Battler Dunbine) - 0.9 kinomoto Negi Springfield (Negima!) - 0.9 kinomoto Izuna Hatsuse (No Game No Life) - 0.95 kinomoto Lyria (Granblue Fantasy The Animation) - 0.95 kinomoto Emi Sendou (Cardfight!! Vanguard) - 0.99 kinomoto Greta (Kyo Kara Maoh!) - 0.99 kinomoto Hikari Yagami (Digimon Adventure) - 1 kinomoto Mikan Sakura (Gakuen Alice) - 1 kinomoto Nanako Dojima (Persona 4: The Animation) - 1 kinomoto Rena Lanford (Star Ocean EX) - 1 kinomoto Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura) - 1 kinomoto Serara (Log Horizon) - 1 kinomoto Silica (Sword Art Online) - 1 kinomoto Yui Hirasawa (K-On!) - 1 kinomoto Choco Kawagoe (Chocotto Sister) - 1.1 kinomoto Chika Itou (Strawberry Marshmallow) - 1.1 kinomoto Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia) - 1.1 kinomoto Hikari Sakurada (Castle Town Dandelion) - 1.1 kinomoto Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Ouran High School Host Club) - 1.1 kinomoto Shiori Sakurada (Castle Town Dandelion) - 1.1 kinomoto Tenma Tsukamoto (School Rumble) - 1.1 kinomoto Ui Hirasawa (K-On!) - 1.1 kinomoto Urara Kasugano (Yes! PreCure 5) - 1.1 kinomoto Yui (Sword Art Online) - 1.1 kinomoto Kisa Sohma (Fruits Basket) - 1.15 kinomoto Momiji Sohma (Fruits Basket) - 1.15 kinomoto Vivian (Cross Ange) - 1.15 kinomoto Sasami Masaki Jurai (Tenchi Muyo!) - 1.25 kinomoto Noelle (I'm Gonna Be An Angel!) - 1.3 kinomoto Kirimi Nekozawa (Ouran High School Host Club) - 1.5 kinomoto Chiyo Mihama (Azumanga Daioh) - 2 kinomoto
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
Yandere Sadao Maou Headcanons
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Requested by two Anons. I seriously love this anime!!
Maou is most likely an obsessive yandere.
He is very well aware of his obsession with his darling and doesn't try to deny his addiction to himself.
However, he won’t be too open about it in front of anyone else
He won’t even think about taking his darling back to Ente Isla
In his opinion, if he does take his darling back to his kingdom then he’ll become too wrapped up in his royal duties, to have any actual time for them
So he stays in Japan and tries even harder to build a good life for himself and his beloved.
Maou isn’t really sure if it’s him or just his demon heritage and upbringing but he goes into insane fits of jealousy when his darling gets a little too close to anyone else
It could be that she hugged a friend of hers or her hand lingered a fraction of a second too long as she passed something to someone.
Either way, Maou will get close to his darling and put his arm around their shoulders or waist.
He’ll also see a need to “reclaim”  them.
That could be a simple hug or kiss on the cheek/temple
It could also be a heated makeout session or something more (maybe?)
With Maou, the darling will not really get a say in the matter. Her opinion just isn’t valid.
They properly met in one of two ways. The first being she was either a  friend of Chiho’s, Emi’s or acquaintance of Ashiya’s or Suzuno’s. The second way is that she either worked at or was a frequent customer at MgRonalds.
After Maou starts to get “affectionate” with the darling (I feel like this is a little degrading) the rest of the group will just quickly assume that they’re dating.
Emi and Suzuno will warn her about him and might even tell her who he truly is
Ashiya will probably become nicer? Maybe a little more open to her.
When the Alas Ramus event happens, Maou will become incredibly perturbed.
He’ll try to convince his darling that Alas Ramus won’t change their relationship and that there is absolutely nothing going on between him and Emi
He might even try to manipulate the little girl into calling his darling mom and spin stories (fairy tales) of how they met and how she was brought into this world.
One popular example would be: “(y/n) was the most beautiful girl living in a poor village. One day the village was attacked by a vicious dragon. The evil reptile took (y/n) and locked her up in a castle far far away. When word reached the demon kingdom I as the demon king was quick to lance an attack on the dragon and rescue the damsel in distress. Soon we were married and then had you! So you see Alas, Emi isn’t your mother (y/n) is.”   
One time Emi actually heard this and demanded that you do something about it before he completely brainwashed Alas Ramus.
However, upon confronting him (y/n) learns that Maou has started to believe his tales as reality.
“Those stories are true (Y/N), You’re my queen and I’m your king, we are meant to live life like we are in a fairy tale!”
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“Sono cresciuta a pane e Take That 😍...
Non è la Rai...
Ambra con l’auricolare 🎧
e Bim Bum Bam.
Sono figlia delle Spice Girls e degli 883 😍😍 e li ascoltavo con il Walkman 📻
mi batteva forte il cuore quando al juke-box ascoltavo Always di Bon Jovi o Like a Virgin di Madonna 💘
A scuola ci andavo con le tute di flanella 😭😭
il diario Smemoranda 📔
e l'Invicta e seven🎒 (che in termini di paragone era resistente quanto un Nokia 3310)
Usavo i ciucci colorati🥰🥰,
compravo le figurine degli Sgorbions, masticavo le Big Babol all’uva e all’anguria, collezionavo le sorprese degli ovetti Kinder o del Mulino Bianco.
Vestivo jeans Energie, Levi’s 501, Bomber Gas e felpe oversize, ho indossato zeppe Fornarina 🤦‍♀️.
Aspettavo il Festivalbar 🎶 e le classifiche di MTV quasi più del Natale 🎄
I testi delle canzoni li leggevo dal Tv sorrisi e Canzoni e li imparavo a memoria per poi cantarli sotto la doccia.
Avevo “la comitiva ” 👫🏻👬👭
formata da un numero imprecisato di ragazzini e non esistevano i bulli... Erano più rompicazzi sbandati e non ci si interagiva, si passavano le giornate a giocare, ridere e scherzare o a chiacchierare sui muretti della città❤️❤️
Sono cresciuta con Willy il principe di Bel Air🎶🎧🤴
Beverly Hills 90210,
rigorosamente innamorata del tenebroso Dylan,poi è arrivato Dawson's creek❤️❤️❤️
Happy Days, Beautiful e Dallas, Holly e Benji, Mila e Shiro, Georgie, Ken il guerriero, Lady Oscar, Jem e le Holograms, Magica Emi, Occhi di gatto, Creamy ed Esplorando il corpo umano.
Collezionavo i poster del Cioè, avevo i Bon Bons di Malizia e le trousse della Pupa e le Bombolette deodorante Axe Africa.
Ho conosciuto la Cabina telefonica 📞 i gettoni di rame, facevo la collezione delle schede telefoniche con tiratura limitata ( altro che pokemon 😒),
i telefoni della nonna con la ruota ed i primi telefoni bianchi della Sip ☎️
Ho fatto milioni di squilli e sognato con la Christmas card 🥰🥰🤩🤩mentre masticavo le Brooklyn.
La sera a casa guardavamo la Corrida, Giochi senza frontiere e Scommettiamo che, ridevamo con Paperissima e la sai L’Ultima e tutto il bagaglino con Pippo Franco...
Tremavo di paura 😰 ma aspettavo con ansia le puntate di Twin Peaks e X-Files.
Erano gli anni della Lambada 💃🏻 e degli yo-yo, delle macchine fotografiche 📷 col rullino che non vedevi l’ora di sviluppare e che su 25 ne uscivano bene 3/4 foto al massimo. (col cacchio che fotografavo le foto dello spritz, a 15/20mila lire a sviluppo🤣)
In gita scolastica se eri fortunata ti compravano quella usa e getta e sul pullman eri una “criminale” se sedevi in fondo.😂😂
E mentre sfrecciavo con la Mountain Bike a cambio Shimano 🚵‍♀️ sgommando sulle discese dei garage, sognavo la mia massima tecnologia che era il Game boy con il Tetris o SuperMario.😍😍
Rimpiango tutt’oggi la Lira 💸💰perché con 10 Mila lire ci facevi serata 💰, pizza bibita e ti restava pure qualcosa per il giorno dopo 🥺🥺🥺
Con questo post oggi è come se avessi preso una Bic e riavvolto il nastro di una vecchia cassetta 📼
incollalo.. Un tuffo nel passato ❤️
Mamma mia quanta verità!
Stavamo bene … sicuramente meglio di oggi 😉
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Shiro , White Cat - Emi Sato
Japanese , b. 1973 -
Mezzotint , 4 1/4 x 5 3/4 in. 10.5 x 14.5 cm.
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tergestin · 3 years
Siamo cresciuti a pane e Backstreet Boys 😍, Non è la Rai, Ambra con l’auricolare 🎧 e Bim Bum Bam.
Siamo figli delle Spice Girls e degli 883 e li ascoltavo con il Walkman 📻 ci batteva forte il cuore quando al juke-box ascoltavamo Always di Bon Jovi o Like a Virgin di Madonna 💘.
A scuola ci andavamo con le tute de flanella, con il diario Smemoranda 📔 e l'Invicta 🎒 che in termini di paragone era resistente quanto un Nokia 3310.
Io usavo i ciucci colorati, compravamo le figurine degli Sgorbions, masticavo le Big Babol all’uva e all’anguria, collezionavamo le sorprese degli ovetti Kinder o del Mulino Bianco.
Vestivamo jeans Energie, Levi’s 501, Bomber Gas e felpe oversize, alcune hanno indossato zeppe Fornarina 🤦‍♀️.
Aspettavamo il Festivalbar 🎶 e le classifiche di MTV quasi più del Natale 🎄
I testi delle canzoni li leggevamo dal Tv sorrisi e Canzoni e li imparavamo a memoria per poi cantarli sotto alla doccia.
Avevamo “la comitiva ”, formata da un numero imprecisato di ragazzini e non esistevano i bulli... Erano più rompicazzi sbandati e non ci si interagiva, si passavano le giornate a giocare a campana o a chiacchierare sui muretti della città.
Siamo cresciuti con Willy il principe di Bel Air, Beverly Hills 90210, rigorosamente innamorate del tenebroso Dylan,poi è arrivato Dawson's creek. Happy Days, Beautiful e Dallas, Holly e Benji, Mila e Shiro, Georgie, Ken il guerriero, Lady Oscar, Jem e le Holograms, Magica Emi, Occhi di gatto, Creamy ed Esplorando il corpo umano.
Collezionavo i poster del Cioè, qualcuna aveva i Bon Bons di Malizia e le trousse della Pupa, noi le Bombolette deodorante Axe Africa.
Abbiamo conosciuto la Cabina telefonica 📞 i gettoni di rame e i telefoni della nonna con la ruota ed i primi telefoni bianchi della Sip ☎️
Abbiamo fatto milioni di squilli e sognato con la Christmas card mentre masticavamo le Brooklyn.
La sera a casa guardavamo la Corrida, Giochi senza frontiere e Scommettiamo che, ridevamo con Paperissima e la sai L’Ultima e tutto il bagaglino con Pippo Franco...
Tremavamo di paura 😰 ma aspettavamo con ansia le puntate di Twin Peaks e X-Files.
Vedavamo "ultimo minuto"...
Erano gli anni della Lambada 💃🏻 e degli yo-yo, del Vestro e Postal Market , delle macchine fotografiche 📷 col rullino che non vedevi l’ora di sviluppare e che su 25 ne uscivano bene 3/4 foto al massimo. (col cacchio che fotografavi lo spritz, a 15/20mila lire a sviluppo🤣)
In gita scolastica se eri fortunato ti compravano quella usa e getta e sul pullman eri una “criminale” se sedevi in fondo.
E mentre sfrecciava con la Mountain Bike a cambio Shimano 🚵‍♀️ sgommando sulle discese dei garage, sognavamo la massima tecnologia che era il Game boy con il Tetris o SuperMario.
Rimpiangiamo tutt’oggi la Lira, perché con 10 sacchi o du' scudi ce facevi serata 💰
Con questo post oggi è come se avessimo preso una Bic e riavvolto il nastro di una vecchia cassetta 📼
Condividilo, copialo, incollalo..questo post è tanto mio, quanto di chi si è emozionato a leggerlo, perché erano proprio così i nostri Mitici anni 80 - 90 .
#Ma che ne sanno i 2000?
Vorrei rivivere ancora una volta tutto ciò.....
In quel mondo più semplice e più vero...
com' era bello!
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chaoticladymiracle · 3 years
Ma che ne sanno i 2000...
Siamo cresciuti a pane e Backstreet Boys 😍, Non è la Rai, Ambra con l’auricolare 🎧 e Bim Bum Bam.
Siamo figli (ahime') delle Spice Girls e degli 883 e li ascoltavo con il Walkman 📻 ci batteva forte il cuore quando al juke-box ascoltavamo Always di Bon Jovi o Like a Virgin di Madonna 💘.
A scuola ci andavamo con le tute de flanella, con il diario Smemoranda 📔 e l'Invicta 🎒 che in termini di paragone era resistente quanto un Nokia 3310.
Io usavo i ciucci colorati, compravamo le figurine degli Sgorbions, masticavo le Big Babol all’uva e all’anguria, collezionavamo le sorprese degli ovetti Kinder o del Mulino Bianco.
Vestivamo jeans Energie, Levi’s 501, Bomber Gas e felpe oversize, alcune hanno indossato zeppe Fornarina 🤦‍♀️.
Aspettavamo il Festivalbar 🎶 e le classifiche di MTV quasi più del Natale 🎄
I testi delle canzoni li leggevamo dal Tv sorrisi e Canzoni e li imparavamo a memoria per poi cantarli sotto alla doccia.
Avevamo “la comitiva ”, formata da un numero imprecisato di ragazzini e non esistevano i bulli... Erano più rompicazzi sbandati e non ci si interagiva, si passavano le giornate a giocare a campana o a chiacchierare sui muretti della città.
Siamo cresciuti con Willy il principe di Bel Air, Beverly Hills 90210, rigorosamente innamorate del tenebroso Dylan,poi è arrivato Dawson's creek. Happy Days, Beautiful e Dallas, Holly e Benji, Mila e Shiro, Georgie, Ken il guerriero, Lady Oscar, Jem e le Holograms, Magica Emi, Occhi di gatto, Creamy ed Esplorando il corpo umano, candy candy, dolce Remy Gaudí, Anna dai capelli rossi
Collezionavo i poster del Cioè, qualcuna aveva i Bon Bons di Malizia e le trousse della Pupa, noi le Bombolette deodorante Axe Africa.
Abbiamo conosciuto la Cabina telefonica 📞 i gettoni di rame e i telefoni della nonna con la ruota ed i primi telefoni bianchi della Sip ☎️
Abbiamo fatto milioni di squilli e sognato con la Christmas card mentre masticavamo le Brooklyn.
La sera a casa guardavamo la Corrida, Giochi senza frontiere e Scommettiamo che, ridevamo con Paperissima e la sai L’Ultima e tutto il bagaglino con Pippo Franco...
Tremavamo di paura 😰 ma aspettavamo con ansia le puntate di Twin Peaks e X-Files.
Erano gli anni della Lambada 💃🏻 e degli yo-yo, del Vestro e Postal Market , delle macchine fotografiche 📷 col rullino che non vedevi l’ora di sviluppare e che su 25 ne uscivano bene 3/4 foto al massimo. (col cacchio che fotografa i le foto dello spritz, a 15/20mila lire a sviluppo🤣)
In gita scolastica se eri fortunato ti compravano quella usa e getta e sul pullman eri una “criminale” se sedevi in fondo.
E mentre sfrecciava con la Mountain Bike a cambio Shimano 🚵‍♀️ sgommando sulle discese dei garage, sognavamo la massima tecnologia che era il Game boy con il Tetris o SuperMario.
Rimpiangiamo tutt’oggi la Lira, perché con 10 sacchi o du' scudi ce facevi serata 💰
Con questo post oggi è come se avessimo preso una Bic e riavvolto il nastro di una vecchia cassetta 📼
Condividilo, copialo, incollalo..questo post è tanto mio, quanto di chi si è emozionato a leggerlo, perché erano proprio così i nostri Mitici anni 80 - 90 .
#Ma che ne sanno i 2000?
Vorrei rivivere ancora una volta tutto ciò.....
In quel mondo più semplice e più vero...
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yanxi · 4 years
random quetion but i love ships, what are your favourite ships?
hhh feysand, wesper, alex x henry from rwrb, shiro x emi from red winter, jurdan, lei x wren in gopaf & i’m pretty sure i’m missing some major ones oops
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webaward-blog · 5 years
Neko x Neko  / ネコ×ネコ / TATSUMOTO Mio  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HDfzBUrVBx4JrbLRmv_h8LdR6Nq09eUIKeikoku no Kangan  / 傾国の宦官 / HINO Akira / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FAwFrrYgmwSlnkTJyCzdRWTTICLRm9dLTachi Neko Soudatsu BL  / タチネコ争奪BL / NOBARA Aiko, Tokishiba, Haruta, KATOH Muu, Komiyama Komachi, HASUYAMADA Ren, KUROSAWA Mao, Tobiwashio, ONOHARA Yoko, Michiru Burio / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1faNeh6Jd-Apecz2I6KG5aEqIQVoUw4dCToritan / とりたん / YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko / 2018 / Gentosha Status: 1 Volume (Ongoing)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XiZcEN_2FMOKQ3AyMfw-n0wBEfcuzSeVUeno-sensei no Koibito Jouken   上野先生の恋人条件 YAMASAKI Uni  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MCGcr-YaMOBB4OgceWvW7CjNrPmq4dLsKanawanu Koi no Musubikata / 叶わぬ恋の結び方 / YOSHIO Akira / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JiBItqDEiS0TfpbIkQODAJnXsbTbQL59Double Standard / ダブル・スタンダード / AOMOTO Sari  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xynW2_YufXAAywraG5UmIkvMET1aRJPtKaniteki Pervert Romance  / 簡易的パーバートロマンス / SEMORI Nanako & Sekihara Neg / 2017Status: 1 Volume (Ongoing)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BuCKpPKTEx3El6pL9VQDqgkzntO-EY8sUeno-sensei no Koibito Jouken  / 上野先生の恋人条件 / YAMASAKI Uni  / 2018 /    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vbJKwZlndbREZeHV_PsImBgm7pYLtZYwKohinata-san Chi no Chounan wa Fukigen  / 小日向さんちの長男は不機嫌 / MIO Junta  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RssiPaEfiVSUoc5rWdBMiDn2cr8APqWuNigenai de, Rinjin-kun / 逃げる隣人くんへ, Nigenaide, Rinjin-kun / Yuugi  / 2017    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FA357dABTrDQqGOaHqWgbl-FLCWlc1KTDouble Borderダブルボーダー / Izuki / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MJ_FAU3pZp0Eziu_w_dPHC5d7CCBHO0aKimi wa Boku no Uso  きみは僕の嘘 SHINOMIYA Suzu  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wBcIviyYVhTPbCFS7RYJOnWsovyk7YYjDekiai Catharsis / 溺愛カタルシス / Hisao  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gEjn8Ba9SSnGL-oAflwLEBBbmB0ddiicAno Subarashii Ai o Mou Ichido  / あの素晴らしい愛をもういちど / KOIWAZURAI Shibito / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1slX-nd_a12JcUMRkoxdtsEnjs9oulGPkSen'ya Ichiya Happy Ever After   千夜一夜ハッピーエバーアフター Ken 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BldhVDpZv3pL88-f5OOZxHgkdunW2BfDDekoboko Sugar Days   凸凹シュガーデイズ YUSEN Atsuko 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kRHogm5tNc9rpJHJKLEEowt57I9G2q4gDeliheal Change   デリヘルチェンジ, Derihel Change Ikuyasu 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=17g6a1XzlDB9zILbUbNoyYH4FDZsL92syYarichin ☆ Bitch Club  ヤリチン☆ビッチ部, Yarichin Bitch Bu  OGERETSU Tanaka 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Dv9MPeZZ2lShgENDKwAnTM-jrEC7LBV9Hello Morning Star   ハローモーニングスター KURAHASHI Tomo 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cwiGtX4rO6154ToLUU1udw7DTTwt2OvAThe Omegaverse Project Season 5 (#1) / オメガバース プロジェクト-シーズン5- / NATSUSHITA Fuyu, SATOMARU Mami, Omaru, Tsuba Daeki, FUJIMINE Shiki, YohaCover Illustration: YA6Year of Release: 2018Status: 1 Volume (Ongoing)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=19u0t9_M30v2zn67Sl_G1jaPTVKszC_p_Juujun Bitch Lover  従順ビッチLover, Obedient Bitch Lover TOMOCHI 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jF3UaMgLFUSFiKO2P-3yPC4ce2sZRIwYPrinciple   プリンシプル Sachimo  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Uy-H1Bappt9Ferv7yVc20foboVpGlKPzBaka na Inuhodo Itooshii  バカな犬ほど愛おしい Yuitsu 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CVY7jbwZJE7BCoAie68NAUH1i61bqisnKami Kon ni Ai  / 咬み痕に愛 / INOSE  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IbFPLwD4maH2ZJRRNq2c2HUc_xMdposBOkosama Star  / おこさまスター, Okosama Star / AOMIYA Kara  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=13qGCGGtO4NeF-M8jPjFu04adP0ap_vHFLala no Kekkon  ララの結婚, Lala's Married Life, Rara no Kekkon Tamekou  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=11OOB0n0lgc6dG71tqZ-Y0QqesmsvI1gXYasashii Pantsu no Nugasekata   優しいパンツの脱がせ方 MAKI Masaki 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=15-_Gnqd5EAPpeDvM6I78J6UVvRi4Srt1Ookami-kun wa Kowakunai   オオカミくんはこわくない SAKURA Riko 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UAELUDXkG9wOd3NxMxDhmQAp8cocI-r2Kirai ja nai Kedo Ningen te Kowai!! / 嫌いじゃないけど人間てコワイ! ! / TSURUSAWA Tsutako  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WlFtvk31WBFIG8OsgUZ2bh0VrWJqG_5OBara to Hedoro   薔薇とヘドロ TENKAWA Ai  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wQ3o9Ks6B2pCOfSRQcrPKI_wR1m0qurAKoi ga Ochitara   恋が落ちたら UEDA Aki  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GWjpResadMQYTJbzeBq09BgtPoVA7GvMTorokeru Kuchibiru  とろけるくちびる TAKASAKI Bosco 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZmOAUxoyKpnNVpX9Jx4HahnMOtnP9l56Ikumen After +a  イクメン☆アフター+a KODAKA Kazuma  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1q-436dNYQAxAZBOCR3BZrvdf7FlmVEVaBoku o Shiawase ni Shite Kudasai   僕をしあわせにしてください HATOYA Tama 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cRcOZ2mCgUSpEyLjF9IPMO67UBAZYwXaOsananajimi to no Are ni Tsuite  幼馴染みとのアレについて SATO Akihito 2018    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WC1__GrJh2GrwigBTBFVtFZb5GQt3NG6Charisma AV Danyuu no Ore ga Omocha Nanka de iku Wakenai!   カリスマAV男優の俺がおもちゃなんかでイくわけない!  KOMIYAMA Komachi 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tk4At29ns75JyX2wWLtfjJTfhkBaYDYiOni ga Shitau wa Tatarigami  鬼が慕うは祟り神 HAIZAKI Mejiro 2017    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GENsHC944XhNc5s7Ot6YIteVODCuClV_Ichi Kara Oshiete Ageru   イチから教えてあげる, I Will Teach You From Scratch HANAKAWA Chito  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gVOp7WWAlo_GZyfvy3D1RPFpoUxkcY8xMegumi to Tsugumiめぐみとつぐみ / SI Mitsuru / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=15vCLXZZ1Vj3N4LHFyc12U6HAo5kFsbmaThe Omegaverse Project Season 5 (#2)  オメガバース プロジェクト-シーズン5- NATSUSHITA Fuyu, TOBIDASE Kevin, SATOMARU Mami, Omaru, Tsuba Daeki, FUJIMINE Shiki, Yoha    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A2ZZcw4Rp0X_SLbLD7Iq7C_ZkWxrcU9uNights Before Night  / NATSUME Kazuki  / 2018 Adapted From: Mods    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jDpwPAsdm73fyJDSK3azV4cLQ46V5_DtSuki Nante Iwantoite  好きなんて言わんといて, Suki nante iwan to ite Tsuba Daeki  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jDpwPAsdm73fyJDSK3azV4cLQ46V5_DtCosmetic Play Lover コスメティック・プレイラバー / NARASHIMA Sachi  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=10gbz_a6hzCYqrL7TMubp0P_lAJdeXqiXReplay  / TSUKAHARA Saki  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ud59WV4QgVbqp2MQJtXqWHem5rJ9mO6qSecret Friday Night   シークレット・フライデーナイト NOHAGI Aki  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NqSjSJIxErkYj4d1XI2eAJ_Q2dfmhanYUmi de Hirotta Kimi ni Sasagu  海で拾ったきみに捧ぐ SAGAMI Waka 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ShkDI1cYGmuEqxXHOwMhccujhfZ6AXDBAokute Nigai   青くて苦い MEGU Iroha 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IlQzW14DJ6HS6LTDMA0qVetr53ATvUdW30 Made ni Shinitai   30までに死にたい SEINA Anji  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uVOMotmzUkV_jZbpfTMEK5Q0PElomay-Daiji ni Suru Kara Tabete Ii?   大事にするから食べていい? SAKURA Rico 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HAT1DYelHKGJ2NmRFCDml8e8Ile4eZYG10 Kai Mawatte Wan to Nake   10回まわってワンと鳴け SHIKAKUI Hako 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kXANYNJsr9bHEqg4EKTRNdklIu3APCPqTengu Datte Koi o Suru  天狗だって恋をする HAYASHI Maki  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=148847786arvOk04Vw7qqQ00i-R8-Vf8-Kuro ka Shiro ka   黒か白か, Black or White Sachimo  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BZXkKYKpUkNaLhwbdn7oZIKR6gbRf_jVThe Omegaverse Project Season 5 (#3) /  オメガバース プロジェクト-シーズン5- / NATSUSHITA Fuyu, TOBIDASE Kevin, SATOMARU Mami, Omaru, Tsuba Daeki, FUJIMINE Shiki, ICHIKAWA IchiCover Illustration: YA6Year of Release: 2018Status: 3 Volumes (Ongoing)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wbQ2sNxTQSb5lsDlQQ38-VPOZQVQCbrSBlue Sky Complex   ブルースカイコンプレックス ICHIKAWA Kei  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1P5pTPZMU0fMGQeYqrtRGjEX6eFV8bJdtYoru to Asa no Uta EC  よるとあさの歌 EC Harada  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HzjAxGEEB2gLKmNY92z7IA2fKM2PxMTf25ji, Akasaka de  / 25時、赤坂で / NATSUNO Hiroko  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=18G7IMyRaBtIzyLM5hBtty-Ns3DaPQ-nDHakanage.  はかなげ。 KANO Shiuko  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kYQdp37cPFTXtgx75ZaBgS4Ips6JgcanOnaji Toshi no Otouto ga Rifujin Desu   同じ年の弟が理不尽です KAMON Saeko 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VxywsBUnr9lI-7Q0v_TrB1bx70fI_tYbKainarasu Hazuga Aegasarete Komattemasu   飼いならすはずが、喘がされて困ってます。 Yuugi  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bioWzXqzjrA-akyfxFr66PQc5eD12M2fDoku ni mo Naranai Propose  毒にもならないプロポーズ  Yoshi  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MDfQNZwRRGlI3-E3Xnyd5cxokcY-3DJTYoake no Joshou / 夜明けの序章 / MITSUKI Emi / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Nw9F_bGLTf7lVWlBKY2r6DbRQgU3XV7ZR-40 BL  IKE Reibun, Shimaji, Suzuri Ryo, Haji, Seika, MATSUMOTO Noda, Kasai Uka, Kashima Kotaro 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U0SuZ81CuLokB7w_2k4BIcd7V9F1lR7oMihanada Pectolite  みはなだペクトライト NAGO Nayuta 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=16PwcjRh39t4gqp1XZo--NMe43HKGv6LaGolden Sparkle   ゴールデンスパークル SUZUMARU Minta 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1miTVHHSDL87ylx1N6S73i4QiM5GqwyXQReverse  / Yuitsu  / 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XJ8ZlKd_g9ZjPK15xYXrGNSWMlQJwIClPenthouse no Mondaiji   ペントハウスの問題児 Hachisu  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=10LEQD0fyRkff_xyGJuB7kOH8nZ0dz6D0Usotsuki wa Koi no Hajimari   うそつきは恋のはじまり  HARUMOTO Kon 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=19CezFBQzLvumK1kgfse2W6NMqVwI5XH4Natsumachi   ナツマチ Pii  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YgO-aJlyIBqK6o0rg1LKmMrerFk57e2aRakka Ryuusui no Hoshi  落花流水のホシ SUZUMARU Minta  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XeXbVN7hvxcI5ygROc8AM3Xb76-BscYTAshita wa Docchi Da!  明日はどっちだ!  YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VXY_lGdRNoJeCUFbXnlMHm-Of2o5h78XKyouken Hachiko   狂犬ハチ公 MIKI Laika 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mHflui7IxFcrlezj09wiZCdQfUUIj8Wyhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1v2_pwSuaN6sfNQJzBlDvsoZHdJHHbsciKoukishin wa Naniiro ni Kagayaku?  好奇心は何色に輝く? KANDA Neko 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=15KJkSroI8cd4xCLW00zG8gOH3mTf2KT0Warau Oni ni wa Fuku Kitaru   笑う鬼には福きたる YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K0o6fHt6125tCFa5LiKS587w4LsNALpOStatus: 1 Volume (Ongoing)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rm2WmTZtJh-sOxWkqXD143gkchO6xvIbGoshujin-sama wa Ouji ga o Suki   ご主人様は王子がお好き YOSHIO Akira 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RcsE55AVVLTXiuWoFcQ_WVaDP_dbiLj1Ure Oji BL  熟れおじBL Niyama, Haruyama Moto, MATSUMOTO Yoh, ROTTA Ikumi, FUJIMINE Shiki, Origami Chiyoko, m:m, Rocky, YOSHIMOTO Senco, Riiruu, Nerima Zim 2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FdkuND9gms6GPCHy8L-tXWLDDn1cJ7qxKoisuru Bokura wa Ichou ga Yowai   恋する僕らは胃腸が弱い OKUDA Waku 2018    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vkZ4cIOqs-FLwMso1S-wnKwRVAyQ_DiRAtonimo Sakinimo  痕にも先にも Akiyama Hanao (秋山花緒) 2017    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kGN5SjpWg4mAtCMfyrkbylgC63nTR8jcUnmei wa Maigo   運命は迷子 FUJITANI Youko 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O3bru5-Ug31DyHX194coXFyttwIbVZOrHana no Akuta   花の芥 KIRISHIKI Tokico  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Nic7_m44xWb_fo4vJT1GSYQRJM1KLMbcBlue Note  ブルーノート TSUKAHARA Saki  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YMcB6cg5OtdZAFruJu3eUz5PcF9awG4_Tsugai ni Narenai!   番になれない! Kosaka Tsumugi  2018    https://www.mediafire.com/file/52wbh53b8k5dwqm/Midas_Ch1A.zip/fileMidas   ミダス UEHARA Ari  2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aklHFRNLPpv3bMN1JtxFIWwbq8Rg_PwYGang no Kaikata  ギャングの飼い方 AKIHISA Teo 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=10JqNaFlNkI7Ik-yQT_Jau7oDR2hF8tr9Ouji to Ore ga Koi ni Ochitara  王子と俺が恋に落ちたら Shiramatsu  2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JSSk6laXG5yDJPfngUQDY6hNoSCdsmzpMe wa Kuchi Hodoni Koi to Iu  / 目は口ほどに恋という / Hagi  / 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o5EhO91dmjLn3OiOombKSFPC-16gvprqMy Little Inferno   マイリトルインフェルノ ASADA Nemui  2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ipV96i5XbV4_10qRjxsb_yPdSk6ZOVX4Kimi wa Koi o Shiranai  君は恋を知らない NARUSAKA Rin 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QIIG7BWZFNO_3UWnZrp4dijQKougEOXZThe Omegaverse Project Season 5 (#5) / オメガバース プロジェクト-シーズン5- / NATSUSHITA Fuyu, TOBIDASE Kevin, SATOMARU Mami, Omaru, Tsuba Daeki, FUJIMINE Shiki, ICHIKAWA Ichi, YohaCover Illustration: YA6Year of Release: 2018Status: 5 Volumes (Ongoing)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_OgwezlxT74C96JPO1_Sr_n8KUpPEO07Jingai × Kinniku BL / 人外×筋肉BL / KIJIMA Hyougo, AION Kiu, KAMIZAWA Reiji, Kunihara, Ken, NISHIYAMA Arata, Miniwa, Jnnkleche, Suzuri Ryo, CHAKO Nediwo, HASUMI Hana, MADARA Mada, YAMADA Kotaro, YAMAMOTO Tomomitsu / 2018    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vkZ4cIOqs-FLwMso1S-wnKwRVAyQ_DiRAtonimo Sakinimo  痕にも先にも Akiyama Hanao (秋山花緒) 2017 Hello Baby! komeko 2017    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RjDHxC-qJf9QRldTy-kcIXzmo43fScb3Itoshii Hito  いとしいひと Saku Minori (佐久みのり) 2018    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kHI4EzoH_9-s-HxZgtXx5UPjDcdYWzWORoom Number  ルームナンバー Fuyuno Ikuya (冬乃郁也) 2018    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lEShJ0pNeQ3-jo02jzNoMkRGCmtcQfPOIchinose-kun wa Itsumo Iinari   一ノ瀬くんはいつも言いなり。 SAKURA Riko  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=15KaQQ_D2huuiet4-8GAD1gDWPbGiliK1The Omegaverse Project Season 5 (#6) /  オメガバース プロジェクト-シーズン5- / NATSUSHITA Fuyu, TOBIDASE Kevin, SATOMARU Mami, Omaru, Tsuba Daeki, FUJIMINE Shiki, ICHIKAWA Ichi, YohaCover Illustration: YA6Year of Release: 2019Status: 6 Volumes (Complete)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A5T_7jB87MelfmXyDNXqzrdo41g0K461Kuzu no Kao ni Koishiteru  クズの顔に恋してる KANDA Neko 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-IvfN2VqfsVrpZA64w-WUArg_19jQE7OKoisuru Intelligence  恋するインテリジェンス TANGE Michi  2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nXTVI9n8C0rW_Kl7AQ0jWJVRjZLC64yQYagi to Ookami no Hatsujou Jijou   ヤギとオオカミの発情事情 Tokishiba 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ab-FGY3RwSOzGBS8V08Yomue7r6nzezJKoi o Suru ni wa Ikemen Sugiru   恋をするにはイケメンすぎる Riona  2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TC2NX7P3cw4yUqTndJHRw-xc1jLPWQHKKande Kamarete  噛んで噛まれて Pii  2018    https://drive.google.com/open?id=180dS2_1UijmAd8T-vIWwfcWzDBZVlshVWasureru Otoko  忘れる男 Miyagi Tooko (宮城とおこ) 2017    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lz-E2IJ2tnVyg4XspPaot2rYK-TE_GtWToshishita Kareshi wa Nido Bell wo Narasu  年下彼氏は二度ベルを鳴らす Yamamoto Ataru (山本アタル) 2018    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ulZF1Q0_Deru3dMsBgBjcMLbI1lAgFotSakurada-senpai Kaizou Keikaku  桜田先輩改造計画 AZUMA Kaya 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EFsiZ0cLgvieVGuinqdPOZWx33QL_JSlYoru no Rakka  夜の落下 ASOU Mitsuaki  2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U9AZcGQpyLXQZgck5FJwkSGKAXi0igRKKitto, Shiawase na Ketsumatsu   きっと、幸せな結末 ASOU Mitsuaki  2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WF30t8wh_tBuWZmiMvFYV7zPtzhODIfBHanaemi no Majou ni Tsugu  花咲みの魔女に告ぐ KITAHALA Lyee 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l8QZWCaAWn0buOtn-yANjCXLQjw8ushuKaikan Virginity  / 快感ヴァージニティ / UEHARA Ari  / 2019    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RN5jsCF44VZ6w63DtAiDxZmqmcJ_wHmrJuuyoku ni Koishite  / 獣欲に恋して / KURENO Mataaki  / 2016    https://mega.nz/#!rqYCFaaT!k0jjWLgGnNdzTVjIsqyFoNta4mR27cvTloprJWjOid0Complex ✖ Jijo  コンプレックス✖ジジョウ SI Mitsuru (S井ミツル) 2018    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MPcbfypeTb6bBiKhupUUpN_GU0qcFgVE
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adriata-archive · 5 years
idk what letters you've answered! but your turn to answer SOULMATE :D
S: Show us an example of your personal headcanondoes this mean like?? insert writing?? if so my headcanons can be found here lmao
O: Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you ofAnswered here!
U: If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoshipsAnswered here!
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask forAnswered here!
M: Your favorite fanart or fanartisti absolutely adore @blvnk-art‘s work!! 
A: Your current OTPAnswered here!
T:  If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroshipsi mostly have heteroships tbh but they include captain swan, jily, feysand, shiro x emi, wessa/jessa, yenno. the works !!
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, whatAnswered here!
send me fandom related asks!
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Top Ten Favourite Female Seiyuu
My first one didn’t do a whole lot of justice, so I decided to have another go at it! Here we go! Time to edit this up!
I notice that I didn’t include as many female seiyuu in my honourable mentions, but that’s because I had an easier time choosing here! I kind of knew what voices I liked from the beginning. I also don’t like the really high pitched annoying characters sometimes (with exceptions), so that was taken into consideration.
Some honourable mentions that I didn’t get the chance to mention were: Yuu Kobayashi, Ami Koshimizu, Chiwa Saito, Marina Inoue, Mai Nakahara, and Mamiko Noto. I love their voices and their roles, but I haven’t watched a whole lot of them either in anime or singing. I also seem to remember seiyuu more from their characters, and it’s a real shame that there aren’t as many female anime characters that are as well developed as their male counterparts which is why I don’t remember their characters as often. But most of it is just because I haven’t watched their major work yet.
Honourable Mentions:
Sakura Ayane
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I just wanted to give a shout out to her because her performance of Uraraka is amazing, and she really nails her positive personality. She plays a range of other characters (sadly I haven’t watched most of them). I’ve been impressed by her other characters as well. Niwatori in Juuni Taisen has such an innocent personality at first, and even though it wasn’t a very good anime, she gave this character a lot of life despite being a character with only one episode of development. Haru in Nisekoi was the annoying little sister nobody wanted, but I’m proud of the fact that she makes me hate some characters that she plays because I think that’s the point most of the time. Suzuka from Tokyo Ravens is another example of this. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have range though. Her role as Ryouko in Tsurezure Children surprised me. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh6QDBvTn34 Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpV6YFq6SrU Bonus: https://youtu.be/DRUzKPD68W0
Aoi Yuuki
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Range. Just range. I can’t tell it’s her ever. Just never. I originally knew her for voicing Tsuyu from My Hero Academia, but after searching her up, I realized her range. Even though I didn’t watch most of the anime she has done, just clips of it can give you the biggest shock of a lifetime. I didn’t realize she was Kayo from Erased, Madoka from Madoka Magica, Tatsumaki from One Punch Man, Diane from The Seven Deadly Sins, and Lulu in League of Legends. She apparently also games. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7pnmeV3MD0 Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1C4bmNIWyA
Aya Hirano
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(I couldn’t find a gif of her, but have a Haruhi)
Okay, so maybe she has fallen off the grid for a bit, but the reason for some people now hating her is really stupid. I won’t get into it, but people are allowed to have lives outside of their work. Who would’ve known? Besides that, she is a talented singer who I know for voicing Lucy from Fairy Tail and Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. She is also known for her role as Konata in Lucky Star and Misa in Death Note. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcDIA_VDyXA Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWB01IuMvzA (wow this song is catchy)
10. Maaya Uchida
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This is slightly bias because she did just such a good job playing Hiyori. I love her voice and can’t imagine anyone else playing one of my favourite characters. With that being said, I think the best role I’ve seen from her, but she has done a ton of other roles too. Takanashi Rikka from  Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! is another role that stands out to me. She truly makes me want to believe alongside her with her “eighth-grade syndrome”. Alluka from Hunter x Hunter is a role I didn’t expect, but I thought for the few clips I watched it was amazing and bone-chilling. I haven’t watched Rea from Sankarea, Yusa from Charlotte, and a bunch of other roles. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkGPh-BIoHo Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYSz35K8LaM
9. Mizuki Nana
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Wow. I have a hard time recognizing her too, but maybe that’s because of her incredible range. On top of being a singer, she’s a tremendously talented voice actor. I know her as the soft-toned Hinata, but she has so many other roles. I haven’t watched a lot of her more prominent roles, but I have watched her as Hakuei Ren in Magi, Lan Fan in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and Kisaki in WWW.Working! She has several other roles that I haven’t watched. The reason she has been placed this high on this list is that of the range I’ve seen in her performance and that craziness of her voice. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZpcbDTZhbw Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBO64zFAF1Q
8. Romi Park
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(I couldn’t find a gif)
Yes. Her range is amazing. Edward Elric was given a voice by her. She is relatable, and she’s bilingual (and possibly trilingual) too! She speaks Korean and she has studied English! I haven’t watched a lot of shows with her in it (or at least completely), but here are a few roles that you might know her from. Ganta from Deadman Wonderland, Toshirou from Bleach, Temari from Naruto, Akane from Danganronpa, Switzerland from Hetalia, Angelina from Black Butler, Hange from Attack on Titan, and so many other roles! She’s really good at singing too! She’s so talented! Side note: She often represents Arakawa Hiromu (the mangaka of Fullmetal Alchemist), and I didn’t notice until now. Wow. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgmvx1yfr4Q Singing: (in English apparently) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgmvx1yfr4Q (Japanese) https://youtu.be/cWbMom6MDCE
7. Tomatsu Haruka
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Weirdly, sometimes I have a hard time recognizing her voice. She has voiced such a large range of characters. She was one of the characters who gave me feels in Anohana where she played Anaru. I had so much fun watching a clip of Gintama’s genderbend where she played a female Gintoki. She was an independent protagonist in a shoujo as Shizuku in Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and the Miyakoshi horrible cook who kills in WWW.Working. Other people might know her as Asuna from SAO, Megumi from Accel World, Shiro from Tokyo Ghoul, Ichika from Waiting in Summer, Rena in ReLife, Megumi from Shiki, and now you might know her as Zero Two in Darling in Franxx. But my favourite role from her is definitely Morgiana from Magi. She was such a badass, and I loved every minute with her on screen. She has so many other roles, and she sings really well too. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQOmY_gFQrE Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwEofctFN3E
6. Kana Hanazawa
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She has done so many characters and is really popular. I love a lot of her roles, but this list is full of only the best of the best, so number 6 isn’t that bad! I love a good number of the characters she does too. She made me absolutely despise her in Akame Ga Kill as Seryuu. She was great as Shiemi from Blue Exorcist and broke my heart a little as Kanade from Angel Beats. I loved her little side roles as Lucy from Bungou Stray Dogs and as Kougyoku Ren from Magi. Sonohara from Durarara, Natsume from Tokyo Ravens, Chiaki from Danganronpa, and Onodera from Nisekoi are just a few other roles I’ve watched from her. I hope to watch Psychopass, the Monogatari series, Orange, Sakurada Reset, and Steins;Gate. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDC6SpI3xA0 Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-caezFDfTs
5. Sora Amamiya
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She voices so many cool characters! Her portrayal of Akame was awesome. I was in it since then. But like all these other actors: range. I mean, Aqua from Konosuba is a character I despise, but she plays her brilliantly and makes me hate her so much. Other characters I’ve watched her play are Elise from Bungou Stray Dogs, Natsuki in Anthem of the Heart, Elizabeth in The Seven Deadly Sins, Touka in Tokyo Ghoul, and Shiho in WWW.Working. She has a lot of other roles too! Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaQsOj9RUOY Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9IN61D92OY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb85LQHEdqU Bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQR5UM9VeyE
4. Saori Hayami
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She’s so cool. I’ve seen her play Chiriko from Anohana, Himawari from Boruto, Sharyuu from Juuni Taisen, and Emi from Your Lie In April. One of her most outstanding role for me was Shirayuki. I wouldn’t have it any other way because she gives her such a feeling of elegance, humility, and innocence. But one of the best roles I’ve seen from her is as Shouko from A Silent Voice. That movie shocked me and left me absolutely stunned. Her portrayal was timeless, moving, and amazing. I was hit in the feels, and her performance along with Miyu Irino will probably stay with me forever. She sings some good OPs, but she can also scream at the top of her lungs and play some insane characters. Just look at Kakegurui. I have only seen a couple of scenes from that anime, but there are so many other roles that I want to see from her! Serebryakova, Viktoriya Ivanovna from Youjo Senki, Urara from Yamada, Yukino from SNAFU, Yutsugi from the Monogatari series, Minami from Tokyo Ghoul (Jack), Shinoa from Owari no Seraph, Saki from Higashi no Eden, and several other roles! Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhBvZWG8oRQ Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_9PWDkqbcs
3. Rie Kugimiya
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Okay wow. She’s amazing. Alphonse Elric has such a childish and innocent personality that was aided by her voice. She gave Taiga the perfect tsundere voice. She gives Kagura life and energy with her high-pitched voice. Those are my top three roles from her. Nobody else would ever be able to top those. Nora from Noragami is a character that I love to hate. I really want to watch her as Shana in Shakugan no Shana and as Juuzo from Tokyo Ghoul, and even though she doesn’t have as many roles that I want to catch up on, she plays three anime characters that I love. Her voice is the only one I hear when I see those three characters, and I would love to see her in other works as well. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL6wgRNtkcc Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayJdEzhqQ0I
2. Maaya Sakamoto
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Holy moly her singing voice is really good. Her relationship with Kenichi Suzumura is so sweet, and I wouldn’t have found out about him if it wasn’t for her. She can play little girls, boys, and wonderfully beautiful well-developed androgynous characters. Her role in Kara no Kyoukai as Shiki sends chills down my spine. It almost distracted from the fact that I had no clue about the timeline. She portrayed the craziest Crona in Soul Eater was absolutely insane. Scherezade from Magi was another role I’ve seen from her. Nino from Arakawa Under the Bridge was so quirky and wonderful, and I loved her weirdness. Haruhi was another role from her that I absolutely loved. She was calm, talented, and played a nice protagonist that I liked compared to the rest of the main cast. But I have so much catching up to do on her other roles because she has so many! Motoko from Ghost in a Shell, Falangies from Arslan Senki, Shinobu in the Monogatari series, Ciel in Black Butler, Merlin in the Seven Deadly Sins, and Eto and Sen from Tokyo Ghoul. She is such a badass because she plays a lot of cool characters. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coN0PuJrp_o Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j74CRP-QCA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SL_Hd4ItPw
1. Miyuki Sawashiro
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She is honestly such a nice person. I watched a segment with her and her brother. She sounds like an awesome older sister. She plays so many badass women. Bishamon is honestly such a caring badass goddess who takes in people because she wants to care for them. She is a respectable goddess who is one of my favourite Noragami characters. Celty is a mysterious biker who is also a badass. Even though she barely speaks literally in Durarara, Miyuki reads her texts perfectly. The quest to find what she has been missing is one of my favourite sides of the story. Seo from Gekkan Shoujo is an inspiration who I love to this day. She’s one of my favourite characters, and I always rewatch her scenes. I have also seen her as Kusaribe in Zetsuen no Tempest (which I didn’t really like), Isasawa in Angel Beats, Touko in Danganronpa, Ul and Ultear in Fairy Tail, and Ayane in Kimi ni Todoke. I want to watch a lot more anime with her in the future including Shion in Psychopass, Sugura in the Monogatari series, Toto Sakigami in Deadman Wonderland, Seri in K, Shane in Charlotte, Kira in Btooom, Leona in Yamada, Himeko in Kokoro Connect, Kana in Kiseijuu, and Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter. I love her voice and her singing. She apparently knows how to play the piano too. I can’t even express in words how much respect I have for her. Roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAcgJyuO5rM Singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AM5OaDR-5U Bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBhlM0UpHLU
I think this concludes the list. I had such a hard time coming up with the order. I love my female seiyuu picks, and if you know anyone that I missed that I should’ve mentioned, just tell me! There aren’t that many female seiyuu Tumblr accounts though, so if you know any, send those to me too!
Shout out to @akaskira for this idea!
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
In honor of me finding another yandere writer who likes the devil is a part timer and because this came into my head while I was writing about Obama.....I present to you the two most crackheaded cursed ships in this fandom (that I might or might not write about later on)
Yandere Emi Yusa x Adramlech
Yandere Malacoda x Chiho Sasaki
Yandere Suzuno Kamazuki x Ashiya Shiro
Thoughts? Though I doubt anyone will respond 😔😔 consider this me rambling...
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ember-hinote · 6 years
To all the new people following me: Hello
I’m Emi and you’re probably wondering “Why the heck am I following this weird person” and often times, quite frankly, I wonder the same thing but we’re all here now. I guess I can say that I am a pretty okay person. So let’s get down to what you will be seeing by following me. 
1. Yuzuru Hanyu: GOAT. He is the best men’s figure skater out there and you will see a lot of him. 
2. The Shibutani siblings or the ShibSibs: They are ice dancers who won double bronze at the winter olympics. They are fantastic and make great vlogs and Alex is handsome. 
3. Figure skating. 
4. Voltron: Though you will end up seeing a lot of Klance from me, my actual OTP is Shance. Shance was what got me into the fandom and into Voltron actually, followed closely by Shklance because they look good together and balance well. Then following that is Latte (Matt x Lance) because they just seem like they would be really good together in all honestly. Klance is like further down on my list, wayyyy further down but the art is more prevalent so that’s probably why you will end up seeing a lot of it.  You will also end up seeing a lot of Shiro as well because he is handsome and Keith too because I would adopt Keith if I could.
5. Yuri on Ice: I really like figure skating and the fact that there is figure skating anime is even better. 
7. Apologies: You will find that I apologize a lot. Sometimes for even existing. 
8. Science: because I study both physical and political science. 
9. Spoilers: because I love spoilers like no one’s business. I am a danger to everybody who hates spoilers because of how much I love them. 
And there you have it! This is me and I hope you all enjoy the ride!
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femmescripter · 6 years
Just So You Know - All my Favorite VLD Pairings & my Favorite BHNA
Greetings, everyone! I thought I’d do something a little different here. I wanted to share with you guys one of my interests. And the interest I’m sharing with you is pairings. Specifically the pairings of Voltron: The Legendary Defender as well as  the pairings of Boku no Hero Academia, or My Hero Academia as it is called in America. So I guess that’s technically two interests...but whatever! You get the idea. After at least two different incidents where I shared pairings with two people and didn’t know that they had no interest in the pairings I shared with them, I thought it would be a good idea to make lists of my favorite pairings from VLD and BHNA. That way all of you will know what pairings I like and you can tell me whether or not you like the pairing, too. All the better to avoid a third embarrassing incident like that. So then, let’s start with my favorite pairings of Boku no Hero Academia!
Mezo Shoji x Fumikage Tokoyami
Inko Midoriya x Toshinori Yagi
Ibara Shiozaki x Koji Koda
Tensei Iida x Fuyumi Todoroki
Nemuri Kayama x Ectoplasm
Tsuyu Asui x Mina Ashido
Mei Hatsume x Momo Yaoyorozu
Izuku Midoriya x Ochaco Uraraka
Denki Kaminari x Kyoka Jiro
Recovery Girl x Gran Torino
Snipe x Mt. Lady
Itsuka Kendo x Rikido Sato
Hizashi Yamada x Nemuri Kayama x Shouta Aizawa
Uwabami x Gunhead
Katsuki Bakugo x Ochaco Uraraka
Mashirao Ojiro x Toru Hagakure
Shoto Todoroki x Momo Yaoyorozu
Fumikage Tokoyami x Tsuyu Asui
Vlad King x Best Jeanist
Tomura Shigaraki x Dabi
Mina Ashido x Kyoka Jiro
Ectoplasm x Shouta Aizawa
Hitoshi Shinso x Mashirao Ojiro
Nemuri Kayama x Uwabami
Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugou
Eijiro Kirishima x Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Hanta Sero x Toru Hagakure
Shouta Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada
Ochaco Uraraka x Momo Yaoyorozu
Denki Kaminari x Mina Ashido
Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya
Yuga Aoyama x Fumikage Tokoyami
Eijiro Kirishima x Katsuki Bakugou
Toshinori Yagi x Shouta Aizawa
Hizashi Yamada x Nemuri Kayama
Hanta Sero x Denki Kaminari
Tenya Iida x Hitoshi Shinso
Shouta Aizawa x Emi Fukukado
Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugou
Kyoka Jiro x Koji Koda
Kurogiri x Twice
Vlad King x Shouta Aizawa
Toshinori Yagi x Naomasa Tsukauchi
Dabi x Himiko Toga
Izuku Midoriya x Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima x Katsuki Bakugou x Denki Kaminari
Nezu x Inko Midoriya
Toshinori Yagi x Shouta Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada
Whew! That was quite a lot of pairings. But, we’re only half done folks. Now we move on to the second half of this post. I present to you guys all of my favorite pairings from Voltron: Legendary Defender. Enjoy!
Keith Kogane x Prince Lotor
Princess Allura x Matt Holt
Lance McClain x Shiro Takashi 
Pidge Holt x Hunk Garrett
Coran x Kolivan
Blaytz x Mamora
Zarkon x Honerva/Haggar
Lance McClain x Pidge Holt
Hunk Garrett x Keith Kogane
Shiro Takashi x Princess Allura
Keith Kogane x Shiro Takashi x Lance McClain
Acxa x Narti
Lance McClain x Florina
Krolia x Tex(Keith’s Dad)
Keith Kogane x Shiro Takashi
Kolivan x Lance McClain
Prince Lotor x Princess Allura
Lance McClain x Matt Holt
Hunk Garrett x Prince Lotor
Pidge Holt x Shiro Takashi
Ezor x Zethrid
Lance McClain x Keith Kogane
Sam Holt x Coran
Hunk Garrett x Shiro Takashi
Pidge Holt x Nyma
Hunk Garrett x Shay
Thace x Ulaz
Princess Allura x Keith Kogane
Krolia x Coran
Lance McClain x Nyma
Ulaz x Shiro Takashi
Prince Lotor x Acxa
Pidge Holt x Princess Allura
Hunk Garrett x Lance McClain
Matt Holt x Keith Kogane
Lance McClain x Ezor
Zethrid x Rolo
Shiro Takashi x Matt Holt
Queen Luxia x Coran
Sven x Lance McClain
Antok x Keith Kogane
Pidge Holt x Prince Lotor
Princess Allura x Lance McClain
Nyma x Rolo
Krolia x Shiro Takashi
Princess Allura x Queen Luxia
Hunk Garrett x Keith Kogane x Lance McClain
And with that, I conclude this post! It was fun sharing my favorite pairings with you guys. I have to go now. I’ll see you guys later!
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