#emh vinnie
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Ah yes the best duo.
Vinny, Vinny, Vinny, Vidia and Tinkerbell
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catarimint · 7 months
The gang!!
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r0adk1ll3r · 1 year
HABIT: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth.
Vinnie: Why?
HABIT, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
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k-3ithkogane · 1 year
hi guys i was wondering if anyone has this picture unedited my friend was looking for it
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fleshhhteeth · 11 months
At first I was just gonna say the first stupid thing that came to my mind, like How would Habit react to being stuck in a box, but no, I’ll actually ask for some real headcanons szxghg- How do you think each of the emh guys hug/cuddle? Ranging from full on nearly knock you over, to awkward side hug/not huge on touch
YESSS my emh boys (and Mh since u mentioned that as well in ur other ask, thanks for asking btw! :) )
Evan: Hugs, cuddles, general closeness, this man is on the physical touch GRIND bro. With hugging, unless its some playful 'run up behind you and tackle your ass to the ground' hugs, he's probably more of the type to make it short and sweet, with one of those hefty pats on the back and whatnot. But cuddling? He's like a human magnet. Once he's on you that man is not coming off. He's more of a 'find a comfy position to get trapped in and stay there' kind of guy, doesn't fiddle around or shift all that much. Movie nights are essentially just an excuse to get you in his lap for the next hour or so, with his arms clinging around your waist the whole time. Hope you peed beforehand!
Habit: Similar to Evan in the sense that once he's got you, you're not going ANYWHERE for the foreseeable future. Plans? Places to be? Sleep to catch up on? He's never heard of it. He's not really one to INITIATE any touching, though. Hugs? Not happening. Like, ever. He doesn't really feel the need for any physical contact, and he certainly doesn't recognize that need in other people. It's just another weird little human quirk to him, something that isn't his problem. But if you get a little ballsy and crawl into his lap or something (and somehow find him in a good mood) prepare to be stuck in that position until he feels like getting up. He'll probably tease you for having the audacity in the first place. (tbh, you're probably coming out of it with some nasty ass bite marks too) ((Also he purrs. felt like I should add that. Probably growls a bit if you try to get up too.))
Vinny: Someone hug this man. Asdgfdjkgh no but seriously, he's never been all that big on cuddling and being close or whatever, but something about a good, solid hug is just so cathartic to him. Maybe its the pressure, the closeness, or the human contact alone, but its something he finds himself wanting pretty often. He'd probably be a bit too fidgety for any real cuddling, but come up behind him out of nowhere for a hug? All that pesky breath in your lungs is imminently going to be squeezed out, sorry.
Jeff: Probably not all that big on hugging, but definitely a casual cuddler. His idea of a perfect afternoon is being sprawled out across the bed, legs tangled up with someone he cares about as the two of mess around on your phones or something. He likes to move around a lot (because if he stays still, he'll just fall asleep lol), expect a good amount of face nuzzling and wandering hands. More often than not its gonna end up with either the two of you falling asleep together, or a nice lil makeout sesh ;)
Jay: Awkward hugger. He's not good at it, never has been. He's all gangly limbs and fidgety hands, not exactly great hugging material in the first place. Cuddling is a different thing entirely with him, though. He'll never be the one to initiate cuddling for the sake of cuddling or anything, but he has literally zero spatial awareness. There could be a million empty seats in a movie theater and he'd still end up sitting right next to you, leaning absentmindedly on your shoulder the whole time. Stuck sitting next to each other? Personal space doesn't exist when it comes to legs- not to him, at least. Touching knees and bumping shoulders is a common occurrence with him, and he never even notices.
Tim: Lets be so real, this guy grew up isolated as FUCK. Textbook case of touch starvation (and a whole lot of other shit, but I digress.) He knows *how* to hug, and can cuddle someone if they're really pushing about it, but you can guarantee he's going to be stuck in his head the entire time. He's not even bad at it or anything-he'd be pretty good at it tbh- but he just overthinks it all and doesn't end up enjoying it in the end. Unless you're really upset, or he's gotten VERY comfortable around you, don't expect him to get anywhere near your personal space. I think secretly he'd really want to do those things, but he'll never do it on his own- too afraid of making things weird.
Alex: Assuming this is *pre* operator induced madness, he's surprisingly more cuddly than he comes off as. He won't exactly go seeking it out, but he's more than happy to continue chilling on the couch if you decide to come and cuddle up with him, he sees nothing weird about it. He may find it annoying if he's in the middle of something, but he's easy to pry when it comes to some good old fashioned quality time. A little stiff when it comes to hugging- he'd honestly be more surprised than anything else that you chose *him* to go to for comfort or something- but he gets the job done well enough.
Brian: Step aside, peasants, the professional has entered the scene. Nah but really, if he's chill with you? You can get away with just about anything. Latch onto him in the middle of the night, hug him out of nowhere from behind, crawl on top of him on the couch, he couldn't care less- just continues going on about his business, with no issue making space to accommodate you're presence. Maybe a kiss on the forehead or something if that's the kind of thing you seem to be after, but that's about as affectionate as it gets unless you really start pushing it. He's happy to simply exist in the same space, the added warmth and comfort is just a nice bonus.
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unsys · 1 year
EMH Rant.
If you think about it, Evan got done dirty. Poor guy’s traumatized as is, and then Habit fucking ‘steals his jordans’ (possesses him) and you gotta think. He sees this. He knows what’s going on. He attacked Vinnie because, in my opinion? He didn’t completely know what was happening. Habit probably fed him the info he wanted, and blocked the rest so Evan would associate Vinnie with evil. TL;DR: Evan’s real fucked up and Habit is manipulative as hell to him.
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sp1tballz · 1 year
ughhnhnhmhjgj gimme birthday reqs since its my birthday in 2 days
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capozzy · 1 year
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and the second comm! i totally didnt forget to post this, nuh uh no way
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Vinny from EverymanHybrid. He stands on a staircase that leads to a dark basement, dropping a cookie to a mass of black hands that grasp up at him. /End ID]
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roleplayallday · 1 year
Man i haven’t been into slenderverse content in ages but…
Evansteph <3
It is perfect, and angsty, and I wish to give them a happy ending.
So if anyone wants to roleplay evan and steph escaping the slendymans influence, living a happy life with their child instead of, y’know, dying horrible deaths, dm me here or on discord!
My discord is kazikuns
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pisstopher-jr · 2 years
I like vinnie because he's me if I acted on all of my intrusive thoughts
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My sweet prince Vincent Everymanhybrid, you deserved the world
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snoozingrabbits · 2 months
Ugghgghhhh somone get me testosterone please PLEASEEEE I need to look like these guys
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r0adk1ll3r · 1 year
Evan: Sirenhead ain’t shit! I can throw a rock at him and he’s dead, gone. I can defeat sirenhead, he better be scared of ME.
Vinnie: you are 5’3 sit the fuck down.
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glowl0 · 1 month
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normal fitness channel that helps u become a slender man or something
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maggotfagg0t · 26 days
IMPORTANT!! please read if you are in slenderverse fanbase!
There is an person going around that goes by the name if Maria who is praying on minors in the everymanhybrid fanbase. She has actively lied about being 13 when she is an 20 year old. She has groomed multiple minors, and is after younger people in creepypasta and slenderverse spaces. If she contacts you please block and report her. She is an threat. Alongside that she also fetishes DID and actively seeks out Habit alters to date. Please re-blog and spread the word so we can keep our community safe!
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Some of her socials to be aware of
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yourbelovedbillie · 1 month
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