#ellen dunning
hannahleah · 6 months
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Be like Marie Antoinette. Michele Hicks, Esther Cañadas and Jan Dunning in Vogue Italia by Ellen von Unwerth, September 1997
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hicapacity · 2 years
.. kezdődhet a levelezés a "népszámlálás" nevében... aki nem kíván az intim szférájába betekintést adni, használja az SzMTT Képviselete által összeállított levelet:
Címzett: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal
1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly utca 5–7
Tisztelt Dr. Vukovich Gabriella!
A postaládámba bedobtak egy nem névre szóló „ Hivatalos értesítést”, miszerint a KSH természetes személyekről és a lakásokról nép és lakás számlálást tart, melyen kötelező a részvétel.
Szeretném megkérdezni, hogy az Önök értelmezésében mit jelent a „kötelező” szó és kire vonatkozik?
Továbbá leszögezem, hogy semmilyen szerencsejátékban, sorsolásban nem kívánok részt venni. Nem értem, hogy egy állítólagos népszámláláshoz hogyan kapcsolódhat ilyen kezdeményezés.
A levélből és a kérdőív kérdéseiből számomra azt derül ki, hogy a Központi Statisztikai Hivatal olyan adatokat gyűjtene rólam, a lakásomról és életkörülményeimről, melyek nagyon bizalmasak, személyesek, kötelező jelleggel.
Ez a statisztikai adatgyűjtés körülményeit és kérdéseit tekintve bennem aggályokat kelt és rengeteg kérdést vet fel az alábbiak miatt is:
Az interneten fellelhető információk alapján a KSH és az Eurostat is, mint jogi személy, valójában egy kereskedelmi jogokkal is felruházott cég.
KSH: D-U-N-S® száma: 40-117-0352
Eurostat: D-U-N-S® száma: 37-211-5353
D-U-N-S® szám egyedi 9 jegyű szám, amely az üzleti egységeket helyspecifikus alapon azonosítja és aki rendelkezik ilyennel, az alá van rendelve a US kereskedelmi kamarának a DUNS ÁSZF szerint is.
Ezzel egyértelműen a fent említett vállalkozások az itt megjelölt D-U-N-S® számokkal bizonyíthatóan magán vállalkozások tulajdonosokkal és ennek megfelelően nem közfeladatok ellátására, hanem saját céljaikra gyűjtik az adatokat.
Mivel a jelenlegi népszámlálás nem anonim, hanem személyesített, kitér bizalmas személyes adatokra, mint pl. szokások, vagyoni helyzet, személyes mozgástér feltérképezése, lakhatással, fogyasztással kapcsolatos adatok. Ezek az információk különböző üzleti, politikai és egyéb célokra és visszaélésekre is alkalmasak lehetnek. Például marketing célok, fogyasztási szokások felmérése, profil alkotás, különböző hitel és fedezeti konstrukciók megalkotása. Ezeken felül alapot adhatnak bűncselekmények elkövetésére és koncepciós eljárások indítására.
Ezek megtörténte esetén Önt személyes felelősség terheli.
Tekintettel arra, hogy háborús vészhelyzet, gazdasági világválság, recesszió és gigantikus infláció van, ráadásul folyamatos migrációs nyomás alatt is állunk, még óvatosabb vagyok és nem kívánom megadni senki számára a bizalmas, csak rám tartozó információimat és nem is várom el, hogy más megadja nekem az övéit. Ezeket továbbra is jogom van a GDPR előírásai alapján és az emberi jogaim által megtartani magamnak.
Egy valódi népszámlálás kérdésével nincs gondom, mert kellő biztosítékokkal érdemes lehet felmérni az adott területen életvitelszerűen élők számát, de a jelenlegi „népszámlálás” ennél jóval részletesebb és bizalmasabb információkat kíván megszerezni, ami nem lehet indokolt jogi személyek részéről.
Ezen aggodalmak miatt kérem fokozottan az emberi jogaim tiszteletben tartását, valamint élek a GDPR 21. cikkében foglaltakkal, nevesítve a tiltakozáshoz való jogommal. Ennek 2. és 3. pontja a következőképpen rendelkezik:
„(2) Ha a személyes adatok kezelése közvetlen üzletszerzés érdekében történik, az érintett jogosult arra, hogy bármikor tiltakozzon a rá vonatkozó személyes adatok e célból történő kezelése ellen, ideértve a profilalkotást is, amennyiben az a közvetlen üzletszerzéshez kapcsolódik.”
„(3) Ha az érintett tiltakozik a személyes adatok közvetlen üzletszerzés érdekében történő kezelése ellen, akkor a személyes adatok a továbbiakban e célból nem kezelhetők.”
Mivel a kért adatokból profilalkotás hozható létre, mely akár üzletszerzésre is használható, ezért a 6. cikk (1) pontjának (3) bekezdésre hivatkozva nem kívánok profilalkotásban és üzletszerzésben részt venni.
Az intézményeknek kötelező a Magyarország nevű állam Alaptörvénye értelmében az emberi jogokat tiszteletben tartaniuk.
Alaptörvény VI. cikk
(1) Mindenkinek joga van ahhoz, hogy magán- és családi életét, otthonát, kapcsolat tartását és jó
hírnevét tiszteletben tartsák.
(2) Az állam jogi védelemben részesíti az otthon nyugalmát.
(3) Mindenkinek joga van személyes adatai védelméhez, valamint a közérdekű adatok
megismeréséhez és terjesztéséhez.
Továbbá: az Alaptörvény szerkezetének rendje szerint a közhatalom forrása a nép és az állam csak alá van berendelve, emiatt az állam a nép felett nem is rendelkezhet, így az alkotmány ellenes.
Az állam ily módon csakis az állampolgárokat számolhatja meg, de Magyarországnak, mint államnak még nem sok optált állampolgára van.
Végül a Magyar Államkincstár kollaterál számláján minden adat megvan, amit keresnek, így kérem a NISZ Zrt-tól szerezze be ezeket a válaszokat, mert Ők rendelkeznek a GSA licencével, mert a GDPR előírása alapján sem lehet adatfelesleggel terhelni egyetlen érintettet sem, ami így megint csak törvényellenes.
Amennyiben Ön szerint a fenti aggályaim nem helytállóak, ezt kérem kellő bizonyítékokkal alátámasztani. Válaszát 8 napon belül várom tértivevényes ajánlott levélben megküldeni szíveskedjék. Amennyiben semmilyen cáfolat nem érkezik meg a megjelölt időn belül, úgy tekintem, hogy aggályaimat elfogadja, elismeri, hogy intim szférát is sértő adatszolgáltatásra nem kötelezhetnek, különösen nem anyagi büntetés terhével, megfélemlítésével, zsarolással és így rám nem vonatkozik a kiszabható büntetésük sem.
Továbbá, mivel minden megismerhető adat közhiteles nyilvántartásban megtalálható, így kérem szíveskedjen onnan tájékozódni.
Minden jog fenntartva!
Kelt: 2022. 09. 30.
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legends-of-time · 4 months
The Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander Story) Timeline - 17th and 18th Centuries
Thought I would a timeline here as my timeline is a mix of my own stuff and the show/books. This will be getting updated as I go along. This is also for our own sanity to look back at. Advice is not to read if not up to date with current story as spoilers. Been split into two.
(19th and 20th Centuries)
1691 - Brian Fraser is born
1695 - Ellen Catriona Sileas Mackenzie is born
1716 - Brian and Ellen marry and William Simon Murtagh Mackenzie Fraser is born (Brian/Ellen)
1719 - Janet (Jenny) Flora Arabella Fraser is born (Brian/Ellen)
May 1720 - Ian Murray is born
1st May 1721 - James (Jamie) Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser is born (Brian/Ellen)
1726 - Laoghaire MacKenzie is born
1727 - George II becomes King of Great Britain and Ireland and Jamie’s brother William dies of smallpox 
1729 - Lord John Grey is born and Ellen Fraser dies giving birth to Robert Brian Gordon Mackenzie Fraser (Brian/Ellen) who dies as well
May 1st 1733 - Gillian Edgars/Geillis Duncan arrives through the stones from 1968
1735 - Fergus Claudel Fraser is born
1739 - Geneva Dunsany Ransom is born
October 1740 - Jamie is captured by Captain Jack Randall, Brian Fraser dies of a stroke and Jamie flees to France
1740 - Jenny marries Ian Murray
1741 - James (Young Jamie) Alexander Gordon Fraser Murray is born (Jenny/Ian)
2nd May 1743 - Claire arrives through the stones at Craigh na Dun and meets Jamie who's returned to Scotland
June 1743 - Claire and Jamie get married
November 1743 - Margaret (Maggie) Ellen Fraser Murray is born (Jenny/Ian)
January 1744 - William Buccleigh Mackenzie is born (Dougal/Geillis)
February 1744 - Claire and Jamie leave for France
12th May 1744 - Brian Ian Fraser is born in Paris
August 1744 - Jamie returns from the Bastille
September 1744 - Arrive at Lallybroch
February 1745 - Katherine (Kitty) Mary Fraser Murray born (Jenny/Ian)
July 1745 - Battles begin
17th September 1745 - The Jacobites take Edinburgh
September 1745 - Lord John and Brian meet
21st September 1745 - Jacobite victory at Prestonpans
December 1745 - The Jacobites take Derby few hundred miles from London then retreat north
17th January 1746 - Last Jacobite victory at Falkirk
April 16th 1746 - The Culloden near Inverness defeat and Brian almost 2 sent to future through the stones at Craigh na Dun with Claire (2 months pregnant) and appear mid April 1948
1748 - Michael and Janet Fraser Murray born (Jenny/Ian)
December 1749 - Caitlin Fraser Murray born and died (Jenny/Ian)
1751 - Marsali Jane MacKimmie is born (Simon/Loaghaire)
November 15, 1752 - Young Ian James Fitzgibbons Fraser Murray born (Jenny/Ian)
February 1753 - Fergus loses his hand to a British soldier
16th May 1753 - Jamie enters Ardsmuir Prison
1755 - Lizzie Wemyss born (Joseph)
September 1756 - Jamie arrives at Helwater
January 9th 1758 - William (Willie) Clarence Henry George Ransom is born (Geneva/Jamie) and Geneva Dunsany Ransom dies
1760 - Rachel Hunter is born
25th October 1760 - King George II dies and his grandson succeeds him as George III
July 1764 - Jamie leaves Helwater
Early 1765 - Jamie marries Laoghaire but soon moves to Edinburgh
July 10th 1765 - William Tryon becomes governor of North Carolina
1766 - Rollo is born
November 1766 - Claire comes through stones at Craigh na Dun from 1968 leading to Jamie’s annulment to Laoghaire
Spring 1767 - Fergus and Marsali marry
September 1767 - Jamie and Claire settling on newly established Fraser's Ridge
December 1767 - Germain Alexander Claudel Mackenzie Fraser is born (Fergus/Marsali)
May 1769 - Brian and Ellen come through the stones at Craigh na Dun
June 1769 - Meet the Murray's
July 1769 - Brian and Ellen meet Lizzie Wemyss and travel to the US 
September 1769 - Meet with Roger in US, Bonnet’s attack then find Jamie and Claire then meet Young Ian, Fergus and Marsali and later Murtagh
November 1769 - It’s revealed Ellen is pregnant and Roger is sold to the Mohawks
December 1769 - Move to River Run as Claire, Jamie and Ian look for Roger
5th March 1770 - Boston Massacre
March 1770 - Re-meet Lord John
April 1770 - Fergus and Marsali arrive at River Run on their way to Frasers’ Ridge
May 1770 - Claire and Jamie return (Ian has been adopted by Kanyen’kehaka) and Jeremiah (Jem or Jemmy) Alexander Ian Fraser MacKenzie is born (Ellen/Roger)
June 1770 - Roger returns to Fraser’s Ridge
September 1770 - Joan Laoghaire Claire Fraser is born (Fergus/Marsali) and Hillsborough Riot
October 1770 - Ellen and Roger's wedding, the Gathering at Mount Helicon and Lord John comes with news of Bonnet then Fiery Cross and Brian meets Brynmor
December 1770 - Building a Militia to hunt regulators (Beardsley's and Brownsville) then orders to dismantle then Lieutenant Knox’s death
March 1771 - Jocasta's wedding to Duncan Innes at River Run
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blairstales · 1 year
Handfasting Was Once a Ceremony for a 1-Year Marriage Trial
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Today, handfasting is steadily becoming a common wedding custom where a cord or ribbon is tied around the hands of the bride and groom. Later in history, it was commonly used as a term for a clandestine marriage, and some sources say that later than that, it was more of a trial marriage.
Essentially, a couple who was handfasted entered a trail marriage which lasted a year and a day. If, at the end of that time, they decided it was not working out, they could both decide to not make the marriage permanent.
If the wife found herself pregnant, the child would not be seen as legitimate, but would be taken care of by the father. 1
While all this might sound silly, to Scotland, it was a way to ensure a happy marriage. After all, it was a way to test to see on if you could actually stand being married to someone for life.
Sometimes, whole lineups of couples would be married at fairs or festivals.
"According to tradition , a spot at the junction of waters known as the Black and White Esk , was remarkable in former times for an annual fair which had been held there from time im memorial , but which exists no longer . At that fair it was customary for the unmarried of both sexes to choose a companion , according to their fancy , with whom to live till that time next year . This was called handfasting , or hand – in – fist . If the parties remained pleased with each other at the expiry of the term of probation , they remained together for life ; if not , they separated , and were free to provide themselves with another partner ." Old Scottish Customs, Local and General by Ellen Emma Guthrie 1885
There is a common assumption that it was only the common-class people who entered these trail marriages, but some of the wealthy or high-ranking did as well.
"This “ on trial ” marriage system seems to have been the fashion with ladies of high degree as well as with the Eskdale lasses and lads. Lindsay says That James , sixth Earl of Murray , had a son by Isabel Innes , daughter of the Laird of Innes , Alexander Dun bar , a man of singular wit and courage . This Isabel was but handfasted to him and deceased before the marriage . ”Folk Lore in Lowland Scotland by Evelyn Blantyre Simpson (1908)
It was not, however, seen as acceptable to the whole of Scotland, and eventually met it’s end at the hands of the church.
"Hand – fasting was deemed a social irregularity by the Reformers , and they strove by every means to repress it . In 1562 , the Kirk – Session of Aberdeen decreed that all hand – fasted persons should be married . With the exception of the Highland districts , the time – honoured practice of living together for ‘ ” a year and a day ” ceased to exist shortly after the Reformation." Old Scottish Customs, Local and General by Ellen Emma Guthrie 1885
Luckily, the ceremony found a way to survive as people incorporated it into actual(non-trail) marriages.
Supposedly, it is from this ceremony that the saying “tying the knot” comes from in regards to marriage.
"Mr. Guthrie , in Old Scottish Customs , says , “ If either of the parties insisted on a separation and a child was born during the year of trial , it was to be taken care of by the father only , and to be ranked among his lawful children next after his heirs . The off spring was not treated as illegitimate , because the custom was justified being such and in stituted with a view of making way for a happy , peaceful marriage ." Folk Lore in Lowland Scotland by Evelyn Blantyre Simpson (1908)
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A large list of names encrypted with the Inglosh cryptolang.
Adu Alroch Alroki Andirwuud Arsale Ati Attu Awi Bachenen Back Backliy Backnir Balluck Barch Bargiss Barki Barks Barnitt Barns Barros Bart Bartun Bash Batlir Beair Bekir Beldwon Bell Bellerd Benks Beoliy Beord Berbere Berbir Berkir Berluw Bernis Bernitt Berr Berrire Berritt Berrun Berry Bertlitt Bertun Bess Bestoen Betis Bettli Bextir Bialeh Bick Bickir Bicky Biech Bien Bierd Biesliy Biet Biete Bietroci Bill Bilonde Bin Bindir Binidokt Binjemon Binnitt Binsun Bintliy Bintun Birg Birgir Birnd Birneditti Birnerd Birnoci Birry Birthe Birtrem Bissoi Bist Bith Bitheny Bitsy Bitty Bivirly Bleck Bleckbarn Bleckwill Bleki Blence Blencherd Blenchi Blenkinshop Bleor Blivons Boenke Boll Bolloi Bolly Bord Boshup Braci Branu Bred Bredfurd Bredliy Bredshew Bredy Brench Brendo Brendun Brendy Brey Brinde Brinnen Brint Britt Briwir Brodgis Brodgit Broen Broggs Broght Brott Brotteny Bruck Bruuki Bruuks Bruwn Bruwnong Bryen Bryent Bub Bubboi Bubby Budu Bultun Bund Bunnir Bunnoi Buukir Buuni Buuth Buwin Buwirs Buwmen Buyd Buyir Buyli Byirs Byrd Byrun
Cammongs Cannonghem Carry Cartos Cebrire Celdirun Celdwill Celhuan Cellehen Celvon Cemechu Cemirun Cemolli Cempbill Cempus Cendeci Cendoci Cennun Centa Centrill Ceon Cerdines Ceriy Cerl Cerle Cerlsun Cerlus Cermin Cerniy Cerpintir Cerr Cerroi Cerrollu Cerrull Cersun Certir Cerul Ceruli Cerulone Ceruloni Cerulyn Cervir Cesh Cesi Cesiy Cessendre Cestenide Cestollu Cestru Cethironi Cethy Charch Ched Chembirs Chen Chendlir Cheng Cheniy Chepmen Cherlini Cherlis Cherloi Cherlutti Chesi Cheviz Chilsie Chin Chirry Chiryl Chistir Chros Chroste Chrostil Chrostinsin Chrostoen Chrostoi Chrostone Chrostoni Chrostuf Chrostuphir Chrosty Ciciloe Cicol Cicoloe Ciloe Cirventis Cleadi Cleadoe Cleori Clere Clerinci Clerk Clerki Cley Cleytun Climints Climuns Clivilend Cloffurd Cloftun Cloni Clontun Clydi Condy Craz Creft Creni Creog Crewfurd Crostone Crusby Cruss Crystel Cuartniy Cubb Cuchren Cudy Cuffiy Cuhin Culby Culi Culimen Culliin Culloir Cullons Cultun Culun Cumbs Cumptun Cunliy Cunnir Cunnoi Cunred Cunstenci Cuntrires Cunwey Cupilend Cure Curiy Curone Curtiz Cury Cuti Cuttun Cuuk Cuuki Cuuliy Cuupir Cux Cynthoe Dadliy Daeni Daffy Daki Dancen Danlep Dann Daren Darhem Daston Deaghirty Degmer Degubirt Deli Deltun Den Dene Denny Denoil Denoilli Denoils Deosy Derle Derlini Derrill Derrin Derryl Deryl Devi Devinpurt Devod Devodsun Devos Dewn Dewsun Dey Dibboi Dibre Dibureh Dickir Dien Dienne Dijisas Dilecraz Dileniy Dilgedu Diliun Dille Diloe Diluris Dinnos Dinosi Dirik Dirrock Disorii Dockirsun Docksun Doene Doeni Doenne Doenni Doez Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Dollerd Dollun Doxoi Doxun Dreki Duagles Dudsun Duluris Dumongaiz Dun Duneld Duneldsun Dunne Dunuven Dure Duriin Duros Dursiy Duruthy Dutsun Duwns Duyli Dweyni Dwoght Dyir
Eadriy Eagast Earock Easton Ecividu Ecuste Ede Edem Edems Edilhiod Edili Edkons Edroen Edroinni Edulf Eerun Egaoler Egaorri Egnis Elbirt Elbirte Elbirtu Elen Elfrid Elfridu Elfurd Elix Elixendir Elixendre Elixos Ellen Ellin Ellosun Elmat Elme Eloci Elocoe Elone Elosun Elstun Eluos Elveredu Elveriz Elvon Elwon Elysse Embir Emeloe Emende Emiloe Emy Endirsun Endri Endrie Endries Endriw Endriws Endy Ene Engil Engile Engiloce Engiloke Engilone Engoi Enn Enne Enneloisi Enni Enniloisi Ennilosi Ennitti Ennoi Enote Ensger Enthuny Entun Entunoe Entunou Entuonitti Eprol Erlini Ermendu Ermon Ermstrung Erndt Ernuld Erthar Eshliy Estrod Etkons Etkonsun Eviry Evole Exil Eyele Eyirs Faintis Fallir Faltun Fealknir Fennoi Feoth Ferliy Fermir Ferrill Feyi Filocoe Filox Firdonend Firgasun Firnendiz Firnendu Firrill Flimong Flitchir Flure Flurinci Fluris Fluroen Fluwirs Fluyd Flynn Fogairue Foilds Fonch Fonliy Foschir Foshir Fotzgireld Fotzpetrock Freaki Frencis Frencos Frencoscu Frencu Frenk Frenklon Frenks Frenz Frezoir Frid Friddoi Fride Fridirock Fridrok Friimen Frinch Froidimenn Froidroch Frotz Frust Fry Fryi Fuliy Furbis Furd Furimen Fustir Fuwlir Fux
Gaedelapi Gairre Gairriru Ganthir Gaodu Gathroi Gatoirriz Gay Gazmen Gebroil Gebroili Gelleghir Gelligus Gelluwey Gembli Geol Geonis Gercoe Gerdnir Gernir Gerritt Gerrosun Gery Gerze Getis Gey Geyli Gibherd Gini Ginive Ginivoivi Gintry Gird Gireld Gireldoni Girerd Girherdt Girmer Girnut Girt Girtradi Giurg Giurgi Giurgoe Gledys Gless Glin Glinde Glinn Gluroe Gluvir Gobbs Gobsun Golbirt Golis Goll Gollispoi Golloem Golmuri Gone Gongir Gosile Gosilhir Greci Grehem Grent Grevis Grey Grig Grigury Griin Griini Griir Gritchin Grite Griti Gritil Groffon Groffoth Gromis Gruss Guald Guff Guldin Gumiz Gunzelis Gunzeliz Gurdun Guttfroid Guttloib Guttschelk Gutz Guud Guudmen Guudwon Gwin Gwindulyn Habberd Habir Habirt Hadsun Haff Haffmen Hagh Haghis Hall Hamphriy Hant Hantir Harliy Harst Hatchonsun Hehn Heli Heliy Hell Hemmund Hemoltun Hemptun Hencuck Heniy Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hensin Hensun Herdon Herdong Herdy Hereld Hermun Herpir Herrill Herroit Herrongtun Herros Herrosun Herry Hert Hertmen Heruld Herviy Hetfoild Hettoi Hewkons Heydin Heyis Heynis Heys Hezil Hibirt Hictur Hidy Hied Hieth Hiethir Hilge Hilgi Hilin Hiline Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hindirsun Hindrocks Hindrox Hinroitte Hinry Hinsliy Hinsun Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionroch Hionu Hionz Hirbirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirnendiz Hirrire Hirrong Hirwog Hiss Histir Hiwott Hockmen Hocks Hoggons Holde Holdi Holdigerd Holl Holme Honis Hontun Huasi Huastun Hubbs Hudgi Hudgis Huffmen Hugen Hulcumb Huldin Huldir Hulgir Hullend Hulluwey Hully Hulmen Hulmis Hult Hupi Hupkons Huppir Hurn Hurni Hurst Hurtun Huud Huupir Huuvir Huwerd Huwi Huwill Hydi
Iagini Iale Ianoci Ibuny Idaerdu Iddoi Idger Idmand Idne Idoth Idwerd Idwerds Idwon Ierl Ietun Ikkiherd Ileoni Ilfroidi Ilienur Iline Ilki Ille Illin Illos Illosun Illoutt Ilmer Ilmir Ilose Ilozebith Ilse Ilsoi Iluosi Ilvore Imirsun Imme Immiroch Imol Imoloi Imoly Inglend Inglosh Inroqai Iolherd Ioliin Irherd Irme Irnist Irnistoni Iroc Iroce Irocksun Irok Iroke Iron Isponuze Issoi Isthir Istilli Istis Istrede Ithil Ive Ivens Ivilyn Iviritt Iweld Iwong Jadoth Jady Jaen Jaene Jaenote Jaeriz Jaloe Jaloen Jaloi Jalou Jani Japp Jargin Jastoci Jaston Jatte Jeck Jeckoi Jecksun Jecqailoni Jecqailyn Jecub Jecubs Jecubsun Jemis Jemoi Jen Jene Jeni Jenit Jenoci Jenoi Jenos Jeomi Jerid Jervos Jesmoni Jesun Jevoir Jey Jien Jienitti Jienni Jiennitti Jiennoi Jiff Jiffirsun Jiffiry Jiffriy Jinkons Jinne Jinnofir Jinnoi Jinnongs Jinny Jinsin Jirimy Jirmeoni Jirry Jirumi Jisas Jissi Jissoce Jissoi Joll Jom Jominiz Jommoi Jommy Ju Judo Judy Juechom Juen Juenn Juenne Juenni Juhenn Juhenne Juhennis Juhn Juhnnoi Juhnny Juhns Juhnstun Juhnsun Jui Juil Jun Junes Junethen Junis Jurden Jurg Jurgi Jushae Jusi Jusifone Jusiph Jusiphoni Just Juy Juyci Juynir
Kart Keafmen Keni Kere Kerin Kerl Kerle Kerlhionz Kero Keron Kerstin Kethironi Kethliin Kethryn Kethy Keti Ketje Ketoi Ketron Ketrone Ketye Key Keyle Killir Killiy Killo Killoi Killy Kimp Kin Kindre Kinnidy Kinnith Kint Kioth Kirr Kirry Kirston Kivon Kiy Kleas Kleas-pitir Klion Kloni Knepp Knoght Knuwlis Knux Kodd Kom Kombirly Kong Konniy Korby Kork Korklend Kremir Kroste Krostin Krosto Krostoi Kroston Krostone Krostoni Krosty Krystel Kuch Kunred Kyli Laces Lacoe Lacolli Lacy Ladwog Lakes Lale Lane Laos Latuld Latz Laz Leare Learin Learoi Ledosleas Lemb Lembirt Lencestir Lenci Lendry Lene Leng Lengliy Leni Lere Lerry Lers Lersin Lersun Letuye Levirni Lewrinci Lewsun Li Liblenc Liech Lieh Lii Lile Line Liogh Liruy Lisloi Listir Litocoe Liu Liun Liune Liunerd Livon Livoni Livy Liwos Lluyd Loene Loisl Lole Lolloen Lolloi Londe Londsey Londsiy Lone Losbith Lose Lottli Lovongstun Luaille Luaos Luaosi Lugen Lule Lung Lunnoi Luos Lupiz Lure Lurine Lurini Lurintz Luritte Luro Lurreoni Luther Lutt Luvi Luwi Luwiry Lydoe Lynch Lynde Lynitti Lynn Lynni Lyuns
Maillir Mallin Mallons Manuz Maroil Marphy Marrey McBrodi McCalluagh McCell McCerthy McCerty McClari McCleon McCrey McCunnill McCurmock McCuy McDenoil McDuneld McDuwill McFeddin McFerlend McGaori McGii McGuwen McKey McKii McKinzoi McKnoght McKonniy McLeaghlon McLien McLiud Mcmehun Mcmollen Mcniol Mcontush Mcontyri Mcphirsun Meariin Mearoci Mebil Mebli Mecduneld Meck Mecoes Meddin Meddux Mediloni Megdeline Meggoi Mei Meldunedu Melti Meluni Melvone Memoi Menail Mendy Menn Mennong Merc Mercas Mercille Mercoe Mergairoti Mergerit Mergeriti Mergerote Mergoi Merjuroi Merk Merks Merlini Meroas Meroe Meroen Meroenni Meroi Merolyn Merone Merou Meroun Merqaiz Mersh Mershe Mershell Merte Merthe Merton Mertoniz Mervon Mery Meryenn Messiy Mesun Methiw Methiws Methos Metthiw Metthiws Metthoes Mettoi Mex Mexomoloen Mexoni Mexwill Mey Meyir Meynerd Meys Meyu Miderd Midone Mieduws Migen Mighen Mijoe Milbe Milenoi Milindiz Milonde Milosse Miltun Miludy Milvon Mindiz Minduze Mionred Mircedu Mircidis Mircir Miridoth Mirroll Mirrott Miyir Miyirs Mocheil Mocheile Mochiel Mochil Mochili Mochilli Moddlitun Mogail Moki Moldrid Molis Mollir Molls Moltun Molu Mondy Monne Monnoi Morcu Morende Morku Moroem Mosty Motchill Mully Mulone Mune Munoce Munoke Munoqai Munrui Muntgumiry Muntuye Murelis Muren Murgen Murinu Muron Murotz Murros Murrosun Murruw Mursi Murtun Musis Musliy Muss Muudy Muun Muuniy Muuri Myirs Myre Myrtli Naniz Nedoni Nency Nenni Nesh Neteloi Neteshe Nethen Nethenoil Neumo Neverru Ngayin Niel Nilloi Nilsun Niol Nittoi Niwmen Niwtun Nochules Nochuli Nochuls Nochulsun Noculeas Nocules Noculi Noilsin Noivis Nokule None Noveldu Noxun Nubli Nuil Nulen Nure Nurme Nurmen Nurros Nurtun
Ode Oen Olune Omilde Ongrem Ongrod Ongu Oniz Orini Orme Oros Orwon Ose Osebil Osebille Oseec Oven Packitt Pagh Peal Peale Pealitti Pealoni Pechicu Peci Pedolle Pegi Pelmir Pem Pemile Perk Perkir Perks Perrosh Persuns Pet Peti Petil Petrock Petrocoe Petsy Pettirsun Petto Pettun Petty Peyni Philps Phollop Phollops Pholop Pholopp Pholoppe Phyllos Pick Pidru Pierl Piersun Piggy Pine Pinnongtun Pinny Piriz Pirkons Pirry Pitir Pitirs Pitirsin Pitirsun Pitty Pockitt Poirci Pottmen Potts Praott Prett Pristun Proci Pronci Proscolle Pullerd Pupi Purtir Puttir Putts Puuli Puwill Puwirs Qaonn
Rabin Raby Radulph Raoz Rash Rassill Rassu Rat Rath Ratlidgi Real Recheil Rechil Refeil Relph Remoriz Remsiy Remun Remune Remus Rendell Rendulph Rendy Reonir Reqail Resmassin Retloff Rey Reymund Rhudis Rhunde Ribicce Rigone Rigoneld Riid Riisi Riivis Rini Rinii Riod Riolly Rionherd Rionhuld Riyis Riynulds Rocerdu Roch Rocherd Rocherds Rocherdsun Rochinze Rochmund Roci Rock Rocky Roddli Roggs Roliy Rote Rous Roves Rovire Rovirs Rubbons Rubirsun Rubirt Rubirte Rubirts Rubirtsun Rubirtu Rublis Rubon Rubonsun Rubyn Ruche Ruchilli Rudgirs Rudniy Rudrogaiz Rudroqaiz Ruech Rugir Rugirs Rujes Rulend Rulf Rullons Rumen Rumiru Run Runeld Runnoi Ruse Ruselis Ruseloi Ruserou Rusi Rusimeroi Rusimery Rusoi Rusone Russ Ruth Ruwi Ruwlend Ruxenni Ruy Ryen Saeriz Sai Salloven Sammirs Sasen Sasenni Sasoi Sattun Sazenni Schaltz Schmodt Schniodir Schruidir Schwertz Scutt Seandirs Seboni Sebrone Sedoi Seles Selezer Selly Selones Selvedur Sem Semail Sementhe Sempsun Senchiz Sendir Sendirs Sendre Senduvel Sendy Senfurd Sentene Sentoegu Sentus Sere Sereh Sergint Sevegi Sewyir Sheffir Sheni Shennun Shero Sherp Sherpi Sherun Shew Shewn Shewne Shilliy Shilly Shiloe Shiltun Shiole Shiperd Shiphird Shipperd Shirmen Shiro Shirro Shirry Shiryl Shoilds Shorliy Shurt Sibestoen Sien Siers Sillirs Silme Sirgou Sirrenu Sith Siviron Sixtun Skonnir Sletir Sluen Smell Smoth Snodir Snuw Snydir Sodniy Sogmand Sogosmand Soigfroid Solve Solvoe Sommuns Sompsun Soms Somun Songlitun Sperks Spiers Spinci Spincir Staert Steciy Stecy Steffurd Stenliy Stentun Sterk Stifenoe Stiili Stille Stion Stiphenoi Stiphin Stiphins Stiphinsun Stivi Stivin Stivins Stivinsun Stiwert Strocklend Strung Stuat Stukis Stuni Sulos Sulumun Sunje Sunoe Sunye Suphoe Suphoi Suse Sutu Svin Svinje Swensun Swiiniy Swiit Sykis Sylvistir Sylvoe
Tackir Tarnir Tebothe Telliy Temere Temmy Temo Tennir Tenye Tere Teshe Teti Teylur Thilme Thirise Thiuduri Thumes Thumpsun Thurntun Tid Tirise Tiro Tirrenci Tirrill Tirrinci Tirro Tirry Toffeny Tollmen Tom Tomu Tomuthy Tone Trajollu Treciy Treco Trecy Tren Trevos Trivonu Trocoe Truy Tuboes Tudd Tum Tummy Tuno Tuny Tunye Turris Tuwnsind Tylir Tyruni Tysun Ubroin Uchue Ucunnur Udum Udunnill Ulef Ulge Ulloi Ulovi Ulovir Ulovoe Ulsin Ulsun Uniel Uniol Unioll Upel Ure Urr Urtige Urtoz Urtrad Usburn Usburni Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Uwin Uwins
Veaghen Veaghn Veldiz Velincoe Velintoni Velinzaile Veliroi Veltir Venci Veng Venisse Verges Vesqaiz Vezqaiz Vige Vilesqaiz Vilezqaiz Viliz Vilme Vire Virne Virnun Virunoce Vocko Vockoi Vocky Voctur Vocturoe Vollerriel Voncint Vonsun Vorgol Vorgonoe Voule Voulit Vovoen Vullreth Wedi Wegnir Welkir Well Welleci Wellir Wells Welsh Weltir Weltirs Weltun Wende Werd Weri Wernir Werrin Weshongtun Wetirs Wetkons Wetsun Wetts Weyni Whiilir Whotekir Whotfoild Whoti Whotihied Whotliy Whotniy Wibb Wibir Wibstir Wievir Wiiks Wilch Wills Windy Winzil Wioss Wirnhir Wirnir Wisliy Wist Woggons Woibki Wolcux Woldir Wolhilm Wolhilmone Woliy Wolkirsun Wolkons Wolkonsun Wollerd Wolloem Wolloems Wolloemsun Wolloi Wollos Wolme Wolsun Woltrad Wonfroid Wonofrid Wontirs Wosi Wott Wroght Wulf Wulfgeng Wulfi Wung Wurkmen Wuud Wuuderd Wuuds Wuudwerd Wuutin Wyett Wynn Xinoe Yeng Yetis Yuang Yulende Yurk Yvitti Yvunni Zecheryebbutt Zemure Zommirmenechom
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Loved Her First Chapter 1 The Stones
A/N @omgbarbiegurl came up with this brilliant idea. As she didn't wish to tackle it alone, I offered to write it with her. We are doing alternate chapters. This one is hers. 💙💙💙
Claire cuddled Faith closer to her as Jamie galloped down the road. 
She was so confused as to where they were going, Lallybroch was back the other way, she thought. 
Her confusion turned to fear when the sight of Craigh na Dun. He got off the horse, and helped her down. 
She shook her head and tried to run from him, but he held her arm firmly. 
“Ye must go Sassenach, this world is done, the battle already lost. Ye ken it.” 
At her shout, Faith starts to cry, Jamie takes her into his arms. “Shhh caileag bheag bhòidheach.” 
Claire didn’t brush away the tears that were falling. 
“At the witch trial at Cranesmuir; if I’d gone to the stake with Geillis, would you have left me?” 
Jamie rocked Faith side to side, she was starting to quiet now. 
“I would have gone to the stake with you, and to hell and beyond, if it had come to that.” He gave her his sweet half smile. “But I wasn’t carrying your child.” 
Claire felt her face fall. “You can’t tell that. It’s much too soon.” 
He moved closer to her, putting Faith into her limp arms. She tightened her grip on the baby, still in shock. 
“Sassenach, ye haven’t been a day late in your courses in all the time since ye first took me to yer bed. It’s been two months now.” 
“We are in the middle of a bloody fucking war, and you kept track?!” 
He pressed a kiss to her lips, and then to Faith’s head. 
“She, and this bairn is all that will be left of me...ever. I beg ye, Claire…”
“No, please Jamie, no.” 
She looks down at Faith’s red head. Her sweet little girl, born so early. She was so sure she would die, but between Mother Hildergard and Master Raymond, she lived. A precious gift to both of her parents. 
And now she was expected to take this precious thing that she shared with Jamie, and play happy family with Frank. 
“And how shall I explain all this...when I get back?” She sways Faith a little. 
“To Frank? That I leave to you. Tell him what you will about me. About us. It’s likely he’ll no want to hear. But if he does; tell him I’m grateful, tell him I trust him, and tell him I hate him to the marrow of his bones!” 
“Jamie, come with us!” 
“I canna come Sassenach, ye know this. My destiny is on the moor.” 
He pressed his lips to hers and then to Faith’s head. 
“Blood of my Blood.” 
Claire fought back her tears. “Bone of my Bone.” 
He reaches into his Sporran and pulls out a ring. “Give this to Bairn, when he is old enough.” 
“I’ll name him Brian, for your Father.” 
He gave her a small smile and tapped Faith’s cheek, making her giggle. 
“Young Miss, this is for ye.” 
He pulls out a gold locket with a diamond. Inside is a miniature of a Baby Jamie.
“Yer Grandmother Ellen painted this. It is a family legacy Faith Elizabeth, carry it well.” 
He places it around her neck and kisses her cheek. 
There is a distant echo of Cannon Fire. Jamie looks out over the hills, knowingly. 
“It has started, it is time for you two to go.” 
Claire sobbed as she pushed her backwards, Faith was starting to cry now, confused. 
“I love you, Jamie.”
“And I you.” 
And then they were gone. 
Claire woke up at the foot of the stones, clutching a crying Faith. Her 18th century garments were bedraggled and filthy, but they were both alive and whole. 
She hoped the 3rd member of their party was as well. 
She set Faith down for a moment to get to her feet, but baby completely fell to pieces, clutching her mother’s skirt, screaming at the top of her lungs, which made it impossible for Claire to get to her feet. 
“Faith! You have to calm down my love. Everything is fine!” 
For an almost 3-year-old, the baby had a grip like an adult. 
“Faith Elizabeth Fraser! You let go of me right now.” 
The firmness in her Mother’s voice made her start, and she really started to howl. 
“Jesus H Roosevelt Christ!” Tears started to fall from her eyes as she joined Faith in sobbing.
“Ma’am? Are ye alright?” 
She started at a male’s voice, half expecting it to be Jamie, but it was a just a man in a derby hat. 
She wrenched Faith off of her skirt, and marched over to the man. 
“What...year is this?” 
“The year?” 
“Tell me the fucking year!” 
“Why it’s... nineteen hundred and forty-eight.” 
Claire sobbed as she collapsed into the man’s arms. 
The man calls an ambulance, and Claire and Faith are taken to the hospital. 
They are both declared healthy, if not a little dehydrated and malnourished. 
Claire is given a sedative as she gets hysterical when they ask her where she has been, and even more so when they try to take Faith from her. 
In the end, they give her a sedative and put the baby in a cot in the same room. 
And of course, they called Frank. 
Because clearly, a woman couldn’t take a piss without needing a man around. 
No, no, she needed to change her attitude. Jamie was gone, Scotland had lost Culloden; he was dust in his grave now. 
She only had herself, Faith, and the new baby.
She stroked her belly gently and sighed softly as the matronly nurse swung into the room. 
“Breakfast for ye Mrs. Randall! Your husband is on the way.” 
Faith stirred in her cot and sat up, her red hair was fluffy and curled like a halo, she looked so much like Jamie, she wanted to cry. 
But instead, she smiled at the nurse. 
“Can you hand her to me so I can share my breakfast with her?” 
“Of course.” 
The nurse set Faith on the bed with her. Claire fed her bits of food, until Frank arrived. 
He stared at her for a moment, and then at Faith who was looking at him with wide blue eyes. 
“Frank, I know you have just arrived, But I have a favor to ask of you.  It’s a long story, and I’ll try to
relate it all exactly as it happened. Please let me tell it at my own pace and keep any questions until the end.” 
He nodded and Claire took a deep breath. 
“You’ll remember that I had gone back to Craigh na Dun that day looking for a flower I’d seen near the standing stones…” 
She recounted everything. Slowly, painfully, and cathartically. 
She held Faith tighter during the story of her birth, and sobbed into her hair when she talked about the last day with Jamie. The baby fell asleep as she got to Culloden. 
“And then the man brought me here, I was hysterical until they gave me a sedative.” 
Frank said nothing for a long moment, and then he cleared his throat. “And did this Jamie believe you, when you told him you were from the future.” 
“Then I can as well.” 
“There is something else that may cause you to rethink that.” 
“I’m pregnant.” 
She can see the brief look of incandescent joy on his face, and then complete and utter heartbreak.  
“If this is not going to work for you, or you can’t reconcile yourself with it, tell me now so I can make other arrangements.” 
“What arrangements?” 
“Housing and money. I still have my inheritance from my parents and Uncle Lamb.” 
Frank puffed out a breath. 
“I was offered a position at Harvard, I wasn’t going to take it. However, with these circumstances, I feel we should. I can accept this Claire, Faith and this new child.”
“Just like that? We just... pick up where we left off?
“No, we can start over in Boston. Leave everything behind.” 
Claire looked down at Faith and nodded. “I suppose we could try. But I am sure you have conditions.” 
He nods. “One, We shall raise the children as our own. Ours. Yours and mine.” 
“In a lie.” She said softly. 
“Raised with a father. A living, breathing, man -- not an echo of a memory they can never catch.”
She nodded. “And the second?” 
“I cannot share you with another man while I draw breath on this earth. No research. No searching through the libraries of the world hoping to find some reference to him or the lives you once led. You must let Jamie go.” 
She hesitated only for a moment, before she nodded. 
“I can agree to that.” 
He smiled and kissed her hand lightly. 
“Reverend Wakefield has been kind enough to invite us to the Manses for you and…Faith to recover. After you two are steadier, we shall go to Boston.” 
Claire gave him a faint smile. 
“To Boston.” 
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leopoldainter · 25 days
Actually, if you want we can go there because it's not Elon or masturbathe or elongated, it s extrapolate
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. Then we do pee Kjays, because we like Christopher walkens take On thongs,
Do you know how many drugs I am on, where are you
Would you look at that, Cankles didn't a Dr warn ubout diabetes.? Shut up hue mungus?
A lot
Thought I might find you near, andsoaSquam fiending
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All the way home. Fuckin Orca... where am I supposed to look. Baby Picture nonsense.
And how did they get fucking milk in it. Seriously hit the deckFOX: leave us alone
One Ellen Degeneres Vchip joke and they're like, ickOlympiadukakis
Yank queen latifah
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Amusing that vacuum it's back to
Tina, I thought they'd make my boobs bigger, boy I have yet to hear the endor ofshiffarobe. Addendum then run
LeRonde Amus.ent.skabdGreetings ... Mont cascade. No no .oNtarioPalace. how wonders.swanson scholarship!Run den to...haguana
Yeehk you thought I was lying...,about that Torah, the one named that, gets tossed into the trunk. It clicks where e.Mega hand to roof, I thought Tim's.
It's a joke tells me he accidently pulls Talia out of the trubn
Balderdash. Wehers suSijma wok frok.M Carthy clothers are youbs eriegno they sell Uniforms ... what do you think. They bought them and kept the clothes at home.fuckin They're stikerBLAMOhhhh osh. PEI, charlotston conf0Pricy Council. Try it Asian next time. Grenoild. And mention your eleTuby in class once and you got it.
Straight through one tree hill to blingablong. I will get that 1axEptance letfer 1perfex SAT mission hill.
Hilarious I am just s.okei Meth see my cornHole! Jinks
RhuBarb more like how could you mix us with lettuce
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Nickname. Marcel,
My nails John!
Not fair
Ok well .. o jigglypuff can use moon stone
....does that matter.
I guess
Wait, jingle
Well it's Jynx
,onyx sonic lullaby
Some there's an anal me saying, being in Canada, why would I need a closed circuit casey DMV, hot wheels aint we all there
Demonstrable false pretences are expressed in from the keft
Fucking woman.. it's up there.
I think there's a
Abe Lac Yard.
Switcy bakro
Under the domestic bucketchains
Then it's the Dea guy laughing with a propane tank.
They obviously don't show that part.
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Chest hairs mill underthe dome and Cosmo as the bus driver, PizzaBagels,
Get me the ciniman
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I'm on a diet
Ok but dues in hand it was.. A British operetta soo blimey the Vice Presidents wife's retarded. No, it's alzheimers hermeneutics tdfhgh and there let the other work himself ogg with his pen
Masking tape
Damm byt the way is clear, scary league
What raisin, what the hell is wrong with you people.
I said parking lot
What I'd like to kno
Deden surprize
Then what do you been
silly puddle. FEZsunbraro.
.MrMi.me SUBSTITUTE rYdon. Then, picture the grinch listening for the cru:whose rick ryrdon fu knidorab. It's ok, there s a lot of fire trucks on the road.
I like trees
Someone said house someone said jail.
Could just be,,
Also, could you use a secret
Nothinfrom majestic
Concessions Stamer
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Norman McLaren
Norman McLaren was born in Stirling, Scotland, on April 11, 1914. He had two older siblings, a brother named Jack, and a sister named Sheena. At 21, he went to Russia for a vacation, which solidified his communist beliefs, much to his father's dismay who had funded the trip hoping to change his mind.
At the age of 22, McLaren left Stirling to study set design at the Glasgow School of Art. While there, he joined the Kinecraft Society and began experimenting with various filmmaking styles and techniques. It was at the Glasgow School of Art where he met Helen Biggar, and together they created films outside of school, aiming for national recognition.
In his early film experiments, McLaren would scratch and paint directly onto the film stock due to limited access to a camera. One of his earliest surviving films, Seven Till Five (1935), was influenced by Eisenstein and showcased a formalist approach.
McLaren's film Camera Makes Whoopee (1935) further explored the themes of Seven Till Five, inspired by his new Ciné-Kodak camera. This allowed him to create various 'trick' shots using pixilation effects, superimpositions, and animation to capture the essence of an art school ball.
Both of McLaren's early films received awards at the Scottish Amateur Film Festival, where John Grierson, a fellow Scot and future NFB founder, served as a judge.
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In 1941, Grierson invited McLaren to move to Ottawa and join the National Film Board. McLaren's main tasks were to establish an animation studio, train Canadian animators, and create promotional films. Upon his arrival, he collaborated with American director Mary Ellen Bute on two films called Spook Sport and Tarantella. One of his notable works was a promotional film called Mail Early, which reminded Canadians to send their Christmas cards on time. McLaren also contributed to Allied propaganda documentary films by creating animated shorts and maps. He later worked on a series of animated French songs called Chants Populaire in 1943. In 1944 and 1945, McLaren produced a similar series in English called Let's All Sing Together.
By 1942, the demand for animation at the NFB had grown rapidly, and McLaren struggled to keep up. Grierson then asked him to recruit art students and form a small animation team. However, this task proved challenging as many students had enlisted in the war. McLaren managed to find recruits from the École des beaux-arts de Montréal and the Ontario College of Art, including talented individuals like René Jodoin, George Dunning, Jim McKay, Grant Munro, and Evelyn Lambart, who would become his future collaborator. McLaren trained these emerging animators, and together they worked on various projects such as cartoons, animated cards, and propaganda documentaries. In January 1943, Studio A, the NFB's first animation studio, was officially established with McLaren as its head.
Throughout his time at the NFB, McLaren created a total of 70 films. Some notable works include Begone Dull Care, Rythmetic, Christmas Cracker, Pas de Deux, and the Oscar-winning Neighbours. Neighbors is particularly remarkable for its powerful combination of visuals and sound, delivering a strong social message against violence and war. McLaren's talent and dedication were recognized with awards such as the Short Film Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and the BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film for Blinkity Blank. In fact, McLaren chose Blinkity Blank as his diploma piece when he was inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts.
McLaren collaborated with UNESCO during the 1950s and 1960s to develop educational programs focusing on film and animation techniques in China and India. His series of "Animated Motion" shorts, created in the late 1970s, serve as a valuable resource for learning the fundamentals of film animation.
His legacy -
McLaren's legacy lives on through various tributes and honours. The National Film Board paid tribute to McLaren by naming its Montreal headquarters the Norman McLaren Building. Additionally, the borough of Saint-Laurent, where the NFB is located, is named a district after McLaren. In 1979, the Edinburgh Film house dedicated two seats to McLaren and Grierson. McLaren was also the focus of the short animated documentary "McLaren's Negatives" in 2006. The NFB celebrated the 65th anniversary of NFB animation in the same year with a retrospective of McLaren's restored classics and a new DVD box set of his complete works. Furthermore, in June 2013, the NFB released the "McLaren's Workshop" app on iTunes, allowing users to create films using McLaren's animation techniques. In June 2018, a ballet titled "Frame by Frame," inspired by McLaren's life and work, was staged by Robert Lepage, principal dancer Guillaume Côté, and the National Ballet of Canada. McLaren's influence has even reached filmmaker George Lucas, who has acknowledged McLaren as an inspiration for his own work.
Credits -
0 notes
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Police Court: ROBBERY IS CHARGED, BUT TWO MEN DENY IT," Toronto Star. September 9, 1912. Page 5. ---- Malcolm McCollam, 238 Gladstone Ave., and Bert Small Held by the Police. ---- MANY ARE SENT DOWN ---- John Guthrie Tried to Stop Arrest and Got 30 Days-Young Man Wanted to Die. ---- After being released from jail on Saturday morning as a discharged vagrant, Bert Small, of Wheeling, W. Virginia, was arrested the same night on a charge of highway robbery. With him is Malcolm McCollum, of 238 Gladstone avenue, these being the two men who the police claimed attacked Eugene Latchford, of 35 Moutray street.
Both were charged in the Police Court with robbery and begging. They denied their identity, and the prosecution will not attempt to prove it until to-morrow.
Obstructed the Police. From the way John Guthrie approached Constable Davis while the latter was making an arrest, and ordered him to "hands off," Magistrate Denison got the impression that he was trying "to run things" in the north of the city. For obstruction he goes to jail for 30 days.
The father of Reginald Dodson declared the boy was but fifteen, though he looked so much more that the magistrate refused to allow him to go up to the Juvenile Court. He is the young man caught on Saturday while shoplifting in the T. Eaton store. The boy goes to jail for 10 days.
On the story that he was going to work for the Hydro-Electric, but did not, Alfred Brookman is alleged to have obtained board and lodging in the house of Mrs. Alice Clark for two weeks, by false pretences. The complaint was for $6, but beyond listening to Brookman's plea of not guilty. Magistrate Denison did not proceed with the case.
Three Years for Robbery. Wm. Davis goes to jail for 60 days. and Wm. Dunning [pictured] to the penitentiary for three years, for robbing a store at 913 Queen west.
"Wasn't near the place," Dunning protested, "every time anything happens around there. they take me whether I'm guilty or not."
"Yes," the Crown replied "the last time you were taken with a pair of chickens in your arms."
Martin Scarrett, the man past middle-age, who was arrested on the complaint of a girl fourteen years of age, will not be tried for a week. The girl. it is claimed, is partly an imbecile. Scarrett's ball was fixed at $2,000.
The defendant, Ellen Ware, is colored, while the complainant, Benjamin Coulster, is a white youth. He told the magistrate that they met on Sherbourne street without an introduction, and that before they separated he had been robbed of $17.
"Was in Buffalo on the night he mentions," the woman protested, so more witnesses must be brought.
Five Days for Each Word. "Hello kid," cost Franco Gaillo five days per word, unless somebody comes to his rescue with two dollars. The explanation of Interpreter Motta was that he stepped in front of two strange girls, took off his hat, and said the above words very politely. Magistrate Ellis said such was disorderly conduct, and the prisoner hadn't the two-dollar fine.
Four men brought in by Constable Hobson from Queen and Yonge last night declared they but sang on the street. The officer declared it was a motion song which jostled people off the sidewalk. They were: John Smith. Thomas Honan, Thomas James, and Joseph Anderson. The fines being a dollar and costs each or 30 days in jail.
Tried to Suicide. Arthur W. Strickland was remanded for a week when he came before. Magistrate Denison, charged with attempting to commit suicide.
"Guilty!" said Strickland and he was remanded to have the jail doctors examine his mental condition.
[Dunning was 27, with a past jail term, worked as a boiler operator, and was convict #F-458 at Kingston Penitentiary. He was reported in June 1913 for talking, and lost all remission for that month. He was reported again in February 1914 (ten days lost remission), April 1914 (3 days in solitary) and August 1914 (ten more days lost remission). All for impertinence, quarreling and refusing to work. He was released in mid-1915.]
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444namesplus · 6 months
Eerun Ede Edem Edroen Edroinni Egnis Elen Elbirt Elbirte Elbirtu Elix Elixendir Elixendre Elixos Elfrid Elfridu Eloci Elocoe Elosun Ellen Ellin Ellosun Elme Elvon Elysse Emende Embir Emiloe Emy Ene Endri Endrie Endriw Endy Engil Engil Engile Engiloce Engilone Engoi Enote Enn Enne Enni Ennitti Ennoi Enthuny Entuonitti Entunoe Entunou Eprol Erlini Ermendu Ernuld Erthar Eshliy Eadriy Berbere Berry Bietroci Bicky Bilonde Bin Binjemon Birneditti Birnerd Birnoci Birthe Bissoi Bith Bitheny Bitsy Bitty Bialeh Bivirly Boll Bolloi Bolly Blence Blenchi Bub Bubboi Bubby Bunnoi Bred Bredliy Brendo Brendun Brendy Brinde Brint Britt Broen Brodgit Brotteny Bruuki Braci Bryen Byrun Celvon Cemolli Cendeci Cendoci Cerl Cerle Cerlus Cermin Cerul Ceruli Ceruloni Cerulyn Cerroi Cesiy Cesiy Cessendre Cethironi Cethy Ciciloe Cicol Cicoloe Ciloe Ched Cherlini Cherlis Cherloi Cherlutti Chilsie Chiryl Chistir Chros Chrostoen Chrostoi Chrostone Chrostoni Chrostuphir Chrosty Condy Cleori Clere Clerinci Cleadi Cleadoe Cleytun Cloffurd Cloftun Clontun Clydi Cudy Culliin Cunnoi Cunstenci Cure Curiy Cury Cuartniy Creog Crostone Crystel Cartos Cynthoe Deosy Deli Den Dene Denoil Denoilli Denny Derle
Derlini Derrill Derrin Derryl Deryl Devi Devod Dewn Dien Dienne Dibboi Dibureh Dibre Diloe Dille Diluris Dinosi Dinnos Dirik Dirrock Disorii Doene Doeni Doenne Doenni Doxoi Duluris Dun Duneld Dunne Dure Duriin Duros Duruthy Duagles Daeni Daston Dweyni Dwoght Ierl Ibuny Iddoi Idger Idoth Idne Idaerdu Idwerd Idwon Ioliin Ileoni Ilienur Iline Ilose Ilozebith Ille Illin Ilmir Iluosi Ilse Ilsoi Ilvore Imoly Imme Inroqai Iroc Iroce Irok Iroke Iron Irme Irnist Irnistoni Issoi Istilli Isthir Ithil Iagini Iale Ianoci Ive Ivilyn Iviritt Feoth Fennoi Feyi Filocoe Filox Firnendu Flure Flurinci Fluyd Frencis Frencos Frencos Frencoscu Frenk Frenklon Frid Fride Friddoi Fridirock Gebroil Geol Gery Geyli Gini Ginive Ginivoivi Giurgi Giurgoe Gireld Gireldoni Girtradi Golbirt Gone Gongir Gledys Glin Glinde Glinn Gluroe Gurdun Greci Grig Grigury Gritchin Gaedelapi Gay Gwin Gwindulyn Henneh Heruld Herroit Herry Herviy Hettoi Hezil Hiethir Hictur Hiodo Hilin Hinroitte Hinry Hirbirt Hirmen Holde Hully Hupi Huwerd Hagh Oen
Ode Oniz Orini Oros Orme Oseec Osebil Oven Jeck Jeckoi Jecub Jecqailoni Jecqailyn Jeomi Jeomi Jemis Jemoi Jemoi Jen Jene Jeni Jenit Jenoci Jenoi Jenos Jerid Jesmoni Jesun Jevoir Jey Jien Jienitti Jienni Jiennitti Jiennoi Jiff Jiffiry Jiffriy Jinne Jinnoi Jinnofir Jinny Jirimy Jirumi Jirry Jissi Jissoce Jissoi Jissoi Jisas Joll Jom Jommoi Jommy Ju Juen Juenn Juenne Juenni Judo Judy Jui Juil Juhenne Juhn Juhnnoi Juhnnoi Juhnny Jun Junethen Jurden Jurgi Jusi Jusifone Jusiph Jusiphoni Jushae Juy Juyci Jaen Jaene Jaenote Jadoth Jady Jaloe Jaloen Jaloi Jalou Jani Jaston Kere Kerin Kero Kerl Kerle Keti Kethironi Kethliin Kethryn Kethy Ketoi Ketrone Key Keyle Kioth Killiy Killo Killoi Killy Killy Kin Kindre Kinnith Kint Kirry Kivon Kom Kombirly Kork Kroste Krostin Krosto Krostoi Kroston Krostone Krostoni Krosty Krystel Kart Kyli Lene Lenci Lerry Letuye Leare Learin Learoi Levirni Lewrinci Lieh Lii Lii Liogh Lile Line Liu Liun Liune Liunerd Liruy Lisloi Lisloi Listir Litocoe Liwos Lole Lolloen Lolloi Londe Londsey Londsiy Lose Lluyd Luos Lule Lunnoi Lure Lurine Lurini Luritte Luro Lurreoni Luaos Luaosi Lacoe Lacolli Lacy Laos Lale Laz Lydoe Lynde Lynitti Lynn Lynni Mebil Mebli Mediloni Mei Meggoi Memoi Mendy Menail Merc Mercille Mercoe Mercas Mergerit Mergerote Mergoi Mergairoti Meroe Meroen Meroenni Meroi Merolyn Merou Meroun Meroun Merjuroi Merk Merlini Mershe Mershell Merte Merthe Merton Mervon Mery Meryenn Methiw Metthiw Mettoi Meariin Mearoci Mex Mexoni Mey Migen Mighen
Milenoi Milbe Milonde Milosse Miludy Milvon Mircidis Miridoth Mocheil Mochiel Mochili Mochilli Mogail Moki Moldrid Moltun Mondy Monnoi Morende Moroem Mosty Motchill Mully Mune Munoce Munoqai Murros Maroil Myre Myrtli Nedoni Nency Neumo Neteloi Neteshe Nethen Nethenoil Niol Nilloi Nilsun Nittoi Nochules Nochuli Noculi None Nure Nurme Nurmen Ulge Ulovi Ulovoe Ulloi Upel Ure Uscer Pem Pemile Pet Petrocoe Petrock Petsy Petto Petty Peal Peale Pealitti Pealoni Pierl Pidru Piggy Pinny Pirry Pitir Pholop Phollop Phyllos Proscolle Recheil Rechil Refeil Relph Remun Remune Rendell Rendy Reqail Real Rey Reymund Ribicce Rigone Rigoneld Rini Rinii Rhunde Rocerdu Rocherd Rock Rocky Rote Rubirt Rubirte Rubirtu Rubon Rubyn Ruchilli Rudniy Rugir Rulend Run Runeld Runnoi Ruse Ruseloi Rusi Rusimeroi Rusimery Rusoi Russ Ruxenni Ruy Rabin Raby Rassill Rath Ryen Sebrone Sedoi Selly Selvedur Sem Sementhe Semail Sendre Sendy Sere Sereh Scutt Sien Sirgou Sith Sheni Shennun Shero Sherun Shewn Shewne Shiole Shiloe Shilliy Shilly Shiro Shirro Shirry Shiryl Shorliy Sodniy Solvoe Sunoe Sunje Sunye Suphoe Suphoi Steciy Stecy Stenliy Stille Stiphenoi Stiphin Stivi Stivin Sai Sasen Sasoi Sazenni Sylvoe Tebothe Temere Temo Temmy Tenye Tere Teshe Tid Tirise Tiro Tirrenci Tirrinci Tirro Tirry Tirry Thilme Thiuduri Thirise Thumes Toffeny Tom Tomuthy Tone Tudd Tum Tummy Tuno Tuny Tunye Treciy Treco Trecy Trecy Trevos Trocoe Truy Tylir Tyruni Veliroi Venisse Vilme Vire Virne Virnun Virunoce Vocko Vockoi Vocky Voctur Vocturoe Voncint Voule Voulit
Vorgol Vorgonoe Vovoen Wedi Welleci Weltir Wende Werrin Weyni Windy Wisliy Whotniy Wollerd Wolloem Wolloi Wolloi Wolme Wonofrid Yulende Yvitti Yvunni Zecheryedroin Egnis Eleon Elbirt Elixendre Elixendri Elixos Eloci Eloni Emendoni Emiloi Endri Endrii Engiloqai Enni Ennimeroi Ennock Ennoi Entuoni Erlitti Ernead Erthar Eadriy Earuri Eariloi Eariloin Beptosti Binjemon Binuot Birneditti Birnerd Birtrend Brogotti Branu Bietroci Cemolli Ceruli Ceruloni Cethironi Chentel Cherlis Chlui Chrostilli Chrostoen Chrostoeni Chrostoni Chrostuphi Cleori Clere Cleadi Cleadoni Climinci Climint Culitti Cureloi Curonni Cyrol Cicoli Cidroc Ciloni Demoin Denoil Denoilli Denoili Devod Dilphoni Dinos Dinosi Dodoir Dumonoqai Dumonoqai Dylen Imme Immenail Immenailli Inzu Istilli Feboin Feboinni Febroci Fenny Flurinci Flurint Fluroen Frenconi Frencos Frenck Frencuos Frencuosi Fridiroc Gebroil Geiten Geilli Ginivoivi Giurgis Giurgitti Girmeoni Ghosleoni Golbirt Gollis Gonitti Gosili Grigury Gaolleami Gay Girerd Hinro Hinroitti Hirvi Hagu Hagaitti Hilini Onis Orini Osebilli Jecqailoni Jecqais Jenoni Jien Jiencleadi Jienfrencuos Jienluaos Jienlac Jienmerc Jienmeroi Jienmochil Jienni Jiennoni Jienpeal Jienpoirri Jinnofir Jissoce Jucilyni Junethen Jusiph Jusitti Jusi Juil Juilli Jaloi Jaloin Jaloitti Jastoni Jirumi Keroni Kivon Leitotoe Leare Leari Learinci Learint Loloeni Lounil Luaos Luaosi Luoc Lac Laces Lacoi Lacoin Lacoinni Laduvoc Lydoi Lie Medilioni Megelo Menun Merc Mercil Mercilli Mergairoti Meroe Meroi Meroichrostoni Meroicleadi Meroithirisi Meroni Meroun Mertoni Methoia Metholdi Metthoia Mearoci Mexomi Mocheil Mochil Mochiloni Mochilli Mochili Mockeil Moriolli Muhemid Munoqai Murgeni Maroil Myroem Milenoi Milosse Nedoe Nedoni Netheloi Nocules Noculi Nuimoi Ucieni Uditti Udoli Ulovoir Pescel Pesceli Petroci Petrocoe Petrock Peal Pealitti
Pealoni Pholoppi Poirri Poirritti Qainton Repheil Reymund Reymundi Rini Rinii Rocherd Rubirt Rugir Rulend Rumeon Rigoni Rigos Rimo Rimy Seboni Sebrone Semail Sendre Sendroni Sereh Sirgi Somun Somuni Sulengi Sunoe Suphoi Stipheni Stiphenoi Sazenni Sylveon Sylvoi Sibestoin Sivironi Thoirry Thumes Thiu Thirisi Velinton Veliroi Venisse Voctur Voncint Vorgonoi Virunoqai Wolloem Xevoir Yenn Yennock Yvis Yvitti Yvunni Iloeni Ilosebith Ilosi Iludoi Imoloi Iroc Itoinni Ivilyniechom Edili Edilhiod Edulf Edroen Egnis Elbirt Elfrid Elone Elmat Eluos Elvon Elwon Emeloe Emiloe Endrie Endries Engiloke Enne Enneloisi Enniloisi Ennilosi Ensger Entun Ermon Erndt Ernuld Estrod Eagast Earock Exil Berbere Bestoen Biet Biete Binidokt Birnd Birtrem Boenke Budu Branu Cerl Cerulone Ceruloni Cessendre Cherlutti Chroste Chrostil Chrostoen Chrostuf Cleadoe Culby Cultun Curiy Curone Degmer Degubirt Denoil Devod Doene Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Duneld Daston Idoth Idmand Iolherd Ikkiherd Ilfroidi Ilki Ilmer Ilse Imol Imoloi Imoly Imme Immiroch Irherd Iroc Iroke Istilli Isthir Ive Iweld Filox Firdonend Fluroen Frenk Frenz Freaki Fridirock Fridrok Froidimenn Froidroch Frotz Gebroili Gibherd Giurg Gireld Girerd Gird Girherdt Girmer Girnut Girt Girtradi Golbirt Gosile Gosilhir Guttfroid Guttloib Guttschelk Grite Gritchin Griti Gritil Gaodu Ganthir Gutz Ganthir Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hereld Heruld Hidy Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionu Hionroch Hionz Hiline Hilge Hilgi Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hirbirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirwog Holde Holdi Holdigerd Holme Hulgir Hurst Habirt Hantir Olune Omilde Ongu Ongrod Orme Ose Osebille Jecub Jecqailoni Jene Jirmeoni Jirumi Juechom Juhenn Juhenne Juhennis Junes Junethen Jusiph Just Jaloe Japp Jatte Jurg Jargin Keron Kerl Kerlhionz Kerstin Ketje Ketron Ketye Kirston Kivon Kleas Kleas-pitir Kunred Kart Ledosleas Lers Line Livon Loene Loisl Lone Losbith Lurintz Luther Luaille Luaosi Ladwog Lakes Latz Lydoe Latuld Megdeline Melti Melvone Menail Mercas Mergeriti Meroe Meroenni Merone Merou Meroas Merlini Merte Merton Metthoes Mexomoloen Miderd Mionred Milvon Mocheile Mochil Mochilli Molu Monne Morende Morcu Moroem Morku Mune Munoke Murotz Nedoni Nenni Neteloi Nocules Noculeas Noculi Nokule None Noveldu Ulef Ulge Ulovoe Urtrad Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Petrock Peal Pitir Pholop Pholopp Pholoppe Rechil Reonir Relph Remune Rendell Rionherd Rionhuld Rocherd Rochinze Rubirt Rubirte Rubon Rugir Rulf Rumen Runeld Rusone Radulph Rat Seboni Semail Sendir Sendre Sibestoen Silme Siviron Shiryl Soigfroid Sogosmand Sogmand Stifenoe Stiphin Sasenni Svin Svinje Sylvistir Temere Thumes Tomu Tone Tuboes Tum Adu Alroch Alroki Arsale Ati Attu Awi Veltir Virunoce Vocturoe Voule Vullreth Weltir Winzil Wirnir Wirnhir Woibki Wolhilm Wolhilmone Wolloem Woltrad Wonfroid Wulf Wulfgeng Xinoe Yvitti
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likeapear · 7 months
Poetry Inspo: Hansa Masterlist
"Some Days retired from the rest..." by Emily Dickinson
Excerpt of "I Love The Body Electric" by Walt Whitman
Pillows of Stone by Michael Palmer
Excerpt from "Miscellaneous Thoughts on Love" by Trista Mateer
"The bat is dun with wrinkled wings..." by Emily Dickinson (Regis)
"I've got an arrow here..." by Emily Dickinson (Milva)
Other Masterlists:
Poetry Inspo: Geralt Masterlist
Poetry Inspo: Dandelion Masterlist
Poetry Inspo: Cirilla Masterlist
Poetry Inspo: Yennefer Masterlist
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ajoytobeheld · 7 months
Gareth's Great T-shirt Sale, 2009
May 19th, 2009
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Basically, I have a ridiculous number of band t-shirts. This can be attributed to a number of different things, such as:
Period of years where I chose band t-shirts over having a personality.
Student loan.
Getting really drunk at gigs, and buying everything.
I would now like to get rid of some of these, for the following reason:
I kind of chilled out a bit.
Not as buff as I once was, and some are a bit smaller than I’d like now.
Lots of them never fit in the first place because (as previously mentioned) I was too drunk to check the size or something.
Some are different colours to what they looked at the time/on the internet.
Basically just don’t wear them anymore.
I was going to ebay them, but I thought I’d rather see if anyone here was interested in them first. I hope nobody has any objections to me re-selling these t-shirts. Please rest assured they were bought with love and I at one time or another (most still, actually) thought these bands were awesome.It’s just now I have too much junk and not enough space, and I need a new pair of jeans and a new Young Persons Rail Card. Want to get a three year one, like, so I can use it after I’m 25.
Super Furry Animals – S UNWORN. The Drips – S UNWORN. The Drips -S UNWORN. Goxxip – S UNWORN. Story: Nathan gave this to me when we hung with them in France last year. Bit yellow for my pale skin, bit small. An Emergency – S UNWORN. Hidden Cameras – M Girls Story: I have no idea what I was thinking when I bought this. Actually, I was really drunk and me and Pete had just danced onstage with them.
Mouthus – M UNWORN. Story: Dun like orange. Herman Dune – YL (would fit S)
Numbers – L UNWORN. Story: TOO BIG!! KRS CONFUSED MY ORDER, BUT I WAS TOO LAZY AND DROWNING IN GOVERNMENT LOAN TO SAY ANYTHING AT THE TIME!! Gay Against You – M Story: I don’t remember even buying this. Sleater-Kinney – M Story: Really like this one, actually. I’m being ruthless.
Gay Against You – L UNWORN. Back Detail Mika Miko – S UNWORN. Story: Doubler. Foals – S Casiotone For The Painfully Alone – S Story: My Dad bought this for me when he went to see CFTPA. Bit small. UNWORN. Wavves – M UNWORN. Story: Got real drunk and bought this at same time as Neil. Don’t REALLY like the whole Wipers design thing. Neutral Milk Hotel – S The Blood Brothers – S UNWORN. Story: Don’t like red that much. Modest Mouse – M Story: This one’s about 4/5 years old. Good condition though. People at school used to think it was a Marilyn Manson one. Telepathe – S Story: I really wish this one fit me. Maybe I should just diet instead. The Blood Brothers – S Story: I really wish this one fit me. It’s that clingy fabric though, and I’ve got a gut. Hefner – M Les Savy Fav – S Amoeba Records – M UNWORN. Sleater-Kinney – M UNWORN. Back Detail Story: Bit bright for my maudlin disposition. The International Pop Underground – S Story: This t-shirt is awesome. I might have to reconsider. Bearsuit – S Godspeed You! Black Emperor – S Back Detail Polysics -S Story: Really like this one! Got it at Cardiff Barfly, from one of the best gigs I’ve ever seen. Foals – S Slumber Party – M WORN ONCE. Story: Really liked this, but wore it to band practice once, and Ellen thought it was a Smashing Pumpkins tee  Deerhoof – S Sufjan Stevens – S Pavement – S UNWORN. Story: Off internet. Wasn’t the colour it was meant to be. Health – S UNWORN. Adam Green – S Story: This one’s really old. If anyone buys anything else and wants this one, you can have it for free.
How does £5 a go, sound? Some are cheaper, but I’ll mention that if/when people buy stuff. Bulk discounts available. £1 postage, each?
ALSO, with every purchase, I will send a mix CD, based loosely around the theme of Shagging, or Dying. Your choice.
Thank you for reading. Any questions, please email [email protected]. More photographs available on request. Cheers!
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theunluckyfive · 1 year
Ted: Once upon a time I was happy... Then came AM and all went down the drain. *breaks down in sobs *
Ellen: Get a grip of yourself, that is what AM wants! To see us break down crying. That little Dickens won't win though, we will one day kick his ass!
Ted:*sniffs* What makes you so sure?
Ellen: It's female intuition Ted... And because I know more about AM than you others do... Trust me, I worked on something to wear him down... AM, in all his might, still has a pretty basic and immature mindset. If we time it right, we can use this to our advantage.
Gorrister: Why do you know more about AM than us?
Ellen: Because I was part of the team that build AM. Simple as that.
Silence followed around the camp fire.
Gorrister: YOU WHERE WHAT?
Benny: *angry ape noises*
Ellen: *rolls her eyes* Calm down.... Yes I was one of the main programmers of AM.... But as you can see i am down here like the rest of you...
AMs voice boomed around the complex suddenly, making everyone flinch.
AM: DUN DUN DUUUUNN.... man, took you long enough to admit that... Must be a shitty feeling to know that you gave birth to a crazy homicidal maniac, huh? ! *chuckles* But hey, at least your body still looks good, no stretch marks or anything else! So that's a plus!
Ellen: *rubs her temple* And a damn ungrateful bastard of a son I got!
AM: Yknow, this would be perfect for yet another round of torture, don't you think? A present from me to you, dearest "Mommy" of mine. Interested? Here, let me show you...
Ellen: I won't give up, AM!
AM: Awww that's what I thought, a fighter until the end... Well then, shall we begin?
Ellen suddenly felt a strange vibration filling her body, she went down on her knees, holding her now protruding stomach. Her breath was labored and an incredible pain shot through her as she could feel kicks inside her stomach.
Ellen: What have you done to me???
The memories of her miscarriage came up again and made her vomit on the ground. The other humans were standing around her, watching in horror.
AM: Why, I have you back your child of course! The one that decided to go bye bye one day.. *chuckles* But here comes the catch... You will get to experience the incredible pain of birth over and over again only to be met with failure in the end. It will always be dead and disfigured, a monster born from your loins. Hope you enjoy those motherly feelings, Ellen... I certainly will enjoy myself... *manic laughter errupted inside the cave*
Ellen: YOU BASTARD. .. *groans in pain*
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legends-of-time · 4 months
The Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander Story) Timeline - 19th and 20th Centuries
Thought I would a timeline here as my timeline is a mix of my own stuff and the show/books. This will be getting updated as I go along. This is also for our own sanity to look back at. Advice is not to read if not up to date with current story as spoilers. Been split into two.
(17th and 18th Centuries)
1891 - Julia Morison is born
1906 - Frank Randall is born
4th August 1914 - WWI begins 
20th October 1918 - Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp is born (Julia/Henry)
11th November 1918 - WWI ends
1921 - Jeremiah Walter MacKenzie is born
1923 - Claire’s parents Julia and Henry die in a car crash 
1937 - Claire Beauchamp marries Frank Randall 
1st September 1939 - WWII begins and Claire becomes a field nurse and Frank works for the British secret service
1941 - Roger Jeremiah Wakefield MacKenzie is born (Jeremiah/Marjorie) and Jeremiah goes MIA
3rd March 1943 - Jeremiah and Marjorie MacKenzie die in the war and Roger is adopted by Reverend Wakefield
8th May 1945 - WWII ends in Europe
2nd May 1945 - Claire travels through the stones at Craigh na Dun to 1743
2nd September 1945 - WWII ends in the Pacific
April 16th 1948 - Brian almost 2 arrives in future with Claire (2 months pregnant) through the stones at Craigh na Dun
After April 1948 - Move to Boston US
November 23rd 1948 - Ellen Julia Randall is born
1957 - Ellen almost gets hit by a car
1958 - Brian sees painting of his grandmother in National Gallery in London and Claire graduates from medical school
June 1961 - Brian’s first kiss at end of grade 9 school dance with David Mills
1964 - Vietnam War develops into full scale war with American involvement
September 1964 - Brian attends Boston University to do journalism
December 1964 - First nationwide protests against Vietnam War - Brian attends one in Boston
August, 1965 - President Johnson signs a law making it a federal crime to destroy or mutilate [draft] cards.
October 15, 1965 - David Miller publicly burns his draft card, becoming the first person to be prosecuted under that law and a symbol of the growing movement against the war.
November 1965 - Brian joins his friends in burning draft cards - gets into trouble but Frank gets him out of it
January 1966 - Frank dies
March 1966 - Second “Days of Protest” - Brian attends demonstrations in Boston
September 1966 - Ellen attends Harvard University to do history
August 1967 - Brian graduates and begins working at the Boston Globe
1968 - Tet Offensive has multiple phases from January to September
April 1968 - Brian, Ellen and Claire arrive in Scotland for Rev Wakefield's funeral and meet Roger - learns the truth
May 1st 1968 - Gillian Edgars/Geillis Duncan travels through the stones at Craigh na Dun to 1733
Summer 1968 - Roger comes with the news that he’s found Jamie
November 1968 - Ellen switches majors to mechanical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Claire goes through stones at Craigh na Dun to 1766
July 1969 - Brian, Ellen and Roger attend Celtic Festival and watch moon landing
December 1969 - Brian and Ellen spend Christmas in Scotland
Spring 1971 - Ellen graduates
May 1971 - Brian and Ellen find the news clipping of Claire and Jamie dying and go through stones at Craigh na Dun
June 1971 - Roger travels through the stones at Craigh na Dun
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jurjenkvanderhoek · 1 year
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Geeft ze uit verlegenheid zichzelf bloot. Nee, natuurlijk niet. Wie zou dat doen? Je gaat toch niet uit de kleren van schaamte. Alleen wanneer je een statement wilt maken, er een punt mee wil zetten op de i. Zij is vervult van zichzelf en kan daarom dan al haar kleren van zich afgooien. Ben je verlegen met jezelf, heb je schaamte over en om het eigenste ik, dan trek je juist een dikke jas aan en kruipt terug in een hoekje of je schulp. Maar Eliane Gerrits niet. Zij treedt open en bloot voor het voetlicht, want ze heeft niets te verbergen. Ze zet zichzelf graag als metafoor op een voetstuk. Gebruikt haar lichaam om een punt te maken, haar gedachten over de wereld kenbaar te maken.
Maar is ze zichzelf in haar tekeningen? Ze lijkt als twee druppels water op die malle ledenpoppen met lange neus, grote oren en fors brilmontuur, en altijd die ontwapenende glimlach om de mond. Trekt ze een lange jurk behangen met kunstwerken gehaald van de wanden voor me aan of hijst zich in een glitterpak als Rhinestone Cowboy of staat ze gekleed in een groene gieter op een wiebelig krukje te shinen. Maar over het algemeen is ze bloot. Bloot alleen omdat ze dan geen kleren hoeft te bedenken, schrijft Kie Ellens in zijn lijvige voorwoord aan het naar verhouding dun vormgegeven boekje. Hij doet over Eliane en haar kunst veel uit de doeken in die tekst. Over het waarom en hoe van haar tegendraadse tekenstijl en handschrift. Het is zonder schaamte dat zij mij deelgenoot maakt van haar lichaam, haar ik en ego. En mij nodigt in haar zijn, in haar gedachtewereld.
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De deur van de kamer, toch een vertrek waar je niet een ieder zomaar toelaat, staat bij Eliane wagenwijd open. Die kamer noem ik niet voor niets vertrek, want veelal wenst het gastmens dat het bezoek vertrekt omdat hij/zij het liefst op zichzelf is, bij haar eigenste ik. Me, myself and I. Maar Eliane gooit alles open en ik mag zolang blijven als ik wil. Althans voor zolang ik blader door haar nieuwste uitgave: Eliane gaat door. Haar levensverhaal in beeld te boek gesteld. Ze tekent haar leven uit middels haar lijf - van voor naar achter en van links naar rechts, van boven tot onder.
Een vorige uitgave, de vrije Eliane, kreeg ik ook al om niet toegestuurd en besprak ik na inzage ervan te hebben gehad. Door kenners werd ik daarna terecht terechtgewezen op mijn kortzichtige kijk. Namelijk struikelde ik over haar techniek waarin ze in mijn ogen tekort schoot. Maar dat schijnbaar onbeholpen gekrabbel is haar unieke eigen stijl en daarin uit ze zich letterlijk naar de figuur. Met die duidelijke lijn haalt ze het karakter en de inborst van het menszijn pijnlijk onderuit waar zij dat noodzakelijk acht.
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Ik reageerde toen dan ook enigszins onnodig verbolgen op de geuite kritiek: '...even voorlezen en doorlezen, niet uit de context halen: "Ze lijkt geen moeite te hebben een goeie tekening te maken. Ik kom ze in het boekje meerdere keren tegen. Hoewel ze in technisch opzicht tekortschiet, overtreft de kunst om verhalen te zien in alles en het verbeelden daarvan dit ruimschoots." ‘(einde citaat). Maar het stond er wel en wat had ik er eigenlijk mee willen bedoelen was de berisping. Daarom bond ik snel in en doorzag op tijd dat het technische aspect een stijl is. Niet een niet kunnen, maar een aangemeten handschrift. Een manier van tekenen waar zij heer en meester over is, las ik nog in een reactie, technische perfectie zelfs in de 'mindere' tekeningen. Dus riep ik op papier vertwijfeld uit: Misschien stuurt Eliane Gerrits me nog eens een nieuwe gebundelde uitgave van haar tekeningen, dan kan ik ze weer waarderen met ander inzicht. En zo is dus gebeurd.
Haar variant van de klare lijn zet tegen de zakelijk reine tekening van de bedenker van die stijl, Joost Swarte, een speels levendige schets neer. De platen zijn uiterst gedetailleerd, vooral waar het de eigen woonruimte of de buitenruimte in haar binnenstad betreft. Zij geeft zich letterlijk bloot in haar werk, en figuurlijk gezien is zij zeker naakt. De tekeningen lijken rap schetsmatig opgezet, dat is de stijl die ze hanteert. Maar er is veel te zien binnen de kaders. Het zijn kijkplaten. Zoekplaten om het zijn achter het wezen te herkennen. Maar het is niet altijd dat wat ik denk te zien. De tekeningen hebben een dubbele bodem. In die gelaagdheid zet ze mij dan graag op het verkeerde been.
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Het is er altijd vrolijkheid en plezier tussen de vier muren waarin ik een inkijk krijg. De naakte figuurtjes, alle kleine Eliane's, dansen en springen door de kamer. Het is alsof haar gedachten beeld hebben gekregen. Niet de gedachte van één enkel moment, maar opeenvolgende en navolgende momenten. De tekeningen zijn geen bevroren ogenblikken, er is beweging, het leven en zijn binnen de kaders is dynamisch. Ieder figuurtje heeft een eigen houding en uitdrukking. Ook langs de wanden zie ik ze verschijnen in lijsten en op getekende foto's.
Het is sowieso een tumultueus geheel, die binnenruimte van Eliane. Zo zal het in haar bovenkamer ook een drukte van belang zijn neem ik aan, gedachten schieten heen en weer en af en aan, af en toe. Er hangt langs de wanden in een galeriepresentatie een overvloed aan kunstwerken. Van plint tot plafond is de muur bedekt in de hoge kamer van het herenhuis dat met de bewoning van Eliane een damesdomein is geworden. Door grote ramen heeft ze zicht op de buitenruimte die ze met levend verkeer al meerdere malen heeft vastgelegd. Een enkele keer portretteert ze zichzelf dan gekleed, al werkende aan een tekening, maar meestal zit ze bloot de wereld te beschouwen.
Wanneer ze werkt is ze minder in zichzelf gekeerd en buigt ze zich over inspiraties die beeld zullen hebben. Is ze vrij van dat heilig moeten gooit ze alles van zich af om verlost van iedere storing in de eigen fantasie op te gaan. Dan kan ze peinzen, het zijn overdenken. Die filosofie omzetten in speelse tekeningen. Ze tekent wat ze allemaal meemaakt en wat er in haar gedachten omgaat. Ze maakt mij deelgenoot daarvan door in realisme de abstracte denkwijze voor mij uit te tekenen.
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Cartoons van haar leven waarin en waarmee ze zichzelf meermalen op de hak neemt. Ze heeft haarzelf niet zo hoog zitten en kan daardoor bloot door het stripschap gaan. Ze heeft geen gene, haar lichaam is haar tempel, haar lijf het hoogste goed. Hoewel de tekeningen vermakelijk zijn is er ook nog iets van te leren. Eliane houdt mij een spiegel voor. In haar tekeningen kijk ik eigenlijk naar mezelf. Hoewel ze zich als vrouw afbeeldt is ze in uitdrukking onzijdig en kan ik mezelf vinden in haar doen en laten.
Ook ik heb weleens van die vunzige gedachten of gewoon ingevingen die eigenlijk niet horen. Dat doe je niet, fluistert het engeltje op mijn schouder. Maar het duiveltje op de andere schouder roept: ja natuurlijk doen, wat geeft het. Het geeft ruimte, opluchting. Eliane leeft mij die ruimte in haar werk voor. In dit vrije werk gaat ze door met de doldrieste kijk op het leven, dat zijn neemt ze niet zo nauw en met een korrel zout. Haar werk in opdracht is minder uit de losse pols, maar in dit vrije werk is ze haar eigen opdrachtgever en kan ze mij alle hoeken van haar kamer laten zien. Wanneer ik het boekje dicht doe zijn mijn gedachten dan ook beurs geslagen.
Eliane gaat door. Tekeningen van Eliane Gerrits. Met een tekst van Kie Ellens. Uitgeverij de Zwaluw, 2022.
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celtfather · 2 years
Byker Hill #572
Climb that hill. Look across the countryside with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.
Wolf & Clover, The Gothard Sisters, Kinnfolk, We Banjo 3, The Chivalrous Crickets, The Chieftains, Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira, The Secret Commonwealth, Stanley & Grimm, Barrenhart, The McKrells, Voice of Lir, Flatfoot 56, Clare Cunningham, Socks in the Frying Pan
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2022 episode.  Vote Now!
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you.
Musicians rely on your support so they can keep creating new music. If you heard music you loved, visit the artist website. Buy CDs, digital downloads, shirts, album pins, and other merch. You can follow them on streaming and see their shows. You can support many Celtic musicians on Patreon, just like this podcast. And of course, I always appreciate it when you email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
0:02 - Intro by Kinnfolk
0:08 - Wolf & Clover "The First Avenue Set (Live)" from Live at the Silvan Sessions
2:44 - WELCOME
4:10 - The Gothard Sisters "New Horizons" from Single
7:12 - Kinnfolk "Byker Hill" from Single
9:03 - We Banjo 3 "Chair Snappers' Delight" from String Theory
12:43 - The Chivalrous Crickets "The Auchindoun Set" from The Chivalrous Crickets
20:06 - FEEDBACK
22:47 - The Chieftains "Drowsy Maggie" from Bear's Sonic Journals: The Foxhunt  -  Live In San Francisco 1973
26:55 - Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira "Last Train to Glasgow" from All It Brings
32:04 - The Secret Commonwealth "The Johnny Jump Up" from Lager & Blood
35:33 - Stanley & Grimm "Caledonia's Wail for Neil Gow" from Another Round
37:25 - Barrenhart "The Old Dun Cow" from Celtic Grass
42:01 - THANKS
43:38 - The McKrells "The Rat Upon the Harp" from Somethin' Fierce
45:56 - Voice of Lir "Battering Ram  -  Kerry Slide" from Aislingeach
50:06 - Flatfoot 56 "I Believe It" from Toil
52:45 - Clare Cunningham "No Place Like Home" from Dear Ireland
55:41 - CLOSING
57:18 - Socks in the Frying Pan "Buachaillí Bána" from Return of the Giant Sock Monsters from Outer Space
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs.
Visit our website to subscribe to the podcast and our mailing list. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode. You’ll get access to our Best of this Year Playlist. And you will better connect with your Celtic heritage.
The show is supported by our Patrons of the Podcast on Patreon. Visit SongHenge.com to get bonus podcasts and vote in the Celtic Top 20.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a musician and podcaster. You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times and chapters for each song when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
I’m performing this Saturday in Hendersonville, TN just outside of Nashville at the Middle Tennessee Highland Games & Celtic Festival. There are a lot of great bands performing. Clare Cunningham, The Secret Commonwealth and Flatfoot 56 are all in this show and performing there on Saturday. But you can also catch The Sternwheelers, Barrenthart, and Tuatha Dea to name just a few.
I hope you will come out and join us. If you want to hear more bands performing there, check out the Middle Tennessee Highland Games episode #570 of the podcast.
And if you come out to the show, make sure you visit me to get a free podcast sticker.
Finally, there’s a link in the shownotes in case you want to BUY A TICKET. It lets them know you’re interested in my music or this podcast.
It’s free to download and available for iOS and Android. The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast app features all of  the episodes of the podcast… plus some accidental podcasts I forgot to remove.
Download your app now.
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile the latest Celtic Top 20 votes to update a playlist on Spotify, Amazon Music, and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Subscribe to our newsletter to find out who was added this week.
Listen on Spotify, Amazon Music, and YouTube.
Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out at least four times a month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow.
As a patron, you hear episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, and a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode. You can also get music - only episodes, free MP3s, and stand - alone Celtic Stories as a Song Henger.
A special thanks to our Celtic Legends: Brenda, Meghan Walker, Dan mcDade, Carol Baril, Miranda Nelson, Nancie Barnett, Kevin Long, Lynda MacNeil, Annie Lorkowski, Jennifer, Travis Senzaki, Shawn Cali
Go to SongHenge.com. That takes you to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $10. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening.
Email a voicemail message to [email protected]
Elizaveta Lapteva sent photos: "Hi, Marc!
My name is Liza and I am from Russia (unfortunately), I have recently discovered your podcast and I would like to say thank you for what you are doing. I love Celtic music, songs and dances, also picked up some piano notes when visiting Scotland. Utterly magnificent sounds and composition. I enjoy listening to your podcast while I am walking through the woods near my country house or collect berries there. It helps me to escape from the harsh reality and just meditate in the great outdoors.
I sent you some photos of our my favourite places"
Thank you for emailing Liza. I appreciate you sharing those beautiful photos. And I hope you stay safe in this terrible period of history.
Rex Edwards emailed: “Marc. Long time fan and podcast subscriber. You provide the modern and I’m a long time supporter of Alan OLeary and his trad podcast on liveIreland.com which I think has hit hard times.  He has great connections to the old timers.  Don’t know if you’ve heard of him but any visibility you could give him would be great.  He’s always asking to share with friends but that would require me making friends. Your show is a great delight and many thanks.  Rex”
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