#elizabeth dracula
loki104-uwu 1 year
idk what otp means because im stupid馃槗so im just gonna draw the dracula twins elizabeth and justina
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og post here
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aroaceofthesea 1 year
Soo i got the privilege of being able to make polls and im gonna abuse it until everyone has it (i will promptly forget it exists)
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artlyloser 18 days
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[ID: An Illustration of Lady Godwin beheading the wolfman from TAZ vs Dracula. We only see the neck and disconnected head of the wolfman. He is stylized in red and yellow and between we can see Lady Godwin swinging her great axe. Her face is twisted in glee and anger on her dead blue skin. Her body is more purple and covered in scars and stitches. END ID]
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herbgerblin 4 months
I'm still obsessed with Lady Godwin's build. I was doodling all three of the new taz gang and then I detoured and started drawing Godwin's other looks. I referenced Edwardian circus costumes for her prizefighter fit (I just now realized I forgot the axe :/)
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ID: Three drawings of Lady Elizabeth Godwin, an elderly white woman in Edwardian attire. On the right, she has her original body, which is short and understated. The caption above her reads, "Lady Elizabeth Godwin 7 years before story begins (Pre-Frankenstein Reanimation)." She wears a large navy hat with plume feathers, a pale green dress, and gold and emerald jewelry. The middle drawing is of her on her current body, much taller and more curvaceous. Her skin is now pale blue and there is a beauty mark on her left breast. She wears the same hat, now secured with a wine-colored scarf wrapped around her head and neck. She wears a bold pink dress with a plunging neckline that wraps around her waist. On the right, she wears the hat without the scarf, revealing the staples and bolts connecting her head to her body. She is wearing a costume-like corset and bloomers set in gold, fuschia, and navy, as well as dark brown heeled boots. End ID.
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draculadailyreactions 2 years
So I鈥檓 not part of Dracula Daily but I do get context from mutuals who do- what are your thoughts on the Queen dying not long after Van Helsing was introduced?
Friend, I want to thank you for this ask. It rendered me speechless.
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karmathenightowl 4 months
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Here's how I imagine Lady Elizabeth Godwin when she was alive compared to her reanimated self. I was inspired by MANY different visual ideas and concepts like the original Frankenstein book, late 1880s strongwomen, and 1890s fashion.
Here was my aesthetic mood board!
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Since the og Frankenstein book describes the flesh of the creature to be yellow and translucent, rather than the popular green flesh seen in most film adaptations, I applied the former to Godwin's flesh of her head. Plus I wanted to really go for that corpse like appearance, particularly with the hollowness of her eyes.
The outfit she wore on the night of her passing was inspired by late 1880s bustle dresses. I saw that the og book of Bram Stoker's Dracula is set in an unspecified year of the mid 1890s, so I had an idea to make her reanimated self reflect the clothing/dresses of that era. Like having her upper part be a balloon sleeve dress with a blouse, and the lower part being a scarp of fabric from a late 1800s Balayeuse. I mentioned in my first character designs for the main pcs that when Godwin asked Igor for clothes, I imagined he made an outfit for her based on scraps he had in Frankenstein's lab. This also included chainmail above the blouse and under the dress coat based off of a Victorian Burlesque outfit. Godwin's gotta protect her new body somehow haha
This last part is just me rambling at this point but I thought this was fun to include. The two women flexing are Josephine Schauer Blatt aka Minerva, and Laverie Vallee aka Charmion (right). They were both strongwomen in the late 1880s, with Minerva having great talent in weightlifting and professional wrestling, while Charmion also performed in vaudeville trapeze. Just a fun little discovery I came across when looking up muscular build ideas for Godwin based on Justin's description :)
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asha-mage 4 months
Everyone else talking about Lady Godwin's new horse girl drip but I'm just sitting here still mulling over how raw and under appreciated it was for Clint McElroy to have Pinocchio fucking stake Dracula through the chest with his nose while pretending to be the spirit of his dead child.
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knightforflowers 2 days
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what if the real versus dracula was the dark god of night we killed along the way
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shenspeaker 1 month
Circle of Sports Homebrew
Have been wanting to whip this up since last week's episode. I love the circle of sports. Used the circle of stars as a base, even though circle of spores is the more obvious typo lol. Enjoy!
聽Druid: Circle of Sports
Since the first being aspired to test their might, hone their skill, and chase the thrill of victory, the power of sports has shaped the planes.
None understand this better than the druids of the Circle of Sports, students of the Plane of Sports. These druids have balled since time immemorial, dunking with primordials and discovering lost secrets in the ancient temples of gains. By honoring sportsmanship, competition, and the purity of the big man taking the rock all the way to the points hole, the Circle of Sports pursue teamwork, self-betterment, and a dynamic universe full of excitement and challenge.
Many druids of this circle keep records of the Great Games of the world, feats of strength and sportsmanship that ring forever in the legendary Hall of Fame at the heart of the Plane of Sports. They contend these records hold the spirits of those who came before, and can serve as markers, clues, and guides to what is possible. Shrines, gyms, trophies, trading cards, or artifacts signed by heroes long passed are both defended and sought after by these sages, scoundrels, and adventurers alike. Other druids seek to place their own names in the Hall of Fame and pave the way for heroes yet to come.
Sports Trance
When you join this circle at 2nd level you form a link to the Plane of Sports that grants you proficiency in Athletics and doubles your proficiency bonus for any check made using Athletics. If you already have proficiency in Athletics you may gain proficiency in a different skill of your choice.
Additionally, you learn to ascend your consciousness to the sequestered Plane of Sports and enter a sports trance. While in this trance your body becomes a Tiny sports-related object of your choice, with resistance to all damage, that can be used as a simple melee weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60).
While in this state you are unconscious, but can be roused as if from sleep, ending the trance. You can complete a long rest in 4 hours, if you spend those hours in this trance.
Circle Spells
The pure energy from the Plane of Sports grants you access to some spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Circle of Sports Spells table.
Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the聽Druid Spell List, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Druid Level - Spells
2nd - Compelled Duel, Catapult
3rd - Kinetic Jaunt,聽Spiritual Weapon
5th - Motivational Speech,聽Haste
7th - Freedom of Movement,聽Staggering Smite
9th - Conjure Volley,聽Greater Restoration
Sports Form
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to harness the power of sports to alter your form. As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to take on a sports form, rather than transforming into a beast. Changing into a sports form ends any other active Wild Shapes.
While in your sports form, your clothes take on the appearance of appropriate sports attire, and appropriate sports-themed music plays. The form lasts for 10 minutes. It ends early if you dismiss it (no action required), are incapacitated, die, or use this feature again.
Whenever you assume your sports form, choose which of the following styles you embody; your choice gives you certain benefits while in the form:
Fastball.聽A series of sports-themed balls and projectiles appear in orbit around you. When you activate this style, and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns while it lasts, you can make a ranged spell attack, hurling a ball or other projectile that targets one creature within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier.
Nike.聽An incredible set of appropriate sports footwear appears on your feet. While in this style your walking speed increases by 15 feet. You gain a swimming and climbing speed of 30 feet. If you already have a swim and climb speed, you can instead increase that speed by 15 feet. When you jump, you may add twice your proficiency bonus in feet to the distance in any direction.
Roughhouse.聽Your muscles bulge and glisten as if oiled. In this style you can add your Wisdom bonus to Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration. In this form you can make a grapple or shove attack as a bonus action.
Rally the Team
When you reach 6th level, you learn to channel the power of sports to your allies. As a bonus action, all creatures you choose within 30 feet may either gain 1d8 temporary hit points or immediately roll a save to end any continuous negative effect that could normally be negated with a successful saving throw. They must be able to hear or see you to gain this benefit.
You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short rest.
Welcome to the Jam
At 10th level, the styles of your Sports Form improve. The 1d8 of Fastball becomes 2d8. While Nike is active all opportunity attacks have disadvantage against you. While Roughhouse is active you can grapple or push creatures of any size without penalty.
Moreover, at the start of each of your turns while in your Sports Form, you can change which style you embody.
Hall of Fame
At 14th level, your connection to the plane of sports has become something of legend. While in your Sports Form, this legacy grants you a kind of immortality, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
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take-blue 13 days
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toaster-trash 8 months
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Liz doodle because I can
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+Bonus very rushed jonmina doodle I didn鈥檛 like but I鈥檒l post anyway
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loki104-uwu 1 year
Pov a ghost is following you
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Also sora what you talking about mic is a ghost
liza and lune belong to me
mic belongs to @technoorganicmic
ava belongs to @demonangelgirl134
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aroaceofthesea 1 year
Okay so eliminating goncharov from the competition bc its unmatched... (I did say i would abuse my ability to make polls)
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costumeloverz71 3 months
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Happy St. Patrick's Day! More classic Green costumes! 鈽橈笍
The Gilded Age
The Alienist
The Other Boleyn Girl
Gone With The Wind
Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Young Victoria
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Lord Of The Rings
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terabyte-teddybear 12 days
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the adventure zone vs. dracula: brother phileaux, crawford "mutt" muttner, and lady elizabeth godwin
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v-thinks-on 4 months
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The impulse to do a crossover of all the Victorian horror novels is a strong one, and I got to wondering how they might intersect...
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