#elain spy
truthflower19 · 1 month
“Elriels are the worst they ship elain with everyone but her mate”
Yeah gurl cause Elain doesn’t want her “mate" elriels are elain stans first we ship Elain with the person she has show interest not with the guy she loose her new found confidence. No elain is not secretly in love with Lucien if she was there would be some signs like she blushes when he is around or people noticing something between elucien but nothing like this is happening in the books. Oh wait it does happens with elriel.
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tessorange-art · 1 month
Spies of the Night Court
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3# Powers & Possibilities for @elriel-month
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cinnibelle · 3 months
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kopfkino-o · 6 months
When I say spy Elain, I don't mean the stabby stabby girlboss who loves knives and kicking ass sorta spy.
I mean the sort of spy who tucks little messages into the hidden pockets of her ballgown. The sort of spy who wears a jeweled stiletto in her hair and hidden drops of poison in her rings. A spy who gathers her intel in flowering tea gardens and gilded parlors and in the corners of lively ballrooms. Who masks herself with saccharine smiles and demure looks, listening all the while to anything and everything. A spy who uses her stone cold manners and her social savviness to move the pieces around the board to get what she wants.
That's the Spy Elain I want.
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unyieldingwings · 1 month
What if Elain Archeron becomes a good spy because she is someone everybody wants to talk to?
Because she is someone you know you can trust with the information that you carry. Because she lifts your burdens and listens to you. She doesn’t appear menacing or threatening. She’s very pretty and she smiles at you and she laughs at your jokes and she makes you feel at ease.
And then somewhere along the way you realize you told her a lot of things about anything and everything.
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wingedblooms · 10 months
A different sort of strength
Elain had always been gentle and sweet—and I had considered it a different sort of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had been always so full of light. (acowar)
I whipped my head toward him. “You think I stifle her?”
Rhys held up his hands. “Not you alone.” He surveyed the study as he thought. “But I wonder if everyone has spent so long assuming Elain is sweet and innocent that she felt she had to be that way or else she’d disappoint you all.” He sighed toward the ceiling. “With time and safety, perhaps we’ll see a different side of her emerge.” (Feysand bonus)
Many have assumed Elain is as all she appears: lovely and gentle and sweet. Feyre believes her loving nature is a different sort of strength, and it is. Love is powerful. In Sarah’s stories, love alters fate time and again in every world. But to Rhysand’s point, this perception of Elain—as lovely and gentle and sweet—is incomplete.
When Amren said there’s no going back to human in acofas, I think Sarah was preparing us for her evolution as a character. That’s why she has hinted Elain isn’t all she appears; a different side of her will emerge. Her family intervention is coming and it will push her to grow and embrace all the layers people can’t (or refuse) to see.
That doesn’t mean she will become something unrecognizable. In an interview, Sarah confirmed that Elain is a quiet dreamer, so her evolution will remain true to the different sort of strength she possesses. For example, she may learn to operate as a spy and courtier and ambassador in Mor’s place on the continent. While she can act like an otherworldly soldier-assassin when needed, as Amren once was, Elain doesn’t need to use violence to change fate.
…intelligence is in the knowledge business. Sometimes it might be useless. Sometimes enough to blackmail someone. And sometimes, just sometimes, it influences battles, sways governments, and changes the fate of the world.
In the intelligence world, a spy is strictly defined as someone used to steal secrets for an intelligence organization. Also called an agent or asset, a spy is not a professional intelligence officer, and doesn’t usually receive formal training (though may be taught basic tradecraft).
Instead, a spy either volunteers or is recruited to help steal information, motivated by ideology, patriotism, money, or by a host of other reasons, from blackmail to love. From an intelligence perspective, their most important quality is having access to valuable information. For this reason, a government minister might make a great spy—but so might the janitor or a cafeteria worker in a government ministry. (spy museum)
A spy’s most important quality is having access to valuable information. We already know Elain has access to valuable information through her powers, and her information repeatedly helps and protects others.
she tells her court leaders about Vassa, an ally who brings fire and brimstone to the war effort, and Koschei, a looming threat;
she locates the Suriel from across the world to help Feyre gain critical knowledge,
she miraculously neutralizes Hybern before he can kill Nesta and Cassian (which we will likely learn was planned and executed through a combination of her powers), and
she shares information about Nesta’s interests and skills so they can be utilized by her court and her mate, leading to the consummation of their bond.
Elain has influenced quite a bit and only needed to wield a knife once—a lethal blow that no one expected—to change fate. Her gifts are well-suited for accumulating secrets. She may even be able to gather secrets about people on sight, like other seers.
Spies also try to blend in with their surroundings to avoid getting caught. And in the Hewn City, Eris and Cassian dismiss Elain based on her appearance. Hewn City is described as rotting darkness and Elain wears a dress that leeches the life from her appearance. She looks plain. Boring. And no one really pays her any attention as a result.
In the very next chapter, Nesta is shocked (again) by Elain’s sudden appearance and wonders if she is training with the spymaster or her friends, the spies. I don’t think we’ve seen Nuala and Cerridwen use violence once as spies. They have access to valuable information in their roles as handmaidens and their abilities as wraiths allow them to truly blend into their surroundings. It’s possible Elain has learned to move like a wraith from them and depending on the extent of their powers, she might have also learned how to alter her appearance or even wear different bodies. @offtorivendell and I think this could explain, if it becomes canon, how Elain could’ve appeared as Balthazar to help Nesta and Emerie.
Elain also learned how to prepare food from her spy friends, which is another method to influence or disarm others. We learn Elain is working on an herb garden right around the time she learns how to prepare food. Conveniently, herbs can harm as well as heal. She doesn’t need to wield a sword when she has natural weapons growing in her garden.
As the sweet and gentle gardener, no one would suspect Elain of spying or growing plants that could help her access even more knowledge (or protect herself against potential aggressors). But we know, thanks to Rhysand, that gardeners are used to getting their hands dirty, and we know, thanks to Feyre, that Elain won’t hesitate to wield hers for a pretty result.
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tomus1 · 1 month
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i decided to draw a crossover with black spy and vondu from pink city. yuh
(P.S:: the second picture is a joke, don't take it seriously)
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highladyjane · 6 months
I don't want another warrior training like we've already had in the former books, but aside from training her Seer abilities, I can also see Elain having some basic and necessary training both for self-defence and to become a spy disguised as an emissary of the NC (because she can definitely be both at the same time). And I definitely see Nuala and Cerridwen + Az, and maybe even her sisters, teaching her a thing or two about how to properly wield a knife outside the kitchen - on her own terms and choice ofc.
Feyre was the bow and arrow, Nesta is the sword, and Elain is definitely the "knife in the dark" (just like Azriel).
I can totally see her carrying a knife/dagger as her weapon of choice under all her beautiful dresses like...
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I don't think Elain, nor any other female character (especially in the Maasverse tbh) will lose her "soft femininity" just because she learns how to wield a blade. I think what they choose to do with that blade is what makes the difference.
None of them likes violence itself (except for probably mostly the Illyrians), but they sometimes have to resort to it because they need to. Knowing how to handle a blade doesn't necessarily mean it's for violence or to kill - but to defend, protect and save lives just like she did with Nessian vs Hybern.
She may have some lingering trauma from that incident to process, but I think Elain will see that having a dagger around at times is actually useful and easy enough to hide - and the perfect weapon of spies.
Maybe not even just for self-defence but for random pruning, carving, and slicing things in her garden and kitchen lol... It can be subtle and unexpected, but useful and sharp enough when needed - just like her.
No matter what happens to Truth-teller after HOFAS, I still think daggers and knives will come to play for both Az and Elain.
Maybe he'll even gift her a secret, lovely dagger of her own next Solstice... 😏
So that she can...
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... in front of Az so he can momentarily forget the existence of air and have something new to fantasize and be tormented about at night 🤭 Like "Call me a mistake one more time, you jackAz" 😏 loljk
Yes, I'm getting carried away.
I can see so many possibilities and potentials for Elain.
She has repeatedly shown the will of becoming more useful and not like how she herself realised and admitted to being like in the first book (because character development, duh). And since she's starting to "show some claws" I think she'll also want to learn how to really fend for herself and not always have to rely on others, especially not Az (not after that Solstice incident) nor her sisters to always come and save her.
She likes domestic things and is the only one among her sisters who is actually good and useful at it, she's a Cauldron-blessed Seer (and now likely also Koschei's next target), but she also has hinted unexplored potential for something besides all that - the stealth, shadows, and secret-keeping = spywork.
She's the perfect housewife-spy like those in WW2 that SJM herself referred to.
Introverts like Elain are always underestimated observers and always so easily dismissed as boring just because their mouths aren't as open as their minds.
Elain knows how to surprise and I think she definitely will again in her book.
Especially with something sharp at your throat the next time you call her boring and useless.
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She's the perfect knife in the dark. A beautiful rose with thorns. A thing of secret, lovely beauty. 🌹🗡✨😌
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this-is-madnesss · 7 months
Azriel being spymaster.
Elain being great at keeping secrets, blending in, keeping quiet, upproaching unnoticed (basically the same things Azriel does)
You know what it screams to me?
✨Forbidden love and secret romance✨
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truthflower19 · 4 months
I think is easy to know when a character is important just take it out of the equation. Will the book change if they weren’t in it? Will their absence affect the plot? This is what I tell gwynriels when thy tell me gwyn is super important. I like gwyn but honestly she didn’t do anything that was really important towards the overarching plot. If gwyn wasn’t in the book nothing huge would have changed maybe the training dynamics? Now we have elain she is extremely connected to the plot you can dislike her but she is. Your dislike doesn’t change that fact (I know shocking) without elain: not queen meeting would had happened, nesta and cassian wouldn’t be alive, vassa would not been found and the surriel helped feyre when elain told her sister were to find it. Without elain a lot of things would not had happened. I know how some people like to joke that they forget about elain existence because they hate her personality but elain is a character that act in shadows she not really screaming at you but she is there acting and doing stuff she just very quiet about it. I bet if people actually take the time to focus on her they would understand how important she is and how much more she has to offer.
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intairnwetrust · 9 months
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Moodboard - Elain, Nuala & Cerridwen
For day 2 of Elain Archeron Week: Sister & Friend
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bright-side20 · 7 months
“You came,” Elain said behind her, and Nesta started, not having heard her sister approach.
“What did you see,” Azriel said, and I tried not to flinch as I found him at my other side, not having seen him move.
The Seer and the Shadowsinger 🤝
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roselensedeyes · 28 days
The Prophecy - Chapter Two
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Hello everyone!
Here's chapter two of my elriel x spyxfamily fic!
You can find it on AO3. Here's the link to chapter one and the fic masterpost.
I hope you enjoy!! Let me know what you think ;)
It was scorching hot. Beads of sweat were crowning her forehead. Small strands of her curled.
Elain lowered her hat, trying to block the sun’s unrelenting attack on her eyes. She angled her body toward Azriel. “Do you need any help?”
“No,” he gritted out. Elain simply raised an eyebrow and kept walking.
Letting out a low breath—he didn’t want Elain to hear him struggling—Azriel followed her, the weight of what felt like hundreds of luggages and suitcases. He was convinced that if he checked inside one of them, he’d find Elain’s entire house in it. That’s how heavy these bags were.
He almost cried with relief when they reached the docks. The ship that would take them to the Continent was already here. People were already gathered, waving their fans as they waited for the gangway to be lowered.
Leaving their bags in the loading bay, Elain and Azriel joined the group of eagerly awaiting people. Elain looked at them. She wondered if they were embarking for a vacation, or if they were journeying to visit a family member, like a newly-married daughter who settled in her husband’s home. She wondered if among them were people looking to start a new life in the Continent.
Her gaze landed on a couple a few feet away from them. The female—for they were Fae, if the pointed ears were of any indication—was hugging a small, light blue bundle against her ample chest. A few strands of pale hair stuck out. The male, tall and imposing, had his arm curled against the fair female Fae. Just then, he pressed a kiss to the top of the bundle, earning a happy wiggle from the baby. The light-haired female smiled softly, bliss painted on her features.
A pang of melancholy hit Elain straight into her chest. This could have been her, if only—
“Come, it’s time to board,” Azriel’s deep voice startled her. She blinked, surprised to see the family she had been studying just a few minutes before was gone. Adjusting her straw hat, Elain began making the walk up the gangway.
A rough, scarred hand landed on hers. “Here,” Azriel murmured. Elain looked down at their joined hands. There, on her ring finger, was a round diamond ring. It was big, but not so that it’d look out of place on her lithe finger. 
The brown-eyed female peered up at the Illyrian male. “What,” she asked, though it came out more like a breath than a question.
Azriel cleared his throat. “We’ll pick up our wedding rings once we’ve docked. I didn’t like the ones at the Jewelry shop in Velaris.” He withdrew his hand from hers.
She could have sworn a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. She dismissed the notion pretty quickly. It was an unrelenting hot day, afterall, and they had stayed under the sun for several minutes. Not to add, he had been carrying both their bags by himself.
With a nod, they boarded the ship.
Elain took a deep, calming breath. She closed her eyes, seeing her house garden behind her lowered lids. How colorful and beautiful her flowers would look, now that they were given leave to blossom. How tenacious they’d been, surviving the winter’s harsh and implacable weather. They’d seen their two paths of life when they were but seedlings, and had stubbornly latched on the one that would most bring them joy. How sweet, how fresh their fragrance would be. How calming it would be, to be among them. 
These thoughts brought her great comfort and confidence, although a little sadness permeated through—she wouldn’t be able to see them anytime soon, perhaps not until next year. She only hoped her sisters would remember to water them daily.
A profound sense of calmness she might feel. The male at her side certainly didn’t.
Azriel looked on the verge of exploding with several profanities at the sight before him. Elain sighed. She couldn’t blame him. Just a few minutes earlier, she had shared his thoughts. Rhysand and Feyre had played a massive trick on them. 
“It looks big enough for the both of us to not touch,” she attempted to soothe him.
His eyes darted toward her sharply. “It does not.”
She didn’t let his refusal deject her. “I’m sure we can fit without even noticing the other. I shall sleep on my side and feel like I’m by myself!”
When Azriel simply glared at her, his hazel eyes burning bright, she sighed and said, “I can go check if they have another room available.”
He nodded, his gaze once again fixed on the single, queen-sized bed placed under the porthole. 
When Elain came back, Azriel needed only to throw a quick glance in her direction to know she wasn’t bearing the good news he was eagerly awaiting.
“All the rooms are taken,” she announced, and sealed their fate.
They were to share this room, this bed, until they reached the port.
Elain left Azriel in their room and went to explore the ship. Azriel’s reaction had left her puzzled. Sharing a bed with him was not ideal, she had to admit, but his seemed to her an over exaggeration. Was there another explanation to be found behind his behavior? Did he find their arrangement too constrictive? His unhappiness with their situation was certainly enough of a motive, but he had agreed to it. They both had their reasons for entering this facade.
Elain cried out as she tripped over something on the ground. She lurched forward, her arms flailing to keep her balance. Her palms laid flat against the nearest wall.
Bringing a hand close to her chest, Elain looked down, trying to find the source of her almost falling. She could feel her rapid heartbeat beneath her fingers. She was in a long and narrow corridor, no person in sight. Only a rolling tray stood near her. She narrowed her eyes. She could make something out from under the white fabric. She froze as an unwarranted thought flashed in her mind. What if the Mortal Queen knew she was coming? What if the older woman, too, had a seer with her, tracking down Elain? What if she had sent someone after her, to stop her from reaching Rask?
Steeling her nerves and recalling all the self-defense lessons she’d had with Feyre and Nesta, Elain reached down and lifted the cloth.
A wide-eyed, pale-with-fear child was sitting on the lower tray, her arms hugging her legs tightly to her upper body. 
Elain’s light-brown brow furrowed. The Mortal Queen wouldn’t have sent a child after her, would she? She kept studying the child. Her blue eyes, still wide as saucers, were fixed on her, though they didn’t appear threatening. Her brown hair was done in two sloppy ponytails, like the person who made them took no effort. Two small, pointed ears stuck out from her hair, fluttering—she was Fae. Her skin, pale as—
The child was turning blue. “What are you doing? Breathe!” Elain urged her.
It was like she had been waiting for her permission. She let go of the breath she knowingly was holding, followed by several quick breaths to allow her oxygen flux to regulate.
“What are you doing there? Where are your parents?” Elain asked once the girl assumed her natural color.
“My parents are dead,” the child, who couldn’t have been older than five, replied with such pragmatic coolness to make the hair on Elain’s arms rise. With a furtive glance around herself, the little girl whispered, “I’m hiding.”
Elain nodded. “Why are you hiding?”
“I don’t want the bad people to find me.”
She stilled. What if this little girl was not sent to hunt down Elain, but noticed people who were? She moved almost imperceptibly, until her back was flushed to the wall. 
“They want me to put me in my room, but I don’t like it. It’s too big,” the child went on. The words were almost enough to relax her nerves, but she didn’t let her guard down. She wasn’t a novice to this job.
“Are you not staying with your…guardians?”
The small girl shook her head. “I’m here by myself.”
Elain cocked her head to the side. “Where are you going?”
“To an orphanage.” 
Her heart cracked at her words, spoken in a tiny voice yet with no small resoluteness. Right then, her stomach grumbled. She checked the hour on her pocket watch. It had been a gift from her late father. “I’m hungry. Do you want to come with me to the dining area? I can protect you from the bad people.”
The child scanned her from head to toe. Never would she have thought that being a child’s object of attention would be unnerving. She attempted a smile.
The girl threw herself at her. Elain barely had time to catch her.
The girl—whose name she found out was Tesni—was scarfing down her food like a starved man. It troubled her, to a certain degree. When was the last time she’d eaten? Why had no one bothered to make sure the poor child was being properly taken care of? Her parents were gone, but someone had arranged for passage to the Continent. 
The thought gave her pause. There were several orphanages in Prythian, thanks to the war a few years before. Why would they send her so far away, when other options were nearer?
Elain’s eyes widened. “This was your second serving.”
This time, the girl waited to swallow before arguing, “But I’m hungry!”
Elain shook her head. “No. You’ll get sick if you eat any more food. Then, you won’t want to eat for days.”
Tesni’s eyes widened with horror. 
A heavy weight plopped down next to her. “Hello, Azriel. Feeling any better?”
Silence followed her question. Then, Azriel froze. “Who is that?” He pointed to Tesni with his chin.
“That,” Elain answered, “is Tesni, my new friend. She’s traveling alone, so I’m keeping her company.”
“She’s three,” Azriel deadpanned.
“I’m not,” Tesni replied indignantly. “I’m five.” She attempted a glare. “Who are you, anyway?”
“I’m Azriel—”
“He’s my husband,” Elain interrupted him.
His head swiveled toward her. Elain stared into his eyes pointedly. This is a perfect opportunity to practice. Children can snuff out lies better than adults, at times. If we can convince her, we’ll have no trouble convincing everyone else, she seemed to say with her eyes.
The Illyrian male nodded slightly. He curled an arm around her shoulders. “Yes, this is my lovely wife.”
Elain grimaced. Tesni narrowed her blue eyes. “You don’t have a ring on,” she pointed out. 
“We just got married,” the Fae female cut in. “We’re moving to Rask, and we decided to honor our new beginning by acquiring our wedding rings in our new home.”
Azriel held his breath. If they couldn’t even convince a baby, his mission was over before it even started. He couldn’t allow that. Prythian depended on it, on him.
Tesni nodded. The table shook from the weight of Azriel’s relieved sigh.
Not a muscle in Azriel’s body moved.
He wasn’t even sure he was breathing. Sleep would not be within reach tonight.
The room’s ceiling was plain, simple wooden frames nailed together. He couldn’t see them now, but the two portholes were the only items in this room made of iron. The room was cast in moonlight, allowing several dark shadows.
Elain Archeron was lying next to him, in a deep slumber. Every now and then, she let out soft puffs of air. Azriel wondered what she looked like. Would her golden-brown hair hug her profile? Would they curl softly at her nape? Would her eyelashes lightly stroke her cheekbones?
These were dangerous thoughts. Ones he couldn’t allow himself to think about further. She was not his real wife. She’d never be. This was just a mission. He’d do good to remember that.
Gathering all his strength, Azriel slowly turned on his side. And found Elain staring at him.
He yelped, scrambling backward. His limbs tangled in the bedsheets, and he fell off the bed.
“Azriel!” She cried out.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He bit out harshly.
Elain blinked. Bit her lip. Then, a soft giggle escaped her. “I’m sorry,” she said between giggles. “The way you fell—Your squeal—It was comical.”
Azriel glared at her. “I do not squeal,” he said firmly.
She nodded, not believing him.
He opened his mouth to reiterate, when someone knocked on the door. They both froze, any trace of amusement vanished in the blink of an eye. Assessing iciness fell on the room. Azriel walked to the door on silent feet. The only sound came from the crashing waves against the ship. Neither one of them dared to draw breath.
He looked through the peephole and saw—nothing. No one was there. His brows furrowed, his hazel eyes narrowed. Just then, there was another knock. And then a young voice called, “Are you alright, Miss Elain and Mr. Azriel?”
It was Tesni, the child Elain had befriended earlier today. After supper, they’d brought her back to her room, and found out it was directly in front of theirs. He looked down and, sure enough, the little girl was there.
Azriel opened the door slightly. “Hello, Tesni.”
“Hello Mr. Azriel,” she greeted back, a little sleepily. She rubbed her eyes. “I heard screaming.”
“Ah—I—I had a bad dream,” he informed her.
Tesni nodded. “I get them, too. That’s why you need to have your best friend with you, always. He’ll always protect you.” She thrust forward her teddy bear and waved it in the air.
“You’re right. As soon as I can, I’ll get one.”
The little girl looked between him and her teddy bear. After a while, she said, “You can have him for tonight. But tomorrow you must give him back to me.”
Azriel’s eyes widened. “You’re so kind, but I can’t accept it.” When her face fell, he quickly added, “I have Elain with me. If I have another nightmare, she’ll help me through it. But if you have a nightmare, who will be there with you?”
Tesni thought long and hard about his words. “You’re right.” She yawned, and rubbed her eyes again.
“Go to sleep now, child,” Elain said from the bed. “If you need us, just knock again, alright?”
The child nodded and left. Azriel didn’t close the door until Tesni closed hers.
Elain was wearing a soft and almost melancholic smile when he turned to face her again. Questions burst in his head, but he shoved them away.
He laid back in the bed, and prepared for a sleepless night.
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dougielombax · 2 months
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Same energy!
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Is Lucien a spy?
Back again with another head cannon theory so here we go.
Lucien has been a fae always looking out for those he cared for since we met him. And although he did nearly get Feyre killed in the first book he did try to make up for it and apologized. Even took beatings UTM to heal her and help when he could. One thing that has always been obvious is that Lucien has had Tamlin’s back through and through.
However, when he left the Spring court and became the emissary of the Night Court it seemed that it was non stop dog pile on Lucien. Even Feyre is guilty of treating Lucien horribly and he gave up his home and left his best friend to be there. But… what if he didn’t?
It has been mentioned in the books that Lucien checks on Tamlin from time to time and gives updates when asked on how he is doing (which is not good). But perhaps that isn’t the case and Feyre and Rhysand just take him at his word because they don’t feel the need to check, since for them, Tamlin in misery is a ‘happy occasion.’
My theory is that Lucien is actually a spy for Tamlin and the Spring Court. He is doing this because Tamlin asked him to protect Feyre, despite everything, Tamlin still loves her and worries something may happen. He may have brought Rhysand back to life but that was because he knew how much Feyre loved Rhysand and wanted her to be happy. But even though he knows this he doesn’t trust Rhysand enough to believe something may be going on behind the scenes.
So while the Inner court receives reports of the Spring Court in ruin and Tamlin in shambles the truth is it is actually being rebuilt and Tamlin had started healing and putting his people first but consequently closing up his heart and refusing to find love.
So while Lucien is giving these report he is just telling what he saw before the reconstruction with some truth about how Tamlin is doing. And if at any time Rhysand or Feyre check his mind he puts up the mental memory of what the spring court looked like after the war or different parts still destroyed that haven’t been fixed.
While it may be seen as wrong as deceitful for Lucien to do this he has seen what Feyre and the Night court have done to the Spring court. A place that used to be and still is his home. And he may not want to give Feyre any reason to destroy it and innocent lives again.
Lucien cares for Feyre and he misses the human she used to be but his loyalty is to Tamlin. As much as it hurts him to be at the Night court, rejected by his mate, and hiding his true emotions every time the inner court beats him down he stays. Tamlin sacrificed so much for him when he allowed him to stay in the Spring court. And he may be counting down the days until he can earn Elain’s trust and love and hopefully move to the Spring court safely. Elain would love it there because she loves nature but as much as she will miss her sister they can always make visits to the Night court.
But then again this is just a theory.
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nyxreads · 8 months
So what do you think the next book will be about? We know it will be about Elain, but how do you see it going? What will be the main storylines? I am curious about what everyone is thinking.
Hello anon, sorry this kinda took me long to answer and honestly I am lazy and can't explain articulately what's in my mind but I'm gonna link you to some theories/analysis (based on canon) that I truly loved and agreed on about Elain and her upcoming book:
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