prattlinpeach · 1 month
Planning mode
Tomorrow I head to dad’s and on Friday, he takes me to the airport for my next grand adventure. Brain is in planning and packing mode, work? Yeah, I’m still working, but is my head there? Well, it is, actually, I’m impressed with myself on that one! ha ha. I had two deliverables due, yesterday and today…got them in and now I have other work, but I feel free and clear to travel on Friday. So…I’m…
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lavender-witch128 · 11 months
Happy Father's Day to all the male characters I adopted as my dad.
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nonbinary-demigod · 8 months
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Gabe and Ebag from The Adventures of God.
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violentdevotion · 2 years
I’m just saying it’s stupid to tell people they need to die for liking an actor…he’s just a white man, it’s not that serious💀
ive told people to die for less. I think u need to grow up and leave me alone
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c5553 · 1 year
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W)(o even is this douc)(ebag??
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phoenixwrites · 2 days
I hope something really bad happens to the guy you based off hook in your book😈 (If there’s one character that I loathe with a passion burning hotter than a thousand suns and brings out the entire ugly in me, it’s that d****ebag pirate😡)
Like for real Phoenix I hate him so much…
I don't remember if you read the original Hell's Heresies fanfic when it was posted, but I originally had Hook as Emma's philandering cheating boyfriend she was in a very clearly toxic relationship with. I think the original plan was for Hook to get eaten by Neal's demon father, who haunted the local library (shoutout to @thestraggletag).
In this book, however, I didn't want my main to be in a toxic relationship, I wanted her in a STALE relationship, a relationship that both parties should've gotten out of a long time ago, but are so used to each other that they haven't.
Thus Dylan was born, who looks a great deal like Hook (I used the exact same description), but his main flaw is being a clueless and inconsiderate boyfriend who hasn't realized that his college relationship has expired.
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Intro & Pre-departure:
Hello everyone! My name is Emily Osman, and I am one of the Global Correspondents for the Spring 2023 Semester! I am a junior psychology major studying abroad at Florence University of the Arts (FUA) in Italy. Exactly one week from today I will be on my way to Florence! I have had a countdown widget on my phone for several months ever since I applied to my program, and I cannot believe the time to go has almost come!
Italy has always been my dream destination because it has so much beauty and history, and of course, pizza, pasta, and gelato. And Florence seems like the perfect place to study abroad because it is not as big of a city as Rome is, and it is not too far from other cities I would like to visit in Italy. I chose to study abroad with the Global Partner program SAI because the company has a great reputation and has been leading students throughout the study abroad process for several years.
During winter break, I had a lot of time to prepare for my trip. I have read many blogs with packing lists and helpful travel tips. I’ve made copies of all my important documents, ordered euros from my bank, and I was gifted luggage, adapters, a collapsible water bottle, and a travel backpack for Christmas. Even though I am going to an American university, I have also enjoyed listening to the podcast Coffee Break Italian on Spotify to practice learning Italian.
Overall, I feel very prepared and more excited than I am nervous. Even though it is my first time leaving the United States, I am not too worried because I’m flying with my best friend Emma, who is also one of my roommates in our 5-person apartment! SAI also has everything planned out to ensure that each student has a safe arrival and easy check-in, so that also makes me feel assured. Although it is daunting to move to a new country to spend 15 weeks living there, I know that all the great experiences I will have will outweigh any initial discomfort or homesickness I may face.
Even though I am not usually the biggest fan of change, I have been dreaming about studying abroad since I was in high school. I am very excited to start my classes at FUA and see how they differ from my courses at USC. I am a psychology major, but I am not taking any psychology courses. Instead, I am taking 12 credits of arts and humanities courses to satisfy my Carolina Core requirements and one class that goes toward my Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior minor. I am taking five classes: Ceramics, Ethics and Justice in Food Systems, Cultural Introduction to Italy, Wanderlust: The Physical and Emotional Art of Walking, and Health and Fitness in the Mediterranean. I’m not sure which class I am looking forward to the most, but I think it might be the walking course because we will be walking throughout Florence, and I have never experienced a college course that meets outside of a classroom. I am curious to see what the workload is like and if it will be about the same as what I have taken so far in college or if it will be harder for me to adjust to it.
I will post on this blog weekly, so if you'd like to follow my education abroad journey, check back next week! The next time I post on this blog, I will be in Florence! Until then, arrivederci a tutti!
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My luggage! I have one checked bag and one carry-on bag which are Calpak, and one travel backpack from eBags.
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Print of Florence I have hanging in my room :)
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ghosttontheshore · 1 year
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that-bi-fan · 1 year
egads - tired, boring, heard it a million times
ebag - new, exciting, likely formed from a typo
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A little bit of leet.
1 = i
2 = z
3 = e
4 = a
5 = s
6 = g
7 = t
8 = b
9 = d
0 = o
Thus making it:
V = a e i o
C = b d g s t z
Thus giving us something to work with.
I made another onomasticon :D
A'ab A'ad A'ag A'as A'at A'az A'eb A'ed A'eg A'es A'et A'ez A'ib A'id A'ig A'is A'it A'iz A'ob A'od A'og A'os A'ot A'oz Ab Abab Abad Abag Abas Abat Abaz Abeb Abed Abeg Abes Abet Abez Abib Abid Abig Abis Abit Abiz Abob Abod Abog Abos Abot Aboz Ad Adab Adad Adag Adas Adat Adaz Adeb Aded Adeg Ades Adet Adez Adib Adid Adig Adis Adit Adiz Adob Adod Adog Ados Adot Adoz Ag Agab Agad Agag Agas Agat Agaz Ageb Aged Ageg Ages Aget Agez Agib Agid Agig Agis Agit Agiz Agob Agod Agog Agos Agot Agoz As Asab Asad Asag Asas Asat Asaz Aseb Ased Aseg Ases Aset Asez Asib Asid Asig Asis Asit Asiz Asob Asod Asog Asos Asot Asoz At Atab Atad Atag Atas Atat Ataz Ateb Ated Ateg Ates Atet Atez Atib Atid Atig Atis Atit Atiz Atob Atod Atog Atos Atot Atoz Az Azab Azad Azag Azas Azat Azaz Azeb Azed Azeg Azes Azet Azez Azib Azid Azig Azis Azit Aziz Azob Azod Azog Azos Azot Azoz Ba Ba'a Ba'e Ba'i Ba'o Bab Baba Babe Babi Babo Bad Bada Bade Badi Bado Bag Baga Bage Bagi Bago Bas Basa Base Basi Baso Bat Bata Bate Bati Bato Baz Baza Baze Bazi Bazo Be Be'a Be'e Be'i Be'o Beb Beba Bebe Bebi Bebo Bed Beda Bede Bedi Bedo Beg Bega Bege Begi Bego Bes Besa Bese Besi Beso Bet Beta Bete Beti Beto Bez Beza Beze Bezi Bezo Bi Bi'a Bi'e Bi'i Bi'o Bib Biba Bibe Bibi Bibo Bid Bida Bide Bidi Bido Big Biga Bige Bigi Bigo Bis Bisa Bise Bisi Biso Bit Bita Bite Biti Bito Biz Biza Bize Bizi Bizo Bo Bo'a Bo'e Bo'i Bo'o Bob Boba Bobe Bobi Bobo Bod Boda Bode Bodi Bodo Bog Boga Boge Bogi Bogo Bos Bosa Bose Bosi Boso Bot Bota Bote Boti Boto Boz Boza Boze Bozi Bozo Da Da'a Da'e Da'i Da'o Dab Daba Dabe Dabi Dabo Dad Dada Dade Dadi Dado Dag Daga Dage Dagi Dago Das Dasa Dase Dasi Daso Dat Data Date Dati Dato Daz Daza Daze Dazi Dazo De De'a De'e De'i De'o Deb Deba Debe Debi Debo Ded Deda Dede Dedi Dedo Deg Dega Dege Degi Dego Des Desa Dese Desi Deso Det Deta Dete Deti Deto Dez Deza Deze Dezi Dezo Di Di'a Di'e Di'i Di'o Dib Diba Dibe Dibi Dibo Did Dida Dide Didi Dido Dig Diga Dige Digi Digo Dis Disa Dise Disi Diso Dit Dita Dite Diti Dito Diz Diza Dize Dizi Dizo Do Do'a Do'e Do'i Do'o Dob Doba Dobe Dobi Dobo Dod Doda Dode Dodi Dodo Dog Doga Doge Dogi Dogo Dos Dosa Dose Dosi Doso Dot Dota Dote Doti Doto Doz Doza Doze Dozi Dozo E'ab E'ad E'ag E'as E'at E'az E'eb E'ed E'eg E'es E'et E'ez E'ib E'id E'ig E'is E'it E'iz E'ob E'od E'og E'os E'ot E'oz Eb Ebab Ebad Ebag Ebas Ebat Ebaz Ebeb Ebed Ebeg Ebes Ebet Ebez Ebib Ebid Ebig Ebis Ebit Ebiz Ebob Ebod Ebog Ebos Ebot Eboz Ed Edab Edad Edag Edas Edat Edaz Edeb Eded Edeg Edes Edet Edez Edib Edid Edig Edis Edit Ediz Edob Edod Edog Edos Edot Edoz Eg Egab Egad Egag Egas Egat Egaz Egeb Eged Egeg Eges Eget Egez Egib Egid Egig Egis Egit Egiz Egob Egod Egog Egos Egot Egoz Es Esab Esad Esag Esas Esat Esaz Eseb Esed Eseg Eses Eset Esez Esib Esid Esig Esis Esit Esiz Esob Esod Esog Esos Esot Esoz Et Etab Etad Etag Etas Etat Etaz Eteb Eted Eteg Etes Etet Etez Etib Etid Etig Etis Etit Etiz Etob Etod Etog Etos Etot Etoz Ez Ezab Ezad Ezag Ezas Ezat Ezaz Ezeb Ezed Ezeg Ezes Ezet Ezez Ezib Ezid Ezig Ezis Ezit Eziz Ezob Ezod Ezog Ezos Ezot EzozGa Ga'a Ga'e Ga'i Ga'o Gab Gaba Gabe Gabi Gabo Gad Gada Gade Gadi Gado Gag Gaga Gage Gagi Gago Gas Gasa Gase Gasi Gaso Gat Gata Gate Gati Gato Gaz Gaza Gaze Gazi Gazo Ge Ge'a Ge'e Ge'i Ge'o Geb Geba Gebe Gebi Gebo Ged Geda Gede Gedi Gedo Geg Gega Gege Gegi Gego Ges Gesa Gese Gesi Geso Get Geta Gete Geti Geto Gez Geza Geze Gezi Gezo Gi Gi'a Gi'e Gi'i Gi'o Gib Giba Gibe Gibi Gibo Gid Gida Gide Gidi Gido Gig Giga Gige Gigi Gigo Gis Gisa Gise Gisi Giso Git Gita Gite Giti Gito Giz Giza Gize Gizi Gizo Go Go'a Go'e Go'i Go'o Gob Goba Gobe Gobi Gobo God Goda Gode Godi Godo Gog Goga Goge Gogi Gogo Gos Gosa Gose Gosi Goso Got Gota Gote Goti Goto Goz Goza Goze Gozi Gozo
I'ab I'ad I'ag I'as I'at I'az I'eb I'ed I'eg I'es I'et I'ez I'ib I'id I'ig I'is I'it I'iz I'ob I'od I'og I'os I'ot I'oz Ib Ibab Ibad Ibag Ibas Ibat Ibaz Ibeb Ibed Ibeg Ibes Ibet Ibez Ibib Ibid Ibig Ibis Ibit Ibiz Ibob Ibod Ibog Ibos Ibot Iboz Id Idab Idad Idag Idas Idat Idaz Ideb Ided Ideg Ides Idet Idez Idib Idid Idig Idis Idit Idiz Idob Idod Idog Idos Idot Idoz Ig Igab Igad Igag Igas Igat Igaz Igeb Iged Igeg Iges Iget Igez Igib Igid Igig Igis Igit Igiz Igob Igod Igog Igos Igot Igoz Is Isab Isad Isag Isas Isat Isaz Iseb Ised Iseg Ises Iset Isez Isib Isid Isig Isis Isit Isiz Isob Isod Isog Isos Isot Isoz It Itab Itad Itag Itas Itat Itaz Iteb Ited Iteg Ites Itet Itez Itib Itid Itig Itis Itit Itiz Itob Itod Itog Itos Itot Itoz Iz Izab Izad Izag Izas Izat Izaz Izeb Ized Izeg Izes Izet Izez Izib Izid Izig Izis Izit Iziz Izob Izod Izog Izos Izot Izoz O'ab O'ad O'ag O'as O'at O'az O'eb O'ed O'eg O'es O'et O'ez O'ib O'id O'ig O'is O'it O'iz O'ob O'od O'og O'os O'ot O'oz Ob Obab Obad Obag Obas Obat Obaz Obeb Obed Obeg Obes Obet Obez Obib Obid Obig Obis Obit Obiz Obob Obod Obog Obos Obot Oboz Od Odab Odad Odag Odas Odat Odaz Odeb Oded Odeg Odes Odet Odez Odib Odid Odig Odis Odit Odiz Odob Odod Odog Odos Odot Odoz Og Ogab Ogad Ogag Ogas Ogat Ogaz Ogeb Oged Ogeg Oges Oget Ogez Ogib Ogid Ogig Ogis Ogit Ogiz Ogob Ogod Ogog Ogos Ogot Ogoz Os Osab Osad Osag Osas Osat Osaz Oseb Osed Oseg Oses Oset Osez Osib Osid Osig Osis Osit Osiz Osob Osod Osog Osos Osot Osoz Ot Otab Otad Otag Otas Otat Otaz Oteb Oted Oteg Otes Otet Otez Otib Otid Otig Otis Otit Otiz Otob Otod Otog Otos Otot Otoz Oz Ozab Ozad Ozag Ozas Ozat Ozaz Ozeb Ozed Ozeg Ozes Ozet Ozez Ozib Ozid Ozig Ozis Ozit Oziz Ozob Ozod Ozog Ozos Ozot Ozoz Sa Sa'a Sa'e Sa'i Sa'o Sab Saba Sabe Sabi Sabo Sad Sada Sade Sadi Sado Sag Saga Sage Sagi Sago Sas Sasa Sase Sasi Saso Sat Sata Sate Sati Sato Saz Saza Saze Sazi Sazo Se Se'a Se'e Se'i Se'o Seb Seba Sebe Sebi Sebo Sed Seda Sede Sedi Sedo Seg Sega Sege Segi Sego Ses Sesa Sese Sesi Seso Set Seta Sete Seti Seto Sez Seza Seze Sezi Sezo Si Si'a Si'e Si'i Si'o Sib Siba Sibe Sibi Sibo Sid Sida Side Sidi Sido Sig Siga Sige Sigi Sigo Sis Sisa Sise Sisi Siso Sit Sita Site Siti Sito Siz Siza Size Sizi Sizo So So'a So'e So'i So'o Sob Soba Sobe Sobi Sobo Sod Soda Sode Sodi Sodo Sog Soga Soge Sogi Sogo Sos Sosa Sose Sosi Soso Sot Sota Sote Soti Soto Soz Soza Soze Sozi Sozo Ta Ta'a Ta'e Ta'i Ta'o Tab Taba Tabe Tabi Tabo Tad Tada Tade Tadi Tado Tag Taga Tage Tagi Tago Tas Tasa Tase Tasi Taso Tat Tata Tate Tati Tato Taz Taza Taze Tazi Tazo Te Te'a Te'e Te'i Te'o Teb Teba Tebe Tebi Tebo Ted Teda Tede Tedi Tedo Teg Tega Tege Tegi Tego Tes Tesa Tese Tesi Teso Tet Teta Tete Teti Teto Tez Teza Teze Tezi Tezo Ti Ti'a Ti'e Ti'i Ti'o Tib Tiba Tibe Tibi Tibo Tid Tida Tide Tidi Tido Tig Tiga Tige Tigi Tigo Tis Tisa Tise Tisi Tiso Tit Tita Tite Titi Tito Tiz Tiza Tize Tizi Tizo To To'a To'e To'i To'o Tob Toba Tobe Tobi Tobo Tod Toda Tode Todi Todo Tog Toga Toge Togi Togo Tos Tosa Tose Tosi Toso Tot Tota Tote Toti Toto Toz Toza Toze Tozi Tozo Za Za'a Za'e Za'i Za'o Zab Zaba Zabe Zabi Zabo Zad Zada Zade Zadi Zado Zag Zaga Zage Zagi Zago Zas Zasa Zase Zasi Zaso Zat Zata Zate Zati Zato Zaz Zaza Zaze Zazi Zazo Ze Ze'a Ze'e Ze'i Ze'o Zeb Zeba Zebe Zebi Zebo Zed Zeda Zede Zedi Zedo Zeg Zega Zege Zegi Zego Zes Zesa Zese Zesi Zeso Zet Zeta Zete Zeti Zeto Zez Zeza Zeze Zezi Zezo Zi Zi'a Zi'e Zi'i Zi'o Zib Ziba Zibe Zibi Zibo Zid Zida Zide Zidi Zido Zig Ziga Zige Zigi Zigo Zis Zisa Zise Zisi Ziso Zit Zita Zite Ziti Zito Ziz Ziza Zize Zizi Zizo Zo Zo'a Zo'e Zo'i Zo'o Zob Zoba Zobe Zobi Zobo Zod Zoda Zode Zodi Zodo Zog Zoga Zoge Zogi Zogo Zos Zosa Zose Zosi Zoso Zot Zota Zote Zoti Zoto Zoz Zoza Zoze Zozi Zozo
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Shiv posted baby pics again. She looks flustered. She sweatin cause maybe maybe Ebag in Ash🤣e so bad
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4everdisneygirl · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Set of 2 eBags packing cubes.
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maisonfleurant · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EBAG MOTHER LOAD GREEN BACKPACK TRAVELERS BACKPACK.
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layne-thepencilthing · 7 months
egajbe;. rebadl. rebasd. rebagle. fuck. rebgle. febagle. ebag. elcle. rebag. rebfel. rejfbal.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
This is John remillard's Day he gets up and put stuff near where I Sun might be then he says stuff about what he's going to try and do and since they're all day and tries to do stupid petty s*** to someone over and over and over now he's been messing with his e-bike trying to over and over for a long time and we managed to stop him but we see him out there trying to do it to people and he tries to do it here and he says code he says he's trying to kidnap our son to try and kidnap ours it's doing it over and over and over all day long his are dying rapidly okay they're getting killed and meaning they're not making it and he issue code today about the eBay and he's issuing it over and over and there's a huge number of ebags in service and threatening tires so there's a ton of people that are watching them and thus far like 10% of this enforce has died because they're trying to tamper with the eBay's and they said we can't afford it and they keep trying and they get hit doing this tampering with you and and there are a lot of them that are falling giant numbers of them and it is enormous how many people are going after enormous same with his son he sits there and stops off sitting right next to him blaring his horn same dumb things and he's getting executed like everyday and they haven't figured it out and I haven't figured out for themselves and haven't figured out for others they just sit here doing it so he's not in this little house and he's not supposed to be there people told him to get out of it and he won't and he keeps showing up and he keeps sitting in it and trying to harass and it said ugly thing so people bring their bikes into work and this is the scam and everyone's in a while they catch some of them trying to gather up the batteries and it's a fight club thing and you put in a movie and he told people about it and he's getting prosecuted and important all his guys are getting pulled in some of them are turning evidence on him especially Dan and they're getting out of jail and getting pulled in and they're finding out where the stuff is and we going after it all over the cities and all over the countryside and in parks and in abandoned facilities huge smashes all over the planet stashes more shortly
Thor Freya
What a pain in the ass too but really he is revealing Giant giant portions of his own plan it's humongous parts of his army has been destroyed as of today is well over half Dawn from this idiotic behavior the juvenile delinquents and they're going around handing the money to everybody else and they're completely clueless of it absolutely clueless they have all sorts of comments to make but it's absolutely true they're losing everything they've ever had with this idiotic childish crap and they're going to lose more and they're doomsday people and they all die and it's a gimmick by others and they can't get it and they gave up huge huge amounts of the economy like 75% off the street they're horrible horrible people and they're a mess. In this sit here day after day every week bothering this s*** out of him I want them gone soon with their idiot women these people are addicts they need to be cut off I requested every day for a year and a half I want to be listened to get them out of here now
We are requesting the teams that got them out to come in right now and get them out
Thor Freya
And he stinks and it's horrible is dirty and nasty people in the past don't want them there I mean this guy is a trillionaire and he doesn't do anything that reflects that at all he doesn't care how he lives or how he treats himself this is mean freaking spastic loser it's not a reasonable bone in his body it's just a moron any question removed right now
Thor Freya I'm sending orders too no one volunteers of every single man woman and child them are disturbed by these idiots in right now to do duty here
Olympus me too approve this message and we are requesting from our people that you volunteer we are an urgent need this is every day 24 hours a day has this idiotic clan in his face they won't leave him alone they're bunch of freaking complete morons you need them out now
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loninails · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: eBags Piazza Day Nylon Anti-Theft Travel Crossbody Bag Organizer Brown.
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