#dyla and elise
hotwheels-lesbian · 5 years
My chapters make a playlist đź‘€
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the-hotwheels-lesbian · 5 years
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Oops here’s another one.
“I missed Thanksgiving, missed a birthday or two,
Didn't make St. Valentines, but I was thinking of you,
Only one thing in the world, I couldn't do,
Only one thing could kill me, Christmas without you.”
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cursedwateringcan · 5 years
Favorite marriage candidates from every game, both male and female, please? (and by every game, I mean every game aside from the Natsume independent ones...)
OK. I’ll do my best!! I’m just going to include the ones i’ve played (i’ve not played them all...yet ;) ) and Rune Factory!
A Wonderful Life/Another Wonderful Life
I married Celia when I was a kid but if I played the game again I would marry Muffy because she’s the best. My favourite dude is Gustava (420 blaze it) but I married Marlin (REGRETS) because he had a cuter kid. 
Friends of Mineral Town/More Friends of Mineral Town
Ann was always my number 1 BAE. When I got MFoMT I married Cliff!! Gotta keep dat boi round town. 
Magical Melody
JAMIE lol. 
I like Ray! (hahaha, actually he looks heaps like Cliff...). And Ann!!
Harvest Moon DS/DS Cute
WITCH PRINCESS. And Skye in cute because he’s a cheeky little shit. 
Island of Happiness/Sunshine Islands
Vaughn was always my angsty BABE.  And of course, can’t be forgetting Witch Princess
Tale of Two Towns
I married Kana actually (again with the pony tailed men?). If I played as a boy I probably would go for Laney. 
Tree of Tranquility 
TOMATO BOI GIL. Ladies wise I always liked Kathy. 
Animal Parade 
Number one bae of all time WIZARD. And even though there is a witch princess in this one I still like Kathy. 
A New Beginning
Blonde angst boi Neil. 
...And witch princess LOL
Story of Seasons
I married Klaus the first time round, when I played again I married Raeger. If I ever played as a boy I would FOR SURE go for Elise. 
Trio of Towns 
WAYNE. If I played as a boi probably Iluka. 
Rune Factory 1
I mean, Mist of course. 
Rune Factory 2
My fav was always Rosalind actually (sorry Mana D:)
Rune Factory 4
HORSE BOI DYLAS. And of course, Forte. 
Rune Factory Frontier 
What an eye opening exercise. I’ve learnt my type apparently is:
- Men with pony tails
- Ladies who run inns/serve drinks
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Camping Trip || July 18th - July 29th, 2018
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Posted on the boards of both of the Explorer’s Guilds are notices about a special event available for every citizens on the islands. It’s a camping trip, with supplies and transportation provided by the Explorer’s Guild! The guild believes that this trip will help potential voyagers with their survival skills, possibly encourage people to go on their own independent voyage, and help people of the islands to get to know each other. And due to the success of the first camping trip last year, they’ve decided to hold it for another year!
While last year, this trip took place on Forest Haven, the guild has decided to be a little more daring this year. Several scouts have personally gone out to the sea to find the perfect venue for a good camping trip, and have found an island rife with ruins, mystery, and even more. They have declared it Fenith Island.
The camping trip lasts roughly three days, with participants arriving in the evening of the first day, spending the night, spending one entire day on the island, spending another night in, and then leaving the next afternoon. There will be a special area set up by the shore that wards off monsters for the participants to make up camp! Participants are allowed to bring their weapon and one small backpack of their essentials. All food and camping supplies will be provided by the guild.
Since this island is recently discovered and you may find dangerous things lying in wait outside of the designated safe zone, each camper will be given a two-charmed necklace! This is a silver-chained necklace with two distinct charms on it: a white circle and a red square. The red square protects against a normally killing blow, absorbing whatever would have killed you. The red square can only be used once, and will shatter into dust when it has been activated (and, of course, it doesn’t work at all if you’re not wearing it). The white circle is meant to be a distress signal. If you press your thumb into the white circle, then it will send a signal to the closest campers to your location, making their white circles flash red. The circles will then act as a compass that brings you to the camper in distress.
Citizens of either island can sign up to be randomized into a 2-3 person tent! At the beginning of the event, these random pairings will be announced! Let’s hope that you don’t end up with someone who snores…
The deadline to sign up for the camping trip is July 17th at 10PM EST:
Masked Man (Matai)
Lily (RF)
There will be three main events you can participate in during this camping trip! And unlike other events, all threads made during this event must be completed before the end of the event. So keep that in mind as you’re going off on your shenanigans!
You may also Discord thread or Tumblr thread in groups outside of the three main events. However, all threads done in this manner also must be completed, or at least must end, before the end of the event.
In the center of the safe area on Fenith Island is a large, magical bonfire that will be ablaze all night. The bonfire itself produces whatever ward is used to keep the monsters at bay, so it’s been made extra strong so that it won’t go out! Along with this bonfire, the is plenty of food to procure in this center area, and there’s even a cool little radio playing music!
This will be the scenario for the Fireside Chat, which will be the group Discord channel of the event! Campers are free to mingle with whoever else wanders into the center area, between whatever else they are doing during this trip!
Since all of the tents will be assigned randomly, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know your tent-mates during the trip. You can decide where to set up your tent and get to know everyone else! Remember to keep your tent in the safe zone to avoid monster encounters!
Unfortunately, while the Explorer’s Guild attempts to be as perfect as possible, there is a possibility that there may be an issue with your group’s supplies. When your groups are matched up, roll to see if something has unfortunately happened to your tent group:
t!choose nothing | bags | tent | animals | BEAR
NOTHING means that nothing bad has happened! BAGS means that your group is missing one sleeping bag! TENT means that the tent is faulty and can’t be set up! ANIMALS means that some harmless forest creatures have somehow stolen the participant’s personal bags! Finally…BEAR means that once the group has set up their tent and left for a while, they’ll come back to find that a bear has taken up residence in their tent. Unfortunately, the magic fire does not repel bears. Only monsters. Go punch that bear.
Fenith Island is a newly discovered island, and the voyagers who found it didn’t do anything aside from take a cursory glance at it. So, the Explorer’s Guild has decided to put out suitable rewards for going out and finding out what the island used to be. 
By going out in teams of 2-4 people...or if you would rather journey out alone...you may find certain artifacts and items of interest around Fenith Island while on expeditions. These artifacts can either be kept by a member of your team...or handed over to the Explorer’s Guild at the end of the trip for 15,000G. Regardless, once you find an artifact, it will be in your possession for the remainder of the camping trip, whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Artifacts and Items of Interest can be found by journeying outside of the safe zone on an expedition of 1-4 campers. There are several points of interest that you may encounter while you’re out there. The Sea Cave, the Town Ruins, the Dragon Shrine, and the Underground Tunnels. While you’re free to explore each of the locations at your own leisure when you’re outside of an expedition, these locations hold secrets that are only found on expeditions.
The Sea Cave is a large cave found by the northern shore of the island. It’s a rather large cave dug into the island itself with a long river of sea water cutting through it. There are several offshoot caves leading out from this one, each with monsters lurking inside.
The Town Ruins are the ruins of a small town that once resided on Fenith Island. It appears to be just an average town dated at least two hundred years ago. There doesn’t seem to be any monsters taking up residence in this area. Maybe some friendly wildlife just lives here!
The Dragon Shrine is a small shrine located high in the island’s lone mountain, onlooking the rest of the island. The view honestly can’t be beat! There is an altar to pray at, a small shrine to visit and look around in, and a breathtaking view to take in! There are a few monsters roaming around on the path to the shrine, so take caution!
The Underground Tunnels are a massive network of caves beneath the surface of the island. However...finding an entrance is nearly impossible. But falling down a hole into the tunnels is easy! If you find the tunnels, it’s probably because you fell down a hole into them. And finding a way out will be tricky. There are many monsters down in this area, so be prepared!
Each character may only go on one expedition for the camping trip. Campers are free to explore all areas outside of their expedition and get into their own trouble, but cannot find an artifact or item of interest without being given an expedition prompt.
Once you have gathered your expedition party - or decided to journey out alone - roll a number from 1 to 20 in a designated Discord channel! Tag a moderator once you get your number to get your expedition prompt.
There are twenty different artifacts to find on Fenith Island. Each artifact has its own expedition prompt to go with it. They will have their own unique events that involve the artifact or item of interest in some way! As such, once a number has been drawn, it cannot be drawn again. So if a team draws 20, then all future expeditions must re-roll if they draw 20.
Content Warning: All expeditions are considered Level One on a voyage scale, which means that anything you see on these expeditions are something you would reasonably see in a Rune Factory game. Nothing intense this time, folks! 
Please note that if you want to push the boundaries content-level wise of your expedition (ex. explicit descriptions of injuries, going ham on horror-related genre stuff, writing in some extra details that may not be RF friendly, or anything else comparable) you must get explicit permission from all other expedition members involved before you write it. If your expedition members are uncomfortable with these subjects, then leave that shit at home, son.
If you choose to get into teams and roll for your number before the event actually begins, that is completely fine! We’ll make a note of it and post it once the event begins!
Current Expedition Availability:
Reserved by Laney
Reserved by Popuri, Neil, and Shane
Reserved by Elliott, Sebastian, and Sam
Reserved by Kamil, Phillip, Georgia and Raeger
Reserved by Maerwen, Witchie, Kuruna and Jake
Reserved by Carlos, Alicia, Dan and Kai
Reserved by Michelle and Tina
Reserved by Lyric
Reserved by Sonja, Zavier, and Lisette
Reserved by Danny
Reserved by Violet
Reserved by Marlin, Forte, Ivan, and Mist
Reserved by Matai
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otomesynopsis · 7 years
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March Doodles Okay! March is officially posted!!
1. Fire Emblem Heroes- Eldigan 2. Fire Emblem Awakening- Owain 3. My Original Character- Itsuto 4. My Original Character- Tatsui 5. Fire Emblem Awakening- Lon'qu X My Avatar 6. Me Playing Apps I guesss hahaha 7. Fire Emblem Fates- Elise 8. Fire Emblem Awakening- Henry 9. Fire Emblem Awakening- Inigo X Lucina 10. Rune Factory 4- Dylas 11. My Original Character- Yoshiki 12. My Original Character- Yoshiki 13. Harvest Moon A New Beginning- Allen 14. Be My Princess- Joshua Lieben 15. Fire Emblem Fates- Ryoma X Elise 16. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns- Wayne X MC 17. Fire Emblem Fates- Keaton 18. Fire Emblem Fates- Leo 19. Fire Emblem Fates- Keaton & Kana 20. Fire Emblem Fates- My Avatar & Velouria 21. Dream Boyfriend Astral Days- Christmas 22. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns- Ludus 23. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns- Ford 24. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns- Wayne 25. Fire Emblem Awakening- Lon'qu 26. Fire Emblem Fates- Keaton X My Avatar 27. Mystic Messenger- Unknown 28. Fire Emblem Heroes- Bunny Xander 29. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns- Ford 30. Hakuouki- Sanada 31. Mystic Messenger- Happy Birthday Zen! (April 1st is his birthday)
As always, my DA has larger images~ where you can actually see them lol.
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hotwheels-lesbian · 5 years
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Yes, Arachnid is a AU for Eyes Turned Skyward. You got me.
Her first spider suit is a purple burglar mask, spray-painted goggles because her night vision makes everything too bright, red gloves to match her shoes and black leggings/ hoodie for maneuverability. She engineers webs.
Elise gets bit my a spider instead of finding a dragon. Dyla and her share an apartment in NYC while they both go to college there (distant w each other; they ended up at same college by coincidence and share a place for cheaper rent only for convience);
Dyla is a reporter/ budding journalist even before she finishes her degree, Eli takes up being a vigilante while double majoring in biology/ STEM.
Eli is a borderline villain/ Antihero. She’s got a chip on her shoulder toward humanity, fights dirty, often likes to swing- kick people off of buildings as she fights, sending them to their deaths. She goes after bad people that usually have a good public light, making her seem like a bad guy.
Her origin story is she hates everyone and wants an excuse to hit ppl.
Elise is out at night like Batman and drops in at inopportune moments on bad guys. Sometimes she’s out at evening or early morning
Dyla, one morning after Eli gets bit and is still freaking out: did you get taller?
Eli, absolutely talller: NO STOP LOOKIMG AT ME. I UH. I GOTTA GO TO LAB
Elise creates a suit like T’challa’s. Wears a necklace w a white spider, keeps the mask in her pocket, dons the mask and web cuffs before activating the suit. Cuz of the STEM major bit.
Dyla is anti-Arachnid and reports her crimes (doesn’t know its Elise) until she starts finding dirt surfacing on all Arachnid’s “victims.” Arachnid ends up in her office looking for more information on some people she’s going after that Dyla is writing a big story on, and steals the the info. Leads to a grudging cooperation between them while Dyla tries to get Arachnid to stop killing people, but helps her investigate.
Eli and Dyla grow closer as they live together, as Dyla and Arachnid get along more in parallel. They fall for each other and before the “spider-man” kiss Elise tasks off the mask even tho Dyla kinda knows by that point.
Elise retires as Arachnid for a while after almost dying in a final fight taking down a big NY villain, Settling down with a domestic life with Dyla.
But, after several years pass, the big bad gets released from jail and starts coming after them, knowing their identities now.
Arachnid comes back, teams up with Dyla, but this time, she’s not fighting alone; enter teenage Peter Parker, swinging in as Spider-Man. The two clash heads.
Arachnid to Peter: “Who the hell are you?”
“I’m Spider-Man.”
“What the fuck kinda name is Spider-Man. You are 8.”
“I’m—I’m not!”
She calls him spider-kid, spider-bite, spider-Student, literally anything but Spider-Man
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hotwheels-lesbian · 5 years
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Elise would follow her to the ends of the earth.
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hotwheels-lesbian · 5 years
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Easter weekend is the perfect time to upload something from Valentine’s Day.
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hotwheels-lesbian · 5 years
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Just a couple of gays, trying not to show the (mutual pining) gay.
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is also applicable for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, August 4th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Mark (Lyric)
Angela [Semi-Hiatus until July 31st]
Aurelia [Hiatus until August 17th]
Carlos [Hiatus until August 13th]
Claire [Hiatus until August 4th]
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus [Semi-Hiatus until August 1st]
Elliott [Hiatus until August 13th]
Felicity (RF) [Hiatus until August 10th]
Frey [Hiatus until July 31st]
Fritz [Semi-Hiatus until August 1st]
Gaius [Semi-Hiatus until August 1st]
Gray [Hiatus until August 1st]
Kai [Hiatus until August 10th]
Kathy [Hiatus until July 27th]
Kiel [Semi-Hiatus until August 1st]
Klaus [Hiatus until August 17th]
Komari [Hiatus until August 17th]
Licorice [Hiatus until July 27th]
Luke [Hiatus until August 4th]
Maerwen [Hiatus until August 13th]
Margaret [Hiatus until August 4th]
Marlin [Hiatus until August 13th]
Mary [Semi-Hiatus until July 31st]
Popuri [Hiatus until August 10th]
Rick [Hiatus until August 13th]
Russell [Hiatus until August 10th]
Sabrina [Hiatus until August 2nd]
Soseki [Hiatus until August 10th]
Yuzuki [Hiatus until July 31st]
Alicia [Hiatus ended this week.]
Clorica [Hiatus ended this week.]
Felicity (ANB)
Harvest King (Ignis) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Henri [Hiatus ended this week.]
Ibuki [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iluka [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris (SoS)
Ivan (RF)
Laney [Hiatus ended this week.]
Lisette [Hiatus ended this week.]
Masked Man (Matai)
Neil [Hiatus ended this week.]
Pia [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris Noire
Lily (RF)
Lily (SI)
Abigail - Dropped due to failure to report back in after hiatus ended.
Antoinette - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Hinata - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Katie - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Maya - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Daryl (blog deactivated)
Wizard (Gale)
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thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, August 19th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Elliot (SV)
Alicia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Amber [Hiatus until August 31st]
Ann [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Ash [Hiatus until August 30th]
Bado [Hiatus until August 27th]
Bianca [Hiatus until August 27th]
Charles [Hiatus until August 27th]
Claire [Semi-Hiatus until August 6th]
Clorica [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Dia [Hiatus until August 27th]
Dorothy [Hiatus until August 26th]
Doug [Semi-Hiatus until August 6th]
Dylas [Hiatus until August 27th]
Elise [Hiatus until August 26th]
Frey [Hiatus until August 19th]
Fritz [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Gabriel [Hiatus until August 19th]
Hiro [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Holly [Hiatus until August 28th]
Iluka [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Julius [Hiatus until August 19th]
Kai [Hiatus until August 26th]
Kamil [Hiatus until August 19th]
Kana [Hiatus until August 19th]
Karina [Hiatus until August 26th]
Lillian [Hiatus until August 28th]
Luke [Semi-Hiatus until August 7th]
Margaret [Semi-Hiatus until August 7th]
Mark [Hiatus until August 27th]
Maru [Hiatus until August 19th]
Minori [Hiatus until August 26th]
Muffy [Hiatus until September 2nd]
Pia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Pico [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Rock [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Rod [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Rosalind [Hiatus until September 2nd]
Sabrina [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Sephia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Shara [Semi-Hiatus until August 10th]
Sharron [Hiatus until August 27th]
Sofia [Semi-Hiatus until August 18th]
Sonja [Hiatus until September 2nd]
Witch (Vivi) [Hiatus until August 19th]
Witch Princess (Nessa) [Hiatus until August 19th]
Wizard (Gale) [Hiatus until August 31st]
Yuzuki [Hiatus until August 19th]
Alex (SV)
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus
Lily (SI)
Xiao Pai
No one was dropped by us this time around!
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Elder Dragon: Terrable
3 notes · View notes
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is also applicable for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, August 18th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Julia (RF)
Aurelia [Hiatus until August 17th]
Carlos [Hiatus until August 13th]
Elliott [Hiatus until August 13th]
Klaus [Hiatus until August 17th]
Komari [Hiatus until August 17th]
Maerwen [Hiatus until August 13th]
Marlin [Hiatus until August 13th]
Rick [Hiatus until August 13th]
Sabrina [Hiatus until August 23rd]
Angela [Hiatus ended this week.]
Claire [Hiatus ended this week.]
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus [Hiatus ended this week.*]
Felicity (ANB)
Felicity (RF)
Frey [Hiatus ended this week.]
Fritz [Hiatus ended this week.]
Gaius [Hiatus ended this week.]
Gray [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris (SoS)
Ivan (RF)
Kiel [Hiatus ended this week.]
Luke [Hiatus ended this week.]
Margaret [Hiatus ended this week.]
Mark (Lyric)
Mary [Hiatus ended this week.]
Masked Man (Matai)
Yuzuki [Hiatus ended this week.]
Leia - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Lily (RF) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Lily (SI) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Pandora - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Harvest King (Ignis)
Iris Noire
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, July 22nd!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Piece of Pie B&B or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Witch (Vivi)
Andrea [Hiatus until August 1st]
Angela [Hiatus until August 2nd]
Ayame [Hiatus until August 2nd]
Brodik [Hiatus until August 1st]
Charles [Semi-Hiatus until July 21st]
Bado [Semi-Hiatus until July 21st]
Dirk [Semi-Hiatus until July 22nd]
Jamie [Semi-Hiatus until July 20th]
Kiel [Semi-Hiatus until July 22nd]
Leia [Hiatus until August 1st]
Leon [Semi-Hiatus until July 20th]
Pandora [Hiatus until August 1st]
Popuri [Semi-Hiatus until July 16th]
Raeger [Hiatus until August 2nd]
Rod [Semi-Hiatus until after check]
Russell [Semi-Hiatus until July 16th]
Sephia [Semi-Hiatus until after check]
Soseki [Semi-Hiatus until July 16th]
Xiao Pai [Semi-Hiatus until July 20th]
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Harvest Goddess (Sephia)
Lily (SI)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Wizard (Gale)
Alice - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Luke (TLV) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Marlin - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, April 29th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Piece of Pie B&B or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Xiao Pai
Aaron [Hiatus until April 27th]
Bo [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Dorothy [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Elise [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Eve [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Hinata [Hiatus until May 13th]
Jamie [Semi-Hiatus until April 2nd]
Kai [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Micah [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Mikoto [Hiatus until April 27th]
Minori [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Natalie [Hiatus until April 30th]
Nina [Semi-Hiatus until April 24th]
Rock [Hiatus until April 28th]
Sebastian [Semi-Hiatus until April 20th]
Selphy [Semi-Hiatus until April 20th]
Sofia [Hiatus until April 28th]
Terrable [Semi-Hiatus until April 21st]
Wayne [Hiatus until April 27th]
Will [Hiatus until April 28th]
Witch Princess (Nessa) [Hiatus until April 28th]
Joe (RF)
Lily (SI)
Elliot (SV)
Abigail - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Ann - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Ellen - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Gill - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Harvest Goddess (Sephia) - Dropped due to failure to report back in after hiatus ended. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Joe (MM) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Lily (RF)
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 7 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This also applies for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and -- if you’ve passed -- apply these money changes to your bank account (via a money update post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, April 1st!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Piece of Pie B&B or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from Arcadia Community College’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For updating your info in the Character Information doc.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Aaron [Hiatus until April 12th]
Angela [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Ayame [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Daachan [Hiatus until April 12th]
Dia [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Dorothy [Hiatus until March 26th]
Elise [Hiatus until March 26th]
Harvest Goddess (Sephia) [Hiatus until April 1st]
Louis [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Kai [Hiatus until March 26th]
Mark [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Mikoto [Hiatus until April 12th]
Minori [Hiatus until March 26th]
Natalie [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Nina [Hiatus until March 26th]
Nori [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Raeger [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Sharron [Semi-Hiatus until March 26th]
Veronica [Semi-Hiatus until April 1st]
Wayne [Hiatus until April 12th]
Elder Dragon: Terrable
Joe (MM)
Joe (RF)
Lily (RF)
Lily (SI)
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Wizard (Gale)
Charles - Dropped due to failure to report back in after their hiatus ended. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus - Dropped due to failure to report back in after their hiatus ended. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Harvest King (Ignis) - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Kross - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
Xiao Pai -  Dropped due to failed Activity Checks. (Please read the Activity Check bullet on the RULES page before reserving again.)
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
0 notes
thepelagoislands · 5 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, May 11th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Agate [Hiatus until May 8th]
Alicia [Hiatus until May 8th]
Alisa [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Arthur [Hiatus until May 25th]
Chase [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Claire [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Clorica [Hiatus until May 8th]
Dean [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Frey [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Gray [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Iluka [Hiatus until May 8th]
Jill [Hiatus until May 15th]
Kamil [Hiatus until May 6th]
Kathy [Hiatus until May 6th]
Kiel [Hiatus until May 25th]
Komari [Hiatus until May 12th]
Lanna [Hiatus until May 12th]
Leon [Hiatus until after check.]
Licorice [Hiatus until May 6th]
Luke [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Margaret [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Marian [Hiatus until May 23rd]
Neil [Hiatus until May 12th]
Phoebe [Hiatus until May 23rd]
Pia [Hiatus until May 8th]
Popuri [Hiatus until May 23rd]
Rock [Hiatus until May 9th]
Siluka [Hiatus until May 9th]
Skye [Semi-Hiatus until May 10th]
Sofia [Hiatus until May 9th]
Sonja [Hiatus until May 6th]
Tina [Hiatus until May 23rd]
Wizard [Hiatus until May 25th]
Yuzuki [Hiatus until May 6th]
Alex (SV)
Felicity (ANB)
Iris (SoS)
Lily (RF)
Masked Man
Julia (RF)
Kasumi - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Lanche - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Maya - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Alex (MM)
Iris Blanche
0 notes