#duskwood darkness x mc
lyon-amore · 1 month
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I wish I could stop looking at pictures, they just give me ideas to write Oneshots (this one gave me an idea for Darkness and MC, OMG!!!)
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kimberly-campbell · 11 months
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I don't know why, but this happened
Darkness x MC no one asked for 😅
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incorrectnessduskwood · 4 months
Jake: Oh, to be a bored heir to the throne who keeps rejecting marriage proposals due to being secretly in love with the cute gardener. MC: Oh, to be a cute gardener who secretly places roses in the heir’s room because they are in love with them. Dan: Oh, to be the palace guard who discreetly helps to boost the cute gardener up the wall for their secret deliveries in the middle of the night. Lilly: Oh, to be the heir’s sister witnessing the two fools dance around each other while knowing damn well that the two like each other. Richy: Oh, to be the noble suitor from another royal family who comes to know of their love instantly and plans an entire plan to get them their happy ending. Darkness: Oh, to be a medieval peasant who knows nothing about the heir’s personal life and who dies of dysentery at age 23.
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In the beginning:
[Imagine being stranded on a desert island what would you want to have the most?]
Jake to MC: my computer
At the end:
[Imagine being stranded on a desert island what would you want to have the most?]
Jake to MC: You
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juaxii · 1 year
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IN WHICH I tell u how each character would kiss u!
FANDOM: Duskwood (Mobile Game) CHARACTERS: Jake, Jessy, Richy, Phil, Dan, Darkness. CONTENT: Lots of kisses, a bit of spice, Making out, GN reader.
WARNINGS: Suggestive themes. (Tell me if I missed anything)
Sweet, and slow. Is scared he would lose you if he lets go of you.
His hand rests on your cheek as his lips dances along with yours, he is patient; taking his time with his work, making sure he can keep you there as long as he wants. Specially if it's the first time he kisses you, he would be very careful, afraid he might scare you away, show you what a monster he really is. But that will never happen. He mumbles your name throughout the kiss, as if trying to make sure you're still there and this is not a dream. His hands wander from your cheek to your neck and they slowly go up to massage your scalp, his other hand around your waist, keeping you close. Overall he is rarely too rough with his actions, unless you ask him to be, then he will try.. but he is not good at it. He spends most of his time online, acting harsh and dominant in computer is much easier than real life.. specially with you.
« Say you'll never leave me.. please? »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
Quick, small pecks all over your face that last one second and then turn to a whole make out session.
Her small giggles make you smile as she hugs you close, giving you a kiss on your collarbone before whispering a quick "I love you" and moving on to your chin, leaving trails of quick kisses that make you almost laugh just because of that ticklish feeling. Once her lips find their way to yours, she doesn't waste a second before capturing them. It starts with an innocent small kiss, but it soon turns to her caressing your lips with her tongue, and who are you to deny such thing?! She isn't rough by all means, and she is kind of goofy even, giggling and breaking the kiss from time to time to kiss your cheeks or your neck. She just really wants to appreciate you! She is the hardest to resist, and usually she's the one who asks for the kiss or starts it.
« Come ooooon, just one more kiss, please! »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
He is much like Jessy, a little silly and goofy, but he is much more shy and would just intend small kisses.
He is really awkward, he doesn't know what he's doing so he only gives you a small kiss on your forehead at first. When he sees your disappointed face, he chuckles slightly, Teasing you by saying something like "If you want it, you should come get it". Obviously, he wasn't expecting you to actually try anything and when you did he just stands there.. not knowing where to put his hands or how to hold you closer so that this wouldn't be more awkward than it already is. He gets used to it at some point, it's not like he hasn't had partners before, but your case was different. You were special to him, you could read him like an open book, he felt like if he let you look him in his eyes, you would know every last of his darkest secrets. So by all means, he isn't the first to intend the kiss, he prefers to kiss you on your cheeks or your forehead or even on the back of your hand.
« You want a kiss? Alright, a kiss coming right up! haha »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
Passionate make out session, he isn't really a patient man.
Like I said, he isn't a patient man, his kisses might start slow but would quickly turn to a make out session and even that might turn to a quicky if he's is in the mood. He gives you kisses at the most random times, specially if you're with the group. He likes to show you off so he will, he enjoys the looks you two get as he suddenly smashes his lips against yours. But in private, he's much more intimate and if PDA makes you uncomfortable he will definitely keep himself from doing anything too much in public. He's a womanizer, sure, but he's also a gentleman. He likes to shower you with affection and make you feel special so expect kisses on the back of your hand. I would also like to add that he would definitely consider your mood too before he intends anything (not that the others don't), because your comfort is his priority.
« Yeah? you want more? we can always take it to the bedroom~ »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
He's not much for kisses but if you ask for it, he will give you kisses alright.
He is the type to spoil you with classy dinner or great food at home if needed, he isn't up for kisses like I said, mostly because he thinks his beard would annoy you but he also doesn't want to shave it. So unless you ask for it, he wouldn't really kiss you on the lips all that much. He gives you alot of kisses on your forehead though. But let's say you ask for a kiss, this man gives his all to satisfy your needs. He makes sure you are comfortable with anything he's doing before doing it and he keeps asking for permission, he is just a big softie, he is like those big human sized teddy bears. He isn't rough either, he is lazy and slow, he prefers it that way in all honestly. He is also a little messy but not that much.
« You want a kiss, babe? well aight then, get over here, I ain't getting up from here »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
Insecure, awkward and quick kisses.
They don't understand the concept of intimate acts such as this, can't you two just have fun with game nights or horror movie marathon? If you ask for it, they will just awkwardly give it to you. They've never been in a serious relationship so they aren't exactly experimented with this whole act, nonetheless they will try their best. Their kisses start as quick pecks, and they slowly turn to a slow passionate kiss. They are also afraid of losing you, so in the middle of it all, they suddenly start holding you really tightly as if they are afraid you'd run away, because they are the weird kid, the freak that spends their time online scaring people away and being all mysterious and shit.. they can't be like that in real life. They are the type to say some creepy shits in between kisses, those are their sweet nothings that they whisper to you, it's a form of love, I swear. After kissing you for what feels like forever, they would start cuddling you, not even paying attention to the movie you were watching anymore as they close their eyes, breathing in your scent and slowly giving you small kisses on your neck in a form of appreciation.
« Turn the movie off, it's annoying. I wanna hear your heartbeat »
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ameliawarnerr · 1 year
Criminal Haven
Read chapter 1 here
Chapter 2: Emotions? How About No
—The Leader—
Darkness' revelation brings fresh questions to the table. Some of which I could answer right now but I rather not think of them yet and draw conclusions– not without discussing them with Jake.
I glance at him, searching in his face if he's thinking the same. The expression he gives me as he looks down at me tells me that we are indeed thinking the same thing.
“Who is he?” Hannah breaks the silence, her tone has become that of a tired worker. She longer hides her wince as new information keeps surfacing. For her, it might be exhausting. For Jake and I, it is everything. The scheming, the truth and the lies, the masks and the uncoverings– we can never alter our minds out of this catacomb of games.
“He contributed to finding you.” He explains, vaguely. But I think he has not read much of my and darkness' messages. I think he realises that too as he sighs. He pulls someone's emptied chair– Richy’s, I think and places it facing both my and Kai’s chairs.
I add, “He was the most cooperative person, believe me.” I turn to Hannah. “If I were you, I’d thank him.” I curl my lips into a natural smile.
She stares at me, blankly, standing in the middle of the room. She looks as if she doesn't understand what I am implying. She's suffering from unimaginable things, I understand that. I feel that better than anyone else. Considering her condition, I won't ask much of her in whatever escape plan we might come up with. But that doesn't mean she’ll be excused from endeavouring as little as saying a thank you.
‘Say it.’ I mouth to her. My natural smile turned into a threatening one, unintentionally, but I can't deny that it has worked every time.
Her eyes dart to Jake who cannot see my face. I don't know if he encouraged her to do it or not but she whispers, “Thank you.” to the walls as I keep my glare pinned on her.
Go easy on her, I remind myself, mostly because Jake would prefer the same thing. I turn almost too quickly realising how much Jake is interfering in my smallest decisions.
Kai acknowledges her gratitude as he nods to the floor.
I make a mental note: he can be helpful but he's awkward accepting compliments or gratitude. That concludes why it was necessary for me to compliment me and for the same matter, Hannah to thank him. He already believes it my fault that he's here. I'm not afraid to accept that he is. But if he blames the part he played in Hannah's search, he might as well believe that he did it well.
Jake is looking at me strangely. I ignore directly looking at him exactly like I ignored Richy’s defeated figure dropped into a corner, his legs pulled to his chest and his head on his knees.
This isn't like solving a mystery through texting. This is real life and I cannot be vulnerable to one person while being persuasive to someone else on the different chat window.
I have to mention the mindset where my mind weighs more than my heart. That is the only way to get things done. We can be vulnerable when we are safe.
I inhale a deep breath, hardening my posture. “If we really want to get the hell out of here,” I speak loudly, ensuring my voice reaches Richy in the corner. I continue, “We’d need to stick together. Doesn't matter if you hate each other. Suck it up and bear it.”
I’m on my feet when I take a turn towards the door. Richy’s head turned in my direction. I realise, it's not only him. Everyone's looking at me.
“I don't really expect anything from you. Don't want to help? Don't. Just don't get in my way.” I announce, loud and clear. Though expecting the opposite of what words suggest. “Questions?”
Dead silence.
“Need a ten to think?” I provoke.
Kai is the first (and probably the only one who would) raise a question. He begins by quoting me, “Don't want to help? Don't.” I remain composed as he continues, “More like don't want to follow? Then, don't. But you know, whoever leads the way out of here, others will follow him or her.” I break into a smile, realising what he's bringing to others' attention. “You're just initiating to make sure that we follow you.”
I stride towards him as I quote him, “Initiating.” I stop by the chair I was sitting on and place my head on it. “That’s right. I am initiating. And if anyone else had the balls to do the same, they would have. But no one did. I guess that justifies why you should follow me.”
“Well, you couldn't have initiated it if he didn't uncuff you.” He gestures to Jake who is about to interfere. But that looks weak on my part. I appreciate it but I don't need it.
“That's a petty argument.” I cut in before Jake could. I shake my head at Jake as I pace towards Kai.
“Reasonable enough.” He refutes.
Stopping behind his chair, I break off a shim from the chair and use it to unlock his handcuffs. I intentionally pulled the shim from the part of the chair which was reachable in handcuffs.
Jake is by my side in a matter of seconds, probably because he doesn't trust Kai yet. But I do, to a certain extent which tells me he would not physically hurt me. He's just pissed.
“Now,” I talk loudly again. “Anyone up for breaking down that door?” I point at it with one finger.
—The Hacker—
From the moment she called reading Dan and Jessica's conversation illegally an exciting event, I knew she was trouble. And she only keeps proving it again and again. Sometimes, I admire it. Sometimes, it throws me to the edge.
Like right now. I understand what she was aiming for. There's no way out if we operate like five individuals without a common link who we all trust at some level. But she didn't hesitate once before uncuffing this guy none of us knows enough to trust.
Hannah, MC and I stand back as Richy and Pierce hammer their shoulders against the door. They continue thrice without pause but the door doesn't budge. They take a moment.
Kai glances back at me. “Why isn't he helping us again?”
This is why I prefer to work alone (and of course, this preference doesn't apply to MC). I don't like being questioned. “Is the door broad enough for the three of us?” I reason, very calmly.
They continue at it, knowing they are the two least trusted people in our group and raising nonsensical questions wouldn't change that. After six minutes, the door broke.
Neither of the guys step outside. Instead, they step aside, catching their breaths and stealing glances outside the door. MC is the first one to shift to the door. I grab her hand at the threshold. She glances at me as I step outside the door before her. “After me,” I tell her. She complies.
I glance in both directions. The corridor stretches so long in both directions– it seems endless. They are almost identical except there seems to be a little light coming from the right. Little by little, everyone's out in the corridor.
“Which way is it? We should go to the right. There's light coming from there so it isn't a dead end.” Hannah comments, her voice growing anxious.
“Should we break into two groups or something?” Kai suggests as no one addresses Hannah’s opinion because she's making a rookie mistake– being hasty and going with the obvious choice.
I think of Kai’s suggestion but I can't come up with a possible reasonable arrangement of two groups without separating me and MC.
“No.” I answer.
“So we choose one? On what basis?”
“We’ll come up with the basis if you stop asking questions.”
He glares at me, pissed. Then, he glances at MC and looks away. Everytime I say something to him, he looks at her as if reconsidering arguing with me for her sake. My eyes fly to her as well, wondering if she noticed it. But she's distracted and hasn't said anything after stepping out of the door.
She's shifted towards the left corridor. While everyone looks around, she looks down at the floor. I walk to her, she crouches down and picks something up. I bend to see a note in her hand at the same time she springs up. Her head collides with my chin.
She looks up, annoyed as I hide my smile. “What are you, glancing down at me? My guardian angel?” She takes a tiny step back.
“I’d prefer being called a partner.” I retort. “Although, I do feel bad for your guardian angel.”
She shoves a hand at my chest, walking past me but stops. I follow her gaze– everyone looks at us questionably, clearly not having as much fun as us. She clears her throat, the first time getting awkward.
“What does the note say?” Kai asks.
“What does the note say,” she echoes mockingly or …playfully?
I peer at the note as she read, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/ And sorry I could not travel both.”
“Robert Frost.” I say, immediately.
She nods a couple times. “The road not taken.”
“What’s that?” Hannah asks. I remember our conversations via emails and literature wasn't one of the topics ever. Come to think of it, we had nothing in common.
“A poem.” MC and I say I'm unison.
Kai jumps in. “Didn’t he take the less travelled path?”
Both of us nod. Richy adds something for the first time. “Well, how did he decide which one was the least travelled?” He looks at no one in particular.
“The less travelled one was more grassy.” MC answers.
“So in our case, the less travelled one would be the left one, right? Because it's dark and could be a dead end or something.” Kai remarks.
“So can be the right one.” Hannah weighs in.
“At least it has the probability of having a window.”
I contemplate the poem, analysing from word to word. I remember each word clearly. “No,” I cut in. “We are taking the words at face value. The message of the poem wasn't to travel a less taken route. It was to make a decision carefully.”
MC looks at me, creasing her brows. “Then, we are at square one again.”
“No, we are not. Half of us thought about taking the less travelled path which means that is exactly what he wanted us to think.” I point out.
“Which means,” MC points at the way from where a tiny ray of light penetrates. “That's where we need to go.”
We start following the light. I can sense the others are not entirely sure of this but they will begin trusting us as we’ll give them hope by getting nearer to the way out.
A small smile emerges on MC's lips as we walk behind others. “You a literature guy?” She gives me a side look.
“You have no idea.” I tell her and then, I add, “We need to talk.”
She nods. “We do.” She whispers. “The only way that a lunatic could know about Kai is by having access to my messages. You had access to my messages. You're a hacker.” I smile, knowing we were thinking the same thing again.
“We are up against a hacker.”
“One who's pissed off. Can you think of anyone?”
I inhale. “I could think of a thousand. I've screwed many guys in the same field as me but none was as strong as to have all of us here.”
She considers it silently.
“We have another thing to discuss.”
She thinks for a moment as she arrives at no answer, she looks at me, “What thing?”
“Unlocking his handcuffs when you know a hundred ways it could turn out as a bad idea.” I don't beat around the bush.
“I needed to show him that I trust him to have him do the same. And I don't like being looked down upon.”
“I know you won't stop doing risky things just because I tell you not to. And I won't tell you that. Just promise to give me a heads up before you do something like that again. Deal?” I say, softly.
“Deal. But you have to promise not to talk me out of my stunts.”
She offers her fist and I bump mine against it lightly.
*Not edited*
I wanna thank @lyon-amore and @itsnotzka for helping me figure Darkness' character. The reason this chapter took me as long as it did is because i was having trouble with Darkness' character because I forgot most of him.
Let me know what you think in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
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Y/n: Jake and I are getting married
Lilly: I wish you had asked me first
Y/n: I apologize, Lilly, but I do not desire a romantic relationship with you
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x3kristax3 · 1 year
Trap of Lies - Chapter 28
A/N: This is the last chapter of Trap of Lies BOOK 1! the writers that have joined me on this has taken this story to a whole new level that I could never done myself. The writers that have been here from start to see the changes in their confidence with writing this story has been nothing short of amazing. This is not the end fully! we have some plans but we are keeping it a close knit of writers to keep this story alive. I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as we loved writing and coming up with this plot twists along the way. We have something up our sleeves that is coming up but give us a bit as we are doing some changes to the way we are writing and expand all of our writing even more. If you have missed any of chapters are just finding this story for the first time now please check out the masterlist here to get caught up. please keep in mind this story has lots of trigger warnings, while some chapters are mild there are others that are pretty heavy, please make sure you read those above each chapter before starting!
TW: Talk of previous violence and murder
Jake's POV:
She never showed up and I'm worried for her after seeing her with Alan this morning at the shop. Something in my mind and heart tells me to ride to Jessy's. As I get up to her and Walters I see one of the sable boys putting her horse in the barn. I dismount Midnight and see Phil leaving the house which worries me more. What has happened that he's leaving his sister's place this late at night and looking like he's been digging. Especially knowing they haven't been in contact for years. As I knock on the door Jessy answers and she has bandages and alcohol in her hands.
"Please tell me you know where she is!" I raise my voice.
"Don't use that tone with me Jake. She's upstairs." She lets me in and I want to run to her side.
"He isn't here is he?" I ask, she knows who I'm talking about.
"No but she's in bad shape so be gentle please." Her voice is soft but firm and I'm worried.
I follow behind her up the stairs to the guest bedroom and she knocks. I hear a weak voice say to come in. We open the door and she's on the bed holding a rag to her side. She looks up at me and even in pain she has that gorgeous smile. I see the dirt on her body and bruises and the rag that is starting to show blood.
I'm worried for her but Jessy is heading to her side to take care of her. I walk up to her and grab her free hand as I stand not wanting Jessy to mess up.
"What happened, my love?" I ask and Jessy looks up confused as to why I called her that.
"We will talk tomorrow. I need to rest," her voice is weak but firm as Jessy wraps her up and checks her for anywhere else. Once she is done MC lays down. I lean down and kiss her forehead. I know they are not going to undo what that devil did to her but I will make him pay. Jessy walks out of the room and I follow her, needing some kind of answers.
"Please tell me what happened to her." I plead.
"It's her story to tell you, just go home please. I will send for you when she's able to talk." She's firm and I can't blame her. I'm the reason she got into this mess. 
"Can I please lay with her? We were supposed to meet at our spot by the lake tonight." I state looking at her door.
"Fine only because of what happened tonight" she sighs. It's like she knows something with MC but I will let her tell me on her own. She opens the door and I see MC has fallen asleep. "Just be gentle, she's really hurt and don't be shocked if she wakes up and pushes you away. I'm not sure what's going through her mind right now."
"As long as he doesn't show up, I can handle whatever happens." I say walking in and taking off my coat.
"You don't need to worry about him anymore, but she does." She closes the door and I stand there looking at MC sleeping. She looks peaceful. It's almost like this is the first good sleep in weeks which worries me for what she has gone through.
MC POV: I wake up in the middle of the night, I remember everything so I know I am at Jessy. I feel a body next to me in bed but I don’t think any of it as it is probably Jessy to make sure I’m okay all night. I sit up and grab the night coat she left for me next to my side of the bed which I put on. I see the balcony doors and I get up. I turn to let her know I’m stepping outside and I see a sight I am not used to, a sleeping Jake which makes my heart melt. I open the door and head outside, I leave the door slightly open as to not wake him up. After these last twenty four hours I should be worried for what is to come. However, I know Phil and Jessy both will make sure the events of tonight do not come back on me or any chances of the bobbies putting the blame on Jake. I stare out of the back yard and have never in my life been more grateful for those closest to me. I feel the bandages and they are still secure. 
Alan was destroying my spirit and until tonight when I looked into his eyes just before killing him, I hadn’t realized it. With this holding me captive, the physical and emotional abuse. I was hoping for some answers but I could not dare bring myself to ask that monster in front of Phil. I feel he knows Jake but maybe as something else. I know I had heard people speak to Jake as William and also as Leader which makes me have questions for him once this all calms down.
I’m focused on my thoughts. I don't hear the door open more until I feel a hand on my back. I don’t even jump or flinch as I know this is the second safest place for me at this moment. The first is in his arms. I lean back into him with my eyes closed just feeling his warmth against me.
Feeling him hold me, his heartbeat, his breath instantly makes me feel safe. He instantly calms me down. I should be feeling scared in the darkness, that's what I’m told to believe as I’m a woman, but not with him. With him the dark of night calms my soul, calms my darkness in me. I hear the owl hooting, the wolves howling, animals of the night walking around. I also feel at home for the first time in weeks. Last time before last night that I saw him my heart broke because I didn’t want him involved in this, in my vengeance for that monster. I told everyone near to me to make sure he stayed away, I couldn’t let him see me like that. When he saw the darkness come over me at Jessy’s he was scared but still tried to hold me close. It was like he knew in his heart that I still belonged with him. Everyone dear to us has said I'm the reason he's changing. I'm the reason he's becoming a better man. What he and them don't know is he is my reason for those things. He's the reason I had to let my darkness out and put an end to all of this so we can live a quiet life together. 
I never thought in all my years I would find this feeling but that day when he first protected me from that monster my heart knew I belonged with him. I know he's felt the same way. The way my parents look at eachother even after all these years together. The way I saw Jessy look at Walter for the first time, true love. True love knows no boundaries, I thought as a child I had found my forever but he ran off into the world after his world fell apart and I gave up on finding that love again. Until I saw this man, the man that holds me tight but gentle at the flower stand two years ago. The man that stood up for me for the first time in my life wasn't my brother or father. The man that promised my mother and father he would let me fall in love with him and save their business. Yes this man held secrets from me, but I am not better. I have held secrets about my past from him as well and now they must come out if we want an honest future together.
I spin around and look up into his blue eyes as the moon hits them and everything in this world disappears besides us at this moment. I put my hand on his face to make sure this isn’t a dream as neither of us have said a word but this spark of fire feeling between us makes me know he is really here. I tilt my head up towards him as I lean in and I see him lean in as well as he grabs the back of my neck softly and our lips crash. He tastes of cider and cinnamon and he still smells of the lake spot which makes my knees go weak under me. As soon as he realizes it he pulls away and catches me carrying me back inside to the bed as he sits me down. He pulls the chair in front of me and holds my hand.
“My love, you should be resting, not standing outside.” His voice is soft but I know he is concerned in the best way.
“I’m not who you think I am, Jake. I have a dark past, one filled with secrets, lies, and deceit. This past is not much different than yours that I found out about which is why I can’t be angry at you. Have you ever heard of the words White Night?” I ask and he shakes his head yes. “I will tell you about it but before there are other things I need to tell you.” I look into his eyes hoping what I have to say does not scare him away from me. I tell him about being kidnapped because of my father, I show him the scar on the right side of my head that for these two years I kept hidden from him. I feel the tears fall and my body shaking, he moves next to me on the bed and holds me as I nuzzle into this chest as the tears won’t stop.
“MC, scars and all I will always love you, but this doesn’t make you a horrible person. Just like what Alan did to you is not your fault.” his voice is soft and I nuzzle into him. Trying to muster up the courage to tell him about White Night. Jessy told me she would help me tell him but it must happen tonight. 
“That is not the secrets, lies, and deceit that I am talking about, darling.” I close my eyes. “White Night is not just words or a place.” I look into his eyes and I know he’s confused. “They are women who take down the worst of the world. They deceive men, usually at bars or markets and lure them into a house where they are never seen again. These woman, are not allowed to fall in love because love makes us do stupid things.” I sigh.
“Darling, how do you know all of this?” His words hurt because there was a secret he never found out because I made sure of it.
“I was a part of it. After being taken because of my father I needed to learn to protect myself. I needed to know how to handle being tortured and not break. I could not put my life at risk because I couldn't take care of myself. However, Alan must figured it out because the torture was way worse. What saved me was not knowing and his desire for me."  As I speak these words the tears return. 
I look into Jake's eye and see the hurt. He still holds my waist but there is space between us, space I am not used to when it comes to him. However, I know he needs to take in hearing this from me and I can’t deny I would need the same thing. 
“Have you killed before?” His words are soft but I know he needs the answer.
I shake my head yes and I look away again from him, scared he might walk away from me and I can’t blame him. Hearing those words from someone you love is hard, let alone a woman. “This is also how I met Jessy.”
‘Who else all knows about this?” his voice is concerned for my safety, I hear it.
‘Walter and my parents know fully. Eric had figured it out on his own when he became a bobby. This is a secret that if you decide to walk away from me and never come back that you must take to your grave. Please, if the person in charge finds out anyone outside of the organization knows about this, everyone Jessy and I love will die with us being last and forced to watch. I know because I was forced when I was in it to do this to others.” I hear the plea in my voice. I never wanted to use this tone around him, but he needs to understand the urgency of this secret.`` I also need you to understand that because of what happened tonight, I have started a war and one I am afraid of losing because of what that means for this town.’
 "Love, don't ever think I will stop loving you. You are the light to my darkness. These weeks without you by my side has been hell. What was worse was knowing my past caused it all to happen because I couldn't let it go and refused to let you walk away from me. Also, don't ever think I will never do anything in my power to keep you safe. If you started a war I will stand by your side to fight with you." I see the tears in his eyes and I feel mine starting again.
"No you are not to get brought into this war. I know you feel responsible because of why I was kidnapped but you are changing your life around. This is just the start of this war and you will stand by my side but not involve yourself. Do you understand?" I demand and he accepts with that smirk of his because we both know if anyone else was to tell him that he would not accept so easy. He is changing his life around and we will make sure of it. 
He lays me back down and lays next to me on top of the blanket and we fall asleep with me nuzzled into him so it doesn’t hurt me anywhere.
Jakes POV:
I watch her sleep as she cuddles into him best she can. It was always how she fell asleep best on the couch was curled up against me which I know she feels safe. I would love to sleep but this information and secrets she told me. I still have no idea what happened to the Devil but I know she feels safe enough to tell me her darkest secrets.
How can a woman as gentle and cultured admit to these things in the middle of the night. I know I need answers but she needs rest and to heal. 
I find myself watching her breathing and I see her eyes flutter as she dreams. I see her start to twist and turn almost like trying to move away from someone. I run my hand along her hair and face softly to calm down her dream which seems to help. I know her and I will work through those demons in her mind because of what has happened. 
I do see she's scared, she's not the same MC she was before and I know why. I will do everything in my power to help her back to see those eyes sparkle even in the darkness.
I see the sun coming up and I know I need to get back to my home to get ready for the day at the business. I hope she stays with Jessy but after the doctors visit she will do as she pleased. She's stubborn when it comes to that. As I walk down the stairs I see Jessy and Walter eating breakfast.
"Thank you Jessy." I state putting my coat on.
"Jake, I heard you two up talking. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask even me okay. Once I know what she told you there are probably more questions." she states, and it isn't lying. I do have more questions.
"She told me about her father and how you two met. She also doesn't want me involved in this war." I let out a sigh just wanting to protect her. I told myself I would also and seeing her in this shape hurts me.
I watch Jessy walk into the kitchen and I know she's getting another plate.
"I know your use to her being fragile Jake. However, know these woman in our life know how to protect themselves." Walter states.
"I know, we are told to keep them safe and protect them but these two are definitely special." I look up at the stairs and I see MC coming. She stands at the top of the stairs and I go to take a step.
"Jessy will help her. You should go before people start to talk Jake." He stares.
I look up and she is standing there staring at me. I want to listen to him but her eyes are pleading for my touch so I give in to her and run up the stairs to her. I kiss her softly and she deeps it. She never liked kissing in front of others but she never mind those close to us. As I pull away I look into her hazel eyes and I see those specs of green. "I will come back tonight to check on you." 
"Jake, I love you" her words are soft but they aren't words we say often to each other.
"I love you, MC" I kiss her forehead and walk down the stairs and out the door.
After spending the day at the business and Dad, Mom, and MC came by towards the ebd of the day I found myself closing up shop. MC is standing next to me in a simple dress to make it easy to check her bandages from the doctor. Everyone tried to talk her into going home with her parents or going back to Jessy but she turned them down. She wants to be by my side and I will never tell her no. I lock up the door and turn towards her and put my hand on her cheek. I feel her melting at my touch and I know everything will be okay and I kiss her forehead which she sighs.
"What is it, MC?" I ask her softly.
She grabs my hand that's on her face as she looks into my eyes. I know she's struggling with everything that has happened these last couple weeks but we will be okay. "I just missed this'' she smiles softly.
I brush a strand out of her face and I want nothing more than to kiss her but I know how she feels about that. It was never something and that moment when Alan kissed her I knew she didn't love him. 
We hear a horse come up "Jake, MC hope you are staying safe" Eric says as he dismounts his horse.
"Yes brother, Jake is keeping me safe" she says looking at him.
"You should go home with Mom and Dad. This is a courtesy visit. Alan is missing so for your safety stay away from eachother," he states.
"If Alan comes back I would rather be with someone who can protect me from him. Especially after what he did." She states crossing her arms.
"What do you mean what he did?" He asks.
"Don't worry about it Eric" I state, knowing MC doesn't want to show him.
"No, I am acting Chief. If he did something to hurt you I need to know so when I find him I:can have him arrested." He states
She lets  out a little chuckle. "He kicked me in my side and my back, and stabbed my side. I managed to get away from him."
"I will keep a watch please stay safe." He gets back on the horse and rides off. As we watch him leave she grabs my hand again and I walk her back to my manor. 
As we get there I see Charlotte standing outside the door.
"Sir, Phil needs to discuss something with you." She hands me a note.
I don't look at it as I told him to never contact me. "Thank you" i say as I dismiss her. I will admit he is stupid to not see what is front of him when it comes to her. I had seen it for a while, the way she will do anything for him. She would follow him  off the end of this world. I decide to finally open the note from Phillip 
I have received some information about your past that I must share with you immediately. Please forgo our previous arrangement and meet with me quickly. It is imperative that I deliver this straight to you in person. 
I'm standing there looking at this note. He knew one secret I was always looking for was who my father was but no. He could not have found it out this fast unless it was purposely being hidden from me.
I feel a hand on my arm and I see MC standing there. She looks at me "what's about your past?" She asks.
I realized she read the note. "I have an idea but where I must go in your condition I do not want you coming with me." I cup her face gently.
"Jake, you know you can't stop me" she demands and I chuckle. I see her eyebrow raise and her unamused by my chuck.
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Do you think Jake blushed or grinned like an idiot as he read this? I hope he did, afterall, let's be honest, he was the one on our mind when we chose this answer.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Hello HBJ!
Hope you are doing well! I am the anon who talked about the news report in Moonvale. I am so glad you like my idea! It made me so happy!
Well, I haven't finished the game yet, you know life and other games... But I am at the part where we talk to Darkness and he asks us to write the story about Avali. (I am trying not to spoil too much just in case.) and I am surprised nobody decided to write it as if they posted it on the forum? Unless someone did which shouldn't be kept a secret and everyone (Me) should read it! I am not a big fan of horror story but knowing the true story I think it would make a good read!
Or even making it like a part of a story where we get to read snippets of the MC writing it for the forum.
Anyway, thank you for reading and replying to our asks! you are a lovely person!
Take care of yourself and have a good day/evening
Glad to see you back here, dear Anon. Always a pleasure to see people more often or several times.
Well, yeah, real life and other stuff can be very distracting. But at least also other games. I think there could be worse things that keep you from keep playing.
And yes, true. I thought about this several times. I was hoping to see an entry in episode 9 or 10 but sadly nothing. But it would be so cool to have it there in the Forum. The forum itself became very popular and Everbyte kept going to do some little things there. So maybe, I hope, we will have it back again. At least only as app installed on our 'phone'. And seeing the story posted there would be very cool. Who knows, maybe it could also be written by Jessy or bei Hannah herself. But I doubt that Hannah would do it. It would be too triggering. But I general. And seeing other forum members reactions to the story. Maybe even a reaction from Darkness self. I mean, we're buddy's now. There was a bond. A very weird and funny but still. Would love to see how Mr forum themselve would react. If he would mention we "know" each other? 🤔 Or maybe Darkness could question us and write it himself. Like an interview. It would be so cool and interesting. We will see. As we know Everbyte they still have small specials built in, for example 'doodle friends' back then. I could imagine that something similar still happens with the forum. After all, MC seems to be known now. Hehe.
And it would probably mean we’re still using the account that Jake created, and our name is still Nymos. Which would also connect us a bit more with Jake again.
It's true. The story is interesting and exciting and a tragedy. It would definitely be a good read.
Seems like we have to wait and to hope. But even if it’s not, I’m sure Everbyte has a few other special features for us.
Thank you once again for sharing such an interesting thought with me and us. As mentioned, it's a very interesting idea and I would love it. *-*
And I have to thank you for continuing to send asks. I love hearing your thoughts and ideas and opinions. And it's always a honour for me to see people want to share it with me. And you all are always so kind and lovely. And especially thoughtful. It means a lot to me. And thank you so much for the lovely compliment. Hearing this makes me so happy! I hope you are going to have a wonderful day/evening/night. Take care of yourself as well and stay healthy and safe. 💚
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giu-world · 2 years
Darkness: Remember, you attract what you fear.
MC: OMG! I'm scared of receiving 10 billion dollars! 🤑
Jake: OMG! I'm so scared of being free.
Richy: I'm scared of my innocence! 😅
Jessy: I'm so scared of being appreciated by my brother! 😔
Hannah: I'm scared that Jake isn't really my brother, so I can leave Thomas! 😎
Thomas: I'm terrified that Hannah doesn't break up with me! 😱
Alan: I'm scared to receive a promotion! 😬
Phil: I'm scared that MC might fall madly in love with me. ;)
Jake: I'm so scared that Phil might suddenly disappear! :)
Lilly: I'm terrified that Dan can love me. ☺️
Dan: Yeah, you're damn right. 🍻
Cleo: Well, I'm scared that my friends know how to cook. 🤔
Darkness: Cleo, here is talking about things to attract, not miracles. 🤦‍♂️
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lyon-amore · 24 days
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*Oneshot based on chapters 5 and 8.
    Since Lilly posted the video, my whole life has been turned upside down. Jake is gone for his own good and I have to take the accusatory looks and murmurs of people.
   “You didn't expect this to happen to me, right, Jake?” I say through clenched teeth, quite annoyed.
    I had sent a message to my boyfriend, I needed to get my mind off of everything that was happening. And what could be better than exploring an abandoned house like we did before?
     I see him leaning on his Land-ROVER, looking at his cell phone. His tousled black hair covers his blue eyes. A pair of rings decorate his fingers. On his right wrist, he has the head of a snake tattooed with its mouth open, as if his hand were coming out of it. Meanwhile, on the left, a skull with a rose coming out of the skull.      My father is fine with me going out with him, he's known him since we were little, so he's happy to see that he can trust him. In addition, they sometimes work together when it is his turn to be forensic in his cases.      Unlike my mother, who found him adorable when he didn't have black hair and was free of tattoos. According to her, it sounds like something out of a satanic rock band. Every time she says it it makes me let out a small growl. His appearance drives me crazy —not to mention something much worse.
     When he sees me, he puts his phone away and waits for me to park, approaching slowly.      I get out of the car, fighting with my seat belt, almost desperate. I needed to breathe.      I run up to him and hug him, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.
   "Hey..." He separates me a little and lifts my chin, with a worried look. "Are you okay, Holmes?" I let out a laugh when I heard the nickname. He knows that I like to investigate since I was a child. Him too, but in a different way.
    I have told him everything, since we have a pretty solid relationship after so many years together. I've even told him about Jake. I don't want lies in our relationship, I don't want to ruin it.
   "Yes, I'm fine," I smile, running my hand through his hair, caressing it lovingly. I stand on tiptoe and kiss him as he leans in a little.
     Their metal collars make contact with my skin. They are cold.      I separate out of discomfort, I’m too sensitive these days. All because of that stupid Lilly video.
   "If you say so," I notice annoyance in his voice. I understand. What is happening to me is not easy for him to also listen to comments from me on his work. And working as a police coroner, I'm sure he had heard their suspicions about me.
    I follow him to the back of the car, opening the trunk where there is a black suitcase inside.
   “Here it is,” he drags the object toward us and opens it. “Masks, gloves, a pair of flashlights—”
   “Are we going to investigate or rob?” I try to joke, although my voice doesn't sound very encouraging.
   “Well, when we were teenagers we did everything without being careful” he pokes me on the nose. “We have to be more professional this time, Holmes.”
     I nod and start putting on my gear. It’s true that when we were young we went around without being careful, which caused our parents to get angry with us and we always had the police on us.      I take the mask and leave it on my chin for now, and then put on the cloth gloves.
   "At least you didn't come in a skirt like you did before." I raise an eyebrow at his words. “Don't look at me like that, I don't know how you never got a scratch.”
   "Because I had you to take care of me." I smile proudly at him, but he rolls his eyes as he lets out a sigh.
   “Who else would do it?”
    He gives me a quick caress on the cheek, with a half smile, but at the same time he looks serious. He makes my stomach feel like thousands of little ants running around. 
     We approach the house and I try to look through the door window. It's completely dark and when my eyes adjust, I can see a little: There is a ladder and a clown doll hanging from the ceiling. There are also two pieces of furniture on each side.      I try to open the door, but it’s closed.
   "You don't have a pair of lockpicks, do you?" I ask, moving away from the door.
   “No, and even if I had, my thing is not to open doors with lockpicks,” he answers, crossing his arms.
    I bite the inside of my cheek and look to the sides and then touch him on the arm.
   “Let's make a detour, maybe we can enter from behind,” I comment as I start walking.
    He stands in front of me, carefully removing the weeds. He makes a gesture with his hand, as if inviting me in. I smile and put on the mask, passing by him.      There is an archway as an entrance to the backyard.      I walk over to a stationary bike and sit on it, trying to move it.
   “I… can’t…” I complain a little, trying to move the pedals.
   "Or maybe you lack strength," he rests his hands on the handlebars and I can see from his eyes that he is smiling evilly. It's clearly a joke, the bike is in a state of not having been used in a long time.
    I narrow my eyes looking at him evilly. 
   “Wait,” he stands next to me, putting one foot on a pedal and his hands on the handlebars. “On three. One… Two… Three,” he says calmly. I move the other pedal and with effort we manage to move it. “Done, teamwork.”
    I raise my hand to high-five him and he accepts. But I interlace my fingers and move a little closer to his face to touch his mask with mine.
   “Good teamwork,” I agree.
    I hear him let out a small laugh and he lowers his mask, leaving a small kiss on my forehead.
   “I haven't forgotten that you called me weak,” I answer, getting out of the seat. “That kiss doesn't help me forgive you.”
   “Well, I at least had to try,” he shrugs and steps away from the bike. “Look,” he points his head behind me. “The door is open.”
   “Almost like they left it for us,” I joke as I turn around and look inside.
     I can see like cushions for the chairs in summer. Yellow and green.      Although everything seems to be cluttered with things.
   "I'll go ahead," he carefully pushes me away, turning on the flashlight, "I don't trust if there's anyone inside..."
   “Thank you for wanting to scare me.”
    I turn on the flashlight and he takes my hand, along with a small 'Careful' as we carefully enter. I step where he steps, being careful with things on the floor.      There are even gardening tools along the walls.      He takes out his phone and starts taking photos.
   “For the forum?” I ask him, curiously.
   "Yes, I'm sure they'll like this."
    I can hear some emotion in his voice. He's really passionate about these things.
   “You know? You should go back too,” he looks at me quickly before continuing walking.
   "I know, but I prefer to leave it behind...”
   "Everyone misses you."
   “I can imagine it.”
    I prefer not to talk about it, it’s something I want to leave in the past and at least he accepted my decision. But he knows how happy that forum made me.
     We go out into the hallway opening the first door we see. A bathroom.      He approaches the sink and tells me.
   "Look, a corpse." I lower my head and look at a dead fly.
   “I could have brought my equipment and made a controlled environment so that no one gets close and I could examine it carefully.”
    I let out a laugh as I shake my head. He really always has some strange occurrences. That's what I like about him, that he doesn't pretend.
     We continue and enter another bathroom, where we find a baby stroller with a pile of clothes inside. It makes my stomach turn to think that something could have happened to a little creature. It's like my protective instinct against weak people is activated.      I feel a pressure in my head and look up. I notice how he strokes my hair, as if he knew I was nervous when he saw him. I smile at him even though I can't see it because of the mask, but I can see it through my eyes. He smiles back at me when he notices it in his too.      I let him take photos in peace while I examine the place, entering a room with a pile of bottles of wine and champagne. How I would like to take one…
   "Don't do it," I hear from behind me. "Do you remember the last time you did it?"
   “It was accidentally that I vomited in my parents' closet.”
   “And you ended up grounded for a month.”
   "But now my parents can't punish me—"
   "Not your parents, but me."
    I swallow, noticing the intensity of his gaze. Ugh… If it weren't for this place…
     We leave the basement, where the entrance to the house is. The first thing I see is a tapestry on the wall.      I look up at where the clown is hanging. His blue and white suit even looks new. How long has he been here?
   “There’s ‘IT’,” I point with my hand.
    He taps it, moving it a little.
   "Let's hope he doesn't start swinging on his own then," he comments with a mocking voice, "because then I'll have to defend you from him."
   “Oh, my hero,” I put my hands on my chest as I exaggerate with my voice.
    We start investigating each on our own, looking for something interesting.
   “I love investigating these places.” I look at him for a moment and see that sparkle of excitement in his eyes. “I feel like everything I see tells a story without having to speak,” he stop looking at his phone for a moment to look at what's around him, as if he were making a mental image.
    I smile sweetly after hearing his words. His curiosity is hardly noticeable, but I always manage to see him. He is like a little child, but at the same time he has the respect of an adult.
    When I open the cabinet that is on the right side of the door, I find a lot of Christmas decoration objects.
   “Do you know anything about Jake?” I hear him ask me.
    I take a breath while I grab a calendar. Nineteen eighty-five, could this be the date when they left the house?
   “No, he hasn't said anything to me since he left.” I try not to sound upset. Although he told me about his situation with the government, of course I am upset with him. He has left me alone with the accusations. I would have liked a little empathy from you.
   “Does it bother you that I asked about him?”
   “It seems strange to me that you’re interested in him.”
   “I care about you and you know it.”
    I turn to hear him speak so softly. Although his look is not. I know he’s worried about what I'm up to, and he'd like to know as much as I do why Hannah had my phone number.
   “I know…”
   “And isn't it better to leave it?” I look at him surprised. I don't think he has ever told me to give up on the things I like, such as my passion for research. “What if he gets you into more trouble? Or worse, what if the Man without a face is also after you?”
   “Wasn't it just a legend?” I let out a somewhat dry laugh, knowing that for him legends are nothing more than legends, nothing real.
    Yes, he likes all those stories, but that doesn't mean he really imagines a ghost walking through a town taking real people.
   "I know you and I know that you suffer from all those calls in which he threatens you." I cross my arms, as if protecting myself from his words. “Don't pretend now that you didn't call me when he made that video call.”
   “Okay, yes, I'm scared,” I admit, separating my arms. I clench my fists tightly, annoyed. “I don't know where this will lead or if anyone will get hurt, I... I'm afraid for them... I'm afraid that...”
     I start by shaking like a small animal. Is it normal to feel like this? I want to trust Jake's words and that nothing will happen to my friends.      I lower my head so he can't see my eyes, holding back tears. I don't want him to see me like that.      I notice how he wraps his arms around me, pressing me tightly against his chest.
    “You know, I'm always by your side,” his voice sounds soft. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who sees this sweet side of him and the rest of the world sees the cold guy they think he is. “I know that you are going through a difficult situation and that the person you trusted has left you with a difficult situation, but I have always been with you and defended you, never forget that, okay?”
    I nod, hugging him tightly. I shed a few tears, leaving his shirt soaked.      What Jake didn't think about is that the video can be downloaded and the phone number can also be passed on, which means the situation won't end until we find Hannah.
    But the truth is that right now, I just want to be with the man who has been supporting me since it all started and it makes people's eyes turn away from me when he gives them that cold look of his.
     I notice how he slowly lifts my chin. He has taken off his mask. His gaze makes me lose myself in that sea that is only for me.      He runs his thumb over my lips and gently opens them, kissing me.      When he pulls away after a slow kiss and a few strokes of my hair, he whispers deeply.
   “Do you want me to stay at your apartment tonight?”
   “It will be a wonderful pleasure,” I reply and bite his lip.
     I hear a small growl coming from his throat.      Thank goodness I have his support to survive these difficult times or I would go crazy.
<< Will I still have the handcuffs at home?>>
     It had been a while and Jake had finally returned thanks to the girls' help, although unfortunately, she had lost a friend. That caused both of them to argue. When he told me, I got angry. Not with her, but with that guy. With Jake.      He supposedly promised that nothing would happen to any of the group, and in the end what happened? Richy died.      It's been since the threats, the attack to a friend, the hacking of her phone and now the death of one of them. Didn't that guy see everything she was suffering? If I knew where he was hiding, I wouldn't hesitate to punch him and yell at him not to make her cry again. I don't want him to do it again. Or that it doesn't happen when she is alone and I can't comfort her.
   "If it weren't for the fact that she feels that he is a good man., I would denounce him," I mutter under my breath as I fill out a form for the last corpse examined.
    My phone starts ringing. I recognize the tone of the message. It's her.
    I quickly put down the folder and grab my phone from the table. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Holmes🖤​ Hey We need to talk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I arch an eyebrow somewhat confused. It's not that it's a phrase that everyone would like to hear from her partner, but in her case, I think there is something more. She always liked to use those phrases to add mystery and, knowing her, I'm sure she does it to easily break the ice on something serious. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Darkness What's going on?
Holmes🖤​ Well how do I begin to say this? Do you know a girl named Avali? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I sit in the chair slowly. Now I'm more confused.      I met Avali on the forum because she was asking about the man without a face. But if she knows the name Avali, it means… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Darkness Did you enter the forum?
Holmes🖤​ It's because of the investigation and seeing that you spoke with her privately, well I had to ask you directly
Darkness Hang on a minute Are we being…
Holmes🖤​ Yeah He already know I had to tell him
Darkness Have he taken it well?
Holmes🖤​ Right now is not the time 😒​ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I let out a small laugh. I'm sure he doesn’t like it that I know everything. Well, he's going to have to put up with it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Holmes🖤 Please tell me everything you know about Avali ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I tell him what we were talking about, that I wanted to know more about the legend and that it was all because of a friend, at first I didn't believe it because it's a pretty common phrase when you don't want anyone to know it's you and you're embarrassed to admit it. People often hide things just so that others don't look at you strangely.      But knowing this now, it means that Amy and Hannah must have a connection just like she said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Darkness So, Amy and Hannah knew each other?
Holmes🖤 Darkness, don't make me call you by your full name
Darkness Sorry, I guess I'm kind of curious about this case now Amy entered the forum looking for answers for Hannah… But she’s the one who ended up dead Don’t you think it’s something interesting?
Holmes🖤 Interesting or not, it sounds like you're having fun with this conversation
Darkness Because I feel proud to be part of your help Although there is not much to tell
Holmes🖤 Or you may now have problems knowing that you spoke to a victim
Darkness Don't worry, I have you as an alibi at least
Holmes🖤 At least if we knew the moment of her death...
Darkness Why don't I stop by your apartment as soon as my shift is over? We will talk about it much better alone If you know what I mean
Holmes🖤 I know 😅
Darkness Perfect See you later And goodbye Jake, a pleasure to be spied on by you
Holmes🖤 Don't make him more angry than he already is...
Darkness Is he really angry? Or is he jealous?
Holmes🖤 You're right, we'd better talk about it at home
-----Holmes🖤 has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Knowing her, I know that she is not going to wait for me with a tray of cupcakes and a smile, I will have to be careful that she doesn’t murder me or another forensic will take my place.
    I get to her apartment and when she opens the door, she stares at me, crossing her arms and frowning.
   “I'm sorry,” is the first thing that comes out of my mouth. She angry is quite scary and she has rarely been. It's like a strange phenomenon that might happen once every year.
    She steps to the side and shakes her head, inviting me in. I accept and left the jacket on the coat rack and the shoes on the small cabinet. Next, I approach her, slowly caressing her cheek, trying to calm her.
   “Has he scolded you too much?” I ask worried.
   "Let's say that... For him I have broken the trust we had," she sighs and takes my hand, taking me to the living room.
    We sit on the sofa, she raises her legs, sitting in lotus. I go up one, getting comfortable.
   "You shouldn't let that guy manipulate you with his words." I caress the back of his hand and he looks at me hurt. “You haven't broken any trust, you've only told me and no one else.”
   "Well, that's why," I notice how her voice sounds broken, as if she had a hard time speaking. “I had to explain to him that I had to tell you because I didn't want to seem like I was talking to someone else—”
   “Technically, you were doing it,” I arch an eyebrow and she pouts.
   "You know what I mean," I let out a small laugh and finally lean on the headboard of the sofa, placing my hand on my face for support. “I have told him that we have known each other since we were children and that you are the only one I trust the most to keep my secrets, because you always have,” a smile appears this time on his face. I know she is trying hard not to worry me. She's had a rough morning.
   “But I couldn't be with you when what happened with your friend” I look away, annoyed with myself.
     I couldn't come because I was working, I think it's the first time in my entire life that I've failed her and I feel like shit.      She places her hands on my face, forcing me to look at her. I look better at her eyes, they are red from crying.      She approaches my face, kissing me. At first I avoid answering it because I feel like I don't deserve it, but in the end I fall.      Surely she does it to forget it. Forget what has happened. I run my hand under her blouse and listen to her sigh as she notices the cold touch of the rings. I smile knowing that I'm the only one who knows everything she likes.
    Her phone rings and we stop. I understand, after what happened, it is normal for her to be nervous.
   "That's strange, I don't recognize the number..." she says without yet leaving me.
   “The kidnapper?”
   "No, he doesn't usually call that" she runs her tongue over her lips and answers.
     I can hear because of the proximity. The call is from Maydol prison. I frown without understanding, who is calling her from prison?      And it is then… that I hear Phil’s voice for the first time.      I lean back, making a sound of annoyance. I hope this doesn’t get her into any more trouble.
     I listen to her talking to him, walking around the room, worried. I stare at her, speaking with complete professionalism. She's not for jokes.      When she hangs up, she leaves her phone on the table and falls onto the couch, resting her head on my lap, putting her hands to her face, tired. I begin to caress her hair, careful not to let my rings get tangled in any strands.
   "When all this is over, can we go on vacation, please?" She says through her hands.
   “Mmm… There is a church in the Czech Republic that you would love to see,” I see how she slowly opens her fingers, blinking with curiosity, “it has some really ghostly sculptures.”
   “It would be nice, at least just to go on a trip to another place and rest from all this” she lowers her hands and plays with my pendant. “Sorry for Phil called me...”
    “Why do you apologize? You're helping him too, right?” I take her hand and kiss her fingers. “And there is no one better than you in the world to do it.”
    We intertwine our fingers and she nods, sighing.
     Her phone rings again.      She heavily gets up to pick it up and sits down next to me again, showing me that it’s Jake. She rests her head on my shoulder as she talks to him about the new news Phil has given her.      Despite looking tired, she tries to solve this case.      I kiss her head and she looks at me.
   “Why that?” She asks with a laugh.
   “I felt like doing it, Holmes.”
     She smiles and snuggles again.
   "I'm lucky you're with me." Her voice sounds truly happy this time and much better than before. “With you by my side, things feel lighter, like I don't have to worry about anything.”
    I run my thumb over her lips and she looks at me.
   "And that's my job," I carefully caress her cheek and smile, "to make sure you don't have to worry about anything."
   “You don’t know how much I love you…”
   "And you don't know that I would give my life for you, so don't put yourself in danger for this, okay?" 
   “Hey, no blackmail of that kind.”
   "It's the only way you won't do it."
     She shrugs, accepting that it’s true. If I don’t remind her of things, I’m sure she would do something crazy.      She pulls me to her and kisses me. I notice her smile across her lips.
   "Weren't you talking to Jake?" I whisper, breaking the kiss.
   "He can surely wait twenty more minutes."
     I take her phone, leaving it on the table. Then I place my hand on her waist and lay her down on the couch, holding her wrists above her head.
   "Make it an hour, now you need to relax Holmes."
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
Before The Lies
This is a 1700 dark AU each chapter as been written by amazing people if you are new to the story start with trap of lies which can be found here the rest of the chapters for before the lies can be found here.
Chapter 7
It was late at night as Charles prepared to Tonight  meet with the mystery man again. He got in contact with him and asked to meet. The designated meet up location was  behind an alleyway, where there was very little light. There was a hint about who the mystery man was and  the more Charles thought about it, there was only one person it could be. 
Standing in the damp, dark alleyway, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the water hitting the ground. Charles looked into the shadows of the night and saw a dark figure coming closer to him. This time, he could make out more details about the other man, as it was clear now that it was a man. He was dressed very smart, his shirt had a gold pattern that matches his waist coat. He wore plain black trousers with a long and black coat that hovered just above the ground. Charles also noticed the gentleman was walking with a black cane which had a silver handle on the top. 
As the figure got closer and closer to Charles, the hairs on the back of his neck started to stand up. He had never been nervous about meeting anyone before but this was different. There was something off about this but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He held his breath for a few seconds before slowly breathing out. 
"Do you have what I came for?" The figure spoke slowly, blowing smoke into Charles’ face. 
Charles answered, “Yes. Everything you need to know is in this file."  His hand shook slightly as he handed the file over.  
"Excellent. This is very good.  Very good indeed. I knew I was right about you." A look of concussion hit Charles’ face as he remembered he had heard that voice before.  It was Angus Barnett. 
Charles suddenly realized that he had been selling secrets to Angus, shock ran across his face.  Angus saw the shock appear on the other man’s features. Angus just stood there looking at Charles, with a grin on his face. In a fit of panic, Charles rushed away from that dark place as quickly as he could, all the way home, hoping that no one would see him coming out of the shadows.
Once home, he rushed to his study and wrote out a note, addressing it to Nathaniel. l He would meet him at the shop in the morning. This note  instructed Nathaniel to alert all the helpers  that gathered secrets and have them  for him to keep a special watch on Angus Barnett. 
Finding out about Angus had Charles worried.  Why hadn’t he figured it out sooner.  If he had, he wouldn't have sold him one of the biggest secrets ever. Charles started to wonder, when this was all said and done in the end, would it have been worth it.  Worth going to battle against Angus.  He was a powerful man and when he wanted something he got it. There was no way of knowing what he was going to do with the information he just obtained. Charles had to come up with a plan to find out what Angus Barnett was really up to. 
Charles' thoughts turned to Janice. His face showed so much concern for her. He didn't want anything awful to happen to her, especially now he knew that Jake's father is Angus Barnett. Janice was a sweet, kind, caring woman and all Angus did was use her for his own sick pleasure. Charles wanted nothing more than to try and protect Janice as much as possible. 
Over the next few days, Charles kept a special eye on Janice.  He felt it was down to him to make sure that she was looked after and safe. The thought kept returning to him, He felt that in some way he owed it to her, after he sold one of his biggest secrets to be Angus.
 Charles received daily updates from Nathaniel about Angus and his movements. He reported that something big was about to go down.  Drugs would be brought into the docks and unloaded by Angus's men and were due to arrive in a  couple of days. Charles told Nathaniel to keep reporting back and find out where Angus was taking the drugs. 
The next morning, Charles was met at his shop by a very anxious Nathaniel. He had a note in his hand from Angus. The bastard wanted another meeting that night and Charles was to come alone. Panic started to rise in his body as he read the note.  He tried to retain his composure and think of the best way to deal with this situation. He told Nathaniel to send word to Angus that he would meet him  tonight at the agreed place. Charles paid Nathaniel well for his services, before he left the shop and the worried shop owner behind.. 
The day felt like it was never going to end. Charles had been in a panic all day thinking about this meeting. As soon as it was  closing time, he hurried  home to prepare for his meeting with  Angus. 
Mary greeted Charles with a soft smile and a kiss each evening when he arrived home.  After supper, Charles told Mary that he was going to an important business meeting and would be back soon. He didn't like lying to his wife and he wasn't about to start. Picking up his hat and coat, he left the comforts of his home and  made his way to the meeting place. 
Arriving at  a tavern that he had not been to before, Charles made his way inside to wait for Angus. The tavern was filled with smoke and there was a man in the corner playing the piano. The walls were decorated with a floral pattern.  All around the room, there were women draped across men's knees, the men touching every part of the woman’s body. 
The lighting made the room just about visible, the low flickering of the candles burning away on each table. Silence consumed the room when a loud bang was heard coming from the door. No one dared to speak until they were spoken to. Angus came walking across the room, hitting the bar with his cane, and a woman quickly came over with his drink. Drink in hand,Angus turned his attention to Charles, who was sitting in the corner. Beads of sweat started to roll down Charles face, he had never been this nervous before. Angus walked over and slammed his drink down onto the table causing Charles to jump slightly. Angus sat down looking right into Charles eyes, he could see the panicked look on his face. 
"You're wondering why I requested you to meet me here tonight." A small chuckle left Angus’ lips. Before Charles could reply, he spoke again, "I know you have information on the drug deals that are happening soon. I want that file by tomorrow." Angus downed the rest of his drink and left the tavern. 
Charles was left in a state of shock. Why did Angus think he had information on a drug deal that was supposed to be happening soon? Getting up from the table, he made his way home in a daze. He did not know what the hell he was going to do.
Nathaniel came to the shop the next morning, with some very important information about what was going to be happening with the drugs coming in. Charles was so happy to hear this news. Thanks to this young boy, he had just what Angus needed. Nathaniel handed him the piece of paper that had listed the dates when they would arrive. 
The first shipment was due in the next couple of days and the boat would arrive by nightfall. There would be a group of men already there to take possession of the drugs.  From there they will be taken back to an unknown location. The second shipment would arrive one week from the first and so on, in total 5 shipments of drugs would be arriving at the docks. Charles knew this was something Angus was keen on being a part of and he would deliver the information Angus needed. 
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incorrectnessduskwood · 4 months
MC: If you die first, promise to wait up for me, okay, Darkness? Darkness: Oh, MC. When I die, I’m taking you with me. MC: I can’t tell if that’s a threat or a compliment. Darkness: I’d think of it more as a grim inevitability.
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Jake flirting
Jake - my heart hurts.
Mc - what happened? Are you okay?
Jake - no, i believe my heart just fell for you :)
Mc - omg i never knew you could talk like that
Jake - :)
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paigenoelchas-blog · 1 year
Before the Lies
Chapter 4 is up, people...
Before the Lies is a prequel to our previously published collaboration written with @duskwoodgirl4life, @x3kristax3 @raemae17, @babeczka415 and @julesthoughts. If you don't know these writers, you should check out more of their stuff as they are tremendously skilled and have a lot of lovely things to read.
Trap of Lies can be found on my master list or any of the other authors' master lists.
Before the Lies previous chapters: 1 2 3
Chapter 4 - Written by pahinanoel
“Darling,” Charles said looking deeply at his wife, “It has been a long day, shall we proceed to bed and end this night properly in each other’s arms? I believe the world and all of its business can wait until tomorrow.”  He kissed his wife and she returned his affection, deepening the kiss.  Her laughter filled the halls as he swooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.
Charles had to leave very early the next morning, though he made sure to leave a kiss on the cheek of his beloved wife still asleep, and on the foreheads of his son and daughter still happily tucked in their beds. They were everything to him. While he had maintained control of his business thus far, he knew he played with fire and they could all be in danger at any moment.  He never wanted to forget to say goodbye properly.  He left a note for Mary telling her about his early meeting and hoping that she would understand why his side of the bed would be cold when she awoke.  He hated leaving them like this, but the letter that he received the previous night meant he had some things to do that would ensure their protection.
It was mornings like this when the cold nipped at his nose and chilled him to the core, in the darkness before the fog lifted and still clung to the damp air, that he was all too aware of the danger that lurked in the shadows.  He knew he risked their health and happiness continuing this line of work, but he had set up several fail safes and secret protections to ensure their safety.  His business offered them a lifestyle that he and the family had gotten used to, and he wasn’t sure he could find another occupation that would allow them to keep their house or carriages.  
He owed Mary the best things that life could offer.  She was above him in all ways, intelligent, beautiful, and strong.  There was no man worthy of her.  It was his fortune to have her by his side and he would never be one to forget that fact.  They had secrets initially, but she eventually explained her involvement with the White Nights.  Her intention to do good things within this organization made him enamored with her.  She was brave and strong in a time when other women were happy to sit idly surrounded by their lovely things and watch the world move.  He adored her in every way.  Her passion and bravery were inspiring to him and forced him to be a better man.  He only wished his intentions were as noble as hers were.
Mary awoke, finding the note on her nightstand.  She missed him, but she had her own meeting this morning.  It was one held in secret and while Charles had an idea of her current  membership in the group, she never divulged any of the details.  If she told him, it would put his life in great danger.  While it was the same from his end, they never felt isolated or alone in their secrets.  They both knew the ones they had to keep and allowed the other the same courtesy.
Mary put on her uniform for the monthly training meeting of the White Nights. The White Nights was a secret organization that functioned in the shadows of everyday society.  They could move between the shadows, gathering information, and creating havoc when need be.  They trained well and were physically able to defend themselves.  They also underwent regular training sessions that kept their mental acumen in check.
Today was the physical challenge, and for that, a special uniform was worn, it consisted of a fitted corset that allowed free movement of the arms and the boning offered some protection. The pants, scandalous to wear out for a lady of her stature, were required in this field of work as the layers of dress would not be accommodating to fight off any attacker.  The belt, a wide band of cloth that resembled a man’s cummerbund, allowed a slim knife to be concealed within. Sewn into the waistband were pockets and loops of varying sizes that would accommodate the needs of any assignment or specialty. These garments were dyed the color of the fog, a lightly swirled, muted gray, which reminded Mary of marble. This color was prevalent throughout the city and reflected not only in the city's walls but also in the mist, which poured into the port in most of the evening hours. The beauty of these “costumes” is that they fit easily under their usual clothing allowing them to change very quickly if the occasion were to arise.  They were all issued a cape as well, the color of midnight on one side and white on the other, matching the color of the uniform.  This gave them the ability to move freely in the shadows if that was required. Sometimes it became necessary to disappear to the corners of the city streets.
Maebelle snuck into the room and watched her mother get dressed.  The look of admiration with which she watched her mother showed how deep the child’s affection was for her.  As Mary brushed her long blonde hair and pulled it tightly into a bun, Maebelle wished she would someday be as beautiful and elegant as her mother. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be so beautiful and confident.
As Mary finished her young daughter’s hair, she moved on to her own blonde hair mimicking the hairstyle of the smaller version of herself.  Looking back into the mirror, she paused at the reflection of her daughter.  Maebelle’s legs swung happily off the side of the bed as she watched her mother continue to prepare for the day.  She chatted constantly and Mary took great delight in the things that they discussed.  Every day, Maebelle was becoming more insightful and creative.  Mary smiled when she looked back at the child and imagined the woman that she would become.  It was a joy to be her mother.  She couldn’t imagine a better life and was very grateful for the one that had been granted her.
“Mae,” Eric said, as he peeked into his mother’s room from the hallway, “Breakfast is ready, I was told to come and get you.”  He snickered, knowing she hated that name.
Mary looked at her daughter, “Yes, Love,“ she said, signaling to Maebelle, and giving her a sweet hug as she ushered her off of the bed, “Your brother is right to call you.  You must go 
“Your Father had his own meetings to run off to, but we shall see him for dinner.” She kissed Maebelle on the head and released her. “Go and eat with your brother.  I will be down shortly.”
eat.  We have important places to be this morning.” 
“Is that why Papa isn’t here?” the girl asked, not wanting Mary to let her go just yet.
Mary could hear Mae running down the stairs humming a tune on her way. She took this chance to place her blade in its holster before joining her children.
Eric ruffled Mae’s hair as they heard a knock on the door.  “I will get it,” Eric said and ran to the door.  He loved visitors.  The daily monotony of their life sometimes made him act out in an effort to fight boredom, usually this acting out was at Mae’s expense.
Jake came running through the door and headed straight for Maebelle. “Good Morning, Mae,” he said with a smile growing on his face.  She pulled out a chair next to her and patted the seat inviting him to join them for the meal. Placing a plate of hot rolls and jam in front of him, she watched him as he began to eagerly partake.  A typical boy, he was never complete.  Maebelle didn’t understand that Jake’s life was very different from hers and the kind of food that she enjoyed was not the common fare. Jake was always hungry because he was a boy, but it was also because money was sometimes hard to come by for his mother.  While she always provided, food at home wasn’t usually as good as this was.  Maebelle giggled as she watched him eat. He was acting like a starved wolf at this moment, otherwise, his manners were impeccable.
Janice leaned over and spoke softly in her son’s ear, a blush alighted on his cheeks as his manners returned to him.  
“Hurry with your meals, children,” Mary addressed them, “Janice and I have a very important place to be. We thought you all might enjoy some time at the library this morning if Eric will oblige and make sure that you two stay out of trouble, that is.”
“Yes, Mum,“ Eric nodded.  He wasn’t much older but was used to watching out for both of them. They tended to get a little adventurous and absent-minded when they were together.  Well, Maebelle was adventurous and Jake, well, he would do whatever Maebelle wanted. Eric didn’t mind watching over the two, it made him feel important and he was eager to get out of the house for a bit, “We will be good. I promise.”
Mary reached over and placed her hand on the boy’s cheek, “I know that I can trust you, Son.  You have never disappointed me,” she offered him a gentle look as she spoke. Eric could both see and feel his mother’s love as it shone brightly in her eyes. It made him stand taller.
The children finished breakfast and the five placed on their coats as they headed out the door.  The wind whipped around the corner almost toppling Mae to the ground.  
“Shall we walk or take the carriage, dear friend?”  Mary asked Janice. 
“Let’s send the children on the carriage and then let’s walk, you know how the fresh air heals my soul,” Janice suggested.
Jake wanted to walk with his mother, he loved seeing her free, with the wind in her face.  She seemed younger and lighter. “Mother, can’t I just go with you?  I would like to go to the library, but I would love to walk with you.  I can wait outside of your meeting and usher you both home. We can count the crows flying by or watch the horses run,” Jake practically begged. 
“No, Son.  This is not an appointment you can go to,” Janice replied, kissing his cheek. “I love spending time with you too, but we will have plenty of days for walks and many more times spent counting the crows and picking the lavender.” She kissed his cheeks.  “Pick out a book that we can read tonight and we can share it before bed. Be a good lad and have fun.  You are with your favorite people.” She smiled and her eyes were full of love.
“You are my favorite person,” Jake replied but knew his mother wasn’t going to budge.  He accepted her answer and the mission to find the perfect book and climbed into the carriage.  Mae instantly began chattering about everything on her mind. Jake watched as his mother faded out of view and eagerly set his attention on his other favorite person and her brother who he admired a great deal. It was a grand adventure to be going alone in a carriage and one that they weren’t allowed very often.  As they rode quickly down the road, Maebelle’s chattering and the boy's laughter filled the air..  
Mary smiled as the two women walked arm in arm down the road.  This was the part of town that Janice wouldn’t normally feel comfortable in due to her status, but Mary always made her feel welcome and accepted.  Their sisterhood was evident in all of her actions.  
“I fear that I will have a difficult assignment today even though I just returned,’ Janice began.  “I have avoided these dangers long enough.”
“Don’t let those thoughts control you. Arthur has chosen to protect you this long.  He knows that Jacob has no one else and he knows your devotion to the Nights.” Mary tried to console Janice.  “Isn’t it a lovely day, despite the wind?  Can’t you smell the salt of the sea and the lavender in the air, and that delicious scent of mint that occasionally tickles the nose? Let’s enjoy our walk, shall we?”
Janice took her friend's advice and took in a refreshing breath of air, instantly feeling at peace. She also quite enjoyed her walk.  
They arrived at the building just outside of the town. From the outside, it was a simple warehouse hidden between the estates of the wealthy and the streets of the commoners.  No one paid it any attention as it looked just like the other buildings in this part of the city. The inside, however, was lavish. The walls were gilded with gold accents and banners bearing the symbol of the White Nights hung from the momentous ceiling. Lush fabric and ornate wood detailed every inch of the building.  Jane, the secretary behind the front counter maintained the propriety of a professional building should an uninvited guest stumble upon the premises.  She was the pulse of the company.  She knew all of the assignments and all of the members, and most importantly she held all of the gossip.  If you needed to know anything, she was the person to find.
The lobby opened up to a long hallway split into two equal sides. To the right were classrooms and offices, no different than any other. Students walked the hallway in hushed whispers.  During their time in these classes, students were assessed for their specialties and put into groups based on their particular set of skills. Mary and Janice were classmates.  Mary was charming and had social ties which meant people would divulge information to her that they wouldn’t normally divulge and as a socialite, she was allowed to enter places that most were not.  Janice had an uncanny ability to read lips and, in this way, gather information where others could not. She also had special skills in retaining and repeating that intel almost verbatim. The two were placed in a specialty class together and became fast friends. The special skills these women had kept them from being put in the most dangerous situations, but they were trained as well as any other Night and could take care of themselves if things got out of control. 
The other side, to the left, led to the gymnasium.  It was a huge open room set up with various tools and torture equipment, as well as a training room inspired by the classic Greeks, designed to prepare the ladies for both defense and attack.  Using inspiration from both the Greek warriors and the Japanese martial art form of kalarippayattu, these women became fully competent warriors able to fend off every foe.  
The women were headed straight to the locker room to change for their training when Arthur stopped Janice. 
Arthur was a tall man, and incredibly muscular.  He was attractive, his blonde hair lit up the dark places. He could charm anyone he wanted, yet his appearance was such that few would attempt to cross him.  His hazel eyes bore such an intensity that it would be impossible to avoid being intimidated by him. The women of the White Nights were not, however, intimidated.  They were his army, but he was their protector and he took that responsibility very seriously. These monthly training helped Arthur, the leader of the group, keep the health and skill of his army in check. They knew that he would take care of them at all costs.
He had a special spot for Janice.  He was raised by a single mother and appreciated her performance in the White Nights and the love that she showed for her son. She was a beautiful woman, but her intellect is what drew him in.  Others might overlook her beauty because of her social standing, but he knew that she was of the highest caliber as a human. He knew that she would not be here if it wasn’t for her boy.  The White Nights offered a certain amount of protection and security in an increasingly dangerous city.
Arthur had managed to give her easier missions over the years, keeping the safety of both her and her son in mind. The mission that he had to send her on today was a little riskier than he would like, but she had a certain skill set, one that no one came close to matching. He had faith in her ability to complete the mission and return home, but he still didn’t like it. He wouldn’t relax until she was finished with this mess.
“Follow me, “Arthur spoke to Janice, his voice firm but soft. He turned to Mary, “Mrs. Carter, your friend will join you in a moment.”  Mary nodded and headed toward the locker room while Janice went after Arthur, her hands clasped tightly in front of her.  Mary watched her friend with sympathetic eyes, she didn’t like the look on his face.  Her gut, which was never wrong, told her that Janice wasn’t going to like what she was about to hear.
His office was simple, with a plain desk and two chairs.  The walls held his certificates from an unknown university overseas and a series of drawings of famous commanders and kings.  Arthur motioned for her to have a seat, which she did gladly.  
“Janice, I need your help.  You are the only one that can complete this mission.  I would send someone else, but you are the best eavesdropper we have. You are the only one that can accurately tell what information is being passed from a distance and bring that information back to me.  We need this information.  You won’t be in direct contact, but you do have to sneak into their main office and lie in wait to gather the information we seek. Watching every word they say and remembering it is imperative for the next mission, which of course, I can not discuss with you.  You are the only one that I can trust to complete such a vital task.”
“Arthur, I do not have a choice and I will accept your mission, but could I have a couple of days to prepare things at home first.  I need to see my son and find a safe place for him to be.  I need to make sure he knows that I love…”
Arthur interrupted, refusing to let her give into thoughts of disaster. “That is the worst part, I fear.  You must leave within the hour.  Give Mrs.Carter word and see if she can watch your boy.  You should be back to him in a couple of days.  When you return, I will see to it that you have plenty of time with your son.  I was thinking a promotion would be in order.  An office job, perhaps?  One that would guarantee your safety and many happy days for you and your boy?”
She nods acceptance of the task and hangs her head low. Arthur grabbed her hand in his and looked over his shoulder.  In a whisper, he said, “Janice, if there was any other way to accomplish this task, I would have found it.  This directive comes from Archon, the only one above me.  Trust me when I say the two of us have had words about this topic.  I am not pleased, but there is nothing that I can do to protect you from this.  Be safe and come back home quickly.  We will be waiting for you.” His eyes looked deeply into hers, much too deeply for a superior to keep eye contact. He released her hand quickly as someone walked by.  He cleared his throat and straightened his tie, “Off with you now.  See Mrs. Carter, she is a faithful friend and sister.”  
Janice walked out of the office and asked for paper and a quill.  She scrawled two notes and headed toward the training area. She signaled for Mary as she fought the tears that were forming in her eyes.  “Mary, I have to go on my last mission.  I have been promised that if I complete this, I will be given an official position.  I can’t say no even though that is my desire.” Mary’s jaw dropped.  It was just as she feared.  Janice wrung her hands together and quickly put them behind her back, “Could you please watch Jacob while I am gone, and if something happens… could you…”  The tears rolled down her cheeks.  Mary interrupted. “Don’t expect the worst, dear friend,”  Her eyes softened, and then deepened in the sincerest of emotion, “I assure you that Jacob will be taken care of in any and all situations.  I love him as I do you.”  
She pulled Janice into a tight hug, “Remember, emotions hold no place while on a mission.  You must stay strong and focused.  The world will be brighter when you return.”
Janice nodded her head and tried to maintain perspective. She handed the two notes to Mary, one addressed to her and the other to “Jacob Owen, my heart”.  
Janice looked Mary in the eyes and took her hand, squeezing it tight, “Just in case...”
Mary nodded at her friend in an effort to communicate all of the things that she couldn’t say aloud. Her heart prayed that her friend would return soon. 
It is said that the Nights always know when it is their time to leave this Earth and the ominous feeling Janice had earlier made her nervous.  Mary hoped the superstition was nothing more than that or that somehow Janice could overcome this scenario.
Janice turned and left without looking back or speaking another word.  Grabbing her equipment, she scurried out the back door and enjoyed one more breath of fresh air filled with lavender and mint, sea salt, and rosemary.  She freed her mind of all of the things that could go wrong and focused on the task at hand. The thick fog sent a ripple of chills down her back forcing her to pull her cape closed as she disappeared into the cold evening mist.
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