blightead · 4 months
❝ isabela was right, ❞ willa isn't looking at him, by design, but at the roof of the ship's hold. she had come to kirkwall much the same way as merrill, years ago. a cargo hold stuffed full of refugees. this one just contained she and varric and smelled considerably better, but she felt a mite queasier. she lowered her eyes to look at the templar lurking in corner, concentrating on keeping her docile. no doubt he was the cause. at least it meant she didn't have to bother coming up with excuses for not eating what was offered. she tries for a smile at him. ❝ it's better on deck. ❞
@dracaeons, for varric.
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aleroin · 7 months
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( enneagram // accepting ) FENRIS [ @dracaeons ] WROTE: ❝No, I don't want to talk about myself.❞
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❝OH, ALRIGHT THEN.❞ SHE SANK back onto her heels, deflated by his rejection but not yet deterred. She worried her bottom lip between her teeth as she cast about for a new topic. There was a rat scuffling through a pile of rotting trash — no, no, pointing that out might set off Hawke's hound. There were some pretty flowers sprouting through a crack in the streets — but, ah, they were clearly struggling in the stone. They weren't meant to be here; she didn't want to dwell on that. Then maybe the . . . or how about . . .
She sighed. At this point, she was scraping the bottom of the barrel, except the barrel didn't have a bottom and maybe there had never been a barrel to begin with. Perhaps he just didn't want to talk to her (highly probable), but they spent so much time together. Surely there needed to be more to their interactions than hitting things.
❝What do you want to talk about then?❞
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starlyht · 7 months
@dracaeons  /  sc.
 “justice's intentions are pure,”   said anders softly.  he knew it would only be so long before his past caught up to him.  he thought of the blood on his hands.   twisted corpses of wardens and templars.   fear.   exhaustion.   exhileration.   but it was long ago,   so long ago.   he'd only known more fear and fury since then.   he wanted no trouble from her.   if she wanted trouble,   he wasn't so sure how long he could hold justice back.   the spirit had only seemed to relish in its righteous fury as time went on,   sated only by the blood of vengeance.  “i am in control.   but i still can't go back to the wardens.”
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heartsdefine · 8 months
"nobody asks for their fate." ↳ @dracaeons (fenris to roz) — memes / accepting!
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        "well, fate sure has one bitch of a sense of humor." and if there really is somebody up there in the nebulous sky, or the fade, or wherever, making these decisions, she'd sure like to have a colorful word or two with them. "but all the better mages died at the conclave, and i'm the one stuck with the glowing hand."
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withoutabsolution · 1 year
“amor,” zevran tries to get ellas’ attention, his eyes trailing after her as she paces back and forth in front of him.  when he seemingly fails to do so, he pushes himself up from where he’d been lounging, half-sprawled on his back. “vamos, amor,” he sighs dramatically, seeking to sweep @dracaeons​ up into his arms for a moment, clearly trying to commandeer her focus in a more direct way. “all of this pacing, all of this worrying, it only serves your enemies, yes?” his hands come to rest at her shoulders as he searches her eyes. “one day.  one day is all i ask!  let me take you somewhere exciting, somewhere... fun!”
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chanticle · 1 year
@dracaeons asked:ㅤmay i have this dance? fenrisㅤ+ㅤwilla.
❝ you dance? ❞ㅤwilla takes his proffered hand with a rare, radiant smile - either ignorant of or ignoring the low murmur that went up from the assembled guests.ㅤhightown parties, she had quickly learned, were less for dancing and drinking and more for gossip. just as well for her, mother loved to hear it when she returned. the fresh-minted lady amell dipped an elegant curtsyㅤ( "elegant for a farm girl, anyway," she's sure they'll say )ㅤand let herself be led to the dancefloor.ㅤ❝ i warn you, i may step on your feet. ❞
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sulahnvhenan · 1 year
“ That’s… not what I pictured. ” fenris to vaea!! / @dracaeons​
“Isn’t it?” She holds the object away from her with the barest grip required to keep it from clanging at Fenris’ feet, looking between it and him with a mixture of fascination and revulsion. “What did you expect? You were the one with the information. I’m just the fetch...the one playing fetch, here.” And damned if she doesn’t toss it to at him, unconcerned whether he catches it or not. 
There’s no noise to make her cover her ears and draw the attention of everyone within two blocks, though.
“Are you coming? It’s a long walk back."
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antlerwreath · 1 year
@dracaeons liked for a starter.
“do you ever think about coming back?” keyleth asks one day as they sit on one of the higher peaks of zephrah together.  they have their legs out in front of them, their bare feet close to dangling off the edge.  comfortable in fenris’ presence, their staff lies at their open side, unmoving in the grass.  they hesitate to look at him, fearful of the look on his face, but eventually, they glance to their side.         “to zephrah, i mean.  would you...” she pauses, holding the breath she’d been intending to take, and then swallows her nerves. “would you want to?”
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starlyhta · 2 years
❝ did something change? the forest feels different. ❞ to mal from ellas!
a familiar song scraping at the back of his mind,   something desperate to be let in (or let out?).   muffled longing,   pleading.   an animal on the verge of starvation desperately scraping to be let in from the cold.  shit.
it looked unchanged.   a still stretch of cool rock,   verdant grass,   a thick canopy of trees.   all except for that fucking scraping.   he leaned a bit more heavily on his staff now.  anything to keep from going further.   it would surprise no one.   he could tolerate the jests.   “i   ...   think they’ve started mining red lyrium.”   maker,   why was it everywhere now?   he still remembered the horrendous punch that had been their first trip   ----   and his last   ----   to emprise du lion.   it had taken days afterwards to shake that terrible,   painful longing.    “unless it’s one of the rifts lady nightingale’s scouts reported.”
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chiefambassador · 1 year
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@dracaeons as fenris says, "you are not alone. no one is alone."
josephine is facing away from fenris. one of her arms is behind her back while the hand of the other lightly caresses her face as she thinks. initially, her only response to him is spoken quietly, beneath her breath, with her eyes staring ahead, lost in thought, "hai ragione. ma sai che hai ragione," she murmurs the words without considering to whom she speaks, and then quickly catches herself. "you are right. i apologize."
her despair sits heavily on her chest, threatening to collapse it entirely. how she loathes to see the world in disarray and the anguish of others. josephine exhales softly through her nose. "it seems so insurmountable at times. i trend toward optimism, and yet..." as she trails off, she turns to look at him, and for the first time, there is a momentary flicker of vulnerability and raw concern. "i worry we will fail."
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yeoldes · 8 months
NAME : Wilhelmina Faustena Emelia Hawke NICKNAME(S) : Most simply call her Hawke - those even closer to her my venture to Willa. Her siblings used to call her Wil. TITLE(S) : Inquisitor, Herald of Andraste, Champion of Kirkwall, Lady Amell - far too many for her liking GENDER : Cis Woman, She/Her/Hers ORIENTATION : Heterosexual AGE : 25 ( Dragon Age 2 ), 35 ( Dragon Age Inquisition ) DATE OF BIRTH : 3rd of Kingsway, 9:05 Dragon PLACE OF BIRTH : The exact place is unknown, but likely near the coast of the Free Marches and not far from Kirkwall SPECIES : Human CLASS : Mage ( Force Magic specialization )
RESIDENCE : Kirkwall ( Dragon Age 2 ), Skyhold ( Dragon Age Inquisition ) RELIGION : She was raised Andrastian and is very devout. In Kirkwall, she often sought solace in the Chantry. In the Inquisition, its not uncommon to find her taking her morning prayers in their small chapel. EDUCATION : No formal schooling, but her mother taught her to read and write, as well as the manners of highborn ladies - as much as she could remember, anyway.
MOTHER : Leandra Amell ( DECEASED ) FATHER : Malcolm Hawke ( DECEASED ) SIBLING(S) : Bethany Hawke ( DECEASED ), Carver Hawke ( DECEASED ) OTHER(S) : Gamlen Amell ( UNCLE, ALIVE ), Charade Amell ( COUSIN, ALIVE ) SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S) : Fenris ( @dracaeons ) PET(S) : Madge ( DOG, ALIVE )
APPEARANCE : She's tall and willowy, with large dark eyes and tan skin. She doesn't often smile, and even then doesn't often smile with her teeth. Her hair is curly and textured, often braided back or arranged in such a way that its out of her face for combat. During the Inquisition, when she took on the mark, her eyes took on an abnormal green color. FACECLAIM : Nathalie Emmanuel
Willa is the eldest daughter of Leandra Amell and Malcolm Hawke, a Kirkwall noblewoman and her apostate lover. They fled to Ferelden to avoid Leandra's marriage as well as the Templars pursuing Malcolm and later had Willa's younger siblings: Bethany and Carver. She showed signs of magic fairly young, and they often had to move before she could get a handle on it. For her part, Willa learned quickly - but the family would soon have to begin their wandering again as her younger sister showed the signs, too.
When Willa was about twelve, they were finally able to settle in the village of Lothering, in Ferelden. Though there were some mishaps, the Hawkes made a life in Lothering - Willa helped her mother with the twins and the home, she helped her father on the farm. In turn, her father would teach she and Bethany magic - or more to the point, how to keep it secret.
When she was twenty-one, Malcolm took ill with a fever that no healing magic or poultice could rid him of - he passed on, making Willa promise to protect the family. She swore she would. She kept tending the farm, while her brother Carver joined the King's Army.
Tragedy would strike again just a handful of years later when the Fifth Blight began to rage across Ferelden. Willa and her family fled Lothering with the Darkspawn at their heels. They needed only to get to a ship to take them to Kirkwall, where Leandra hoped to reconnect with her brother. Unfortunately, before they were able to find a way, Willa's younger sister Bethany was killed by an ogre. The desperation of the moment led Willa to make a deal with the Witch of the Wilds, Flemeth, to make it to Gwaren where they could take ship.
In Kirkwall, Willa, Carver, and their friend Aveline would join up with a mercenary group run by a man named Meeran in exchange for entry into the city, indenturing themselves for a year. As funds began to ran out, Willa found her steps dogged by the local Templars, who required bribes to keep her free. The strain was wearing on both she and her brother, Carver, when they were approached by Varric Tethras with a business proposition.
It would be this fateful meeting that would launch Willa on the trajectory that would lead to her fame . . . and, in a way, to the deaths of her mother and brother, the destruction of the Kirkwall Chantry, and Hawke herself delivering a friend’s execution.
After the travesty that was Kirkwall, Willa fled in hopes of drawing the Chantry’s attention. When she heard her friend Varric had been captured instead, she returned, offering herself to the Left Hand of the Divine for questioning and giving a . . . less embellished version of events than certain dwarves. She was taken to testify in front of the Divine at the recently called Conclave - the hope was that the Champion’s appearance would soothe the Templars and Mages. There was also hope she would agree to head the Inquisition, though such things were not spoken of.
Unfortunately, the Conclave did not bring about resolution - it quite literally exploded, ripping open the Fade and leaving Willa as the only survivor - once more at the center of suspicion and rumor. She would soon become known as the Herald of Andraste, bearing more than just responsibility for one city - but for the world.
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freedomscall · 2 years
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@dracaeons​ | fenris | small starters
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" I want a re-match next time we're at the Hanged Man. It's obvious Isabela was helping you. " A mildly frustrated challenge presented at the start of their outing with Hawke--- Anders having waited just long enough until shared friend was out of earshot. It seems the mage was unable to accept his loss gracefully, much less anything else these past few days as his behavior verged on manic. He couldn't drink, but Justice seemed to have no qualm ( if not understanding ) regarding the concept of just how a few paltry gambles could still be destructive.
" You and me only, and I choose the game. "
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starlyht · 8 months
" this is the place they were thinking about when they invented the word 'the pits'. " ellas to mal!
the wastes weren't as bad as he'd been told. they were worse. survivable for a dragon, but like this a nightmare of sweat, sand, and frigid nights. wyverns raged at the scent of him. how thom fared in all of that armor was beyond him.
“i'm going to throttle whoever let me volunteer to take dorian's place,” mal responded. his hips ached. a pleasant soak in a lake sounded like a fever dream. he focused his attention on the air around them, chilling it just enough to render the air tolerable. he didn't want to wait for the sun to go down for the camp to cool. he ran a hand over his face. “hope the scouts will have something useful about where the venatori are, i can't be done this place soon enough.”
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heartsdefine · 8 months
"how is it you get into these situations so often?" ↳ @dracaeons (fenris to hawke) — memes / accepting!
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        "that's the unfortunate bit about doing the right thing," hawke says, moving away from where they'd been half-drunkenly leaning on fenris—and they seem to sober up quite quickly, rolling their shoulders and reaching for the bladed staff on their back. they'd been making their way up to hightown from the hanged man when a handful of men in dirty leathers melted out of the shadows, surrounding the pair of them. likely sharp's highwaymen, come for some misguided revenge. hawke grimaces in the half-light, cracking their neck to one side as though stretching for a casual sparring match with a friend. "it so often goes hand-in-hand with doing things the hard way."
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withoutabsolution · 1 year
“hey, pretty boy,” yismay doesn’t even look up from the knife they’re sharpening.  they know it’s fenris by his footsteps alone ( not that they would ever tell @dracaeons that ). “you’re coming off extra broody today,” they remain conversational as the continuous sound of the iron against the whetstone fills the air, as rhythmic as breathing—a familiar comfort. “fenris ii is around if you need some good, old-fashioned dog therapy.  unless we’re killing someone.” a beat. “are we killing someone?”
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chanticle · 1 year
@dracaeons:    . . .  DID YOU CUT YOUR OWN HAIR?                                                    BETHANY  +  AVERIL.
      They sit in a way they’d never gotten the chance to, in Kirkwall:  by a roaring fire, in a fine room laden with furs, in objectively awkward silence.  Bethany had never seen anything but the basement of the Amell Estate, knew nothing of the luxury Averil had lived on while she had been a prisoner. She sated the nausea with a sip of the wine she was nursing. Not for the first time since she’d arrived at Skyhold  ( a grand name for a ruin, though it was clear they were hard at work to change that )  she considered the ways in which their paths had diverged, and converged again. Would she let Anders burn Kirkwall again, if it meant her sister were able to sit freely by a fire with her? 
      ❝ You know, Bethy, you could just  tell  me I look like shit. ❞    The Champion smiled and brought a thin, scarred hand through the tangled chunk of brown that passed for her hair. She’d worn it long, once upon a time, but found this way had a way of turning eyes from her. Now she looked at Bethany, nose scrunching.  ❝ I thought I did well. ❞
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