#dpr tour
victorianera · 2 years
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Christian Yu ~ DPR Regime Tour
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chaonss · 1 year
dpr live @/instagram
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hwajoongie · 2 years
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cr: minghao1uvr & suncobs
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xuxuzinhoo · 1 year
DABIN (DPR LIVE) - tô derretendo na tua frente.
Avisos: Dabin¡ leitora * Smut * sexo sem proteção * breeding kink! * ¿exibicionismo? * carioca¡ * Song fic: baby 95 - liniker *
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- vai descolorir meus pelinhos também é? - o olhar era curioso sob o pequeno recipiente com o pó descolorante e a água oxigenada.
Em uma terça feira de sol, a casa apresentará um quintal agradável cheio de flores que surgiam do chão de concreto até a sacada da varanda do lar. O sol radiante trazia a sensação de fim de semana e um banho de mangueira nesse dia de calor do rio de janeiro se mostrava mais convidativo do que nunca.
O pincel fora passado de forma leve entre a mistura e o braço levemente bronzeado do namorado. Antes, o hábito era um tanto singular, agora, não conseguia sair sem descolorir os pelinhos do braço e das pernas, tornou-se adepto da estética brasileira e sempre que você ia fazer uma marquinha e descolorir ele ia atrás.
Deitaram-se na espreguiçadeira branca tomando um sol entre os minutos para a efeito agir, e nesses momentos vagos perguntava como ia a empresa, contava as fofocas da família que o namorado sempre fazia questão de saber - apesar de Dabin ser tímido diante da família - perguntava tudo, se mostrava curioso e as reações sempre geravam um ataque de risos em você. A mão na boca e a cara de incrédulo seguido de um comentário sobre o assunto do dia "mas que teu tio sempre foi um safado todo mundo sabia amor, eu te falei... mas a tia Charlene não tem que se estressar não, o que é dele tá guardado"
O coçar do produto na pele sinalizava que era o hora de tirar, caminhou até o registro girando a rosca em um sentido contrário até a água começar a sair da mangueira azul.
Foi esfregando os braços jogando a água pelo o corpo, vestindo apenas o biquíni, cena essa, tornou um deleite para seu namorado. Olhou para o loiro risonha, andou até ele.
"Vou te limpar"
Sentada nas coxas de Dabin, segurava a mangueira, já estava acariciando tempo de mais o peitoral masculino, segundos depois a intimidade coberta pelo minúsculo biquíni roçava contra a coxa nua.
- porra bebê - as mãos foram contra a cintura, ajeitou corpo na cadeira. achegou a intimidade agora por cima do pau teso no Short tequetel.
Estava tão embriagante o a fricção entre os sexos, achava que ia gozar a cada murmurinho da voz grave. A sensação do corpo em fogo abaixo da luz do sol fazendo o homem pender a cabeça para trás.
- tira tira - pediu afobado para tirar a parte de cima da peça - quero chupar esses peitinhos.
A rosto do namorado era prensado mais forte a cada sugada, brincava com os biquinhos rijos, mordia e rodeava com o pontinha da língua, cheio de travessura no olhar pra propor algo melhor para os dois.
- Dabin eu quero agora. - afastou sentando melhor sob o corpo suado - me fode agora vai- soltou manhosa desfazendo o laço da lateral da calcinha.
A mão intrusa foi rápida em puxar a peça e jogar no chão do quintal e o short tequetel foi puxado de qualquer jeito até o calcanhar.
E antes de alargar a pequena entrada estava a pouco de babar na imagem da buceta contra a luz do sol e estava extasiado na cena tão tesuda em seus olhos. Não podia ser alucinação, estava gravando o momento, em uma atmosfera muito envolvente para desviar sequer o olhar.
- olha amor, tá me engolindo todinho, ela é gulosa não é? Vai ficar larguinha pra porra. - segurou seu corpo e deitou os dois no chão do quintal, com o namorado por cima.
Dabin estava a ponto de realmente surrar muito e acabar magoando o buraquinho, se tentasse diminuir o ritmo era impedido pelas súplicas "deixa inchadinha amor, não para até ficar inchadinha", quase babava com tanto tesão transbordando pelo corpo, estava completamente suada, os corpos se escorregam entre si frente ao raio solar.
Se sentia quase derretendo na frente dele, o pau fez ausência depois de você gozar. O namorado foi apressado batendo uma até a esporrar na sua barriga.
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dalicia-fay · 1 year
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Not my pic, credit to the original owner.
That shirt looks like it's made out of boyfriend material...I'll see myself out..
Stressful Day- DPR Live
Today was one of those days; Sarah called out sick again, so your asshole of a boss decided to dump her workload into your lap to take care of. Deadlines, blablabla, teamwork, blablabla, more deadlines. That was all you could hear your boss say as he handed you more paperwork. "Great, another late night," you thought to yourself as you sat it on your desk next to your own workload. Placing your earbuds in your ears, you picked up where you left off, determined to finish everything today so you would not have to return to it tomorrow.
Before you knew it, the clock on your computer showed 12am ‘shit, worked till midnight again’. You stood up and stretched, your body aching from all the time you spent sitting in that cheap little black office chair. You cleaned up your workspace, saved all the files you were working on, and turned off your computer. You picked up your purse and water bottle that your boyfriend, Dabin, sent with you this morning because "you gotta stay hydrated, babygirl" his words echoed in your head. He was always worried about your wellbeing and you his, considering you both tend to work until ungodly hours when work requires it.
Walking out of the building and hearing the exterior doors' automatic lock click made a small smile start to pull at your lips while you stood momentarily in the cool night air, letting out an exhale that felt like it had been trapped in your chest all day. You were ready to be home and curled in bed with your boyfriend. With that warm, fuzzy thought in mind, you made your way to your car to make your way back home.
 - - -
Walking into your apartment, you locked the door behind you before kicking off your black leather pumps that had been suffocating your feet all day. ‘That damn dress code is going to be the death of me.’ you thought while untucking your blouse from your dress pants, and you walked tiredly into your little kitchen. Opening the fridge, you began the hunt for something to eat, not noticing the male figure quietly sneaking up from behind you.
Before you realized what was going on, you felt hands slither around your waist, making you jump as you turned to look at the culprit. As you turned, Dabin picked you up, pinned your body to the now-closed fridge, and wrapped your legs around his waist. "Hey baby" he said with that signature smirk on his face, "Dabin, what the fuck?! Don’t sneak up on me like that!" You yelled, more surprised than anything but wanting him to feel guilty for his actions. Laughing a bit at your reaction, Dabin took a hand off your leg, gently caressing your face as he laughed, "I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just missed my girl that's all." Moving your hands from his chest, you clasped them together against the back of his neck, playing with his short hair.
He always knew how to make you completely forget about the outside world, especially after a long day of work. ‘It’s like he can sense it,’ you thought as you leaned into his hand. "I missed you too" you said softly. "Today was an absolute shitshow," you sighed, running a hand through your hair, one of the many signs that signaled to Dabin that your work day was incredibly stressful. “Ah, well then...” Dabin spoke as he began carrying you to the living room, snagging a couple snacks and drinks along the way. “Tell me all about it, and don’t leave out any details!” He said this with emphasis on the details, as if you had watched the next episode of his favorite TV show without him. 
You and your boyfriend sat down on the couch, and you made yourselves comfortable by cuddling up on his lap. You then proceeded to recount the most frustrating aspects of your day at work, going into as much detail as possible. As you spoke, Dabin sat in content silence, humming and nodding in response to you every so often, so you knew he was listening to every word that you said. 
After your rather lengthy rant, you laid your head on Dabin's chest and let go of the day's stress while listening to his heartbeat. "Thank you," you said in almost a hushed tone, Dabin barely hearing you. "For what?" he asked, gently rubbing his hands along your back. "For listening, being here for me, and simply being you," you replied. When you lifted your head to look your loving boyfriend in the eyes, you noticed a smile and blush on his face. "Of course, Y/N, I will always be there for you, no matter what." 
Leaning in to give him a kiss, you smiled as you felt him smile into it. Pulling away after a few moments, you laid your head back on his chest. His hands continued to stroke your back in a soothing manner until both of you fell asleep.
(I hope you all enjoy this kind of short imagine...I will work on writing longer ones from here on out. Feel free to request anything and I’ll try to get to it as quick as possible! Thanks loves!!)
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anyadarkseid · 2 years
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REGIME TOUR (vcr: @/morgan.portee)
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134340years · 1 year
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DPR we gang gang!
having strong post concert DPRession :(
more here. 
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librarisxng · 2 years
A big massive fuck you to anyone who had went or is going to the DPR concert for the sole purpose of objectifying them and wanting to see Ian shirtless.
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ireallywishiknew · 1 year
I just want to share the pictures I took somewhere because everyone deserves to see and god damn it I think they're pretty!
So enjoy :)
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victorianera · 2 years
Christian Yu ~ Ballroom Extravaganza 🪩
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dprspace · 1 year
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as always i could write a whole love letter about these two, because i’m so thankful for their existence and their music. I know how draining this whole regime tour is for them and how it’s affecting them somehow. I still wish them two enjoy it and to make great memories with the dreamers and generally with the whole dpr crew.
🧚🏻‍♀️currently in my proud mom feelings.🧚🏻‍♀️
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hwajoongie · 2 years
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📷: morgan.portee on ig
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dprmexico · 2 years
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#DPRIAN via instagram 📸
“Estás un paso más cerca de mí en el ~ #REGIMETOUR #nosvemospronto ❤️ #dreamers
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burnitmyg · 1 year
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anyadarkseid · 1 year
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281122 dprian IG story
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