#downtown Baton Rouge
sadboygrim · 2 months
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Good Kid, Mad City (2015)
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amoreaunow1 · 5 months
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Rotunda, Old State Cap, Baton Rouge, Miramar Beach, Florida, Rooftop pool downtown BR apartment/condos, Tiger Stadium following game, more Miramar Beach, FL
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shuttersnoot · 1 year
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A recent experiment in film photography!!
Bought a Pentax SF-7 off ebay a while back for fun and finally managed to set out and take it for a spin!  Came with a Takumar-F 28-80 lens on it, and for most metrics in my book, it worked quite well!  Admittedly most of the shots were a pinch over exposed and piss yellow, which all had to be touched-up in post (I prefer ON1 as my software of choice~!), but overall I think it was a fun experiment!  Will need to do it again sometime soon; downtown has plenty fun scenes to snap~!
Thank you to the two very sweet pups for their pictures~ :3c
(Pentax SF-7 / Kodak Gold 200)
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Arrest made after Dallas Zoo events, including the theft of two tamarin monkeys:
Davion Irvin said he loves animals and that if he’s released from jail, he would steal more, the documents said.
Irvin, who remained jailed Tuesday on $25,000 bond, was arrested last week after asking questions at a downtown Dallas aquarium about animals there. He is charged with six counts of animal cruelty and two counts of burglary.
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Zoo staff say the monkeys have lost weight but are unharmed.
Irvin told police that on the night of Jan. 29, he waited until dark, jumped a fence to get onto zoo grounds, cut the metal mesh of an enclosure and took the two emperor tamarin monkeys, according to arrest warrant affidavits . He then got on the city’s light rail before walking to the vacant home where he said he kept his animals.
Irvin has been charged in two of the odd events over a span of several weeks at the zoo and is linked to another, police said. In the taking of the monkeys, Irvin faces one count of burglary and six counts of animal cruelty — three for each monkey. He also faces a burglary charge in relation to the escape of a clouded leopard named Nova, who was discovered missing Jan. 13. A cut was found in her enclosure, and the zoo closed as a search was launched. She was found later that day near her habitat.
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Irvin told investigators that he’d wanted to take Nova but that he was only able to pet her before she got on top of her enclosure, an affidavit said.
Police said have said they are still investigating, but Irvin has not been linked to the suspicious death of an endangered vulture at the zoo in January.
Meanwhile police in Louisiana announced the arrest Tuesday of a 61-year-old man in the case of 12 squirrel monkeys that were discovered missing Jan. 29 from their enclosure at Zoosiana in Broussard, about 60 miles (96 kilometers) west of Baton Rouge.
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Police said the missing monkeys haven’t yet been found.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
maybe joe gushes about you in an interview or post game press conference, maybe even like a speech from winning something
My Girl|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: During a post game press conference, Joe gushes about getting to spend the bye week with you
•warnings: none, all fluff
“So Joe, first of all congrats on the win.”
Joe nodded as he spoke, “It’s always good to, to win against a team like them.”
The Bengals had just beaten the Chiefs 23-20. The entire game was close, each team going back and forth with scoring. With just seconds left, Evan McPherson scored the game winning field goal, giving the Bengals another win before their mid season bye week.
“What are your plans for the bye week?” another reporter asked, causing Joe to move his gaze to the female reporter. He nodded as she continued.
“Watch film? Practice? Work out? Relax?” the reporter finished with a chuckle. A small smile made its way onto to Joe’s face as he answered the question.
“Yeah I plan on relaxing a bit, take a little break from the heavy workouts. I’ll definitely some film though, gotta keep that win streak going when we get back.” he smirked. Joe loved winning. Especially against the Chiefs. The Bengals were never the favored team when they play the Chiefs. It always felt good to prove all of their doubters and haters wrong.
He cleared his throat, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he spoke, “But uh, I’m actually going to spend most of it with Y/n, my girlfriend. She’s got some family in another state that we’re going to visit for a few days, take a mini vacation. I don’t get to spend a lot of time with her during the season, so I’m very excited.”
“Awe,” the reporter cooed, “I bet she’s excited too.”
Joe nodded, a smile pulling at his lips, “Yeah, she is. Like I said, she and I don’t get much time with just the two of us during the season. It’ll be good for us to take a little vacation together away from football.” He gushed as he talked about you.
“And you’ve been with her for how many years now?”
“Four. Met her my last year at LSU.” Joe said, a happy smile on his face.
You met Joe after the season opener in 2019. You were at your best friends house who happened to be dating someone on the football team at the time. The two of them were throwing a party and you and Joe both happened to be invited. He met you while you were pouring yourself a drink. The two of you hit off instantly, the night ending with him asking you out on a date. You went on a date in downtown Baton Rouge Friday after your classes and the rest was history.
“Do you guys take many vacations during the off-season?”
Joe shook his head, “Not really. We usually take one or two, but we like to stay in Cincinnati or Athens. But the off-seasons nice cause I get to spend all of it with my girl, so yeah.” Joe smiled. He didn’t talk about you often in interviews or press conferences because he liked to keep that part of his life pretty private. However, Joe didn’t mind gushing about you or your relationship every once in a while. The fans deserved to know how much he adores you.
A different reporter spoke up, “Will we be seeing an engagement in the future?”
Joe shrugged as a sly grin made its way onto his face, “Maybe.”
That’s all the confirmation the reporters and the football world needed. You were going to be Joe Burrow’s girl forever.
hey loves!!
first blurb of the night!🤩 this was a bit on the shorter side, but all blurbs will be different lengths depending on the concept and idea i get.
i’ll be posting some more in a bit :)
feel free to send me more ideas!! i won’t get to them tonight, but definitely in the next couple blurb nights!🤍
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emelinecormier · 5 months
— matty foster emmy's apartment, downtown.
Sometimes, they'd find themselves waling around dimly lit alleyways on the backstreets of Providence Peak. Other times, they'd take up on her stoop or a park nearby. That night, she'd invited Foster into the warmth of her apartment, one that might not be hers for much longer if she stuck with her commitment of trying out actually living with her wife while subletting her own apartment. It was weird, how quickly they lived together when they first dated and how hesitant she was now. A lot had changed, though. There weren't a lot of suburbs in Baton Rouge, so naturally they'd lived in the city, a place where Emmy had always been happy. Now that Verda had a solid grasp on the suburbs and a dog, she couldn't help but wonder how she fit into it all. "Feel free to help yourself to come leftovers," She suggested, dropping the bags she'd brought home from the restaurant on the table, pulling out the containers of still-hot food before turning to Foster. "You want a drink? I've got water, beer, shitty beer, and wine. If I were you, I'd go with the shitty beer, but that's just me." The chef was always inclined to a good Bud Light over any locally crafted bottle that ended up in her fridge. She dropped some plates and forks onto the counter beside the table and glanced at the view from the windows of her apartment that towered high above the dark streets of the city. "Gonna be hard to give up that view."
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berksozeri · 6 months
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❝ streetlights peeking through heavy fog, pre-dawn hours at the lake, worn leather, the crunch of leaves underneath scuffed boots, broken glass, frozen clocks, dog treat crumbs in every pocket, the mournful wail of winter wind scraping through bare branched trees, calloused hands raked through disheveled hair, night after night without sleep, jazz records lowly playing in the background, whiskey neat, “it’s really not you, it’s me.”
NAME: Berk Sözeri
PREFERRED NAME/NICKNAME(S): Dependent on the person
AGE: Thirty-six
BIRTHDAY: October 29th, 1987
ZODIAC: Scorpio
OCCUPATION: Full time employee at Take it Outdoors, formerly with the BRPD.
BIRTHPLACE: Lake Charles, Louisiana
HOMETOWN: Lake Charles, Louisiana
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, heteroromantic
MOTHER: Gamze Sözeri
FATHER: Umut Sözeri
SIBLINGS: Fraternal twin sister, Deniz (deceased)
OTHER: a flat coated retriever named Kevin
tldr (but still long af as per usual).
TW: infertility, robbery, gun violence, death/homicide
Originally from Istanbul, Berk’s parents immigrated to the United States in their early twenties and settled in the Lake Charles area of Louisiana. After enduring years of infertility and and facing the likelihood of never getting pregnant on their own, they managed to conceive Berk and his twin sister, Deniz, via IVF. 
Already on a tight budget, the procedure (and the two unsuccessful attempts that came before it) took every last penny of their savings and a second mortgage on their home, but Gamze and Umut never once regretted the sacrifices made to have their little family. They let their kids know how wanted and loved they were every single day.
It’s safe to say they were (and still are) two of his biggest role models. Berk contributes every decent part of himself to their influence. Well, that, and the responsibility learned through the role he took upon himself as his “little” sister’s protector. 
Berk and Deniz were the best of friends all through childhood, adolescence, and beyond. Coming from a low income family who celebrated different beliefs wasn’t always easy, but no matter what life threw at them they had each other. 
So it came as no surprise that he decided to follow his sister to Baton Rouge after high school when she enrolled at LSU. Unlike Deniz, he had no ambitions of going the college route, so while she balanced class schedules and waitressing shifts he spent six months in the police academy.
It was during her junior year, when he was well into his job as a rookie cop, that changed everything. Having gotten caught up in a meeting with the Chief, Berk was late picking his sister up from her shift at the restaurant. And when Deniz decided to walk a few blocks to the closest halal grocer to grab stuff for dinner and kill time, she had no idea of the nightmare waiting for her just beyond its doors.
Berk was on the phone with his sister when the shots rang out. When he realized she’d just stumbled upon a robbery in progress and got caught in the culprit’s crosshairs. Despite all his efforts at the scene, and those of the first responders, Deniz passed shortly after arriving at the hospital.
From that point forward he was a man possessed. His sole mission? Catching the guy responsible for it all. They had a name via prints left behind at the register, and they had CCTV footage of a face, but Amos Leferve somehow managed to evade every effort to get him behind bars. 
Everybody knew Berk wasn’t handling his sister’s death well, or the fact that her killer seemingly vanished into thin air, but he refuted most attempts of help in favor of taking it upon himself to do what the department apparently couldn’t. 
After years of following lead after dead end lead across the country in pursuit of Amos, it was eventually the abuse of official resources that left Berk without a job.
Cast adrift, he packed his bags and made one last attempt at hunting down their suspect. He set out for Colorado, following the last APB to come across his desk of a man matching Amos’ description.
Ultimately his search came up empty (again), and that was the point Berk resolved himself (very bitterly) to the fact that he’d likely never get his hands on the man responsible for taking his sister. Rather than return home he settled in Providence Peak, desperate to escape the ghosts of Louisiana.
It’s been five years since he moved to town, and rather than the odd jobs he initially started with he finally has a full time job working at Take it Outdoors, but otherwise little has changed. Berk still lives in the somewhat derelict loft he first ever rented Downtown, and he;s still haunted every day by Deniz’s absence, his guilt, and the fact that Amos got away.
Berk has had a long string of relationships leading nowhere, many of which he feels wholly indifferent about, but his most recent failed attempt at least left him the sole owner of a gorgeous flat coated retriever, Kevin.
Growing up Berk was fairly devout, as he was raised to be, but ever since Deniz passed away he’s fallen somewhat out of touch with his faith. He still eats a mostly halal diet, but doesn’t shy from alcohol in the least, and it’s a hit or a miss whether or not he observes the holidays unless he’s on a visit home to see his parents. 
These days he likes animals more than most people, but the few close friends he has made since moving to town mean more to him than he likely lets on. 
Is a secret Bachelor stan, even if he thinks the entire franchise has become total garbage and has a personal “no thanks” stance on finding a long term partner himself. 
Can knit. Will confirm. 
One of his favorite pastimes has become taking one of the kayaks out into the lake. There’s a peace to be found in that particular solitude that he rarely experiences elsewhere. Kevin may or may not be a willing participant in these endeavors. 
Could be called an adrenaline junkie? Yes. 
Due to what happened all those years ago (being late to pick her up, too late to save her) he’s developed a quirky obsession with time. He’s constantly checking the clocks around him to confirm they’re set to the correct time and gets antsy when they’re so much as even a minute off. Will 1000% point it out until you do something about it if said clock belongs to you. 
Has also developed a hobby of collecting old timepieces. When his anxiety is bad, his mood is foul, or he needs to mentally work something out he’ll get lost for a few hours taking them apart and putting them back together. 
Despite every insistence that he’s let go of his vendetta, Berk has a secret murder board in his loft composed of everything he’s ever learned about Amos because maybe he ain’t quite as over his Vigilante Shit as he claims. 
Will strip for homemade cookies. I mean. Not really, but I figured if you made it this far you deserved the pure TREAT that is that mental image 😘
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mossandmarsh · 10 months
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The Pentagon Barracks c. 1890 in downtown Baton Rouge. (These are not the same buildings that are on campus now!) Photo courtesy of Louisiana State University Photograph collection.
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rottingmanifesto · 1 year
AI! AU ramblings
The Mayor
I haven’t named this guy yet but he’s based off of Ray Nagin (NOLA’s mayor from 2002-2010) and has a… fun story. Here’s a rough timeline:
1958: born in Baton Rouge, moved to New Bordeaux shortly after birth. Came from a family of semi-modest means, with mother working in a department store and father balancing two jobs. Had 3 siblings.
1980: graduated from a New Bordeaux college (unsure what to name it but it’s likely a HBCU) with a degree in political science, eventually went into law
1984: became a lawyer (unsure what kind, maybe state prosecutor), met the Marcanos here
1989: married a woman (unnamed) and had one child together
2002: runs for mayor as a Democrat and wins
2005: Hurricane Katrina occurs, his response is notably quick and potentially saved the city (gained a lot of favor)
2006: re-elected as mayor
2010: goes back to law after his stint as mayor
2012: charged with wire fraud, money laundering, and embezzlement (and taking bribes from the Marcanos)
2015: sent to federal prison for 10+ years
Hurricane Katrina
So this is a heavier subject, but here are the stats on New Bordeaux after the failure of NOLA’s levee system:
About 500 dead, mostly impoverished citizens and the elderly (out of 2,000 that died in Louisiana in this AU— in real life it was closer to 1,500 for Louisiana)
Roughly 50% of the city was underwater
Southdowns, Downtown, French Ward, and River Row were hit the hardest
Much like in real life, then president George W Bush did little to help the city— one of the biggest failures of his administration, according to some
Lincoln was shocked to see that despite the damage done to the city, the mayor (aka the Marcanos) managed to keep some infrastructure alive and going. There was relief in the familiarity, but confusion too; he was overseas by the point Katrina had hit, so he wasn’t even sure if Delray Hollow had survived the flood.
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I think New Bordeaux is somewhere near, but not exactly in, New Orleans, perhaps being a bit more north. I’d put it in Jefferson Parish (Jefferson County) between NOLA and Kenner (as seen in the map below). My other thought was diagonal from Gretna, but I’m not sure.
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everlastingrandom · 2 years
Re: Ur Tags on that post about high speed rail for lesbians, do you have links or recommendations for stuff to read? Bc expanding train lines and better cities and stuff is something I am interested in too and am always down to read about.
I've mostly been reading about Amtrak's "Connects us" expansion plan. They're trying to improve current lines, open up new ones, and connect over a hundred cities by 2035. There's some skepticism towards the proposal, since it favors the east coast and is largely reliant on government support.
Personally, I will take a moderately improved transit system that can lead to further connections in the future. And last year, under the recent infrastructure bill, Amtrak has received $66 billion dollars in funding for passenger and freight rail programs over the next five years. There's definitely been progress made over the first half of 2022, but also been a few delays.
Here's the most recent info I could find by state:
New York & New Jersey | The Gateway Program - a new pair of one-track tunnels under the Hudson River between Penn Station and New Jersey, additional track, as well as a redesign of Penn station. Here is a New York Times Article about it as well.
Virginia | Roanoke Expanded Service - Expansion of Amtrak Northeast Regional service to and from Roanoke daily, with predicted local ridership to double to 10,000 monthly trips within a few years.
Georgia | The Gulch - Bid for Amtrak to expand its Atlanta presence in the Gulch area, located in downtown Atlanta. Also, two of GA's rail projects have received $9.14 million for Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement this month.
Vermont | Burlington Expanded Service - Amtrak's Ethan Allen Express will begin offering service to New York City from downtown Burlington. "Very soon, we will be able to climb aboard a train in downtown Burlington, and arrive in New York City in time for dinner," said Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger.
Alabama | Stalled Expansion - There's been some disputes between Amtrak and The Southern Rail Commission over cost and work disruption. Several mayors have made pleas before the board on Amtrak’s behalf.
Illinois | Chicago Union Station Access Project - Upgrades to Chicago’s Union Station Announced this July. Amtrak is leading the application process with an $850 million federal grant to invest in passenger rail services.
Louisiana | Awaiting Expansion - Bid to expand passenger rail in the state with a Baton Rouge to New Orleans line. Right now $12 million appropriation is being dedicated to the Baton Rouge-New Orleans leg and $10 million toward the Interstate 20 corridor.
Washington | Cascade Expanded Services - Restoration of Amtrak Cascades service north of Seattle. “WSDOT and ODOT are pleased to share that train service between Seattle and Vancouver, BC now will resume in September 2022."
California | The High Speed Rail Project - Based at Diridon Station, with regional rail lines from San Francisco to Fresno, Bakersfield, and Los Angeles. The project has been widely described as troubled, far behind schedule and suffering from management turmoil.
Missouri | Restored Daily train - After an eight-month hiatus, a second cross-state train is returning to Amtrak’s Missouri River Runner service, providing twice-daily service to and from St. Louis.
Washington D.C | Washington Union Station - A redesign of the Current Union Station, which has come under some scrutiny.
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sadboygrim · 2 months
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merrock · 2 years
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face claim: Madeleine Mantock
full name: Amari Helene Jarraeu
nickname(s): Mari, more of a pet name, usually just goes by Amari
pronouns & gender: she/her, female
sexuality: unsure
birth date: December 31, 1994
birth place: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
time in town: 1 week as of November 3, 2022
housing: historical downtown
occupation: bookseller/owner of Bookends
family: at least a few half-siblings via biological mother who donated her eggs and occasionally acted as surrogate as well; has extended family, but both parents that Amari knew are deceased
personality: Amari knows that tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, so she tends to look on the bright side of things, to search for silver linings, and she had never been one to hold a grudge, preferring to forgive and forget. She’ll do things on a whim, just to not miss out on an experience, but she’s not reckless. She loves life and forging memorable, lasting connections.
Trigger warnings: cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, death, parental death.
Amari was born to her parents Lennox and Gisele Jarreau after being conceived via IVF (in vitro fertilization) through use of her father’s sperm and an egg from a donor who also acted as surrogate for the couple. After a few years of trying for a baby on their own with no success, and both going to get full work-ups from their doctors, it was discovered in 1992 that Gisele had advanced epithelial ovarian cancer, with the recommendation that she have both of her ovaries, fallopian tubes, and her uterus removed. While making plans for her treatment, surgery followed by several rounds of chemotherapy, the Jarreaus discussed how they still wanted children, at least one child, and decided to search for an egg donor and a surrogate. It was about a month after her final chemo session that the couple found both a donor and surrogate in the same woman, who they had stay with them after finalizing a contract agreement regarding the arrangement, witnessed and notarized, that the donor/surrogate would never try to claim any parental rights to the child born, or the any rights or ownership of the other eggs she was donating (that would be frozen). In the months that followed, the couple became good friends with their surrogate, offering to stay in touch with her after the birth, to give her updates on the child as well. When time came and Amari was born in late December 1994, the surrogate deferred the offer of holding her, fresh from the womb, and told the nurse to give the baby to her mother, Gisele. After being discharged from the hospital, their surrogate stayed with the family for about a month, occasionally helping them out with the newborn, when needed, before taking her leave.
The first few years of Amari’s life in Baton Rouge were filled with wonder, joy, laughter, smiles, and an abundance of love for the family. Her parents kept in touch with their former surrogate, the woman who had helped bring their daughter into the world, through phone calls and emails. Then they started to become more sporadic, less often, until the number they had was no longer in service and emails went unanswered. Even when they sent one with the devastating news that Gisele once again received a cancer diagnosis after finding a lump in her breast. Not wanting to have to endure more chemotherapy and possibly surgery, not wanting to lose that time, precious moments, with her husband and daughter, Gisele and Lennox agreed, although he was somewhat reluctant, that she would defer treatment for the time being. Instead, they decided to seek alternative treatments that would allow Gisele to spend and enjoy as much time as possible with those that she loved for however long she may have.
Amari’s 3rd birthday was spent in the house in Le Lamentin, Martinique where Gisele had spent many childhood summers, including the one during which she had first met Lennox when they were in middle school. There the three lived, with family and friends from both sides visiting, and no word from their former friend, despite still sending emails and calling that still disconnected phone number. Amari learned English, Creole, and some French, from her parents, learning more French when she began primary school on the island. She wasn’t spoiled, but she was treasured. Her parents instilled in her the values of friendship, love, generosity, honesty, and forgiveness in her formative years. And then, the summer following her 10th birthday, she was dealt with the harsh blow of losing her mother and dealing with the grief that followed.
In the wake of her mother’s death, Amari and her father Lennox remained in Martinique for the next couple of years before moving back to Baton Rouge, where several members of both Lennox and Gisele’s families, as well as a number of friends, still lived, just prior to Amari beginning high school. She wasn’t against the move, longing to be closer to her extended family, but it did take some adjusting and getting used to. She had an unexpected popularity, being “exotic” and only “known”  by only a very few of her classmates through blood or the friendships their family members had with hers.
It had never been kept a secret from Amari, once she was old enough to understand, that Gisele was not her biological mother, despite how desperately she had wanted to be. As she got older, she asked more questions and was told more about the woman who had given her egg and provided her womb; it turned out to be little that her mom and dad, and then dad could give her aside from what they’d already told her. She knew a name, an approximate age, that the woman had “had a daughter once” but she didn’t really know what that meant, and there were  several not of the greatest quality photos that they had of her, including a sole picture of her making a face while holding a newborn Amari up and away from her (the story from her parents is that it was her first diaper blowout).
As the months passed, Amari adjusted, somewhat awkwardly at times, to living life once again the the US, and to the education system. She enjoyed being able to hear stories and see pictures of her mother, and father, through the memories and lenses of others.
Following high school, Amari attended LSU for both her undergrad and grad studies, minoring in Library Sciences while getting her B.A. in Creative Writing and then her Masters in Library & Information Sciences. While she lived at college for her freshman and sophomore years, she made the financially sound decision to live with her dad in their old family home for the rest of her undergrad days as well as after she graduated, working full-time at a local franchise of a bookstore chain, while taking classes part-time towards her Masters, which she obtained in the spring of 2019. With her degree literally in hand, Amari found herself with a job as an Assistant Librarian at one of the community colleges.
Amari was thrilled with her life, she had good friends, none that she would consider great or her best friends, and she had only dated from time to time, not wanting to let it interfere with her studies, but she was ready to truly live, to fully live her life. She wanted to do right by her mother, Gisele, make her proud. Amari felt like she might have been on the way. She was dating again, and had even downloaded an app. She was spending time out with her friends. Then in June of 2020, Amari’s father, Lennox, contracted and subsequently died from the flu after battling it for almost a month.
Devastated by the death of her father, Amari found her doing something that she’d never thought she’d do: search for her biological mother. In the year that followed and the next year, she was never able to find out anything close to a last known location more than ten years old, but she was able to find out something else. Possible siblings. Older and younger than her. Sisters and a brother. She had tried to reach out to two of them, her possible biological brother, and one of her possible biological sisters. Neither of them had wanted to talk to her; they didn’t want anything to do with their surrogate and/or egg donor or her. And so Amari decided that the eldest, the one she’d somehow found out about last/most recently would be her best bet at finding and developing a relationship with a sibling. Perhaps her only chance. To maybe find out and know more about the part of herself that she’d never truly acknowledged, because it had never really meant anything to her before.
It was fortuitous that her search for a new job had led her to Merrock, Maine and the local bookstore in need of a new owner, just before she’d discovered that was also the location of another half-sibling, a sister who was older than her. It must have been a sign, fate, destiny. There was no way that it could be a coincidence, as far as Amari was concerned. She had the funds from inheritances and life insurance policies from her parents and other relatives. She could afford the move and the purchase. Amari would establish a life for herself in Merrock before taking a different approach than she had before with the others when it came to meeting and revealing herself and their relationship to her half-sister.
 Unfortunately, after almost a month after her move to Maine, Amari discovered that there was a typo/mispronunciation from the private investigator she had hired and his resources. She should have received the information that her eldest half-sibling was last known to be in the hamlet of Merrick, NY, not the town of Merrock, ME. Now she has to decide: continue looking for a sister who might not even want to know her or commit to building a life in Merrock?
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ruyasercn · 2 years
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full name: rüya almira seren
nickname(s): none really, though her mother called her kâbus - which means ‘nightmare’ in turkish (her name, rüya means dream)
birthday & age: april 1, 1990 (32)
zodiac sign: aries
place of birth: new york city, ny
gender & pronouns: cis female, she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual
religion: atheist / former sunni muslim
occupation: bartender at crane brothers llt & the jagged yard
language(s) spoken: english, and very little turkish (though she doesn’t speak it very well, she understands it perfectly)
neighborhood: downtown
length of time in providence peak: just returned after being away for two months (was here for about a year and a half before then)
Hi babes! I’m back at it again with character #2 and I blame both Ashley and Taylor for the mess that is Rüya causing chaos on your dash. Once again, I’m not going to subject anyone to the 2,700+ word bio that I didn’t proof read or check for spelling on, so I’m gonna do some quick facts below! Please note that I’m about to list the trigger warnings for this bio and it sounds heavy af but trust and believe Rüya’s past is a bit dark but Rüya herself is pure bright af chaos. Trigger warnings for murder, blood, drugs, cancer, crime, death.
QUICK TLDR; From Brooklyn, found her father murdered at 12 years old, mom blamed her for dad’s death and they have a very strained relationship that consists of mostly fighting, has moved around a bit, lived in baton rouge the longest outside of nyc, moved home to take care of her sick mom, ended up living with old hs friends who were involved in some shady shit, got caught selling drugs and became a narc, was really bad but also really fucking good at it and got one of her agents shot once whoops, moved to PP six months ago once her mom was declared in remission and the ex roomies were sentenced; is pure chaos, hates being alone, loves to have a good time, and will judge you based off of your drink order. moved back to nyc two months ago when her mom’s cancer came back. her mom has since died and rüya is much more of a mess than before she left 🙃
Born & raised in Brooklyn, NYC
4th Generation Turkish-American
Doesn’t speak Turkish fluently but can understand it v well
Used to be a practicing Sunni Muslim - intermittingly wearing a head scarf (always during prayer more often than not outside of that), going to midday mosque on Fridays, prayed daily (when she started school it wasn’t 5 times a day but 3))
Had a hard time trying to combine her Turkish and American cultures- was raised in NYC and her parents were 3rd gen Americans but were still tied closely to their heritage - Rüya not so much, but she was trying
When she was 12 she was finally allowed to go to her first boy/girl party (wasn’t the first she was invited to but the first her parents allowed her to attend) - however her mom forgot they were supposed to be in Turkey for a wedding that weekend when she agreed to let her go
Rüya kind of threw a fit? Not wanting to go to the wedding and wanting to go to the party - essentially argued that she’d been to plenty of weddings in Turkey and this was the first party she’d been allowed to go to, plus they’d already told her she could go and she’d already gotten the present
Her parents relented because she was right, they’d told her she could go and the money for the gift was spent already, she hadn’t actually met the groom (the family member that was getting married), and they had just enough frequent flyer miles to cover her mom’s round trip ticket
The party turned into a girls only sleepover once the boys left and Rüya spent the night while her dad enjoyed some alone time at the house
When she came home the next day she found the front door open and her father bludgeoned to death in the living room with their house having been gone through and various valuables stolen
Turns out her father surprised a pair of home invaders who beat him to death when he confronted them about being in their home
She called 911 and stayed with her grandparents until her mom was able to make it home the next day
A month after her father’s funeral, Rüya lost touch with her faith, a decision made in anger but one that hasn’t been reversed. She essentially turned her back on religion because she was unable to understand how Allah could allow this to happen
Her father’s death was the catalyst for her and her mother’s relationship falling apart. Her mom, in her grief, said some things to Rüya that couldn’t be taken back
Mom blamed Rüya’s selfishness in wanting to go to the party for her father’s death, essentially telling the 15 year old that had she just done what was expected of her and gone to Turkey as a family her father would still be alive - that guilt has weighed heavily on her ever since
Her mom pulled closer to their Islamic faith after her father’s death, which caused a further divide
As she got older and her mother became more strict and Rüya pushed back, her mom started to call her Kâbus, or nightmare
Because of her rift with her mom, once Rüya turned 18 she left home. She crashed on a few couches of various family members/friends in NYC before leaving the city after a year (she’d saved up from working various odd jobs in the hospitality industry)
Moved to another city/state for two years with her significant other at the time (place is def open so if anyone wants to take this up as a wc 👀)
Broke up with said significant other (idk why she’s a mess) and moved to Austin, TX where she met @verdadurmaz​ while bartending at a popular college bar
Moved to Baton Rouge, LA w/ Ver until she was 26 when Ver moved to Cali and she went back to NYC bc her aunt told her her mom was sick
Moved in with some old HS friends who happened to be dealing/involved in some shady shit while she bartended at night and (begrudgingly) took care of her mom during the day
Got into a bit of trouble while back in NYC, probs had a few run ins with the law~ ended up becoming an (arguably difficult and bad) CI on her roommates and their lil operation~
Anyways her mom got better and she decided up and nope out of NYC bc they were fighting more than ever and the case against her old roommates had wrapped up. Called Ver and moved to PP
Was here for a year and a half p much, causing general chaos and resentment before she dipped bc her mom got sick again
Her mom was a lot more sick than she realized when she showed up - her mom, nasty as every to Rüya, and she died a month ago
Cleaned out her mom’s home (her childhood home) and sold it after the funeral before coming back
Is in a downward spiral because of her mom’s death and her ex (who she sent to prison whoops) coming back into her life (and following her to Colorado) so ya girl is losing it
Please see below for some wanted connections! These are in no way an extensive list and I do love to plot things out- especially angst. So pls come to me!!
Friends from New York/Baton Rouge
Neighbors - People who get angry at her for playing her music too loud at 3am (she’s a big night owl), People who she’s grown close to and they used each other’s apartments as extensions of their own homes (I love this plot a lot so pls), a neighbor who pretends to be her boyfriend when she can’t get a one night stand to leave (and she returns the favor obvs) - rn she lives with Verda
Regulars - People she serves regularly at either of the bars she works at. They could find her chatty nature obnoxious or she could serve as their bartender therapist ya know?
Hook Ups/One Night Stands/FWB - Pretty self explanatory
Ex from her first move - They dated in New York for a few months before moving to a whole new state together and staying together for another two years. Rüya ended the relationship because it never felt right to her, so there could be some animosity there
Chaos Pals - Honestly, she enjoys letting lose by drinking too much/dabbling in recreational drugs and she’s not going to apologize for it tbh, especially now. Her “dabbling” is rather constant so she’s in an altered state more often than not these days
Taco Tuesday Buddy - Taco Tuesday is her religion tbh and this could be someone she has a standing ‘date’ with every week to get tacos, have margs, and just hang out/catch up
Enemies/Annoyances - Rüya can be... a lot. She’s incredibly chatty and nosy and can absolutely rub people the wrong way upon first meeting so feel free to have your character annoy/dislike her!
I’m lazy so stuff from this list or this list. They all sound fun tbh!
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batonrougepowersport · 2 months
Exploring Baton Rouge on ATV: A Thrilling Adventure
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with its diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage, offers endless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to explore. One exhilarating way to experience the beauty of Baton Rouge and its surrounding areas is by riding an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle). Whether you're a seasoned rider or a novice adventurer, hitting the trails on an ATV promises an unforgettable experience. Here's why ATV exploration in Baton Rouge is a must-try adventure:
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1. Scenic Trails:
Baton Rouge boasts a variety of scenic trails that are perfect for ATV enthusiasts of all skill levels. From lush forests to winding rivers and picturesque bayous, the terrain in and around Baton Rouge offers a diverse range of landscapes to explore. Trails such as the Comite River Park Trail and the Kisatchie National Forest Trails provide thrilling rides through dense woodlands and along meandering waterways, offering breathtaking views of the natural beauty that Louisiana has to offer.
2. Wildlife Encounters:
Riding an ATV through the wilderness of Baton Rouge presents the opportunity to encounter a wide array of wildlife species in their natural habitats. Keep your eyes peeled for native Louisiana wildlife such as white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, alligators, and various bird species as you traverse the trails. The chance to observe these creatures up close adds an exciting element to your ATV adventure and creates lasting memories of your time in Baton Rouge.
3. Cultural Exploration:
In addition to its natural beauty, Baton Rouge is steeped in history and culture, with numerous points of interest waiting to be discovered. Many ATV trails in the area pass by historic landmarks, plantation homes, and other significant sites, providing riders with a unique opportunity to learn about the region's rich heritage while enjoying an adrenaline-fueled adventure. From the iconic Louisiana State Capitol building to the charming streets of downtown Baton Rouge, ATV exploration offers a dynamic blend of outdoor thrills and cultural immersion.
4. Community Connection:
ATV riding in Baton Rouge is not just a solitary pursuit—it's also a chance to connect with fellow enthusiasts and members of the local community who share a passion for outdoor recreation. Many ATV trails in the area host group rides, events, and gatherings where riders can come together to share stories, swap tips, and forge new friendships. Whether you're a solo rider or part of a group, the sense of camaraderie and community spirit that surrounds ATV culture in Baton Rouge adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience.
5. Safety First:
Before embarking on an ATV adventure in Baton Rouge, it's essential to prioritize safety and adhere to all rules and regulations governing off-road riding. Always wear appropriate safety gear, including helmets, gloves, and protective clothing, and familiarize yourself with the capabilities of your ATV. Respect trail closures and environmental restrictions, and be mindful of other trail users, wildlife, and natural habitats. By riding responsibly and respecting the environment, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and others.
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6. Planning Your Adventure:
When planning your ATV adventure in Baton Rouge, research available trails, terrain conditions, and any permits or fees required for access. Consider renting an ATV if you don't own one, and inquire about guided tours or local ATV clubs that can provide assistance and guidance for riders of all levels. Pack plenty of water, snacks, and emergency supplies, and inform someone of your intended route and estimated return time before setting out on the trails.
ATV exploration in Baton Rouge offers an exhilarating way to experience the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and community spirit of this vibrant Louisiana city. From scenic trails and wildlife encounters to cultural landmarks and community connections, riding an ATV Baton Rouge promises an adventure-filled journey that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. So rev up your engine, buckle up your helmet, and get ready to explore Baton Rouge like never before on the back of an ATV!
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church-capital · 2 months
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Revolutionizing Marketing: The Rise of Guerilla Marketing Agencies in Louisiana
In the vibrant and culturally rich state of Louisiana, where music, food, and history intertwine, a new wave of marketing innovation is stirring. Guerilla marketing, with its bold and unconventional tactics, is gaining momentum in the Pelican State as businesses seek creative ways to engage with their audience. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of guerilla marketing agencies in Louisiana, uncovering their unique strategies, impactful campaigns, and the pivotal role they play in shaping the marketing landscape of the state.
Understanding Guerilla Marketing
Guerilla marketing is an unconventional marketing strategy that aims to create memorable and engaging experiences to promote a brand or product. It involves using unconventional methods and creative ideas to capture the attention of consumers in unexpected ways. Unlike traditional marketing approaches, which rely on paid advertisements and mass media, guerilla marketing focuses on generating buzz, sparking curiosity, and fostering a deeper connection with the audience.
The Emergence of Guerilla Marketing in Louisiana
Louisiana's rich cultural heritage, diverse communities, and vibrant cities provide fertile ground for guerilla marketing initiatives to flourish. As businesses seek to stand out in a crowded marketplace and capture the attention of consumers, guerilla marketing has emerged as a powerful tool to create memorable brand experiences. From local startups to international brands, companies across Louisiana are embracing guerilla marketing tactics to make a lasting impact and drive engagement with their target audience.
The Trailblazers: Leading Guerilla Marketing Agencies in Louisiana
Several guerilla marketing agencies have risen to prominence in Louisiana, pioneering innovative campaigns that captivate audiences and drive results. These agencies specialize in crafting unique and immersive experiences that resonate with local culture and values. From street activations and pop-up events to viral stunts and interactive installations, these agencies are redefining the boundaries of marketing creativity in Louisiana.
Case Studies: Memorable Campaigns That Made an Impact
Let's delve into some notable guerilla marketing campaigns executed by agencies in Louisiana:
Food Truck Takeover: A local restaurant partnered with a guerilla marketing agency to organize a food truck takeover in the heart of New Orleans. The event featured live music, interactive games, and free samples of the restaurant's signature dishes, attracting crowds of hungry foodies and generating buzz on social media.
Mardi Gras Madness: A beverage company orchestrated a guerilla marketing campaign during Mardi Gras festivities in Baton Rouge. They hired costumed performers to roam the streets, handing out samples of their product and encouraging revelers to join in the celebration. The colorful spectacle captured the spirit of Mardi Gras and left a lasting impression on attendees.
Street Art Spectacular: An arts organization collaborated with a guerilla marketing agency to commission a series of vibrant murals in downtown Lafayette. The eye-catching artworks depicted scenes from local history and culture, turning the city streets into an outdoor art gallery and attracting tourists and residents alike.
Navigating Challenges and Maximizing Impact
While guerilla marketing can be highly effective, it also presents unique challenges, including logistical hurdles, legal considerations, and public perception. Guerilla marketing agencies in Louisiana must navigate these challenges carefully to ensure their campaigns are successful and well-received. By obtaining necessary permits, respecting local regulations, and prioritizing safety measures, these agencies can maximize the impact of their campaigns while minimizing potential risks.
The Future of Guerilla Marketing in Louisiana
Looking ahead, the future of guerilla marketing in Louisiana looks promising. As technology continues to evolve and consumer behaviors shift, guerilla marketing agencies will need to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing emerging trends, leveraging new technologies, and staying true to their creative roots, these agencies will continue to shape the marketing landscape in Louisiana and beyond.
In conclusion, guerilla marketing agencies in Louisiana are at the forefront of marketing innovation, pushing the boundaries of creativity and engagement to help businesses stand out in a competitive marketplace. With their unique blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and local expertise, these agencies are driving meaningful connections, sparking conversations, and leaving a lasting impression on Louisiana's marketing landscape. As businesses continue to seek out new and innovative ways to connect with consumers, guerilla marketing agencies will play a vital role in helping them achieve their goals.
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pearldentalgroups · 4 months
Your Trusted Dentist in Baton Rouge for Exceptional Dental Care
Choosing the right dentist is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. At Pearl Dental Group in Baton Rouge, we are committed to providing our patients with exceptional dental care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Let's explore what makes us the premier choice for your dental needs in Baton Rouge. Comprehensive Dental Services As a leading Dentist in Baton Rouge, we offer a wide range of dental services to meet the needs of patients of all ages. Whether you need a routine dental cleaning, a filling, or a more complex procedure, our experienced dentists are here to help. Our services include: Preventive Care: Regular dental cleanings, exams, and X-rays to maintain your oral health. Restorative Dentistry: Fillings, crowns, bridges, and dental implants to restore your smile's function and appearance.
Cosmetic Dentistry: Teeth whitening, veneers, and Invisalign to enhance the beauty of your smile. Emergency Dentistry: Prompt care for dental emergencies such as toothaches, broken teeth, and lost fillings. Sedation Dentistry: Options to help anxious patients relax during dental procedures. State-of-the-Art Technology At Pearl Dental Group, we believe in using the latest dental technology to provide our patients with the best possible care. From digital X-rays for reduced radiation exposure to intraoral cameras for a close-up view of your teeth, we utilize advanced tools to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of our treatments. Experienced and Compassionate Dentists Our team of experienced dentists is dedicated to providing personalized care to each of our patients. With years of experience and a commitment to continuing education, our dentists stay current with the latest trends and techniques in dentistry to ensure you receive the highest quality care. Patient-Centered Approach At Pearl Dental Group, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction. From the moment you walk through our doors, our friendly staff will greet you with a warm smile and ensure you feel welcome and at ease. We take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and tailor our treatments to meet your unique needs. Conveniently Located in Baton Rouge Our dental practice is conveniently located in Baton Rouge, making it easy for you to access quality dental care. Whether you're coming from downtown Baton Rouge or the surrounding areas, our central location makes us a convenient choice for your dental needs. If you're looking for a trusted dentist in Baton Rouge that offers comprehensive care, state-of-the-art technology, and a patient-centered approach, look no further than Pearl Dental Group. Schedule an appointment with us today and experience the difference our quality care can make for your smile.
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