#donna beneviento x fem!Oc
noarawriteszr · 2 months
date updated: 04/23/2024
This is a list of all the works I've done so far!Please enjoy 🐻‍❄️ྀིྀི
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🪼Resident Evil Village:
Still my baby! – Cassandra Dimitrescu gets hurt very bad, fem reader takes care of her.
🪼Coral Island:
I care! – A headcanon of Leah being flustered by farmer but hiding it behind her cold behavior.
My taste tester – Lila is the new farmer that basically does a lot in the whole island, diving into the ocean, fighting monsters, and even being the taste tester of the baker. Although the happiness is not only coming from seeing the dessert in front of her, the crush she has on the baker may have something to do with that.
Eva headcanon – How's dating Eva it's like.
Lila headcanon – More details and info about my OC.
This is how it feels – Pablo falls in love with the new farmer, but farmer likes his brother more.
Love Languages – Based on my interaction with every character, I wrote down what I think is the love language of each one of them(only part 1 done, not finished the rest).
🪼Red Velvet:
The only exception – Irene only listening to reader and being teased by it by other members.
🪼Stardew Valley:
My muse – Yeri x Make up artist!reader(SHORT AU)
Our vampy fam – Dimitrescu Family x reader
Teddy bear – Donna Beneviento x reader
You're my favorite – Alice x reader
Pose for the picture! – Macy x reader
You're mine – SV Bachelorettes x reader
Thank you for reading 🐻‍❄️ྀིྀི
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not-using-this1 · 3 years
Sick day cuddles
So I came up with this idea last night but didn’t know whether to write it with Alcina or Donna, so I let let people on my twitter decide and Donna won which I wasn’t expecting but I love her :) 
Luciana is going to be the name of the character I write with for Donna as she is my Oc but I will use ‘you’ for you guys as readers :)
This is my first Donna Beneviento oneshot and I’m still developing ways to write her to stay true to her as a character so bare with me! 
I may even make a part 2 if any of you like this and want me to!
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(Gif isn’t mine)
Donna sends Angie to wake up Luciana as she got up earlier to finish making this doll. Luciana hadn't gotten out of bed yet and she thought that was weird for her. However she doesn't want to get out of bed and so Donna checks to see if she's okay, but it turns out shes sick.
Basically Donna takes care of her girlfriend and even cuddles with her not caring that she could get sick to.
Warning/s: None
Nothing but Donna being adorable, shy even and wanting to care for her girl.
Donna Beneviento x Fem!Oc 
Donna had been wondering all morning why her lover hadn't gotten out of bed yet. She usually gets up an hour after her due to the fact she has been getting up early everyday to work on this new doll project. Angie, her favourite doll from childhood by her side as she watches her finish off the hat she had been making for the doll.
"Angie, could you go check on Luciana for me? I'm rather worried she hasn't gotten up yet". Donna asked the wedding dress clad doll, worry on her face was barely visible due to her wearing the mourning veil over her.
Angie chuckled at how worried Donna was but still she stood up and jumped down from the wooden chair the doll had previously sat on. "Of course, but you worry too much. She is probably having one of those days".
Donna sighed at her very much living doll "yes but those happen rarely anymore, now please Angie." Donna asked her once more. In fact she wasn't even asking she was telling her.
The doll ran into the hall and managed to get up the stairs with ease to Donna and Luciana’s bedroom. Of course it's hers too but she has a room by herself sometimes or just stays down the stairs with other dolls aka 'friends'.
Opening the door slightly so she could squeeze passed the gap. Luciana was on her side like usual but snuggling up to Donna's pillow. Angie chuckled at the sight before tapping the young woman on the forehead a few times.
The woman let out a whine and then some more as Angie continued poking her "Wake up Luciana!" She shreaked.
"Go away Angie" You coughed as she turned to face the wall, Donna's pillow still in your grasp as you hugged it tighter. Kicking the bedsheet off yourself as it was way too warm. "Someones moody, come on you've gotta get up!" Angie had prompted to try and budge you out of bed but clearly that wasn't working whatsoever.
"Angie no, I really don't think I can get up today" that immedietely put Angie in 'go fetch Donna' mode. So without another thought Angie rushed out of the room, leaving you to curl up in a ball and complain, you were definitely sick there was no denying that.
A couple minutes of being in the bedroom, nothing but silence and sometimes coughs and sneezes. You had tried to get comfy but nothing seemed to be working. Suddenly the door opening startled you to the point you sat up straight away only to see it was just Donna, a very concerned girlfriend she was.
You smiled at her, she removed the mourning veil from over her face as of course she felt comfortable around you, you smiled again, god she was so beautiful (if only your girls beauty was the cure to your sickness) she brightend up your morning.
"L-Luci my love are you alright?" Donna asks quietly as she sits at the side of your shared bed, you nodded your head 'yes' trying not to worry her too much but you knew she wouldn't believe you for a second especially because she must of heard you whining, coughing and sneezing.
"No, you're not, lay back" Donna instructed you, of course you complied. The raven haired woman placed her hand gently upon your forehead. "Oh you're burning up. Let me go get you some medicine and something to cool you down" Donna gives you a shy smile, just as she was about to get up from the bed you grab her arm "I'm sorry" you manage to get out without coughing.
You were supposed to be going out of the village to the store to fetch a few things and groceries today and you felt the need to apologise just for being ill. This was always a habit of yours, apologising for something so silly but you couldn't help it.
Donna sighs at you "there's no need to apologise, you can't help being ill sometimes. I'll send Tom the gardener out to fetch the groceries." Donna replies, she leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead "I'll be back in a minute, okay?" She adds as she gets up and walks out the room.
Angie keeping you company "you humans are so fragile. Quit being ill so we can continue those horror movies!" Angie oh-so enthusiastically points out as she sits bored on a chair in the bedroom.
You let out a low chuckle as you layed back down and turned to face the doll "sometimes we can't help being ill Angie and who said we can't watch the horror movies while ill?"
That response made Angie jump up in joy and made you laugh slightly even though it hurt due to the stomach ache you had also gotten. "Um, I did. Wait until you get better, Luciana darling." Donna walks back in the room with some medicine and a glass of water with ice in it.
Angie huffed and left the room to go find something else to do like hang out with the other dolls for a bit while Donna sorted you out. You sat up as she handed you the tablets and also a glass of water "Here these should help and at least ease some of the pain and get your temperature back to normal".
You took the tablets and drank most of the water no problem but your stomach really wasn't agreeing with it, you groaned falling back down onto the bed "Why did I have to have the bad luck of being ill" you complained to your doll-making girlfriend. Still keeping your silly humour regardless.
"You don't have bad luck my dear, it just happens." Donna responded but thats honestly not what you wanted right now, you just wanted to cuddle her. So again before she could get up you stopped her by grabbing her blouse "W-what is it?" she asked you, the shyness still in her voice even though she had known you since childhood and has literally dated you for the passed 3 years.
Still you thought it was cute.
You coughed trying to clear your throat "could you stay? I know you're busy but I don't want to be alone right now" you asked her, pouting.
And who was she to refuse, Donna blushed slightly. She would drop everything just for you and besides you're more important to her. "Of course".
You smile at her as she gets into the bed with you, instantly pulling you in her arms, she presses a few kisses to your lips "you'll get sick too if you do that" you chuckle in her arms. "Worth it" she chuckles.
You return the kiss but on her forehead, you didn’t want her getting sick either. If it was possible to get Donna even more flustered well this was the way to do it. "Can me and Angie still watch those horror movies later tonight?" you asked quietly.
"No, just resting tonight." You pouted at her response "buuuuut-" you dragged on.
"No buts, you can watch them tomorrow if you're feeling better but right now I just want to stay like this with you. Tom has gone to get the groceries, Angie is probably-
"Lovebirdsssss" Angie cut off Donna as she waltzed into the room and climb up on the bed "Donna, Florence wanted me to ask you what you would like for dinner later?" She asks.
"What would you like, darling?" Donna asks you.
You shrug your shoulders at first, the raven haired womans arms still wrapped around you "I don't know if I can stomach anything solid so soup?" you questioned. Donna was more than happy to have that for today and even Angie was fine with that (yes she is a doll but she can eat a very small portion of food if she wanted to).
"Soup it is" Angie over-exagerated her voice as she cheered making both you and Donna laugh as she jumped off the bed to inform the cook what everyone wanted tonight.
"You don't have to stay if you want to finish working on that doll you know".
"No no shush, I'm staying now I'm more than happy." Your girlfriend mentions reassuring you that she is just fine with staying by your side the rest of the day. You wondered how you got so lucky to have such a soft but shy and beautiful childhood best friend and girlfriend in one.
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candescentclitoria · 3 years
What Does Heisenberg Want From Lady Langley/My Eyes Are Not Your Gift
Pairing: Not Yet Romantic! Donna Beneviento x Fem! OC
Warnings: Heisenberg’s a little shit, maybe a little out of Character.
A/N: This is something with my Oc Aurelia Langley, so I hope you guys like it. (Yes I used a picrew to create Aurelia, but I did draw her if y’all wanna see it!) 🥺
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The meeting with Mother Miranda is long and tedious. Heisenberg being the loud man he is, announces that it is his birthday.
“Yes yes, we know you rat! Now would you do us all a favor and shut your trap! You’re making Aurelia uncomfortable.” Alcina speaks, taking a drag from her cigarette. “Oh, she’ll get over it! She needs to get out and socialize, I think I can provide that!” Heisenberg utters, cracking his knuckles. “Speaking of Aurelia, I have something I’d like to ask of you darlin’.”
Aurelia grimaces under her lace face cover and sighs, quietly muttering, “What is it you want, Heisenberg?” She’s already had enough of Heisenberg and his loud antics, preferring the quiet to his shouts of joy. Heisenberg chuckles and walks behind the blind woman, placing his hands on her shoulders. “See, today’s a special day. I turned 103 today and I thought for a not unseemly price, you’d introduce me to the wonders of your bed. And also treat me nice.”
Aurelia gags and pulls herself away from him, quickly standing. “I’m the man who throws the fits, he who puts the hammer in the wall. But dearest, please accept my hand Ms. Aurelia, who is perfect womanhood.” Heisenberg continues, rounding the short woman’s body and placing his hand on her cheek. “Heisenberg! I’ll ask you once to cease your actions and sit down!” Mother Miranda shouts. The factory owner ignores the elder matriarch and continues his advances. The ravenette slaps away the hand on her face and makes her way to stand beside the tall matriarch of House Dimitrescu. She lands her place on the tall ravenette’s right and speaks, “Why should you jump on me? Why should you dump on me? I knew when I first felt your presence, when I first looked in your eyes!”
“I like your eyes Ms. Aurelia!” Heisenberg says, walking closer. Alcina moves to stand in front of the smaller woman and her claws extend. “Move back, or I’ll slice you to ribbons!”
Heisenberg jumps and puts his hands up. “Come on now, just let me speak to the lady!” His telekinesis wraps scraps of metal around Alcina and drags her away. She struggles and pulls against the restraints, failing to escape. “Now, let me see those eyes Ms. Aurelia!”
“Oh! You have never seen my face!” Aurelia shouts, throwing her fan in front of her face. “I have never seen your eyes!” Heisenberg corrects, walking closer. “I was never out of place! I talked and I minded my business!” Aurelia shouts, “Get back in your place and mind your business!”
“But the business at hand-” Heisenberg begins, only to be cut off.
“Keep your hands off my eyes!”
“But the business at hand! I always liked the way you wore your lace cover in and out of meetings. I always like that you remain calm in your lace that’s cool, Ms. Aurelia. I always thought that cover hid your passion, that your fashion. Now it’s my birthday and here’s my surprise, I’m gonna see your eyes Ms. Aurelia, I’m gonna see your eyes my darlin’.”
Heisenberg pauses, reaching his hand out to remove the blind woman’s lace face cover. Aurelia grabs Heisenberg’s wrist and squeezes, her nails sinking into tan flesh. “Don’t touch my goddamn eyes you little shit, I’ll throw a fit! I’ll beat your head in with a hammer!”
Aurelia throws down her fan and twists the burly man's arm behind his back. “My eyes are my eyes! Your hands are your hands! Just keep your dirty fingers away from my face, kid, that’s the only thing that I demand!”
The room falls silent, Alcina falls to the ground with a thud and a groan. The metal that was holding her falls around her. Heisenberg shakes in Aurelia’s hands and pulls away. “Alright Alright! I’ll stop. Jesus Ms. Aurelia, you sure are mean.”
Aurelia shrinks back and picks up her fan. “I’m only mean when I need to be. Specifically when rude men decide that women are only objects to be used for their pleasure. Should you ever try to place your hands on me again in a vile way, I will break your arm and show no remorse.”
Heisenberg clears his throat and nods. “Never again Ms. Aurelia, I swear.” Aurelia nods and walks over to her seat, her fan opening. She fans herself and turns to face Miranda. “I apologize, please begin Mother Miranda.” Miranda gapes and nods, blinking rapidly. “Yes, I uh.. I called you all here to discuss the matter of Ethan Winters.”
Aurelia zones out, her fan the only thing still moving. Donna leans over slowly and taps the short woman. The witch turns her head to face the doll maker, “Yes Donna?”
“I’m proud of you and honestly quite stunned. I’ve never thought of you as the type to lash out, so I apologize if I seem rude. Usually it’s Alcina lashing out at Heisenberg, not you.” The Ravenette nods and places her hand on Donna’s shoulder. “That’s fair. I don’t usually lash out because I don’t like to, you know I’m rather quiet unless I’m comfortable.” Aurelia chuckles quietly and places her hands in her lap. Donna smiles and reaches out for her best friend’s hand. “I’m proud of you, I truly am.”
“Thank you Donna.”
Tag List: @empatheticroses
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not-using-this1 · 3 years
Sick day cuddles pt.2
I made a part 2 to sick day cuddles because I thought it would be cute for Luciana in return to take care of her now ill doll-maker girlfriend. 
Summary: Donna is the sick one this time, you did tell her not to continue cuddling you or giving you kisses until you were better and now shes ill.
Taking care of your shy, doll-making gf.
Warnings: none
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x fem!Oc (as usual ‘you’ will still be addressed in this just so you feel like apart of it but again not Y/n)
Well here both of you were...you had warned her time and time again these passed few days you've been ill not to cuddle you or give you any kisses but she didn't listen and now Donna is sick.
"I told you so!" You chuckled to her as you walked into the bedroom, Donna currently layed down with her head resting on the pillow, rolling her eye at you as you let out another laugh. Angie joining in to.
Sitting on your side of the bed, you pressed a damp and cold flannel to her head after noticing her temperature was quite hotter than usual (just like yours was). You weren't going to lie you were still a little sick but not as much so like usual you helped out around the house, you even set on making the dinner yourself...which again was just some chicken soup.
"Here, take these." You added handing your sick girlfriend some tablets along with a glass of one of her favourite things to drink; orange juice.
Without another second to waste Donna sat up and took the tablets along with a huge amount of juice, sitting up "thank you Luciana" she had coughed out. "Hey, there's no need to thank me, I'll always be here for you." You replied. She gave you a smile, Donna was a lot quieter around you when it was just the two of you (and Angie of course) today which wasn't really normal anymore but she was ill and talking a lot isn't always the best thing to do when ill.
"Hurry up and get better! You can then watch those horror movies with me and Luciana!" Angie had tried to liven up the mood, doing her usual enthusiastic dance making the two of you laugh, Donna letting out a sneeze in the process. "Wait can we watch the movies tonight!?" Angie added again, sitting down on the bed, feeling hopeful.
"No, no not tonight either Angie" you responded. Angie sighed but understood the reason why.
Donna chuckled at her dolls reaction and let out a sigh "no, we can watch the movies if you'd like. Besides I'd much rather have something to do with the two of you, then being bored in bed all day. Angie's face lit up (lit up as much as a dolls expression can).
Jumping up happily Angie leaped off the bed and ran over to the very bottom of the shelf and went searching for the horror movie she wanted to watch with us.
Later on you had served the soup and mostly just stayed in bed all day with both Donna and Angie, the little doll was content with the day as she sat practically in the middle of both Donna and you. The brunette resting her head on your shoulder.
"Again thank you my love" Donna whispers.
You smile at her "No need to thank me Donna, like I said I'm always gonna be here. I'm not going anywhere."
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