#done with the pioneer of non mass :'''')
mariacallous · 2 years
Life may have improved for Montenegro’s LGBT community – but organizers of this weekend’s Pride say there’s still much work to be done.
Organizers of this year’s Montenegrin Pride, scheduled for Saturday, called on the government to promote Montenegro as a secular society and improve the rights of the LGBT community generally.
The tenth Montenegrin Pride will take place under the slogan, “No more but” [“Nema više ali”], while the main event will be a walk in the capital, Podgorica, passing parliament, the government building and the city assembly.
The organizers, the NGO Queer Montenegro, called on fellow citizens to show that Montenegro is secular, civic state that respects human rights.
“We will express our dissatisfaction with a system where human rights are generally not respected …This is the most important Montenegrin Pride for all of us who want Montenegrin society to be inclusive for everyone,” the head of Queer Montenegro, Milos Knezevic, told BIRN.
At the first Montenegro Pride march in 2014, more than 500 protesters, mostly football hooligans, hurled rocks and bottles at the small march staged by only a few dozen gay activists. Twenty police were injured and 60 people detained in the mayhem.
While the government is fully behind the march now, in past years intolerance towards the gay community was widespread on social networks.
Earlier surveys have suggested that as many as 71 per cent of citizens in Montenegro still view homosexuality as an illness and that every second citizen sees it as a danger to society and would wish the state to suppress it.
Church plans counter-rally ‘against debauchery’
For the first time since Pride marches were organized in Montenegro, the Serbian Orthodox Church, the largest faith group in the country, has called for a mass religious counter-rally, for the “preservation of the family”.
On September 5, the top bishop in the country, Metropolitan Joankije, urged believers to gather and pray to uphold the sanctity of marriage and ensure the preservation of the family.
“Certain power structures from the world are preaching and promoting immorality and debauchery in Montenegro. We must gather and condemn that public preaching of immorality and protect the family and children,” Metropolitan Joanikije said.
The Church’s call followed tensions over the controversial EuroPride 2022 event in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, which authorities attempted to ban.
In advance of the EuroPride event, thousands of people gathered in Belgrade on August 15 to demonstrate against it, also claiming they wanted to “protect the family”.
Knezevic said the Church should refrain from trying to degrade the civil and democratic concept of Montenegrin society.
“What worries us a lot is the fact that the state institutions have been tacitly approving the more than evident polarization and clericalization of society, which is being emphasized by the Church. Our community and Pride march does not endanger the so-called traditional values ​​and traditional family,” Knezevic said.
Growing numbers of same-Sex partnerships
According to NGO Civic Education Centre, a survey from June 28 showed around 55 per cent of citizens supported Pride marches, while 35 per cent were opposed.
The survey also showed that 47 per cent of citizens think that LGBT rights are not respected, while 42 per cent said they are respected.
Meanwhile, authorities said that 22 same-sex marriages were registered in Montenegro since the first same-sex partnership was registered in the coastal resort of Budva last July.
These pioneering same-sex unions came a year after Montenegro became the first non-EU Balkan state to legalize same-sex partnerships.
In July 2020, parliament voted to recognize same-sex civil partnerships with the support of a narrow majority of MPs from the then ruling Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, the Social Democrats, the Liberal Party and the opposition Social Democratic Party.
Montenegro failed twice before to adopt laws on same-sex unions – in 2014 and 2019. It succeeded in July 2020, the only non-EU ex-Yugoslav republic to do so, although Serbia has similar legislation in the pipeline. Of the other former Yugoslav republics, EU members Croatia and Slovenia have legalized same-sex unions.
Under the law, same-sex couples can enter into a legal union at their local registry office. The law also allows for the regulation of mutual financial support and division of joint property in event of divorce. It does not allow same-sex couples to adopt or foster children.
But Queer Montenegro’s Knezevic warned that the law was still not harmonized with wider legislation, accusing the government of breaching a July deadline to do so.
“Two years since the law was adopted, its harmonization with wider legislation has not been completed. We’ve proposed specific amendments to the legislative framework that need to be harmonized with this law, but so far there has been no response from the government,” Knezevic said.
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pinerfreaks · 2 years
Nuclear physics
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#Nuclear physics professional
This text consists of six chapters and begins with an introduction to nuclear physics, followed by a discussion on nuclear structure at a fairly basic level. The Fermi Golden Rule is given emphasis throughout. Nuclear Physics is concerned primarily with low-energy nuclear physics rather than high-energy or elementary particle physics, although examples from particle physics are used where appropriate. The final chapter is devoted to charge independence and isospin in low-energy nuclear physics. This chapter ends with the application of the theory of thermonuclear reactions to the design of a thermonuclear power plant. The penultimate chapter deals with self-sustaining nuclear reactions, with particular reference to the nuclear physics of fission reactors and the nuclear aspects of stellar physics. The theory of nuclear reactions is discussed by highlighting the concepts of cross-section and resonance. Quantum mechanics is also used to treat nuclear decay in the next chapter. Spin and static electric and magnetic moments are then examined from the perspective of quantum mechanics rather than through the vector model of angular momentum. This book also discusses the nuclear periodic table, radioactivity, and unstable nuclear states as well as nuclear mass and nuclear binding energy.
#Nuclear physics professional
The group publishes extensively in professional journals - three of our papers have been chosen as "50th Anniversary Milestones" by Physical Review C & D because they "announce major discoveries or open up new avenues of research - and members of our group have received numerous awards, including two Sloan Fellowships, two DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator Awards, a Humboldt Senior Scientist Award and a DFG-Excellence Professorship, and several are APS Fellows.Nuclear Physics is concerned primarily with low-energy nuclear physics rather than high-energy or elementary particle physics, although examples from particle physics are used where appropriate. We have also done pioneering work on applications of perturbative QCD to nuclear collisions at the highest attainable energies, and discovered that heavy quarks provide a revolutionary tool for the investigation of a new state of matter recreated in these collisions: the quark-gluon plasma that existed 20 microseconds after the Big-Bang.Įxamples of our interdisciplinary interests include the production of top quarks at LHC, strong fields, trapped atoms near Feschbach resonances, and supernovae neutrinos. We have formulated the innovative No-Core Shell Model to predict the properties of nuclei from fundamental nucleon interactions, and have investigated equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of nuclear matter. We have invented Soft Collinear Effective Theory to describe high-energy quarks and gluons, and Nuclear Effective Field Theories to deduce the force among nucleons. Our group is internationally recognized for leading the study of nuclear physics from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Our main strength is the creation of novel ideas and tools for unraveling the non-perturbative properties of strongly interacting particles, and we apply them to interdisciplinary problems at the interface with particle, atomic, laser, condensed-matter, and astrophysics. The nuclear theory group carries out research into the structure and behavior of strongly interacting matter in terms of its basic constituents - quarks and gluons - over a wide range of conditions: from nucleons and nuclear matter to the cores of stars, and from the Big Bang that was the birth of the universe to the heavy-ion collisions in present-day experiments.
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
I really love all the worldbuilding you’ve done!! The detail is incredible! I was hoping, could you please give a better idea of how technologically advanced Haven is? Like do all the rooms have plumbing and electricity? I’ve seen some stuff with like factories and what not but I’m not entirely sure
Hi, thanks for your question! I tend to avoid getting really specific about this because I hate it when people zero in on the historical details and try to treat them as analogous to our world's--AKA "well you can't have rubber bullets but not electricity because rubber was only discovered in 1839--"
This is a world of magic, immortality, superstrength, demons, as well as a lot of cross-contamination from other worlds (whether the citizens of this world know it or not); that's my explanation and I'm sticking to it!! So if it doesn't make a lick of sense to anyone but me, you've been warned!
Generally I try to describe the technology of Blest as magical steampunk mixed with the Stuart/Georgian era (and with a little bit of the Victorian era thrown in). There are obvious exceptions, but: gas, gunpowder, and steam technology, such as gas street lamps, are more common but are not a perfect 1:1 scenario. Electricity has not been discovered as a means of powering things--that tends to go to magic and magical energy, such as magical "batteries" (lodestones). Gas lamps are common in major institutions (universities, hospital rooms, Autarchy buildings, etc.) but are only just beginning to make it to the upper class as common household fixtures: for example, Lavinet's family recently installed gas lamps in their estate, but lesser families like Prihine's may not have caught up yet, and some are still suspicious of the whole thing due to the potential fire hazard. (The current era that we're in, I believe, is called The Era of the Lamps for precisely these technological changes.)
Plumbing does exist and is quite advanced! Showers were initially first invented by Mages and ran on magic (as did the first hot water plumbing systems), but nowadays they're more accessible and non-magic-based, though the showers are actually considered more low-class (having to bathe while standing up is a poor people thing, I guess). Middle-class families will most likely have sinks and bathtubs capable of running hot water. Lower-class families or inns in pretty remote locations will have running water, but it might not be hot and may need to be heated manually over a fire, depending on the location and income level of the area. Everything in Haven technically has the capacity to have running hot water; it just depends on what kind of structure you've built and if you can afford the water taxes. The Shepherds' compound is old enough that it does not have showers, but large baths capable of fitting 12 people, kind of like a swimming pool! And toilets, of course, exist and work pretty much like ours do.
The first prototypes of airships and trains are being developed in the Far West, but they are still a few decades off from actually being a thing beyond just rumor. Riel is very interested in developing a coach that runs by itself and doesn't need to be pulled by horses, but all of the solutions he's come up with so far still relied on magic.
Guns are fairly advanced, but prohibitively expensive to make as well as pretty regulated: it's more common for farmers to own one-shot muskets or revolvers, but dueling pistols, sniper rifles, and even shotguns as well as cannons, bombs, and grenade-style explosives do exist and are utilized in the military. Gas/chemical warfare has not been explored, but the employment of smoke and flash grenades does happen on occasion. These weapons do not work exactly like our guns and explosives do, and were designed and based off of earlier magical weapons that were similar in function but not quite the same. Their visual designs are more steampunk-y rather than modern!
Medicine (in terms of Norm physickers) is fairly primitive/medieval because they are determined to abandon the earlier (and more advanced) progress of Mage, Elf, Hunter, and Ket healers, which are considered heretical and pagan. Pregnancy tests often consist of peeing on different pieces of barley and wheat and seeing what sprouts, and really weird tonics and methods can be prescribed as "cutting-edge" medicinal solutions, but which can largely be unhelpful. For small remedies like headaches and colds, you should be fine. For invasive procedures like surgeries: please see a Healer, a physicker will most likely fuck you up (though there are also good ones). Mage technology and medicine are obviously way more advanced, but heavily limited by the Autarchy.
Line and mass production, mass agriculture, and mass transportation are being pioneered by the Norms, so large factories and foundries are very commonplace!
I hope that helps! And thank you for your kind words!!!
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lindoig8 · 3 years
Mother's Day and Birthday
Saturday, 7 May
We spent most of the day around the caravan. Heather has a very sore toe (apparently broken) from boot pressure from our Walk and that makes walking painful so resting for a couple of days was probably good. It also gave us a chance to catch up on a few things as well as getting back into something I haven’t done for well over a year. I used to do most of the puzzles, particularly the Cryptic Crosswords, in the Age, but haven’t done them for ages. But I had saved about 100 pages from the paper and have done about 10 of them in the past few days. I have only completed 2 of them, but all the others were done except for the occasional word. If I have the following day’s page, I can cheat the answers, but I think that only happened once because not all the pages are sequential. It has been fun and a change from so may other puzzles.
We did another Supermarket/booze shop run on Friday and refuelled the car while we were out. We purchased a couple of large cuts of meat during our foray and cooked a fantastic roast beef and roast vegetable meal for dinner. We used our double-sided frypan again – it is so versatile and we use it for lots of things. I will post a photo of it because I have mentioned it several times and I doubt if many people understand what it is. It is hinged at the back, non-stick inside with a little drip tray behind the hinge – not big enough but it allows some steam to escape and runs off a bit of the excess fat. It has very strong magnets in the handles to ensure it remains closed – but we need to be careful because it is easy to get one’s fingers pinched when the magnets slam the top shut.
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Sunday, 9 May
It was Mother’s Day as well as my birthday and we had planned a big day. We had lots of nice kind wishes on Facebook, on Messenger and in phone calls with the kids and all of that was very nice. But we also had a great lunch at a Station about 40 kilometres out into the desert from here. It was at Ooraminna Station and it was simply wonderful. Weather was perfect, mid-20s with a gentle cooling breeze whispering past us on the wide verandah.
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There was a surprisingly big crowd there, some tourists, but lots of locals too – quite a few people knew each other and there were some Mother’s Day lunches going on too. The menu was not extensive, but I enjoyed the duck and Heather had a delicious steak – I know it was delicious because I helped her finish it! But the setting was superb, in a bit of a valley, ringed by dramatic rocky hills, simply gorgeous and we spent time just taking it all in. After lunch, we explored the area nearby – horses, goats, chooks, a duck and a guineafowl all around the camping/glamping area – and we visited a delightful billabong with a few birds and heaps of pretty butterflies. It was all quite idyllic.
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There were a few dozen of these resting on the damp soil beside the tranquil billabong.
Another feature of the place is that it has been the location for a few films, including The Drover’s Boy (that one was never actually finished). A complete mini-township was built as the filmset for this one and it is still there, albeit in a slightly decrepitstate. We arrived a bit early so stopped off at the filmset and wandered around like true Wild West pioneers. I will post some photos. It all looks pretty dilapidated, but I am sure it was intended to look a bit that way.
On the way back to town, we stopped to take some pics near the airport. When we arrived in Alice Springs, we noticed a lot of planes there and I counted more than 70 from several different airlines, all parked close together, obviously mothballed until international borders reopen and allow them to fly again. I wonder what level of maintenance is being done on such a big agglomeration of aircraft to ensure they stay in tip-top condition during the hiatus?
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We had also booked to have dinner at the brewery next door. They have a beer hall on one side and a restaurant on the other and we had booked for the restaurant. We arrived to see masses of people flooding the restaurant with an appallingly tuneless singer blasting the area at 100+ decibels. Our reserved table had been commandeered by a bunch of other people so they said we could sit in the middle of the area where people were lining up to place their orders for drinks and food. It took ages to even get someone’s attention to find us a table, and Heather lined up for half an hour to order our drinks - and then had to argue with the morons behind the bar who claimed not to have what we wanted, despite it being in plain view. They kept trying to persuade her to order something else. In th meantime, I was in the food queue that didn’t move an inch, possibly due to the people who were pushing in further ahead of us. Only one register was working and that was adding to the bottleneck and the staff were chatting with known customers so nobody else was getting anywhere. Heather eventually got our drinks and replaced me in the food queue while I guarded our decreasingly-bubbly and warming flat bubbles, with people milling around our table and staff bumping furniture into me as they shifted tables to accommodate more people at the other end of the venue. When Heather finally got served, she was told that 'they were busy' and it would be at least an hour before the food would come – and by then, it would almost have been their closing time. We gulped down our bubbles, tucked our over-priced bottle of wine under our arm, and drove across town to buy fish and chips. We ate them sitting up in bed watching a DVD and we had finished our meal and the 'dishes' well before we would have got anything had we stayed next door.
It is hard to imagine any greater contrast between our delightful, relaxing lunch and the shambolic rowdy mob at dinner. I would recommend Ooraminna to anyone, but I wouldn't return to the brewery for anything.
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nicklloydnow · 3 years
“In the United States, existing shops were rapidly extended through the 1890s, mail-order shopping surged, and the new century saw massive multistory department stores covering millions of acres of selling space. Retailing was already passing decisively from small shopkeepers to corporate giants who had access to investment bankers and drew on assembly-line production of commodities, powered by fossil fuels; the traditional objective of making products for their self-evident usefulness was displaced by the goal of profit and the need for a machinery of enticement.
“The cardinal features of this culture were acquisition and consumption as the means of achieving happiness; the cult of the new; the democratization of desire; and money value as the predominant measure of all value in society,” Leach writes in his 1993 book “Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture.” Significantly, it was individual desire that was democratized, rather than wealth or political and economic power.
Even if a shorter working day became an acceptable strategy during the Great Depression, the economic system’s orientation toward profit and its bias toward growth made such a trajectory unpalatable to most captains of industry and the economists who theorized their successes. If profit and growth were lagging, the system needed new impetus. The short depression of 1921–1922 led businessmen and economists in the United States to fear that the immense productive powers created over the previous century had grown sufficiently to meet the basic needs of the entire population and had probably triggered a permanent crisis of overproduction; prospects for further economic expansion were thought to look bleak.
Notwithstanding the panic and pessimism, a consumer solution was simultaneously emerging. As the popular historian of the time Frederick Allen wrote, “Business had learned as never before the importance of the ultimate consumer. Unless he could be persuaded to buy and buy lavishly, the whole stream of six-cylinder cars, super heterodynes, cigarettes, rouge compacts and electric ice boxes would be dammed up at its outlets.” In his classic 1928 book “Propaganda,” Edward Bernays, one of the pioneers of the public relations industry, put it this way:
Mass production is profitable only if its rhythm can be maintained—that is if it can continue to sell its product in steady or increasing quantity.… Today supply must actively seek to create its corresponding demand … [and] cannot afford to wait until the public asks for its product; it must maintain constant touch, through advertising and propaganda … to assure itself the continuous demand which alone will make its costly plant profitable.
Edward Cowdrick, an economist who advised corporations on their management and industrial relations policies, called it “the new economic gospel of consumption,” in which workers (people for whom durable possessions had rarely been a possibility) could be educated in the new “skills of consumption.”
It was an idea also put forward by the new “consumption economists” such as Hazel Kyrk and Theresa McMahon, and eagerly embraced by many business leaders. New needs would be created, with advertising brought into play to “augment and accelerate” the process. People would be encouraged to give up thrift and husbandry, to value goods over free time. Kyrk argued for ever-increasing aspirations: “a high standard of living must be dynamic, a progressive standard,” where envy of those just above oneself in the social order incited consumption and fueled economic growth.
President Herbert Hoover’s 1929 Committee on Recent Economic Changes welcomed the demonstration “on a grand scale [of] the expansibility of human wants and desires,” hailed an “almost insatiable appetite for goods and services,” and envisaged “a boundless field before us … new wants that make way endlessly for newer wants, as fast as they are satisfied.” In this paradigm, people are encouraged to board an escalator of desires (a stairway to heaven, perhaps) and progressively ascend to what were once the luxuries of the affluent.
Charles Kettering, general director of General Motors Research Laboratories, equated such perpetual change with progress. In a 1929 article called “Keep the Consumer Dissatisfied,” he stated that “there is no place anyone can sit and rest in an industrial situation. It is a question of change, change all the time — and it is always going to be that way because the world only goes along one road, the road of progress.” These views parallel political economist Joseph Schumpeter’s later characterization of capitalism as “creative destruction”:
Capitalism, then, is by nature a form or method of economic change and not only never is, but never can be stationary.… The fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion comes from the new consumers, goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization that capitalist enterprise creates.
The prospect of ever-extendable consumer desire, characterized as “progress,” promised a new way forward for modern manufacture, a means to perpetuate economic growth. Progress was about the endless replacement of old needs with new, old products with new. Notions of meeting everyone’s needs with an adequate level of production did not feature.
Once World War II was over, consumer culture took off again throughout the developed world, partly fueled by the deprivation of the Great Depression and the rationing of the wartime years and incited with renewed zeal by corporate advertisers using debt facilities and the new medium of television. Stuart Ewen, in his history of the public relations industry, saw the birth of commercial radio in 1921 as a vital tool in the great wave of debt-financed consumption in the 1920s — “a privately owned utility, pumping information and entertainment into people’s homes.”
“Requiring no significant degree of literacy on the part of its audience,” Ewen writes, “radio gave interested corporations … unprecedented access to the inner sanctums of the public mind.” The advent of television greatly magnified the potential impact of advertisers’ messages, exploiting image and symbol far more adeptly than print and radio had been able to do. The stage was set for the democratization of luxury on a scale hitherto unimagined.
Though the television sets that carried the advertising into people’s homes after World War II were new, and were far more powerful vehicles of persuasion than radio had been, the theory and methods were the same — perfected in the 1920s by PR experts like Bernays. Vance Packard echoes both Bernays and the consumption economists of the 1920s in his description of the role of the advertising men of the 1950s:
They want to put some sizzle into their messages by stirring up our status consciousness.… Many of the products they are trying to sell have, in the past, been confined to a “quality market.” The products have been the luxuries of the upper classes. The game is to make them the necessities of all classes. This is done by dangling the products before non-upper-class people as status symbols of a higher class. By striving to buy the product—say, wall-to-wall carpeting on instalment—the consumer is made to feel he is upgrading himself socially.
Though it is status that is being sold, it is endless material objects that are being consumed.
In a little-known 1958 essay reflecting on the conservation implications of the conspicuously wasteful U.S. consumer binge after World War II, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed to the possibility that this “gargantuan and growing appetite” might need to be curtailed. “What of the appetite itself?,” he asks. “Surely this is the ultimate source of the problem. If it continues its geometric course, will it not one day have to be restrained? Yet in the literature of the resource problem this is the forbidden question.”
Galbraith quotes the President’s Materials Policy Commission setting out its premise that economic growth is sacrosanct. “First we share the belief of the American people in the principle of Growth,” the report maintains, specifically endorsing “ever more luxurious standards of consumption.” To Galbraith, who had just published “The Affluent Society,” the wastefulness he observed seemed foolhardy, but he was pessimistic about curtailment; he identified the beginnings of “a massive conservative reaction to the idea of enlarged social guidance and control of economic activity,” a backlash against the state taking responsibility for social direction. At the same time he was well aware of the role of advertising: “Goods are plentiful. Demand for them must be elaborately contrived,” he wrote. “Those who create wants rank amongst our most talented and highly paid citizens. Want creation — advertising — is a ten billion dollar industry.”
Or, as retail analyst Victor Lebow remarked in 1955:
Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption.… We need things consumed, burned up, replaced and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate.
Thus, just as immense effort was being devoted to persuading people to buy things they did not actually need, manufacturers also began the intentional design of inferior items, which came to be known as “planned obsolescence.” In his second major critique of the culture of consumption, “The Waste Makers,” Packard identified both functional obsolescence, in which the product wears out quickly and psychological obsolescence, in which products are “designed to become obsolete in the mind of the consumer, even sooner than the components used to make them will fail.””
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colonyfact3 · 3 years
Bicyclic Peptides
Dbal Kinds, Steroids On Keto
Everything About Peptides.
What Are Sarms? (Component.
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Iaaf Values Board Choice: Timeline
Procollagen Peptide Type 3 (p3np Or Piiinp).
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At Paula's Option, we take a multi-ingredient 'mixed drink strategy' to skincare. direct-peptides online Buy best quality peptides Direct Belgium means the skincare products you purchase ought to also consist of other reliable ingredients such as antioxidants and skin-repairing ingredients. The increasing recognition on the scientific, technical and also financial worth of peptides is starting to energise investment on peptide research study and peptide production facilities. One example is the Peptide Synthesis Facility of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, which Gomes coordinates.
Androgen is an all-natural product of the body that allows us to build skeletal muscular tissue mass.
Efficacy tests of several SARMs in people remain in beginning and have typically shown moderate increments in fat-free mass.
GSK, the research medicine, comes from a new class of medications called non-steroidal, selective androgen receptor modulators, which can mimic several of the advantageous effects of testosterone whilst preventing several of the undesirable negative effects.
The first generation SARMs do not go through aromatization or 5-alpha decrease; it is unidentified whether this may posture long term risks.
The term 'SARMs' represent Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.
The efficacy as well as the safety and security of SARMs as function advertising treatment is simply beginning to be assessed.
This cycle of deprotection as well as combining is repeated till the unabridged peptide is created. Due to the fact that amino acids have several responsive groups, peptide synthesis have to be thoroughly done to avoid side responses that can lower the size and also cause branching of the peptide chain. To promote peptide formation with marginal side reactions, chemical groups have actually been established that bind to the amino acid responsive teams as well as block, or secure, the useful group from nonspecific response. Furthermore, artificial peptides are made use of to examine enzyme-substrate communications within crucial enzyme classes such as kinases as well as proteases, which play a critical function in cell signaling. Any individual from young adults to pensioners can take advantage of applying products with peptides, much like they can from various other healthy and balanced skin components, like niacinamide, vitamin C, anti-oxidants and omega fats and so on . For younger people, it will certainly assist fend off the look of aging and for those who are a little older, they can enhance the skin look and feel. Copper peptide is one of one of the most raved-about skin care ingredients.
Everything About Peptides.
He reported that the peptide group (Carbon Monoxide-- NH) has an inflexible planar structure. This structure is because of interactions between electrons of the dual bond of the carbonyl team and also those of the C-- N bond such that the latter gets partial (regarding 40%) double-bond buildings. In proteogenomic evaluations it is vital to recognize the loci triggering peptides in order to boost genomic note as well as the useful characterization of protein products in their biological context. With next-generation sequencing of DNA and RNA for each and every example examined by proteomic mass spectrometry combination as well as visualisation in a common coordinate system, i.e. the genome, is vital for systems biology. Developments in modern technology in mass spectrometry currently allow nearly total quantification of the example proteome. In addition, moving in the direction of even more individual multi-omics researches comparative visualisation of proteomic data on a genome has actually been doing not have. To promote this kind of combination not just the genomic areas of customized peptides yet especially the genomic loci of related to these adjustments is needed.
Will rad140 show up on a drug test?
RAD140 and the majority of the identified in vitro metabolites were detected in post‐administration urine samples. For controlling the misuse of RAD140 in horses, RAD140 and its metabolite in sulfate form gave the longest detection time in hydrolysed urine and could be detected for up to 6 days post‐administration.
The hype started due to the reality that the foundation of your skin are formed by copper. So logic would dictate that you require copper peptide in your skincare products to repair your skin. It holds true that copper peptide is a skin-restoring component, but there are lots of other peptides with the exact same otherwise more remarkable residential properties. While it's clear that peptides are special, as an isolated active ingredient they are not nearly enough.
What Are Sarms? (Part.
This molecular weight distinction makes heavy peptides valuable devices for measurable peptide evaluation or protein structure and also dynamics decision by mass spectrometry or nuclear magnetic vibration spectroscopy, respectively. Phosphorylated tyrosine, serine or threonine can be positioned anywhere on a provided peptide. Although numerous phosphorylated amino acids can be added, they can negatively influence peptide synthesis and also filtration. Although peptide synthesis methods have actually been maximized and can be mass-produced, the process to create peptides is by no means excellent. Events such as insufficient deprotection or response with complimentary shielding teams can trigger abbreviated or removal sequences, isomers or other side items. These events can take place at any kind of step during peptide synthesis, and consequently the longer the peptide sequence, the better possibility that something will adversely influence the synthesis of the target peptide. Thus, peptide yield is vice versa associated with peptide length.
Is Using SARMS for Running a Good Idea? Your Questions, Answered - - VENTS Magazine
Is Using SARMS for Running a Good Idea? Your Questions, Answered -.
Posted: Sat, 09 May 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
There are 20 amino acids, each with different residential properties, and combining these creates functionally different peptides. The series of amino acids in a peptide is called the main framework. Proteins as well as peptides are both chains of amino acids, however peptides have much shorter chain lengths.
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The chemical uniqueness of amino acids, and also the ease with which they can be paired with each other, give exciting opportunities for designing-in functionality as well as structure. This research study manipulated the distinctions in amino acid side chains to control exactly how peptides engage with each other and after that self-assemble into bigger frameworks. As appeal pioneers captured on, they started including them in items. Using circulation chemistry, it is simple to pre-heat and also pre-activate the amino acid.
This lowers the expense and amount of waste generated by the synthesis. Assimilation of inline real-time analysis, such as UV/Vis spectroscopy and also our Variable Bed Circulation Reactor into the circulation after the reactor authorization immediate recognition of any non-standard coupling events. This allows the user to identify and also optimise hard combining events during tiny range syntheses. The peptide synthesis can after that be scaled up using the optimised sequence. Important to an understanding of protein structure is an expertise of the framework of the peptide bond. Linus Pauling, in the 1930s, used X-ray diffraction to examine the nature of the peptide bond formed between two amino acids.
Iaaf Principles Board Choice: Timeline
Below, we supply a mapping device, PoGo, to promptly as well as effectively identify genomic loci of peptides as well as post-translational alterations as well as couple these mappings with associated quantitative values over numerous examples. This ultra-hydrating formula incorporates the latest age-defying innovation to proactively fight the look of expression lines and also decreased quantity. The 30% Peptide Complicated includes professional drone-targeted Copper Peptides which particularly target the cells in charge of collagen and also elastin synthesis, promoting manufacturing to aid soften and smooth the look of prematurely ageing skin.
What exactly are SARMs?
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are a class of therapeutic compounds that have similar anabolic properties to anabolic steroids, but with reduced androgenic (producing male characteristics) properties. As an example, the androgen receptor is activated by binding androgens, such as testosterone.
It likewise assists to secure cells from oxidative tension as well as supports the body immune system. Based upon these searchings for, it was especially essential for us to combine these 3 components in the formula of this particular item.
Procollagen Peptide Kind 3 (p3np Or Piiinp).
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After succeeding cycles of amino acid deprotection and combining, all continuing to be securing groups should be removed from the incipient peptide. When appropriately carried out, cleavage lead to the elimination of the N-terminal protecting team of the last amino acid added, the C-terminal securing group from the initial amino acid as well as any kind of side-chain safeguarding teams. As with award-winning direct-peptides honored as top-rated and best Buy best quality peptides Direct Norway , scavengers are also included throughout this action to react with complimentary shielding groups.
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Due to the significance of cleavage in proper peptide synthesis, this step ought to be optimized to avoid acid-catalyzed side responses. The N-terminal protecting group on the C-terminal amino acid of the peptide to be manufactured is initial deprotected. The brand-new N-terminus of the expanding peptide is then deprotected as well as coupled to the following amino acid.
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reel-em-in · 4 years
Representing the Real - Introduction to Documentaries
It is important to work within an ethical framework. Wether those ethics are the same for every documentarian or not is questionable, though you have to make decisions about what you feel is right.
documentary filmmaking has been described as “The creative treatment of actuality.”
Although documentaries are shown as being representative of what is real and of the truth, there is a paradox created through the use of editing. Between what is real, and the way a filmmaker represents that reality.
Key People / Times in Documentary Filmmaking
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John Grierson
Pioneering Scottish film producer who also helped to set up the Canadian Film Board.
Received his funding from the government as well as private companies.
Saw documentary film as an educational tool for social reform
Had a focus on the working class
Worked on films between 1929 and 1968
Due to the equipment available (especially during his earlier work) sync sound often wasn’t able to be recorded. Especially if things were being filmed on location. This meant that voice over was often recorded later. This lead to the Voice of God style of voice over, omniscient to what is going on on-screen. And something that is still used to this day, though now it is through choice rather than necessity in most cases.
Grierson was part of the British Documentary Movement
Housing Problems (1935) - a social documentary that is often seen as the beginning of corporate films. The images illustrate the voice over, as well as using interviews to provide further context. This was one of the first times that interviews and sound were filmed on location.
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Robert Flaherty
Moana (1926) was one of the early films described as having ‘documentary value’
Nanook of the North (1922) - was originally shot with different footage, though Flaherty didn’t like it / it got lost. This lead to it being re-shot with more of a narrative, following a character.
The main character in Nanook of the North wasn’t actually called Nanook, and his ‘family’ in the film were not his real family. Or even related. The whole film is basically a reconstruction, with some aspects of what was shown not even being accurate to life at the time (e.g. seal hunting with spears, which wasn’t really done during the 1920′s). Flaherty argued that he did this so that ways of life that were gradually being forgotten about could be documented. Because of this people often question wether Nanook of the North can be considered a documentary.
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Dziga Vertov (AKA David Kaufmann)
Russian filmmaker post WW1
Saw the camera as omniscient and superior to the human eye.
Saw montage and editing as having major possibilities. 
Vertov believed that narrative/Hollywood style cinema was a drug to pacify the masses, he wanted to use cinema to wake people up.
Vertov created Man With A Movie Camera (1929) in an attempt to create a universal language of cinema. It involves a lot of perspective tricks and double exposure (similar to ‘trick films’ of the time). In some ways it even looks like a thought process.
Dziga Vertov created a series of films titled ‘Kino Pravda’ or ‘Film Truth’.
His films look ahead to a future with a classless society, whilst acknowledging the inequalities of the time.
Vertov was largely forgotten about until 1960. 
Early 1960s
The equipment filmmakers were able to use was improving quickly. With 16mm cameras being developed as well as fast film stock that allowed for shooting in lower light environments. Portable sound recorders were also now an option, allowing for sync sound on location.
A group of filmmakers (Robert Drew, D.A. Pennebaker & Chris Hegedus, Albert & David Maysles, & Charlotte Zwerin) created the manifesto of Direct Cinema.
Direct Cinema is a style of documentary making where they wanted to capture things directly. Leaving things up to interpretation (no voice over), using non-stable camera movements (handheld), constructing the narrative of the film in the edit, and working observationally.
An example of this is Highschool (1968, dir. Frederick Wiseman) the crew were filming in the school for weeks, with the aim being that the subjects would get so used to him that they would forget he was there. Within this type of film the characters and the narrative arcs they create are of great importance. 
This style of documentary often used a very small crew, but they would be working for months in order for the subjects to get used to them, and act naturally around them. 
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Jean Rouch
French visual anthropologist.
Anthropology played a large role in the development of documentary film.
Jean Rouch began putting more thought into the question of ‘who is doing the observation, and who is being observed?’
This lead to the use of the Participatory method of documentary filmmaking.
Cinema Verité (”Cinema of Truth”) does not try to conceal the existence of the filmmaker (as Direct Cinema did), but rather allows the filmmaker to play an active part in the film. Acknowledging the subjectivity of the filmmaker.
This style of documentary is about creating encounters to uncover a hidden truth. A good example of this is in the work of Louis Theroux, and Nick Broomfield.
Bill Nichols’ Documentary Modes:
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Poetic Mode - ‘Reassembling fragments of the world.’ This type of documentary moves away from the use of linear continuity and structure, and instead arranges its shots through their tones, associations and rhythm. They are a more subjective and abstract representation of reality. This is often associated with avant-garde filmmaking.
Expository Mode - Also referred to as ‘direct address’. This style of documentary uses a Voice of God narrative voiceover/ talking heads. Their aim is to educate their audience and explain their subject. They aim to objectively inform.
Observational Mode - Also referred to as ‘fly-on-the-wall’. Nothing is staged, though arguments can be made about how natural someone can be when a camera is present, despite how non-intrusive it is.
Participatory Mode -  “[when] the encounter between filmmaker and subject is recorded and the filmmaker actively engages with the situation they are documenting.” These are often investigative films, where a question is asked or a controversial topic is explored and the filmmaker is showing the audience the filmmaking process. The filmmaker can become an integral character within the film. The filmmaker does not influence the subject but will attempt to subjectively engage with their subject despite their personal beliefs. 
Reflexive Mode - The reflexive mode will provoke audiences to “question the authenticity of documentary in general”. Mocumentaries can sometimes fall under the reflexive mode due to their self-awareness. 
Performative Mode - The direct opposite of Observational. They emphasise and encourage the filmmaker’s involvement with the subject. They tend to be more emotionally driven, with the filmmaker more passionately involved. Performative documentaries do not set out to reach a truth but show a perspective or ‘what is like to be there’.
Drifters - John Grierson
Night Mail - Basil Wright & Harry Watt
Housing Problems - Edgar Anstey, & Arthur Elton
Moana - Robert Flaherty
Nanook of the North - Robert Flaherty
Man of Arran - Robert Flaherty
Man With A Movie Camera - Dziga Vertov
Highschool - Frederick Wiseman 
Anything by Louis Theroux
Biggie & Tupac - Nick Broomfield
Gates of Heaven - Errol Morris
The Thin Blue Line - Errol Morris (Not to be mistaken for the TV series featuring Rowan Atkinson)
Salesman - Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/moving-through-an-age-shift-from-pisces-to-aquarius/
Moving Through An Age Shift, From Pisces to Aquarius
Moving Through An Age Shift, From Pisces to Aquarius
By A Gift From Gaia
From our leaders squabbling and threating to throw bombs, to mass fires, to now obvious climate change as we move through a Grand Solar Minimum when technically we should be cooler and not warmer as per our current experience. Through to many experiencing their towns and cities begin to erupt in crime and violence and also the fast spreading Corona Virus.
May I remind all once again that we are moving through an Age shift, from Pisces to Aquarius. Have you researched the Ages? If not then I highly encourage each to have a full understanding of how this all works, how much perceived destruction or perhaps dissolution is involved, it is now crucial to know exactly the “times” we are moving into and align the subconscious driver into agreement.
Everything shakes, rattles and rolls, and all that holds the frequency of the old beliefs is removed, beliefs are frequencies, which are templates, and these dissolve once the new template/grid anchors and expands, the anchoring happened during the previous solar minimum, and by the solar cycle beginning to heighten and change in activation energy we saw many wayshowers begin their heart awakening experience, and as more awakened during the past decade the new template of the 5th dimension became more powerful.
As the light increases, as more release the programmed beliefs, and figure out how this all actually works the earth experience moves into a Quickening which is why in 2020, mid solar minimum that we are witnessing the world stage begin to mirror the discord back to Earth’s inhabitants.
But there is a way through, to be a part of the new, and to release the attachments to what is visibly dissolving.
It was through my years of connecting with the energy of Nostradamus, in which my dreams led me to study his life, and it was through these studies and transmissions that I was taught about physical body vibration, and the important crucial and yet constantly missed vital key, lost in the Piscean belief systems and social programming.
Being shown the separation, through lack, judgement, and strange beliefs systems held that lead us to value self on how much we can give, through sacrifice, through loyalty or commitments. All spirituality that has religious roots holds this same programming, and it doesn’t matter whether or not it is thought of in a religious way, the truth is, if it is grown from it, then it too will wither under this new powerful light now entering.
This is why there are abundance blocks in the spiritual arena, abundance being wealth through to health, in all ways, the disconnection now rapidly increasing, the gap between the “right path” and the light path widens.
The light path is the One path, that dissolves all belief systems, attachments and in return we are gifted with miraculous experiences, rapid healing, constant peace and a unlimited store of energy that provides stable focused fields in which we get to create and build the most magnificent Palaces of Light. And by the way I would have laughed these words off once before, thought myself a realist, and found myself to be my most magnificent abundance block, just from being a happy “realist” ended all ability to play with magic.
My own path didn’t allow me to continue to avoid like some seem to manage, my conviction to seeing imperfection as perfection led me to see nothing but perfection, always, and with this, it materialised, learning not to judge the imperfection slowly gave me realities that there werw no imperfection to judge even if I wanted it, I came to understand how it all worked.
I came to see how there was a form of spirituality that wasnt spirituality as I had come to know it, I even had to invent a new name for my path, whilst i released those attachments to labels, right, wrong, duality, I used the word univerSOULism because it allowed me the space to feel comfortable, but that over time released as everything just became a spectrum of unconscious through to conscious and then it was at this point that it became so very obvious that the path I once thought was all about spirituality was in fact just stories, mind junk and it was through being able to pull back, and realise the books, workshops, and teachers I had tried to follow and study were all as useless as a chocolate teapot and with this realisation I began to seek the path of truth, because there were principles in what I had learned within the stories that did have resonance, I knew there was Divine Truth somewhere encoded inside it all, which led me to learn patterns and templates.
What is found underneath it all is nothing different from our science and psychology classes, it is about biology, chemistry and physics, it’s about the mind, body and spirit, it’s where nature becomes maths and it’s fun and easy to understand and appreciate.
But then if we zip to the most highest of perspectives it’s an Alignment, which fractals out in everything we are and do, it’s a vibration that sends peace through the mind, peace through the physical and the energy reflects peace in the entire field.
Raising the physical body vibration.
Only possible when the mind is fully onboard with the choices, only possible when the intention is pure and not rooted in fear or escapism.
The perfect example could be weight loss diets, its why they don’t work, why people yo-yo, why they become a looping lifestyle, constantly experiencing lack
Understanding why and how is the first step to becoming, naturally, into a state of innerstanding, being the experience of what is known, knowledge to wisdom, mind awakening to heart awakening and it is through this path of learning that the phsyical body vibration will rise.
It’s not done through eating healthy, or being vegan or not drinking tap water, it doesn’t matter how many times one meditates, or if you choose to not digest chemicals, it doesnt matter what you know, because if all of this is from a seed of fear, then fear based experiences will blossom.
And yet, it does become all about much of the above once the fear is removed, difference being is it happens itself once each learns to receive the guidance, through dropping the judgement programming, because there will be times when we must flow into a feed frequency shift, there may be times the body will call for a source, that perhaps the old spiritual ways would have once passed judgement and refused the urgent request because of an outdated disconnected belief.
The key to healing is rooted in the ability to pay attention and to hold patience and yes I will be so bold as to say we can all heal, once we fully understand exactly what healing is. It’s knowing how this all works, it’s being able to stop the ego need to rush out there to show off our Unhealed Healer “gifts” and tools picked up in the darkness handed most often by the shadowy fortune tellers who tell all they are natural healers, the hall of mirrors, all who identify with healers are healing and are in no way able to heal what hasn’t been healed within, this of course is a huge misalignment.
And yet those who chose to heal, and become the healed healer knows you cannot heal another, knows that nothing and no one is separate and fully understands that it is not healing that’s required but for the field to continue to rapidly rise in frequ2ncy, light is what brings the change, and we each have a responsibility to either speed it up, or slow it down.
So whilst the world shows off it’s chosen clearing modalities, such as fire, dis-ease and war, what we now do is identify this within each of us, and if we discover worry, fear, suffering and victim then it must be fully realised that the frequency held is currently that which is moving through dissolution, a hard pill to swallow, to know the core frequency held is a part of the collective dead wood, preparing for a chop, but it’s a truth pill that will awaken many into a state of responsibility and a high level of respect will enter to begin the Alignment Process, raising the phsyical vibration which results in a life experience devoid of sickness, suffering, and in return gifts One the sound platform to be a pioneer of the new.
Angels The Secret, the wisdom, the max health cheat on your life game, its hidden within you, it’s encoded within each, what we don’t physically like to see out there, we support and heal within, through our self love and forgiveness for our own, personal powerful dis-ease driving programs once held, and we heal this with validation, giving a vibrational increase to experience, and ultimately more light speed to our collective field.
We cannot and would not want to stand in the way of an age in a state of change, but what we can do is fully surrender, accepting all that needs to be Divinely Detached from and with love and compassion send out our light to speed up the process, and as each releases the fear vibrations and enters the healing waters of compassion, what we achieve, together, will be an array of more smoother transitional paths to choose from collectively.
If you would like to journey with me and 79 other committed light pioneers who I share the keys and light gems I have picked up along the light path then send an email over to [email protected], and for each who connects and enquires about the SOUL-AR Alignment keys will receive two modules, Karma Dogs and Empowering the Empath.
Join with me, supporting our collective grid from within, healing from the inside out
So much love 💙💙💙
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phroyd · 5 years
From Esquire
Surely, the United States of America could not operate concentration camps. In the American consciousness, the term is synonymous with the Nazi death machines across the European continent that the Allies began the process of dismantling 75 years ago this month. But while the world-historical horrors of the Holocaust are unmatched, they are only the most extreme and inhuman manifestation of a concentration-camp system-which, according to Andrea Pitzer, author of One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps, has a more global definition. There have been concentration camps in France, South Africa, Cuba, the Soviet Union, and-with Japanese internment-the United States. In fact, she contends we are operating such a system right now in response to a very real spike in arrivals at our southern border.
“We have what I would call a concentration camp system,” Pitzer says, “and the definition of that in my book is, mass detention of civilians without trial.”
Historians use a broader definition of concentration camps, as well.
"What's required is a little bit of demystification of it," says Waitman Wade Beorn, a Holocaust and genocide studies historian and a lecturer at the University of Virginia. "Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz. Concentration camps in general have always been designed-at the most basic level-to separate one group of people from another group. Usually, because the majority group, or the creators of the camp, deem the people they're putting in it to be dangerous or undesirable in some way."
Not every concentration camp is a death camp-in fact, their primary purpose is rarely extermination, and never in the beginning. Often, much of the death and suffering is a result of insufficient resources, overcrowding, and deteriorating conditions. So far, 24 people have died in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement under the Trump administration, while six children have died in the care of other agencies since September. Systems like these have emerged across the world for well over 100 years, and they've been established by putative liberal democracies-as with Britain's camps in South Africa during the Boer War-as well as authoritarian states like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Camps set up with one aim can be repurposed by new regimes, often with devastating consequences.
History is banging down the door this week with the news the Trump administration will use Fort Sill, an Oklahoma military base that was used to detain Japanese-Americans during World War II, to house 1,400 unaccompanied migrant children captured at the border. Japanese internment certainly constituted a concentration-camp system, and the echoes of the past are growing louder. Of course, the Obama administration temporarily housed migrants at military bases, including Fort Sill, for four months in 2014, built many of the newer facilities to house migrants, and pioneered some of the tactics the Trump administration is now using to try to manage the situation at the border.
The government of the United States would never call the sprawling network of facilities now in use across many states "concentration camps," of course. They’re referred to as "federal migrant shelters" or "temporary shelters for unaccompanied minors" or "detainment facilities" or the like. (The initial processing facilities are run by Border Patrol, and the system is primarily administered to by the Department of Homeland Security. Many adults are transferred to ICE, which now detains more than 52,000 people across 200 facilities on any given day-a record high. Unaccompanied minors are transferred to Department of Health and Human Services custody.) But by Pitzer's measure, the system at the southern border first set up by the Bill Clinton administration, built on by Barack Obama's government, and brought into extreme and perilous new territory by Donald Trump and his allies does qualify. Two historians who specialize in the area largely agree.
Many of the people housed in these facilities are not "illegal" immigrants. If you present yourself at the border seeking asylum, you have a legal right to a hearing under domestic and international law. They are, in another formulation, refugees-civilian non-combatants who have not committed a crime, and who say they are fleeing violence and persecution. Yet these human beings, who mostly hail from Central America's Northern Triangle of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador-a region ravaged by gang violence and poverty and corruption and what increasingly appears to be some of the first forced migrations due to climate change-are being detained on what increasingly seems to be an indefinite basis.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration continually seeks new ways to stop people from applying for asylum, and to discourage others from attempting to. The current regime has sought to restrict the asylum criteria to exclude the exact issues, like gang or domestic violence, that these desperate people often cite for why they fled their homes. The administration has sought to introduce application fees and work-permit restraints. They have tried to prohibit migrants from seeking asylum "if they have resided in a country other than their own before coming to the U.S.," which would essentially eliminate anyone who traveled to the border through Mexico. Much of this has been struck down in federal court.
But most prominently, Trump's Department of Homeland Security has used "metering" at the border, where migrants are forced to wait for days or weeks on the Mexican side-often sleeping in makeshift shelters or fully exposed to the elements-until they are allowed across border checkpoints to make their asylum claims and be processed. That processing system is overwhelmed, and the Obama administration also used metering at various points, but it remains unclear whether the wait times need to be as long as they are. (DHS did not respond to a request for comment.) There are no guarantees on how long migrants will have to wait, and so they've increasingly turned to crossing illegally between checkpoints-which constitutes "illegal entry," a misdemeanor-in order to present themselves for asylum. This criminalizes them, and the Trump administration tried to make illegal entry a disqualifier for asylum claims. The overall effort appears to be to make it as difficult as possible to get a hearing to adjudicate those claims, raising the specter that people can be detained longer or indefinitely.
All this has been achieved through two mechanisms: militarization and dehumanization. In her book, Pitzer describes camps as “a deliberate choice to inject the framework of war into society itself." These kinds of detention camps are a military endeavor: they are defensible in wartime, when enemy combatants must be detained, often for long periods without trial. They were a hallmark of World War I Europe. But inserting them into civil society, and using them to house civilians, is a materially different proposition. You are revoking the human and civil rights of non-combatants without legal justification.
"In the origins of the camps, it's tied to the idea of martial law," says Jonathan Hyslop, author of "The Invention of the Concentration Camp: Cuba, Southern Africa and the Philippines, 1896–1907," and a professor of sociology and anthropology at Colgate University. "I mean, all four of the early instances-Americans in the Philippines, Spanish in Cuba, and British in South Africa, and Germans in Southwest Africa-they're all essentially overriding any sense of rights of the civilian population. And the idea is that you're able to suspend normal law because it's a war situation."
This pairs well with the rhetoric that Trump deploys to justify the system and his unconstitutional power grabs, like the phony "national emergency": he describes the influx of asylum-seekers and other migrants as an "invasion," language his allies are mirroring with increasing extremism. If you're defending yourself from an invasion, anything is defensible.
That goes hand-in-hand with the strategy of dehumanization. For decades, the right has referred to undocumented immigrants as "illegals," stripping them of any identity beyond an immigration status. Trump kicked off his formal political career by characterizing Hispanic immigrants as "rapists" and "drug-dealers" and "criminals," never once sharing, say, the story of a woman who came here with her son fleeing a gang's threats. It is always MS-13 and strong, scary young men. There's talk of "animals" and monsters, and suddenly anything is justifiable. In fact, it must be done. Trump's supporters have noticed. At a recent rally, someone in the crowd screamed out that people arriving at the border should be shot. In response, the president cracked a "joke."
"It's important here to look at the language that people are using," Hyslop says. "As soon as you get people comparing other groups to animals or insects, or using language about advancing hordes, and we're being overrun and flooded and this sort of thing, it's creating the sense of this enormous threat. And that makes it much easier to sell to people on the idea we've got to do something drastic to control this population which going to destroy us."
In a grotesque formulation of the chicken-and-the-egg conundrum, housing people in these camps furthers their dehumanization.
"There's this crystallization that happens," Pitzer says. "The longer they're there, the worse conditions get. That's just a universal of camps. They're overcrowded. We already know from reports that they don't have enough beds for the numbers that they have. As you see mental health crises and contagious diseases begin to set in, they'll work to manage the worst of it. [But] then there will be the ability to tag these people as diseased, even if we created [those conditions]. Then we, by creating the camps, try to turn that population into the false image that we [used] to put them in the camps to start with. Over time, the camps will turn those people into what Trump was already saying they are."
Make no mistake: the conditions are in decline. When I went down to see the detention facility in McAllen, Texas, last summer at the height of the "zero-tolerance" policy that led inevitably to family separation, Border Patrol agents were by all appearances doing the very best they could with limited resources. That includes the facilities themselves, which at that point were mostly built-by the Clinton administration in the '90s-to house single adult males who were crossing the border illegally to find work. By that point, Border Patrol was already forced to use them to hold families and other asylum-seekers, and agents told me the situation was untenable. They lacked requisite staff with the training to care for young children, and overcrowding was already an issue.
But according to a report from Trump's own government-specifically, the inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security-the situation has deteriorated significantly even since then. The facilities are overcrowded, underfunded, and perhaps at a perilous inflection point. It found adult detainees are "being held in 'standing-room-only conditions' for days or weeks at a border patrol facility in Texas," Reuters reports. But it gets worse.
Single adults were held in cells designed for one-fifth as many detainees as were housed there and were wearing soiled clothing for days or weeks with limited access to showers, the report said. Pictures published with the report show women packed tightly together in a holding cell.
“We also observed detainees standing on toilets in the cells to make room and gain breathing space, thus limiting access to toilets,” the watchdog wrote.
This was at Paso del Norte, a facility near El Paso, which has a stated capacity of 125 detainees. But when DHS inspectors visited, it was holding 900. For a period, Border Patrol tried housing migrants in cage under a nearby bridge. It was ultimately scrapped amid public outcry. When migrants and asylum-seekers are transferred to ICE, things can get worse. Queer and trans migrants face exceptionally harsh treatment, with reports of high levels of physical and sexual abuse, and the use of solitary confinement-considered torture by many psychologists-is widespread. As a reminder, by DHS's own assertion, these detainments are civil, not criminal, and are not meant to be punitive in the way of a prison. Many of these people have not even been accused of a crime.
Again: these are inhuman conditions, and crystalize the dehumanization. So, too, does the Trump administration's decision, reported by The Washington Post, to cancel classes, recreational programs, and even legal aid for the children held at facilities for unaccompanied minors. Why should these kids get to play soccer or learn English? Why should they get legal assistance? They're detainees.
The administration is citing "budget pressures" related to what is undoubtedly a dramatic spike in arrivals at the border last month: 144,000 people were detained in May. It remains unclear how much of this is tied to the Trump administration's border policies, like metering, which have severely slowed the process of declaring oneself for asylum and left people camped on the Mexican border for days or weeks after a thousand-mile trek through Mexico. Or Trump's recent all-out push to seize money for a border wall and declare "we're closed," which some speculate led to a surge of people trying to get over the line before that happened.
It's also in dispute how many of these people actually need to be detained. Vox's Dara Lind suggests releasing migrants from Guatemala or Honduras isn't straightforward as "many newly arrived asylum seekers aren’t familiar with the US, often speak neither English nor Spanish, and may not have appropriate clothing or funds for bus fare." But release with ankle bracelets has proven very effective as an alternative to detention: 99 percent of immigrants enrolled in one such program showed up for their court dates, though ICE claims it's less effective when someone is set to be deported. Those subjected to the bracelets say they are uncomfortable and demeaning, but it's better than stuffing a detention cell to five-times capacity. Unless, of course, that's exactly what you want to happen.
"At one point, [the administration] said that they were intentionally trying to split up families and make conditions unpleasant, so the people wouldn't come to the U.S.," Beorn, from UVA, says. "If you're doing that, then that's not a prison. That's not a holding area or a waiting area. That's a policy. I would argue, at least in the way that [the camps are] being used now, a significant portion of the mentality is [tied to] who the [detainees] are rather than what they did.
"If these were Canadians flooding across the border, would they be treated in the same manner as the people from Mexico and from Central and South America? If the answer is yes, theoretically, then I would consider these places to be perhaps better described as transit camps or prison camps. But I suspect that's not how they'd be treated, which then makes it much more about who the people are that you're detaining, rather than what they did. The Canadian would have crossed the border just as illegally as the Mexican, but my suspicion is, would be treated in a different way."
It was the revelation about school and soccer cuts that led Pitzer to fire off a tweet threadthis week outlining the similarities between the U.S. camp system and those of other countries. The first examples of a concentration camp, in the modern sense, come from Cuba in the 1890s and South Africa during the Second Boer War.
"What those camps had in common with what's going on today is they involved the wholesale detention of families, separate or together," Pitzer says. "There was very little in the way of targeted violence. Instead, people died from poor planning, overloaded facilities and unwillingness to reverse policy, even when it became apparent the policy wasn't working, inability to get medical care to detainees, poor food quality, contagious diseases, showing up in an environment where it became almost impossible to get control of them.
"The point is that you don't have to intend to kill everybody. When people hear the phrase 'Oh, there's concentration camps on the southern border,' they think, 'Oh, it's not Auschwitz.' Of course, it's not those things, each camp system is different. But you don't have to intend to kill everyone to have really bad outcomes. In Cuba, well over 100,000 civilians died in these camps in just a period of a couple years. In Southern Africa during the Boer War, fatalities went into the tens of thousands. And the overwhelming majority of them were children. Fatalities in the camps ended up being more than twice the combat fatalities from the war itself."
In-custody deaths have not reached their peak of a reported 32 people in 2004, but the current situation seems to be deteriorating. In just the last two weeks, three adults have died. And the Trump administration has not readily reported fatalities to the public. There could be more.
"There's usually this crisis period that a camp system either survives or doesn't survive in the first three or four years. If it goes past that length of time, they tend to continue for a really long time. And I think we have entered that crisis period. I don't yet know if we're out of it."
Camps often begin in wartime or a crisis point, and on a relatively small scale. There are then some in positions of power who want to escalate the program for political purposes, but who receive pushback from others in the regime. There's then a power struggle, and if the escalationists prevail over the other bureaucrats-as they appear to have here, with the supremacy of Stephen Miller over (the reliably pliant but less extreme) Kirstjen Nielsen-the camps will continue and grow. Almost by definition, the conditions will deteriorate, even despite the best intentions of those on the ground.
"It's a negative trajectory in at least two ways," Beorn says. "One, I feel like these policies can snowball. We've already seen unintended consequences. If we follow the thread of the children, for example, the government wanted to make things more annoying, more painful. So they decided, We're going to separate the children from the families. But there was no infrastructure in place for that. You already have a scenario where even if you have the best intentions, the infrastructure doesn't exist to support it. That's a consequence of policy that hasn't been thought through. As you see the population begin to massively increase over time, you do start to see conditions diminishing.
"The second piece is that the longer you establish this sort of extralegal, extrajudicial, somewhat-invisible no-man's land, the more you allow potentially a culture of abuse to develop within that place. Because the people who tend to become more violent, more prejudiced, whatever, have more and more free rein for that to become sort of the accepted behavior. Then, that also becomes a new norm that can spread throughout the system. There is sort of an escalation of individual initiative in violence. As it becomes clear that that is acceptable, then you have a self-fulfilling prophecy or a positive feedback loop that just keeps radicalizing the treatment as the policy itself becomes radicalizing."
And for a variety of reasons, these facilities are incredibly hard to close. "Unless there's some really decisive turn away, we're going to be looking at having these camps for a long time," Pitzer says. It's particularly hard to engineer a decisive turn because these facilities are often remote, and hard to protest. They are not top-of-mind for most citizens, with plenty of other issues on the table. When Trump first instituted the Muslim Ban-now considered, in its third iteration, to be Definitely Not a Muslim Ban by the Supreme Court-there were mass demonstrations at U.S. airports because they were readily accessible by concerned citizens. These camps are not so easily reached, and that's a problem.
"The more authoritarian the regime is, and the more people allow governments to get away with doing this sort of thing politically, the worse the conditions are likely to get," Hyslop says. "So, a lot of it depends on how much pushback there is. But when you get a totally authoritarian regime like Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, there's no control, or no countervailing force, the state can do what it likes, and certainly things will then tend to break down.
"It's more of a political question, really. Are people prepared to tolerate the deteriorating conditions? And if public opinion isn't effective in a liberal democratic situation, things can still get pretty bad."
Almost regardless, the camps will be difficult to dismantle by their very nature-that extrajudicial "no-man's land" Beorn mentioned. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is a perfect example. It began in the early 1990s as a refugee camp for people fleeing Haiti and Cuba. The conditions were bad and legally questionable, Pitzer found, and eventually the courts stepped in to grant detainees some rights. In the process, however, they granted the camps tacit legitimacy-they were allowed to continue with the approval of the judiciary.
Suddenly, they were enshrined in the law as a kind of gray area where detainees did not enjoy full human rights. That is actually why it was chosen by the Bush administration to house terror suspects: it was already rubber-stamped as a site for indefinite detention. By the time President Obama came into office with promises to close it, he found the task incredibly difficult, because it had been ingrained in the various institutions and branches of American constitutional government. He could not get rid of it. As courts continue to rule on the border camp system, the same issues are likely to take hold.
Another issue is that these camp systems, no matter where they are in the world, tend to fall victim to expanding criteria. The longer they stay open, the more reasons a government finds to put people in them. That's particularly true if a new regime takes control of an existing system, as the Trump administration did with ours. The mass detention of asylum-seekers-who, again, have legal rights-on this scale is an expansion of the criteria from "illegal" immigrants, who were the main class of detainee in the '90s and early 2000s. Asylum seekers, particularly unaccompanied minors, began arriving in huge numbers and were detained under the Obama administration. But there has been an escalation, both because of a deteriorating situation in the Northern Triangle and the Trump administration's attempts to deter any and all migration. There is reason to believe the criteria will continue to expand.
"We have border patrol agents that are sometimes arresting U.S. citizens," Pitzer says. "That's still very much a fringe activity. That doesn't seem to be a dedicated priority right now, but it's happening often enough. And they're held, sometimes, for three or four days. Even when there are clear reasons that people should be let go, that they have proof of their identity, you're seeing these detentions. You do start to worry about people who have legally immigrated and have finished paperwork, and maybe are naturalized. You worry about green-card holders."
In most cases, these camps are not closed by the executive or the judiciary or even the legislature. It usually requires external intervention. (See: D-Day) That obviously will not be an option when it comes to the most powerful country in the history of the world, a country which, while it would never call them that, and would be loathe to admit it, is now running a system at the southern border that is rapidly coming to resemble the concentration camps that have sprung up all over the world in the last century. Every system is different. They don't always end in death machines. But they never end well.
"Let's say there's 20 hurdles that we have to get over before we get to someplace really, really, really bad," Pitzer says. "I think we've knocked 10 of them down."
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mmercurii · 5 years
Kusanagi Izumo’s natal chart
I wanted to make Izumo’s time of birth a reasonable time. That’s why I picked 12:05 pm, because why hte fuck not.
Sun in Aries 9th house:
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One of your dreams is probably to travel around the world, to see all there is to see and learn about different cultures. Since Aries likes to be the pioneer, you prefer to go where there is no path and leave a trail behind, so others can see what you have seen. Your adventures must always be packed with action and adrenaline for you to fully enjoy your travels.
Moon in Aries and 10th House:
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When a native has natal Moon in the 10th house, he is feeling rather emotional about his public image and is overly concerned about how other people perceive him. This placement can be quite good for all female type jobs, while can also bring fame, even temporarily. The Moon in the 10th house can act exceedingly well in charts of people that interconnect with masses and audiences. It is very positive for politicians, spokespersons while also artists who perform on stage.
You are likely to feel at your best when you involved with exciting, challenging or new experiences – anything that lets you express your pioneering side. Aries is also a Cardinal sign, highlighting the need to act. You may experience yourself as a dynamic, pioneering individual, and enjoy getting things started – lifting them off the ground. Your need for independence suggests you may be happiest when left to do your own thing, and will detest being told what to do.
Mercury in Pisces and 8th House:
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With Mercury in Pisces, you’re more sensitive and touchy. Your emotions tend to get the better of you and your actions are mostly motivated by your feelings. Logic and reasoning just aren’t easy to come by now, and verbal communication doesn’t always go well.
When Mercury is positioned in the 8th house, the native’s intellect receives Plutonic traits, making his mind over-analytical and able to go deep into every subject it concentrates on. Such kinds of people are very focused and have amazing abilities to uncover secrets. They adore solving mysteries both from the material realm and the occult.
Venus in Taurus and 10th House:
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Romance is not a big thing for Venus in the tenth house, for you are more concerned with your career and social status. When you do fall in love, you want someone as serious and devoted as you are. This can be difficult to find with your sometimes high standards.
If your Venus is in Taurus, you have a distinct solidity about your presence. Your caution makes you appear reserved, though, and you're not the type to rush into relationships. You don't want high drama and will shy away from players. Back in the day, it was all about "going steady," and that remains a consistent Taurean attitude about love. It takes a while for you to feel sure of people, but when you do, you're usually very loyal.
Mars in Capricorn and 6th House:
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This is one of the most intimidating Mars signs in the Zodiac. Mars powered by Capricorn has a quiet strength that you sense, and know not to mess with.The will of Mars is strong, this being a cardinal sign. It's also one with a lot of patience, and the ability to deny short-term gratification, in favor of something mega substantial.Capricorn is a sign that's seeking what's enduring and may live on. There's a strong sense of legacy, and handing down a business, estate or world for future generations.Mars Capricorn acts strategically, especially when it comes to career moves. I know a Mars Capricorn gal that has spent years involved in associations related to her field. She's building up an impressive resume and making important contacts along the way.
This native is never lazy and can become very frustrated when he sees others procrastinating. His patterns are rather structured, even of a militaristic type. He will wake up very early, spend a lot of hours working and most probably will impose to himself a very strict routine. In addition, he will eat and sleep at the same time every day, follow special diets for a long time, and will prefer clothes of a certain style and will stick to it. These people know how to make things done and can accomplish a lot more in a work day than nearly anyone else. Indeed, Mars in the 6th house can give superpowers at work. It will also strengthen the leadership abilities of the native; what he says will be done by the ones under his authority. Quickly and correctly, because if they do not do it as they should, the native will explode towards them. The type of leadership the native develops usually isn’t the one that inspires, but the one that induces fear.
Jupiter in Pisces and 8th House:
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You may also have a gift for music and dance—anything flowing and non-linear is right up your alley. Jupiter is in its power position here since it is the secondary ruler of Pisces, along with ethereal Neptune. With that mystical mojo, people will see you as a wise guide and counselor. Supporting others just comes naturally for you, and you may “hold space” for folks during intense passages such as illness and death. 
People who have their natal Jupiter positioned in the house of death can benefit through anything connected with death, metaphorically or literally. Usually, this natal position brings big inheritances, which will pass to the native without any problems if there are no harsh aspects falling on the Great Benefic.
Saturn in Sagittarius and 5th House:
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Saturn in Sagittarius is serious when it comes to philosophy, education and religion. They are highly principled, believing that people earn their achievements through hard work. Reputation is very important to them. They may not have been able to get the education they desired, so many are self-taught to a degree. Intellectual capability is important to them. They may be skeptical and need to prove their theories. 
Making friends in childhood may be tough when you have Saturn in the 5th. During recess, you were hesitant to just get in there and play. Instead, you may have wanted to just sit on the sidelines and read or do some homework. It’s not to say that you didn’t have any friends as a kid. But, you may have felt uncomfortable in other children’s company because you just weren’t as lighthearted as they were. As a result, you could’ve preferred the companionship of adults. In fact, Saturn in the 5th House children fully enjoy pretending like they’re adults, taking it so seriously that you end up being quite convinced. They know how to play house very well and often get joy from imagining the days when they’ll finally be a grown-up and get to pay the bills and have a house of their own.
Retrograde Uranus in Sagittarius and 5th House: 
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Retrograde Uranus indicates that during previous lives the individual may have struggled to express his rebellious side. His innovative ideas had found quite a lot of opposition from conservative people, and his utopian beliefs of better societies had collapsed under the weight of reality. The native had experienced disappointments from the inability of his surroundings to accept his pioneering traits or had suffered due to his individuality. He probably had to act like the masses did, hiding some of his weird activities or ideas. This natal aspect shows that the individual had to suppress his bizarre or crazy ideas, mostly because of the fear to be ridiculed.
Those who have a 5th House Uranus possess a charisma that is out of the ordinary. To have this planet here means that you are capable of shining in ways that are brilliant as well as unusual. Uranus’ house placement shows us where things do not unfold in the so-called normal or conventional manner in our lives. The 5th House, meanwhile, symbolizes the special talents and attributes that earn us the admiration of other people. Having Uranus in the 5th House, therefore, can indicate someone who is wildly, almost freakishly talented. But, the dilemma here is figuring out what to do with those gifts and how to express them in a way that will gain you the recognition you deserve. As special as you are, you are as equally unconcerned with being special, which is something that can baffle your many admirers.  
Retrograde Neptune in Capricorn and 6th House:
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We were taught, in one way or another, that we could do anything we wanted to do when we grew up. The whole “work hard and be on top of your game and you’ll achieve” mantra of Capricorn affected those of the Neptune in Capricorn generation in a profound way. It was the message of all the major adults in our lives, whether it was our parents, teachers, coaches, or role models. Everyone was so busy climbing to the top and striving for the ultimate image of success in the 1990’s. It was a very capitalistic era, thanks to all of the long-running Capricorn transits. Kids look at adults and fantasize about life vicariously through them. In many ways, Neptune represents how the generation, as children, projected all of their fantasies on to the adults around them. With Neptune in Capricorn, it was fantasies of success, recognition, prominence, authority, even fame.
Retrograde Pluto in Scorpio and 4th House:
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If you Pluto in the 4th house, you should try to break its cycle. Forgive your parents and your ancestors, and do not become similar to them. This might be difficult, as these subconscious writings started while you were of rather small age and are buried deep in your subconscious as reactions. Nevertheless, by understanding the whole process and how your childhood can affect your behavior towards your own children, you can heal yourself and create a better surrounding for your offsprings. Dig deep in that darkness, embrace it and shade some light in what has scared you in the past. Do not allow yourself to create the same shadows in your own children’s childhood.
Rising Sign in Leo:
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With Leo rising, the need to develop power, authority and creative self- expression are necessary in order to gain a sense of individual selfhood. With Leo rising, your task in life is to shine! The unique and special ways that you will seek to do this need to be developed and allowed to grow. The sign and house position of the Sun in your chart will give many clues. When found, this describes the area in life where love, admiration, applause and effectiveness will be sought.
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efrain91f694-blog · 5 years
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
8chan, Trump, voter suppression: how white supremacy went mainstream in the US
"In many ways, the Republican party has been preparing for minority rule for years now. The anxiety that drove the shooter in El Paso, as well as every other white supremacist mass shooter in recent years, has motivated Republican politicians to steadily demonize and disenfranchise populations that don’t vote for them. The problem long predates Donald Trump, but he’s given taken both the mask and the leash off of it."
8chan, Trump, Voter Suppression: How White Supremacy Went Mainstream In The US
The same anxiety that drives white supremacists has motivated Republicans to disenfranchise populations that don’t vote for them
By Luke Darby | Published:02:00 Sun August 11, 2019 | The Guardian | Posted August 11, 2019 7:54 PM ET |
Before he opened fire on an El Paso, Texas shopping center, killing 22 people and injuring dozens more, the accused gunman, Patrick Crusius, allegedly posted a manifesto online explicitly stating his motivation: he was trying to stop a “Hispanic invasion of Texas”. In April, another shooter attacked a synagogue in Poway, California, killing one woman and wounding three other people. In his a “manifesto” attributed to him, he claimed he was responding to the “meticulously planned genocide of the European race”.
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in October 2018, still another shooter attacked a synagogue that he chose deliberately because the congregation helped with refugee relocation. He wrote online that they were trying to “bring invaders in that kill our people”. The man who murdered 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, earlier this year, called immigration an “assault on the European people”..
All of these shooters were obsessed with the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, sometimes referred to as “white genocide”. It’s the idea that shadowy elites – usually Jewish, almost always liberal – are orchestrating the destruction of white culture through demographic change. The theory goes that white culture will be eroded mainly through migration and birthrates: more people of color are arriving in majority white counties, the ones already there are having more and more babies, and birthrates are declining for the soon-to-be-oppressed white people.
But the fans of this theory, and the idea of a demographic threat to a white (male) hierarchical structure, are no longer the preserve of extremists that lurk in the netherworlds of the internet. White supremacy, and the ideas and motivations that drive it, are flourishing in plain sight in the US.
Most notoriously, Donald Trump has become a fan of “great replacement” talking points. In the last week many of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have called the president a white supremacist. But Trump is far from being alone, and in recent years the idea has caught fire among more and more mainstream Republicans. The looming threat of their losing political influence permeates every move the party has made for decades.
Anxiety about racial decline has a long past, but this specific modern version of it comes from the French writer Renaud Camus, who was known in the 80s as a pioneering gay novelist. He coined the phrase “great replacement” in a 2011 book of the same name, articulating the conspiratorial idea that black and brown migrants are invading Europe to destroy white culture.
It’s a weird path that takes the ideas of a race-obsessed French novelist into the Trump White House, but it has been helped along by Rupert Murdoch’s pugilistic network, Fox News. One of the network’s standout hosts, Tucker Carlson, is probably the most clear-cut example: in August 2018, he dedicated a segment of his show to a story about black gangs killing white farmers in South Africa and the government then seizing their land. It’s a widely shared rumor online, popular with white nationalists because it seemed like an example of a government literally committing white genocide, but there’s no evidence that it is true. Carlson ultimately retracted the story, but not before Trump tweeted that he was directing the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to investigate.
Even when Carlson’s show isn’t clearly cribbing notes from white nationalist forums, he’s promoting their ideas in slightly more coded ways. He has railed against diversity, asking rhetorically: “How exactly is diversity our strength?” In 2018 he complained about  demographic change in the US, saying: “This is more change than human beings are designed to digest,” and adding: “Our leaders are for diversity, just not where they live.” Andrew Anglin, who founded the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer, has called Carlson “literally our greatest ally”. After Carlson’s South Africa segment, Anglin said Tucker Carlson Tonight is “basically Daily Stormer: The Show.”
Experts in white supremacist thought largely agree that Trump is actively spreading the ideas that underpin this ideology. Christian Picciolini, US author of Memoirs of a Skinhead and former neo-Nazi who set up Life After Hate, a not-for-profit that aims to deradicalize extremists, said: “Donald Trump is using nearly identical language to what white supremacist movement language is, language that I used 30 years ago in lyrics and in promoting white supremacist ideology.”
Alexandra Minna Stern, professor on the history of eugenics and author of Proud Boys and the White Ethnostate: How the Alt-Right Is Warping the American Imagination, said: “The way I describe it is that President Trump has really set up a baseline for bigotry in political discourse in the United States that has helped create the terrain where this is more possible.”
And other frontline Republicans are following Trump’s lead. In 2017, the Iowa congressman and standard-bearer of the far right Steve King tweeted: “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” In a 2018 interview with an extreme rightwing propaganda site in Austria, King proved he was fluent in white nationalist tropes, saying: “If we don’t defend western civilization, then we will become subjugated by the people who are the enemies of faith, the enemies of justice.”
The rise of white supremacy is being driven in part by demographic change – although racism has flourished in the US long before whites were in sight of losing their position as the majority. The US census predicts that by 2050 white people will no longer be the majority in the country. A Census Bureau report from 2015 predicted that by the time the 2020 census is conducted, more than half of American school children will be non-white, meaning that “majority minority” future will be baked in unless something drastic changes it.
White people will still be the the largest demographic, they will no longer be in a majority. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, the number of white adults who believe “a majority non-white population will weaken American culture” is 46%.
Things look even worse if you are a Republican politician. Decades of playing to white grievances plus years of relentlessly maligning the first black president have stymied their ability to win support from non-white voters. After 2012, when Mitt Romney failed to even come close to unseating then president Barack Obama, the Republican National Committee commissioned a so-called “autopsy report” that predicted doom if the party couldn’t right itself: “America is changing demographically, and unless Republicans are able to grow our appeal the way GOP governors have done, the changes tilt the playing field even more in the Democratic direction. If we want ethnic minority voters to support Republicans, we have to engage them and show our sincerity.”
That hasn’t happened. Instead of trying to peel off voters who typical side with Democrats – women, minorities, moderates – Republicans have aggressively focused on making sure people who aren’t likely to vote for them don’t vote at all. In the US voter suppression – the act of denying the vote to minority and poor communities who are likely to be Democratic supporters – is thriving. In the last decade, 33 million people have been purged from voter rolls across the country – predominantly in districts with large percentages of non-white voters. In 2013, the supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act. The state of North Carolina passed voter suppression laws so flagrant that the federal court said they targeted black voters with “almost surgical precision”.
Last year voters in Florida overwhelmingly chose to re-enfranchise 1.5 million people with felony convictions; after the vote the state legislature chose to add a requirement that none of those ex-felons can vote until they repay all court fees, effectively bringing back the poll tax which restricted voting among minority groups for decades.
Carole Anderson, academic and author of last year’s One Person, No Vote and a leading figure in the fight against voter suppression, wrote in the Guardian last week about the 33 million Americans purged from the voting rolls. “To put this in perspective, that is the equivalent of the combined  populations of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Phoenix and Dallas, as well as the states of Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Idaho. Not surprisingly, these massive removals are concentrated in precincts that tend to have higher minority populations and vote Democratic. Similarly, other voter suppression techniques, such as poll closures, deliberate long lines on election day, voter ID laws and extreme partisan gerrymandering all weigh disproportionately on minorities and urban areas.”
Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now
Paul Weyrich
Voter suppression isn’t necessarily a new tactic. In a 1980 speech to fellow conservatives, Paul Weyrich, one of the men who helped found arch-conservative institutions such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), the Moral Majority and the Heritage Foundation, said: “I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”
What has changed is the demographic projections. And if Republicans can’t compete in the new electoral landscape, then it is in their best interest to freeze the official electorate in place. One way to achieve this is partisan gerrymandering, redrawing voting districts so that they’re easier for Republicans to win. Incredibly, the supreme court in June ruled that federal courts were powerless to hear challenges to partisan gerrymandering – even in a case in which the party that controls the state legislature draws voting maps to explicitly elect its candidates.
In an excoriating dissenting opinion, Justice Elena Kagan and the supreme court’s liberal justices accused the court’s majority of shirking its constitutional duty. “The partisan gerrymanders in these cases deprived citizens of the most fundamental of their constitutional rights: the rights to participate equally in the political process, to join with others to advance political beliefs and to choose their political representatives.
“The partisan gerrymanders here debased and dishonored our democracy, turning upside-down the core American idea that all governmental power derives from the people. If left unchecked, gerrymanders like the ones here may irreparably damage our system of government.
Of all times to abandon the court’s duty to declare the law, this was not the one.”
Even in terms of raw numbers, the Republicans are at a disadvantage. There are 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans in the US, but Republican control of the federal government is almost absolute. In part, that’s because institutions such as the electoral college and the Senate itself are wildly undemocratic, in the sense that both are structured so that one party can claim victory without actually receiving the most votes. In 2016, Democratic senators won 6m more votes than Republican ones, yet Republicans firmly held their majority.
The Senate distributes two seats a state, meaning that states with large multiracial populations and more Democratic voters (California, Texas, New York) get exactly the same representation as those populated by older – and often Republican – white people. As Jamelle Bouie noted in the New York Times: “Today, the largest state is California, with nearly 40 million residents, and the smallest is Wyoming, with just under 600,000 people, a disparity that gives a person in Wyoming 67 times the voting power of one in California.
“As it stands now, the Senate is highly undemocratic and strikingly unrepresentative, with an affluent membership composed mostly of white men, who are about 30% of the population but hold 71 of the seats. Under current demographic trends this will get worse, as whites become a plurality of all Americans but remain a majority in most states.”
And while elected officials can at least – in theory, and with ever-greater difficulty – be voted out of office, that is not the case for the justices on the supreme court who wield extraordinary power, as the recent partisan gerrymandering case reveals. Trump has so far appointed two supreme court justices.
Law professor Ian Samuel explained, in relation to Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation – Trump’s first appointment – that it was the first time “a president who lost the popular vote had a supreme court nominee confirmed by senators who received fewer votes – nearly 22m fewer – than the senators that voted against him”.
For his second pick, Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s choice to replace the moderate Anthony Kennedy, the senators who voted against him represented 38 million more people than the ones who voted to confirm.
In many ways, the Republican party has been preparing for minority rule for years now. The anxiety that drove the shooter in El Paso, as well as every other white supremacist mass shooter in recent years, has motivated Republican politicians to steadily demonize and disenfranchise populations that don’t vote for them. The problem long predates Donald Trump, but he’s given taken both the mask and the leash off of it.
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oscar-randle-bct · 5 years
Research Proposal
[This Blog is just for documentation purposes - a clone of our initial research proposal for the development of Easy Stems created near the start of semester]
Research Proposal Draft:
Title: Setting Precedence for a Stem Sharing DAW Plugin
Summary:  Author - Oscar Randle
The goal of this research is to establish problems surrounding the process of collaborating on audio projects across different digital workstations. We then aim to gather data to guide the design of our stem-sharing plugin concept, Easy Stems. The research will primarily revolve around online survey distribution as well as interviews with industry personnel to gather the data we need.
Rationale and Significance of the Study: Author - Oscar Randle
The development of the digital audio workstation (DAW’s) and other key technological advancements have seen a massive expansion in enthusiasm for audio production on a global scale. Resources once exclusively available to professional producers are now readily accessible in digital forms to freelancers, hobbyists and computer owners worldwide (for only a mere fraction of the cost of the original hardware). Catalyzed by the mass-communication of the internet, the result has been the creation of the home studio and an explosion of ‘bedroom’ audio production on levels ranging from hobby work to professional production. This emerging demographic represents a highly active market, eager for development and further expansion.
Within the bedroom production/home studio setting - we have identified issues surrounding the creation of collaborative audio projects (particularly across different DAW’s). Creating music/sound projects with other people can be frustrating for a variety of reasons. However, a prominent frustration is due to the process of sharing files between parties.
As musicians and opportunists, our team sees a system with clear room for improvement. The unoptimized systems in place present an interesting opportunity to innovate and pioneer new technologies for a globally popular past-time/career.
Literature/Past Research Review: Author - Simon Dreissen
Working on tracks from home is now far more popular than going to a studio due to cost effectiveness and accessibility. DAWs have become one of the main tools to create, organize and master audio track, as they are easy to use and accessible to anyone. (footnote)
However, collaboration and file sharing across different Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) is an issue that has not been sufficiently resolved. Currently, the process of sharing and collaborating involves a tedious combination of saving, exporting/importing, sending, mixing and mastering. Splice (add footnote) is a cloud-based music creation and collaboration platform that can be integrated into most DAWs. It aims to solve a lot of issues related to audio collaboration and offers online backup, version control, collaboration tools, and useful visualizations to assist with audio creation and collaboration. Splice is widely used in the music industry for cloud backup and audio visualizations and the collaboration feature allows users to send off files to other users with notes, comments, and timestamps. Splice is a useful collaboration tool for users working in the same DAW. However, when it comes to working in different DAWs, Splice becomes ineffective, as there is no form of file conversion. So collaborators resort to stem sharing as a result of this.
Why aren’t DAW files interchangeable? (add footnote) Each DAW works slightly differently - different plugins protocols, MIDI-routing, automation, how they handle different effects, etc. One DAW would run into issues trying to open files from another DAW, as it may not have the same plugins and functionality as the other. It is possible to transfer some data with ease, but most is lost through the lack of similar plugins and effects and different file types. “There is currently no magic‑wand to make everything you've done in one DAW readable by another”
There are numerous file types used across different DAWs, but these are the most commonly used for file sharing and collaboration.
Open Media Framework - more geared towards video formats and commonly used for file sharing. Works with audio as well. Basic effects and transitions are supported. Many audio applications support this file type and basic edits will almost always ‘make the journey’ from one software to the other. However, the process of importing and exporting OMFs is tedious.
Advanced Authoring Format - Used for video and audio. More audio programs support this file type. More is preserved when importing/exporting with this file type. Modified tracks effects are maintained better with this format, as the file allows for both essence data and modified data to be transferred. Plugins aren’t preserved. More of a painless process when it comes to importing/exporting.
Extensible Markup Language - Mixed bag, can be used for many different apps and purposes. The subset for music is called musicXML. Great for when using both audio and video, as you can go from audio to video editing software with ease and without fear of losing effects/transitions. No reassembly or conversion is needed in this situation. However, effects may be lost when going between different DAWs.
MIDI files are perhaps the most compatible of DAW file types. Every DAW reads MIDIs the same and they are the easiest to export and collaborate with. MIDI files don’t contain any audio data, only the note that is being played, how loud it is and the length it is being played for. This means that MIDI files are much smaller than typical audio files, but audio effects are generally lost.
Exporting tracks as audio files. Has been streamlined for most DAWs. Allows you to export the modified track as an audio file without losing effects. Universally compatible with all DAWs, not dealing with any incompatible file types. Works for both audio and video applications. Most commonly used and most compatible.
“There seems to be one area of Internet-based communication that feels as if it’s still stuck in the dark ages: musical collaboration, and specifically, DAW-based musical collaboration.” (insert footnote)
There are four fundamentals for online music collaboration:
Storage and sharing
Social networking
Live collaboration
Version control and rollback
Collaboration can either be the most rewarding or the most frustrating part of producing music. Sometimes it feels like a tennis match, going from one person to the other, making edits and sending it back to your partner, which results in a less connected collaborative process. Additionally, cloud storage and sharing is a common issue in the non-commercial music industry: different versions and file types, licensing restrictions, storage limits plugin commonality issues, etc. “So really, the bottom line to me is that there’s no perfect solution here when it comes to collaborating on an Ableton Live project.” These issues are no different with most DAWs. (footnote)
There are existing audio workstations that aim to solve collaboration issues. Ohm Studios (footnote) and Bandlab (footnote) are both DAW softwares that focus on real time collaboration and file sharing. In Ohm Studios you can join someone's project and edit it in real-time and use the chat tool to communicate with your partner. It is just like any other DAW with effects, drum racks, a wide range of sounds etc. but with an added real-time collaboration tool. Plugins aren’t an issue and you hear exactly what others hear. Bandlab is very similar to Ohm Studios, the only main difference is that it is an online software, rather than a standalone application. However, the main issue with these DAWs is that people would rather stick to the DAW that they know best, rather than having to learn how to navigate a completely new DAW, so a plugin for existing DAWs would be preferred over a completely new DAW.
Ultimately, a common issue has arisen regarding collaboration between different digital audio workstations. Currently, the collaboration process is a long and tedious one, which needs to be streamlined. Musicians on a non-commercial level run into many issues when collaborating using different DAWs due to different versions of audio workstations and file types, licensing restrictions, storage limits and plugin commonality issues. There are currently audio workstations that aim to solve this collaboration issue, but the problem with these is that people don’t want to learn how to use a new DAW, they would rather use Ableton or FL Studios where they have all of their plugins and samples all ready to go. So essentially, there needs to be an easily accessible plugin for DAWs that allows you to share stem files easily. This would allow collaborators to send and share files among themselves effortlessly.
Transferring projects between different DAWs: December 2010
Why aren’t DAW files interchangeable? Each DAW works slightly differently - different plugins protocols, MIDI-routing, automation, how they handle different effects, etc. One DAW would run into issues trying to open files from another DAW, as it may not have the same plugins and functionality as the other. It is possible to transfer some data with ease, but most is lost through the lack of similar plugins and effects and different file types.
The article discusses the most efficient way of transferring data over to another computer for collaboration purposes - on a USB or external hard drive. Not ideal.
MIDI files - Every DAW reads these the same. Easiest to export and collaborate with. No file conversion needed. However, the effects will be lost and won’t sound the same. Any DAW can also read basic uncompressed audio files such as WAVs or BWFs but exporting and bouncing files can sometimes be a daunting task; exporting and mastering each track separately
“There is currently no magic‑wand to make everything you've done in one DAW readable by another”
DAW collaboration: Date unknown
“There seems to be one area of Internet-based communication that feels as if it’s still stuck in the dark ages: musical collaboration, and specifically, DAW-based musical collaboration.”
Four fundamentals for online music collaboration:
Getting files back and forth (storage and sharing)
Social networking
Live collaboration
Version control and rollback
Cloud storage and sharing is an issue - different versions and file types, licensing restrictions, cloud storage not large enough, storage limits. Plugin common issues - partner may not open the file due to missing plugins. They wish they could copy and paste from one DAW to the other. “So really, the bottom line to me is that there’s no perfect solution here when it comes to collaborating on an Ableton Live project.” These issues are no different with most DAWs.
Importing and Exporting between DAWs: August 2016
Working on tracks from home is now far more popular than going to a studio due to cost effectiveness, accessibility, and many other reasons. DAWs have become one of the main tools to create, organize and master audio track, as they are easy to use and accessible to anyone.
File types:
OMF: Open Media Framework - more geared towards video formats and commonly used for file sharing. Works with audio as well. Basic effects and transitions are supported. Many audio applications support this file type and basic edits will almost always ‘make the journey’ from one software to the other. However, the process of importing and exporting OMFs is tedious.
AAF: Advanced Authoring Format - Used for video and audio. More audio programs support this file type. More is preserved when importing/exporting with this file type. Modified tracks effects are maintained better with this format, as the file allows for both essence data and modified data to be transferred. Plugins aren’t preserved. More of a painless process when it comes to importing/exporting.
XML: Extensible Markup Language - Mixed bag, can be used for many different apps and purposes. The subset for music is called musicXML. Great for when using both audio and video, as you can go from audio to video editing software with ease and without fear of losing effects/transitions. No reassembly or conversion is needed in this situation. However, effects may be lost when going between different DAWs.
Stems: Exporting tracks as audio files. Has been streamlined for most DAWs. Allows you to export the modified track as an audio file without losing effects. Universally compatible with all DAWs, not dealing with any incompatible file types. Works for both audio and video applications. Most commonly used and most compatible.
How do people that use different DAWs collab? April 2018
Working together in person.
Stem bouncing.
Midi files.
Splice: Launched October 2013
Cloud-based music creation and collaboration platform that can be integrated into most DAWs. It offers online backup, version control, collaboration tools, and useful visualizations to assist with audio creation and collaboration. Automatically saves and uploads to the cloud when the user saves. This creates a timeline where the user can view, edit or reload previous saves. The site also provides social networking functions. You can also download sounds, drum racks, plugins, effects, etc. from an extensive library. Easy to import/export files, no issue with file types, conversions are automatic. Useable on all key DAWs.
How to collaborate effectively with other producers: January 2019
Either the most rewarding or the most frustrating part of producing music. Sometimes it feels like a tennis match, going from one person to the other, making edits and sending it back to your partner and this isn’t really collaborating - a less connected collaborative process.
Communication is key - quality over quantity. Skype, Facetime, video chat all better than sending over with messages or emails. This is a more connected and efficient way to collaborate. If you’re using the same DAW, it’s easy to just use zip files to share. If you’re using different DAWs, Splice is recommended. However, plugin issues come with this. You need the same plugins, which is why when collaborating with different DAWs, stem sharing is the better option.  
Stem Creator:
An application where you import stems and master them. When sharing stems between different DAWs, a lot of the time the track mastering and effects are changed due to the file compression and exporting process. This software allows you to master the stems back to their original sound after they have been exported and compressed. This compression issue would be something to note with our plugin - our plugin could include a stem mastering feature.
Ohm Studio:
Essentially a DAW made for real-time collaboration. Join someone's project and edit it in real-time, like the google docs of DAWs. There’s a chat tool and a community where people add instruments and tracks to other peoples songs. Just like any other DAW with effects, drum racks, etc. but with an added real-time collaboration tool. Apparently, plugins aren’t an issue and you hear exactly what others hear.
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kensingtonbooks · 5 years
A Case for Space, and Mars by John Andrew Karr
The following is a guest blog by MARS WARS: DETONATION EVENT’s author @johnandrewkarr.
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People of Earth. 
You know the phrase. 
Unless you totally eschew science fiction or science fantasy in all its forms, you know the phrase. If you have disdain for the mind-expanding genres, then you probably fall into the space and Mars haters club despite indulging in space-related technologies, i.e. satellites, portable computers, computer mice, artificial limbs, camera phones. There’s a bunch more that can be found by searching, but this link has a good starter list: https://go.nasa.gov/2Gbxecu
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As for the famous Tang—for those of us in our fifth century of existence, or beyond—it was not developed for space travel, but the moon missions made it a big star.  
If you’re less seasoned, send a mindtext to your favorite search engine on the galaxynet.  
No access to galaxynet?
That’s okay—thirty years ago only a few innovators had access to linked servers that would someday grow to become the internet. 
Galaxynet is internet for the solar system. It will have satellite boosts between Earth and Mars, Earth and Jupiter’s moons, and any place we deploy large-scale space stations such as the Mars Orbiters in my Mars Wars series, part of the Rebel Base imprint from Kensington Books. 
The timeframe for Mars Wars is near-future, approximately two hundred years from now. MOS-1 and MOS-2 are host to workers and vacationers of around ten thousand people, and serve as forward operating bases to colonization. Self-sufficient, they manufacture air, water, food, clothing, energy pellets, and hydrogen propellant for its nuclear fusion engines and those of the planetary shuttles. The latter are used to fly missions to the Martian surface, or back to Lunar One or Earth. 
No story is entertaining without some form of conflict.
The conflict in Mars Wars involves two parties. Those people who want all resources for the Earth, and those who are space and Mars colonization proponents. Such a scenario will hopefully remain fiction, but glimpses can be had on a . . . less dangerous . . . scale in human societies now.   Back to current day, liberty has been taken to toss the internet into space-related tech. Mostly because Elon Musk’s Space X are creating a satellite internet that may ultimately lead to WiFi availability in the most remote crack of Earth’s continental crust. Others have also started in on similar ventures. More later on billionaires making a play for serious and profitable expansion beyond Earth.
People of Earth.  
If you’ve ever had even a slight taste of science fiction, you know the phrase. Usually its uttered by some alien who’s come to our beautiful blue planet for war, to pilfer our resources, or simply snatch a few dozen of us to make people patties, under the guise of a beneficial meet-and-greet. 
Cunning aliens. 
Isn’t it enough to reduce our scientific and engineering advances to stone tool status in comparison with alien tech?   
The Peeps of Earth phrase can also be extrapolated to encompass all humans, ever, throughout time. That’s every human born, ever. All who inhaled air, drank water, felt the planet’s mass beneath their feet, gazed up the glorious sun and stars and someday later, died. Of these billions, every single one lived their lives bound to the Earth.
Question: Besides the same relative arm strength, what do Tyrannosaurus rex and Homo sapiens have in common?
Answer: Extinction impotence. 
Even non-sci-fi types know how vulnerable we are as a species, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. 
By the way, the latest thinking for T-Rex is that it could actually rip a human’s arm off in an arm wrestling match, provided it could move its teeny arms side-to-side. So don’t go up to one and call it an arm-wuss or something.   
Let’s go ahead and summon one of the first things that come to mind whenever dinosaurs are evoked: asteroid. One big enough to eject millions of tons of ash and dust into the atmosphere, all but blocking out the sun and creating a perpetual ‘asteroid winter.’ A certain percentage of the population might be able to survive the apocalypse for a while, but it could take hundreds or even thousands of years for the skies to clear. 
Humans, along a huge percentage of other terrestrial and aquatic life, would most likely perish from famine, disease, and war. There’s a good chance asphyxiation has a role; immediate dispersion of breathable air erupting through the magnetosphere and lost to space. Darkness then  withers plant life en masse, along with their oxygen-creating capabilities.
Maybe it won’t be an asteroid for humans. Maybe it will be the very real threat of nuclear war, standard war, or disease. Dinosaurs as a species lasted millions of years. Humans have come far in a blip of comparative time, but we’re also prone to war.    
Regardless of method, both species met or will meet their ultimate end on Earth.
Is it of any consolation that astronomers will likely be able to track the instrument of our demise through space as it hurls toward us?
Question: How much does Earth care about the life that clings to it?
Answer: Every bit as much as any other rock in the universe.
Snark aside, only life cares about life. 
Obvious, yet worthy of a moment of reflection. Despite radioactive cores that provide a magnetosphere to prevent the escape of air and water to space, Earth and every other planet, moon, asteroid, comet, and yes, even the stars, are not alive. None of the aforementioned are thinkers. They have zero intelligence capability. They do not feel anything. The earth is a fantastic and sometimes terrible host of abundant life, but it lacks the capacity to acknowledge anything, and therefore has no care whether life exists or not. 
It has no care whether it exists or not.   
Grass has more regard for its life than a planet has self-awareness. The roots will grow toward moisture, the blade toward the sun.   
The life forms of Earth care—at least on some fundamental level—but not the planet itself.
Question: What is the only life form that could prevent a total extinction event? Answer: Look in the mirror.
Probably not you specifically, or me, or anyone alive right now. But perhaps our descendants, unseen over our shoulders in generation after generation on an extended scale, reaching centuries into the future. They could have some contribution toward preserving our species, or the next iteration of it.  
The obvious difference between humans and all of the extinct, single-planet-dwelling species that have come before us is that we can build upon current technologies to at least try and thwart the inevitable catastrophe.  
Humans alone—unless cockroaches or some other species survive our warring nature and evolve to our current levels—have the means to bump our potential survival rate by 100% by colonizing another planet.  
For that, the red planet is a beacon in the night sky. As with any venture into space, the mission is fraught with danger. But Mars as a cold and rocky planet is still preferable to an ice-encrusted moon of Jupiter. 
If we ever do figure out a way to kick-start the Martian cores into creating a magnetosphere, as I write of in Mars Wars, or thicken the Martian atmosphere enough to hold air and water, the potential for agriculture is there because of soil. We may need to scrape off the solar wind-pounded surface material and turn it over, but ice, with Jupiter as a backdrop, isn’t going to be kind to the roots of space tomatoes. 
Perhaps we’d even import some of the massive sandworms from Frank Herbert’s Dune to help fertilize. Everyone knows Dune is easier to reach from Mars than it is from Earth.  
To perform more space outreach, we’ve got to go faster at a sustained clip. Warp drive would be incredibly convenient, but we’ve got a huge knowledge gap between chemical rockets and light speed. If I had to choose a single category to improve immediately, it would be propulsion. It takes us too long to reach anything, and that’s just in our own backyard. 
In Mars Wars, planetary shuttles and remote orbiters make use of nuclear fusion for propulsion. It is a cleaner, more sustainable burn that can use hydrogen as a propellant. They can reach Mars in a month, as opposed to nine. Not warp speed or hyper-drive, but a big step in the right direction.
Think how far we’ve come in the preceding two centuries. Who knows where we’ll be two centuries from today, if we make concerted efforts. 
But what to do once there? Live forever inside enclosures, or take steps to terraform Mars so it is not immediately hostile to life? 
Some space advocates want to keep Mars as a planetary park, unchanged by human hands.
There is no reason to keep Mars in its current state of death. Billions of years ago, Mars once held water and therefore some form of air. There are many reasons to resurrect it. 
As seen in Mars Wars, Mars has threats beyond the frigid temps and lack of air and water. What we might find in the soil could be positive or negative, for instance. Click here: http://bit.ly/2GblvKU
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Question: What about caring for the earth? Answer: The two are not mutually exclusive.
Of course we should care for the mother planet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t expand into space and Mars at the same time. Resource drainage from Earth can be limited, and life on Earth can improve with technological advances. 
Space expeditions must be commercially viable, or at least self-sustaining. NASA and other government agencies have done great pioneering work, but taxes alone cannot continually fund space exploration. We're already seeing private ventures from billionaire visionaries like Musk and Bezos and Branson attempting to bring the space flight industry into a more “mainstream” focus. Bringing rare metals back to Earth could lead to more technology bursts.
Harvesting resources from asteroids would be easier from Mars, since it’s closer to the Asteroid Belt, the farmer’s market of asteroids. A dwarf planet in the belt is blasting water vapor into space for some reason, and it may hold more water than Earth. Amazing. And available for harvesting. Asteroids can be encased in water ice. Others have ammonia ice that could be beneficial in thickening the Martian atmosphere. 
It’s a process, but water can be harvested from minerals on asteroids. Comets would take less processing time, but they’re free spirits and not clustered nicely in a band like their rocky counter parts. Formed outside our solar system, comets that can provide immediate water ice are not subject to the same relative orbiting plane as the planets and Asteroid Belt. These may be more attainable from Mars due to readiness more than location.
A couple of fun informative links to check out:
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Mars itself may have tons of water trapped in its crust, as was recently postulated in a finding on Earth. 
This has touched on a few hints about transforming Mars—terraforming it—into a habitable planet. It could take centuries, or less, or never work at all and we end up creating subterranean cities or honeycomb surface ones encapsulated in redundant plexiglass bubbles threaded with titanium strands. 
(That last part is a glimpse of the Lunar One base on the moon in Mars Wars.)    
Mars needs heat, water, and air, and we’ll move in. 
It’s not been tried by humans, but the powers of the solar system have done it. It may be possible to crash asteroids into Mars, set off a bunch of thermonuclear bombs, create vast mirror farms to reflect more sunlight, or use other methods to greenhouse the atmosphere so it can hold air and water and heat. 
There may be enough nitrates on the red planet to use for breathable air, since oxygen is the lesser component. Or maybe there’s some rip asteroids to mine for it. 
A lot to cover there, for another time. 
If Mars does become viable as a self-sustaining colony, and then network of colonies, and then perhaps the entire planet, wouldn’t it also provide relief to overpopulation on Earth?
For those who want to focus solely on Earth until the extinction event(s) strike, don’t we have a duty to future generations to begin the process of increasing survival odds? 
The universe is mind-blowingly vast. Where is the spirit to attain knowledge? To push the boundaries of what viable life can be had beyond Earth. Exploring has dangers, but it can also lead to the betterment of Homo sapiens.
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Pre-Order/Buy MARS WARS: DETONATION EVENT here→ http://bit.ly/2GbEWmN
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provoprayerclub · 5 years
Deep Dive: episode 1
The Provo Prayer Club
Episode 1
When the Brethren have Spoken, the Thinking is Done:
What It Means to Sustain Our Leaders
D&C 21:5
“Thou shalt give heed (listen to, pay attention to, not blindly obey)”
“His word shall ye receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith”
“All patience and faith” does not imply they will be flawless; it implies we will have to be PATIENT with our leaders as they fumble around at times
Is capturing the infinite and putting it into words ever easy?
D&C 121: 39-42
“We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.”
Exodus 17: 8-12
Aaron and Hur stayed by Moses’ side to help him hold his arm up when it got tired so that the Israelites would win their battle
D&C 50:20-21
“Therefore, why is it that ye cannot understand and know, that he that receiveth the word by the Spirit of truth receiveth it as it is preached by the Spirit of truth? Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.”
D&C 68:2-4
“And, behold, and lo, this is an ensample unto all those who were ordained unto this priesthood, whose mission is appointed unto them to go forth...And this is the ensample unto them, that they shall speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost...And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.
Quotes from Church Leaders
“Good inspiration is based on good information”
President Russell M. Nelson, April 2018
“A prophet is a prophet only when he is acting as such”
Joseph Smith — goes with D&C 68
“The very words of the revelation [in Section 68] recognize that the Brethren may speak when they are not "moved upon by the Holy Ghost," yet only when they do so speak, as so "moved upon," is what they say Scripture. No exceptions are given to this rule or principle. It is universal in its application. The question is, how shall we know when the things they have spoken were said as they were "moved upon by the Holy Ghost?" I have given some thought to this question, and the answer thereto so far as I can determine, is: We can tell when the speakers are "moved upon by the Holy Ghost" only when we, ourselves, are "moved upon by the Holy Ghost." In a way, this completely shifts the responsibility from them to us to determine when they so speak.
J. Reuben Clark
“Were your faith concentrated upon the proper object, your confidence unshaken, your lives pure and holy, every one fulfilling the duties of his or her calling according to the Priesthood and capacity bestowed upon you, you would be filled with the Holy Ghost, and it would be as impossible for any man to deceive and lead you to destruction as for a feather to remain unconsumed in the midst of intense heat”
Brigham Young, quoted by Pres Clark
“I propose that my counselors and fellow Presidents in the First Presidency shall share with me in the responsibility of every act which I shall perform in this capacity. I do not propose to take the reins in my own hands to do as I please; but I propose to do as my brethren and I agree upon and as the Spirit of the Lord manifests to us. I have always held, and do hold, and trust I always shall hold, that it is wrong for one man to exercise all the authority and power of presidency in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I dare not assume such a responsibility, and I will not, so long as I can have men like these to stand by and counsel with me in the labors we have to perform and in doing all those things that shall tend to the peace, advancement and happiness of the people of God and the building up of Zion ... If at any time my brethren of the Apostleship shall see in me a disposition to depart from this principle or a forgetfulness on my part of this covenant that I make today before this body of Priesthood, I ask them in the name of my Father, that they will come to me, as my brethren, as counselors in the Priesthood, as watchmen on the towers of Zion, and remind me of this covenant and promise which I make to the body of the Church in general conference assembled at this time...The Lord never did intend that one man should have all power, and for that reason He has placed in His Church Presidents, Apostles, High Priests, Seventies, Elders and the various offices of the Lesser Priesthood, all of which are essential in their order and place according to the authority bestowed on them”
Joseph F. Smith, quoted by Howard W. Hunter who bore testimony of that principle
“Our authorized Church works are the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. In the Church very wide latitude is given to individual belief and opinion, each man being responsible for his views and not the Church”
B.H. Roberts (member of the 70), 1887
“Air-brushing our prophets, past or present, is a wrenching of the scriptural record and a form of idolatry. God specifically said he called weak vessels so that we wouldn’t place our faith in their strength or power, but in God’s.”
Terryl Givens, “Letter to a Doubter”
“I don’t want you to think that I am very righteous, for I am not very righteous”
Joseph Smith Jr.
“When our leaders have spoken, the thinking is done.”
“Even to imply that members of the Church are not to do their own thinking is grossly to misrepresent the true ideal of the Church, which is that every individual must obtain for himself a testimony of the truth of the gospel, must, through the redemption of Jesus Christ, work out his own salvation, and is personally responsible to his maker for his individual acts.”
President Kimball was infuriated after President Benson gave that talk, censured him, demanded that he apologize to the entire rest of the Quorum of the Twelve for giving it. However (possibly due to dominant political beliefs of our culture?) the talk became all-but canonized by the most radical right-wingers of our faith, although it has a damning legacy
Examples of where unquestionably following our priesthood leaders has harmed us and others:
Baseball baptisms
Missionaries were baptizing small children without their parents’ consent in order for them to join little leagues in the 1960s; some missionaries voiced concerns about this, others didn’t because they liked appearing like the “best missionaries” and “best missions”
Great pain came from this and the image of the church in Europe and other places was tarnished by the Baseball Baptism program because parents were furious and local priesthood leaders were left to deal with the tragedies in the wake of them
Mountain Meadows Massacre
Large cadre of men were directed to dress up as Indians, attack a non-member pioneer wagon heading west. After the non-member wagon train surrendered, the men were each escorting an adult to their left. Their stake president gave them each the order to, when asked to “do their duty,” shoot the man, woman, or child to their left and kill them
Worst shooting in American history; worst case of white-on-white mass murder until the Oklahoma City Bombing, all because members refused to question the authority of their Stake President, who gave them the orders to kill.
What if one member had stood up, like Alexander Doniphan stood up to the general threatening to execute Joseph Smith?
“Baseball baptisms” happened for so long because people were afraid to express dissenting opinions about this practice
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apenitentialprayer · 6 years
Since you are a Christian who also studies Islam, I wanted to ask you, what are some common misconceptions Christians have about Islam, and vice versa?
Things Christians Get Wrong About Islam
1. “Islam was spread by the sword, and most of the initial conversions were coerced.”
So, disclaimer; there probably were coerced ‘conversions’, especially during the conquest of Mecca. Of particular note is a certain Hind bint Utbah, who hated Muhammad’s movement and even mutilated the corpses of fallen Muslim warriors. She converted shortly after the conquest, probably in the hopes of avoiding punishment for the aforementioned mutilations and general extreme hostility towards Islam.
That being said, Islam for the most part wasn’t a result of sword-conversions. Early documents like the Constitution of Medina may even imply that non-Muslims were considered a part of the Ummah (a word which today refers exclusively to the Muslim community). The early Caliphate was heavily reliant on jizya money to fund further campaigns of expansion, and due to the special privileges given to the elite Muslim military class, there may have even been attempts to discourage mass conversion.
In situations where mass conversion did occur, and those did eventually happen, it’s simply unfeasible to imagine that it could happen on a large scale. Here’s the thing about coerced conversions; when the coercive pressure is taken off, people more likely than not return to their old beliefs. Most mass conversions would have affected the elite or the extremely downtrodden; the former would have been interested in ‘elite patronage’, converting to the religion of the new ruling class in the hopes of destroying any glass ceiling that could prevent further upward mobility. The latter would be interested in ‘social liberation’, hoping that conversion to the relatively egalitarian Islam would remove any severe social pressure being put on them by their old religion.
In other parts of the world, such as Bengal, for example, the introduction of new technologies to indigenous peoples by Muslim settlers likely played a role in mass conversion too. These new neighbors seem to have a pretty sweet idea with this whole “agriculture” business; maybe their religious ideas aren’t too off base either, am I right?
2. On the other end, we have “Muslims were far more tolerant than Christians, and were philosophically more sophisticated.”
Muslims were operating under a system of governance that presumed almost from the birth of the movement’s political dimension that it was a dominant force among several other monotheisms. Yes, Muslims tolerated other forms of monotheism. Here’s a secret, though; there was no pre-Enlightenment society that viewed “tolerance” as a virtue. Tolerance of religious minorities was built into Islam’s understanding of its place in the world, and was a result of many sociological and economic factors.
That didn’t stop periods of short but intense persecution from cropping up here and there. There were anti-Judaic riots in Granada in the year 1066 that likely killed as many Jews as Christian crusaders did thirty years later. The Almohads and Almoravids were two North African Muslim movements that moderated over time but started out with the “convert or die” policy that many people try to attribute to Islam as a whole. Among the victims of this persecution was famed Jewish scholar Maimonides (a child at the time) and his family. They may have even converted to Islam to save their lives - but, as I said, once the coercive element died out, they returned to their original faith.
These tolerated minorities lived as dhimmis, a type of second-class subjecthood in which they were allowed to live in Islamicate societies while practicing non-Islamic religions. Dhimmi communities would pay the jizya in order to ensure that they had this right. In fact, during times of increased persecution, some dhimmi communities even petitioned rulers to allow them to pay a larger jizya tax as a form of protection. That being said, there were still legal limitations for dhimmis. They could not create new houses of worship or refurbish old ones. Religious activities had to be done in private. Non-Muslims were not allowed to be appointed to positions of high status. Fortunately, none of these rules were consistently enforced. When they were, though, you got things like the Granada riots.
A word about Jews in Islamic lands; on the whole, they were treated better in Dar al-Islam than they were in European Christendom. Two things you should keep in mind, though; Christianity and Judaism were both rival claimants to the inheritance of Abraham in a way that Islam really wasn’t. That rivalry created bitter resentment. Second, the Jewish minority in Islamic lands were always one minority among many; in medieval Christendom, the Jewish minority was the only consistent religious minority in existence. That means European Jews were under heavier scrutiny than Islamicate Jews were.
As far as being more philosophically inclined, we should keep in mind that Christianity became philosophized almost immediately. Saints Justin Martyr and Augustine of Hippo made sure of that. The rise of Islamic khalam philosophy was the result of Christian scholars translating Aristotelian texts into Arabic.
3. “Islam is basically Arab cultural imperialism.”
Fun fact; veiling of women, which is heavily associated with Islam today, was a Persian-Sasanian cultural element that was adopted by Islam fairly early on. The wives of Muhammad did veil while out in public, but so did Muhammad at times, and other women were still allowed to walk through military camps unveiled. This would change relatively quickly, but this is one piece of evidence that Islam isn’t just the theologically justified imposition of Arab culture onto non-Arabs.
Likewise, Persian remains the language most commonly associated with Islamic mystical thought. Persian is seen by some communities to be especially well-suited for the articulation of such ideas. This is probably because Shi‘a and Sufi forms of Islam both developed in what is now primarily Iran and Iraq.
After the year 1250, the ruling classes of the most expansive Islamic empires were not ethnically Arab, but Turkic. Just so we’re clear, these Turks were not from what we now call Turkey, but Central Asia. They brought all sorts of cultural innovations with them.
In the Indian subcontinent, the Mughals created a ‘Hindustani’ culture that combined elements of Turkish Islam with philosophical, cultural, and architectural elements of native Indian cultures. The Mughal emperor, a Muslim king, was modeled after the example of Rama from the Indian Epic tradition. Many rituals that they performed were modeled after those expected to be performed by ideal Hindu kings. South Asian Islam has a range of cultural idioms and pilgrimage sites unique to itself, largely a result of the Sufi pioneers who settled the continent before and during the rise of the early Indo-Muslim sultanates.
Things Muslims Get Wrong About Christianity
1. “Christians corrupted the true Gospel, which was a book like the Qur’an and the literal word of God”
The Qur’an described what is called the Injil, a word probably derived from evangelion, which most Muslims interpret to refer to a specific book recited by Jesus Christ. Except it seems very, very unlikely, for two reasons. First, there are no extant writings attributed to Jesus, excepting a forged communication between Jesus Christ and King Abgar V of Edessa. Second, not a single early Christian source (besides the aforementioned letter) ever references writings made by Jesus.
The closest thing we have to the Injil as understood by most Muslims today is the Gospel of Thomas, which is a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus, and the hypothetical Q source. Regardless, the New Testament, as we have it, never attempts to present itself as the actual words of Jesus in the way that, say, the Book of Jeremiah claims to be from Jeremiah.
If you want more, I could name more, but I think I’m talking to a primarily Christian audience, and I’m kinda tired, man.
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