#done reading
golclen-linings · 2 years
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hiharu · 2 years
𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲: The Alchemist
𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱: Originally published in 1988
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: Novel, Fantasy
𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿: Paulo Coelho
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𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄: This is the type of book that you can read in one sitting so I recommend it. You'll love this if you're into life or spiritual books!
𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝟰/𝟱
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eshandris · 3 years
Finished two books in 2 days. I feel so accomplished. Lmao 😂😂😂
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Book review:
I haven't had any reading goals or plans this year. So i have just picked up any random books on my collection (classics, modern clasdics, YA, non-fic,etc), and to also make a dent on my TBR pile. Lately, I have decided to read books my teenage daughter reads or whatever interest her. So I read this book; Slender Man.
I love horror/creepy stories, that's something me and daughters share and enjoy, may it be movies, books, shows, or real life experiences (i grew up in a Bisayan household here in Manila, and they LOVE telling scary stories).
Now, im not very knowlegeable about the modern horror/creepy characters like Slender Man, and any character from Creepypasta, but i know enough from what my kids share with me, that Slender Man is very famous. According to my kids, SM was created by a guy for a contest to create a scary story from some material that is real. So he shop SM's character on the background of the pics of children, like its lurking, waiting get a child to take with him. The guy won, and the rest is history
I quite enjoyed this book. Its like the Blair Witch Project movie in book version. The story unfolds thru a series of phone messages, emails, letters, group chats, etc. Its a very light, fast read. At first it was boring, but by page 100+, i have to stop myself from finishing it overnight.
Recommended! Gave it ⭐⭐⭐⭐.
But the question that keeps on nagging me is: how does Slender Man chooses its victim? And how sure are you that its not lurking above you as you sleep?
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cannywithd · 4 years
قواعد العشق الأربعون
بدأته في تاريخ الاول من يوليو ٢٠١٨ كنت شبه مدركة لما يدور في خلد هذا الكتاب لكنه احدث لي اثر عظيم وعدت إني راح أعيد قرأته في الوقت المناسب وها أنا الان في صدد إعادة قرأته كشخص مختلف ، بتفكير وإدراك مختلفين ، تمنوا لي رحلة ممتعة في سبر اغواره 🌱🤝
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enzymster5 · 4 years
Ever reading a fic and when it ends you’re just there wondering.
Like it done but it’s not done? The characters don’t just end; their life continues on but you don’t get to see it. You’re just there wishing you could see it, read it but at the same time you don’t want to because that’ll ruin any fantasy you make of them living happily ever after. I can’t be only one feeling like this, right?
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amelancholicpanda · 6 years
"We lie together, quiet, under an endless sky, beside a bottomless ocean, and we don’t talk about how these are all the things that brought us together. We don’t talk about how we wouldn’t change any of them. We don’t have to, because these are the things we know by heart."
02.03.18| Saturday //
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I had this book, on my shelf, for a few years now. Then, i rewatched Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) just recently, i then searched for a list of the best books about Dracula or vampires, and The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova was included.
It was a slow but great, engrossing read! It has both of my fave genres/themes: history and suspense thriller. I recommend this book for anyone who loved/liked the classic novel Dracula, very interested in any literature about vampires, specifically Vlad 'The Impaler' Tepes of Wallachia, and history in general. Well paced, and you know the author did some research to write the book, and exciting at-the-edge-of-your-seat from start to finish!
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“Just because you don’t know happiness is no reason to spoil ours!” Clayton told Priscilla irritably.
-First Year by Rachel E. Carter
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bookishnerdhero · 7 years
Weeellp. I'm done reading Young Elites. Can't say I ain't curious about the next book...cuz thay last Elite has a certain power and am I dumb enough to hope? Anyway. Dang. Adelina in the last chapter of hers.
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eshandris · 7 years
I see you, but you don’t see me. Until I want you to.
Clare Mackintosh, I See You
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Just sharing:
After a week of trudging through this book, I finally finished it! Whew.... while Midnight Sun is not good, it's not bad either. My inner 19 yr old has now been satisfied, I can now finally move on from wondering how Edward's POV ended from thay leaked version years ago.
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sighs-and-cries · 8 years
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“I tell myself that all the colors are there anyway, and this gives me an idea. I think of writing it as a song, but instead I sign onto the computer and send a message to Violet. You are all the colors in one, at full brightness.”
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dreamingmoonchilde · 7 years
Done Reading : Robin Hobb’s Shaman’s Crossing
Finally finished Shaman's Crossing! This book took me almost 2mos to finish. Not that it was hard to read. More like I got distracted. I've recently have had access to several movies and tv series I've been meaning to watch. So it was hard to focus my attention oo my books. Doesn't mean I've stopped buying books; I still visit booksale stores and shop for ebooks on sale. So hello mountain TBR. But I digress. hm. It is the first book. Robin Hobb has set up her characters and allowed our MC to defeat his first nemesis. I realize that reading Hobb's books is a lot like reading Diane Wynne Jones. Very interesting start, sort of dragging in the middle until you come to the point you cannot put it down. And then after that you scream internally for the next book. I can't wait what Hobb has in store for the next the next two books. I've always been amazed how she can redeem a character you hated in the beginning and end up rooting for him/her at the end of her story.
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