#donar vadderung
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WOJ Odin
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ulfrsmal · 1 year
fic & heathenry related ramble below the cut
of-fucking-course the one extremely hot fic i read today for a fandom i am not remotely in (yet) had to include the following line
You can call me Wodan,” he chuckled, (...) “Donar Vadderung is fine, too,” [click here for the fic]
because when is that Old Bastard not on the prowl
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sideefandomblog · 3 years
New Dresden reveals !
The Librarians will appear by the end of Twelve Months.
Twelve Months will include Harry going on Twelve dates with Lara.
Mirror Mirror will be set a few years ahead in the alternate universe and things went to shit faster in that universe.
Drakul created the Black Court but his son Dracula made them famous. Drakul wanted a small, elite group but Dracula fucked it up by making himself a Black Court vampire and spawning vamps left and right. Drakul has been a number of smaller monsters in history - presumably both human and mystic.
Vadderung has soulfire which he got in exchange for sacrificing his Power and Immortality to stay active after the time of the Aesir ended. It's what fuels the einherjar. Him and Ferrovax really dislike each other and Vadderung could have picked a fight that could killed Ferrovax.
Dragons dying are events like Tunguska. No word on whether Tunguska was Ebenezer going all out as the Blackstaff or the Dragon's dying moment. Harry will need to worry about this when fighting his own Dragon.
Grimalkin is effectively the new Cat Sith.
It is possible Thomas might stay in Demonreach.
Nemesis can infect multiple hosts at once though not forty or fifty thousand. Nemesis cannot be detected by the powers of the universe as it comes from beyond the Universe. Nemesis cannot even be detected by Uriel. Nemesis cannot always imitate humanity perfectly even if it is the one Outsider who knows humans much better than all the rest.
Harry was not one of only a few starborn born during this cycle. There were forty or fifty thousand originally and only a few are left by now (Harry, Listen, possibly Elaine).
Lea will likely appear in Twelve Months and will likely be the one who gets Harry's ass moving in her role as his faerie godmother.
Jim once said that Harry would immediately throw down with the Leanansidhe if he learned the details of the bargain between her and Margaret LeFay. This has seemingly changed as Harry has gone and grown up on him and probably won't just rush off to pick a fight with Lea. We'll learn the details before the end.
Balor's Eye could potentially even kill Uriel assuming he was dumb enough to stand there and just take it. The thing is Bad news.
Uriel is a multiversal entity - one Uriel appearing in every universe. Presumably it's the same for other Archangels.
The Mothers are much closer in power to entities like Uriel and others like various native gods, hindu deities and guys like Zeus. (Zeus was surprising but makes sense considering how powerful the guy was in his own mythology)
If alternate universe Mab learned Harry works for her in his home universe, she'd say, "you work for now as long as you're here" (this is hilarious to me)
Mother Winter's type of Knight would be guys like Vlad the Impaler, Stalin and Genghis Khan.
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avengingaxis99 · 5 years
Dresden Files - Christmas Eve thoughts
Spoilers below obviously
This takes place 6 months after Peace Talks.
Harry building a bike for Maggie while aided by Mouse was incredibly cute.
Mab has seen Frozen confirmed. And of course her gift is scary.
Molly seems to heading into surrogate sister territory since her kiss on Harry's cheek is described as sisterly. Also she seems way more comfortable in her Winter Lady role.
Kringle delivering that cup of coffee was wonderful. Also Harry owed Vadderung a favor from Cold Days and their meeting seemed a little tense.
Peace Talks stuff - According to Jim it would be all right, everyone would have tea and lunch and go home just fine.
Tens of thousands injured and in need of medical care. Thousands dead. What the fuck. And some of them seem personal?
Who is dead? Thomas? Justine? Murphy (who was in bad shape at the end of Skin Game only a few months earlier), Ramirez? Luccio? The Alphas? Ebenezer?????
I knew the masquerade would be broken in this book since Jim confirmed we'd get a battle in view of mortals that could not be covered but nothing on this scale.
All in all this was a cozy slice of life short story that was perfect for Christmas. And just enough teasing of things to come in Peace Talks. Seriously, thousands dead......wtf....I need that damn book....
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blackrigante · 7 years
The Gatekeeper
This post has spoilers found throughout the series fyi
Proven Guilty got me thinking, it starts with the Gatekeeper dancing gently around the 6th Law, or so we are lead to wonder based on the conversation between Harry and Bob.
Then at the end when Molly is on trail he knew esactly when Micheal and McCoy are about to come through the Never Never. Did he know the exact timing because of seeing into the future again or maybe maybe because of the Crystal eye he can see into the Never Never.
Rashid has been fore known Harry has been contacted by Maab in Summer Knight, he went up to Harry during his deliberation disruption and I think he only asked to see if Harry would be truthful. Then he knew that Harry would be stuck in a tree. And finally in Cold Days he was not surprised to see Harry at the Outer Gates.
Harry gets some premonition in Small Favor and we learn it’s normal for wizards to get a sense of their personal future but because of the sixth law I do not know of any who developed it.
So what makes Rashid different? Well we know his eye is made from part of the Outer Gate and it helps him discern the truth of those coming through the Gates. How did he get it? This reminds me of someone else is the Dresdenverse, Odin. He also sacrificed his eye and for it gained great wisdom, he fasted and hung for several days to learn the runes. He can also see the future.
I can not find evidence that Odin losing his eye is connected to seeing the future but if it is? He also wears an eye patch over his missing eye. What if it’s hiding a crystal eye like Rashid? I also would wonder if they both have the same missing eye?
How simular is Rashid the Gatekeeper and Odin All father?
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GRYFFINDOR: “They say you can know a man by his enemies, Dresden. You defy beings that should cow you into silence. You resist forces that are inevitable for no more reason than that you believe they should be resisted. You bow your head to neither demons nor angels, and you put yourself in harm’s way to defend those who cannot defend themselves. I think I like you.” -Jim Butcher (Donar Vadderung: Changes)
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siliquasquama · 3 years
Since when do Einherjar have to sit in the waiting room?
Reading Battle Ground and then reading Norse Mythology leads me to wonder about the stipulation Jim Butcher laid upon the Einherjar. He asserts that a warrior will only awaken in Valhalla once they have completely faded from living memory.
I do not find this concept attested in any text of Norse Mythology, nor is it compatible with the desires of Odin. The Allfather needs as many of the best warriors as possible for Ragnarok. He’s not going to waste a hundred-odd years letting a warrior sleep, he needs them fighting and training as soon as possible because Ragnarok is coming.
Nor, in the context of Battle Ground, does the stipulation make any sense for what Donar Vadderung needs. He just lost the majority of his Einherjar forces in the battle for Chicago. He needs a new army up and running. He has plenty to choose form among the mortal defenders of Chicago. Why bother letting them wait around in their coffins?
So when it comes to Murphy possibly being out of the story for the remainder of the series, it’s not just infuriating, it doesn’t make any narrative sense. Here is an opportunity for Murph to come back more badass than ever, complicate the proposed wedding between Harry and Lara, make it clear that she won’t give up the fight so easily...and Mr. Butcher handwaves that all away. Why? To make her death more tragic?
I do hope that Gard was lying through her teeth to Harry, otherwise I would say that her statement turns Murphy’s death from a well-foreshadowed tragedy into a goddamn Fridging.
It’s not like Murphy’s completely dead in there, she’s just not allowed to come out. Why? Because the author said so.
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systlin · 4 years
Have you ever asked the old man how he feels about how he’s portrayed in popular culture? Does he have opinions on Hopkins’ Odin, or Donar Vadderung, or Mr. Wednesday?
I’ve written on this before, lemme go find the post and reblog it again
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secretlifeoflego · 6 years
What Favour Would Donar Vadderung Call in on Harry? (WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!!)
In "Cold Days" Harry bargains with Donar Vadderung (Odin) for information. Harry can provide a lot in regards to favours; mostly magic related, but he also runs The Island of Doom. Which means he has access to unlimited knowledge from the prisoners in the Well.
What could Donar Vadderung want? What would he need from Harry in the future?
Chuck around your opinions :)
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founderofthefeast · 10 years
"They say you can know a man by his enemies, Dresden." He smiled, and laughter lurked beneath his next words, never quite surfacing. "You defy beings that should cow you into silence. You resist forces that are inevitable for no more reason than that you believe they should be resisted. You bow your head to neither demons nor angels, and you put yourself in harm's way to defend those who cannot defend themselves." He nodded slowly. "I think I like you."
Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files "Changes"
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blackrigante · 7 years
I Bring the Fire
I signed up for a daily email from a place called book bub. One day a while back it offered a trilogy of books from the series called I Bring the Fire for only $0.99 and I figured why not try it. It's a series that is about Loki the Trickster and one review on the back compared it to American God's and The Dresden Files. Well you all know my love of Harry Dresden and I liked American God's so for that price why not. The only problem is right now there is a description of Odin and as they describe Odin I only can think in my mind they are describing Donar Vadderung. Yes my mind went to Vadderung first not Odin, I know they are the same person but yet I first think of the CEO of a company that does not exist in this book and not the man who is in both books. This series is good. Worth what I paid for but there is a few more books in the series and I don't know if I would pick up the other books to read, we shall see when I get there.
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thewerebunny · 11 years
"You defy beings that should cow you into silence. You resist forces that are inevitable for no more reason than that you believe they should be resisted. You bow your head to neither demons nor angels, and you put yourself in harm's way to defend those who cannot defend themselves. I think I like you."
--Donar Vadderung to Harry Dresden, Changes, Book 12 of The Dresden Files
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megdchristopher · 12 years
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Monoc Securities - We'll Keep an Eye on You
I'm not intentionally going monochromatic, just thought the black and grey suited the private security firm giant. Probably going to do an individual flyer for the Paranet next. Wonder how Elaine advertised...
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