#don't steal my ideas
chimerinshine · 2 months
Cornelius Ogle (Hazbin Hotel OC) (GachaVers.)
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otiksimr · 9 months
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someoneimsure · 2 years
Can you imagine if Jason actually was in a book club during high school and met a person there who very much remembered him like super fondly? Like he comes back to life thinking no one remembers and then this friend from school randomly recognizes him on the street and greets him like an old friend and tells him exactly where they last met and the books they would talk about and says “Hey, I heard you were kidnapped and everyone thought you were dead. I’m glad you’re doing better” and during their small talk this person suddenly laughs and says “You haven’t changed a bit!” and now suddenly Jason is stalking this person for weeks trying to figure out how to salvage the only friendship he apparently ever had in his entire life and somehow completely forgot about.
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quick-catton · 3 months
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girlboy ollie for the timeline ! (◠‿◠✿)🎀🩷🍭
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gongustheawsome01 · 3 months
Been meaning to say this for a bit.. And now that I finally can I just want to say...
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Ever sense I was but a little Gongus my Mama and Papa and Brother and Dog and Parrot and Cat and Goldfish and Garbage Man all mocked me and told me. "GONGUS YOU WILL NEVER BE ANY GOOD AT DRAWING BIG BURLY ITALIAN WARIO LAND INSPIRED MEN WHO RUN FAST!" But I never gave up... And LOOK AT WHERE I AM TODAY!!
Heck even my old Pa even came around and got me some Chinese takeout ( my favorite! ) to celebrate!
@jellazticious @zedortoo @whereismyhat5678 @the-little-knight @oddpizza @skeweredmaggot
@funnylittlegoober @therealmachiavelli123 @gabrielora @sosokittyplays @somegamer @number1princessdianafan
And despite what I may have said in the beginning.. Yes.. Even my family I have to thank.. INCLUDING @funnylittlegoober YET AGAIN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN YEAH THAT'S RIGHT THAT'S THE GUY WHO TORMENTED ME WITH THE MR STICKS JERMA IMAGE GET HIM!!!!!!
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p0cket-watch · 1 month
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well @eli719
thank you for being the first (and only) person to respond!
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You asked for my favorite tropes, and honestly, these are just a few. I didn't feel like drawing tentacles or the nasty things they do. But what I want to say is my favorite tropes are just the most fantasticals. The villain hypnotizing the hero to surrender to her will, or the TV/Computer that picked up the wrong signal, and of course the classic pendulum.
Thanks for the req!
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goldenpinof · 6 months
The sexy lace shirt photo and the slutty nun outfits were fun and made me extremely unsettling for a couple of days… But these catboy pics with Phil’s “disturbed” face at the end of the slide just KILLED me… they made me feel like I just accidentally came across the parents secret drawer vibe…it’s like… great to know that they are having fun in the bedroom and not gonna divorce and abandon me anytime soon, but like…. how can I erase this from my memory forever? I legit feel like I just witnessed their foreplay.
traumatised phandom. looks like dnp finally reached the goal. i hope it doesn't make them stop doing unorthodox stuff™
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sentientsky · 5 months
"I forgive you." It came out like a blood clot—like an artery dripping gore—like an oil spill. Crowley felt his shoulders rise, fall, fall, fall. The air between them hummed, the tension of six thousand years turning every atom electrified and silently screaming. Breath shuddered out of him, human and terrible and hollowing. He had never been more grateful for the swallowing darkness of his glasses, for the way they hid the centuries of pre-emptive grief and wicked terror. The air was suffocating, the once familiar bookshop turned catacomb.
And then, hating himself for it but seeing no other way forward, he spoke the words aloud. "Don't bother". And then he was out in the middle of Soho and the breeze was harsh against his too-warm skin. Stepping out into the sun felt like rising to the surface of some great ocean—the gasping, desperate feeling in his lungs, the sudden crash of noise. A woman across the street called for her wife. A car horn. A dog barking. Laughter, cruel and far-off. He pulled breath into lungs that didn't need it, winced as he felt slivers of cold drive into the soft flesh of his throat.
So that was it; five and a half million years of want and need and burning, aching somedays, cyphered pleas for "our side". All gone in the space between shaking half-breaths and a kiss still seared against his lips.
Fuck it.
He'd ruined it the first time, had forced them both to look directly into the sun, to face the thing they'd been dancing around for the better part of six millennia. He could do better—would do better. At a music café some years ago, a human had been playing the piano—something soft and slow. A jazz number, if the demon remembered correctly. But the remarkable thing wasn’t the song itself, but that they were playing it with their eyes closed. Aziraphale had pointed this fact out to Crowley, excitement lilting in his voice (even then, the sound had thrilled him, sent a stab of warmth through his heart). It was only after the final note reverberated through the room that the artist opened their eyes, blinking in the sudden rush of stage lights. Aziraphale, ever the music connoisseur, approached the musician. The pianist had explained that, for them, reading music never came easy. Rather, they learned by touch, by the way the keys felt on their fingertips. In fact, the only way they could play a song was with their eyes closed. If they watched their hands as they played or thought too hard about their next move, they got confused and tripped over the notes. Muscle memory, they’d said.  It was muscle memory—the galactic familiarity of finding the space between seconds and prying—that guided Crowley now. He hadn’t done it since Not-Armageddon, but it came easily to him just the same. Time, you see, operates kind of like sound, like music; it loops and sways and carries forward in waves. If you know where to look (as the demon did), you can disrupt the flow, send it back towards the shore. 
And this was what Crowley did now. Drawing his hands through the ripples of minutes and seconds and hours and millennia, time stilled around him. It was natural. Easy, like breathing or sleeping. Or loving Aziraphale.  Slowly, the world turned backwards; humans retreating from whence they came, cars driving in reverse, the wind blowing in the opposite direction. If Heaven had taken notice of their "half-a-miracle", Crowley expected them to be able to see this from every edge of the universe. He likely only had one shot at this.
The world aligned itself once more, and time returned to its regular, steady gait—a rubber band snapping back into place. Something hummed in Crowley’s chest. Something bright and burning and the shape of a neutron star.  Hands shaking, he reached for the handle of the bookshop and pushed. The bell above the door rang, clear and and too-loud in the morning air. Aziraphale whirled around, a trembling half-smile on his face. Oh. Oh, somebody, this was going to be harder than he thought. It felt like all the oxygen, all the courage, had been punched clear out of him "Crowley!" A beat, a shuddering breath. "Angel". He pressed his still-trembling hands into his pockets and strode forward. "Oh, Crowley, dear, I've been looking for you. I have excellent news." His stomach did a little flip, something deep within him growing hollow and fearful. "We have to talk," he managed to choke out around the heart still lodged in his throat. "Yes, I quite think we do. I have something to tell you." Aziraphale strode forward, all grins and beauty like a flickering star, all plasma and heat. He could practically feel the agitated warmth roll off of his angel. Crowley shivered. "I just met with the Meta—” "No. Wait," the demon held up a hand, pausing the rushing torrent of Aziraphale’s words. "Just let me say my thing, please." "My dear boy, just—oh, what is that lovely human expression—"
"Hold that thought," Crowley muttered. His eyes burned behind his glasses. Aziraphale looked pleasantly taken aback.
"Yes, how did you know? I—" "No." The angel's eyebrows crinkled in confusion. "No?" "No," he repeated, enunciating each letter with perfect clarity. He was going to do it right this time. He was going to keep him from leaving. He could be good. Right? "I’m gonna speak, and I want you to listen to me without interrupting, m'kay?" Words were building in the basin of his sternum now, pushing up on his airways. He was going to have to say it outright this time; no more waltzing around this frenzied galaxy of emotion. Willing his hands to steadiness, he pulled his glasses from his face, and tucked them into the collar of his shirt. Aziraphale's breath seemed to catch for a moment, meeting the ferocity of the demon's gaze head-on. A deer in headlights. And then, "Crowley, I really—" (Eons hurtled through his mind in a split second, the serrated knife's-edge of want like a being all its own. Aziraphale in the garden. Aziraphale in the tavern, on the cliffside, on the West End stage, in the Bentley, in the bookshop, in the very marrow of Crowley’s bones.) "I love you," he rasped, ichor writhing in his veins.
There, he'd said it., said it fully and completely, without so much as flinching. It was the same love he'd expressed for the past several thousand years in a million little, unspoken ways: an ox rib, a revolution, a church, a burning bookshop and the bottom of a glass and a lost best friend. A yellow Bentley, a lifetime of tethering his life to Aziraphale's, of trailing after him like a moth to flame—like a dog to its owner. "I love you," he pushed on. They were both looking directly into the sun again, Crowley urging them to stare straight into the heat of it all. The words were spilling out of him now, a heaving, thrashing current falling to the bookshop's hardwood floors. "I love you and you can't go to Heaven." Aziraphale froze, pupils blown wide and unblinking, for just a moment. Tension stretched out like a thread between them. And then he pulled in breath like a drowning man (who wasn't really a man at all), and tears were gathering in the corner of his eyes, and oh god, he'd made his angel cry. Fear and guilt and horror slammed into him at a million kilometers an hour and left him halfway between dizzy and nauseous. His fingers tensed at his side, desperate to do something, fix what he'd so obviously broken. Heaven would be on the front step any moment. It was too late, wasn't it? It was always too late. "Crowley—what?" Aziraphale breathed, mouth twisting into a brutal, terrible, heart-wrenching sob. Crowley ached, panic lancing through him like a knife. "I—I really, I can't. You could come with me." He stepped forward, moving to place his hands on the demon's shoulders. Crowley leaned into the touch, almost unconsciously. "Don't go," he croaked, tears beginning to prick his own eyes once again. This time he didn't reach for his glasses, didn't try to hide his fear. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. And then Aziraphale could hate him and his desperate, hungry, reverent love in the aftermath. "Don't go where I can't follow. Please".
His angels blue-grey eyes searched his own, and the weight of his gaze was impossibly heavy, pressing down on his chest like a river-smoothed rock. "Crowley, please. I don't understand. The Metatron said—" His palms found the sides of Crowley's throat, thumbs resting gently on the side of his jaw. Crowley sucked in a breath. "Angel," The scent of earl grey—of old books and soft tartan chairs. Aziraphale's hands were shaking. "I know what the Metatron said," he intoned, soft as rainfall. "You can't go. It's not—they won't change. You're better than that." "But you could be an angel. With me," he murmured, soft thumbs running across sharp cheekbones. "Be my second-in-command." "Don't want to be. Want t' be an us," he felt tears—traitorous, burning tears tip over the edge of his lashes and fall against his face. "Crowley, darling, please." A beat. "I love you." The bottom of the world dropped out from under him in that moment. Aziraphale loved him. He loved him and he'd said it aloud and now it was out there in the world and it was as though every nerve on his body was on fire. His angel pushed on, "Truly, I love you. I need you with me. Please, come with me. We can do good, I know it." He could never say no when his angel asked something of him. Especially not when his kind, gentle hands were holding him like something good, something precious. Especially not when Aziraphale had just admitted to needing him, had injected the word with so much warmth he thought his all-too-human heart might beat clear out of his chest. But there was a first (technically, second) time for everything. He drew in a heavy breath, and tilted his head, breaking his angel's hold on him. Aziraphale's hands—now empty, still shook. He made a soft whimpering sound, and Crowley ached to kiss his fingertips, banish the fear. But instead, he looked up towards the ceiling, to a God who was not there—who maybe had never been there at all. He felt the Heavenly Host drawing near, a sense of hollow emptiness, the scent of absence. This was the time of last-ditch efforts, of holding his heart out and hoping Aziraphale might take it as it was, bruised spots and all. "I can't. I won't. I need to be here, on Earth, with you." "Crowley, please. I don't think you understand what I'm offering you," he huffed. A residual shard of anger stabbed at him then, and he turned his gaze sharply back to the angel before him. "Oh, I understand perfectly well, angel. I'm fairly certain I understand better than you do." Aziraphale's mouth drew into a thin line, tears welling fresh in his eyes again. And still, Crowley ached. A beat. Something in the angel shifted, then, turned on its edge—the walls beginning to go up again, and it was just like it had been not fifteen minutes ago. He was watching the same moment play out over and over again; some cyclical, torrential nightmare. "I would like you to come with me, but," Aziraphale paused, voice breaking in the middle. "But I'm leaving, with or without you." And there it was, like it was predestined. Despite the love, despite the want, despite every shared bottle passed between them, every half-accidental touch and glance and whispered word—despite the way he would’ve let Aziraphale run a sword through his chest... It wasn't enough. It was never enough. They were re-enacting their old magic trick, right there in the bookshop, this time with Crowley staring down the barrel, letting Aziraphale pull the trigger. Aim for my mouth, but shoot past my ear. Aziraphale wasn't shooting past his ear. His bloody ribcage felt as though it might splinter apart. Wingbeats in the distance, a grief wide enough to drown the sea. Crowley reached down, pulled his sunglasses from their resting spot against his clavicle. And then the hunger in his eyes was once more hidden, and he was walking towards the door like a man headed to execution. "Crowley—" Aziraphale nearly keened, the wall crumbling for a split second. Without turning, Crowley said the only words he could think of. "I forgive you."
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morelikesin · 7 months
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🩷 Reference picture below cut 🩷
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doodle-do-wop · 8 months
In Nightfall when everyone was all paired up for Atlantis trips to try and find Vespera's symbol I just know Biana was spoiling her friends
Not only can she buy them a million little gifts and knickknacks while taking them to her favorite shops
Yeah, thats right. Biana Vacker is draining her big bother's birth fund and he deserves it. She'd do it too. Who's gonna stop her? Fitz? Nope, he's turning a blind eye to that. Not his brother, not his problem.
Biana didn't let anyone pay for anything while in Atlantis. She kept saying "it's on me" while fully just paying with Alvar's money.
After kidnapping and torturing her best friends, trying to kill the gnomes, and much much more. Alvar can break the bank a little (a lot) for the multiple clothes shopping trips, the cafe visits, the trinket finding, the random gadget parts, more clothes shopping (the boots were totally Dex's style and you can't blame her if that tunic matched Tam's silver bangs), the rapidly increasing amount of furniture (Dex said the triplets broke his desk leg, it's not like she couldn't not buy it), and so much more.
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bonafideyapper · 18 days
Projects I am currently working on:
Requested: Norman MacLean x f!reader (could possibly be a series)- Your parents are both from Vault 31, and they think that you and Norm would be the perfect breeding couple. Norm wants nothing to do with you, and thinks you're too bright and conforming. You want nothing to do with him, you think he's too pessimistic and that he lacks enthusiasm in anything. (Events of the show do not take place.)
Requested: Thaddeus (Fallout) x f!reader (short series) - Knight Titus has this nephew and Thaddeus wants to be friends. Reader was rescued by her uncle Titus when her parents died, Titus thinks it's a good idea to disguise her as a dude to keep her safe in the Brotherhood. (Reader is female pretending to be male, not explicitly NB/GN)
Things I need to get around to working on:
Part 4 of Trader's Daughter (The Ghoul x OC) - In one of the last times Daisy sees Cooper, he kills a man for her. Short vignette into Daisy's lifelong infatuation with Coop.
Part 2 of Day Off (Maximus x f!reader) - The reader finds a man to travel with her across the country as long as she provides a service for him, and then she runs into Max traveling with a girl. Reader is jealous, Maximus is jealous, Lucy is jealous, reader's gentleman companion is dead.
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bittersweet-folder · 3 months
It's 3am and i want an academic daddy who would buy me books to make me happy. To be more specific, I want a guy named Jeon Wonwoo.
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amethystina · 2 months
Hey! That ask you answered about protective Yo Han reminded me of this gem from the script book. I don't know if you're interested in anything script-related, but in case you are, here it is. A slightly different way the scene in E3 was supposed to go, when Yo Han came to the factory and attacked the man who put a bomb in the painting. (Also, 'forced' means 'Yo Han', all translators use this word instead of his name for some reason).
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Personally, I loved the "do you know who you hurt?", the madness "increasingly" filling Yo Han's eyes, and him glaring at K when he asked if this was about Ga On. I'm amazed that he got so protective of him so quickly, it's just E3. To think of what he'd do post-canon... thank God (and you, of course!) for your amazing story. I can't tell you how much I'm waiting for everything you're going to bring down on us.
Hope you're doing better!
I haven't gone out of my way to look for the script, no, but I do read the little snippets I might run into on Tumblr and such. So I'm not NOT interested? But also too lazy to go look for it xD
And, tbh, I don't want to accidentally mistake something that was written in the script — but then taken out — as something that actually happened in canon. I have a really good memory but I don't always remember WHERE I read/saw/heard a specific fact so there's a chance I might mistake it as a part of canon even if it's not x'D
But, all that said, I am FASCINATED by this new information, not going to lie. I think that the increasing madness was still captured pretty well in the final version, but the "Do you know who you hurt?" Oh yes, I'm into that. Because while it COULD still just mean that Yo Han is referring to himself, I like that it leaves room for speculation. Very nice.
Though, at the same time, I feel like I have to be a responsible person and point out that, most likely, the reason why Yo Han reacts so violently as early as episode 3 is probably because of Isaac, not Ga On. Like, at that point, I think Yo Han is still struggling a bit with separating the two. Not that he ever mistakes them for each other, obviously, but it's probably a little disorienting until he gets to know Ga On better and can see all the differences more clearly. So it wouldn't surprise me if some of that protectiveness is because Ga On looks like Isaac, at least this early. It brings back very bad memories, and all.
But post-canon? That protectiveness would be for Ga On only. And, as always, Yo Han would hold nothing back.
And we will be exploring that a bit in Who Holds the Devil, yes. Not quite on the level of "I'm going to bring the entire country to its knees," but hopefully still enough to satisfy everyone's need for protective Yo Han ;)
Thank you so much for sending me this! I hope you have a wonderful evening 💜
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bleaksqueak · 8 months
I haven't been online most all day, and now I log in to see AI generated junk on the promotion radar. Ew.
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louisplumpyass · 8 months
if i had an interaction like this with him i would take him to the sideeeeeeee and kiss him stupid
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thundergrace · 2 years
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"You're the best mom I ever met, Ms. Talia."
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