#don't charge me guilty your honor)
aeftrglow · 2 years
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vikeshcreationz · 2 years
Hypnotist Sappho is back on Twitter. Handing out free blocks for this occasion!
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
no cause the way you have filled my brain with sho brainrot,,,
baby acting like a mf guard dog for his favourite senpai, constantly wanting their attention 😭
I am so glad I waited to answer this for a teeny bit because I thought I was exaggerating at first because like. It was one voiceline right? WRONG. When you level him up he says "thank you senpai" and when I got his SR and slapped him onto my homescreen he does in fact try to get your attention and ask for help from his senpai. He's supposed to be this brash delinquent but he's shockingly respectful of one very specific senior even if he's just a bit sarcastic about it ugh.
Sho feels like he needs an excuse. He can't just ask to hang out with you because then it looks like you're friends, but if he's asking for a favor then you won't have a reason to say no. The Professors all want you to help out the ghouls so he can say just about anything and you'll jump at it, right? Yeah no that's not the real reason. He wants to have you to himself and if he words it like he needs help he can make excuses as to why you two need to be left alone.
Absolutely uses the fact that he can cook to his advantage. I think one of the main reasons Sho started liking the MC so much was because you supported his cooking. He seemed like he expected to be judged for it so when MC was just hungry and said his food was good? The only person he really seems to have cooked for up to this point is Leo (and Bonnie but she's special) so he wants that praise. And to hear you say he could charge money for it? Oh he was riding that high for ages. I feel like he already wanted to open some sort of cafe but really appreciated the support.
And it gives him the excuse to get you to stay around him longer when he asks for your help. Well he's going to cook anyway and you're hungry, so just stick around. He'll make something and pretend to complain about it but he likes feeding you. Well assuming you don't douse his food in hot sauce, though that won't stop him from making you stuff.
I really like the idea of him competing with the Frostheim ghouls idk why. I think MC should get to be good friends with Kaito and Luca and Sho should get to be a brat about it. Vagastrom and Frostheim already don't get along and he never got his fight with Lucas so yeah. He's super intense about how he's way better at protecting MC than they are, especially with Lucas. Part of it is because he feels guilty for going along with Leo's plan and almost getting you killed, he feels like he needs to prove that he's strong enough to not let that happen again.
Speaking of Leo... I sort of get the sense that Sho hides how much he hangs out with the MC from him. In book 3 Leo makes a bet that would see him getting Sho's food truck if he wins it so I sort of feel like if Leo knew Sho liked the MC he'd be insufferable about it. Honor Roll is stealing his best friend (¬、¬) how lame ugh. And he would try to sabotage it because he would find it funny, or even worse try to make Sho's friendship with you the cost of a bet. I could see Sho having nightmares about that.
Book 3. When Towa and MC go missing. I just know in my heart Sho was loosing his goddamn mind. Again I think he feels sort of guilty for almost getting you killed, and now that you aren't with his dorm you just go missing? Unacceptable where are you? How did Jabberwock fuck this up so badly holy shit. I wanna see him admit that he was worried about MC. I wanna know if he got into any arguments with the Frostheim ghouls while the professors forced them to stay behind.
... i kind of want him to argue with Jin. Like specifically Jin. For no reason other than it would be funny to me personally and like... Jin is the one who interrupted his fight with Luca so I just think it would be funny if they had beef.
I need to level his affinity more. I need to see more chats game please ;-; I love him shomuch.
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mummyworldsworld · 1 month
Hello there !!! Some info
Age:40 plus
you can call me cat (or goddess honestly) (mommy is reserved for my babies<3)
I'm a bi femme dom! i lean soft/mommy dom (especially on this blog) but I do have that strict side of me for those who need to see it. You will find I am very klnk friendly. commit your MIND BODY & SOUL to me!SERVE me! OBEY me!
If being sexy was a crime, I'd be guilty as charged lol
This space is to explore all that excites me, piques my interest, causes me to question, makes me laugh, ignites a sense of adventure, and expands my mind.
As a renaissance woman, I am interested in...maybe too many things. love Art ‚History, lingerie, sensuality, Psychology, Sci-Fi, podcasts, interior design, horror movies, crime shows, football, Pilates, architecture.
Heiii. I know we are strangers, but I hope we can change that. I'm not somebody you find twice.
I feel like I should say one or two on how I operate my kinky side this blog is to explore what excites me and take on some adventure.
initial Tribute isn't a payment
It's not buying a service
and It surely isn't an entrance fee
Initial tribute is proof that you won't be wasting anyone's time, The best way to earn a domme's attention is through initial tribute
It will always make a good first impression & automatically filter u from the rest who are wasting her time already.
You don't want to? Good on you but if she requires it, then u have no right to keep engaging.
This is a monarchy. The initial tribute is your pledge of allegiance to my reign.
i know every tribute i get is out of pure love and devotion. never for your own sexual gratification and i adore that.
Thats because this is about learning to love and trust and believe in yourself by serving me, in perfect love and trust. It is about lifting me up and exalting me and making me feel honored and appreciated and supported, as i have done for you. It is not about extracting what you ache for in your most base insticts from a dynamic that you consider sacred. I am here to nourish Your soul, to be Your peace, you are here to obey and to serve in alignment with my immaculate will.
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bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Objection! (Eddie x reader smut) 18+ only!
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Author's note and content warnings:
2.6k words of silly smut. minors DNI!
I thought that a meet cute between a court stenographer and defendant would be fun. Please keep in mind that I know nothing about the judicial system and my only point of references are Better Call Saul and Legally Blonde. (I also found out that the dancing inflatable tubeman wasn't invented until the mid-late 90s. Please forgive me for my ignorance.)
Fem!reader along with use of she/her pronouns. No use of Y/N, just honey, ma'am and sweetheart. Mechanic!Eddie (it isn't touched on much in the story but that is his job in this world) slightly sub!Eddie, vigilante!Eddie, Eddie has a little bit of a stocking fetish, Eddie is a thigh man in this fic, mentions of drugs, oral sex (f receiving) unprotected piv sex (don't do that IRL) strangers to lovers.
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider ❄️ not tagging anyone since this isn't my usual fluff 💗
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It's a gray, snowy morning as you step off the city bus and walk to Hawkins courthouse. You check your watch as you enter the building. The first case of the day is at 8am and you've got 45 minutes to get your coffee and set up your station.
Most days are pretty much the same with your work. Scribing every word spoken during a case, then later editing and finalizing the transcript. Every once in a while you speak when you need someone to repeat themselves or when you are called upon to read a portion of the transcripts. Other than those instances, your job is to turn off your brain and type as fast and accurately as you possibly can. It can be a monotonous, boring job but it works for you.
You hang up your coat, grab a paper cup of coffee and sit at your station as you wait for the first case of the day.
The prosecutor enters, you see it's Leonard Mitchell. He's one of the older DAs and he has a reputation for being stubborn and irritable.
Next to enter the room is the defendant accompanied by his attorney. The defendant is wearing a slightly wrinkled white button-up shirt, black jeans, and boots, and his long brown curls are tied back into a bun. He whispers something to his lawyer as they take a seat.
The defense attorney looks vaguely familiar to you, but you can't place his name. He's in his mid-forties and has the cadence of an overworked and under-resourced public defender.
The bailiff enters the room and announces,
All of you rise as the judge enters the room.
"Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Steward is presiding."
Judge Steward is one of your favorites. She's mastered the art of being patient yet firm and she's always been kind to you. You're scheduled to work beside her all day today.
"Good morning, everyone. Calling the case of the State of Indiana versus Edward Munson. The charge is petty theft. Mr. Munson, how do you plead?"
Eddie pleads not guilty and the proceedings begin.
The prosecutor starts his argument.
"On the evening of November 12th, an air dancer was stolen from Wheels and Deals car dealership. That air dancer was then seen at one of the defendants' rock shows."
Judge Steward interjects, "What is an "air dancer" exactly?"
"Your honor, an air dancer is an inflatable figure that, when attached to a fan, dances and flails around. They are mostly used for advertising, which was what Wheels and Deals Auto purchased this item for until it was stolen by Mr. Munson. The loss of potential profits from losing this item is substantial."
Eddie scoffs and his defense attorney rebuts with,
"They aren't exactly Superbowl commercials. They could bring in what, an extra sale or two?"
"Yes- of a car. Of which the average sale price for this establishment is for one single vehicle is $14,000."
Eddie's eyes go wide, he can't seriously be expected to pay 14 grand for a balloon, right?
The judge asks, "Mr. Mitchell, how much did Wheels & Deals purchase the air dancer for?"
The arguments continue for a while, once they are finalized, Judge Steward makes her ruling.
"On the charge of petty theft, I find Mr. Munson guilty. He is ordered to pay $20 in restitution and work 12 hours of community service. The court is now adjourned."
As everyone leaves the room, you're approached by Regina, Judge Steward's clerk.
"You're the court reporter today, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"You can go. Judge Steward had something come up so the rest of the cases today are being postponed."
You grab your coat and walk outside. The ground is covered in slushy snow and as you walk down the courthouse steps, you lose your footing and start to slip. Just as you do, a hand reaches out to hold your elbow and steady you.
You look up and see the balloon thief smiling down at you from a step above. Now he's added a hoodie, leather jacket, and a denim vest over his button-up.
"Careful there, sweetheart. You could've fallen and landed on your money makers." He nods to your hands as he says "money makers" which makes you laugh.
"That would have been awful. Thanks, Mr. Munson."
"No problem. Let's make sure you make it the rest of the way in one piece, 'kay?"
He holds onto you the rest of the way down the stairs. Once you're on the sidewalk, he lets go, you miss his touch instantly.
"Thanks again, Mr. Munson. Take care."
"You too, sweetheart."
He gives you a nod before walking to the parking garage. You wait at the bus stop and check the schedule. The next bus isn't due for another 15 minutes. You would normally head back inside to wait but you don't want to risk embarrassing yourself again with the stairs.
You're shivering and breathing into your hands as a beat-up van approaches. Eddie reaches over and rolls down his passenger window to talk to you.
"You're gonna freeze out here, y'know?"
"Oh, I'm fine Mr. Munson. Really, don't worry about it."
"C'mon, let me drive you home."
You take a moment before getting in the van. It smells like cigarettes and some type of woodsy air freshener or cologne.
You buckle your seatbelt and thank him.
"Of course. Can't leave a fair maiden such as yourself to freeze. Where to?"
You smile at him and give him your address.
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you as he drives.
You look over at him and say, "Can I ask you something?" He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
"Why did I steal the air dancer?"
"Why did you steal the air dancer?"
"I didn't, he just came to my show. Can't help it that he has great music taste. Nice guy, actually. Named him Ozzy.
You laugh and he then says,
"That dealership is the worst, scamming people into buying shitty used cars for well over what they're worth. I work at Thacher Tire and we have so many people come in after being scammed by that place. I just had enough."
God, he stole something so stupid for such a sweet reason.
"That makes sense. A little payback for the people."
He looks at you and smiles, a beautiful dimpled smile "Exactly."
"How do you feel about the verdict?"
"Well, I'm still disappointed that my original trial by combat request was denied."
Your laughter fills the van, delighting Eddie as he continues,
"I'm glad I only have to pay $20, wish it was $0 but it's much more ideal than 14k."
"Very true."
"And the community service is fine. I mean, I was doing service for the community by stealing the damn thing in the first place but whatever." You nod in agreement as he continues,
"I'll be honest, one of the reasons I stole Ozzy is that I thought he'd be fun for shows. And for business."
"At the tire shop?"
"No, I deal on the side."
"Deal… cars?"
He laughs, "No, uh, other stuff."
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline and scold him,
"Eddie! Don't tell someone you met at the courthouse that you're a drug dealer!"
"Aw, I'm not Mr. Munson anymore? I liked when you called me that." You roll your eyes as he pulls up to your home. You're disappointed the drive was so short.
"I'm mostly just sad that I had to give Ozzy back to those dickheads. He belongs on stage with the real Ozzy, y'know?"
Your heart hurts at his personification of the inflatable man. You place your hand on his arm and say,
"Maybe they sent him to a farm where he can dance to Black Sabbath all day with others just like him."
He looks at your hand and bites his lip as he smiles.
"That's the dream. What, uh, what do you have going on the rest of the day?"
"Well, they sent me home early so I have no plans. I'm all free."
"Yeah? I'm kind of a free man too, in a way. Avoided some serious prison time today."
"Yeah? What are you gonna do with your newly found freedom, Mr. Munson?"
He looks at you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. It's soft at first, your lips are barely touching as warm breath fans over you. He holds the back of your head with one hand and rubs your thigh with the other as he deepens the kiss. You give a tentative swipe at his lips with your tongue. He opens his mouth and repeats the action to you. You have your hands pressed against his chest as you lick into each other's mouths.
You pull back and invite him to come inside, he smiles a big toothy grin before jumping out of the van and sprinting (and sliding) to the passenger side to open your door. You giggle at him, he holds your waist as you walk up to your front door. You hesitate before opening it, realizing you should make sure he isn't some notorious drug kingpin.
"What do you deal?"
"Just weed. Sometimes other stuff but it's usually just weed."
"Other stuff? Like what?" Once the door is unlocked take off your shoes and he follows suit.
"Well, it's rare that anyone wants it, but every once in a while I sell ketamine."
"The horse tranquilizer?"
"What's a girl like you know about special k?" He asks.
You chuckle, "A girl like me spent 60 hours last week transcribing in drug court. Probably recording some of your clients, now that I think about it."
You lead him to your bedroom. Once you're inside, he slips off your coat and cardigan, then begins unbuttoning your shirt.
"Well with customer confidentiality I couldn't possibly say." He removes your shirt once it's unbuttoned and leans down to plant kisses along your breasts. You moan and tug at the many layers covering his torso, he takes the hint and removes them.
"Of course. You're a professional, after all." You kiss his neck and trace the tattoos that decorate his chest with your fingers.
"But, the next time one of my customers gets picked up, I may have to show up to their arraignment if it means I get to see you again."
You laugh and lay back on your bed before replying, "You think that would be good for their case? Their dealer showing up with a stolen air dancer?"
He climbs on top of you, a couple of loose curls hang by your face as he leans in.
"Who knows? I may just woo you into accidentally writing the transcript as not guilty."
You roll your eyes and kiss him.
He runs his hand up your stocking-covered leg. Once he reaches the top of your thigh where the fabric ends, he lets out a groan.
"Fuck, these don't go all the way up? You're killing me here. Let's get this skirt out of the way so I can get a better look."
He unzips your skirt and rolls it down your legs. Once it reaches your ankles, he stops and rests his head against your calf.
"Honey, you are something else." He kisses his way along your leg. He looks into your eyes as he lightly bites the fabric of your stockings and pulls. Your thighs go to close on instinct but he pulls them apart.
"Y-you tear those and you're buying me another pair."
"That's fine. Got a deal set up later today with Arod for some Ket."
"Arod? Legolas' horse in Lord of the Rings? He- y'know nevermind. It's not important right now. I'll tell you after."
You laugh at him and he returns his focus to kissing up your thigh. He lays smooches and licks in the area where your mound and thigh meet.
Your hips buck, he holds them down and says, "Woah, down girl."
"You're ridicu-"
He cuts you off by pressing his mouth to your clothed pussy.
You gasp and hold onto his hair.
He pulls back to slide off your panties and says, "Keep talking, sweetheart. Tell me how ridiculous I am while I lick you out." your face heats up as he uses his pointer and middle finger to spread your lips, inspecting you.
"Fuck. Isn't she pretty?"
He spits directly on your clit which makes you squirm. He licks a flat stripe up your folds before eagerly lapping at your clit. It sends little shocks through your whole body. His big hands keep your thighs spread as he devours you.
The slick, wet sounds combined with both of your moans is, quite frankly, obscene.
He moves down to your entrance and gives it a few licks before shoving his tongue in as far as it will go. You gasp and shudder as he presses in and out, fucking you with his tongue. He switches from keeping your thighs spread to squeezing them against his head. You're a bit worried about hurting him, but he's having the time of his life.
The vibration from the little pleasured noises he is making, the feeling of his tongue inside you, and his nose nudging against your clit has you nearly sobbing.
You feel his eyes bore into you and when you finally give in and look down at him, he's a mess. Red cheeks, ruffled hair, and a twinkle in his eyes as he watches you come undone.
He shakes his head back and forth desperately for a moment before moving up to focus on your clit. Having his pretty pink lips eagerly suck at your oversensitive clit is almost painful. As you feel the pressure in your belly build, you tug on his hair and whisper that you're close. He continues sucking, working for your orgasm like it's a prize to be won.
When your release hits, you're seeing stars. He doesn't stop sucking and lapping until you push him away, twitching and teary-eyed. He moves up your body and kisses you. He's more gentle with your mouth than he was with your cunt and the taste of him mixed with your own slick is mouthwatering.
You reach down and fumble with his belt. You tug down his pants and boxers just enough for his cock to spring out. It's a bit longer than average and thick with a reddened, leaky tip. You stroke it softly as he kisses your neck.
"Gotta be inside of you, honey. Please?" He practically whimpers.
"Mhmm, put in me."
You feel him smile against you before saying,
"Yes ma'am. Here, let me help." Reaching down, he covers your hand that's holding his cock with his own and guides your hands up and down your folds before prodding at your entrance.
He enters you slowly, inch by inch, until he's buried all the way in.
"Jesus Christ, I'm not gonna last long. She's squeezin' me so tight. I nearly creamed my pants from eating you out."
"It's okay, Eddie. Take your time."
He holds still for a moment before grinding into you. You moan and hold onto his shoulders. Once he has control over himself, he finds a rhythm. The patch of curly hair surrounding his cock tickles your clit with every thrust. He reaches down to grip your thighs as he fucks you. He lasts for a few moments before pulling back to look at you with a pained expression on his face.
"You okay?"
"Fuck, I'm so close. Where c-can I cum?"
"Wh-where do you want to cum?"
"Your thighs, fuck. Want to cum on your thighs so bad."
"Please, paint my stockings, Mr. Munson."
Your words send him over the edge, he curses and pulls out, covering your stocking and skin with his release. He lays down beside you and pulls you to his chest. You listen to his heartbeat while he takes a moment to catch his breath. Once he does, he says,
"So, as I was saying, Arod is Legolas' horse and-"
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mugram · 3 months
Sway the Court - Scene Transcript
* The small video in this Scene Transcript includes a quick flash/glitch at the end of it to flash to the MUGRAM logo. The video is not important to your experience of this Scene Transcript. Please enjoy.
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I'll sway the court  Make their decisions Choose their hand
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“Listen to me, okay? I will make sure you get out so you can see your family again.” Mayumi mutters to her client.
“Thank you.” Her client smiles. “I need to get back to my job so I can get money for my family.”
“Of course.” Mayumi nods. “I’ll make sure that you don’t spend any time in jail.”
Doors fly open 
And it’s the fight for our lives
“...She should not be jailed for the crimes someone else has clearly done. Thank you.” Mayumi takes a seat and looks over at the person sitting next to her.
“You think you can convince them to let me go?”
“Well, I’m sure I can sway the court into your favor.” Mayumi gives a small smile. “I promise you that you will see your family again. If not immediately, then after a little bit of community service.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” Her client profusely thanks Mayumi.
“Hey, don’t worry.” Mayumi places a hand on her client’s shoulder. “Lawyers are meant to help out their clients.”
I don’t care how wrong this could go for me
You all will be free so just let me be
“I have to ask.” Mayumi stands. “Witness, did you see my client actually go over to the store, rob it, and leave minutes after?"
"Well, I didn't see her rob it, but the alarm–" The witness starts.
"You didn't see her do it." Mayumi points out.
"Yes, but–" The witness rubs their neck.
"You were across the street from the store; how would you know it was her?" Mayumi stares at the witness, who now is uncomfortably shifting before they finally breathe. "If you don't have any answer, then I guess my line of questioning is over."
Mayumi begins to walk back to her seat.
"She was the only person who left when the alarm went off."  The witness finally speaks.
Mayumi grimaces.
I'll sway the court 
Make their decisions
Choose their hand
Her client only stares back.
So, don't even worry
I have the command and the proof in my hand
I'll make sure that these things will only sway in my favor
"Okay, I need you to tell me. Be honest." Mayumi exhales. "Did you steal from the store?"
"What?" The client shakes her head vigorously. "No, no! I wouldn't do that. I went there to grab some snacks and medication for my sister. I wouldn't rob the store! I have a job and I'm the only source of income for them and I can't leave them because then–"
"Hey, okay. Take a deep breath with me, okay?" Mayumi inhales and exhales.
Her client breathes slowly.
"I promise you, I'll get you out of here, alright?"
"Alright. Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I have to do this.” Mayumi exhales.
It’s justice after all.
"Your Honor, this is an outrage.” Mayumi stands up. “Surely you can find some leeway–"
“It’s clear to me that after all this back and forth what my stance will be.” The judge bangs a gavel and Mayumi swallows with a frown.
Don’t condemn anything I say
Because I swear I’ll make them pay
“...is GUILTY of the charge of theft.” The judge announces.
“Damn it.” Mayumi mumbles as she stares at the judge before falling back to her seat.
“Hey. What… What does this mean?”
She turns over to her client.
And, don’t you dare turn your back on me yet
Because you shouldn’t need to repent
For sins aren’t yours 
“I… I don’t know.” Mayumi swallows. “I’m sorry.”
They’re all mine.
Mayumi stands in the hallway and watches as her client walks past her. Her hands are cuffed and she has a terrified look on her face.
Mayumi looks down. 
I'll sway the court 
Make their decisions
Choose their hand
Mayumi watches the car drive away, her client inside. “I’m sorry.”
So, don't even worry
“Hey, Kubo-san.” One of her coworkers rolls over in his chair. “I heard about your last case.”
“It’s… fine. Don’t worry.” Mayumi waves him off.
“Hey, it’s not fine. You poured your heart into that case.” 
“I know! It’s just…”
“It happens sometimes. I understand. We can’t save everyone.”
“But, she was clearly innocent!”
I have the command and the proof in my hand
Her coworker sighs. “I know.”
Mayumi exhales and her coworker places a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s just how things happen around here, Kubo-san. I’m sorry.”
I'll make sure that these things will only sway in my favor
"I heard she got her sentence and was brought to prison earlier today."
"...I don't really think that's something you should say to try and comfort someone." Mayumi rubs her face. 
"...Ah, my bad." He rubs the back of his head. "Well, you could always visit in the future."
"Yeah, sure."
It’s justice after all.
The key clicks and Mayumi pushes her apartment door open. Wrapping her brown coat around her arm, she walks over to the couch. 
Picking up a remote and tapping the on button at the TV, a red flash instantly catches Mayumi's attention.
…found dead in her cell last night.
Vote Here
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 7 months
Edith Snaps
"You couldn't possibly be claiming I am the only one who had access to these documents, could you? Rhynon was the original writer, and other staff use the same office space. And mother, Rhyse, and I all looked at this document together."
Duke Rudwick twitched in irritation. "Are you trying to put the blame on our family and staff? Edith Rigelhof."
Edith slapped the sheaf of papers loudly on the couch next to her. "Rudwick. There is nobody named Edith Rigelhof living in this household. Indeed, as of my wedding it is possible there is nobody named Edith Rigelhof in the entire world."
"What manner of foolish technicality are-"
"My name is Edith Rudwick. If you're going to accuse me of a crime, the bare minimum you can do is get my name right. What is Rhyse's family name? Is she Rhyse Rudwick?"
"You are overstepping your-" Duke Rudwick began hotly, as anyone would. Rhyse was pure as fresh-fallen snow and anything that impugned her honor was naturally villainous.
"Is it overstepping my bounds to ask that I be called by the name you gave me, Father? Is it really?" He could say nothing to that. Propriety would not allow it. Edith sighed. "This is doubly frustrating. The first reason I expect is obvious to you. I am frustrated because I have been accused. I'd say 'because I've been falsely accused,' but to be honest I doubt I'd be any less frustrated with that part if I were guilty. Nobody likes an accusation, guilty or innocent. But the other frustration is only happening because I am innocent."
"What are you going on about now?"
"You say you proved my guilt by putting false information into the documents I was handling and watching Count Rigelhof respond to information he shouldn't have had. But you didn't prove my guilt. What you proved is that there is a Rigelhof spy present. Now imagine a fantastical world in which I'm actually innocent of this crime. Please. Just for a moment. What would be the other frustration nagging at my mind?"
To his credit, Edith's husband spoke up. "You think the real culprit will escape."
Edith nodded. "Honestly this entire accusation seems terribly wasteful on your part. What do you gain?" She sighed. "Well. I suppose if you convict me you can use my alleged crimes to threaten Count Rigelhof..."
At this, Duke Rudwick flinched again. Edith didn't believe he'd planned it, but she could see him considering the risks anew. If things went wrong with the accusation, it might appear he'd forged the charges for political gain. As a family obsessed with honor the Rudwicks couldn't be seen flirting with impropriety.
"Still, it seems like you could have gained much more by making Count Rigelhof continue dancing to your tune awhile. All you had to do was keep the spy in the dark...HA."
Her husband's face was a mask of genuine concern, so Edith wondered if the smile at her realization looked unhinged to him. She felt a little unhinged; weirdly ecstatic.
"You can! Because I'm innocent, you can! As long as Rhynon here is not the spy - and I don't know of any reason he would be - Count Rigelhof's spy doesn't know that the spying has been discovered! We put me under house arrest, on any charge but spying. I don't care about some temporary claim. Say I was violent with Rhyse if you must. Or I have some contagious disease! Only Rhynon or my doting husband delivering me meals outside my door a few times a day, and even then with gloves and a mask. Quarantine would be a good enough reason not to allow the maids near me. Then you repeat the trick! Let slip some important product it's imperative the Rudwicks be able to purchase enough of, in the ledgers you're having to work without my help. Count Rigelhof will learn of it through his actual spy. And he'll act on it immediately. I can't imagine him thinking he has an advantage and then not acting on it. He's kind of stupid that way."
Duke Rudwick scoffed. "You expect us to believe you would betray your own family?"
Edith smiled at him. It was sad and warm all at once. "As I have said, I am Edith Rudwick. You are my family. So, no. I won't."
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ambrwolf · 1 year
Saw a post that has me thinking; what exactly are John Pruitt's crimes? Like what would he get charged with?
I think the most obvious one is killing Joe, but the question is what the charge would be. He says "something came over me" and that he "watched [himself] kill Joe" but also admitting to not feeling guilty would, uhh, not make a jury like him lol. I'd argue it was First Degree Manslaughter based on Washington state penal code (link to reddit thread about the location of Crockett), he did shove Joe but didn't seem like he wanted him dead. (and because im extremely extremely biased) But I think you could very very easily argue for Second Degree Murder, if you assume he did mean to kill Joe. I definitely think it was not premeditated, or John would have been actively hunting someone to feed.
Second major crime would be poisoning but again we're running into the intent of harm thing. "Every person who willfully mingles poison ... in any food, drink, medicine, or other edible substance intended or prepared for the use of a human being or who shall knowingly furnish, with intent to harm another person..." Umm, what if the dumbass in question thought he was doing something good?
I thiiinnnkk he could also be on the hook for all the other murders? At least the ones the angel did, since I don't think creatures can be tried for murder lmao. Which isss... at least 2 more Manslaughter charges?
Oh speaking of the angel, international smuggling is probably illegal- actually didn't he say "packed it with antiquities to hide it" or something? That's definitely smuggling lmao tho I don't know if he'd be tried for that here, I'm not sure who has jurisdiction over international crimes.
Actually we can probably throw forgery or impersonation in there too, he had to get back in the country somehow, and all his documents say hes an 80 year old man. Don't think security is gonna buy "miracle" as an excuse for why you look 50 years younger than the guy on the passport photo, buddy.
But anyways as his legal defense, my client was simply in a silly goofy mood your honor, look at him, hes a poor little meow meow and has done nothing wrong in his life, ever :3
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sunset-peril · 2 months
Guilty as Ganon - Epilogue
“Father?” Zelda clutched her belly, newly freed from its corset. “Why did you make Link and I out to be that way?” 
Her father sighed, and could not look her in the eye. He hadn't wished to follow procedure on the matter, but he also desired his daughter's wellbeing and safety. “You know there is protocol for such matters. Something like this cannot be swept under a rug.”
“You referred to Link and I as prostitutes! As if we'd shamed the very kingdom.”
“I had little choice. The law dictates that should a royal woman become pregnant without explanation, her and any males who were with her unaccompanied must stand trial. If you had taken your entire guard to the Spring of Power, I would have charged all of them in addition to Link.”
“I gave you an explanation. The Goddess demanded it done of us right there.”
“And if you had come forward with that information immediately upon returning to the Castle, we could have avoided this.” The King sighed, finally looking in his daughter's direction. “When I saw you like that, and then for you to act so defensive and secretive… I feared the worst had befallen you.”
“Father, you know Link.”
“Yes, I know Link. You know Link. But the fact of the matter is, because you would not come forward about it, I could not prove that the Spring of Power underneath the Goddess’ direction was where it happened! I could not prove that it was Link who'd made you with child, and I could not prove an absence of ill intent. You know how the people think of your knight and his people during the spring season. Nothing less than infallible evidence could convince them otherwise.” 
She felt his eyes in hers. Her father was right. Her desire to protect Link had only worsened affairs for all of them. 
“And you know there's policy we must follow if we wish to wed. I appreciate you wishing to honor your husband, but an elopement is not the correct way to do so. And I am disappointed in Urbosa and the others for working off your fear.” 
Tears burned in her eyes. “I was afraid… afraid you'd have Link executed.”
“I almost did have Link executed!” His royal voice boomed through the chamber. “I thought he raped you!” 
Zelda couldn't respond. The chamber fell eerily quiet. Then, she broke out into a wailing sob.
Though it was not becoming of a king, and though he'd scolded Link for doing so just days before, Rhoam wrapped his daughter in his arms. “I forgive you, Zelda. And I'm sorry for whatever I did that had you believe you couldn't trust me.”
She felt better. It had been so long since she'd been held like this. 
There was no reason to scold her. No reason to be a king now. He hated that they'd been left in this situation, that they'd been stuck at odds for ten long years. There would come a time for duty, later. Now, the doors were closed. Their respective guards outside the door. Just him and his daughter. 
“I'm sorry, Father…” 
“I've forgiven you, Zelda.” He finally released her, now that she was not trembling so violently. “Please, if someone tries to hurt you, let me know. I'm the king. I may have to be harsh with you when you don't want me to be, but I can make sure that anyone who hurts you never sees an ounce of joy. You understand, Zelda?” 
“I understand… Father.” 
Rhoam wasn't sure if the expression on her face could qualify as a smile. For this moment, he wasn't going to expect a smile out of her. In trying to be a good Royal Family, in trying to serve all their subjects, the law had forced them to vilify themselves and each other. He'd try harder. He should've tried harder to begin with. That was a mistake. But he looked at her now: fresh tears streaking down her flushed face, her trembling upper body, the curves in her torso that had drilled such cold fear into him but he now smiled upon… He'd brought this upon her the very moment her name was bestowed. He prayed to Hylia that her child would bear any other name. It would not be fair on her to pray for a grandson, he'd brought enough unfairness onto her, but he could pray that whichever Zelda would bring into the world in only two seasons… that they would be free of the chains that bound both him and Zelda. He knew she prayed for the same. Perhaps this was the Goddess’ way of giving them hope. Another way out. 
His daughter asked for his hand in standing, he braced her back as well. “So you're not… going to banish Link and our child?” 
“Of course not. We will move on from here. When you are ready, I think the kingdom could use a celebration in these dark times.”
She finally smiled. “I'd like that very much, Father.” 
“I would too.”
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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Emira: "Wait, Luz, why am I your maid of honor and not Willow?" Luz: "Because Willow and Amity got a lot to patch up, plus, while I could've asked Vee but she wants me to be her maid of honor for her and Masha's wedding, you and I could bond a little more, you know?" Emira: "You... totally want to be Viney's or my maid of honor, don't you?" Luz: "Guilty as charged, yes, but come on, you two are so cute together!" Emira: "Fine, but Mittens is my maid of honor, so you have to fight Puddles."
It sounds like a joke but Luz would 100% fight a gryphon to be Viney’s maid of honor….and that Viney would also consider Puddles to be her maid of honor. Tho’ it’s kinda a hard decision between, Luz, Puddles, Skara and Barcus
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
didn't you say you were making Draxum's house in the sims? Did you ever finish? :(
So I whined about this on my main blog, but I'm having issues with my computer. The power port, and I've noticed this for a while, gets extremely hot whenever I try to run anything more intensive than Powerwash Simulator, and the past few months it's become harder and harder to get it to charge. (I'm not overclocking or anything-I bought this computer for gaming and made sure it had the specs to run shit like my heavily modded Skyrim and Fallout, it should be able to run Sims) I contacted Acer about a repair and they quoted me over eight hundred dollars. The actual computer was about 1200-1300, for comparison. There's other issues with it as well-there's a chip on the screen that's really obvious on a white background, and they advertised that it would support a second hard drive, but it's never recognized the one I bought. The power port is the most grievous though, and power ports on laptops are notoriously hard to repair.
And this computer isn't old. I bought it last spring. Less than a year and a half-and I've barely been gaming on it because I've been writing this, so I spent over a thousand dollars on a turtles fanfiction machine essentially. (there's been other reasons, depression funk caused a complete disinterest in gaming and after so many mass shootings I've started feeling guilty whenever playing games with guns, but writing is mostly what I've been using this expensive gaming PC for) I only had the one-year warranty that came with the computer, but honestly I can't find it in myself to regret that too much because I have never once had a company actually honor a warranty. It's like safety deposits on apartments or insurance claims-they'll do everything they can to weasel out of doing what they're supposed to.
So back to your question-I currently don't trust my computer to run the Sims. Or anything else. And I can afford to buy another gaming PC right now, but it would be financially pretty irresponsible. I returned the tablet I bought to draw with, and I think I'm going to get one of those two-in-one laptop/tablets so I can use it for drawing and writing. Maybe I'll be able to run the Sims 4 on that-it doesn't have to run great, I use it mostly as a building simulator. Kind of sucks though, Crusader Kings 3 came out with another expansion pack and the new Cities Skylines is coming out this fall, plus I've been getting a hankering to play Skyrim again.
But enough about my computer woes, I do think I have some screenshots I could show...
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First floor, I apparently took these during the first round of building because I made a lot of changes. The lab is way bigger now, and I have the rest of the house shell done. The blank space in the back right is where I was going to put in the multi-story room where the turtles find the weapons-which is probably the least completed part of the entire house because holy hell the building controls do not want to work with me.
But in the back left you can see Cass and Gale's rooms! :)
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I do like how the main hallway turned out. I know it was mostly destroyed on Creation Day, but let's just say Draxum redid it in the same style. The middle picture, that's the little storage room that hides the door to the part of the house where Gale's room is. If you know the Sims you can tell where the secret door is.
And yes, I know the half-walls under the stairs look ridiculous, I've fixed it since then. I couldn't just extend the half-wall all the way back because it would delete the upper staircase, for some reason.
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I'm pretty proud of how the living room is turning out. Could be a little bigger, but the symmetry of the bookshelves are just too perfect. (also the curved walls get fussy, FUCK CURVED WALLS) Needs some clutter on the mantle though.
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The kitchen no longer looks like this, I moved around a lot of the pictures and added another layer of cabinets, because Draxum probably has like six sets of fine china he's received as gifts throughout the years and refuses to part with. I added more retro-looking décor, because the last time he remodeled this room was in the sixties and I wanted it to look a little old-fashioned. I also imagine he refuses to get an electric stove, saying his mystic wood-burning stove works just fine. I tried to work a pantry in, but it didn't really pan out. (lol) And the more I think about it, he probably has a legit larder somewhere in the basement, since Draxum is from a time before refrigeration and would have grown up storing food in underground cellars. (and he deffo has like several years worth of food stored away, he's pretty much a doomsday prepper)
This is also incidentally the layout of the kitchen at my old house, hence the weird octagon dining area. Except we had windows. With no curtains. In the woods. It was unsettling to cook at night.
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Draxum's study is bigger now, and I think I added a fireplace? He absolutely has eight bazillion degrees and awards and he puts them ALL on his wall. He earned that shit, dammit.
His bedroom's nothing to write home about. It's comfortable, not luxurious. There's no electric lights because he prefers candlelight.
Just imagine that white bathroom counter stained with pink splotches from Draxum's hair dye.
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I had BARELY done anything with the pool, but as you can see it is indeed a tank. Draxum was planning to keep a mutant or something in there.
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I was actually in the process of redoing the entire greenery lol, but I think I did an okay job on 1.0. Not the mason jar lamps though, I'm not sure what I was thinking there.
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Some pictures of Lab 1.0. The ooze-vine-thing looks terrible; I straight up haven't even started to recreate it in 2.0. I pushed back Draxum's alchemy area and gave him an actual medical bay in the back, which is where The Table would have been located.
That's mostly Gale's area on the left, I think it still broadly looks this way? I didn't put in stuff like the robotics table because it just looked silly-and besides, we're not actually playing this build. We know Galois only needs two hands and a welder to make a robot.
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I will leave you off with a slightly more clutterfied Gale's room! Oh, but also, I GOT PURPLE CC CURTAINS FOR HIM. :D After I took this picture, but just know he has them now. He has no reason to have them because he does not have a window, but I'm happy for him.
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oculusxcaro · 5 months
[I portray Rorschach as gay but low-key his bond with Khare is so sweet and meaningful that I could see him being fine with platonically marrying Khare. In a world where that would even be on the table, which I'm sure is not.
but also Khare could get a green card that way. just sayin]
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Rue, this is the sweetest thing and I'm sorry it's taken a while to reply to this because I kept coming back to this and grinning like an idiot until my cheeks hurt? Rorschach and Khare's relationship is by far one of my all-time favourite experiences, not just on this one thing but roleplaying in general.
Their connection is one of those things I never saw coming but holy crap, it's so good, the way their bond has grown so much and whenever I'm having a bad day, I just think back to one of their many interactions and start smiling like a loon all over again. It goes without saying your Rorschach is absolutely-fucking-phenomenal - all your muses are, but your writing in particular pulled Watchmen from the deepest recesses of 2009 and dragged it right back into the forefront again. Dan, Liz and Adrian are all beautifully written but I can't deny these two are something deeply special to me. Guilty as charged, your honor. ♥ Your Rorschach being gay (which I adore about him) is so brilliantly portrayed and reasoned, so it's all the more meaningful that, in the best case scenario, he'd actually be okay with platonically marrying Khare? I don't think she'd mind either; sure he's no Bruce Wayne, but that doesn't matter to her because she adores him and he really is the closest friend she's got, both in Gotham and probably in her life which was nothing special until, you know, the whole getting-kidnapped-and-turned-into-an-experimental-guinea-pig type thing. He's been good to her though, and even though not a lot of people like him very much, he's important to her, so even though it's not likely there's a world where this would actually happen given the issues™ our two have, just the thought that he'd willingly do this for her says a lot considering his attitude about women. She gets a green card, he gets a beard so nobody looks at them too closely and Rorschach can continue contending with his feelings and accept his being gay. It's a win/win situation if, you know, Rorschach didn't have a crippling deathwish and Khare wasn't basically rotting from the inside out. Still, it's a very sweet thing to think about and these two being able to heal from their pasts and come out as better people for it.
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blackoctober-blog · 7 months
Summary:The events of this story takes place right before Alex broke out if jail and went to take revenge on Suzanne.
Today was the day Alex Grove was charged for his actions. He's a full grown adult now and is fully charged for his crimes against his family and his home town. He was waiting outside courtroom not worrying about judges verdict. He knew that they will only put him in jail for while and let him go after. Then he saw Suzanne. She wasn't happy to see him. He smiled at her. His smile was evil yet calm:
Alex calm:Hello Suzanne. How's your cheek doing?
Suzanne:You bustard. I hope you rot in that jail.
Alex:Nice to see you too. See you in bit.
That's when Police pushed Alex inside courtroom. Everyone was looking at Alex with disgusted faces. People were whispering something, talking and gossiping. Mabye Alex was murder and Mabye he was guilty but those people were true animals and sinners. They did nothing to help him as child. They treated him like nothing, like trash. If he could tell everyone's sins and nightmares the whole room would be guilty. Then Judge spoke:
Judge:We came here today to Judge Alex Philip Grove who is charged for heavy murder of his mom and abuse of his ex girlfriend Suzanne Jones. Now let's hear what our Guilty has to say. Alex?
Alex:Of course. Your honor from my early childhood I had troubles with well getting along with people. Not only outside but inside. I had this feeling that I'm different.
Judge:Well your story is touching Mr Grove but that still doesn't explain why did you killed your mother.
Alex looked at Suzanne with devilish smirk and spoke:
Alex:Well I think I just needed to teach her a lesson.
Judge:What lesson?
Alex:Well we all sin. She was sinning her whole life. Don't you think it was proper to give her what she needed?
Judge was shocked to hear that. How can someone be murder and think he did something good?
Judge:Well that's all i needed from you Mr Grove. Now Mrs Jones please tell us your version.
Suzanne:On this Judge im telling you that Alex Grove is dangerous killer with no sympathy or good will. After he killed his mother he got send to military where he spend some time. After that he became somone very close to me but not for long. I was unhappy in our relationship. He was abusive and aggressive. On the October 17 1977 Alex came home drunk and hit me with broken bottle leaving huge scar on my cheek.
Judge:Well I think my verdict is clear. Alex Grove im sending you to Jail for your whole life! Case closed.
Alex looked at Suzanne. She was smiling. He felt his anger rushing to his blood. He got up from his seat:
Alex:You're all sinners! Pray for forgiveness! You're all going to hell! Especially you Suzanne Jones! Remember this as day you will die! Im going to get you no matter what!
His head was spinning like crazy. He felt dizzy. Voices screaming one word. Guilty.
Alex:No! Im not Guilty! Im good! I did good! I did what God asked for! Please stop!
Voices:Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
Alex:Please stop! Im doing good.
Judge:Take him away!
Suzanne wasn't scared just shocked. Police took care of rest. They dragged him out of court to the jail. Before Alex left Suzanne had few minutes with him:
Alex:Don't think it's over doll. I'm going to get you and you're going to be sorry.
Suzanne:I like to see that.
Alex smirked:Well then let's see how you're going to like my revenge.
That's when Police closed the door and drove away.
Suzanne:Goodbye Alex. Hope to never see you again.
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skaldish · 2 years
There is something that has been bugging me a lot and I find myself a little alone in this. I honor/worship Loki and their family. I feel particularly close to Sigyn.
This is where I hope I dont get too incoherent. I have had some heathen "friends" I guess if that is what I can call them. Have been pressuring me into honoring/worshipping Freya and I don't really have any interest in doing so. I mean regularly like I do for Loki and their family. I mean I have absolute respect for Freya and how she is just amazing warrior goddess and all but I just dont feel any sort of connection with her. I've tried doing things for Freya but I just dont feel the same like when I do for Sigyn, or even Loki ect.
Their reasoning is that Freya is a goddess that is/was worshipped and that she does or is capable of more than Sigyn. One "friend" even went as far as saying that Sigyn is a "domesticated" goddess and is basically a servant for Loki, holding the bowl, having children ect. and that Freya was a better choice. I won't lie this hurt me a lot I love Sigyn.
So is it wrong to not worship a deity that is a big part of Norse heathenry... I guess? I've even been shamed in a group for not worshipping Freya on a few occasions. Is it ok to just not be interested in a goddess like Freya? I feel kind of guilty sometimes.
If you take/took the time to read this, I'm saying thanks in advance. I've followed your blog for a while and I trust your level headed opinion.
Sorry this took me a while to get to. I wanted to get into the right frame of mind for this one.
Short answer:
You can work with whoever you please, because the only "right" way to be Heathen is to do what feels right for you. No one else can be the judge of that.
Long answer:
The big thing to keep in mind as you explore Heathenry is the fact that it's decentralized, which means it has no central authority or universal doctrines. This is why we see tons of regional differences between practices and even myths, both within the past and in the present.
However, the idea of "no governing authority" can be tricky to navigate and uncomfortable to deal with, so a lot of people latch onto "Reconstructionism" as a way to guide them.
Here's the catch though: Any authentic attempt at reconstruction requires us to narrow down a specific time and place to reconstruct from, because, again, Heathenry has always been decentralized. What's true in one place and time is false in another place and time.
For example: We know for a fact there was a time when Freyja and Frigg were actually the same goddess! I could make the argument that everyone is wrong for viewing them as separate, because this split happened in the late Nordic Iron Age and contact with the Romans changed everything, blah, blah, blah.
(I actually have no clue when the split happened or why, but you get my point.)
Most people don't do this, however. Instead we see a lot of patchwork reconstruction that involves interpreting the deeper meaning behind entirely political 13th-century Icelandic texts. While this is a very Christian way to go about it, people often take this approach because it's all they know.
This leads to arguments like the ones you've experienced, and from what I see, they were made out of a place of insecurity rather than a place of actual knowledge...and definitely not from a place of wisdom.
I've talked to Swedes whose families have passed down their Heathen oral traditions for gods know how many generations. Sigyn is associated with children, child-rearing, and general domestic life, but definitely not in the "50's housewife" kind of way. She's spicy, witty enough to keep up with Loki, and will absolutely wreck the idiot that dares to mess with her charges. She's a woman who does things of her own free will, including marrying her wacky spouse, having kids, holding the bowl, etc. At no point does anyone view her as a "servant."
Do your "friends" want to argue with those who grew up with the surviving oral traditions?
I say all this because I think it's important for you to think about what's informing these criticisms, and at what point they stop holding any weight. Reconstructionism can only go so far before it fails to provide useful religious data, and trying to stick with it results in fantastical interpretation or historical reenactment. Wisdom is knowing where to draw that line.
You don't have to work with a major deity if you don't want to. I promise Freyja won't take offense (and tbh she'd, probably point you back in Sigyn's direction anyway, because your private bonds are far more important than "playing a role" in your community. You're a person, not a prop.)
I'll also advise that, rather than spending energy trying to change people's minds, you should instead use that energy to seek out a better crowd. If people are going to insult your practice and your goddess, they don't deserve to have you in their community.
I strongly recommend looking into Heathen Women United for a good facebook group, if you're in the market for one.
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steffie-musings · 21 days
The Guilt
Hello everyone to my Wander over Yonder fan-fic.
This is the sequel to The Honor
Wander over Yonder characters belong to Craig McCracken Story, character(s) belongs to me, Steffie
The Guilt
Sylvia grabbed Wander by his shoulders. To her surprise, her friend didn't struggle.
"Wait! Wander, are you crazy?! Are you pretending to be this king in order to satisfy this creep?" Sylvia demanded as she struggled to keep her voice down. Her friend refused to look at her in the eye. "I need to do this, Syl. It's for the best." Wander spoke in a tone that she wasn't used to him using. A tone of utter defeat. Before she could respond, Wander scurried towards Judge Farsalot as quickly as possible. The zbornak tried to grab the star nomad, but he dodged her. A few moments later, he stood right in front of Judge Farsalot and his bodyguards. The cluster of star nomads were too scared and confused to interfere.
"Wander, no!" Sylvia gasped in fear. Before Judge Farsalot could even place their tentacle on her best friend's shoulder, the zbornak charged towards them. "Hey, you flarpin' creep! Time to meet two good friends of mine." Sylvia hollered in fury as she got herself ready to give the judge a powerful uppercut. Before she could land the punch, she was enveloped in blue light. Seconds later she was floating a few feet above ground.
"I--I--can't move!" Sylvia grunted as she struggled with all her might. She tried to move her limbs, but it was no use. It was as if she couldn't control her body. "Miss, it is best that you allow us to go with your friend in peace.", Judge Farsalot spoke through the bodyguards, "Although, I do not see why you don't respect this star nomad's wishes. He wants to go with us to go on trial for what he believes he is guilty of." "Look, my buddy Wander is the most selfless person in the entire galaxy. Maybe even the entire universe. He would sacrifice his own needs if it means making someone else happy. In fact, I think he's doing this right now."
To Sylvia's surprise, Wander gave her a stern look. "Syl, please let me do this. It's for the good of all my people." Wander spoke in a serious tone. "Wander--" "It's something I should've done a long time along. I thought doing good things would make up for what I've done--" "But, Wander--" "--No matter how many good things I have done, it was never enough. I was fooling myself. I should've faced what I had done and face the consequences. At least I met you, a wonderful friend. Goodbye, Syl."
"The trial will be aired within twelves hours if you are interested in watching it. The entire galaxy can watch it live." Judge Farsalot spoke through the bodyguards. They used their power to throw Sylvia into the cluster of star nomads. Luckily enough, they got out of the way in time. Few got to her side to help her to her feet.
The poor zbornak could only look in horror as she watched the ship fly away.
"Wander, no--"
To be continued…
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fierceawakening · 1 year
Yeah no, people are just on a hair-trigger on the internet and are probably incorrectly pattern-matching you to the kind of a-holes who say "if you can't provide a logical reason for your traditions (that dont hurt anyone) they're unnecessary so we aren't gonna accommodate them". And anyhow they are being way too narrow about what being Jewish is, I'm secular Jewish and I only follow the traditions that are meaningful and valuable to me, I don't do or want to do All The Things right now
Thank you! That makes sense to me. Like the actual Jews I know, including the ones I follow on here, seem when they tell me what they’re actually DOING to be picking and choosing like I am. But then they make these broad info posts that make it sound like the only people in the world who question tradition are ex Christian atheists, and that we’re only doing it because we’ve experienced religious abuse. And it just feels super rude to me?
Like yes, part of why I vehemently defend anyone’s right to depart from tradition if they want to is that I’ve been in coercive groups! Sure. Guilty as charged your Honor.
But! That’s also had a positive side. Looking at traditions with a critical eye isn’t always about being upset! Sometimes it’s about noticing something is meaningful to you and thinking in depth about why, and realizing neat things about yourself along the way.
Like, I never thought that I’d go back to Christianity. But when I really thought about what religious practice HAD felt good to me, I realized that actually, for myself personally, I want spirituality to be about believing everyone is redeemable. Religion gives me a place to put that, as a higher value, without it being my personal duty to forgive when I find I can’t or feel unsafe.
Which led me to the idea that what I wanted was modified Christianity actually. I already understood and knew the traditions of a religion that did that, and the only thingsstopping me were 1) worry people would find out I don’t literally believe in god and 2) feeling like I’d be giving in to the man.
With 1, I realized that actually a lot of practicing Christians ARE functionally atheist. People don’t say it too loud, but if you look into a lot of art and writing, you’ll find “if there is a God, I pray that…” I realized this is super common! You can find people in Ancient Greece saying things in this way! If it’s common, then… people know about it already, and they only avoid saying they’re agnostic out of neurotypical social conventions. Which I’m not good at, so I say it openly.
Which means there are a whole lot more me's out there than a lot of people think, and that was ultimately enough for me to decide I was True Scotsman enough.
With 2, I realized that I’d become hugely invested in finding something cooler, but that I really didn’t have a concept of what this was. So I was posturing, when I already knew there was a community I would like and fit well into. So, you know? It was 2016 and I was scared and fuck it, I wanted to feel better and I didn’t care anymore.
But is that “I dunno I’m Christian because I just am lol?” It could be said, yes! Likely the reason I went back to how I was raised is in part that it’s how I was raised.
But I would not answer the question that way.
Instead, i would say that I spent a long time suspicious of religion in general, and ultimately thought about what purpose I wanted it to have in my life, so while “practicing Christian “ PROBABLY describes it, I mean something very personal and not generalizable about what I decided religion should be for.
I would be really surprised if some people’s relationship to their Judaism isn’t similar! But the narrative Tumblr has latched onto for dear life is “only Christians are like that. If you think it’s common for adolescents to have concerns around religious identity you don’t know what an ethnoreligion is.”
Which is ESPECIALLY galling to me. Yes I know what an ethnoreligion is, many of my relatives are Greek Orthodox.
Greek, the ethno, is right there in the name!
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