#don’t get me started on kitay. i don’t even want to think about kitay.
just finished the poppy war trilogy what the FUCK WAS THATTTT
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Pretend you’re writing a page in your diary 10 years from now
20 September 2031
Dear Diary,
Hi. It’s been a long time since I’ve done this so bear with me. It’s not every day I decide that writing memories and feelings down in a notebook that anyone can read would be worth it.
But anyway. I’m still here, aren’t I?
Wow. I’m still talking like Teen Me. Somethings never change, do they?
Nah. But going back to the ‘recording my feelings and emotions and days in a notebook’ part of the evening…
Huh. Maybe I should write an intro. You know. Since the person reading this (and is precariously close to their impending death) should get to know me first and then get to be my therapist. In that order.
Hi. My name’s [M/N], but I go by Kitai now, the name I chose for myself back when I was fourteen. I’m a graphic designer working at a corporate and so far, life’s going pretty great. I have a beautiful girlfriend, have a spacious office of my own, moved out to live by myself, and work into the early hours of the morning (which Lili hates; she always says I wear myself out too much and if I didn’t watch it, I might be gravely ill, but she’s one to talk, that perfectionist hard worker *affectionately*). I also have many projects lined up, like working on the graphics of my upcoming web series that everyone’s telling me they’re looking forward to, new commissions for some digital art, and lots to write. Not to mention the shitty client I met today just… rejected my work. Literally threw my tablet at me.
What the heck?
The haughty look on her face as she told me my design was nowhere close to what she wanted at all and was in itself very bad, had me seeing red. I literally had to ball my fists and sit on them to try to quash the feeling of murdering her with bare hands right there. Ugh. To think I spent 6 whole hours getting it perfect, just for her to throw it in my face. Pun intended.
Not my fault she gave me such vague details about what she wanted. Told her exactly that and she looked like she was going to throttle me.
Then proceeded to tell me about how I was just slacking off and not putting any real work into it, and that it showed in my work.
By the end of that speech, I was practically vibrating in my seat. But when I put on a blank and bored expression, I think it pissed her off even more, thinking that maybe I didn’t care. But as she started again, I interrupted her, putting into polite words a piece of my mind and turned on my charming mode so that by the end of it, my tone said, “Hey. It’s alright. Please understand this and we can move on,” which I usually used while sweet-talking my boss. It worked! She looked a little less angry-frazzled and a little calmer and ready to explain what she wanted. Then it went smoothly for the most part. Phew!
I guess Lili was right. My charm and seeming sense of compassion did work wonders on people. Hah. I then asked her jokingly if that was what won her over. She swatted me away, smiling.
My girlfriend’s just amazing, isn’t she?
But that was already pretty obvious. Moving on (otherwise, we’d be stuck in a never-ending episode of ‘How Amazing Lili Is And How I Like To Boast Of It 24/7’ and I think that would defeat the point. So! Moving on…
I released the trailer for ‘Love Me Never’ at midnight last night!
...Technically it’s today morning but you get it.
You won’t believe how crazy everyone’s going in the comments! *squeals* I didn’t check until 5 minutes ago, and now I’m dying of happiness because everyone’s so excited about it and I love it because it’s my work they’re excited for, but also really nervous because I didn’t want to let them down.
I hope I don’t. I’ve worked too hard on it.
It’s also one of my dreams yet unfulfilled. But the moment Tuesday drops around… Darn. I can’t wait! *squeals again and does a tap dance around the room*
[Lili’s voice: Okay Sunny Bunny! Calm down! The glass is gonna break if you keep screeching like that!]
[*Cue me throwing a slipper at her*]
[Lili: *Dodges it and laughs* But in all seriousness, I really am happy for you love. You’ve worked so hard on it. You deserve all the praise, so stop making that nervous face. It’s going to be alright, you hear me? They’re going to love it.]
[*Cue certain noises that ought to be edited out XD*]
[*Insert Squidward’s voice* “A few moments later.”]
Oops, I need to go work! Boss is calling! Bye-bye~ Hopefully I’ll start writing more. Ja ne!
Loved writing this with a deadline btw. Hope it was to your liking!
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smalltownfae · 3 years
“The Poppy War”: 5/5
“The Dragon Republic”: 4/5
“The Burning God”: 3/5
Spoiler thoughts for the entire trilogy:
I must admit I am a bit disappointed. I loved the first book so much! Then the second one had some boring moments, but it also had 2 of my favorite scenes and the ending made me feel as angry as I don’t ever remember feeling because of a book. The third one just made me feel bored for the most part...
I feel like there were wasted opportunities about many things, but especially with the trifecta. The characters weren’t used to their full potential and that is a shame because I was initially so invested in them and by the end my reaction to most of their ends was “that’s it?”
I couldn’t even be as emotionally invested in the ending scene with Rin and Kitay because I think the entire thing was so stupid. So, there really was no other way? They couldn’t rebuilt without help? Why didn’t they think this through before starting another war then? There were a lot of things that I couldn’t excuse anymore because of madness or stupidity. It does give a dark ending, but I didn’t feel like it was well earned. One other example of these characters have no brain is that they wanted to free Riga knowing fully well what they were getting into. That plot point turned out well for them because of luck but why was this needed? It went nowhere and I am very upset about it.
To stab me a little more on the back, the only character left alive, besides Chaghan, was the one I wanted to see dead! I feel like the entire time the author was trying to make me sympathize with Nezha, but guess what? I didn’t. If anything him being left alive by the end of it all even with all the pain and burden just pisses me off more!!! There is always Chaghan. Think of Chaghan. I am also sad that he didn’t have a bigger role and I still don’t know why he didn’t feel Altan die when he felt the Trifecta. Probably he was just in denial, but I find it hilarious to think that Altan is alive after all and just chilling by himself ahah
Overall, I wish there were more investment put on the characters. I think it was done better in the first book, but that might be because I was still getting to know Rin and saw her change. She was also the sole focus in the first book and then the narrative tried to give more attention to other characters too and I feel like there is when it started to fail in the characterization aspect. That is yet another complain for book 3. Rin didn’t develop at all. She remained pretty much the same until near the end. Then she changed a bit, but that was because after she gave total control to the Phoenix she started to get angrier and more paranoid.
Anyways, if you read the entire trilogy, I would like to know your thoughts.
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astrarche-x · 3 years
The Poppy War: thoughts
Context: I saw this book heavily recommended on tumblr and even though I didn't research it (to avoid spoilers), it looked like something for me. I also realized recently that I haven't read a modern high fantasy in a while, so when my friend told me "hey, I've read this book and need someone to rant about it with", I was like "sure can I borrow it?". It is worth noting that my friend's tone was rather disapproving and we mostly share our taste in books, but still, I approached The Poppy War with a very favourable mindset.
Which didn't last very long.
Fortunately, after some time the book got better, so: disapproval first, praise later.
- the first part, aka Rin's time in academia, was so predictable and cliche I went through it purely out of malice (to be able to roast it). It was fitting every cliche you can find in a books set at school and bore me to death.
- Jiang: aaaa. This is coming from my personal experiences, but I've had a hard time with my "cool but weird" teacher lately and I just can't get past this trope without being angry at writers who do not acknowledge how toxic it usually is. (tho in Jiang's case it was more or less ok) Also the reveal of his backstory was very predictable.
- Rin: i couldn't bear how "edgy" she was. I started to like her when the actual war begun and she turned from "i'm not like others lol" to "i'm so scared, i want to be safe. also what is sleep". (also because she has been a chaotic mess the whole time and the war actually made it more believable). I had issues with her character though - for example she comes to the academia when she's like 15/16 and even though a lot happens to her over the course of the action, i had a feeling she hasn't actually matured. Did she develop? In terms of abilities, knowledge, rage etc - yes. But I didn't think she was more mature at the end and it really bothered me (as i was still picturing as a 15-year-old and had to constantly remind myself that she's an adult now).
- self-harm: uuh handled in a weird way? It's obvious that Rin's self-harming to cope with stress in academia is not healthy and the context shows that the heroine is under immense pressure which has a bad effect on her, but the narrative seems to present self-harm as a necessity to manage life and never really condemns it - not only explicitly, but any negative consequences of it are also absent.
- this book (and Grishaverse) would be more enjoyable if I hadn't taken that basic Russian course. I cringed every time I read Kitay's name (and it appears quite often...). Literally why name your character China? It's such a bad idea...
- I don't know if the original edition has trigger warnings, but oh boy, i kinda wish Polish one had them too. Not that they would actually stop me from reading this, but I started this book with intent to get some nice escapism with a tad of intellectual challenge and I wasn't quite prepared for what I got. I saw a post that talked about how in fantasy or sci-fi wars are a thing that just happens and serve more as a plot device, but are not treated as like an actual tragedy and how this isn't the case for The Poppy War. I think this is a very good point and I very much agree with this but I wish this book was marketed in a more accurate way (with mention of the genocides) than "cool protagonist goes from poor orphan to badass" (almost literal description from the back cover).
- on genocides: the Golyn Niis part was so hard to read. It totally gave me flashbacks to the time when we talked about Shoah in Polish lessons in high school and I had to read like 4 short stories by Tadeusz Borowski about Auschwitz, one novella by Zofia Nałkowska about investigating Nazi crimes and one book about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Hanna Krall & Marek Edelman* (and it was all in the span of like 1-1,5 month) - all of which were written by survivors of said events, so it was an extremely difficult and emotionally exhausting read. Parts of The Poppy War had the same effect on me, so it shows the author really did her research and is to be appreciated, although while I would like to know what happens plot-wise in the next parts of the trilogy, I think it would be too emotionally draining for me to read.
- Having said all this, I found the Speer genocide theme really interesting. The legends and propaganda surrounding it, its impact on both country politics and Altan's (and Rin's) personal stories... Also I really liked how Rin's perception and understanding of it changed. Plus it served really well as a backstory - its effect on the whole plot was huge and manifesting in unexpected places but without the feeling of being hammered into reader's head.
- Altan: that guy. He was an interesting character, but a very unlikeable one. He was such an asshole... (And yeah obvs still trauma and all that but he really was one). Also I found it confusing that at the end of the book Rin was like "omg his power is so strong because he's fueled by revenge!"... duuh? It was obvious since her convo with Jiang about lore students?
- But generally Rin's relation to Altan was for me one of the strong points of this book. I'd say that Rin's emotions regarding him were very realistically written - admiration, longing for approval, the feeling of similarity, anger, frustration about his expectations, the need to rise to the challenge he posed, to be his equal... And then the shock as he fell from the pedestal she constructed; the understanding, the pity and the sadness. I loved how complicated that was and that we as readers got to see that Rin's Altan and the actual Altan were two different persons, even though the narrative is close to Rin's POV.
- Chaghan: he was my fave character. This is, again, personal, but works of fiction work 200% better for me if the characters are well-written - which The Poppy War rather lacked: few characters were interesting and even less were likeable. Chaghan was both - maybe he didn't have a big arc and was rather a secondary character, but he was intriguing, had that close bond with Altan (I ship them) and also was the most competent person in the cike (Quara was the second one). He was very straightforward and had that no-bullshit attitude, but unlike Rin, Altan etc., what he said and his actions actually made sense. So every time he had to went away from the main character I was devastated...
- What I really enjoyed about this book was the parts about shamanism. I'm not an expert about what goes on in modern fantasy, but I have a feeling that a character of a shaman often appears in a very exoticised way (wonder why is that /s), whereas in this book it was treated seriously and was a basis for a great magic system. 9/10 very original take, highly recommend.
* books mentioned: "Medaliony" by Zofia Nałkowska, "Zdążyć przed panem Bogiem" (eng: Shielding the flame) by Hanna Krall & Marek Edelman, Pożegnanie z Marią by Tadeusz Borowski
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badbookopinions · 3 years
The Poppy War - R. F. Kuang
!!!! This was very very good!!!!!
Rin, a dark-skinned orphan shop-girl, wasn’t supposed to pass the test to get into Sinegrad Academy, the best school in the Nikan Empire. She especially wasn’t supposed to continue rising in the ranks and find out about her secret, dangerous aptitude for shamanism. But war is brewing and Nikan is going to be invaded, so she’ll need all the power she can get.
This book is very loosely based on Japan’s invasions of China. This means it has an equivalent of the rape of Nanking, and it doesn’t pull punches. 
In fact, this whole book is about not pulling punches - brutal, bloody, with a little maniac of a main character capable of anything she sets the sheer force of her stubbornness and rage to and a world built on death. I loved it.
It’s a book with a lot of plot and weight to it, and I thought it was all handled wonderfully - there’s so much information packed into a relatively small page count but none of it feels rushed or dense. 
I already mentioned I loved Rin, but, like. I love Rin. She’s absolutely dedicated to reaching her goals and accomplishing the impossible - this girl burned herself regularly so that she’d study harder for her exams - and it’s so entertaining to watch her attack the world and win. 
And Altan, who is SUCH an interesting and screwed-up character. He’s a tragedy given flesh and even thinking about him makes me sad right now.
Plot: very good. Pacing was excellent. I love a book with a little bit of weight to it, that covers a significant amount of time, and this did it. We start with her exams and proceed from there - I don’t want to mention much about what we proceed to because I walked into this more or less blind and really enjoyed it that way.
Characters: Rin and Altan shine. Side characters, such as Kitay, Nezha, and Jiang, are funny or fun to hate, but don’t have as much heft to them. In any other book I’d be impressed by them - I still am in this book, too - but they’re nothing compared to Rin and Altan. Seriously, I love Rin.
Setting: history meeting fantasy in so many interesting ways. It isn’t just Medieval Chinese history with some magic added in, which would be interesting but familiar. Kuang has taken events from the 20th century, hand-picked some of her favourite concepts from earlier times, and mashed them together to form something new and interesting. I especially appreciated the dedication to creating a pantheon and folklore and history, which really gives a world some weight. 
Prose: subtle and understated. It’s got a few knock-out moments, though: “Children ceased to be children when you put a sword in their hands. When you taught them to fight a war, then you armed them and put them on the front lines, they were not children anymore. They were soldiers.”
Diversity report: the cast is fantasy East/Southeast Asian. High-quality female characters.
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serkestic · 4 years
Dear Yuletide (2020) Writer
This is a filler post, please do not reblog!
General DNWs: explicit or graphic sexual content (implied or euphemistically written is fine), non-canon-compliant major character death.
General tropes I like: Found Family, First Times, Epistolary Fic, Slice of Life, Mutual Pining, Canon Exploration, Canon Divergence, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Mild Angst, Character Introspection
Request 1: NezhaRin, The Poppy War by R F Kuang
I think I mostly would like AU content for them, because canon-compliant would simply be a variation of H/C and I’m not into reading that (for these ship). I’d prefer AUs like Fairytale AU, ATLA AU, or Boarding School AU (the last one can be canon-compliant/divergent if the fic isn’t shippy! I disliked canon Nezha’s treatment of Rin in the Academy so idt I wanna necessarily read them being romantic in that context. Unless it’s a canon-divergent Nezha redemption :eyesemoji:) Tropes I’d like: First Kiss (or just physical touch in general?) and Rin and Nezha Use Their Words (in a way that doesn’t end in anger or betrayal or both CRIES AT RFK)
Including Kitay and Venka would make me VERY very happy, especially if they have scenes with all four of them. I am caught up with TDR (but not The Burning God) so I would be grateful if the fic is not spoilery.
A specific prompt for a specific fic I’d like for these two (but you don’t have to fill it, it is just in case): A fairytale AU where Nezha is a prince of the Dragon Kingdom, cursed by a fabled dragon (the curse can match canon’s) and Rin is a secret shaman and peasant who saves him. This is an Enemies to Friends or Enemies to Lovers fic prompt!
Request 2: Harryanthe, The Locked Tomb Trilogy by Tamsyn Muir
The Harryanthe (Harrowhark/Ianthe) tag is so empty, I would be grateful for anything tbh. And I say Harryanthe, but I would also GREATLY love Griddleharryanthe (Gideon/Harrow/Ianthe) like A LOT.
I don’t have any specific ideas for what I want to read but things I would definitely like to see: BANTER please snipy snarky bitch banter, Harrow and Ianthe having a genius-nerd-off, Gideon being lewd and flirty towards both Harrow and Ianthe, Gideon being tender with Harrow and a dick to Ianthe, Ianthe being a Huge Bitch but also simping for Harrow (and Gideon?)
Palamedes Sextus is my favourite character so please work him into the fic somehow, if you are able!! Even a snippet of him and Cam being there would be fine.
If you would like a specific prompt: I’d like GtN canon-divergent scene packs with either harryanthe or griddleharryanthe. OR the canon-compliant Ball AU in HtN with the three of them :0
Request 3: ManChung, Hotel Del Luna
I love ManChan couple but Lee Do Hyun as Chung Myung gave me second lead syndrome and I would love more exploration of ManChung. Canon-compliant is preferable, but it can be canon-divergent also. No H/C please! I would like to see happy ManChung, with a HEFTY helping of Mutual Pining and BANTER. Yeonwoo cameos would be greatly appreciated.
Request 4: Character Study, Extraordinary You
I would like to see character study fics for any or all of the following characters: Haru, Yeo Joo Da, and Eun Dan Oh. In order of priority!
For Haru and Yeo Joo Da, I’d specifically like to see a character study of right after or during when they gain their egos. For Haru, the first time he gains his ego as Number 13.
For Eun Dan Oh, I’d like to see a character study of her after Haru disappears for the second time (in the finale) and that one year in the Secret universe. It can start off sad but I’d like to see what the character would be feeling beyond just grief! (Because Dan Oh had kind of mellowed out and accepted her fate in the epilogue, right before she finds Haru’s journal. I wanna see how she got there)
If these are too specific, I’m also okay with a shippy or gen fic with the ships Joo Da/Do Hwa and DanHaru.
Request 5: Gen, It’s Okay to Not be Okay
How did publisher Lee Sang In meet and hire author Go Moon Young? Why did Moon Young agree to work with him? In the show, Sang In says he’s been working with her for a decade, so they would have met around when Moon Young is 18 or 19. And admittedly, Sang In is the closest person to Moon Young before the Moon brothers enter the picture. You can tell she trusts him, even if she treats him badly; he knows about her father, he takes care of her affairs. And Sang In is fond of Moon Young. How did they get to that point?
I’d like the fic to explore both the characters and their relationship. It doesn’t have to be super detailed, or cover both their POVs, but I’d like it if it showed how the two feel towards each other. Cameos from either of the Moon brothers would also be nice!
If this is too specific, a cute gen fic about Sang In reacting to Moon Young and Gang Tae getting married would be nice too.
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uniquemikoto · 7 years
ドラマツルギー  (dramaturgy) / eve - lyrics and english translation
youtube | niconico
Music •  lyrics: Eve (mylist [covers •  originals] | twitter) Arranged: Numa (twitter) Illustration: Mah (twitter)  Mix: 棚橋"UNA"信仁 Vocal Mix: 快晴P(https://twitter.com/kaise_p)
頭でわかっては嘆いた atama de wakatte wa nageita I knew in my head so I grieved 転がってく様子を嗤った korogatteku yousu ga waratta I ridiculed the state of [my] lied down self 寂しいとか愛とかわかんない sabishii toka ai toka wakannai I don’t know such things like loneliness and love 人間の形は投げだしたんだ ningen no katachi wa nagedashi tanda I threw away [my] humane form
抱えきれない 言葉だらけの存在証明を kakaekirenai  kotoba darake no sonzai shoumei wo I can’t embrace the identity that’s full of crudities   この小さな劇場から出らんない kono chiisana hako kara derannai I can’t get out from this small theater (read as: box) 気づいたら最後逃げ出したい kidzuitara saigo nagedashitai In the end, before I knew it, I want to run away 僕ら全員演じていたんだ bokura zen’in enjiteitanda We all acted エンドロールに向かってゆくんだ endorooru ni mukatte yukunda Heading towards the credit rolls
さあ皆必死に役を演じて傍観者なんていないのさ saa minna hisshi ni yaku wo enjite boukansha nante inai no sa Come on, everyone, act desperately, there’s no bystanders
“ワタシ”なんてないの “watashi” nante nai no There’s no “me” どこにだって居ないよ  doko ni datte inai yo No matter where I go, I can’t find it ずっと僕は 何者にもなれないで zutto boku wa nanimono ni mo narenai de For a long time, I couldn’t even become a ‘nobody’
僕ら今 さあさあ 喰らいあって bokura ima  saa saa  kurai atte Come on, we’re devouring now 延長戦 サレンダーして enchousen sarendaa shite Surrendering the extra inning*  メーデー 淡い愛想 meedee awai aiso Mayday, faint compliments 垂れ流し 言の愛憎 tare nagashi   koto no aizou Discharging love and hatred’s words
ドラマチックな展開をどっか期待してんだろう doramachikku na tenkai wo dokka kitai shitendarou Somewhere, looking forward to a dramatic development
君も YES YES 息を呑んで kimi mo YES YES iki wo nonde You too, YES YES, catch your breath 采配は そこにあんだ saihai wa  soko ni anda The directions are there ヘッドショット 騒ぐ想いも heddoshotto  sawagu omoi mo Headshot, worked up desires   その心 撃ち抜いて さあ sono kokoro  uchi nuite  saa Shoot through that heart, come on まだ見ぬ糸を引いて 黒幕のお出ましさ mada minu ito wo hiite  kuromaku no odemashi sa Pull the yet unseen line The black curtain came into view その目に映るのは sono me ni utsuru no wa What that eyes reflecting is
触れたら壊れてしまった furetara kowarete shimatta I touched it and it broke 間違ってく様子を黙った machigatteku yousu wo damatta I kept silent about [my] keep mistaking state 僕ら全員無垢でありました bokura zen’in muku de arimashita We all were innocent いつのまにやら怪物になったんだ itsu no mani yara kaibutsu ni nattanda Before we knew it, we became monsters
その全てを肯定しないと前に進めないかい sono subete wo koutei shinai to mae ni susumenai kai Do I have to acknowledge everything to move forward?
『まあ君にきっと無理なんだ』 “maa kimi ni kitto muri nanda” “Well, it’s definitely impossible for you” 「だから君にはきっと無理なんだ」 ‘dakara kimi ni wa kitto muri nanda’ ‘That’s why its definitely impossible for you’ いつのまにやら外野にいたんだ itsu no mani yara gaiya ni itanda Before I knew it, I was an outsider そんなガヤばっかり飛ばしてきたんだ sonna gaya bakkari tobashi kitanda I came so far by constantly muting background chatters like that
皆必死に自分を守って救いの手を待って��のさ minna hisshi ni jibun wo mamotte sukui no te wo matteru no sa Everyone is desperately protecting themselves, waiting for someone to offer help
考えたくはないよ kangaetaku wa nai yo I don’t want to think 馬鹿になっていたいもん baka ni natte itai mon Because I became an idiot   ずっと僕は 何者にもなれないで zutto boku wa  nanimono ni mo narenai de For a long time, I couldn’t even become a ‘nobody’
だから今 前線上に立って dakara ima  zensen-chou ni tatte That’s why, I’m standing in the front line その旗は高く舞って sono hata wa takaku matte Fluttering that flag high 劣勢 頼る相棒 reisei  tayoru aibou A partner that relies on outnumbering 言葉すら必要ないよ kotoba sura hitsuyou nai yo Words aren’t even necessary
ドラマチックな展開はドットヒートしてくだろう doramachikku na tenkai wa dotto heeto shiteku darou Dramatic development will probably heats things up
君も YES YES 息を呑んで kimi mo YES YES iki wo nonde You too, YES YES, catch your breath 再会を誓いあって saikai wo chikai atte Vowing to meet again ワンチャンスしかない僕の wanchansu shikanai boku no The me, who only has one chance, 一瞬をかけるのさ isshun wo kakeru no sa puts everything on one moment クライマックスみたいな 手に汗を握るのさ kuraimakkusu mitai na  te ni ase wo nigiru no sa It’s like the climax   I clutch into my sweaty hands ぽつりと鳴いた potsuri to naita I cried** alone 
隠してきた真実はどこにもない kakushite kita hontou wa doko ni mo nai The reality that I hid is nowhere to be seen 嗤ってきた奴らに居場所はない waratte kita yatsura ni ibasho wa nai There’s no place for the people who laughed mockingly 思い出してぽいってして感情はない omoide poitte shite kanjou wa nai Remember, toss away, there’s no emotions 流した涙 理由なんてない nagashita namida  riyuu nante nai There wasn’t any reason for the tears that fell
優しさに温度も感じられない yasashisa ni ondo mo kanjirarenai   I can’t even feel the warmness of the kindness 差し伸べた手に疑いしかない sashi nobeta te ni utagai shika nai The hand that was reached out, I can only doubt it 穴が空いて愛は垂れてしまいになったんだ ana ga aite ai wa tarete shimai ni nattanda There’s a hole, [so] love flows out 倒れそうな僕を覗き込んだんだ taoresou na boku wo nozoki kondanda Looking into me who’s close to breaking down
諦めかけた人の前にアンタは akirame kaketa hito no mae ni anta wa In front of people who are starting to give up, you いつも嘲笑うようにおでましさ itsumo azawarau you ni odemashi sa always looked like you were laughing mockingly 君にはどんな風に見えてるんだい kimi ni wa donna fuu ni mieterundai How did it look for you? 呼吸を整えて さあ さあ kokyuu wo totonoete  saa  saa Be ready to breath   Come on  Come on ずっと僕は 何者にもなれないで zutto boku wa nanimono ni mo narenai de For a long time, I couldn’t even become a ‘nobody’
僕ら今 さあさあ 喰らいあって bokura ima  saa saa  kurai atte Come on, we’re devouring now 延長戦 サレンダーして enchousen sarendaa shite Surrendering the extra inning* メーデー 淡い愛想 meedee awai aiso Mayday, faint compliments 垂れ流し 言の愛憎 tare nagashi   koto no aizou Discharging love and hatred’s words
ドラマチックな展開をどっか期待してんだろう doramachikku na tenkai wo dokka kitai shitendarou Somewhere, looking forward to a dramatic development
君も YES YES 息を呑んで kimi mo YES YES iki wo nonde You too, YES YES, catch your breath 采配は そこにあんだ saihai wa  soko ni anda The directions are there ヘッドショット 騒ぐ想いも heddoshotto  sawagu omoi mo Headshot, worked up desires   その心 撃ち抜いて さあ sono kokoro  uchinuite  saa Shoot through that heart, come on まだ見ぬ糸を引いて 黒幕のお出ましさ mada minu ito wo hiite  kuromaku no odemashi sa Pull the yet unseen line The black curtain came into view
“その目に映るのは” “sono me ni utsuru no wa” “What that eyes reflecting is”
*extra inning: extension in basket ball or soft ball game **cry: 鳴いた means an animal cry but maybe it’s a word-play
if there’s any mistakes please tell me!!
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tensaichanv · 7 years
[Lyrics] Boku wa Sonzai Shiteinakatta
Lyrics: 秋元康 (Aki-P) Composition: 目黒良子
Translated by tensaichanv. Do not reupload.
I don’t believe in myself I didn’t want my existence to be known
On windy days, I don’t even think of leaving my room Until the wind outside stops blowing
The curtains are drawn closed over the window to my heart I breathe quietly in my little corner of the world
We dream to give ourselves hope But if it means I’ll get hurt, I’d rather not dream at all
I’m just a dull colourless flower Even if our paths ever cross again There’s no way you’d remember me So it’s pointless to say I like you
How far do these clear blue skies go Under your tender gaze, I now know what it means to be free
You knocked on my lonely window, over and over And taught me about the vastness of the world
It’s necessary to know what it means to live Even if I’m struck by the wind and rain, I can always start over again
I’m a flower who has colour too I’ve finally noticed after all this while You shined a light for me to see Maybe it’s okay if I say I like you
Even if it all seems like it should be someone else’s problem You’re the only one who, without abandoning love— I hear your voice coming from somewhere, calling for me
Comparing myself to other flowers I’d always despaired, alone But just like how every flower has a colour I have my own colour, too
I’ve started believing in myself Now I might even be able to tell you I like you
boku wa jibun wo shinjiteinai jibun no sonzai shiraretakunakatta
kaze ga fuku hi wa sono kaze ga yamu made heya kara deru nante kangaeta koto mo nai
kokoro no mado ni wa kaaten wo hiite sekai no sumi de sotto iki wo shite
yume miru tte koto wa nani ka wo kitai suru koto kizu tsuku kurai nara yume nanka mitakunai
boku wa iro wo motanai hana kimi to mata surechigatte mo kitto boku wo omoi dasenai darou suki to itteba dame nan da
aoi sora yori doko made mo sunda jiyuu no imi wo shiru yasashii manazashi de
kodoku na mado wo nando mo tataite sekai no hirosa kimi wa oshietekureta
hitsuyou wo sareru to wa ikiteru imi wo kanjiru amekaze ni utarete mo umare kawareru
boku mo iro wo motteta hana yatto ima sara kizuita yo kimi ga boku ni hikari wo kuretanda suki to itte mo ii no kana
subete wa hitogoto no you de mo kimi dake wa ai wo misutezu ni doko kara ka boku wo yobu koe ga kikoeru
hoka no hana to kurabeteita zutto hitori zetsubou shite donna hana ni mo iro ga aru you ni boku ni ha boku no iro ga aru
boku ha jibun wo shinji hajimeta ima nara suki da to ieru ka mo shirenai
僕は自分を信じていない 自分の存在 知られたくなかった
風が吹く日は その風が止むまで 部屋から出るなんて考えたこともない
心の窓にはカーテンを引いて 世界の隅でそっと息をしてた
夢見るってことは 何かを期待すること 傷つくくらいなら 夢なんか見たくない
僕は色を持たない花 君とまたすれ違っても きっと僕を思い出せないだろう 好きと言ってはダメなんだ
青い空よりどこまでも澄んだ 自由の意味を知るやさしい眼差しで
孤独な窓を何度も叩いて 世界の広さ君は教えてくれた
必要とされるのは生きてる意味を感じる 雨風に打たれても生まれ変われる
僕も色を持ってた花 やっと今さら気づいたよ 君が僕に光をくれたんだ 好きと言ってもいいのかな
すべては他人事のようでも 君だけは愛を見捨てずに どこからか 僕を呼ぶ声が聴こえる
他の花と比べていた ずっと一人絶望して どんな花も色があるように 僕には僕の色がある
僕は自分を信じ始めた 今なら好きだと言えるかもしれない
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qwertsypage · 5 years
Great Content from JSConf Budapest 2019
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JSConf Budapest is a JSConf family member 2-day non-profit community conference about JavaScript in the beautiful Budapest, Hungary. RisingStack participated in the conf for several years as well as we did this September.
In 2019 we delivered a workshop called "High-Performance Microservices with GraphQL and Apollo" as our contribution to the event.
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Now I'm happy to share the news with you that all conference talks are available online!
Top Picks by the Community:
Essential JavaScript debugging tools for the modern detective by Rebecca Hill
Debugging JavaScript can drive developers crazy. It’s not surprising when so many us stick to the trusty console.log - but there are better ways. From tracking down a critical issue in production, to simply struggling to add a new feature and not realising you’ve misread some documentation - debugging skills are used every day but it's difficult to take the time to improve those skills when the pressure is on.
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This talk will show you some really handy techniques that will level up your skills of deductive reasoning.
Take on me, web browsers! by Eva Ferreira
In 1985 pop music was mesmerized by the a-ha “Take on me” music video. It’s been almost 35 years since then, the world needs new catchy tunes with impressive video animations… on the web.
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In this talk we will explore the bewitching ways we can modify web videos and create immersive experiences worthy of the ‘80s using JavaScript and CSS. Let us swim in the why-not possibility of Chroma key, Rotoscoping and more video animation techniques on the web platform!
API Modernization: Building Bridges As You Cross Them by Shelley Vohr
In an ecosystem undergoing constant flux, what does it mean for an API to be modern?In this talk, I'll discuss the work that's taken place over the last year to deliver modern JavaScript APIs to developers in the Electron project, and the obstacles we encountered along the way.
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You'll come away with a deeper understanding of how open source projects can more effectively balance innovation with maintenance, as well as perspectives on how to appropriately consider end-users and their needs when modernization affects the code they use.
Check all JSConf videos below:
Accessibility vs latest Web APIs. Can’t we just get along? by Mauricio Palma
Unfortunately, we still treat accessibility in the same way we deal with front-end development for older browsers, something to be done at the end. What if I tell you that we can use the latest Web APIs and still offer an inclusive and accessible experience.
In this talk, you'll learn how to combine Web APIs such as Speech Recognition and Geolocation, with performant Javascript techniques to create empathic user interfaces.
Testing in production: Ideas, experiences, limits, roadblocks by Jorge Marin
Are you afraid of testing in production? Do you test in production? Do you use real data?
By definition testing in production is hard. This talk puts together my experience testing in production a large scale system that affects millions of users. Experience, ideas, limits, roadblocks, tips and more.
Weaving the web - Programming textile-based interactions by Charlie Gerard
What if you could interact with interfaces and devices using your clothes? When we think about wearable garments, we usually think of the technology as an output. We might think of LED dresses or designer-made outfits that react to the environment but what if instead, we used this technology as an input, as a way to interact with other things.
This talk walks you through the process of making interactive clothing using conductive textile. Also Charlie shows what it can do and talks about the possibilities and limits of such technology.
Composing music with composed functions by Adam Giese
Functional programming can be difficult to learn. Although there are many practical lessons, they are often hidden through academic lingo and dry examples. What if these basics could be livened up and taught through the lens of music?
Together, we will go over some of the basics of functional programming including functional array manipulation, closure, immutability, and composing functions. Adam also shows how they can be applied to the creation of music and musical instruments using the web audio API.
How not to read the room: Creating socially awkward wearables by Stephanie Nemeth
I’m introvert. This can be bit unfortunate, when you are a person that enjoys spending a lot of their free time creating things bedazzled with LEDs… only to rarely wear them out in public. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In an effort to actually share my weird and wonderful creations with others, I decided create a wearable project that would force me to be sociable in order for it to reveal its magic.
In this talk, Stephanie shares how she used machine learning with javascript and tiny computers to make “fashion” that is responsive to the people around you and the attention you are (or aren’t) receiving.
Taming Git-osaurus Using Mystical Trees by Damini Satya Kammakomati
Raise your hands if you all start to panic when you mess up your local git workflow, trying frantically to save your work and eventually giving in to the complications thereby deleting your repository. Well, Git isn’t the terrible dinosaur you think it is, on the contrary, the messier it becomes, the more interesting it gets.
This session aims to make friends with Git and to express the hidden gems in the mysterious git land which will definitely help you to become more productive and look cool in front of your peers struggling with a git-gone-wild.
Web Norms of the World: An exploration of the internet beyond the West by Kat Kitay
Flat, muted minimalism, vast fields of whitespace, millennial pink landing pages: the internet today, amirite? In this talk, we'll take stock of these biases and take a culturally relativistic look at the internet outside of our comfort zone. We'll explore questions like: Why are Japanese websites so information-dense? How does a script like Arabic, read right to left, affect web design? What languages do (or can) programmers across the world use?
The viewers of this talk will walk away with a fresh perspective and ideas for improving our web and making technology that's more inclusive of a global audience.
Legendary Lambdas by Tejas Kumar
The Serverless paradigm is one that is slowly taking over the internet. This talk dives deep into Serverless, particularly Serverless Lambda Functions, and their benefits and drawbacks to web applications. We will also discuss how they can benefit business, being extremely cheap to implement and maintain.
As a practical, technical case study, we will examine serverless performance across a number of popular front-end UI frameworks and measure various metrics relevant to a serverless application.
Mastering UIs with Finite State Machines by Rubén Sospedra
Did you ever feel like monkey patching your UI component? Adding too many if/else, handling a lot of complexity or hacking several non-desired side effects. Did you ever have a problem with double-clicking an async button? Fetching multiple times the same resource in a row? Did you have problems translating UX interfaces and mock-ups into your applications scenes?
All this kind of problems can be properly fixed by applying a different point of view. An architecture based upon Mealy state machines. Also known as finite state machines or automatas. These machines are deterministic, pure and idempotents. Opening a new set of possibilities from predictable components to autogenerated tests.
Deciphering Brainwaves with the Web Audio API by Braden Moore
Early last year, my colleagues and I did something amazing — using only JavaScript, the browser, and the Web Audio API, we were able to decipher brainwaves. It sounds sensational, but it’s (mostly) true. This is a story about how we converted brainwaves into audio signals — and then back again — to solve the problem of epilepsy diagnosis on the web.
In this talk, you’ll get to see a new browser API being used in a novel and unprecedented way, combined with world-leading innovations in the field of epilepsy diagnosis. You’ll learn about the challenges of real-time brainwave filtering and how we solved them. As you’ll see, the technologies we use each day can sometimes be applied in unexpected ways.
A privacy first period tracker? Is it even possible? by Benedicte Raae
Do I want to track my cycles? Yes. Do I want the tracker to push my data to a third party? Hell NO! Do I want the data lying around unencrypted in a database somewhere? Not really. Do I want backup and access from multiple devices? Kinda.. What would I need to learn and is it even possible?
Learn how Benedicte created a secure and private web-based period tracker.
StrangerDanger: Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before They Find You! by Liran Tal
Open source modules on the NPM ecosystem are undoubtedly awesome. However, they also represent an undeniable and massive risk. You’re introducing someone else’s code into your system, often with little or no scrutiny. The wrong package can introduce severe vulnerabilities into your application, exposing your application and your user's data.
This talk will use a sample application, Goof, which uses various vulnerable dependencies, which we will exploit as an attacker would. For each issue, we'll explain why it happened, show its impact, and – most importantly – see how to avoid or fix it.
Testing presentation components visually by Balázs Korossy-Khayll
You have written all the unit tests, integration and e2e tests imaginable to your project, your code coverage is in the skies, you are sure that everything is in working order, your application is ready to ship. Or is it? Frontend developers often face the challenge that even a plethora of tests don’t cover visual differences, and while the functionality might be working and protected by tests, we don’t know much about the layout’s and visual styles’ correctness.
Writing unit tests or manual testing for visual styles is tiresome and error-prone, so at BlackRock we came up with a better solution. Using Storybook we have developed a way of comparing visual differences of the rendered images of our presentational components.
Great Content from JSConf Budapest 2019 published first on https://koresolpage.tumblr.com/
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meikatsudon · 7 years
Thunder Dragon (from SUPER DRAGON) - GETSUYOUBI (Lyrics and English Translation)
Kitto ashita wa waratteru Massugu ni susunde ikou! Mada minu tabi ni kokoro wa odoridashiterun daze Atarashii kaze ga fuita getsuyoubi I'll Get You Necchuu suru konshuu mo Saa, hajimaru yo
Susumidasu My Train Kuddaranai TAIMURAIN Sonna utsumuite Bakka inai de saa Mado no soto no tori wa tanoshisou ni Hane hiroge tobi mawatteru no ni
Sugiteku hibi Chi ni ashitsukete hitotsu, hitotsu ni ashiato nokosou Shiranai koto ni WAKUWAKU kanjite Mirai no chizu ore tachi no iro de jiyuu ni nuritsubuse!
Waratte naite kenka shita Mainichi tanoshinde ikou! Itsudatte uso wa tsukanai, sunao datte iun dakke? Kimi to me ga atte hohoemu getsuyoubi I'll Get You Necchuu saseru Today, Kagayakidasu yo
Konshuu mo mata ironna koto aru kedo Muzukashiku kangaenaide sa Bouken no you na hibi ga hajimaru Tanoshimanakucha jinsei son da yo
Tachidomatte mo Mata susumidasu Aserazu ikouze Jibun wo shinjite Tada nagare ni shigamitsuite mo tsumaranai daro? Jibun rashii ashita e saa ima fumidasou!
Nobori, ori, magarimichi, zenbu tanoshinde ikou! Tama ni wa machigaete mo ii jan! Warai tobashite sa Kitai ni mune fukuramasu getsuyoubi I'll Get You Necchuu suru konshuu wa Ii koto arisou
Gaiken bakka migaitete mo Nakami ga nakya hajimaranaize Nanakorobi yaoki na hibi demo Ushiro furikaeri wa shinaize Kanpeki dake oimotomete mo Asobi ga nakya taikutsu da yo na? Mainichi hanauta utau you na Subarashii hibi wo issho ni okurimashou
Waratte naite kenka shita Mainichi tanoshinde ikou! Itsudatte uso wa tsukanai, sunao datte iun dakke? Kimi to me ga atte hohoemu getsuyoubi I'll Get You Necchuu saseru Today, Kagayakidasu yo
Kitto ashita wa waratteru Massugu ni susunde ikou! Mada minu tabi ni kokoro wa odoridashiterun daze Atarashii kaze ga fuita getsuyoubi I'll Get You Necchuu suru konshuu mo Saa, hajimaru yo
I know that we'll be laughing tomorrow Let's just go straight forward! Our hearts are starting to dance on this journey we've never seen before On Monday, a new wind blew in I’ll Get You This week will be exciting, too C'mon, let's start
My Train is starting to move A timeline is useless Don't just keep your head down like that The bird outside the window Is even spreading it's feathers and flying about
In the days that go by We'll walk a step, a step and leave behind footprints Just feel the excitement about what you don't know On the map of our future, paint as free as you want with our colour!
Let's enjoy every day Smiling, crying, fighting! We never tell lies, we always tell the truth, right? On Monday, we look at each other and smile I'll Get You Today will make us excited Let's get going
There are a lot of things to do this week, too But don't think that they're gonna be hard Days of adventure are starting up Life's at a loss when you're not having fun
Even if you stop, move on again Don't get flustered, believe in yourself Isn't going with the flow boring? C'mon, let's step forward towards a tomorrow fit for you!
The climb, the downfall, the detour, let's enjoy all of it! It's okay to make mistakes once in a while! Just laugh away On Monday, my hopes swell up in my chest I'll Get You This week will be exciting It feels like good things are gonna happen
Even if you only polish your looks, You can't start anything if you don't have substance Even if days are full of ups and downs, You can't look behind you Even if you chase after perfection, It's boring if you don't play around, isn't it? Every day, like we're humming a song, Let's see off every brilliant day together
Let's enjoy every day Smiling, crying, fighting! We never tell lies, we always tell the truth, right? On Monday, we look at each other and smile I'll Get You Today will make us excited Let's get going
I know that we'll be laughing tomorrow Let's just go straight forward! Our hearts are starting to dance on this journey we've never seen before On Monday, a new wind blew in I’ll Get You This week will be exciting, too C'mon, let's start
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hotarutranslations · 3 years
I wrote so much about #KachoFuugetsu ...
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
Hello! Project 2021 Spring "Kacho Fuugetsu"
Today, was also the last performance for Kacho! Everyone, really, good work~!
Thank you for your support until the end
It was really supposed to be a performance in Osaka today for Fuugetsu
Everyone --- :(
It ended up being cancelled, Since it was was long-awaited day, Please let me write about Kacho Fuugetsu today too!
(I said I would yesterday though! lol)
My 2shots with the members, I successfully challenged taking them with everyone, so there are a lot
they're all together on Instagram
Having concerts, with the members, there are lots of scenes where our eyes met <3
Everyone was grinning,
It had a warm feeling
Towards those scenes of us meeting eyes, our basic posture was facing towards everyone so!
What makes you feel the members the most,
this time its the voices!!
Everyones singing voices, it come in with a thud!
Since I had a lot of moments like, I like that voice now,
I think I'll look back on it..... <3
(Since I'm writing a ton about scenes in songs, those that saw it, and those that haven't, please follow along till the end!!! lol)
For Kaedy, there are a lottttt of wonderful parts <3
Interview 1 Interview 2
I also wrote about her here!
Therefore I was thinking about what it should be in particular~ but,
But in SEXY BOY ~Soyokaze ni Yorisotte~, ♪Nestled by the breeze (Sooyokaze ni yoorisotte--)
Yeah! There!
This is our first song as the team...... Its a Morning song....... it was particularly impressive including that element
Kaedy always, we always go into the intro while looking at each other like, we're fired up! But day by day we started hiding from each other and making strange faces, I really liked that
In a similar situation, our eyes meet a ton during the intro for Akai Earphone, I'll do it when I do it lol
Mei-chan was, man! She shot through everyone!
SHAKA SHAKA TO LOVE ♪ Its ok to like yourself! (Jibun wo suki ni natte iinda yo!)
that line.....
The audience was often stuffing down their cheers, but being able to applaud, (thank you for cooperating with infection control)
With that,
She really shot through with explosive power with that line
Conversely with that, I also saw a cool Mei-chan
in Oh my wish! ♪Running away~ means losing (Nigeru~ wa make da yo)
Here! Her rhythm was good and it was cool!
I met eyes with Mei-chan so much, within those moments she was also grinning,
Panda-san Power <3
For Rikako,
Ai no Sono's, ♪ You can be~g for it a bit *Oneda~rishi, te, kurete ii yo)
That! I really love that! ......I pinpointed it <3 lol
She has a really good voice although its husky, its wonderful when the high notes get a bit heartrending
In the 1st A Melo of Hatsukoi Sunrise, Rikako is diagonally in front of me and to the left, I watch her back like, how cool~, after that I move towards the back of the stage, I intentionally moved 1 tempo later because I wanted to make eye contact, I really like that time
Kamu-chan, thank you for really doing your best in both the Wind and Moon performances!!
Kamu-chan's voice!! I like it so much!! (its the best in the last chorus of Oyogenai Mermaid)
Its also the best in the last chorus of Dakishimete Dakishimete, and also her lines in Hatsukoi Sunrise are the best,
my favorite in particular personally is, Oh my wish!'s ♪this is what you have to do to shine..... (Susumu beki michi ya kirakira to) Listening to Kamu-chan there she has a great and kinda voice
Even as we've been performing it in Morning, I like that it wasn't like something I had heard before
During the face to face dance in Dondengaeshi, even though its a cool song, she wasn't at all! She was grinning ←
Rin-chan!!! Rin-san!!!
Um, yesterday, I was like, one night I saw a pretty big lizard stuck to the window of my house and I was like Uwaaaaaa! Since Rin-chan likes reptiles, even though it was late at night, I took the trouble of sending her a photo of it
Rin-chan's parents, if Rin-chan was up late yesterday, its my fault, I sincerely apologize......←
In Gekihara LOVE, ♪captivated by you ❤️ (toriko ni naru)
this part from Rin-chan was very... <3
Rin-chan is a funny girl, like, her happiness from winning rock paper scissors, Among Us, or happiness from winning Werewolf, she's amazingly honest,,, I have the most differnt impression of her now
the hook in Dondengaeshi, I faced Rin-chan in that, its a time I liked in everyone performance
It was hot! but, when it felt like I was forcibly meeting eyes with her it was funny, and fun, it was like I was being an idiot! lol I was also really having fun--! lol
Her ankles are thin~❤️←
Manakan's fake in DOWNTOWN, the notes are bright like they're dancing, that song feels exciting! since I'm standing next her when she does it, it was like we were excited together♪
In DanshaISM, ♪Whether to gain or loose it all~ (subete toku ka son wo susu ka)
that too, I got into it!
Scenes where I met eyes with Manakan during performances increased, we faced each other in Hatsukoi Sunrise, being far away, we should have been looking away from each other but, we saw each other! realizing that, we intentionally stood on stage and faced each other, its a memory I laugh at ~
It was fun! its like we could feel each other, I liked that time
Dan-chan's voice, her singing, everywhere has left an impression on me
Especially from my point of view! I'll list the spots
Hatsukoi Sunrise's ♪I want to touch your love (Kimi no ai ni furetai)
Why is it there, until Dan-chan's solo part there, Dan-chan and I make eye contact, I'm grinning <3
This girl, the next moment, singing so cooly?
I wonder if its conveyed I fell in love every time it was really cool
Renai Destiny ~Honne wo Ronjitai~'s ♪this feeling of fuzziness, rather, this sense of justice put on as a public façade (Moyamoya to sore ijou no tatemae no seigiken)
Matching the music, aren't there various ways to sing this phrase? I feel like its packed in, I really love that its so cool there!!!!!
I'm lost with Saorin~
Maybe its the key change, in Dakishimate Dakishimete!
its a good feeling that she got into it every performance with a thud,
This was when BEYOOOOOND's weren't able to perform in Kacho Fuugetsu but, all the parts that were sung with Koko-chan, they became Saorin's solo parts, her doing that was really cool and impressive
Really! Amazing!
Speaking of making eye contact, the part where we put our hands together in the choreography of the B melo for Date ja nai yo Uchi no Jinsei wa, Saorin's eyes were big and round, was she being charming? or was she doing it normally? what is it?,,,I was arbitrarily being played with <3 I liked it <3
For Saorin, I'll call her Saorin but, sometimes, Saori!!! its like want to call her that, I find it interesting and unique~~~ lol
Maopin! Good work performing with Moon as well she performed more than anyone else, thank you
I had many duet parts to sing with Maopin♪
the part I liked from Maopin is,
DanshaISM's, ♪ the things we really need (hitsyou na, mono wa)
her sense of rhythm between the no, na, to, mo!!! I love that part!!!
For the performance, even with Maopin singing, the moment our eyes meet, she is naturally cute, I love it
by the way since this is a Tsubaki song, I can listen to it in the future!! I'm happy!!
she was also cool in Ai no Sono...
For Oh my wish!, in Winds she was a dance member, in Moon she was a singing member, she did both of them
the choreography is different, and the standing positions are different
Just how amazing is that......
thank you
Takase!! Kurumin!!
KEEP ON Joushoushikou!!'s ♪Stand proud as a human~~~ (ningen wo hokore)
Here, so the dance club can change clothes, I'm in a hurry during it but, I like the relaxed Takase here, it may be kind of unconsciously but, it was Takase's voice that really got in my ears
It had power, but the voice was cute~~
Also a thing I like about Takase, she often says, cute!
she amazingly praises people honestly
this personality of Kurumin, I also really like it
During Gekihara LOVE, scene where we make eye contact at a weird angle, since its an absolutely funny face with a double chin, I sort of want to tell you to please erase that part from your memory←
I'm happy that we stood on stage together as she came to see me in concert before...
Koko-chan starts as the center in Oh my wish!, I was happy about it (those that know, will know, its probably an emotional kind of thing...like that) fufu
DanshaISM's, ♪This is minimalism (Ko-re-zo DanshaISM)
Date ja nai yo Uchi no Jinsei Wa ♪So don't make a crying face (Nakisou-na-, Kao shi-naide-)
I particularly like here singing voice here, Koko-chan's voice is wonderful as it spreads out straight! Perhaps her personality, you can see it in her voice as well, she's really kind, straight forwardly, Koko-chan's eyes sparkle <3
I make eye contact with her in Renai Destiny, I try to pull in Koko-chan, but probably, as it seems like Koko-chan didn't really get it, she was moving all floaty~, it was doubly cute lol
Last, Miyo-chan
I'm happy we stood on stage together, I was happy again from Miyo-chan, feeling happy about it!!
its love <3 lol
Ai no Sono's ♪ though theres nothing I can't do (Dekisou mo nai kurai na, ko, to)
I liked this the most!! from rehearsals!!
This!? Whose voice is that now!? it was like that, it has a gap from Miyo-chan's normal voice, I was charmed by her mature and feminine singing voice
Akai Earphone's ♪I expected a fated romance (Unmei no koi wo kitai shita)
I also, like this
When we look at each other, she was making finger hearts just about the whole time, its really cute~ but with her support as my pair in Oh my wish!, she's also reliable~ but after all, she's cute
it ended up being really long,
(&it ended up late) excuse me
Thank you for reading this
its kinda, this feeling, its really completely different than from a solo concert
it was kind like times we did plays
it was limited to this time but, we did it
its long so I'll finish it,
as a whole,
Complimented and praised each other from an honest place, and we helpe each other a lot
Somehow even with me,
Eh~ Ishida-san's cute~
being told that, Since, that doesn't really seem to happen a lot? at first I didn't know how to react! lol
I'm really happy
The end!
Thank you for supporting Kacho Fuugetsu!
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During standby~~~
see you ayumin <3
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oneechansam-blog · 7 years
haro mado o akete chiisaku tsubuyaita hawayu dare mo inai heya de hitori moonin asa ga kita yo doshaburi no asa ga tikutaku watashi no neji o dare ka maite
haro mukashi no anime ni sonna no ita kke na hawayu urayamashii na minna ni aisarete suriipin baka na koto itte naide shitaku o shinakucha kurain namida no ato o kakusu tame
mou kuchiguse ni natta “maa-ikka” kinou no kotoba ga futo atama o yogiru “mou kimi ni wa zenzen kitai shite’nai kara” sorya maa watashi datte jibun ni kitai nado shite’nai keredo are wa ittai dou iu tsumori desu ka
nodomoto made dekakatta kotoba kuchi o tsuite deta no wa uso kou shite kyou mo watashi wa kichou na kotoba o rouhi shite ikite yuku
naze kakushite shimau no desu ka warawareru no ga kowai no desu ka dare ni mo aitakunai no desu ka sore hontou desu ka aimai to iu na no umi ni oborete iki mo dekinai hodo kurushii no sukoshi koe ga kikitaku narimashita hontou ni yowai na
ikkou ni susumanai shitaku no tochuu mourou to shita atama de omou “mou riyuu o tsukete yasunde shimaou ka na” iya iya wakatte’masu tte nan to naku itte mita dake da yo wakatte’ru kara okoranaide yo
shiawase darou to fushiawase darou to byoudou ni zankoku ni asahi wa noboru ikite’ku dake de seiippai no watashi ni kore ijou nani o nozomu to iu no
naze ki ni shite shimau no desu ka hontou wa aisaretai no desu ka sono te o hanashita no wa dare desu ka ki ga tsuite’masu ka jinsei ni taimu kaado ga aru nara owari no jikan wa itsu na n darou watashi ga ikita bun no kyuuryou wa dare ga harau n desu ka
sankyuu arigatou tte iitai no sankyuu arigatou tte iitai no sankyuu ichido dake de mo ii kara kokoro no soko kara oonaki shinagara arigatou tte iitai no
naze kakushite shimau no desu ka hontou wa kiite hoshii no desu ka zettai ni warattari shinai kara hanashite mimasen ka kuchi o hirakanakereba wakaranai omotte’ru dake de wa tsutawaranai nante mendokusai ikimono deshou ningen to iu no wa
haro hawayu anata ni haro hawayu
English: Hello! I opened my window and whispered. How are you? Alone in my room, with no one. Morning! The morning has arrived, with a heavy downpour. Tick-tack. Someone please rewind my spring for me.
Hello! I think that kind of person appeared only in old anime. How are you? I am so jealous, that someone can be loved by all. Sleeping… I must stop saying silly things and start preparing. Crying… In order to hide my tear marks.
“Oh well whatever” has become my favorite phrase. That line from yesterday went straight over my head: “I don’t have any expectations of you anymore.” Well, even I myself don’t have any expectations of myself, but still, what was THAT for?!
The words that escaped from my throat were nothing but lies. Today, too, I have wasted some valuable words, as I continue living my life.
Why is it that you end up hiding it? Is it that you’re scared of being laughed at? Is it that you don’t want to meet anyone? Is that really true? Drowning in a sea of the name “ambiguity”, I’m suffering because I can no longer breathe. I now have a small urge to listen to someone’s voice. I am so weak.
With my preparation going nowhere at all, I start thinking with my hazy head: “Should I just find a reason so that I can rest now?” Nah, I know, I know, I’m just saying things, that’s all, but I’m not going to rest, so don’t get angry at me.
Just be happy or miserable, it was your free choice since long ago Morning sun will always rise, it is cruel but it is fair I’m already trying hard just to live and to stay on guard What else do you expect me to achieve with what I am?
Why do you end up being bothered by this? Is it that you actually want to be loved? Who was it that let go of your hand? Have you come to a realization? If my life has a time card, then exactly when do I get off my “work”? Who will pay me my salary for having been living all this time?
(Thank you!) I should say what is true and tell you “thank you” (Thank you!) I should say what is true and tell you “thank you” (Thank you!) If even just one time, I’ll say how I feel Feel like screaming, feel like crying, feel like shouting out of wildness from my heart ’cause I just want to thank you”
Why is it that you end up hiding it? Is that you actually want me to ask you about it? I promise that I will not laugh, so why don’t you trying tell me? I won’t know anything if you don’t open your mouth. You won’t convey anything by merely thinking in your head. What a troublesome creatures are we again? The human that is right.
Hello! How are you? To you, I say “Hello! How are you?”
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