#doctor who convention
little things that happened at awesome con today:
• mandip was at jodie’s table during autographing and they were bantering!
• mandip was struggling to sign a funko pop box so jodie jokingly rolled her eyes and said “wow mandip”
• someone asked jodie how she felt to be working on her birthday and she said it was fine with her because she’s getting lots of attention!
• in the line while waiting for the thirteenth doctor team-up photo-op, the group of fans sang happy birthday to jodie
• when i gave mandip the gift i made for her (a crochet rose) she said that she loves flowers, and that she would be a florist if she wasn’t an actor!
• i gave jodie a little crochet cupcake as a birthday present and she called it a “little birthday bun”
all in all, it was an amazing time! i can’t wait to hear all about jodie and mandip’s panel tomorrow, i really wish i could be there for another day. happy birthday to jodie! it was so cool of her to be at the con on her birthday ♡
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foxestacado · 4 months
Are you at GallifreyOne this weekend? Come and see my art at the art show!
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whereismydoctorr · 2 years
Photos from Long Island Who last weekend! Got to see old faces & shinanagins called CAH late night. (Or CAD on Sunday) XD
I was the scarecrow/brother of mine from human nature arc that roamed around the con. (Made it in just under 2 weeks before the con)
I def want to go back next year but Aug is a iffy month for me.
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lidoctorwhocon · 1 year
The first of many guest announcements for our summertime soirée:
Katy Manning is back!
The lady returns to Long Island this August 18-20th, 2023.
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blodsten · 7 months
I’m going to a Doctor Who convention tomorrow, which is gonna be really fun. And then, in the evening, I’m gonna watch the new episode.
It’s gonna be quite the day! 💙
I might upload a video from the con, just to show everyone some swedish Whovians.
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Oh Spencer, you are adorable. "It's supposed to be an awesome convention".
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rainbowpopeworld · 4 days
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(Quote from David Tennant is from this video and the photo is from Staged)
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greyhoundone · 7 months
Some things I found interesting from Rachel Talalay's live commentary of Heaven Sent at Chicago TARDIS:
- The story was originally set in a haunted house with weeping angels.
- Sometimes a single line would be shot across a mix of three locations: two actual castles and a set.
- The script was clear that the castle should have no interior lighting except for the fireplace where The Doctor dries their clothes. Rachel got some pushback from the crew on a shaft of light coming at an angle from outside, asking where the light came from. Her response was, "It doesn't have to come from anywhere. It comes from 'It looks good.'"
- Rachel worked to give more of a horror vibe to certain scenes. She did things like add a spooky wind, have Peter play the tone more for horror, and even consult with Murray Gold to keep the tone consistent. She also pushed for a “creepy garden” as opposed to the formal garden Moffat had scripted.
- Jenna wasn’t available for most of the shots where Clara is writing on the TARDIS chalkboards. They originally used a double, but the double was too obviously not Jenna. It was actually the person who did the colour grading who found other usable shots of Jenna from behind and put them in the final episode.
- Everyone was very worried about Peter hurting his hand punching the wall, especially since he had hurt his hand punching the TARDIS console in "Death in Heaven." They were going to have Peter just fake the punch and get a stunt person for close-ups, but Peter insisted on doing the punches himself because of the importance of the moment for his character. Rachel agreed on the condition that, "If you hurt yourself, you're the one who tells your wife." (He did not hurt himself again.)
- When the Doctor burns themselves and their hand dissolves away to nothing, the hand was sculpted out of Lush bath bombs. Rachel had the idea and suggested it as a cost-effective solution. So they just sculpted Peter's hand out of bath bombs and poured some water on it.
- When the Doctor breaks through the wall and the Veil collapses, the collapse was achieved by filling the Veil costume with helium balloons and then popping them.
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whoify · 2 years
i love how with the doctor we painstakingly track their regeneration number and with the master we’re just like “ehh it’s some new guy now”
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mizgnomer · 1 month
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David Tennant & Friends - Convention photos - Part Two
Link to [ Part One ] of this set
With extra-special thanks to Rich Keeble, Maggie Service, and Georgia Tennant for sharing some of these shots from the Proud Nerd Convention. ...and additional thanks to @BloodyTwittah10 for her "Georgia Is That Special!" sign, which Ty Tennant liked so much he asked to keep it so they could take their own photo with it (as seen above). Thank you for sharing your story and for letting them keep the sign! 🥰
Video Source [ rtl news ]
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starks-anthony · 1 year
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Jodie Whittaker & Mandip Gill at Awesome Con 2023 in Washington, DC
please don't repost
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
*slams open the door and dives on top of your sheets* Hey. Hey. I know people hate season 4 of Community and I might be losing it but do you ever think about the Inspecticon episode and go just a little bit feral? Like, the ENTIRE EPISODE A PLOT revolves around Troy and Abed's relationship with multiple references to them being boyfriends. Troy's girlfriend casually refers to Abed as his boyfriend. Troy is jealous about Abed ending up with someone else who he is afraid might be better suited to Abed but no one could be, because two Inspectors wouldn't work out because you need a logical Inspector and an emotional constable and Toby can't handle that fact because he doesn't have someone to balance him out so he's too emotional and he locks Abed in that phone box like his bullies once did but "for once in my long history of getting locked inside of things, I knew someone would come get me" and Troy and Abed doing their high-five and getting their gluon photo is the most romantic thing this show ever did (well, tied with like five other Trobed moments) and it's basically canon poly and I know I'm unhinged about it but who wouldn't be-
Oh, you have work in the morning? Whoops. Anyway I also think it's hilarious that Matt Lucas plays the evil parody Doctor Who fan who is too obsessed with the Inspector when like three years later he'd become Nardole, an official companion (aka the Constable Reggie stand-in)-
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lidoctorwhocon · 1 year
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Double your Frazer Hines double your fun!
His long awaited return to New York happens this August at L.I. Who 60!
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idkaguyorsomething · 7 months
RTD said he wasn’t going to undo the Timeless Child or the destruction of Gallifrey, ¡but he never said anything about taking individual Time Lords off the table! ¡Explain who you voted for and why in the tags!
(No, the Master isn’t an option, that fucker’s return is as inevitable as the TARDIS “accidentally” landing nine galaxies and a million years away from where she was supposed to go)
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humanstein · 12 hours
I got to meet David Tennant and Jodie Whittaker today!
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David said I "look incredible!" and even specifically called out that I was dressed as the Season 17 Fourth Doctor. Jodie radiated such positive energy.
The cherry on top is that I also got to meet K9! He was fully functional and remote controlled. He could wag his tail and talk. I even got an "Affirmative, Master!"
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allthoseotherworlds · 7 months
Genuinely really loving the tendency of official Doctor Who stuff to now refer to the Doctor in general with they/them pronouns
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