#do u ever think about how rvb is a story about love? i do
agentark · 1 month
I love season 8 of rvb because you can feel how excited they were to really show off using original animations
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
ty for the tag @unpredictable-probabilities! I don't usually do tag things but I'm feeling an exception today and I want to ramble lol let's GO!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Right now, 51! I think i started using ao3 back in college with rvb fic lol. I've since orphaned 2 fics so I guess there wouldve been 53.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, mostly just Twisted Wonderland (and the occasional dndads, I still have a fic in my brain I kinda wanna write for that). Twst was kinda my comeback to wanting to write fics and has been my main inspiration for a lot of things and it's been the most fun i've had writing fics I think, and it's eventually what's gotten me to try to write my first multi chapter fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Slip Ups and Lift Ups (Stardew Valley) 444 Kudos 2. A Fishy Intervention (TWST) 354 Kudos 3. Company (TWST) 249 Kudos 4. Security Cauldron (TWST) 248 Kudos [my first twst fic i think? also has some errors in it teehee oopsie] 5. Because I Care (TWST) 234 Kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! I think I didn't used to? Maybe because I felt weird about my own comments changing the comment count and like it was somehow lying lol. but that's silly and i like talking to people and I Need people to Know that i Love Their Comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm I do not write much angst, and even when I do it's more hurt/comfort, bc permasads make ME permasad. I think it was my rvb fic "forgotten" - which i always forget was my first fic uploaded to ao3 LOL, back in 2015. ironic that my first wasnt reflective of the tone i usually write for. i don't wanna reread it to check [even tho my fics from back then are WAY shorter] bc im scared to face how i wrote when i was fresh outta hs lol BUT if i remember correctly/based on the summary, it was a doc/donut fic and I think it was about how after doc had disappeared from the future cube or whatever in canon and no one knew he was gone, i wrote a scene of doc getting upset with donut bc Of All People Why Didnt You Notice I Thought I Meant Something To You 😔 kdlsjfkdlsj i think it ended with doc walking off and donut being SAD and idk maybe they broke up, idr if they were 'officially dating' in the context of that fic. but um hashtag docnut for life.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most all of my fics are happy endings with an exception of like one ^ or two lol. I don't know if i can quantify those!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not to my face if I do lol. I don't think enough people know about me to give a shit if i do stuff they dont like
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope!!!! i dont really like smut personally and it's not the kind of genre i have story ideas for.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't think i've ever done that 🤔
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
girl help i cannot choose. um. well first shout out again to rvb's docnut bc u will always be strong and married in my heart. and in dndads im an oakworthy truther til i die BUT for twst. twst beloved twst i am in that pitfall of i like 50000 different ships. jamiazu is the one i write and draw the most LOL and theyre def a top fave HOWEVER. god. treycater alters my brain chemistry. rookvil marriage real. adeuce beloved fool duo for life. im physically restraining myself from mentioning more KLFJDSKLFJS especially when we get into the multiship/poly web bc god we will be here all day. i can and will be enabled but this post is already long enough GOODBYE!!!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh ok well there was a dndads oakworthy thing I started like last year but pretty soon after I started it, we started seeing more of hermies forbidden other 'true' personality traits and i was like ruh roh this guy keeps pulling a fast one on me, i dont think the direction i had with this fic is fitting anymore. i had barely gotten anywhere with it and it wouldve been short anyway, but i think about what couldve been.... lololol and then for TWST umm. Hehe. Teehee even. Back during nanowrimo I used that as time to start 2 fics: kalim and the great relationship rescue, which is my current multichap fic about kalisil and jamiazu, it’s got about 3 chapters, and I’m still writing it. AND IM STILL GOING TO FINISH THAT ONE!!! but the OTHER one I started during that time and have NOT posted any of it yet was the stuff with my first twst oc, Char, and his place in my big caterella multiverse ideas lol. I’ve posted a bit about that story idea and done a lot of doodles and brianstorming for it, but I fear it would be too intimidatingly ambitious to stick to and I’m not sure writing one concrete fic is the right medium for it 🤔 plus I just don’t think many people would like it much LOL it would be very self indulgent and tapping into my soap opera brain. I feel nervous when I talk about it HAHDBFNTG so I’m not sure I could commit. But I still have what I wrote, and maybe I’ll figure out another way to go with it or maybe I’ll just wake up one day and say WHATEVER and write it anyway lol. I’ve gotten shyer again so we’ll see 🧍
16. What are your writing strengths?
umm. i do not know if it is a strength but i feel more light comedy and dialogue come more 'naturally' to me, but i do not know how well i actually can pull it off LOL also shorter, contained stories. Everything I write is a one shot, and I’m struggling on my recent attempt at a multiple chapter fic BDBFFBFNGD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hrhrnrngm more descriptive writing, i find im in the pitfalls of writing TOO MUCH dialogue. and i also feel like when i try to do more serious tone things it comes off as cringe or trying too hard kFDKLSHFLDSJ. no one's said that to me but yknow. fear and whatnot. also ending the story is. Hard. I feel like that’s always a weak part of my fics bc I sit there like WELL I WROTE ALL MY IDEAS HOW DO I WRAP THIS UP…. I worry my endings come off kind of half assed but I do my best lol 😔✌️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
like are you asking if i would do it? or how i feel when it's done in fics i read? i dunno lol. i could maybe do spanish bc ive studied it a lot but i'd get nervous i think.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
on ao3 it was rvb bu teeeechnically back in my neoseeker forums days i was in there writing like, animal crossing or harvest moon or pokemon stuff. it was very bad bc i was like 10 years old LOL
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
ohoho ummmm. Well I always have fun writing jamiazu and I’ve written a LOT of those lol. I have a soft spot for The Comfort of Familiarity. That’s one of the ones hats taken me the longest to write because I was really trying hard to handle it with care, as it was a less light tone than I typically do and I was trying to explore the characters and their situation in a particular way that I really wanted to come across well with who reads it. It was hard, and I’m not sure I fully got there, but ultimately I did like it quite a a bit. on the flipside, one of my more recent fics and I think now my longest oneshot to date, Blue Raspberry Mango was VERY fun to write lol. That one’s a lot more like what I typically write, silly romcom style lmao. Cater and Idia goofing, characters bickering, friendship, me trying to sneak in as many side ships into the background for funsies, jamiazu is there, it was a good time. And that one started as a prompt suggestion which I feel like often times I end up struggling with and not delivering super well… but this one ran away from me and I had a blast lol. Idikei fixed me 😌✌️
Ty for tagging me! Umm. I am too scared to tag other people 🧍 goodbye jk @officialgleamstar 🫵 You Do It
[sorry if I missed any typos or autocorrect, part of this was on my phone and I always miss SOMETHING lol]
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sroloc--elbisivni · 7 years
RvB Rec Day--August, 2017
holy shit i’m so bad at remembering to do these
anyway if you know the author’s urls feel free to tag them so they know they are loved
burn and bury by stellalum. (She needs her answers and her vengeance sated so she can move on with her life. The only thing that tugs her attention away from her goal comes in sandy gold armour. Carolina may be running her equipment so her own shows a dark grey, but his stands out. It's York. Of course it's York. (or, "Carolina finds York before Tex can; Feelings ensue.")) Yorkalina, 7k, canon-divergence au. oh god there are. so many feelings. so many. beautifully builds on canon in the best and worst of ways, not shying away from anything and making a masterwork of two hurt people who have hurt each other a lot moving past that and finding something that’s not quite peace in the ashes. so many things about this kill me from the characterization to the banter to the entire undercover bit g o d. also I have been hanging onto this rec since APRIL because I keep forgetting to make these just GO READ THIS FIC.
 Five Reds and a Baby by @a-taller-tale​ (Red Team accidentally acquires a baby. It's Grif's fault.) Series, 10k, 5 works, sort of gen but s t r o n g Grimmons it is so strong and I LOVE IT. Anyway I’m late to this party because everyone and their genetic donor has probably read this and if not WHAT’S STOPPING YOU. HIJINKS AND SHENANIGANS  IS ONE OF THE ADDITIONAL TAGS. THAT ALONE SHOULD CONVINCE YOU. I JUST FOUND IT TODAY AND IT’S BEAUTIFUL AND HILARIOUS AND WONDERFUL AND GOD JUST LOOK AT THIS FAMILY OF DORKS IT’S ENOUGH TO MAKE ANYONE RED TEAM. G A H I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
we’ve already done that joke by Prim_the_Amazing (Why the fuck did he have to spend five minutes convincing him that Dexter Grif was in fact his name, but the guy knew Star Wars references on an instinctual level?) Grimmons, 1.6k, Grif gets amnesia from an alien temple, mostly focused on Tucker and Grif. Which right there should convince you because HELLO THIS FRIENDSHIP. TUCKER AS THE ULTIMATE GRIMMONS SHIPPER WE ALL KNOW HE IS. I actually found this through a rec today but g o d do i have to second it because holy shit this is a thing of beauty. Friendship! Tucker being a wingman! Grif being genuinely a dork in love with Simmons! Simmons thinking Grif has brain damage because he won’t stop flirting. why are you still here GO READ IT. AGAIN.
For Me, it’s Been an Eternity by whoviangoesthere (Tucker isn't going to let this happen. Not ever. Or: An AU following the events of S15 Episode 17. SPOILERS THROUGH s15x17.) Minor Tuckington, 1.7k, time travel/loop au. This is the first fic I’ve seen to address the “so anyway fandom has decided There’s A Time Machine whatevs Nicolosi” issue and it does it SO WELL. Pain. Humor. More pain. Time loops! I love time loops. Wonderful fic. 
Bittersweet by sajere1 (Your name is Lieutenant Caleb Bitters, Captain Grif is dead, and you just punched a hole in your locker. That’s…well, that about sums it up, really.) Bitters-centric character study, 3k. oh my god i never thought i could have this many feelings about Bitters but oh my god. Plays with the idea that Bitters isn’t from Chorus, and has in fact met both Grifs well before then, and ended up in a war well over his head. Takes two of my “i love these but only if done right” things--2nd person pov and Chorus history/politics--and does them so well so yeah this owns me and deserves so much more visibility and love. 
cherry bomb by @bizarrebird​ (Blood Gulch isn't a big town, but sometimes it feels like the whole damn world, and Carolina's let herself get lost in it. The journey back to being a real person, isn't an easy one, but with a locksmith and an army veteran, along with a diner full of friendly idiots at her side, she might just make it.) Yorkimbalina, WIP, 19k so far. Modern au. So we’re agreed that everything Diana writes is a gift, right? right. and if you haven’t read the entirety of her Diner au already holy shit is today your lucky day. I don’t have enough time to write all the words about how much I love this fic because it’s midnight in an hour and 45 minutes, so I’m just going to say that the first time I checked the Yorkimbalina tag which is my baby to find a brand new fic I screamed. And then I messaged Steph to make sure she knew. And then I read the whole thing and screamed some more and I’m still screaming. G ODD AMN DO I LOVE THIS FIC. Diana is??? such a brilliant writer, holy shit, like in all the wonderful small details and characterization elements and also in all the giant overarching themes and stories that I really just want to print all of this and roll around in it forever. the slow build dynamic she’s got working is g o r g e o u s and alll??? the wonderful tropes?? that she’s working in in such a lovely and natural way?? she’s not only got a wonderful, brilliant take on York and Carolina, but has managed to make one of my favorite Kimballs e v e r and i am so picky about the way people write my daughter but oh my god Vanessa Kimball. In this fic. yes drown me. and the best part is there’s going to be m o r e. i cannot believe this fic exists and continues to bless my life just GO READ IT AND JOIN THIS TRASH CANOE P L E A S E. 
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elitheradguy · 7 years
1,3,4,8 (U fool u complete and utter fool this is only part one of my asks I will shower my friends with aLL the affection tonight I shall over board on this ask meme and learn about ALL the things u like iN ORDER TOO TOO LATER USE YHAT TO MAKE U HAPPIER U COMPLETE AMD UTTER FOOL I HAVE U NOW {ps no no I don't know why I'm turning into a super villain tonight lack of food and sleep probs lol juz tell me if I'm goin over board})~🙀
12,14,15,18,20 (PART TWO of my endeavor to find out Ur WEAKNESSES and EXPLOIT THEM in the name of FRIENDSHIP) ~🙀            
(Omgggg I love you sm??? send me ALL OF THE QUESTIONS- actually that would take a while to do)
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? 
Homestuck lmao
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? 
Oooo! thats a good question! Maybe Mystic Messenger? or Camp Camp? Ive met a lot of rly good people
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? 
Hmm.. no, I dont really think I regret getting involved in any? Theyre all things I still enjoy to a degree in certain cases so c:
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? 
I watched Camp Camp and then it became a hyperfixation whoops-
12. Who is your current OT3? 
OOOOO. Id say Donut, Caboose and Church from RvB? Im a sucker for pastry train, but I also really like Churboose? and Churchnut is really cute too-
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? 
Omggg. Uhmm… I really like Neil and Nikki from Camp Camp? Max can get in there too but I rly like their relationship specifically
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? 
huh… idk if its obscure but I rly like Sargington-
18. What ship have you written the most about? 
Grimmons lmao
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? 
I think Ill say Sargington again? I didnt expect to like it as much as I do!
Hoo boy this has been fun!! Thanks for the asks friend nobodys ever asked me this many things lmao
Edit: omg I thought you were done I WAS WRONG-
21,23,25,26,28 (sorry if any of these repeat. Now. Only ONE BEFORE MY CONQUEST IS COMPLETE) ~🙀            
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? 
uHm technically it was this self insert tokyo mew mew fanfiction i wrote when I was like, 7-
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. 
Ahh I did that one! :D
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? 
Uhmm.. Oh! Its actually one I wrote while I was really into Dangan Ronpa for naegami called Surprise
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? 
I give it a title reminiscent of the main idea (Matchmakers bc the characters were match making, Surprise bc a character gets surprised) and Im always like “Ill change it later” and then I never do
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? 
Oooo uhm... I think Id love to see a picture of Grif and Simmons throwing tissues at each other resembling the scene I wrote for Sick Day
31,36,39,41,43,45 (AHA. NOW I HAVE SENT U MANY ASKS. {BUT if it's too many feel free to ignore stuff} AND WILL LEARN HOW TO BE A v good friend too you have a good day and sorry if I am being too Extra tonight tell me and I will back off in a heartbeat.) ~🙀     
(Pffffft youre great friend Ily Have a good day too!)
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? 
Oooo uhm.. I remember in Matchmakers someone told me that they really liked my characterization of Church and that I captured his exasperation and it was rly fun to read and that made me rly happy like? It was nice that they were rly specific about what they liked and it made my day
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? 
tbh I cant write anything thats not comedic in some way so Comedy ig?
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? 
Hmm. thats a good question. A lot of people when theyre complimenting my writing say they like my characterization so maybe that?
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: 
oMg Id love to but?? Im actually not in the middle of reading anything-
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? 
@khakisohn and @camp-camp-hell bc Im Gay
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? 
Ooo. Oo thats hard. I want to say that one I wrote abt David bc it was so self indulgent and made me happy but I also dont want to be conceited-
There are a lot of rly good fanfics out there tbh? I dont think I have an all time favourite.
Okay, now Im done pfff thanks again friend!! Ily!
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charlie-artlie · 7 years
hhhhhggrrrmmhhhgggggggg aaaaaaa ok i got on in this white hell box to start slamming rvb s15 but that ep10 was so good!!!!!!! click below to watch me go back and forth on this topic for like 5or10 paragraphs lmao!!!!!!!!!
ok so lemme start with things i like which 
1). UHG??? that beach scene!!!!!!! perfect amazing perfection everything ive ever wanted???!!!!????!!!! they held hands im literally crying my hands were over my face the whole time like!!!!!!! AAAAAA so that was great
2). i........ like temple. even tho i got spoiled about him being a villain  i still thought the reveal was good and i have such a soft spot for smarmy yandere style “im gonna emotionally torture u :)” villains. it also probably doesnt help that i love and miss church so hes a fun stand in on that front AS WELL AS a stand in as tuckers new evil boyfriend now that felix is a pancake
2.5). unrelated but did we get confirm on felix being dead??? he aint dead til i see a body jussaiyin...
3). i have mixed feelings on church coming back that ill get into but church is maybe my favorite character so ultimately i view that as a plus?
4). i really put this one off cuz i was still reeling over this newest episode but all the potential grif development (and by extension red team development as a whole) that looks like its gonna happen this season has got me bittin the pillow like i kid u not im on the edge of my seat fam
ok but like. now onto the real shit. (THIS GOT SO LONG SHIT)
the one thing that is really REALLY holding me back from fully enjoying this season is wanting to know what the crews fuckin intentions are with this show. like. im gonna go ahead and put my hat on the fuckin table or whatever but season 13 was an ending. it was  good fucking ending too (and i know someones gonna go back and pull up receipts of me a year or so ago begging for a continuation season after s13 ended but dont do that pls) and to continue after an ending like that with a time skip like that makes this whole season feel like an epilogue to me? like a clean up? like there were some loose ends were tying up.
like. if theyre serious about this season and about ALL these new characters theyre bringing up then were looking at an arc here. like its gonna have to be to bring this to a proper close after all this extra shit?? they cant comfortably bring this to a close in one season
like what are they planning????whats the point of all this????
i honestly wouldn’t even  be so bent out of shape about it all, like it wouldn’t seem like such a stretch but the fact that we’re introduced to this season with dylan, who is also, largely, framed as a main character this season. who is. a new character. :/
like i get the narrative tool of using a reporter to drag your characters out of retirement for “one last job” (again, kinda framing it to be one season which worries me!) but whyyyyyy do we have to go through all this stuff with dylan and jax??????? like W H Y do we have to go through the same relationship development we’ve seen like three times already?????? jax is characteristically indistinguishable from caboose, so like???? weve seen this before!! the cold cynical “i dont need friends im just doing my job” person getting frustrated by having to deal with the idiot heart-of-gold tagalong who refuses to hate them no matter how mean or terrible they are like?? we saw it with church and caboose. we saw it later with wash and caboose. we saw it with church and caboose againnnnnnnn. we even kinda saw it with tucker and palomo!!!!! like whats the point of repeating this scene again and again!!!! we get it cynical mean assholes deserve unconditional love too i guess!!!!
like i just cant really get into it. and i dont even really mind dylan like i like her a lot more than i initially thought i would but i already can pretty much see the direction her character arch is going so im just sorta like shrug. shes gonna push jax until he leaves and then...........only then..........will she learn how much she should have valued his unconditional love.................even if he annoyed her and they didnt get along objectively in any way shape or form. but since he likes her then its her job to reciprocate even if she doesnt get anything out of the relationship at all. also she shot him. but whatever their friendship is beautiful (didnt know i had this much salt over this particular subject lmao whoops)
ok so narratively i only see two reasons to do this and im not crazy about either
1). theyre building up to draw some parallels between dylan and like wash or church or s/t but again i dont see the reasoning like why is this season framed around teacher dylan an important lesson about friendship you brought the show back from the jaws or death to give my a character arc for a new character????
2). this its more significant than it seems (i.e. theyre not who we think they are, i mean, its pretty suspicious we only have jax’s stage name rn) like theyre more significant players than we’ve been led to believe
(((also also im with grif on the whole bringing church back thing lmao. like WE DID THIS ALREADY??? there were a lot of AI why dont we ever go on an epic quest to save any of my other favs like oh idk TEX?????????!!!!!!!!!???????)))
but really tho my real and true problem is that i cant tell why theyre still making episodes. is it because theres still a story here that needs to be told or just because they can. and i know my hangup with this mostly stems from one interview i saw after s13 ended with miles and burnie where burnie pretty much said “yea if i had it my way uh i would end it here but hey it is what it is :/” and that just sorta struck a cord with me. maybe because he was a writer and one of the original people who created it i was sorta uncomfortable with taking the show places he didnt want to take it (and i could be TOTALLY off base with this assessment!!!! like i dont know how burnie really feels about this show rn he could be totally digging the new stuff this is just a personal things thats a hangup in just my own head!!!!)
ok so i think i covered pretty much everything i needed to say about this season so far if you actually read this far thanks if u gave up and skipped to the end then i have one last food for thought:
im gonna be the huge stick in the mud who says it: people are putting way too much faith in a company that is still using donut to make cheap gay jokes by actually thinking grimmons is going to become canon and im sorry that youre going to be disappointed. what we are going to get is a unsatisfying reunion and subsequent make up a la church and tucker in s12 and thats it.
thats not what i want to happen thats what i believe will happen. i am FULLY prepared to eat my own hat if im wrong. you may consider this text post legally binding
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shadeofazmeinya · 7 years
here is the story i mentioned
@endragh submitted: so i went back and found the original person who created the au here for anyone who doesn’t know/forgets.
also i’m there wasn’t jeremy at the time, so i’m just changing ray into jeremy.
also it is a little long ^_^U ~*~*~
anyways everyone acts like they normally do but going on freelance missions. he breaks most of the rules by calling them by the name they want and not the one assigned to them(ryan instead of Rho) which the commander(like a smaller one? not the main one) doesn’t like.
he sends him on a mission with a group of others as a “group exercise” on that mission they shoot him in the back and take the guys from him(with them all complaining)
they are each given to a different person and are having a talk with the commander. in the meeting they guys are all arguing and reacting to geoffs death. micheal is mad, gavin in sad, jeremy silent and not responding, jack is trying to calm everyone and ryan is acting like the perfect AI. Micheal at one point accuses him of being a traitor.
against their will they have to work for the freelancers they are assigned to. ryan seems to be the only one doing what he is suppose to. eventually ryan’s freelancer is complaining about his armor having problems but they can’t find any.
after a while ryan’s freelancer is in the cafeteria, while the rest of the guys are there, and suddenly he is having problems. the suit is pumping him with adrenaline. a commanding officer calls out ryan. telling him to turn off the suit. ryan refuses. conversation:
commander: turn off the suit Rho
Ryan: no
Commander: what?
Ryan: i refuse. i wanted only to work with geoff, and you took that away from me. since i can’t work for geoff i’m going to erase myself.(for those who don’t know if a freelancer dies the ai in their suit will be deleted so not to fall in enemies hands)
the others are trying to convince him not to do this, with him apologizing to them all. they can’t move the guy so the commanders are freaking out. pretty much everyone is loud then ryan stands straight. “Transfer command accepted” he says then before the guy dies he dissaperes.
the commander has a meeting with the reaming guys freelancers and tells the freelancers to be careful and look out for ryan. also that ryan’s backup file was stolen.
the next to be taken is gavin. there is no visual but there is a recording of the conversation. all that is recorded is gavin being happy to see ryan and ryan convincing gavin to transfer to “him”.
another meeting with the remaing guys, telling them about gavin. the commander tries to convince them that gavin and ryan are hacked. also gavin’s backup was also stolen.
the next is jack. this time there is visual of the three AI but not who ever is collecting them either knows the camera is there or gets lucky as they don’t get seen. jack spends the conversation trying to convince them to get looked at and they are hacked. the end of the conversation goes like this:
Jack: guys really, you need to get looked at
Gavin: no come on jack, can’t you trust us?
jack shakes his head
Ryan: i don’t think he will, maybe he will get you to trust us?
jack looks at something off screen and smile “oh, alright.”
there is another meeting and this time micheal is super mad so he is all like “fine, i hate you but i want to save my friends.” jeremy finally speaks for the first time since geoff died. pretty much agreeing with micheal. that is when gavin and ryan pop us calming the other two, conversation:
Gavin: calm down micheal
Micheal: how could i be calm, you were hacked
Ryan: nah we’re fine, he’ll explain everything. he indicated behind them
a crate falls down behind them and the freelancer comes down, a shield around him. the two other freelancers shoot at him but it bounces off the shield. when everything is calmed a little bit. they see that it is geoff, who had been saved by someone(either griffon or one of team b). eventually he gets the other two and they leave to live happily ever after, on the run of course.
awww what a sad idea, but i love it, even if i haven’t watched much rvb
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whimsical-writer · 7 years
the whole rainbow!
Well I already answered Green here, so I’ll do all the other colours.
how was your first kiss? 
To be honest it was SHIT. I’m 18 years old, never been kissed before, in my second real relationship. Cuddling with the guy in his basement, playing video games… And he’s holding me close… Suddenly says he loves me. It’s been two months. I am a smol, and I panic, and say it back to him cause that’s what you’re supposed to do right? And then he asks if he can kiss me. Okay sure….
But then proceeds to lick all over my lips/shove his tongue in my mouth (despite KNOWING it was my first kiss), wouldn’t let me pull away… it was AWKWARD AS HELL. I ended up breaking up with him about a week later and he spread a rumor that he got his hand down my pants. :’u Grade A asshole.
what do you love about yourself?
I love how creative I am! It’s easy for me to think of stories / drawings, and I’m always eager to pick up a new art skill. =D
When’s the last time you warmed your hands in front of a fire? 
Back in February! It was Reading Week ( a week of school) for my Roommate and I, so we went to Winterlude to go skating and see the ice-sculptures. They had a few wood stoves around outside for people to keep warm at. My gloves smelt like wood smoke for weeks
would you rather watch a sunrise or sunset? 
what’s the best thing about summer?
Uh… I like all the flowers and the meteor shower in August… But other than that I am not a huge fan of summer. I melt easily. :’u
what makes you feel warm inside? 
Honestly, talking to my friends and getting hugs. And kittens.
what’s your favorite halloween tradition?
Dressing up! … And candy.
what’s the last thing you learned?
Well, I’m currently in a program for animation… I suppose the last thing I learned is I need to manage my time better. :’u Next year, my grades WILL be better.
when’s the last time you felt obsessed?
-looks at my sketchbooks filled with RVB characters-
… Very recently.
what’s your favorite article of clothing?
Skiiiirts and dresses! Any day I don’t have to wear pants is a good one.
if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? 
Ideally: the ocean.
Realistically, a view of the city from my apartment.
what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? 
Assuming it’s not STUPID HOT OUT, just sitting outside in the grass is nice. Miss doing this at my Mum’s.
what do you consider lucky? 
Overall, yeah. I have good friends and family, I’ve never been horribly injured… Would love a little more cash flow in my life but that’s everyone. :’u So yeah, I’d say I’m lucky. 
what made you smile today? 
I read the whole thing this morning and it made me want to cry it was so good but I was grinning at so many parts, it was sO GOOD.
what makes you happy?
Being with my friends and cuddles!! Also the discord chat, you guys are awesome and I love you all, thank you for being my friends.
what do you do when you’re sad? 
If I can, I cuddle with someone. Being squished / hugged is really calming and can help me when I’m sad or panicked. Reading or rping a cute fluffy scene also can help a lot.
Just being with friends and talking.
what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? 
Roll over and check skype to talk to Mushi lol
Though if it’s the early hours of the morning I’ll daydream until I’m either so understimulated I have to get up or I fall back asleep.  I’ll plan out stories or write self-indulgent scenes in my head.
what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had?
hONESTLY last Saturday was the RVB Cards Against Humanity game and it was so much fun, especially when we collectively lost our shit upon realizing there was going to be a new RVB episode the next day, rather than a PSA. After that we streamed season 11 and everyone was just having a good time and it was lovely.
what kind of covers do you have on your bed?
Alright so
I got my sheets
Got my wolf blanket
Got my DIGIMON COMFORTER (it’s the best thing ever)
Got my woodland creatures blanket one of my best friends made me
And I got my Winnie the Pooh baby blanket! 
I am a warm and cozy Heza when I go to bed.
who is the last person you told a secret to?
Uh… I honestly can’t remember. I don’t often have secrets.
what’s your astrological sign? 
Aries baby! I enjoy being a fluffy ram. I put 0 stock into the Zodiac as being a viable way to explain anything about my life or me as a person, but I do find that stuff fun to read about! 
what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? 
“Never be afraid to erase.”. This was said to me by my Grade 7 homeroom teacher. I was just starting to get into art and drawing then, and it was a great piece of advice. I’m not afraid to completely start a drawing over, and there were even times I did that on my animations during school and honestly I think they turned out for the better. And from a non-drawing standpoint I think it’s good too. Don’t be afraid to admit something was a mistake and do away with it. Start over. Make it better. 
when’s the last time you followed your instincts? 
Hmmm… Having trouble remembering this one too. I think quitting the kitchen industry was one, because I knew I was just hurting myself in that career, and going into Animation instead. This is MUCH better for me.
what’s your favorite food? 
… You know how hard it is to pick one favourite food?? 
Uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh raspberries.
what’s your secret dream?
This took me a while to think about. I’m generally pretty open about what I want in life and what my goals are.
I suppose if I could spend a year or more traveling the world, without worrying about a job and money… That’d be nice.
And there you go Anon! :’D All about Heza.
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meanderfall · 7 years
//puts chin in hands and stares at u adoringly, for the cute questions: 1 - 6 - 13 - 15 - 42 - 74 - 91 - 120 - 128 - 133 - 136 - 144 and 147!!!
ajflsdhfalkhf adri you spoil me rotten!!!! Thank you my love!!!
(this is going under a read more bc holy shit)
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I’m pretty sure it was when I met up with one of my friends after her class in summer school?? we just sat down together and like held hands while we talked. And I think that was the person bc tbh it is entirely likely i’ve held hands with my younger siblings between then and now (I guess i might not have a specific memory about it bc i havent seen my siblings in like 2 weeks ;;A;;)
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Honestly, I love passionate people, the people who adore things and others with everything they have, and people who are clever (which doesnt mean being good at school), and those who are a little bit snarky and a lot silly (well silly at the right moments i guess, there’s a time and place for everything!!! //whispers professor oak taught me that). People who take themselves too seriously aren’t for me.(Also, on a more “oh that’s really hot!” level, competency?? at anything, just having something you are really good at, and just how focused they are and absorbed in what they’re doing, and the concentration, all those things are so attractive omg) 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
oh god, i have the emotional memory of a gnat. This summer… was pretty terrible tbh, but a good thing that happened was the time I spent with you?? like overwatch (and I finally started to enjoy playing it!!!) or when we watched rvb together (and drace!) and then the next day when we spent like six hours listening to music, that was fantastic! Besides that, I’m happy I’m getting closer with @anthcny-stark and @theaussiedragon too, and like! those two days I spent with my older brother and we just hung out and watched stuff together and my younger siblings! We binge-watched things together and had a blast!!!! so i guess a lot of good things have happened this summer, it’s just hard to remember when life in general is awful.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Depends! And it’s hard to tell because I’m a pretty quiet person in general. Pretty sure most of my family would assume that I’m snarking in my head, but I would say most of the time when I’m quiet, I’m just spacing out, just staring into the distance with my mind blank. Other times I could just be exhausted or have a headache. Though, if I’m with a group of friends that you know I’m usually comfortable and loud with and I’m not saying anything, I’m likely going through some kind of depressive spiral where I feel like nobody would actually miss me if I was gone and even if they did, I could be easily replaced and basically I’m not really important to anybody, and I could disappear and they wouldn’t really care.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Two. The stuffed fox and a unicorn that has not left the box I put it in when we moved. (I had???? a shitton of stuffies but I gave them away when we moved bc I had never mastered the art of sleeping with stuffies so they were mostly a nuisance when they were in bed with me, and like I get stupidly and easily attached to anything so of course I loved them to death, but really my comfort object has always been my blankie, who is now ridiculously tiny for my size and I basically ball up and cuddle with when I sleep if I need that comfort.)
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
No. I think I would only feel that way if I was angry and I’m not angry about anything atm so no.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
I used to be! Had a nightlight and everything. Now the only thing about the dark I’m scared of is the possibility of walking into something. I actually really like the dark (well as long as it’s in an environment I know lmao dont knock me out and put me in a pitch dark basement in the middle of nowhere)
128. Would you change your name?
If I could find a name I liked and felt a connection to, ye! My name is just… cumbersome and unwieldy to the tongue and it’s… pretty hideous tbh. I don’t know how to put it, ever since I was a kid, I always felt like my name was unique but not in the good way. It stuck out like sore thumb, and was stupidly long, and like, I would look at it and recognize as mine, like felt a connection to it? but it wasn’t a fun connection. It’s like those moments when you look at yourself in the mirror and it’s like you’re realizing that that’s what you look like to other people, that is your physical form, and there’s a weird disconnect between the two, and it’s fucking weird.
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
adri you hate me dont you, do you have any idea how hard this question is!!!!! how am i supposed to choose??? (the answer: I’m not. I’m choosing all of them. All of my favourite lyrics right now. I hope you’re happy adri)
“Oh everything’s a messAnd all these sorrows I have seenThey lead me to believeThat everything’s a mess” Dream by Imagine Dragons
“Happiness, feels a lot like sorrowLet it be, you can’t make it come or goBut you are gone - not for good but for nowAnd gone for now, feels a lot like gone for good” Happiness by The Fray (the part that really hits me is italicized)
“Make my messes matter.Make this chaos count.Let every little fracture in meShatter out loud.” Jupiter by Sleeping At Last
“Stitch by stitch I tear apart.If brokenness is a form of art,I must be a poster child prodigy.Thread by thread I come apart.If brokenness is a work of art,Surely this must be my masterpiece.I’m only honest when it rains.If I time it right, the thunder breaksWhen I open my mouth.I want to tell you but I don’t know how.” Neptune by Sleeping At Last
I can’t pick a favourite so, all of Saturn by Sleeping At Last. All of it.
“Much too tired to try,Much too stubborn to quit” Hit or Miss by Sleeping At Last.
“maybe distance is the only cure?Far away from hurt is where healing occurs.But all you really want to do is make them proud,Don’t you? don’t you?It must be so hard, in the mess you’re always cleaning up,To believe in the ghost of unbroken love.But I promise you,The truth is that you’re loved. so loved.” Silhouettes by Sleeping At Last
“Cry heart, cry yourself to sleep, cry a storm of tears if it helps you breatheIt helps you, if it helps you breathe” Homesick by Sleeping At Last
“Show meHow to struggle gracefullyLet the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough to hold this tired body upOnce more […]
So I will try, try, try to breathe‘til it turns to muscle memoryI’m only steady on my kneesBut one day I’ll stand on my own two feet
And I’ll run the riskOf being intimate with brokenness […]” Son by Sleeping At Last
“They say don’t let them inClose your eyes and clear your thoughts againBut when I’m all alone, they show up on their own […]They say “Just push them down, just fight them harderWhy would you give up on it so soon?” […]
Life is pain, life’s not fairSo angels please, please stay hereTake the pain, take the fear” Inner Demons by Julia Brennan
“Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever didLooking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kidAnd I’m still standing after all this timePicking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind” I’m still Standing (the cover by Taron Egerton)
“I feel fine enough, I guessConsidering everything’s a mess.” Pinch Me by the Barenaked Ladies
“I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desertBut I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime“ In a Big Country by Big Country
(yes i know about 90% of these is SaL, but they have some of the best lyrics ever???) (also true story, the moment i read the question, i forgot every song i ever listened to lmao)
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Unless it’s a hot and/or humid night and I need the airflow, the door is closed. Leaving it open makes me feel vulnerable?? (and that’s true throughout the day as well, if my door is open it’s bc I’m feeling open and wouldn’t mind people coming in to talk to me). Not to mention I usually sleep naked.
Fun fact! In the old house, I would sleep with the door open (mainly in case my cat wanted to come sleep in bed with me), but what ended up happening, bc I’m a paranoid and suspicious fuck, I would immediately awaken whenever someone would go to the bathroom (bc there was only one bathroom (for seven people!) and it was right across the hall from my room), and I would look to see who it was (which often resulted in awkward eye contact) before rolling over and going back to sleep. According to one sibling, the fact that I was always awake when they went was “really fucking creepy”. (I DIDNT DO IT ON PURPOSE THOUGH!!!!! I WOULD HEAR FOOTSTEPS AND AWAKEN, NOT MY FAULT!!! the worst part is that I can sleep through anything else. Cat sleeping on my face? no problem. Thunderstorm? Can’t hear a thing. My cats duking it out with an owl, which apparently woke up the entire house? sleeping like a baby.)
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Sorry, I read the question and started drooling. Um, definitely have to go with milk chocolate. (White is a close second! Dark chocolate is too bitter for my tastes.)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Mars. (I do not like peanuts in my dessert. Or nuts in general.)
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