mspi · 11 months
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Any argument with this one? That's a tough nerd question for me. Star Wars or Star Trek? Like D&D or Magic? That's what a crush of a professor brought me to when trying to verify my geekness.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 6 months
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Good thing I'm not a werewolf. A romantic night out breathing fresh air after work could've become real awkward.
Of course I enjoyed being able to see the stars in a clear night sky. Saw why the university out there had the kick butt observatory. It's awesome.
It's insane how I call that a relaxing night when we thought we were going to die once we saw a full moon jiggle. That's how tired we must've been.
No joke. A day of working with networks, security, and training can easily poop one out. I don't remember having good coffee available in my office, at least they had Starbucks around the corner. Must've been great being an IT manager of a university. At least they're didn't need to worry about the DotCom crash. At least it didn't feel that way.
Anywho, I jumped way forward in time there. Looking at the "moon" in the comic makes me happy I'm not a werewolf.
Asked sis and uncle if they'd rather be a vampire or werewolf. They'd rather be a vampire because turning into a werewolf looks painful as heck. Uncle wants to get the magic magnetism Nicholas Cage has with people too.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 3 months
Oh my goodness! I love Elmo too! I'd keep it cool and say that I need more of them in my life when things get hard.
My goodness, it's Elmo. He was made for hugs and kisses not the weight of everyone's stress on their shoulders. Imagine if it were Winnie the Pooh? Strike that, their Blood & Honey film would've been created so much sooner if Pooh were given access to social media.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 3 months
Spoilers included
Tom Ellis brought up a great point on not diluting a treasure such as them. Take Taylor Swift as an example. I adored her work in the beginning; now it's gotten to the point where I'd like to boo her off the screen when watching KC Football.
The story can even be applied to new pets and childhood hobbies.
> seashell collections
> softball
> piano (fail)
> singing (fail)
> writing (meh)
> IT 😚🥳
> gaming (😃)
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
The Nics on bug eating!
Happy I got to watch Renfield with my family yesterday and they got to have a good laugh from it.
Maybe I worked too hard on prepping for the film. Let's see, I reread Dracula and even analyzed how they were going to rework the characters and his environment to accommodate any changes.
IDK why some were down in the dumps on the new portrayal of the Dark Prince, but I believe Cage did the vampire justice. Sharpening his teeth really gave the chill he was hopefully aiming for.
Renfield did a wonderful action movie take to the submissive character. It was a great touch.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 9 months
Never got their bit
Before I move deep into the post, let's 🙏 for an entertainer who amused millions with their talent. TY 🙏🛐❤️🧸
What do I remember about his show?
> I was a quiet kid who used the silence to study my surroundings and think. Heck, Saturday mornings were when I'd catch up on schoolwork and study college players doing their thing.
Pee-wee made such a difference for GebZ kids that you can catch remnants of Paul's work today. Heck, u have a friend who was the genie in a box for Halloween.
Thanks so much Paul for giving us happies for years to come.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
Try channeling creativity
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As stupid as this may sound to others, having an imagination helps. Don't think I pick up Mr Monster to just be goofy.
The puppet helps me exercise and express my stresses so I won't look like an all out loon. Bored is a given. That's why I disappear into adventures in the books I read or patterns I see on the wall or garden.
Great, now I'm thinking about how I could've saved a couple old relationships. At the same time I'm holding on to knowing that I don't want others.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
Do you believe?
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I've got to question thirteen. Our goldfish teamed up and would fight; they'd be the same ones starting trouble. We even placed a huge divider in the living room long tank and they pushed it down to attack select other fish.
One really big victim tried hiding in the decorative tree. Everyone was trying to figure where they were. It became a real life murder mystery thing in the house. That's when some began to speak cray--kidnappimg. 🧐
The fish would get territorial and that's how they ended up in a HUGE tank.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
Looking back on my career I'm catching a pattern. With jobs or relationships I'm either tired of or can't stand, I stayed 3 months. Impressive since in comparison, I've happily stayed in a few contract positions for 2 months or more.
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Oh this pop socket used to be the one holding up one of my Kindles. For some reason strangers would interrupt my quiet alone time thinking I was in a simple mundane read.
Let's see... The Bible, Frank Herbert, Tom Clancy, Michael Crichton, Michio Kaku, Stephen King, Tolkien... Be kind and leave me alone when I'm in the groove of things in a book. Believe me that I won't get mad as long as you're courteous with the interruption.
Someone's ripped my device out of my hands while I was reading John Carter of Mars. 😱 I know, right? (BTW that person couldn't believe I was waiting for a call back from Google or that I was once an engineer.)
Did the Boba drink not give off warning vibes? Please try not to bother people "in the zone."
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
Comedy from long ago
It was the fun stuff I'd watch on the b&w TV in the living room. We're talking about the small one in the corner of the dining room that I'd watch Dukes of Hazzard from it with my cap gun on top of my rocking horse.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
Ten words, one story. Whatcha got?
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Roscoe won't budge if he gets to stay with Twitter.
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-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
If this is true, I think that's a good thing
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Here's my morning alarm:
Not bad I hope. Thanks Post Malone!
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
Been reading Dracula to prep
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Haha... I've listened to enough Dracula on Audible to get the gist on Renfield. Going with my sisters to check out its comedic film when released should be a blast.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 year
Watch "THE SNEETCHES by Dr Seuss Read Aloud" on YouTube
Thinking that the "officials" who removed this book from shelves bc they don't see how it's about economics - either didn't listen closely to the whole thing OR they've never worked in sales.
This is one of the books that could've helped me in 4th grade with my first business. I was a little one who had marketing down pat; sales one liners came so naturally.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 1 day
This is why kids should explore
Of course I'm talking about having adults around when doing so. You definitely want to see and hear them in awe over what they find. Be ready for the questions too.
How'd I do this with my siblings? I was in college and working for corporate an hour away. The best I did was give them Power Puff Girls Monopoly.
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At least they played it all the time. Science just wasn't their forte. One recently decided to major in nursing though.
-- dnagirl
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mspi · 4 days
If this works, we might be able to walk our dog around downtown without a muzzle on. Hold on, he's a huge happy puppy turning 2 in May.
Thing with our Rottie is that he has no idea how big and scary he looks to other. Nevermind that he's super happy when he sees small dogs, it's only because he wants to give em a cordial sniff and have them chase him around the park.
-- dnagirl
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