#divergent peter hayes
imajinxnation · 2 years
hi! could i request something about how divergent characters (especially peter) would react to someone flirting with their s/o ? love your acc btw 😊
Jealousy - Divergent Preference/Reaction
You have no idea how excited I got when I saw this!
Like I woke up and saw this and I'm fuckin pumped to write this!
Sorry if this sucks, not a lot of inspiration.
WARNING:Fluff, probably a bit crack, Peter and Eric being themselves, and a lil suggestiveness, and a lil angst
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When he sees some rando Dauntless initiate flirting with you, he is pissed. He knows you'd never leave him, especially for an initiate, but the fact that this fucking kid thinks he can get with HIS partner... he needs to put the little shit in his place.
The moment he sees the kid flirting with you, he practically runs up to you and wraps his arms around your torso and gives the initiate the biggest death glare he could. Peter grabs your face and forces his lips on yours, not that you're complaining, but it was a bit embarrassing to have someone watch Peter make out with you. While you weren't aware, Peter rose his hand and flips off the initiate, which makes him leave, finally getting he hint that you were taken.
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Okay.. let's be honest here, this guy is fucking PETTY. Like if someone even looks at you in a suggestive way, he's just like, "get up here and fucking fight me, cause bitch, we both know you can't win."
He knows you'd never leave him, but he's still gonna be like, hell nah that's my partner. Not gonna lie, he probably almost killed someone because they were obviously harrassing you even though the person knew you were taken and asked them to go away. He would absolutely kill a bitch if it meant that you would be safe.
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Tobias can be very intimidating to younger people and people who don't know him very well. So imagine how he looks when he sees that someone is flirting with you, his partner. He's silent, but he's glaring at this person, probably imagining 100 knives in their back.
When he realizes the person isn't going away and you start looking uncomfortable after you realize the person doesn't care that you have a boyfriend and keeps flirting with you, he quickly finishes whatever he was doing and took you away from the uncomfortable aura of being around the person flirting with you. Let's just say you felt that jealousy and anger later that night.
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Tris is extremely insecure, so when she sees someone flirting with you she is not okay, she starts to think about all the things she hates about herself and how she thinks she's not good enough for you. Quickly those thoughts vanished as she saw you twist the persons arm when they tried to touch you in a bad way.
"Sorry, bitch, but I have a girlfriend, and if you want to keep your arm attached to your body, I suggest you leave me the fuck alone," you threatened. Tris propped up in pride, all those negative thoughts going away. You loved her so much more than she thinks.
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heliads · 7 months
Hi I was wondering if i could request for Peter Hayes where they have a rivalry going on even though she’s super sweet and one day he gets doused with that memory erasing gas and she volunteers to look after him for the time being and while he has no memory he’s just really nice to her and confused and they fall in love with each other. And one day he somehow randomly gets his memories back but he pretends he doesn’t because he’s afraid she’ll leave him until he accidentally slips up and he has to confess that he’s in love with her and was afraid she’d leave him if he had his memory back and went back to his normal self please and thank you :)
ooh it has been WAYY too long since i wrote for divergent!! let's go
'missing link' - peter hayes
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The boy knows it shouldn’t be like this.
He feels– strange. Not right. It takes him a moment to realize that might have to do with the fact that he’s crumpled on the ground, and another moment to discover with startling unease that he does not remember ever falling. Nor does he remember what room he’s in, how he got there, or anything else for that matter. Where there should be memories, there is just a blank gray wash in his head, a slate wiped clean of countless experiences.
It should terrify him, the boy thinks, but for some reason, he isn’t reacting to it as he should. Never mind the fact that the boy is not aware enough of who he is to know how he should or should not react to things; finding oneself in a strange place with no memories is grounds for panic, regardless of who he was before all this. A strange calm persists over his mind nonetheless; it’s unnatural, like he’s been sedated or something. You know what that’s like, a voice whispers in the back of his brain. Who the hell is he to be familiar with such a thing?
Before the boy can make a decision as to what he should do, the sound of running footsteps right outside the door jolts him back to reality. Seconds later, a trio of people all dressed in varying shades of black skid into the room. They stare at him. The boy stares back at them. They all seem equally confused as to what is going on, which is weird because as far as the boy is concerned, he’s the only one with gaps in his memory. Surely someone here should have a clue.
One of the three newcomers steps forward, a girl with mousy brown hair. Her black t-shirt has a low neck which reveals a tattoo of three birds against her collarbone. “Peter, what the hell have you done now?”
The boy glances behind him, but there’s no one else in the room, so he assumes Peter is supposed to be him. “What?”
Bird Tattoo looks confusedly at her two friends. For some reason, the expression feels familiar. Maybe this girl spends a lot of her time unaware of her surroundings. It’s probably annoyed him in the past. “We heard a loud noise and wanted to see what was going on. Of course you’re here, that explains things. What did you do?”
“There was a noise?” Peter asks. He doesn’t remember hearing anything like that, but that’s hardly new to him by now.
Immediately, he knows it’s the wrong question. The confusion in the trio’s expressions shifts to genuine alarm. A new girl starts talking, shorter than the rest but by no means less unhappy with him. “Yeah, it was super loud. There’s no way you missed it.”
“Oh,” he says, because they seem to expect him to answer.
Short Girl furrows her brow. “Did something happen? You seem weirdly quiet.”
Peter peers up at her. “Why would you say that? Do I know you?”
Short Girl’s face flashes with anger, but when it becomes clear that Peter isn’t just messing around, her jaw drops. “Oh, no. I think he got into the memory gas.”
The third member of their trio has been silent this whole time, but the final man sucks in a low breath now. “That’s bad. That’s really bad.”
“Memory gas?” Peter prods hesitantly.
“Yeah,” Quiet Guy says, “I see one of the canisters has been tampered with. Your memory has been erased. It’ll probably come back later, but for now, you won’t remember who you are. Or any of the rest of your memories, for that matter.”
Peter stares at him. “Why the fuck would memory gas just be lying around where someone can stumble upon it? What kind of place do you guys live in?”
“You live here too,” Bird Tattoo interjects, “And besides, it isn’t just lying around. This room was locked, I think you broke in. This whole sector is off limits.”
“Then why are you here?” Peter points out.
The trio exchange glances again. “We have to do something about him,” Bird Tattoo says at last.
“Kill him?” Short Girl asks hopefully.
“I would prefer not that,” Peter interjects, earning him three identical glares.
Quiet Guy tilts his head to the side, thinking. “Stick him with someone else. Give him to Y/N. She knows him better than all of us, she’ll figure out something to do to get his memories back.”
Short Girl scoffs. “Yeah, she knows him because he hates her the most. I’m not so sure that’s the best plan.”
“Do you have any other ideas?” Quiet Guy asks, and when both girls are silent, he takes that as his answer. “Alright, we’re taking him to Y/N. End of discussion.”
He offers a hand to Peter, who accepts the offer of help, although this only seems to make the three strangers more unsettled. Evidently, whoever Peter normally is with his memories intact, he doesn’t trust a lot of people. Given how shifty these three are, though, maybe that’s for the best. He follows the trio through strange, dark hallways and up flights of stairs until they’re in a long corridor lined with doors. Living quarters, his mind tells him, although he has no idea where that information came from.
Quiet Guy picks a door and knocks. A few moments later, a girl appears. “Hey, Four,” she says casually, “What can I do for you?”
Quiet Guy– Four, what a weird name– grimaces at her words. “We need you to babysit someone for us.”
“Hey,” Peter protests from the back of their little group.
The sound of his voice calls Y/N’s attention to him, and immediately her expression changes. Whatever friendly demeanor she had worn before is gone now, locked up behind a wall of unreadable blankness. “What’s going on here?”
Bird Tattoo glances behind her in the hallway, even though there’s no one there. “Can we come in?”
Y/N nods, holding open the door for them all to file into her apartment. Maybe he’s just overthinking, but Peter swears she looks at him the longest as he passes. The moment in which their eyes meet feels like it spans several years instead of just one second, but then she blinks and looks away to lock the door behind them and he’s lost his anchor, spinning out into a great sea of mystery once more.
Only once the door is locked and they’ve all moved comfortably away from hearing range of anyone still out in the hallway does Y/N return to them, arms folded across her chest, and ask, “What have you guys done?”
Bird Tattoo shoots a shifty look Peter’s way before speaking. “We found Peter down in some back hall. We think there was an incident with some memory gas. He has no idea who he is.”
Y/N’s jaw drops. “He doesn’t remember anything? Tris, tell me you at least took him to the med wing to get checked out.”
Tris shakes her head imperceptibly. “If anyone knew, they wouldn’t just ask Peter why we were down there, they’d ask us, too. It’s a restricted section.”
Y/N’s lips purse. “So you’re saving yourselves? Awfully brave, you guys. True Dauntless material.”
All three of them look guilty at that, which makes Peter decide immediately that he likes this Y/N girl quite a bit. Four speaks up at last. “He won’t be seriously harmed, I’ve seen this stuff used before. It’ll probably take a few days to a week before he regains all of his memories, but he won’t suffer any brain damage.”
Peter stares at him incredulously. “There was a chance I could have brain damage and you didn’t tell me? I’ll kick your ass the second I remember how.”
Y/N presses a hand to her lips to hide a smile. “That’s enough of that. Tris, Christina, Four, I’ll figure out what to do. You guys can go back to whatever breaking and entering you were doing before this.”
Short Girl, who must be Christina, places a grateful hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Thank you so much, honestly. We owe you for this.”
“You really do,” Y/N reminds her, and escorts the three of them to the door. 
Once it’s just Peter and Y/N in the room, silence descends upon them both. Peter isn’t sure if he should be speaking or not; he doesn’t remember enough about himself to know if he’s a talker, so he waits to say anything until Y/N walks back to him. 
She glances over him for a second, then sighs. “I’m going to do a medical check. I can’t believe none of them bothered to do one. I think Four was right, you’re not injured, but it can’t hurt. Do you remember how you were exposed to the memory gas?”
“No idea,” Peter says truthfully. “All I know is that I woke up on the ground with no idea who I was.”
She stares at him for a moment, then nods slowly. “You really are different, aren’t you?”
Peter cocks his head to the side, confused. “What do you mean?”
She laughs, although it’s not a happy sound. “The Peter I know would never admit a weakness so freely. You’d answer that question by threatening to stab me. Certainly not with the truth.”
Peter wrinkles his brow. “I sound like an asshole.”
This time, Y/N’s laugh is more genuine. “You kind of are, but we all let it slide. You’re one of the best fighters Dauntless has. If you talked as much as you do without any skill, we’d beat you up for it, but you can back up your sarcasm. Doesn’t mean we don’t try to fight you anyway.”
Peter watches as she retrieves a medical kit from a cabinet, then has them both sit down opposite each other so she can shine a light near his eyes and see how his pupils respond. “What kind of place do we live in if we fight each other all the time? Is this a military base or something?” Peter asks. 
They’re close enough that their knees are touching, which is a strange thing for him to notice, but he gets the feeling that his brain is used to looking for small things like this when it comes to her. His mind automatically focuses on the soft pressure of her hand against his temple like it’s the only thing that matters in the world.
“Something like that,” Y/N answers. “Our city is divided into factions. You’re in Dauntless. We’re the brave ones, the fighters. We keep everyone else safe, but mainly we just try to prove ourselves to each other over and over again.”
There’s a bit of resentment in her tone, which Peter latches on to immediately. “Do we prove ourselves to each other?”
She huffs out a quiet laugh. “Constantly. In order to make it into the faction, you have to go through initiation, which is intense. We were always the top two, always switching off for the top slot. Four led our initiation, he said he’d never seen two people so close. We graduated last year, but you’ve never let go of our rivalry.”
“But you have?” Peter asks.
She shrugs, clicking off the flashlight and returning it to the med kit. “I don’t really care. I’ll fight you when you challenge me, but it doesn’t matter like it did in initiation anymore. You’re no longer an enemy. You seem to think differently, but that’s just my opinion.”
“Do we not see each other anymore? I thought we would have been friends. Isn’t that why the Stiff brought me here?”
Y/N arches a brow. “Interesting nickname to use. I thought you didn’t remember who they were?”
Peter pauses, frowning. “I don’t. It just came out, I guess. What does it mean?”
“It refers to Tris’ home faction, Abnegation,” Y/N responds at last. “You often tease her about it.”
Judging by the sour note in her voice, Y/N isn’t a fan of that. Peter makes a mental note to not do that again. He hadn’t meant to, really, it had just slipped out. Probably like muscle memory or something. What Y/N had said about their rivalry sounds familiar, just like the stuff about Dauntless. It’s like everything he knows is being held behind a massive wall. Peter can catch glimpses of it through chinks in the foundation, but he cannot see it all. Not yet.
Y/N stands up, looking away from him. “You should get some rest. I don’t know if you know the way back to your quarters or where you put your key, so you can crash on my couch if you want.”
Peter frowns. “Is sleep recommended after being subjected to memory gas?”
“Yeah,” Y/N comments wryly, “but mainly, it’s the middle of the night.”
She pulls the shades away from her window to prove her point. Peter glimpses a dark midnight sky outside before the blinds fall against the glass again. Strange, he’d had no idea it was nighttime. The dark halls of Dauntless made it impossible to judge the time of day.
“Sorry for keeping you up,” he says.
Y/N’s expression softens when he apologizes. Again, he gets the feeling it’s not something the other him did all that often. “You didn’t know,” she says at last, and disappears into a room that must be her bedroom. As the door shuts behind her, it occurs to Peter that she never answered his question, the one about if they were friends or not. He doesn’t think so, not based on her description of their rivalry, but wouldn’t she have just said that they didn’t hang out, then?
Peter feels so keyed up after the memory incident that he’s certain he won’t be able to sleep, but he’s hardly closed his eyes before unconsciousness pulls him under. He dreams of dimly lit hallways and large rooms with high ceilings. There’s a girl there too, she’s laughing with friends. Peter wants to be in that circle, making her smile like she is right now, but he somehow knows deep in his gut that she won’t want him there, so instead he asks her to fight, or he says something cruel as he passes. It isn’t right, but it keeps her looking at him, and a curl of something hot up his spine tells him that’s worth it anyway.
The wrongness of it torments him all night. When he wakes up, the brief ghost of her hands floats before his eyes, but it vanishes in moments, and a matter of minutes later Peter finds that he cannot remember a single thing he dreamt of all night. For some reason, this absence hurts him more even than the greater loss of everything else he knew.
Peter had hoped that his memories would return when he woke up, but this is not the case. He tells Y/N as much when she appears out of her bedroom, but she just shrugs and tells him that memory loss patients usually take longer to remember everything. He’ll probably start recalling bits and pieces, but nothing major, not yet.
They decide to leave the room and go to Peter’s place so he can grab some clean clothes. Hopefully, the familiar place will jog his memory, but seeing as it took like an hour for Peter to remember that he put his door key in his back pocket, the odds are slim.
They walk together down the halls, Y/N murmuring the names of people they pass under her breath if he’s supposed to know them. It’s going great until they round a corner and find themselves face to face with a tall, imposing man who makes Y/N’s face slacken with panic immediately.
The man stops when he sees the two of them. “Peter, Y/N. Good to see you two up so early this morning, there’s lots to be done. Peter, were you going to check out the security division today? They say they’ve fixed their camera issue, but I’m not too sure I trust them to do it properly.”
Y/N’s back is perfectly straight, and the only sign that she’s uneasy is the slight widening of her eyes when the man asks them a question. Peter keeps his expression neutral, and an answer appears on his tongue before he even thinks about it. “Not today. I think I’m actually going to shadow Y/N, I want to see the new trainees for myself. The cameras should be fine to delay a little, Max, I supervised their installation just a few weeks ago.”
Y/N blinks in surprise. She’s not the only one confused by Peter’s quick response, he has no idea where that came from, but the man– Max– seems to accept it, so that’s all he can ask for. They part ways soon enough, and once Max is out of earshot, Y/N turns to Peter.
“What was that about? Since when do you remember his name? Or my job?”
“I don’t,” he argues, “It just came out, I don’t know. What do you do with the trainees?”
“I lead initiation. Took over after Eric Coulter decided to switch careers to pursue faction leadership in earnest. I met Tris and Christina because they’re our year, but Four and I teach the trainees together, which is probably why he suggested coming to me instead of anyone else.”
For some reason, hearing this sends a sour spike of resentment through Peter’s gut. “So Four is the reason he sent me to you? Not the two of us?”
“Who knows why Four does anything?” Y/N grumbles. “Could have been anything.”
It’s not really the answer he wants, but he’ll let it go for the time being. “Wait, when do you have to lead the trainees? Are you late?”
She shakes her head as they continue walking. “Four takes them in the early morning, I join them later in the day. I’ll probably head over in an hour or so, but I want to get your quarters sorted out first.”
They reach Peter’s apartment soon enough, but it doesn’t trigger any cascade of memories. He just stands there in the central room and the first thought that comes to his head is, it feels empty. Y/N’s place had seemed more alive, but maybe that’s because she was there. 
“Can I stay at your place?” Peter asks suddenly, “I don’t know if something will happen and I don’t want to be taken by surprise.”
Y/N’s brow furrows, but she nods. “Sure, no problem. Just until you get your memories back.”
“Of course,” Peter agrees, but he swears that it feels like a lie as he says it.
After changing clothes and grabbing some stuff to take back to Y/N’s, they head back again. The journey is easier this time, Peter feels less lost. He remembers the turns and doors of the Dauntless complex faster than he had before. Maybe Four is right and everything will come back over time, but progress is slow going at the moment, and he can’t help but wish it would be faster.
Soon enough, Y/N’s leading him out again, this time to head to initiation. Peter mainly just lurks in the back of the room, pretending to be observing the students as Y/N leads them through some sparring drills. Four is there too, and they exchange some silent glares before Y/N comes back to Peter and he pretends like nothing had been the matter at all.
They walk together, taking a slow lap around the training room. Every now and then, Y/N will call out advice to a pair or shout at someone to stop messing around. Once they complete a circuit, she pauses for a moment, watching the two initiates who were scheduled to fight first in the ring. They both seem evenly matched, and if Peter were to wager a guess he’d say that they’re probably among the top few trainees in the rankings.
Glancing back at Y/N, he notices that her eyes have gained a far-away look. “What’s on your mind?” He asks softly.
She shakes her head slowly, a half-smile rising to her lips. “Nothing. They just remind me of us.”
As Peter watches, one of the initiates manages to throw the other to the ground and pin them there. They count to five, and then the other initiate taps the mat to yield. The winning trainee releases their opponent, and they both crawl off to their respective groups.
Peter cocks his head to the side. “Did we ever let each other go so easily after a fight?” He has faint memories of punching someone until they stopped moving, of pleas for surrender being ignored. Peter has the faint and nauseating idea that he might be a terrible person. No wonder Y/N had looked upon watching over him as a burden. No wonder they all did.
“Never,” she whispers back. “Neither of us walked away unless we were both bloody.”
“That’s because you were the only one who was willing to go all the way,” Peter argues, although strangely enough he doesn’t feel like he’s the one saying it. Instead, past him is reaching through his mouth to speak it, totally ignoring whatever Peter’s plan is now.
Y/N looks at him, startled, but whatever memory Peter had briefly encountered is gone, and he stays silent. She does too, and when they leave training that day, Peter cannot be sure if the outing was good for either of them.
Peter crashes on her sofa again that night. He’s not entirely sure that he really needs to stay there, but the thought of leaving her to go back to his empty apartment is immediately shut down by his brain, so he decides against it. He has another dream of something, something important, but again, he does not recall it when he wakes. His cheeks are wet when he opens his eyes, but he doesn’t remember crying. There is a lot that he does not remember.
It’s still early when Peter wakes, so he has time to pull himself together and get changed before Y/N comes out of her room. Once she’s up, she makes breakfast for them both, and they stay out on her pathetic excuse for a balcony while they eat. It’s really no more than a glorified fire escape, but there’s enough room for them both, so it’s good enough for now. They’re leaning against the wall of the building. Their shoulders touch listlessly. It nearly destroys him.
The days repeat like skipped tracks on a broken record. They wake, they stay together, they sleep. Y/N relaxes around him more and more; it kills him that he is someone she would have to fear, but he’s getting the feeling that there is no one to blame for that but himself. Peter remembers a little more every day, but not enough.
And then one morning they’re both up at the same time, and the windows have been flung into let in the warm, rosy light of dawn. Y/N is laughing at something he said, and it occurs to Peter that this is perfect. That she is perfect. That maybe he doesn’t ever want his memories to return, because when that happens he’ll have to go away, and Peter doesn’t want this to end, not ever.
Perhaps his mind has a sick sense of humor, because it’s only when Peter discovers that he doesn’t want his memories that they finally break down the wall and surge back into his mind. He almost doubles over from the force of them, a million words and pictures swarming his head. His name is Peter Hayes. He was born in Candor but chose Dauntless in his Ceremony. He’s one of the best they have, on a fast track to being a faction leader. Everyone here is terrified of him, and those that aren’t afraid hate him more than they hate the devil or death itself.
There is only one person who does not check those boxes, and that is Y/N. Peter knew it from the very first day, and when he couldn’t make her fear him, he started up the rivalry, but even that wouldn’t make her hate him. He could never make her break, but he tried. It twists his stomach to think of how he tried. At the end, she was the one who won, and he left initiation realizing that he would never be able to let her go until the day he died. 
He attempted to forget her, but nothing worked. He even got a job far away from initiation when he heard she would be a training leader because he had to cut her out of his head in every way that he could. The scalpel is bloody, but the obsession is rooted deep, it keeps growing back. One night he realized that he loved her, and that was the point of no return.
Peter Hayes does not fall in love. He is cruel and calculating. That’s why Dauntless needs him like a shattered bone needs to destroy every bit of muscle and sinew around it. Peter knew that he had to fix his heart before it fell even further, so he slipped out to the sectors of Dauntless where no one was supposed to go except the faction leaders. He knew how to cover his tracks, he’d tampered with the cameras ages ago when they were set up and he could freeze the live footage whenever he wanted. No one would have been there. No one would have known.
No one would have seen him when he slipped inside. Peter knows Dauntless got a shipment of memory gas a couple of days ago. He knew where to find it, and he knew that only a little bit would be enough to make him forget that his feelings for Y/N had ever existed. All it would take was one breath of the stuff, and then it would be over.
It hadn’t been that easy, though. The canisters were unwieldy and difficult to operate. There had been a problem with opening them; Peter had unscrewed the valve more than he’d thought and it had all come out at once. He remembers barely being able to close it in time, and then the effects of the gas had pulled him over and he’d crumpled to the ground, knocking over a few boxes while he was at it. The sound had alerted the other intruders in the area, namely Tris, Christina, and Four, and then he had lost the last of his memories and woke up with no idea who he was.
The reality of it all makes his mind reel. Peter had known it all this time, but it had been kept secret from him by his own mind. He has always loved her, and the truth of it was more than he could handle. He’d tried to separate himself from Y/N by using the memory gas, but that had just flung him more decisively in her path.
He straightens up slowly. Peter isn’t sure how long it had taken for his memories to return, but it must have shown in his appearance, because Y/N is starting to look at him strangely. “Everything alright, Peter?”
She’s asking about him. She genuinely cares about how he’s doing. This never would have happened before. It won’t happen again if she thinks that he’s back to whoever he was before the memory loss. Peter has to cover his tracks perfectly, then, and what that requires is a perfect lie. Fortunately for him, he’s got more than enough experience in that field.
“Yeah,” he says smoothly, “Just swallowed water the wrong way. I love nearly suffocating to start off my mornings.”
He expects her to laugh as he says it, like she usually would, but instead her eyes narrow. “You’re lying.”
Peter stares at her. “No, I’m not. In what world was that a lie?”
“In your world,” she argues. “It was too easy. You never admit things about yourself that freely. You can lie perfectly, but you don’t know how to be honest. It unsettles you. Now, tell me. What happened?”
Peter stares at her, and she meets his gaze steadily. This is it, then. This is the end. She won’t want to be around him anymore, not once she knows that the burden of watching over him is no longer her responsibility. “I remembered,” he whispers at last, “I remembered everything.”
Her eyes widen. “Everything?”
“Everything,” Peter confirms. “Every time I hurt you. Every time you tried to be kind to me and I shut it down.” His voice cracks on the last syllable. “Why’d you let them stick me with you if I was this terrible to you all this time? I have been awful to everyone around me.”
“But you weren’t,” Y/N says quietly. “Not to me. Not now. You’ve been nice this whole time. I thought that would stop when you got your memories back, but it didn’t.”
A brief pain flashes across her eyes, and then she clears her throat, studiously looking away. “I suppose you’ll want to leave now. Do you know why you lost your memories, or was that just an accident?”
“It wasn’t an accident,” Peter tells her on impulse. “I wanted to forget that– That I loved you, Y/N. I knew it and it nearly killed me, knowing you’d never feel the same way. I tried to make myself forget it so I wouldn’t have to hurt like that anymore.”
Y/N’s gaze snaps back to him. Her eyes are wide, and when Peter slowly walks closer to her, he thinks they’re both waiting for something, some great sign that what they’re doing is right. When he kisses her, he knows it’s right. He knows that it’s all he’s ever wanted. As it was at the start, so it will be at the end:  the two of them until forever.
requested by @tianna8320, i hope you enjoy!
divergent tag list: @rogueanschel, @with-inked-solace, @gods-fools-heroes, @23victoria, @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs, @imwaysthelastchoice, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @crazyhearttragedy, @alex-1967s-blog, @aoi-targaryen
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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lexissrosea · 2 years
my love for miles teller is putting me on the verge of writing peter hayes fics too SOB ps currently rewatching divergent hehe
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carelesslywriting · 2 years
Hi! if you’re still doing the 24 days of music prompts could you do wildest dreams with peter hayes please? hope you’re doing well ♥️
Thank you! I updated the list! I'm finally all settled in so I am officially resuming the 24 days of music, with a new post coming tomorrow!
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swiftlyinlove · 9 months
Anti-hero ;; Peter Hayes
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pairing: Peter Hayes x GN!Reader
summary: Peter Hayes is exhausted of seeing his girlfriend, the only good thing in his life, always rooting for the anti-hero.
warnings: enemies (brief) to lovers, a little angst mixed with fluff, Peter thinks he's undeserving of love, deviation from canon, Evelyn is a manipulative bitch, more book-based than movie-based.
word count: approximately 4.1k.
a/n: Hi! I'm so excited to be publishing my first one-shot here on Tumblr. This one has kinda been sitting in my drafts for a couple of months. never actually saw the movies, I just read the books, but I really liked the way his redemption arc was handled, and I found myself imagining how different it would've been if he had someone who loved him by his side.
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
Midnights become my afternoons
Peter couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because he was uneasy on his new surroundings. Maybe it was the fact that everyone in the Bureau of Genetic Welfare knew the terrible things that he'd done, all the sins he committed back in Chicago, and hated him for it. Maybe it was the fact that almost all of his traveling companions hated his guts. Maybe it was all of those combined.
Despite of the cause of the problem, Peter found himself sitting near the peculiar fountain at the center of the Bureau's headquarters. His gaze was fixed on the letter he held delicately in his hand, his eyes not moving away from the swooping, sloping cursive letters. Your handwritting.
Your letter was the only thing he brought with him when he joined Tris and her friends on their quest to explore the world beyond the city's limits. You had written it back when he was serving Jeanine Matthew's and holding Tris and Tobias captive. You had been trying to free the two of them from Jeanine's villainous clutches, while at the same time trying to save Peter from succumbing into his own darkness.
In midnights like that, as Peter read your letter over and over again, he thought he didn't deserve you. You two had met back when you were still initiates at Dauntless - you had left Erudite, along with your good friend Will, while Peter had left his family behind in Candor.
You didn't have the best of starts, he had to admit. You grew up in a very toxic environment, where you had to excel at every single thing that you did in order to receive even the minimum amount of love and approval from your parents. He, on the contrary, was raised by a very loving family, but he simply craved to be the best at everything.
So, when training started and you both competed for the best pontuation in every activity, Peter wasn't exactly thrilled. And neither were you. Hatred started blossoming within the two of you like a rose full of thorns, your frustration towards each other close to the exploding point.
You were a very kind-hearted person, as Peter noticed early in your rivalry. You quickly became friends with Tris, Christina, and even Al. The fact that he seemed to bully Tris the most, since she was transfered from Abnegation, only added fuel to the fire that was your loathe for Peter Hayes.
However, with time, Peter caught himself noticing every little thing you did. He caught notice of how his heart would flutter - but only a little - whenever he saw you helping out your friends, either with training tasks or just normal day-to-day things.
He realized how his gaze would linger on you when you weren't looking, how he couldn't help the way his lips curled up whenever he saw your name placed high on the scoreboard. Hell, he didn't even mind if you scored better than him. Not anymore.
Turned out, the line between love and hate truly was thin. He tried to swallow his feelings, because he was aware of how awful he had been to you and your friends. He was sure you'd never like him back; he would never stand a chance with a good person like you.
It was in the middle of the second stage of initiation that you realized how your banter actually amused you. How Peter's snarky comments would bring a genuine smile to your face, and his absence left you feeling empty. You knew you shouldn't feel that way; he was incredibly mean to your friends, especially Tris, but you couldn't help how you felt.
There was one night in particular that changed everything. You couldn't sleep, so you sat on your bed. Your eyes were immediately pulled towards Peter's bed across the room, where the boy himself tossed and turned, similarly unable to sleep.
You put your shoes on before approaching his bed. “Hey, do you wanna take a walk? I can't sleep. It seems like you can't, either. We could just walk in silence... I just want some company.” You whispered.
He was quick to accept your offer, much to your surprise. In a few moments you were both crossing the transferred initiates' dorm. You cast a look upon Drew and Al's empty beds, but payed it no mind as you and Peter sneaked off onto the dark hallways of the Dauntless headquarters.
"So..." Peter started the conversation, to your delight. "Do you usually have the urge to sneak off the dorms and go on walks with your arch-nemesis in the middle of the night?"
His words made you chuckle. "No. Only you, I suppose." You teased. If the hallways weren't dipped into darkness, you would've been able to see the faint blush rushing to his cheeks due to your comment.
After that, you pretty much talked about everything. About your life before Dauntless, about the families you left behind, about your hopes and fears for the future. You were amazed by how funny, vulnerable and good he could be once he let his walls down. So, when he leaned in to kiss you right as you were telling him about the painted ceiling of your old bedroom back home, you didn't really opose to it.
You decided to keep your relationship secret, at least for a little while. You knew your friends wouldn't be too thrilled with the idea of you dating Peter Hayes.
Especially because, as you'd find out the next morning, Drew and Al had sexually harassed Tris, and also tried to kill her, on that very same night. You couldn't believe your own ears; how could Al, such a sweet boy, do that to his own friend?
It became pretty clear to you that Tris was convinced Drew was only doing Peter's bidding, and Al just came along for the ride. You knew that wasn't true - you noticed the disgusted glint in Peter's eyes when he found out what his alleged friend had done. But there was no way you could change Tris' mind.
Your relationship was filled with discreet, longing glances across the room at lunch, dates in the middle of the night and little notes left in your pockets, telling you how beautiful you looked and how much he missed you. Peter even stopped coming after Tris and the rest of your friends; he couldn't do that to you.
Being with you made him want to be a better person, made him want to fight the darkness within him so he could be the man you deserved.
You were so excited when you passed the initiation in third place - Tris was first and Peter was, obviously, second - that you hugged him without even thinking, in front of everyone, and he was so thrilled that you were willing to be seen with him that he didn't really mind.
Your friends inquired you about your relationship with him after that, about his intentions. Yes, they had noticed Peter's sudden shift in behaviour after you began dating, but that didn't erase all the horrible things he did before.
After you explained everything, you could see the glint of forgiveness in Tris' eyes. She was very happy that you found love, even if it was with him, and the rest or your friends soon followed in her steps and congratulated you.
That was the night you exchanged your first 'I love you's. As fate would have it, that night would also be remembered by History as the night Chicago's experiment turned into a massacre.
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When my depression works the graveyard shift
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
Peter closed his eyes, his hold on the letter only tightening slightly as he recalled the events of that fateful night. He remembered being confused as he saw everyone, including a very clumsy Tris, march out of the dorms with soldier like movements.
However, the image that would stick to his brain whenever he remembered that night would be of your soulless eyes looking past him as if he didn't even exist.
The following hours were a bit hazy in his mind. Peter had no idea what was happening, why all of his colleagues were leaving the premises heavily armed, looking like mindless puppets.
But when one of the Dauntless highest class members approached him and told him to guard the halls of the headquarters, it became pretty clear to him that he would be dead if he didn't oblige. And then he would never see you again.
As he roamed the halls, holding his gun tightly with both hands, his mind drifted towards you. He was afraid of so many things. He was afraid of how the city would be once it was all over. He was afraid of getting shot, of being unable to live to see another day.
And yet, his biggest fear was that you would be hurt. He feared that you would be killed, that you'd be another body lying still in the streets full of corpses, mostly from Abnegation.
He didn't know when he would see you again, if he would see you again. The fear and the anxiety of not knowing anything clawed at his insides, begging him to do something other than comply to the enemies' orders. But he couldn't act on his impulses, not without a good plan. So he waited.
When Tris marched into the Dauntless corridors with Caleb, Marcus, and her father, Peter couldn't be more relieved. Maybe she knew where you were, if you were safe.
That relief quickly evaporated once Tris, under the impression that Peter had gladly and willingly allied himself with the enemy, shot him in the arm and dragged him at gunpoint towards the simulation control room, where Four was operating under the influence of the divergent serum.
Peter wasn't too happy to be following Tris and Four to the Amity compound, but he did need to get his wound taken care of. Although all of that was forgotten once he saw you, alive and well, standing next to Johanna Reyes, the leader of the Amity section.
He ran towards you, enveloping you in the tightest hug he could muster. His bullet wound was hurting like hell, yes, but the feeling of you in his arms, again? Nothing could beat it. So, when you felt your neck get wet from the desperate tears running down his face, you only placed a kiss to his temple and stroke the back of his head. He was finally in your arms again. He was finally home.
Your reunion, although emotional, was short lived. Soon the Erudite and the Dauntless traitors invaded the Amity headquarters in order to arrest the Divergents and you parted ways once more - while you had managed to escape with Tris, Four, Caleb and Susan, Peter and Marcus remained behind.
You were devastated. How cruel fate was, to bring you together only to pull you apart, over and over again. You didn't even know if he was alive. Therefore, when you arrived at the Factionless sector, you felt like a big piece of you was missing.
Peter, on the other hand, had nowhere to go after his near encounter with death. He didn't know where you were, nor did he have any friend that he could track down. His only choice was to go back to the Erudite section and beg Jeanine Matthew's to trust him.
He could barely mask his disgust of the spineless woman, but little by little he gained her trust. She thought she could take advantage of his poor little soul, that he was alone in this world with no one else to trust. Oh, how wrong she was.
It was only when Tris surrended to the Erudite and was held captive in their headquarters that you caught wind of Peter's stay in the Erudite headquarters.
You wrote him a letter, the letter he held in his very hands right now, begging him to come home. To save Tris and Tobias, to betray the cruel Jeanine and to come back to you.
And so he mustered a plan. With Cara's help he switched the death serum with a paralytic one, saving Tris from execution and successfully escaping with her and Four. The proud look in your eyes when the three joined you in the Abnegation factor was one he'd never forget. In that moment, he felt invencible.
He felt like he could beat the voice within him that implored for him to succumb to darkness. He felt like he could, finally, be deserving of you.
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I should not be left to my own devices
They come with prices and vices
I end up in crisis (tale as old as time)
Peter didn't want you to come with them to the city's limits at first. Only God knew what they would find beyond them, what the world would be like outside of the chaotic Chicago.
But you had been separated so many times before that you couldn't even bare the thought of being left behind in the messed up city while he walked towards the unknown. What would you do if he never returned? If he died, or if he simply found someone else and decided to abandon you?
Therefore you insisted upon going. You wanted to be there for him, for your friends, no matter what was waiting for all of you on the other side of the rusty old train tracks that marked the end of your city, of your whole world. Up until now.
Whatever your group was hoping to find on this expedition, it surely wasn't this. It wasn't the Bureau of Genetic Welfare waiting for you. It wasn't the revelation that all of you, except Tris and maybe Four, were genetically damaged and were isolated from the world with the sole purpose of healing.
It wasn't the knowledge that the government had been watching your actions the entire time, not doing anything while the inhabitants of Chicago killed each other by Jeanine's command.
On nights like this, when he couldn't sleep, Peter could feel the anger overtaking his body. How dare the Bureau stand by watching while multiple lives were being destroyed? How dare they call them damaged and lock them up on the city, disconnecting them from the whole world?
How dare they sit and observe his entire life, completing riping him of his privacy? The privacy of his first kiss, the privacy of his mourning for his fellow classmates and strangers that were murdered in cold blood.
That's why he always brought your letter with him on his late night walks. Your written words soothe him, strip him from his fury towards the Bureau, towards the world.
He can feel his eyes starting to close, sleep slowly dominating his body, so he promptly returns to the dorms. He can feel a smile forming on his lips as he finds you peacefully asleep in your bed - you always looked cute when you slept. Peter carefully slid under the cover next to you, leaning his body against yours. You were his anchor, his home, and he couldn't wish for more.
You woke up at the first signs of dawn, when the sun rays emerged through the windows. A sleepy smile formed on your lips once you took notice of Peter's arms around your waist. You turn around in his arms, planting a delicate kiss on the tip of his nose before carefully getting up. You did your best not to wake him, knowing he was probably tired from his nightly walk.
Despite his best efforts to conceal his angry thoughts from you, you knew what was going on in his head. You knew he resented what you discovered outside the city you've known your whole life. You knew he felt betrayed - of course he did, and so did the rest of you.
And you knew all his wrath was keeping him up at night. You desperately wanted to help him, to comfort him, but you decided it was better to give him some space. You waited patiently for him to come to you, to vent about your current situation. But he never did.
You noticed curiously how Uriah's bed was neatly arranged, despite it being very early. Christina's bed was also empty, you realized. You knew they were getting close lately, a little too close to be just 'friends', and you were very happy for them. After all they went through, with Christina losing Will and Uriah losing Marlene, they deserved to find love again.
You left the provisorial dorms provided to you and your friends by the Bureau while you decided whether you wanted to stay in the facilities or return to Chicago.
You made your way to the cafeteria, humming to whatever song was playing on the Bureau's radio, praying that Peter was finally resting well.
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I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
And life will lose all its meaning
For the last time
A few hours later, you were making your way back to the dorms when you heard a guttural scream that sounded a lot like Peter echoing through the room. You rushed towards his bed; luckily enough, everyone was already up and wandering, so it was only the two of you.
“Pete, love, wake up.” You said lovingly as you gently shook his trembling frame. Once his eyes opened and you could see how glossy they were, a few tears already escaping and cascading down his face, your heart broke in two. “It was just a nightmare, everything is okay. I'm right here.”
Your presence seemed to calm him slightly, but flashes from his nightmare kept plaguing his mind. Deep down, he knew it was only a manifestation of his fear; but it felt so real... Your figure, lying lifeless and cold on the ground, seemed so real to him.
He knew his life would lose all its meaning if you weren't in it. Before you, he was ruthless. He was cruel. The only thing he was interested in was coming in first place in everything, even if he had to push people down to get there.
After you... Well, he was a whole different person. You saved him without even knowing he needed to be saved. You made him want to be better, want to be kind. Without you, he was absolutely sure he would be lost.
He couldn't even bare the thought of you leaving him, it was way too painful. But the thought of you dying in his arms while he was completely helpless? That fucking broke his heart, shattered it into a million little pieces.
“Promise me you'll never leave me.” He requested, his voice trembling as you gently wiped away the tears that continued to roll down his cheek. “Please, that's the only thing I'm asking.”
You sat down next to him on the small bed and he immediately threw himself into your open arms, your caresses on his brown curls soothing him. “I know you're afraid of what might happen while we're here, or if we go back to the city. But believe in one thing, I won't go away. Even if I died, I'd come back to haunt your ass.”
Your words made him chuckle, feeling alright for the first time in what felt like forever. Your reassurance melted his heart and he pulled you down so you were lying next to him, snuggling his body closer to yours and letting you rest your head on his chest.
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It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me
At tea time, everybody agrees
It had been a few weeks since Peter's nightmare and things were slowly starting to get better. You often woke up in the middle of the night and found Peter sleeping next to you, his chest slowly rising up and down.
Despite how calm everything around you seemed, you sensed something coming, something big. And, in an apparently random thursday, that something did indeed arrive.
You were outside of the Bureau, training with Tris and Four to keep your combat skills in good shape, while Peter was in the dorm getting dressed after awaking from a well-deserved nap.
As he tied the laces of his black combat boots, a loud ring echoed through his mind, interrupting his actions. His head was throbbing, sending shockwaves of pain through his body, and he sat back down on his bed.
That's when he'd heard it. “Hey, Peter. Guess who finally found you? " Evelyn's voice rang to his head, and his eyes widened.
Shit, he thought, as he recalled the Dauntless graduation day, when Eric had injected the serum on all of the initiates. His hadn't been activated on the night of the massacre, it was true, but he still had it flowing through his veins, and Evelyn could've easily found a way to activate it, or at least to communicate with him through it.
"Didn't know you had the guts to run away, Hayes. It must be exhausting having to live with people who hate you. " Evelyn spoke once more.
“Shut up!" Peter yelled out loud in response. "You don't know anything about me!"
"Sure I do." Evelyn replied. "I know your little girlfriend is with you. It would be a shame if she was suddenly attacked out there by one of my soldiers, wouldn't it?"
Peter took a deep breath, trying to calm his speeding heart and his growing nerves. Tightly closing his trembling hand in a fist, he muttered. "You wouldn't dare."
"Do you really think I wouldn't?" She questioned, but continued before he even had time to answer. "What if we made a deal? You do one little thing for me and I won't kill your girlfriend. How does that sound?"
He thought carefully about his next move. The last thing he wanted was to be under that evil woman's command. But, then again, he couldn't risk losing you. "What do I have to do?" Peter asked, his voice no louder than a whisper.
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I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Peter's gun pointed forward towards an all-familiar enemy - Tris -, hands shaking in fear, an aching regret spreading rapidly through his chest like a burning fire.
He doesn't want to do this at all, but it's what's expected of him. It's what Evelyn expects of him, to be a good little puppet. It's what everyone expects of him, to be a villain, to betray the hero in the end. But not you.
No, you don't see him as the villain, like everyone else. If anything, you see him as a hero in his own way. An anti-hero of sorts.
A salty tear slides down his face at the thought of you; what would you say if you saw him like this? Would you be angered by his actions? Would you be disappointed? Would you leave him, like everyone else?
He didn't notice as you walked into the room, your doe eyes falling upon his figure. Your heart started beating faster, but not by anger or fear of him. No, you feared for him.
You feared he would do something he'd regret. You feared the guilt that would soon after invade his brain, filling him with melancholia. But above all else, you feared what would happen if he didn't press the trigger, you feared your friends' reaction.
So you rushed towards him and hugged him from behind. He didn't need to turn around to see it was you. Every bone, every fiber in his body recognized your scent, your embrace.
“You don't need to do this.” You whispered in his ear, tightening your hold on him to remind him that you would always be there.
And so he let go of all the cruel expectations and the ridiculous anger that were sewed into his soul from the moment he was born. With a loud bang, his pistol fell to the marble floor, and he turned around only to bury himself in your embrace.
In front of you, Tris sighed in relief, her face twisting into a somewhat empathic expression. On her left side, Four visibly relaxed, his hands moving to rest on her shoulders.
Peter hadn't realized it, but more tears were now cascading down his face, loud sobs escaping his lips as one of your hands caressed his hair.
“Everything's okay. You're okay.” You muttered. And, for the first time in his life, he believed it. He didn't give a shit about Evelyn or her threats anymore; as long as you were with him, he would always protect you.
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majesty31 · 2 years
Heyyy, I know you haven't done anything for Divergent yet but I saw it on your list and was wondering if you could do a haters to lovers/Rivels to lovers where the reader joins dauntless to get away from peter but peter ends up joining to because he is in love with reader idk something like that
𝙰 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝚂𝚘 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕
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𝒂/𝒏: 𝑯𝒊𝒊 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕<𝟑
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒐𝒊𝒏 𝑫𝒂𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒆 𝒋𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔/𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕: 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒃𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇, 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 𝟑.𝟕𝒌
You wouldn't say you were used to his 'bullying' you would call it but to him, it 'was all in good fun'. It had been years since you met Peter Hayes and that was the biggest mistake of your life. Since you two were kids he would tease and insult you whenever he got the chance and even now you still wanted to rip his head off. 
It was just little things back when you were kids, but since the two of you hit 12 he would go above and beyond. Christina and Al thought you'd be used to him by now but you weren't. You'd still be surprised at some of the words he threw your way but you'd say you got better at handling him and matching his energy. 
Ever since you met Peter you wanted nothing more than to get away from him, but it seemed impossible when he would always come seek you out or you two just happened to bump into each other. 
So when your brother joined dauntless a couple of years ago you got the idea of joining as well, and just to confirm you had asked Peter what he thought of the faction and you remember him saying something along the line of 'they're crazy,' 
So when your brother joined dauntless a couple of years ago you got the idea of joining as well, and just to confirm you had asked Peter what he thought of the faction and you remember him saying something along the line of 'they're crazy,' 
So when your brother joined dauntless a couple of years ago you got the idea of joining as well, and just to confirm you had asked Peter what he thought of the faction and you remember him saying something along the line of 'they're crazy,' 
You didn't know if you'd be strong enough or crazy enough to join dauntless but that was what this test was for, and you were praying to God that this test would show dauntless. 
"Hey. So, all the food that we're not getting, you guys are giving away to the Factionless," You heard Peter say from beside you. You had seen him make his way towards the Abnegation line and this behavior wasn't a surprise to you. 
The group of boys Peter was interrogating, nodded looking nervous and a little scared. "Yeah," One of the boys spoke, his eyes finding yours but only shifted when he saw that you were also Candor. 
"You're a liar. Why are you lying to me? Everybody knows you keep it for yourselves. So why don't you just admit it? Huh?" He shoved a little closer making the boys back up. They kept their mouths shut and looked down. "I'm talking to you. Are all you stiffs deaf or somethin'?" 
Having enough of him, you moved forward, grabbed Peter by the back of his jacket, and pulled him towards you and away from the group of boys. 
"Hey!" He shouted, pulling away from you. "What the hell!" 
"Stop messing with them they're nice people. Just because your fat ass is hungry all the time doesn't mean you can go around and blame people for keeping the food for themselves," You state making Peter raise his eyebrows before scoffing. 
"If they're so nice why don't you go and join the faction? You look like a stiff anyways," 
"Oh, and you look much better? If anything you're gonna stay with Candor and spend the rest of your life making people hate you," 
"Ouch. Good insult Y/N, if that's what it suppose to be in the first place," You rolled your eyes, shoving away the urge the punch him in the face, and focused on the line in front of you. "I don't care if people hate me for telling the truth, plus who says I can't do that in a different faction," 
"You belong in Candor Peter, it's written all over your personality which reeks from here," He turned to you, putting his hands in his pockets. 
"Oh, so you can smell personalities now? And at least I belong somewhere, you wanna know where you belong?" He put his hands on your shoulders and spun you around, pointing towards a factionless who was limping across the street, a bag in hand. "Say hi to your new boyfriend oh and family," 
"Leave her alone Peter. Asshole," Christina who was in front of you said, glaring at Peter. You shoved away from him, biting your tongue and letting the insult fade away. It wasn't worth it. 
"No need to get your panties in a twist, Christina. If anything you'll be right next to her fighting for the best piece of garbage-" Unlike you, Christina couldn't take criticism that well, along with Peters's personality. Or she just hated him. Either way, this brought her to lunge at him leading Al to step in and stop her from doing anything. 
He pulled her away and moved further up the line. "I'm fine, he's just an ass," You heard her say as Al let her go. Peter looked at them then at you, looking clueless. 
"Was it something I said?" He asked, making you roll your eyes before following Al and Christina further up the line. 
You sat in your chair, fidgeting with your fingers. Your mind kept going back to yesterday, the day you took the test that told you what faction to pick. You had gotten in after many insults from Peter, some of them saying he wouldn't be surprised if the test showed you being a stiff. 
You were nervous that day, but it didn't compare to what you feeling today. No matter what the test showed you still got to pick what faction you wanted to be in. And the choice you were going to pick and also what the test said would break your mother's heart. 
She wanted nothing more than for you to pick Candor, it was already really hard for her with one of her children gone and for you to leave would leave her bedridden. But she needed to understand that you just wouldn't ever be happy in Candor and you needed to get away from Peter. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when your eyes met dark green ones, his eyebrows lifted, a smirk playing on his lips along with challenge in his eyes. He tilted his head to the side, giving you a look that made your stomach flip. But you shoved that feeling away and glared at him, only leading him to laugh quietly. 
"Y/N L/N!" Your nerves tightened at the sound of your name being called out. You blew out a small breath, slowly standing up and shifting your eyes towards your parents. Your mother gave you a smile, as if knowing what faction you would choose, but your father gave you a sad smile as if knowing you would follow in the footsteps of your brother.
You slowly made your way towards the front, towards the platform. Eyes shifting to Peter who was watching your every move, as if trying to figure out what you would pick before you had the chance. 
You made your way up the small set of stairs and onto the platform. You looked at the different bowls, and soon took the knife that was on a table. You held it to your palm, your eyes sifting between Candor and Dauntless. 
You let out a breath and slit your hand, pain shooting up your arm but you forced it down, not letting a gasp leave your lips. You slowly moved it towards Candor, thinking of your mother as the blood slid down your hand but before it had the chance to drop you moved it towards Dauntless. 
The blood dropped into the bowl, making a sizzling sound. "Dauntless!" The man shouted. You closed your eyes as you heard a cry knowing it was your mother, but it all got drowned out by the cheering of the Dauntless group. 
You turned, finding your mother in the arms of your father, her head was barred in his chest as she shook, cries escaping her lips. Your father padded her shoulders, trying to soothe her. His eyes found yours and nodded, a small smile on his face. 
You made your way down the small set of stairs, feeling eyes on you, you turned your head, seeing Peter staring at you, he wasn't shocked tho. You didn't even know what you saw, but the way his eyes held yours made it almost impossible to look away. Your breath shook, the same nerves finding their way back to you. 
"Welcome to Dauntless," A girl said giving you her seat. You thanked her and took your place, feeling pats and welcomes from all around you. Everyone got quiet when you heard the all too familiar name being called out. 
"Peter Hayes!" Everyone's eyes found Peter as he stood up, his eyes finding yours for a brief moment before he made his way to the platform. He grabbed the knife and made no hesitation as he cut his hand and placed it over Dauntless. 
Your eyes widened, breathing stopping altogether as you sat up in your seat, hoping to God that you saw wrong. But when the man shouted Dauntless you let out a breath, anger filling your blood when his eyes found yours, a smirk on his face. 
The whole reason why you joined was to get away from him and now you had to spend the rest of your life with him? It was absurd and you hated it along with him more than ever. 
You were fuming when he took his seat behind you. You felt breathing on your neck and turned to see Peter's face mere inches from your own, all of your anger slipped away and into the air that was slowly getting a little too hard to breath in. Peter caught your gaze, a smirk plastered on his face, 
"Looks like getting away from me won't be that easy," He whispered, his eyes glancing at your lips before he pulled away. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, looking back to the front. He knew all along, that's why he wasn't surprised, it just confirmed what he was thinking. 
Damn him. 
Your hair blew out of your face as you raced after the train, Christina right at your heel along with Al in front of you. You were surprised when Christina and Al joined dauntless but happy that you had two of your closest friends with you. This way you won't go insane with Peter always around. 
Your breathing started getting heavier and heavier the more you ran. Your eyes caught the sight of Peter as he climbed onto the train and pulled his body on. He soon peaked his head out, his eyes finding yours before pointing a ways in front of you, a smirk on his face. 
Knitting your brows together you tried your best to look in front of you but you didn't see anything. You pushed it away, thinking it was probably just to distract you. 
Clenching your jaw you forced yourself to run faster before you pushed away all fears and grabbed the handle that was on the train and hoisted yourself up and on. You pushed forwards and fell onto the floor, eyes going towards Christina who was sitting with her back to the train wall, a smile on her lips. 
Your attention was taken to a girl who climbed onto the train, from the looks of if she was a stiff or in other words from Abnegation. You were surprised that she made it but put a smile on your face when she gazed at you, breathing hard. 
"You made it," Christina breathed, making the girl shift her gaze toward her. "I'm Christina," 
"Beatrice," She introduced, her eyes finding yours, waiting for you to say your name. 
"Y/N," You smiled. But that smile was short-lived, your eyes catching a glimpse of Peter who was talking with Al a little ways away from you. You shot up, Christina already looking concerned as you made your way toward him. 
His eyes met yours right as you grabbed his jacket and pinned him against the train wall, he let out a surprised gasp but it quickly turned into a smirk. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" You asked, glaring at him. He only chuckled, his eyes shifting towards your lips as he spoke. 
"Nice to see you too," He didn't try to get out of your grasp, letting you pin him to the wall. His eyes landed on your own, a kind of challenge in them. "Didn't think I would let you leave without me did you?" 
"You should have," You said, pulling away from him, feeling eyes on you. 
"You thought I wouldn't pick Dauntless is that it?" He asked, evening out his jacket, a smirk plastered on his face. "Huh? Is that what you thought?" He moved closer toward you until he was mere inches from your face. He moved a piece of your hair from your shoulder, waiting for your reply. "Hm?"
"Yes, I did. You're a coward and you won't last," He chuckled his eyes finding your lips, before darkening. 
"Let's see who'll last longer. I bet you'll be factionless by the end of the first corder," He paused. "If you even make it that far," His voice was lower and raspy, making your breath hitch and something go off in your stomach. 
"Get ready," A woman said, leading both you and Peter to shift your gazes toward her before he moved away from you. Your eyes widened when you saw people jumping onto the roof of a building. 
"Your kidding," You whispered. 
"What happens if you don't jump," Al asked from beside you. You locked eyes with him before he turned to Peter. 
"What do you think? You'll be factionless. You'll fit right in Y/N," He answered his eyes shifting towards you, a playful grin on his face before he turned to Al. "Good luck Al," He paused, eyes finding your own. "If you stay on, the train will bring you to your people," 
You didn't even have a chance to say anything before he turned away from you, ran, and jumped. A surprised gasp left your lips, seeing as his body hit the roof of the building, only thing was he sat up straight away, turning his body towards the train as if waiting for something, worry covering his face. 
"We have to jump," Al said, shaking his head. You blew out a breath then sucked one in, shaking away everything that would hold you back. 
"Together," You shouted, giving him a smile. He nodded, looking back at the boy who was behind the two of you. "Now," You wasted no time and ran, jumping as far as you possibly could, hoping you would hit the roof and not the ground down below. 
You landed with a thud on the roof, falling on your hands and knees before rolling over onto your back from the impact. You let out a gasp of pain but pushed it down and away. Al and the boy who was behind the two of you landed next to you, both groaning at the impact. 
Your eyes met Al's, a smile making its way onto both of your faces. He got up first, holding his hand out, and helped you up. "We did it," You laughed, wiping your hands on your pants, excitement filling your body. "That was such a rush," He laughed in agreement, shaking his head.
"All right, listen up!" You heard a voice say. You looked towards the rest of the group, seeing a man who must be one of the leaders standing on the edge of the roof. You made your way towards the rest of the group, with Al next to you. 
"I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in. And if you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless," He motioned towards the edge. 
"Is there water at the bottom or something?" The boy who jumped with you and Al asked. 
"I guess you'll find out," He paused, a smirk on his face. "Or not," 
"Someone's gotta go first. Who's it gonna be?" He looked around. Everyone stayed silent, waiting for the other to jump in and say they'll do it. Seeing as no one was stepping up you did. 
"I will!" You shouted, everyone's eyes found you, along with a shocked Christina who shook her head when your eyes met hers. You looked away and slowly made your way towards the front, regret filling your bones as you reached the man with a lot of tattoos and piercings. 
His eyes shifted down your body before motioning towards the edge. You sucked in a breath, carefully getting on the edge, your eyes peering over trying to see what was at the bottom if you didn't hit the roof that was. 
Hearing the words of Peter in the back of your head, all the insults of you being weak and not having the guts to do anything made you turn around, eyes locking with Peter's, a smirk on your face before you fell backward, a surprised laugh leaving your lips at the sensation. 
Your back hit a net, a small gasp leaving your mouth and relief flooding into you, thanking God you didn't die. You bounced up a couple of times before you felt a dip making you shift your gaze toward a man who seemed to be waiting for you. You slid off the net, with the help of the man. 
"Name? You can pick a new one if you want," He said, voice low. You cleared your throat. 
"First jumper Y/N!" He shouted to the others who cheered. "Welcome to Dauntless," 
It had been a little since you joined Dauntless, and one thing you could say for sure is that you regretted joining with everything in you. Not only was Peter saying everything and anything to get you down, but it was also the fact that he was right about everything he said, you would be factionless with the way your name was right below the line. 
You were starting to really panic and the words Peter would always say made it so much worse. You had even started working overtime, in the middle of most nights you were training, but it seemed to just make things worse because of how tired you were. But that didn't stop you. 
That's how you ended up here, repeatedly beating the punching bag in front of you, lending your fits to hurt and small cuts to form. But you pushed through the pain and kept punching and sometimes kicking. 
"You're doing it wrong," You heard an all too familiar voice say, causing you to roll your eyes and dread to form. You ignored him and continued to punch the bag with more force, imagining the bag was his stupid face. "Here," 
You flinched as his hands found your waist. You turned toward him and pushed him away, breathing out heavily as your eyes connected. You didn't know what he was doing but the feeling of his hands on your waist made your stomach twist and you hated that. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" 
"Chill the fuck out Y/N, I'm not trying to grope you I'm just trying to fix your poster," You knitted your brows together, confused as to why he would even care. 
"Do you want my help or not?" He asked, ignoring your question. As much as you hated him you did need his help. He was first on the list for a reason. You swallowed your pride and nodded your head. "Okay," 
He moved toward you as you turned back to the punching bag. "Punch the bag like you just did," You did as he said punching the bag once, letting Peter's hands move towards your hips. He moved them as his foot kicked your legs further apart. His hands moved toward your arms causing him to move closer, his front coming in contact with your back. 
Your breathing got heavier, and your stomach twisted with nerves, you knew you shouldn't but you just couldn't stop yourself. You looked back at him, your faces inches apart. His eyes connected with your own but soon moved down toward your lips causing his hands to loosen on your arms. 
"Try now," He whispered moving away from you. Your body got cold the second he stepped away, but even with him away from you, it was like you still couldn't breathe. 
You turned your eyes toward the bag, trying to calm your nerves, along with your hands that were shaking slightly, and punched it. It already felt different and the bag went further, you felt stronger. 
"I did it!" You smiled, letting the happiness overtake lending you to jump up and down. You felt relief and finally, you could breathe. You stopped short when you remembered who was in the room, turning around to see Peter with a small smile. "Why did you help me?" 
"Because even tho I hate your guts." He paused, eyes finding yours, a real smile coming on his face. Something you've never seen on him, causing you to melt at the sight. He really needed to smile more. "I still don't want to see a girl so beautiful dig through the trash for food," 
Before you could even react he moved toward you, one hand on your waist, the other on the back of your head, and his lips connecting with your own. You were too shocked to even kiss him back. You didn't think you'd ever see the day when Peter Hays would kiss you, but here you two were. You had dreamed about this moment and still, you weren't kissing him back. 
As he was about to pull away you put your hands in his hair and kissed him back with everything in you. It was like your lips were made for each other, moving together like puzzle pieces. His hands gripped your waist tighter and pulled you closer. 
You two pulled away from each other after your throat begged for oxygen, causing you to breathe heavily, still in a daze and in shock. You were still in his arms and inches apart, you did not plan on moving anytime soon. 
His head moved to yours, signing as your foreheads connected. You smiled, thinking back to the words he said. "So you think I'm beautiful huh?" 
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riotinyellow · 6 months
i would like to confess my sins.
As a young 10 year old, my parents bought me the divergent series before the Hunger Games, so needless to say, i was a divergent nerd first
Obviously, when I turned twelve and read the Hunger games and began to understand what good world building looks like, I denounced the divergent ways.
That doesn't mean I am not still embarrassed over the fact that at some point, I thought divergent was peak literature
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lightofleia · 2 years
dauntless parties - peter hayes
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hi!! here’s another peter hayes fic, which i’ve decided to post in full on tumblr instead of just linking to my ao3. also i’d like to remind everyone that i’m still taking requests!
Word Count: 3,324
Pairing: Peter Hayes x Reader
Description: Peter always comes to you when he’s hurt, tonight is no different. No War AU
Warnings: Very brief sexual references, blood, injury, mention of alcohol.
Music echoed throughout the infirmary, the only sign of the Dauntless party happening a level below, the one you were so unceremoniously disinvited to when you’d been called to work the night shift. It seemed to be taunting you, and as the hour grew darker, and the fluorescent lighting grew stronger, you could feel your own annoyance grow
You supposed you wouldn’t care much if you had any company, but all the beds were empty— Dauntless would rather die than miss a party, apparently— and the other nurses saw no reason to stay when you could clearly hold down the fort on your own. It was just typical, really, for them to do this. What kind of a job was a nurse for a Dauntless, anyways? Someone had to do it, but why you? Of course, you knew the answer; they couldn’t think of a better place to put an Abnegation transfer.
The thought made you groan, throwing down the book you’d been flipping through aimlessly. If they weren’t going to respect you, why should you respect them? There weren't even any patients there, there hardly ever were; no self-respecting Dauntless would be found in the infirmary unless they absolutely needed to be there, and, to their credit, they rarely did.
Besides, tonight was a party, the only people getting hurt were idiots. Idiots who probably didn’t even deserve your attention. Idiots who—
Banging at the door interrupted your internal rant, but before you could even see who was there, Peter came stumbling in, and suddenly you understood the purpose of you being here tonight. Idiots like him, of course.
You could tell the extent of his injuries from the way he smiled at you, goofier than Peter had ever mustered before, or had ever wanted to. Still, he wore that same smug look he always had, and seeing him so bold in such a vulnerable state left you with the urge to roll your eyes. Unfortunately, telling him off would have to wait, overwhelmed by your need to help him— whether that comes from your Abnegation roots or your medical training, you don’t know, but you can’t be bothered to think too deeply about it, especially now— and you find yourself rushing towards him to take a better look at the damage.
“I think I just need some rest,” He says, leaning heavily against the wall as if he intends to fall asleep where he stood.
“You need stitches,” You correct him, ignoring the way he winces as you poke at the gash above his eyebrow. “How did you even get that?”
“Fist fight turned into a knife fight,” Peter groans, allowing you to lead him to one of the beds. He sits on the edge, clutching his side. “Who brings a knife to a party?”
“You do,” You say with an amused sniff. You know fully well Peter is only playing dumb with you because he wants your sympathy, and because he doesn’t want to admit to losing a fight he probably initiated himself. If you knew him, which you did, the other guy was fairly cut up as well, but no one had as good a reason to make a trip to the infirmary than the boy in front of you.
“Just lay down,” You sigh, and he listens, though his pained expression shows it’s not with much ease. You begin to rummage through the cabinet for the supplies you need, watching him from the corner of your eye. It’s been such a long time since you first saw him this way, but the memory feels fresh.
You’d been in initiation together, fought each other even, though fighting you rarely seemed to earn him more than a scratch. Looking back, you figured that had been a good thing. You passed initiation, but not by much, and that kept you off Peter’s radar for the most part.
It had been a fight with Edward that left you caring for him that first time. He had too much pride to go to the actual infirmary, and so you found him tending to his own wounds in the bathroom, late at night.
“Tell anyone about this, and you’ll be dead,” He had said as you wrapped a bandage around his bruised knuckles. His words were so cold that even the memory of them made you shiver.
You knew you shouldn’t have helped him, but you really shouldn’t have continued to do so after Edward lost his eye just a few days later. Peter made no attempt to hide this side of himself from you, but still, it became a habit for you to tend to his injuries, to take care of him. It happened again and again, until his threats disappeared and were replaced with words you could almost call compliments. Even after initiation, he came to you for help. Soon, you realized he would only come to you. Something in you warmed at the thought.
You weren’t sure if you hated the way he made you feel, but you were sure you wanted to. Your wants, however, seemed futile in the wake of his presence, like your caring for him was a tsunami washing over you, swallowing you up.
Even now, as you return to him, he looks at you with his big, doe eyes, and you want nothing more than to punch him. You’re sure he knows what he’s doing (when doesn’t he?) but you don’t say a word.
You unscrew the lid to a bottle of pills the Erudite makes especially for Dauntless fighters, some magic cure-all that your father would probably claim kills brain cells. You hand feed a couple to Peter, to which he has no protest, and you can imagine the looks you’d get if you weren’t alone. The thought makes you laugh to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” He asks, blinking up at you through a swollen eye.
“Just you,” You say as you return the pills to their place in the cabinet and lock it. With a second glance at Peter, you realize the Erudite science has proved you useless again, and sigh as you put the needle and thread back too, opting for a bandage instead.
“I thought I was your favorite patient?” Peter asks, giving you his best puppy-dog eyes, but you only scoff.
“Maybe if you got hurt less than twice a week,” You say as you begin to apply ointment to the cut above his eyebrow. He sucks in a breath through his teeth, but doesn’t complain. If you had any less willpower, you might’ve apologized.
“So,” He says, his need to be a nuisance greater than any pain that could be inflicted on him, “What I’m hearing is you hate to see me hurt.”
“You always hear what you want to, don’t you? I hate to see anyone hurt,” You make sure to apply his bandage with a little more pressure than necessary. “It makes my job harder.”
“So cynical,” he tuts, shaking his head. “Have you ever heard of proper bedside manner?”
“Dauntless doesn’t care much about the patient's health, Peter,” You tell him, and he smiles. Of course, it’s that cruelty that made him so fit for Dauntless in the first place.
“Then how come you’re always so sweet to me?” He says sarcastically, and you frown, glaring at him. “When you’re not jabbing at me with a needle or wrapping my bandages too tight, that is.”
“Any jabbing or lack of blood flow is for your own good,” You say, though it’s a struggle not to laugh as you think of the times you’ve had to give him stitches, and how he’d look at the needle like it was a grenade. You were sure he’d rather be looking down the barrel of a gun.
“So you do care?” Peter grins so wide it looks like it must hurt.
“Only as much as I’m required to,” You stand up, making a move away from his side, but before you can take even a step further, he grabs your hand.
“Sit with me a while longer,” He says, pulling you back to where you were. You listen, as if you could even try and will yourself away, and you can tell by the cheeky look on his face that he takes some kind of pride in this.
The build between you had been so slow, you’re not sure either of you could pinpoint when you became aware of his hold on you. It seemed likely he’d known for far longer than you, maybe even since that first night on the bathroom floor. Peter was manipulative, he was cruel, you knew it as well as anyone else, it was completely reasonable to assume he’d been exploiting this little crush you had on him. The thought made you feel sick.
“Are you alright?” He asks, and though you can tell he’s trying to be nice, he still looks at you as if you’ve swallowed a bug. Maybe it’s a symptom of his injured state, or maybe it’s the years of fake niceties catching up with him. Either seems entirely possible.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You say, looking around the room for an excuse to leave his side, though his hand is still clasped firmly over yours, as if he can read your mind. “Maybe you should eat, any alcohol in your system will delay the healing process and food could—”
“I didn’t drink,” Peter interrupts you, and you eye him suspiciously. “Seriously! I don’t trust my drunk self at a Dauntless party, not after what happened last time.”
“I wouldn’t either,” You say, though you’re secretly glad for that reassurance. The few times you had seen Peter drunk made you cringe now, especially the times he found it appropriate to drape an arm around you, whispering incomprehensible innuendos in your ear as you smiled awkwardly at curious passersby and hoped none of your friends found you. Apparently he thought it was amusing to humiliate you, despite all you’d done for him, but you couldn’t be mad at him when any scolding you tried just left him grinning like an idiot. “You’re impossibly annoying when you’re drunk.”
“Really? I thought you liked me hanging off of you,” He sighs, as if disappointed. “Besides, you’re not much better.”
“What?” You ask, the shock so clear in your voice that he laughs.
“You don’t remember?” Peter looks at you with a smirk. “I guess I’m not surprised, you were pretty out of it.”
“What are you talking about?”
“That party just a couple weeks ago, when the power went out?” You know what he’s talking about, or at least, you heard about it.
“I thought Christina took me home,” You say, though now that you thought about it, the night was too blurry for you to confirm that with yourself.
“Maybe,” he shrugs, “But you’d been dancing with me all night, and when I got back to my place, you were there waiting outside my door.”
“Oh god, we didn’t—?”
“No, no. I told you, I swore off drinking at parties months ago,” Peter shakes his head, and you breathe a sigh of relief. “I just took you home, stayed with you most of the night.”
“Really?” You ask, finding it hard to believe he’d ever do something like that.
“Well, it was free entertainment,” He says with that wicked look in his eye. “You tried to flirt with me for at least a couple hours. I didn’t know you were so persistent.”
You feel yourself go bright red, not able to imagine the things you must’ve said. You’re about to apologize when he stops you.
“I imagine I’m worse though,” He laughs, “With the way you look and all.”
You’re a bit taken aback by that, but he seems unfazed, as if what he’s said is completely normal. He looks at you the way he’s always looked at you, but his words still make your heart beat a little faster, no matter how casual he seems.
“It was nice, though, when you danced with me. It seems like you’re always avoiding me,” He says after we’ve been quiet for a moment. He doesn’t seem sad, or even angry, more just curious, or maybe amused. Like he’s satisfied with his reputation. “Is it because of your friends? Or because of me?”
“You’re not exactly nice to them.” Or me, You consider adding, but don’t.
“Why should I be nice to them?” Peter laughs as if the idea is ridiculous. “I don’t like them.”
“Oh please, you don’t like anyone,” The words taste bad in your mouth, but you know they’re true, and you rip your hand out of his grasp. This is his greatest talent, of course, getting people riled up. He seems to relish in it. “Not even your lackeys.”
“They’re idiots,” Peter says dismissively, and you can’t help but feel wounded. If he thinks of the people he calls friends as idiots, what could he possibly think of you? You must seem like a total pushover to him, and though you hate to care about his opinion, the thought hurts you deep in your core. You feel as if your stomach might turn inside out.
But before you can worry yourself to death, he says, “You're wrong, though.”
You lift your eyebrows and fold your arms across your chest, urging him to go on, but too afraid to open your mouth out of fear of what you might say. You don’t want to stoop to his level.
“I do like some people,” You watch intently as Peter places a hand on your thigh, much more innocently than you thought he was capable of. “I like you.”
When you open your mouth to speak, it’s as if your tongue has been cut out. Your mind is screaming at you to say something, anything, but you simply cannot. This feels as if it goes on for hours before Peter looks at you with the most obnoxious grin, and suddenly, your voice returns, as if your very being simply couldn’t allow him this win.
“Wipe that smug look off your face,” You snap, but he only laughs. “I’m serious.”
“I bet you are,” he says, and though you’d never take this from anyone else, you find yourself only minorly annoyed by Peter, again. Really, if he was anyone else, you probably would’ve killed him by now.
“I should’ve gone to that damn party,” You think back to your inconsiderate coworkers with a glare at the door. “Maybe you wouldn’t have ended up here.”
“I think I would’ve ended up in your apartment instead,” He says, almost wistfully. “Though, it’s not too late for any of that.”
With a glance to the clock on the wall, you see he’s right. It’s not even one yet.
The look he gives you, like always, leaves you wanting nothing more than to even have a clue as to what he’s thinking. At least now, you have a better guess.
“How about this,” Peter starts, a mischievous glint in his eye that leaves you more excited than it should. “I don’t tell your superiors you left your post, and you give me one dance.”
“Nothing explicit,” You add, and he rolls his eyes.
“Fine,” He says, “But you might not be able to resist.”
You groan in disgust, but as he stands you take his hand and allow him to lead you out of the infirmary.
It’s almost funny, the way you walk in together, with your arm looped around his. What’s even more odd is that Peter was the one to insist upon it, but you see its deeper purpose in the looks you receive. You can tell from the skip in his step that he loves the attention.
Despite the fact that you’re completely sober, something comparable to the effects of alcohol had seemed to wash over you in the time it took to walk from the infirmary to the Pit. The worries that have plagued you for months now don’t even cross your mind; the betrayal you took part in every time you helped Peter, your Abnegation background haunting you even past initiation, not even the unexplainable affection you felt towards the boy next to you could weigh on your thoughts now. The music is too loud, the lights are too strong, and Peter is standing too close.
“Peter, what are you doing back here?” An angry voice calls from behind Peter, and, in just a moment, you’re whipped around along with him, face to face with Tris. She looks angry, to say the least, but with Peter’s presence that’s a given. When she sees you, though, her expression becomes unreadable.
“I got fixed up,” He says, gesturing to you, a wide grin spread over his face. You realize Tris is injured too, though far less than Peter is, and it becomes apparent she’s the one he’d fought with. “Figured I better come back with a date, too.”
“I thought you were working tonight,” Tris says, completely ignoring Peter.
“I was,” You admit, “But I couldn’t let him back out here unsupervised.”
“We always end up together at the end of the night anyways,” Peter says, prompting you to jab your elbow into his side.
Tris eyes you up and down, staring at you as if Peter isn’t even there. At first, you worry she’s giving you some kind of death glare, but you quickly realize she’s deciding whether or not to leave you with Peter.
“We’ll see you later, Tris,” You say finally, not giving her any time to reply before you’ve tugged
Peter away from her. A second longer and they might’ve been at it again, and you aren’t gonna end the night without the dance you’d promised Peter.
“So eager,” He says, whisper-shouting in your ear once you’ve read the center of the crowd. All around you are people dancing. or fighting. though some of it is hard to tell apart.
You roll your eyes at him, but don’t make any protest when he pulls you in close. You take cues from the rest of the crowd when it comes to dancing, your heartbeat too loud in your ears to be able to properly hear the music.
This isn’t the soft, romantic dancing you’d heard of Amity couples doing, Dauntless would never allow a slow enough song for that, but you wouldn’t have it any other way, and you can tell Peter feels the same. He keeps you pressed to him so tightly you’re afraid you might melt into one person. You’d expect the sweat between the two of you to make you at least a little bit uncomfortable, but instead it has you excited, so completely aware of every sense despite the fact that all of them are being overwhelmed.
At some point, you find yourselves in the center of a very rowdy group. It doesn’t bother you, really, but you can tell from the scowl on his face that you’re a few seconds away from losing his attention completely.
You place your hand under his chin and turn his head so his eyes are back on you. His gaze softens, though not in the same way it does for strangers and unsuspecting victims. You’re almost sure you’ve got that difference down now, or at least you’d like to think that you would after all the time you’ve spent with him.
“We should get out of here,” Peter says, though you have to read his lips a little to understand him.
“I think you’re right,” You agree, allowing him to tug you away from the Pit entirely.
You suppose you don’t realize where he’s leading you until you’re at his door, but another part of you was sure where the two of you were headed. Either way, you know you aren’t mad about it.
You are, however, surprised when he holds open the door for you.
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algea · 2 years
i know that people are NOW just finding Miles Teller attractive, but ive found him attractive since Divergent
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Congrats on the 400 followers! For a request, let's go with a Divergent fic because there is never enough of them anywhere!
Peter or Eric, you can decide!
I was thinking an amity-born reader whose father was originally from Dauntless. Maybe he taught her how to fight & basically be Dauntless. She transfer's to dauntless but nobody thinks she'll make t
Thanks so much!! I love your work!
I agree, I love it when I get requests from fandoms that have literally no fics!
Peter Hayes x Reader
Everybody underestimated you. Nobody thought you would make it. You were going to prove them wrong.
It was the last round of getting scores. You had stayed good enough to be able to pull ahead if you aced everything else, but low enough so people didn't go after you. Your father had said the better you are, the bigger target on your back.
It was hand to hand combat, sparring. The thing you had always been good at. From a young age your father had known you were more like hom then your mother.
He only went to Amity for your mother. He was a Dauntless born, and he tried to hide it. He could, in fact he did it very well.
He still had taught you the basics for when you got to leave Amity. Too peaceful, everybody was to nice. Did they actually like you? Or where they wanting to stab you? You could never tell.
Your nerves hit ten when Eric says you will be fighting Peter. Peter scoffs, and seems to smile. you were going to kick his ass.
You had appeared to be just lucky, and weak for all of training. But Peter was from, you didn't remember it was either Candor or Erudite. They didn't teach hand to hand combat in either..
You see Four attempts to change Eric's mind, you tell him you'll be fine, and wink. You make sure the wink is subtle but Four will still understand that you aren't the one in danger.
"Amity are brave?" Peter scoffs as you both step in to the ring. You roll your eyes as Peter attempts to punch you.
You catch his first and he looks shocked, "This yours?" You mock and twist his arm, he lets out a painful yelp before kicking your leg.
You fall and instantly jump back up, if they get you down you're as good as dead. You needed to get some headshots.
You dodge peters next first and meet that one with a knee to the gut. He doubles over in pain, he gets up and starts blindly swinging.
You let him hit your shoulder, he grabs it to attempt to flip you, he thinks you're light weight and easy to flip, idiot. As long as you know how to fight it's difficult for someone to flip you.
You counter that with a headbutt to his nose. He stumbles back in shock. You don't let him recover, that asshole had it coming.
You punch his jaw, and the other side of his jaw. His head ships back and forth like a damn ragdoll as you land blows.
You finally have him pinned and decide he really had it coming. You angle your first and roughly connect it with nose. You groan in pain and hear a crack. It was most likely his nose, but it might be your finger.
Before you can hit again someone drags you away from Peter. It's Four. You see a ghost of a smile on his face.
"He had it coming," Four whispers before going to order some initiates around. You smile, but then notice the throbbing in your side and shoulder.
Peter was shocked when you handed his ass to him on a silver platter. Literally, he got almost no punches in.
You had toyed with him before getting bored and beating the shit out of him. He thought that was hot.
He was slightly mad that a girl beat him, and this bad. But that didn't stop him from falling in love. He was hopeless.
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for the full list of characters and fandoms I write for!
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imajinxnation · 2 years
How You Kiss - Divergent Preference/Reaction
So Divergent has been my bitch lately so.. I decided that I'm gonna write for the Divergent fandom
I should mention I haven't watched the movies yet, and I am only starting the second book, so NO SPOILERS PLZ!!
Aimed at FEMALE READERS, but no pronouns mentioned, I think.
WARNING: Fluff, a bit Steamy, kinda Angsty as well.
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Kissing, majority of the time Eric is very sudden, like you'll just be standing there, reading about new techniques to use in combat and then suddenly he's in your face, lips on yours. He likes it when you're focused on something your passionate about, when you show passion about what your interested in, chances are you won't get to finish whatever you were doing 'cause Eric's just going to throw you over his shoulder and take you to his room. When you feel passionate, expect passionate kisses from him. Also he doesn't really do 'soft', so when he kisses you, it's hard and passionate (I need to stop saying passionate lol).
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I can see his kisses being really sweet and soft! We all know about Tobias' past and the abuse he went through, so I think that he would try to be as gentle as he could with you, whether it's kissing, cuddling, or anything, he makes sure that he is never harsh with you (I mean.. unless you ask him😏), because if he ever hurt you, he would never forgive himself.
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Oh my lordie lord, this boy hates to admit it, but he absolutely loves when you take control! He just loves a strong partner and when you take control over him during makeout sessions, ho boy, things are gonna get hot quickly! He especially likes your jealous kisses, the ones where you know he's been flirting with others to make you jealous, and, goddammit, it worked. So now you gotta show a bitch that he's taken, you know those types of kisses! But if it's him kissing you, majority of the time, he kisses you like it's the last time he's gonna see you.
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Tris is new to relationships so you're going to have to be her guide through all of these new experiences she's going through. She picks up on things quickly though, so after all the firsts are done with, she probably won't need that much help through all this relationship stuff. Anyways, kisses with her are always soft, on her part maybe a bit hesitant, as if asking for permission, but you just reassure her by pressing your lips harder onto hers. You kiss her a lot, whether it's to sooth her when she's feeling down, or just when she's looking kissable, she always appreciates it. When she kisses you first, she needs a little nudge from you, just to say, go ahead, I don't mind, and she will.
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heliads · 2 years
Can you do an imagine with Peter Hayes comforting you after having a nightmare about you being killed for being Divergent(Which he knows about)? Love you so much ❤️
in complete honesty i think peter hayes would probably kill you himself if he found out you were divergent, but that would make for a terrible fic so let's just pretend otherwise
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Despite your best intentions, your highest hopes, and your lowest standards, you think Dauntless initiation might be getting to you after all. You have been doing so well, yet despite your superb ranking, you can practically feel yourself crumbling away to nothing as the days pass by. Your brittle bones can only take so much, and right now, you’re nearing your limit at record speed.
You had been alright during the first phase of initiation. The fights and target practice had been right up your alley. Thinking with your fists only bolstered your cunning schemes, and although your rapid success made you a fair number of enemies, it also earned you some well-placed friends.
More than that, it found you someone to love. You didn’t come to Dauntless for the sole purpose of finding a boy that could make your heart skip a beat, far from it. You left your home because it no longer suited you, because you had no idea who you were nor who you wanted to be. You figured that dashing your blood into the vessel of someone else’s faction might teach you to be someone else, someone better, and so you did just that.
As it turns out, that’s exactly what Peter Hayes did as well. You could see him fairly well as a Candor, his voice has that acidic burn of truth learned from someone who always wielded their words as a weapon, but he makes a solid Dauntless. More than that, he makes a tricky Dauntless, and the worst Dauntless of all aren’t the meatheads or heavy lifters but the ones who can both outthink and outpunch you. Peter’s the best of them by far.
You expected to see him as a rival, if not an outright enemy, competing for the same rankings as you. However, as time went on and your names started switching ranks back and forth like flickering fluorescent bulbs, you didn’t hate Peter, nor did he hate you. Far from it.
In fact, Peter was the one who first fell in love with you. It wasn’t supposed to happen, both of you can admit that freely, but it did anyway. He started noticing that he paid more attention to making you laugh with his sarcastic one-liners than how to properly throw his punches. You started realizing that you rather liked the way Peter looked at you, as if you were the only thing in this entire sunless city that could possibly matter.
It took the two of you progressing halfway through Phase One of Dauntless initiation for moves to finally be made. One day, you and Peter had finished a lengthy run far faster than the other initiates, so you were both alone for the greater part of thirty seconds. You had grinned over at him, breathless from the exertion of running so far outside, and Peter had grinned back at you.
The moment had been perfect, the two of you alone together, and when it seemed like it might end, Peter had done everything he could to stop it. You had started to turn away from him, perhaps to get a drink of water or just head into a shadier part of the course, and Peter had called something after you.
It was quiet, what he said, barely audible to the both of you, but you had heard it nonetheless:
“I love you.”
You don’t know who was more surprised to hear it, you or Peter, but the ending is the same regardless of who’s telling the story. You had repeated the same words back to Peter, and just like that, the two of you were the most dangerous couple that Dauntless initiation had ever known.
It should have been perfect after that. The two of you were set for the best jobs coming out of initiation, even before entering the second phase of training. You had Peter to rely on in times of trouble, and he had you. Nobody was going to mess with you.
Nobody was going to mess with you, that is, unless they figured out something about you that put a target on your back so large that even the worst-ranked initiates could manage to hit it. You’re not just some transfer, after all, you’re Divergent, and being Divergent is going to get you killed.
You thought you would be able to hide it pretty well around here. Dauntless doesn’t just teach physical fortitude, it forces its trainees to guard their minds as well. No one would look at you twice if you graduated well from Dauntless, even if you slipped up every now and then.
The problem comes with the fear landscapes. Your greatest fear is obvious, it’s being revealed as Divergent in front of the rest of the city. Who knows what would happen to you then:  torture, perhaps, death or destruction or any number of unnameable horrors. There’s a reason that no one dares even mention Divergents in conversation– practically saying the name alone is a death sentence. Just your luck, you happen to be one.
You’ve been doing a fairly good job of making sure your Divergence doesn’t come up in the fear landscapes, but you’re not sure how long you can hold out. You’re so distracted in trying to shape your landscape so as to not reveal the fact that you’re Divergent that you almost forget to navigate your mental realm like a regular Dauntless.
You’re not sure how much you seem like a Divergent to the instructors watching you progress through your fear landscape, but every day, you’re terrified that they’ll look too close and figure out what you’ve been hiding. Four is typically the one to administer your fear landscape, and he’s never seemed suspicious of you, but then again, how would you know for sure?
Luckily for you, you’re not alone in all of this. Once again, you have Peter by your side, this time to offer a different kind of support in terms of keeping you alive. He’s not just checking your punches, he’s protecting you from the kind of rumors that spread when someone’s a little too good at navigating their fear landscapes.
You hadn’t intended to tell him you were Divergent. You were fully prepared to keep it a secret until your dying days, but when you came out of your first fear landscape, practically exhausted from the burden of trying to hide your true nature, he knew immediately that something was up.
You can still remember the day that you’d told him. Peter had pulled you aside, out of the reach of inquisitive initiates and prying security cameras alike. Hands on his hips, he’d asked what was the matter, and you, unable to do anything but love him, had told Peter the truth.
As the words tumbled from your mouth, you pictured a thousand different reactions. He could hate you, or worse, be afraid of you. He could turn you into the Dauntless leaders, that would earn him a good job for sure.
Instead, Peter had stuck by your side even more than before. You picture the way his jaw had locked determinedly when he found out, how he’d sworn that he’d keep you safe. He couldn’t lose you, or so he claimed. Even if that meant that he had to hide you from his chosen faction.
Now, it’s just the two of you against the world, all either of you have ever needed. You’re able to give Peter tips on how to succeed in the fear landscapes thanks to your Divergent insights, and Peter makes sure that you’re not accidentally revealing yourself to the others. It’s a partnership, and it works out perfectly.
The issue is that the stress of keeping all of this under wraps is slowly killing you. That’s what it feels like, at least. From the moment you wake up at dawn to when you manage to fall asleep at the end of the day, you swear you can sense a thousand eyes upon you, all trying to trip you up and catch you out. Navigating Dauntless as a Divergent is difficult, especially so as an initiate, and you’re not sure how much more you can take.
The only time you’re able to relax is when night falls, but even then, sleep is rarely your friend. It refuses to let you fall into blissful unconsciousness, or worse, it pulls you under just to torment you with nightmare after nightmare. You’ve been forced to watch countless friends die all because you’re Divergent, or been killed yourself, sometimes even by a disgusted Peter who claims that he could never love someone who’s Divergent.
You’re stuck in one now, you think. The worst part of being Divergent at a time like this is that you’re painfully aware of your own mind, but you can’t do a thing to break out of the nightmare. As you toss and turn, you bear an agonizing witness to a Dauntless so close to reality that it’s hard to doubt, a Dauntless in which you are tried for being Divergent and at last killed for it.
You wake up just as the bullets ring out in the nightmare. You sit up, gasping, and someone on your side whispers that you’re alright, you’re safe. You manage to blink the horrors from your eyes and realize that it’s Peter. He must have crawled out of his bunk to pull you out of the nightmare.
You lean against him, heart still pounding. “Did I wake you?” You manage to ask.
Peter shakes his head. “No, I was already up. No one else is awake either.”
You nod slowly. “Sorry, I guess the fear landscapes are getting to me again. You should go back to bed, get some rest.”
Despite proclaiming that you’re fine, you still feel deeply enthralled by the terror of the nightmare. Peter seems to pick up on this, because he gently tugs at your arm.
“Not a chance. Not yet, at least. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
You stare at him questioningly as he leads you out of the dormitories. “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere nobody else can hear us,” Peter whispers, and closes the door behind you.
The corridors outside are empty at this hour, and the sound of your feet pattering against the cold tiles seems to echo down the halls. At last, Peter leads you to a corner far away from sight, and deliberately takes a seat, guiding you down beside him. He’s taken a blanket from your bunk, and tucks the threadbare charcoal colored cloth in around the two of you.
“Better?” He asks, after you’ve had a chance to cuddle up beside him.
“Better,” you confirm, and calm yourself down by listening to the thrum of his heartbeat through his chest.
Peter reaches his hand up to rub comforting circles against your shoulder. “They aren’t getting to you,” he says quietly, “I’ll make sure of it. You’re safe with me, I promise.”
You nod slowly, head tucked against his collarbone. “I know.”
And you do. Peter makes you feel safe, truly safe, even in a faction where neither of you can truly count on such a thing. Slowly, you feel the pangs of the nightmare leaving you, until all you are is tired and in the arms of the boy you love.
At last, you nod at him that you’re alright, and Peter stands up, carefully extricating himself from the blanket before extending a hand to you to help you up. The two of you have just started back to the dormitories before a voice from behind you makes both of you freeze in place.
“What are you two doing up?”
You and Peter slowly turn around in unison to find Four staring at you, arms folded across his chest. As you watch, he arches a brow, clearly waiting for an answer. Threads of panic start to weave across you. How are you supposed to explain any of this?
Peter manages to come up with an excuse first. He fixes Four with an awkward grin, and says through gritted teeth, “We were, uh, making out.”
It’s as if you can see a lifetime’s worth of regret flash across Four’s face. Instantly, his entire body stiffens with the deep desire to never have to see or think about this. He sighs at last and jerks his chin towards the door of the dormitories.
“Just go to sleep, alright? And never bring this up again.”
With that, Four turns and heads back down the hallway as fast as he can without being too obvious. You wait until he’s disappeared around the corner, then give Peter an aggrieved glance.
“Really? Your excuse was that we’re making out?”
Peter just grins. “And we are.”
Before you can ask him what he’s talking about, Peter leans in and kisses you. It’s quick, and just as you’ve realized what he’s doing Peter has pulled away. He laughs quietly at your annoyed expression and kisses you again to make up for it, this one longer.
“Still upset with the excuse?” He asks, and you laugh.
“Not anymore,” you respond.
With that, Peter opens the door to the initiate dormitories, allowing both of you to slip back into your bunks once more. This time, though, you don’t think you’ll have any trouble with nightmares.
divergent tag list: @rogueanschel, @with-inked-solace, @gods-fools-heroes
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
people are thirsting for Jamie Bower and Miles Teller again? it truly is 2014 again lmaooo
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carelesslywriting · 2 years
Dandelions - Peter Hayes
This is an imagine for Peter based off of the song Dandelions by Ruth B. This is the first post for my 10 Days of Music theme for this month! Check out my pinned tweet if you'd like to request a song, or if you would like to request a character from some songs still available.
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1371 Trigger Warnings: brief implied sexual comment Note: These imagines are my own work and I do not consent to distribution of my work elsewhere!
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You were with Tris, Four, Caleb, and Peter hiding out in Amity after the slaughter of Abnegation and the hunt for divergents was on. You found yourself actually enjoying the peacefulness of the fields and life of Amity, which came as a shock to you. You were Dauntless to your core, and you knew that. That’s part of the reason you ranked as high as you did when you were an initiate. However, there was something so captivating about the endless fields Amity offered. Your favorite part, however, was the fields a little further out that were recovering from the war. There were wildflowers and even dandelions growing back. ‘Maybe I do have a little bit of Amity in me,’ you thought to yourself, laughing a little right after it popped through your mind. Total opposites, and yet to you, there was a beauty in both lifestyles. 
You didn’t even know that you were divergent until that night at Dauntless happened. Everyone was waking up at the same time in a monotone, uniformed way. You had looked around, wondering what the hell was going on. Tris was the only one who seemed to have any emotion, and as you two locked eyes, you both knew you needed to blend in. You fell in line next to Tris, and she briefly explained her theory of what was going on. That’s when you finally knew what you were. Thankfully you were able to escape, and throughout the couple of weeks you’ve been at Amity you’ve started to come to terms with what you were.  
You found yourself walking out to the field of dandelions for what felt like the 100th time since you arrived, it was just so beautiful and peaceful to you. You’d sit in the fields and just think about what you were. There was always one thing that came to mind while you were out there though, and that was Peter Hayes. You always found yourself in a rival with him all throughout training, but at the same time there was this captivating energy surrounding him that drew your thoughts to him constantly. Even throughout the rivalry, it was like there would be subtle flirting between the two of you occasionally. Maybe you were just imagining it, you really didn’t know. But the way he looked at you when he found out what you were, that’s an image you just can’t get out of your head. He hasn’t outwardly treated you different, but it felt like something might have changed. 
You remember an old tale about dandelions, how people used to make a wish about a person and blow into the dandelion. Sure, it seems silly that whoever you wished about would end up loving you just by blowing on a flower. Yet, before you’d leave the field, you always found yourself blowing a dandelion and thinking of Peter. Today was no different, when you were ready to get up and leave, you had the same routine. You picked a dandelion, thought of Peter and what it could be with him, and blew. 
“Go with happiness,” You heard Peter say, winking at the Amity girl serving his food. Tris rolled her eyes, and you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at how Peter was handling himself in Amity. 
Peter’s eyes locked with yours for a few seconds, and you found yourself almost struggling to breathe due to his gaze on you. You knew with that look that you’d be sitting with him and talking amongst yourselves like you did every lunch since you’ve gotten here. You couldn’t shake how you felt with him, so alive and free whenever you were with him. You’ve never felt as happy around anyone else as you do with him. There was a hardness that he showed around everyone else, but you knew in your heart Peter had a soft spot for you. 
“I saw you walking out to those fields of flowers again, what is it with you and that field?” Peter asked you once you two had sat down across from each other. 
“You’d just have to see it yourself to understand,” You replied, taking a bite of your food. “I always wonder what the world before the war looked like. All the sights and scenery, the wildlife, how peaceful nature was.” Peter tilted his head slightly, amusement on his face. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Amity would be the faction for you,” He replied light heartedly, continuing to eat. 
“Shut up, you know I’ll still kick your ass in a fight,” You replied, throwing some food at him. 
“Hey!” He paused, picking off the food that landed on his shirt. “You know that we ended up basically tied the last time we fought,” He defended himself. 
“If you call a tie my thighs locking around your neck while I was on top of you, then sure, we tied,” You joked. 
“Too bad your thighs weren’t around my neck in bed with me,” Peter spoke, looking directly into your eyes for your reaction. Your heart fluttered a bit at the thought, blush rising to your cheeks. “So that field, when are you gonna take me there?” He asked before you could even reply to the comment he made. 
“Whenever you’re up to it,” you answered. 
“Let’s go then,” he replied, finishing the last of his food and standing up, grabbing both of your now empty trays and putting them back to be washed. 
The both of you started walking off towards your favorite field, a comfortable silence surrounding you both as you took in the nature around you. As you got closer to the field, and away from anyone else around, Peter nonchalantly slipped his hand into yours. Nothing was said between the two of you out loud, but your heart rate sped up and spoke internally for how you felt. 
“Here we are,” you said, entering the field of dandelions, leading Peter to your favorite spot to sit. He took in the scene for a minute, letting go of your hand and doing a little spin. Only you got to see this soft side of Peter. 
“I see why you like it so much,” he said, taking in the entire view one last time before sitting down and placing his eyes toward you. “It’s almost as beautiful as you.” You couldn’t contain the blush that rose to your cheeks from that comment. 
“I love the silent beauty of it, I could get lost in these fields,” You answered, at a loss for words on how to respond to the compliment Peter just gave you. He took your hand again and pulled you into his chest, wrapping an arm around you. 
“Y/N, get lost in this field with me,” Peter said, looking into your eyes for some sort of confirmation. 
You leaned up to look at him, and you aren’t sure what came over you. The next thing you know, your lips are on Peter’s, and his hand moved to your cheek to pull you in even deeper. You crawled into his lap, continuing to kiss him. His kiss was the exact opposite of you were expecting. You were expecting rough, and instead you were met with him being gentle with you, like you were a fragile glass he didn’t want to break. For the first time in Peter’s life, he wanted to take things slow with a woman, specifically with you. When you pulled apart after what felt like forever, Peter pulled you down onto the ground and just held you, tracing the tattoo on your arm. 
“Y/N, I really like you. I’ve never known anybody like you, you bring out something in me that I didn’t know was there. I feel like I’ve known you all my life,” Peter confessed, staring deep into your eyes with a small smile on his face. 
“I feel the same way,” You answered, an even bigger smile on your face as you leaned in to kiss him again. ‘I guess wishing on the dandelions wasn’t silly after all,’ You thought to yourself as you continued to slowly kiss each other, finally allowing the feelings you shared for each other to flow.
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lvrvenxs · 5 months
brooding blondes and dark haired sarcastic assholes are my favorite things in media rn and I’ll give an example
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okay that’s all good night
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