#discotek issues
izzyizumi · 6 months
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So this has been happening.
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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"~~On a list that means nadda~~"
All while your official translator here is lrtng deliberate misinfo on the I.P. hostages situation and you're not reprimanding them (I wonder why)?!??!?!
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sir-adamus · 4 months
Uh, what happened exactly?
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i'm getting this news peripherally through twitter so obviously i'm wary of the full details (especially because the people being loudest about this are the anti-localisation crowd who are eating up any ammunition they can for their deranged culture war), but my understanding of the gist of the situation is this
Blaber gets contracted to work on a localisation for an anime (that i believe is known for having a regional dialect used in it primarily) by discotek media. he has made several blog posts and public comments making it very clear he despises the material, broadcast his utter contempt for the creator of the series (seems to be a recurring thing with this guy) and boasted about how he got to do whatever he wanted with it and how the changes he made in the localisation were all way better writing than the original
this has obviously pissed a lot of people off for many reasons (some legitimate, some very much not from the weird nerds fighting their culture war), and discotek have issued a statement about their disappointment in his lack of professional behaviour and won't be working with him in future
it seems they were working with sound cadence studio on this one (which is a studio that is also outsourced for rwb/y - most if not all the professional voice actors that have been on the show were contracted through them, and that would've included Blaber), so this bullshit may have lasting repercussions on contract work of any kind with anime because he's a smarmy, arrogant idiot who can't keep his fucking mouth shut
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semi-sketchy · 1 month
Alright, since I'm at that episode, I'm gonna elaborate on my actual problem with Dark Sonic:
To be honest, I don't think there's anything really wrong with Sonic during the episode. He's angry his friends have been hurt by a villain, so he harnesses the power of the fake Emeralds (which he has a physical negative reaction to) and smashes said villain's testing robots to pieces.
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I never really considered this a problem. Sonic can get angry, be antagonized, the SA2 Shadow fight in Green Forest springs to mind.
Plus, Secret Rings has Darkspine Sonic, which is about as close to Dark Sonic as it gets. Sharha just died, trading her life for his, he absorbs the Rage, Sadness and Hatred Rings and transforms.
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Even after he leaves the transformation, he still seems pretty pissed at Erazor Djinn, with killing Sharha at the top of the list.
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So, yeah. It's not 1:1 and I'm not claiming these are the same, X is obviously more exaggerated, but I don't really have a problem with the concept. We can talk about how Eggman comes in, tells Sonic he needs to be better and not let his emotions overwhelm him, but frankly I think that's more of an X!Eggman issue than the transformation itself.
No, my real problem is, and always has been, how the fandom interpreted it. That's it. I've read so many fics, seen so many posts about Sonic just "turning dark" when angry, as if any transformations have ever been purely emotion without an external power-source. (Super requires the Chaos Emeralds, Hyper the Super Emeralds, Darkspine was 3 of the World Rings, Werehog was Dark Gaia energy, Excalibur Sonic was the sacred swords, Wisp transformations needed the Wisps, Super Sonic 2 was Chaos Emeralds + Cyber energy....you get it.)
The way I've always saw it, is yes, Sonic is upset, but he also is being affected by the fake Emeralds.
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This is the Discotek translation, I don't know enough Japanese to say how accurate it is, all I know know is "warui" means bad/sick depending on the sentence. An older translation (and the English dub) points to him feeling physically sick around them.
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Far as I can tell, he's already reacting bad to these Emeralds on top of being antagonized, so he uses power that's at his disposal does what the villain wants: fuck up his shit.
If the fake Emeralds didn't exist, this transformation wouldn't have happened. Additionally, since X ended and the only fake Emerald in the games was blown up in SA2, it can't happen again. (Unless you write scenario where someone makes fake Emeralds, but that requires writing for the form instead of just slapping it in à la characters in IDW.)
Perhaps I'm being too hard on a lot of kids that never really interacted with the source material and just wanted to write Sonic fanfics. I've read so many that made it quite obvious that the author didn't know anything about Sonic besides he's fast and I'm not really out here trying to say Sonic shouldn't inspire people to create. Never said I hated reading those fics, I got a good deal of entertainment out of them. It's simply this misconception has stretched so far, it's like the original context has been entirely erased.
And that's the part of Dark Sonic that bothers me.
I've seen plenty of arguments for why the transformation was a poor choice and I don't entirely disagree with them. For me, I could take it or leave it. It was a one-off short transformation in an anime where Sonic pretends to be Star Trek for a season, it just exists to me.
Although, it's been awhile since I last saw discussion of Dark Sonic, as a whole it seemed to be a bigger thing in the early 2010s. Possibly because now we have more recent Sonic shows and movies, it's not just X being the latest thing anymore. I certainly don't read fics like I used to, so I'd be surprised if it is still as heavily used as it used to be. Maybe if I get some time, I'll look up some fics and find out.
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kazarinn · 7 months
Future subbing plans
When I first put Hurricane Touchdown out three years ago (goodness, has it really been that long already?!), I wasn't really planning to make fansubbing a regular thing, but after having worked on the Saint Tail project enough, I've started getting a little more used to it, so I decided to put a little more proper thought on what I want to do with it. This post will only be here, so my Tumblr followers can consider this to be an exclusive scoop ☺️
Regarding Hurricane Touchdown: As probably many of you know, Discotek Media recently announced an upcoming release of the first three Digimon movies, which, naturally, will include the Japanese version of Hurricane Touchdown. As is etiquette for fansubbers, I will be removing the download links for the Hudie release once that drops. However, I will be leaving the translation script file accessible to preserve the hard work done on it, and to leave it accessible for anyone who can't use the Discotek version for any reason (importation issues, region locks, etc.).
Raw script files can still be used with videos by putting them in the same folder as the video and giving them the same name, and the transcript is very easy to open with any standard text editor, so I think this will be a good compromise to keep the translation accessible and easy to reference. This is a workflow I started using with Saint Tail due to the unusual nature of its localization situation, but it's something I think I want to consider making use of going forward as well.
Regarding Saint Tail: Nothing really special to report here; I'll be releasing and revising sub scripts as usual until I've finished the series (I'm hoping to get it done by the end of the year). I haven't made a firm decision as to what will happen after that, but since it is a fact that the official release still has serious translation problems, I do think I want to do something to address that a little more aggressively once it's done.
Regarding Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning: Based on the US screenings of the movie, it seems that the official English subtitles for the Japanese version are actually a transcript of the English dub, but with Japanese names swapped in. Surprisingly, this isn't as much as a detriment to the translation as you'd think it might be (the English dub script seems to be surprisingly close to the Japanese script, rather unusually for Digimon standards), but nevertheless, this is extremely bad translation practice and offends me on a personal level. As such, if future releases turn out to still be using this translation, I am considering making my own subtitled script for it.
For the record, because of how close the English dub script is to the Japanese script, I don't think this is actually that much of a detriment to understanding the movie; in fact, I would argue that LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna's official English subtitles are far worse and mistranslated in a more dangerous way. A theoretical The Beginning fansub would be, at most, something that would be done to satisfy a personal pet peeve and to address some minor loss in nuance that isn't reflected in the dub script, especially in regards to the Chosen Child partnership lore it presents (something that I know can be quite a serious issue to a lot of Digimon fans). So I'm not going to make guarantees about whether I'm going to do it in the end, and I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you, but I do at least want people to know that this is an issue and that I currently have this idea on the table. As with Hurricane Touchdown, if I do put this out, it probably would be in script-only form.
As a side note, I do plan on translating The Beginning-related material (interviews, etc.), but I would rather put them up at a time when a sufficiently large percentage of fans has actually seen the movie. If you're from a non-American country and your country will be having a screening in the near future, please reply to this post with the date so I can get a good idea of when people will be watching it ☺️
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Idk why I'm back here, but I do want to say that I think we should talk more about gems in the magical girl genre such as Petite Princess Yucie, Jewelpet Twinkle, and Fairy Musketeers rather than niche 2010's titles we've (the fans, idc about them much) all agreed on aren't good. Besides beloved 90's-2000's titles (Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Ojamajo Doremi, Tokyo Mew Mew, Shugo Chara to name a few) and the rare retro fan who is into Minky Momo or Creamy Mami... I see a lot of, "Well, [×] was a bad show and the genre is ruined!", but it always comes off as someone who doesn't really watch the genre. There's a lot of good shows out there if you check them out, but if you aren't actively looking for recommendations or looking for titles then you can't really expect to find much.
As harsh as it may come off, in my experience the average American magical girl fan isn't going to watch or even know of obscure titles much to look for mhch more. Most people's introduction to the genre here was through Sailor Moon, and that expectation of those action oriented media sticked. Therefore, the majokko (魔女っ子, witch girl) and magical girl idol titles are pushed into the background. Some would point the finger at licensing, but it also misses how a lot of these titles aren't commonly talked about as is. It was worse before Retrocrush on Discotek, but at the least you can find people who are into stuff like Magical Emi or Pastel Yumi. Still, it's hard for me to grasp how a lot of the genre is ignored in bigger magical girl spaces, especially on sites such as Twitter. I get highly confused when I only see people talking about Precure or Sailor Moon, yet make a lot of assumptions pushed to places that aren't really responsible for that.
Sure, licensing could be better, but that's a complex issue I've seen people go into. A friend of mines posts about how deals were set up for shows like Shugo Chara, but companies weren't interested. There's a massive problem overall with getting girls media off the ground as well. However, it is also on fans to check out more than what many would call the "cream of the crop" if they want other experiences. The optimizing of "dark themes" from newer fans also does not help, as it relegates the genre into a very odd competition between which is more mature or serious, yet forgetting at the end of the day many of these titles are for kids and cam stand on their own without vague comparisons. If you're not even going to look into say, titles beyond Princess Tutu, then I can't really take demands of wanting the genre to explore other themes seriously when several already have done that...
Yes, I'm saying this because most people in the online spaces I frequent at most will just watch Precure, Madoka Magica, and Sailor Moon, yet refuse to look at anything else and commonly put themselves into discussions to make generalizations about media they know they will never watch. It's especially weird to see as a fan of adv games/visual novels and mecha anime, where I see people do the exact opposite - dig up old titles and openly talk about them. I'm not expecting fans to automatically know what stuff like Galaxy Fraulein Yuna is, or games like Silky Lip and Valis, but I do think with media critique and common complaints your scope of criticism should be beyond a popular 90's titles and a few from the 2000's. I also find so many conversations dull cause I've been in the fandom for a hot minute and recommendations I rarely see, but moreso complaints about the same 6-8 shows instead of uh, idk, watching something else entirely.
Again, enjoy your shows, just don't jump into convos "educating people" (telling me or others stuff like majokko don't count, too many other examples to list here), or claiming all of the genre was boring/good/bad/kiddy before [×]. I also promise you it's actually rare to find a magical girl title that doesn't address "serious themes", cause even the ones about fairy tales and cutesy magical schools have child abandonment and trauma rampant through them. :/
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ligbi · 8 months
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My 2012 Sorcerer Hunters collection post got a note so I have taken re-stock over a decade later.
I need the hat. A few more mini disks. More vhs because that's been the bottom of the priority list for obvious reasons. A few more dream figures if they ever show up. And some of the manga in case there's more content that never made it to the tanks like with that one issue. Maybe some mags? Probably a couple other posters- most of the posters not seen here. Other cells if they ever become avilable. That like dozen ova settei i'm missing.
Yeah hat and i guess a few mini disks.
Thanks Discotek for the sd bluray
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Why Fleetways Sonic the Comic deserves a collection release
I want to put forward a case on why Fleetways Sonic the Comic deserves to be re-released as a collection.
Since we've seen discotek pick up AOSTH, I've been hoping to see the British Fleetway Sonic comics get the same level of love because they feel like a piece of lost Sonic media now since the only way to read them is through ether scans or picking up old print comics on eBay for high prices.
Sonic the Comic has some absolutely amazing world building and original ideas along side a touch of that dry humour well known from the UK comic industry at the time. Its sad when people think of Sonic the Comic its just “Oh Evil Super Sonic” because there is so much more there and it sucks Evil Super Sonic is the only thing people really know about STC.
Understandable with the events that shook the archie comics years ago that Sega might be reluctant to dig this stuff up but Nigel Kitching and the entire team that worked on Sonic the Comic are really cool guys and I wager they would be happy to sign off on a collection set and even do some commentaries for it.
It would be wonderful for these stories to be picked up by a new generation as well as having a nice print collection for old time fans to own.
Fleetway brand is owned by Rebellion now who I think have worked alongside Sega in the past so working out rights might not be that bad since the brand is no longer within the hands of Egmont.
It would be a dream for a chance to own copies of these stories and give them the respect they deserve so both old and even new fans can have a chance to rediscover them.
Also would love such a collection to have the other series like Decap attack and the game adaptations but I could understand the mess of rights issues with that but I can dream.
But STC is just as much a part of the Sonic Multiverse as SATAM, AOSTH, IDW and a part of the franchises rich history and it hurts to see it abandoned to history like this while archie got stuff like the Sonic archives and a number of anniversary collections at least before the legal drama happened.
I wouldn't say this is an open letter but I would ask people share it around and even add their own desires or input.
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There were quite a few points during this All Showa Rider marathon that I considered just... not rewatching Kamen Rider BLACK.
An Amazon rewatch? Sure, that’s a short and breezy one and it’d been ages since I saw it. But BLACK? That’s a whole 51-episode series, and it actually hadn’t been that long since I saw it; during the middle of Zero-One as I recall. I thought I might follow the lead of some of my friends and maybe do a condensed rewatch of just a hitlist of ‘plot’ episodes comprising a third or so of the total runtime.
But... man. Man I’m glad I decided otherwise.
Kamen Rider BLACK is a show I loved since I saw it and is one of those that kept getting better in retrospect the more I thought about its themes, but on rewatch I’ve realised just how much I truly adore everything it’s doing; and that in actuality it’s one of my favourite Tokusatsu shows period. It’s perhaps given a bit of an... interesting reputation; one of those shows that’s looked back on with rose-tinted glasses as having no issues and constantly being ‘badass’, when really like many other Showa seasons it has a lot of silliness and goes off the rails from its original plans. It happens much less frequently than say Stronger or the original series but this is a much more light-hearted and strange beast than a lot seem to recall, and one that definitely has its share of episodes I’d recommend skipping.
But... god, when it hits it hits, and the core drama of Kotaro and Nobuhiko is well-remembered and beloved for a reason. This is a beautifully-lit show for starters with a long collection of frames you just want to hang on your wall, and in the first cour of the show in particular it’s used to excellent effect to highlight the terror of Gorgom and the hopelessness of Kotaro’s situation. Kotaro himself is excellently depicted as a lone Rider with no consistent allies on his side - other than our darling Battle Hopper, of course - and who seems so much more desperate than his predecessors and, for that matter, most of his successors. Shadow Moon is a striking, horrifying villain whose immense buildup throughout the show, while a little funny; serves to make his arrival all the more impressive. The decision to never truly ‘redeem’ him or have Nobuhiko come back in the end beyond more than a few scant debatable moments in the late 40s leaves our main character with a memorable, deeply haunting tragedy. That he’s been fighting to save his brother all this time, that the show his constantly cheering him on; but in reality that brother has been gone for a long, long time.
Kamen Rider BLACK is ultimately a Showa Kamen Rider season, and for that reason has elements that hold me back from easily recommending it to everyone -- there’s the Showa Rider bullshit tolerance you need, with a lot of episodes in a row where no true progress is made and you have to put up with that; the female cast - while I love them! - are definitely on the sidelines with not much to do, and you get some absolute awful nonsense like the start of Bishum’s final episode. But it’s also in my opinion one of the greatest seasons of Tokusatsu to ever air, and that if you give it the slightest chance you’ll be left despondent over Kotaro’s tragic destiny. 
We’re lucky enough to live in an era where a company with as high a quality as Discotek will soon be releasing this series with english subs in Blu-Ray in America, and if you have the chance and the disposable income I can’t recommend this one enough. It’s a popular favourite show to many for good reason, and I can definitely say I’m among those ranks.
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ponett · 2 years
How/where have you been watching Gaogaigar? I've been wanting to get into it, but ran into issues with finding a fully subbed version of it.
honestly i just googled "watch gaogaigar" and 9anime was the first result lmao. (discotek also just announced they're doing a remastered bluray release early next year for something more official)
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ryans-anime-blog · 2 years
I should clarify
that I really want to legally own every anime I share, but the main problem is stock and affordability. Discotek released a great Blu-Ray for the 80s Astro Boy series recently, the 80s series doesn’t have this problem at the moment. The options for the 80s series make it hard to consider paying 300 dollars for the third set of 1963 Astro Boy DVDs when its quality is not up to par. I own most of Astro Boy on DVD (I was lucky enough to find the DVDs secondhand for a decent price) -- but not everyone can find that luckiness. I want to share my love for this show as much as possible but I can’t upload even a minute-long clip online because rightstuf is shitting their pants that the 60s Astro Boy series won’t be seen as rare anymore. On the other hand, for the 2003 series, that show is rife with copyright issues to the point that, in amazon Prime Japan, the opening and endings are cut out. That show is incredibly difficult to share -- in Japanese. The English dub doesn’t have this issue (to nearly the same degree, Sony and Millcreek are still stingy about it) but regardless it’s ... really not a good dub. The dub seems to change the show almost entirely. So basically, if you speak English, there are no good options except piracy. And I hate that, because it means that the love for these shows isn’t known by the people supplying the goods.
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moomingitz · 2 years
About damn time! Yes, we still have to wait a full year from now- I’m assuming when they say Winter 2023, they mean in December or somewhere around that time table- and the original Off Course insert songs still won't be able to be included due to licensing and royalty issues. But this is the best case scenario. At least with the situation concerning the insert songs, it actually makes sense from a logistical and legal standpoint. You really don't want to risk it with record labels and their legal teams, man.
Not sure if they have access to them- and they probably weren't provided them in whatever assets they're given to work with when licensing the series- but it would be neat if they included the cover artwork for the Japanese DVD releases as a bonus feature. I always really liked them, and it would be nice to finally have clean, high quality versions of all of them(as in not having logos over them and all that).
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Now if only someone could rescue and restore the Sonic OVA.
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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funarisjournal · 1 year
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I have them all.
So this is what power feels like.
You have no idea how happy I am to finally complete the manga collection and the main bits of Rose of Versailles in general. I have been interested in this stuff since I was in middle school. I LOVE Ikeda’s art style and I also couldn’t help but be intrigued by how history inspires this tale (I know it’s not exact, hence “inspired”).
But you know how it was for a while there....The older the series was, the less likely it would EVER be released in the US. Had to rely on fansubs for the anime! And then newer companies like Discotek and the like started grabbing whatever licenses they could get, regardless of obscurity or age. I was so HYPED when these things were finally announced. I just couldn’t believe it! I managed to grab the first two volumes of the manga and preordered the BDs when they were announced....and then money became an issue for a while. The books especially - nice hardcovers but EXPENSIVE! 
But then Leigh surprised me with basically the remaining manga volumes I needed as my Xmas ‘22 gifts. Vol 5 just came in today. I’m just so happy to have it all here~
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semi-sketchy · 15 days
Well, that's Sonic X finished. Yes I still really like the show.
Firstly, season 3 is a bit mixed. The first half it struggles a bit to find it's footing with the rhythmic "new planet, Metarex stole the egg but are still there for some reason, fight ensues". It gets pretty tedious. Honestly, at this point I was missing the human characters and their antics. Like Mr. Stewart shadowing everyone as if he was coy, Rouge having Topaz to bounce off of, Ella and Chuck... I wanted something to spice it up.
However, the second half, after the Emeralds get scattered again, it starts being less formulaic, having reveals and turns into some good entertainment.
Although, Eggman stuck out to me as being particularly not great this season. First half when he's causing trouble and such is fine, but then when he becomes a sort-of double agent and starts looking out for Sonic and his friends...I just didn't like that for Eggman. It was framed more as fatherly-oversight instead of Eggman perusing his best interests. It only happened a few times in season 1 and 2, so it was easier to overlook there, but it's prevalent enough in season 3 for me to take issue with it.
On the plus side, Shadow is actually enjoyable! I didn't care for how Shadow (or SA2 in general) were done in season 2, but I liked what they did with him here. He's kinda neutral, clashing with Sonic and trying to kill Cosmo, but at the end of the day his interests are still to stop the Metarex and save the universe. He's cold, but his actions show he does care, he just has his own way of doing things. Plus he is a bit of a showoff.
I still think season 1 overall is my favorite with 3 in the middle and lastly 2. Man the Discotek subtitles made season 2 worse...
I also went into this biased that the changes between the dub and sub were negligible. Perhaps because the dub isn't as fresh in my mind as when I formed that opinion, but the sub is definitely my preferred version now. I prefer the Japanese voice cast (I wish Cream could have an English VA as good as her Japanese X one, high pitched yet so soft spoken...it's so easy on the ears) and the music is so much better.
The biggest difference for me is Chris. I actually liked him. I can't exactly narrow down why, he used to annoy me, but that wasn't an issue this time. Maybe I've grown up, perhaps the writing frames him better in the sub, maybe it's this specific translation, I can't tell.
Are the dialogue changes that huge? No. Don't get me wrong, there is a difference, however the show's plot is still the same and understandable in the dub, which, makes sense. The story has to follow the animation. Like I said earlier, the translations between these two languages is somewhat subjective and sometimes sentences need to be shortened or made longer to fill the space. That's why plenty of lines carry the same or similar meaning but are said in a different way.
Yes, the writing is better in Japanese, hell everything is better in the Japanese version and I think that applies to season 3 the most. Could I recommend it over the dub? Easily. If possible, watch the original version. Although if you really can't stand subtitles and want the audio in English (or only have access to YouTube where the Japanese version doesn't have English subs), is the dub acceptable? Also yes, it'll do.
You do have to deal with the censorship in the dub, though I've been aware of it since I was a kid. The animation censorship is silly and stupid, but aside from Chris getting flung in season 2, I didn't think the cut scenes removed much of value. However, while I didn't like the beginning of an episode reusing the end of a previous one during bingeing, when coming back to watch more after a few days, it was a nice refresher. A reminder of a time when you had to wait a week to see what happened next instead of bingeing an entire season in a day. I liked it even though it isn't necessary in this day and age.
As said before, this was not my first time watching X in Japanese. I saw it several years ago and this series rewatch was moreso an excuse to say I finally used the Blu-rays I spent money on.
If I had to rate it, 8/10, maybe even an 8.5. Solid show where there's some very high highs and the lows are still quite enjoyable while the cast is mostly faithful to their game personalities. There's a reason this show has reigned supreme in the fandom for such a long time.
Coming off of Frontiers, it was a nice reminder that yeah, Sonic is still good.
Anyways, I guess next is Boom, although I rewatched it like a year or so ago when I bought the steelbook. I've seen it so many times, I've practically got the show memorized by now. Spoilers: I like it a lot.
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animenostalgia · 3 years
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HEAD'S UP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE GOTTEN THEIR DEAR BROTHER BLURAY SET: be sure to open it and check your discs as soon as possible, as many people are receiving theirs with cracked discs inside due to the case's inner rings being too tight. If you preordered via Rightstuf, you can contact them to get a replacement. Since Discotek has said their license window for the series is shorter than usual, its a good idea to try to get your replacement as soon as you can. Also, to be safe, if your discs aren't cracked, remove them from the case & replace it with an easier to use one if you can to make sure they don't end up cracked later!
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