#disclaimer I made this as a joke I hate this character
ducktracy · 1 month
reminder that if you're not watching Crayon Shin-chan then you are living a hollow and empty life. this is not edited. this ripped straight from the movie (Movie 8: Jungle That Invites the Storm, highly recommend for fellow Masaaki Yuasa lovers)
if you need further convincing: these monkeys run an animation sweatshop
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#i've made this disclaimer on another post but will again since i've seen a lot more of the movies now#the movies are VERY good and very enjoyable but unfortunately the first handful are bogged down by transphobic/homophobic/okama stereotypes#they kind of vary in their severity. Movie 5 i think is the biggest catalyst because it features the stereotyped characters the most#prominently. Movie 3 doesnt really have caricatures per se but saves a very backhanded reveal for the end#Movies 1 and 4 are a bit more tolerable if my memory is correct. Movie 2 i think is kind of comparable to Movie 5 with its caricatures#in that the characters have similar roles in both movies#i admittedly can't remember what caricatures there were in Movie 6 or 7. 7 i think barely had anything#RAMBLE RAMBLE BASICALLY: these jokes are within the first 7 movies or so 5 being the zenith then reducing down and down. by movie 8 it's sa#e#i give these disclaimers because these movies are all very enjoyable and i would not recommend them if i didnt think there wasnt any merit#o them. they are all very much worth watching. Movie 5 still has a lot of very enjoyable stuff in it (there's a showdown in a supermarket!!#but i just want to make sure that is clear and established since transparency is good to have and i dont want anyone's viewing experience t#be ruined because they weren't given the proper warning#if it's any consolation it's my understanding that even the directors hated doing the jokes#iirc Keiichi Hara really didn't like doing the jokes and i think had a talk with the mangaka Yoshito Usui and was like 'uh dude this is#gonna age horribly can we maybe not'#ironically Hara's first film is Movie 5. which is again the biggest offender#BUT! that is my spiel. my understanding is that it's contained to those 6 or 7 first movies and i think is strictly just a movie thing#so please do give these films a watch but just be mindful at the same time#if anyone needs recommendations my favorites have been movies 4 and 9 but i genuinely really enjoyed every one that i have seen#i've seen the first 11 and a half movies (need to finish 12) and movie 22. the worst i've felt about one is 'oh that was pretty good!'#each film has its own merit and is very very very much worth watching#22 was the first Shin-chan anything i watched and all my Shin-chan expert friends say 4 is a good introductory piece#in case that influences anything/makes it easier to break in#so. thus concludes my spiel#csc#vid
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mcuamerica · 1 month
The Shadowsinger: Six
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. More angst, ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader, a little bit of Cassian x Reader
Summary: You go to Rita's with the IC and try to make Az jealous.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
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Prologue - One - Two - Three - Four - Five
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Mor picked out a dark violet shirt that cut low to your chest and tight to your waist, with black pants that flare at the bottom. You paired with sensible black boots because you refused to wear the heels she offered.
Still, you had to admit that Mor had exquisite taste when it came to clothing. And you looked good.
You let half your hair down, soft curls falling from whatever Mor put in your hair earlier, and the other half was braided back.
If Azriel didn’t talk to you after tonight, you would be okay with not speaking with him either. No matter the almost constant tug to gain his attention when he was around you. Or your shadows whispering “Go to Him” every single time he was in the House.
You didn’t want to go to him. He didn’t want anything to do with you. So you would go out with your friends, and Azriel, tonight and then settle on what to do about your internal feelings after that. After you got very very drunk. Especially if you would have to deal with hateful Illyrians for the next two weeks. The only one you liked being Cassian, who was probably the complete opposite of hateful. He would probably be preoccupied with said hateful Illyrians.
Since you didn’t want to risk your outfit or hair getting ruined by the wind, you flew Mor up past the wards of the House and let her winnow you both to Rita’s. You could hear the music playing as you waited for the rest of them to get here. Mor tugged you inside before they arrived.
“Cassian mentioned what you said about Azriel to him.” She said as she made her way over to a booth in the corner.
“You should know, he often doesn’t warm up to those he doesn’t know… even more so than before.” She said. “So if he doesn’t speak to you, that might be why.”
“You know, it doesn’t bother me.” It definitely did. “And I couldn’t care less if he warms up to me or not.” You could. You could care a LOT less. “I’d just like some basic decency.” That was true.
“Just give him more of a chance. And you’ll see…” she trailed off before noticing the rest of her family entering through the doors.
“You don’t even have drinks yet?” Cassian grumbled and made his way over to the bar, pulling Azriel with him to get the table drinks.
“I’d say we’re evenly fit this evening. Three males and three females. Who gets to dance with Amren?” Mor joked as the two winged males came back with drinks.
“You’d all be lucky to dance with me.” She said and took the one cup that wasn’t made of glass. You could smell the blood from the other side of the table. Rhys mentioned that the owner tended to have Amren’s favorite ‘meal’ most times that they came.
Averting your eyes, you took a glass from Cassian and looked towards where some of the other patrons were dancing. “Do no other Illyrians live here?” You asked and turned towards the table. “We’re the only three with wings.” I said.
“It’s still a secret to everyone, even the Illyrians. They all think we live in the palace in Hewn City.” Rhys said. “And the Court of Nightmares doesn’t care where we go when we aren’t in the palace.” He said and smiled a bit.
“Right, I suppose that makes sense.” You said and sipped on your drink, smiling when the table erupted in conversation. Eventually, Mor pulled you up to dance and you laughed. You weren’t much of a dancer, and you certainly knew that you looked ridiculous. But you were here to have fun tonight. So, wings tucked in, and shadows swirling around you as you swayed, that’s what you did. Mor and you made your way further into the crowd, finding your own companions to dance with. Cassian eventually joined in and stole both of you away to dance, and also gave you more drinks.
All the while, Azriel was sulking in the booth, watching the two females he couldn’t express his feelings to have a good time. With his brother. Rhys got up and grabbed Azriel by the elbow. “You don’t get to brood. Come on, we’re all having fun tonight. Even Amren’s dancing.” He said and pulled Azriel out of the booth.
“I’m not brooding,” Azriel mumbled, his eyes drifting over to you as you danced beside Cassian. “I’m just not in the mood to dance.” He said.
“Because you’ve got an itch that you refuse to scratch?” Rhys teased and nudged him towards the dance floor. “Talk to her. Or someone. Just don’t bring our mood down… if you don’t say something soon, she might go home with someone else.” He said before he waved a hand, joined the others, and grabbed Mor’s hand to twirl her around.
Cassian slung his arm around your shoulders and leaned down. “You want to make the other Shadowsinger jealous?” He murmured in your ear. You turned towards him. If anyone outside the Inner Circle would look at you, they’d think you were together.
“What do you have in mind?” You asked and trailed your fingers slowly up his arm, resting it on his shoulder.
“Hmm… can I trust you to follow my lead?” He asked and glanced over to the band, nodding his head. Like they knew exactly what he was planning.
“I suppose…” You said with a small smirk.
And just like that, Cassian had his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. He had a good few inches on you, just a few short of a foot. The way his hands roamed your body made you second guessing if he was actually trying to make Azriel jealous, or was just trying to seduce you. You liked Cassian, but he was much more of a big brother type than anything else.
Still, you swayed your body to the music, hands going over his biceps, shoulders, and up to his hair. You made sure you kept on a sultry smirk, and looked him dead in the eyes. It was a mischievous look to him, but to anyone else it would look like lust. To the other Shadowsinger, hopefully.
And you kept at it, messing with each other all night as you downed drink after drink. Eventually, you leaned against Cassian, more because you couldn’t exactly stand upright than because you were trying to be close to him.
You’d gotten so caught up in your scheme you didn’t see Azriel storm off about an hour earlier. He most certainly did not have a good time tonight watching you practically mount his brother. The one that every woman he liked chose over him. 
Of course, you also didn’t notice he was gone. While you stumbled your way up the town home walkway into the home itself with Cass, Rhys, and Mor, it was the latter who brought up the brooding male.
“Where’s Az?” She said and looked over her shoulder.
“Left a while ago.” Rhys merely drawled as he stumbled in the house, then winnowed up to his own bedroom.
“Of course.” You mumbled as Cassian let you go so you could crash on the couch. “I don’t think our plan worked.” You said, taking a glass of water that appeared on the table.
“Plan? You two weren’t trying to grope each other all night because you wanted in the other’s pants?” Mor asked, slumping against the chair.
“No. Azriel doesn’t want to talk to me so I wanted to show him what he was missing.” You said, leaning your head back on the arm of the couch. 
“I think we did too good of a job… Az might get a little jealous, but I should’ve remembered that when it comes to me… it tends to dig deeper.” Cassian said and looked at Mor.
“If he’s here in the morning, I’m going to say something. I think. I might have a horrible headache and not get out of bed till noon… also… where is my bed? I haven’t slept here.” You said and sat up, the living room spinning for a few moments.
“Come on,” Cassian said and stood up, holding out his arm for you to take. You stood up, bracing yourself with his arm as you did. You let out a giggle when he picked you up over his shoulder.
“Cass!” You squealed.
“You can’t walk, you can barely stand.” He said, swaying himself as he made his way up the stairs.
“If you drop me, I’ll gut you.” You said and let him carry you up the stairs, your head still spinning.
“If you vomit on me, I’ll gut you.” He teased back. You looked up and could see Mor trailing behind you, laughing as you exchanged retorts.
It wasn’t every day that someone new was accepted into their group. But here you were, bantering with Cassian as if you’d been a part of their family for years. She knew that you’d been a support for Rhys when he was Under the Mountain, so maybe you had been a part of the family longer than she had thought. They just didn’t know it until now.
And Mor liked you. She could also sense Azriel’s shift from longing after her to you. It was odd. Not having to have Cassian act as a buffer between her and Az because she couldn’t muster courage to tell him the truth. To let him down. But now maybe this would change that. Maybe she could finally tell them.
Unless Azriel didn’t move, unless he kept avoiding you. She would have to talk to him. See what was going on in that shadowy mind of his. Ask why he’s been ignoring you when you seemed so right for him. If the shadows didn’t swirl around you, if you didn’t disappear in the dark just as Azriel did, she wouldn’t think you were a Shadowsinger. After the first week of you being brought here, you were bright. You had such a new view on things, wanting to learn more about what you’d been sheltered from your whole life. Every time you came from training with Cassian, your smile was bigger. And Mor admired it. She knew you’d been through so much, much more than Mor felt like she’s been through herself, but you were still so happy to have this new life. If you weren’t, Mor couldn’t tell.
It was for that reason that Mor thought you were perfect for Azriel. You were strong, and everything that’s been thrown at you has only made you stronger. Azriel needed that. He’s gotten through so much, from his childhood to the Illyrian training to the war. But he sulks in his shadows, where you shine in them. Mor knew he needed someone who could pull him out and make him see that there was more to this life than just pain and suffering. You could give that to them.
Maybe you would really talk to him tomorrow before you left for Windhaven. Or maybe you’d start ignoring him and bound the two of you to years of pining without actually doing anything. Mor hoped that wasn’t the case. She didn’t want to see Azriel go further into the shadows and avoid the female he cares about again. And she didn’t want that for you either. You both deserved to be happy. Hopefully together. 
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The next morning you woke up, your mouth laden with dryness and your head pounding. You had to go to Windhaven this afternoon. If it was even still the morning. You turned in your bed, groaning at the light. Your shadows immediately covered the open window when you flicked your hand towards it. Being a hungover Shadowsinger had its perks. 
How did you even get into this bed? You were in the town home, which surprised you since you’d never spent a night here. You’d barely had dinner here yet. And when did you change into a nightgown? You never wore nightgowns. 
“You got that from me,” you heard from the door, groaning as light poured in. You went to move your shadows but stopped when you saw Mor. “I gave you the nightgown last night. You changed rather quickly before passing out on the bed. You still had your boots on.” She said and smiled. “Come on, we’ve got a tonic that’ll make you feel better in an hour. You need food too.” She said and new clothes appeared on the dresser. 
“Ten minutes. Azriel’s downstairs, so prepare yourself for that.” She said before turning and shutting the door. 
You sighed and rolled out of your bed, drinking the water that appeared at your night stand. You stretched out your wings as well as your body, and then went into the bathing room to freshen up. Once you had changed and put your hair in a loose braid, you padded down the stairs. The shadows and lightness of your feet covering you when you entered the room. Azriel’s eyes were on you immediately, though no one else seemed to notice your presence yet. 
“Have a fun night with the commander?” He snapped and heat rose to your neck. Who did he think he was to ask about your night? He was the one who left and didn’t do anything about it! 
Deciding to push your anger (and pettiness) aside, you gave him a sly smirk. “I had a fun night with my friends. Not that you came close enough to experience it.” You said, sliding into a chair next to Rhys. 
Azriel looked at you for a few moments before you heard a near whisper of a growl from his throat. 
“Play nice,” Rhys warned, looking over to Azriel. 
You took the tonic that appeared in front of you so you could get rid of the pounding in your head. Your shadows might have been swirling around your eyes just to keep the sun from hitting you too brightly. 
“When do we leave for Windhaven?” You asked after downing the tonic, then dug into the breakfast in front of you. Everyone was at the table today. You realized this was the first morning you’d spent at the town home. And you liked it. 
“At noon. And we’ll work on your training once we’re there. It’ll be good for the females to see you do well. And for the males to understand that females can do good as well.” Cassian answered. 
You hummed and listened to the rest of them fall into conversation. You glanced over to Rhys and frowned, seeing his eyes glow with what looked like agony. You lowered your shields enough to speak to him. 
“I know you’re listening. What’s wrong?” You asked mind to mind, keeping your eyes on your food. You felt him glance over to you for a moment before his eyes went to where he was looking before. 
“Something’s come up in the Spring Court. Something is wrong with Feyre.” He answered and you hid your frown as you took a sip of water. 
“Wrong? She’s gone through hell and she’s a newly anointed High Fae. Is she okay? Hurt?” You tried to calm him, but your shadows whispered to you that he was worried. You never understood how they could tell a person's emotions. Sometimes they couldn’t, but if it was strong enough, you supposed they could sense it. 
“Hurting. And Tamlin is letting her waste away.” He trailed off and then cleared his throat before joining in on the conversation in front of him. 
If you had the abilities that Azriel had, you would send your shadows to check on her. Tell them to report back to see if she was okay. But they couldn’t go as far as the Spring Court. They couldn’t even go as far as Illyria. 
Of course, under Amarantha, you winnowed anywhere you needed to. The villagers or enemies knew you well enough by the shadows to determine who you were. And what you needed to know. 
You were never very good at getting information out of the villagers, but a lot of them were so afraid of the stories that spread of you they gave it up immediately. You hated that you were so feared that they didn’t even try to lie to you. Like you had Rhy’s ability to destroy their minds. Your shadows could only tell you so much… and when they didn’t tell you enough, Amarantha made you torture them. That’s where the stories came from. That’s what most of your nightmares were rooted in too. 
So you could only hope that one day, Azriel would teach you how to use your shadows properly. Maybe you could learn how to use them for good. And not for spying. Not for torture. For helping people. 
For so many years, they were used to help you survive with loneliness. And then to help you and your family survive Amarantha… But now both of those things were drifting away and you were afraid that your shadows soon would too. They would leave you because you no longer needed them. Or at least, that’s what you were afraid of. They were a comfort you didn’t think you ever wanted to let go of. You hoped that you never had to. All the books you found about Shadowsinger, none of them helped you understand your powers more. That’s why you wanted to talk to Azriel. Wanted to train with him. He had a grip on them much more than you did. 
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Soon enough your headache was gone and you were in your leathers, a large coat over back covered the top. It was from Mor, who said you would need it. Even if the early winter was still mild in Velaris, it was going to be worse in Illyria. 
You knew that, of course, but you took the coat anyway. You knew it would be helpful. You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, protesting when Rhys took it and put it in that pocket between realms. 
“I can take my own stuff.” You said and nudged him. He gave you a sly smile and shrugged. 
“You don’t have to. Plus, you’ll be visiting Lord Devlon first. You don’t need the bag with you.” He said simply. 
“Is Azriel going to grace us with his presence at all while we are in Windhaven?” You asked, looking at Rhys. 
Rhys gave you something reminiscent of a sad smile, if he didn’t have a scheming glint in his violet eyes. “Maybe, but probably not.” He said. “I do have him doing his spying. He’s been in Velaris for 50 years. He’s got a few things needing to be reestablished.” He said. 
You hummed and spotted Cassian standing at the door talking to Mor. “You really trust me enough to go there?” You asked. “And be an emissary? What if I’m horrible?” You asked. 
“There is no doubt in my mind that you are capable of handing every male in that camp their asses.” Rhys winked. “And you’re a Shadowsinger. Devlon might even be upset that I didn’t send you right to him to train… but you won’t be training there. Not unless you want to.” He said. 
You snorted. “Gods no… I’m going to be miserable enough training there when I’m with Cass… without him, I don’t know what I’d do.” You said and spotted at the bottom of the stairs, looking at Rhys. “Thanks for believing in me.” You said. 
“Thank you for believing in me. Not many people will understand your allegiance with me.” He said. 
“Damn them, then,” You said. “You’re the only High Lord I know that truly did everything he could to help his people. And I don’t know what they were like before the war, but the news ones… they are nothing like you, Rhysand.” You said and rested a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it. “They’ll never even reach the level of respect I have for you.” You said and smiled before stepping back. 
“Alright, Cass, let’s get going before I change my mind.” You said and held out your hand for Mor to take. You weren’t entirely sure where Windhaven was, so Mor would winnow you there first. 
“See you in two weeks, my Lord.” You teased and shot Rhys a wink before Mor winnowed you and Cassian to Windhaven.
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A/N: I like this chapter a lot, other than Az being stupid and not saying anything. But alas, we need the angst...
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nino-rox · 9 months
Ghost x Male Reader | S.O
Warnings: NSFW, Sexual themes (Oral, rough, degradation, unprotected), Implied consent.
Disclaimer: This is a Fan-fiction story written for entertainment purposes only, no part of the story implies or affirms anything regarding real world events or individuals. Please be of the appropriate age ( i.e, Adult as per your country’s stipulations and regulations and laws) before interacting with this post.
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“One scotch on the rocks. Make it a good one!” Said Ghost.
When the bartender returned with the drink, Ghost took his time drinking from the glass. It was as if he was savouring every drop, enjoying the smooth taste. He held up the empty glass and said, “Keep it going.” The bartender knew that Ghost meant business, so there would be no chance of an interruption in service. He attended to the latest order - Ghost asked for an entire bottle. As the bartender handed him the bottle of premium Scotch, Ghost took notice of the bartender’s pretty features in the dimly lit bar. He felt his body respond as he stared into the man’s eyes, trying not to distract himself from his beauty. He was interrupted by the bartender saying, “You have expensive tastes, Mr.…?”
Ghost nodded, replying, “Yes, you can call me Sir. My friends call me Ghost, though.”
The bartender shook his head. This Ghost character didn’t look like a gentleman at all. Then again, maybe that’s why the bartender liked him so much.
As the bartender handed over a second bottle of scotch, he thought to himself, “Woah, this guy must be loaded. A night out at the club should only cost $20, but he ordered two bottles of scotch and a round of shots. And he wants more even after everyone apart from him is gone…” As he was pouring the shot, the bartender noticed that Ghost had an odd look on his face. He then asked the bartender, “What’s your name…” in his thick English accent.
“My name is Alex, Sir.” Replied the bartender.
“Alex, how do you feel about bigger guys?” Ghost asked. The bartender had a puzzled look on his face, asking Ghost what he meant by a bigger guy; as a reply, Ghost stood up, staring down at Alex. What Ghost meant was now apparent - Ghost was about 6 foot 4 inches, while Alex was about 5 foot 10 Inches - Ghost was literally a half a foot taller than Alex; Ghost was muscular and strong, every single muscle on his body defined, while Alex had a relatively average lean physique that matched his height. Ghost walked slightly closer, holding Alex’s chin and tilting it up to look at him as he repeated the question, “How do you feel about bigger guys?”
Without skipping a beat, Alex replied, “Do I like big guys? That depends…bigger guys mean what? Big cock or just some big muscles?”
“Both, actually.” Ghost replied with a sly grin.
The bartender chuckled and returned the same questioning smile, knowing exactly what Ghost wanted. Before he could ask further questions, Alex was pushed to his knees and pulled forcefully into Ghost’s crotch by his hair. When he felt Ghost’s size through his trousers, Alex looked up and said, “You weren’t joking about being big, Sir.” Ghost replied, “Oh, I wasn’t, and you’re about to see a lot more.” With that, Ghost released Alex’s hair and walked to a nearby chair.
As Ghost sat down, his now unbuckled belt made his pants fall to the floor while he spread his legs enough to give a clear view of his fat 10-inch long cock. Alex knelt between Ghost’s legs and wrapped his mouth around the tip of Ghost’s dick.
After feeling the smoothness of Alex’s tongue circling the head of his dick, he let out a deep moan and was instantly turned on. Without thinking twice, he slapped Alex’s face playfully as he laughed and continued, “That’s better. Now take it all down your throat, you stupid slut.”
Once Alex had taken a full 10 inches of his cock down his throat, Ghost reached behind him, grabbed Alex’s head and started fucking his face roughly, making Alex gag. Even though he hated having his voice muffled when getting fucked, he loved having Ghost pound his face. So much so that it didn’t even matter if he couldn’t talk afterwards.
When he began fucking Alex harder, Alex started gagging even more but soon realised it was part of the experience. His gag reflex triggered almost immediately, and he came back up for air saying, “Sorry, Sir… you-you’re too big,” while he panted for air.
To which Ghost replied, “It doesn’t bother me, and I’m gonna fuck you till you choke anyway.” And with that, he tightly grabbed Alex’s head, shoving his 10-inch cock entirely down his throat. “Don’t stop unless I tell you to.”
At first, Alex struggled to breathe; as he tried to breathe through his nose, the pace Ghost kept up made it very hard to breathe even a little. However, after a couple minutes, Alex felt comfortable taking all 10 inches of Ghost’s massive cock down his throat. When he did manage to take a deep breath, he instinctively started moving forward in sync with Ghost’s thrusts. As Alex went deeper, Ghost tightened his grip on Alex’s head, pushing it further into his lap and held him there as he slowly pumped away. Alex kept moaning, letting out muffled moans that didn’t come close to masking the loud slapping sounds that his face made against the back of Ghost’s seat.
By the end of their session, Alex had become addicted to having his face covered in cum and felt an amazing sensation building up inside of him, almost as if he needed another load to make him happy. The lustful urges running through his mind couldn’t be suppressed anymore. “Sir… I need it… I need it… please fuck me until I cum… I-I’ll suck it off of your cock afterwards, please… I want you to fill me up with your warm cum…Ghost only chuckled.
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vanilladrizzlequeen · 7 months
i’m sorry but AITST Ozai is kinda hilarious
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why’s he look so dumb 😭
never in a billion years did i think i would say Ozai looks like a good dad but I’m sorry him and Ursa and Azula are kinda really adorable together
and honestly that’s the sad part- this is what it looked like to Azula; to her, at least as a child, he wasn’t the horrible evil man Zuko saw- he was her dad and he loved her. It’s made clear to us viewers that it’s her power he loved, not her, but how was little Azula supposed to see that? It was for her hard to see how much he manipulated her emotions, and that even shows plenty when she’s her normal age in the show. Even after the betrayal from Ty and Mai, she still falls for what might have looked like a simple lie, but was her truth: when Ozai kicks her off of the trip to conquer the world, and tells her that guarding the fire nation is a “very important job” and that he’s making her the fire lord. Obviously the title of firelord means absolutely nothing when Phoenix King Ozai’s ruling the world, but she couldn’t see that, because he raised her in a world of lies.
Ok damn i did NOT mean to turn this into an Ozai rant my bad-
back to previously scheduled programming
like i personally love this art style on him but it’s kinda hard to look at him and go “wow phoenix king so powerful so abusive” (disclaimer I know he was an absolutely awful character and as an Azula stan i hate his guts but this is a joke post lol)
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galedekarios · 8 months
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gale: h*lsin, you must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life. gale: anything you'd like to pass on to a strapping, love-struck wizard such as myself? h*lsin: dispersing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots - what suits me may be a poor fit for you. gale: ah. well, there's no faulting that logic. at least you didn't tell me to 'be myself.' node context: accepting the answer. thinks 'be yourself' is naff advice. h*lsin: oh no, perish the thought. that can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.
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this banter between gale and h*lsin is supposed to trigger in act iii and it's always rubbed me the wrong way ever since i found it in the files.
not for the advice h*lsin gives.
"what suits me may be a poor fit for you" is actually great advice.
it's that last line:
"oh no, perish the thought. that can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases."
it's not teasing, it's not played a joke. at best, it's thoughtless. at worst, it's well...
so much of gale's character arc - be it on a friendship or romance path - is centered around self-worth and accepting that he is enough as a person, as who he is, as gale dekarios, and not as gale of waterdeep, not as a chosen of mystra, etc etc etc.
in ea, i really had high hopes for their dynamic because i had thought - especially if they had kept h*lsin's old storyline of making a grave mistake and killing isobel during a battle, unleashing the shadow curse by proxy and regretting it so very deeply that he still strives to make up for it, and to ketheric, centuries later - would be extremely interesting to see.
back then, they seemed to have a lot in common: a certain maturity around them, that regret for great mistakes made, a love for books.
it's sad to see that now, in the release version of the game, a character, who is in many ways portrayed as the wise and worldly one, kind and experienced, would say something so... cruel, reinforcing an extremely toxic mindset - and especially to gale, who is clearly struggling with this, and at this point in time.
disclaimer: i don't blame h*lsin in this. i don't hate his character concept at all. on the contrary. i just think his writing has severe problems due to him being a late addition to the game. i'm only looking at the banter itself, as it is in the game.
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w1ldthoughts · 4 months
Social Media QB
Anon Requested
Disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION, the characters are fictionalized versions of real life situations and real people. It’s all based on my imagination.
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The reputation of the Chargers social media team was unmatched. They are known for being funny and up to date on all memes and pop culture references while also showcasing players’ personalities. That alone made you apply and this past year on the job had really been a once in a lifetime experience. Working with Megan and the crew was a daily adventure and you were becoming more and more comfortable calling the guys your friends. It even got to a point where you didn’t even call them by their names anymore.
Keenan was usually “slay” or “slayer.” Mike was always “Mike Dub”, Michael Davis was “Vato” and your favorite nickname was definitely calling Justin “Sunshine.” At first it was a Remember the Titans reference but it became a lifestyle. Everything and everyone revolves around the sun and that’s exactly what it felt like when you were at work. All of the players were important and special but you could just feel the energy in the room shift when Justin was there. It was palpable, it almost took your breath away sometimes.
Off camera he was goofy, funny and had this uncanny ability to make the world stand still for a bit, even just for a few fleeting moments where it felt like you two were the only ones in the room. But then reality would hit and you were reminded that you work for the team and he’d never see you in that way, he was just nice to everyone he encountered. But on camera? It was all fun and games. There was a running joke, mostly based on his real feelings, that Justin hated cameras. He couldn’t stand being the center of attention or having people perceive him so he avoided the social media team altogether when phones were pointed in his direction.
But sometimes, a rarity, you were able to get him on camera, even if it was just for a split second. The two of you reviewed the questions he was going to be asked before their Hot Ones appearance and there was ALWAYS a discussion, more like subtle begging if you all were going to have him participate in any content.
“We need Justin for this new segment we’re doing, so you’re gonna have to talk to him.” Megan sighs, grabbing her Stanley cup that was sitting on the counter. She’d just finished editing a video where she and her assistant put fart spray on the tiny mic and could still feel the rancid scent on her clothes.
You were going through photos taken during practice earlier that morning and deciding which ones to post. “Why do I have to do it?”
Lorren and Allie giggle in the corner, shaking their heads. “You cannot be serious right now y/n,” Lorren gives you a pointed look.
“We all know you and Justin have a thing for each other. Even if you won’t admit to us…or yourself. It’s pretty obvious.”
You raised your head up from your laptop, staring at them while also wracking your brain trying to figure out when your innocent crush had become so painfully obvious. If the girls knew, then Justin had probably somehow caught on and the thought of that made you want to dig a hole right outside on the practice field and never come out. “Is—am I that easy to read?”
“No one blames you,” Megan runs a loving hand on your shoulder. “And I’m sure you’ve been trying so hard to hide your feelings that you haven’t noticed that he’s doing an even worse job of hiding his massive crush on you.”
The look on your face sends the room into a fit of laughter. “We’re being serious. The way he looks at you and acts around you. Anyone can see he’s into you friend.”
You weren’t convinced, “I need an example.”
“Okay fine,” Lorren stands up to prepare a demonstration. “He wasn’t ready to put the mics on when he was mic’d up until you walked over and helped him get the mic in the perfect spot in his pads. And then he wore the friendship bracelet for six weeks because you handed it to him.”
Allie pipes up to put in her two cents. “And let’s not forget when he had you driving him around the golf tournament and kicked Zion to the curb. There’s no way all of those are just a coincidence.”
“Fine. I’ll go ask him if he’ll shoot the video for us but I’m not going to lose my job because of a meaningless crush on the starting quarterback.”
You waited around for the guys to leave treatment after practice and caught up with him on his way out. “Hey Sunshine, quick question for you.”
His cheeks turn a light shade of pink and he gives you a small tight-lipped smile. “What’s up?”
“I need you to do me a huge favor and be in this tik tok. It’s a short game and it’ll only take like 15 minutes.”
His deadpan face and disappointed dad sigh has you practically begging, saying “please” in your finest sing-song tone.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” You knew he’d crack, he always did. “On one condition. You also have to participate.”
You hold your hand out and he engulfs it with his much larger one. “You’ve got yourself a deal Herbert.”
“Okay the rules of the game are simple,” Megan begins from behind her phone screen before hitting record, “we’re going to give you these Canadian snacks and you’ll rate them on a scale from 1 to 10. One being it’s awful I’ll never touch that again and 10 being a solid snack that you’d eat everyday if given the opportunity.”
You and Justin nod, diving in on everything from the ketchup chips to the toffee. The video didn’t take long as promised and the quarterback went about the rest of his day with no further distractions.
In your office a few days later on the team’s off day, you were contemplating your life. Maybe you should take a step back from him so people didn’t get the wrong idea. Sure, your coworkers were convinced the crush was mutual but what if he was just being nice? He was always so focused on football and making the most out of every opportunity why in the world would he waste time flirting with a social media manager? It just made no sense. Instead of continuing to run a million imaginary scenarios in your mind you packed up your stuff and tried heading out to the parking lot. Even after all this time you still struggled to maneuver all the twists and turns of the building and somehow found yourself walking past the quarterback room. You intended to just keep walking but he was in there alone and called out your name when he saw you.
“What are you doing here? I didn’t think anyone would be in the building today.” His bright eyes staring down at you made your heart feel like it was beating out of your chest. You desperately needed to get it together.
“I came in to finish up a few things but I’m heading out now. What are you doing? I think you’ve watched enough film to last you a couple lifetimes.” That gets a light chuckle out of him and he shakes his head, the two of you knowing that his quest for perfection would never allow him to believe he’s watched enough film. “Thank you for shooting that video the other day. The fans are gonna love it, they’re always begging us to get you on camera.”
“No problem, anything for you.” He clears his throat after whispering the last part, desperately hoping that you didn’t hear it. Even though you definitely did. You should go home for the day and leave him alone in the office so he can get back to work. You should stop staring at his lips that look so soft and just begging to be kissed. He should turn around and get back to the playbook and the computer but here he is, standing still right in front of you.
You’re just here, waiting for some to rip the carpet out from under you, to fall on your face, for someone to tell you that this isn’t actually happening. The space between your bodies diminishes significantly, so much so that you can smell the Dr. Squatch Birchwood Breeze radiating off of him. It’s intoxicating and you swallow the fear in your gut and ignore all of the common sense thoughts plaguing your mind, allowing you to feel.
The kiss is tentative at first, he pulls back slightly, whispering if it’s okay to keep going as you felt his breath against your lips. You don’t respond but instead pull him in closer, hearing a satisfied husky moan from him as he allowed your tongue access to his. His right palm rests against your cheek until he’s tilting your head up ever so slightly to deepen the embrace and he picks you up, holding on for dear life while closing and locking the door behind you. It was so much more than he imagined, these feelings that he’d been pushing aside were being confronted and magnified by the second. This innocent crush that you had on him were genuine, real feelings that created a deep ache in your bones, actively being soothed with his hands all over you as the two of you made out like helpless teenagers.
You didn’t think you’d have the strength to tear yourself away from him…until his phone rings. He ignores it the first time but it’s all you can think about by the fifth ring.
“Answer it,” you whisper breathlessly as he places you back on your feet. A thousand unspoken apologies are painted on his face as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. He keeps the call short and sweet but the look of devastation is clear when he hangs up. “You have to go don’t you?”
“I’m so sorry. We can—we need to talk about this I know. And I promise we will I just, I need to take care of this.” He doesn’t want to leave, not like this. Even if he knows you understand. Justin presses a kiss to the side of your head and whispers another “I’m so sorry” leaving you in the room to think about what just happened.
You walk around the empty parking lot until you reach your car, letting out a deep sigh at the thought of what the conversation with him is going to look like after this. You need to be mentally prepared for good news, bad news and everything in between.
He is the sun after all. And sometimes when you stand too close, you might get burned. And maybe, just maybe, you’d avoid the burn altogether and bask in the warmth as long as you can.
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captainremmington-13 · 4 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova.
SUMMARY: Coriolanus is snubbed by receiving the weakest possible tribute (or so he thinks). Bellova, who doesn’t care much about winning the Plinth Prize or saving her tribute’s life, gives him a few words of advice, despite being his lifelong academic rival.
Warnings: slight bullying??
Eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow approached his fellow classmates, smiling politely. He hoped that they could make pleasant conversation and avoid any petty arguments before the reaping began. He really didn’t need any additional stress.
“Finally, the star pupil,” Arachne Crane said snidely, bringing her glass to her painted lips. She leaned forward, inspecting his outfit. “That’s a snazzy shirt. What are those buttons? Tesserae?”
Coriolanus shrugged causally. “Huh. That’s why they remind me of the maid’s bathroom.”
Lysistrata Vickers glanced around the room. “Where’s your rival, Coryo? I assumed she’d be here by now.” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she was fashionably late,” Felix chimed in. “Just like she was to this year’s orientation.”
Coriolanus nodded in acknowledgement. “I wouldn’t mind if she didn’t show up at all.” 
Someone cleared their throat behind him. The group of seniors turned to see Bellova Reginelle, looking stunning in her reaping day attire. Coriolanus usually saw her in her Academy uniform, but today, she wore a white button-down with a tight black vest over it, and a skirt that fell just above her knees. Her ebony hair, which was usually in loose curls, was swept into a high ponytail that cascaded down her back. Her sheer black thigh-high socks were paired a set of luxurious high heels that no doubt cost as much as Coriolanus’s rent, and a long silver necklace with an antique pendant hung around her slender neck. 
Bellova stepped between Coriolanus and Festus. “Hello,” she began, looking at her classmates. “I apologize for my delayed arrival, my maid misplaced my shoes. It doesn’t seem like I’ve missed much, though.”
Coriolanus looked at his friend - or enemy, depending on the day. Admittedly, she was the most beautiful girl in their class. Her dark grey eyes were stunning, her posture was perfect, and she always had her makeup done flawlessly. She never failed to turn heads while walking down the Academy halls. 
If she was more humble and less conniving, he would actually enjoy her company. 
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come,” he said. 
“I would never miss the reaping,” Bellova said, taking a glass of posca from a waiter. “Plus, this is much more important than a normal reaping, isn’t it?” 
The group nodded in agreement. Felix, who was indulging himself with food, licked his fingers clean. 
“Have you tried this lamb? It’s scandalous.” 
“Ugh,” Festus said in disgust. “Only the vulgar eat with their fingers, Felix. What, Daddy not teach you table manners?”
“Maybe he would have if he wasn’t so busy running the country.” Felix’s haughty response makes everyone scoff under their breath. Coriolanus always hated Felix’s snide remarks. They were immature and unnecessary, and reminded him that Felix lived a comfortable, sheltered life. 
“Even a monkey could eat more delicately than you, Ravinstill,” Bellova joked, making Arachne and Festus laugh. 
Felix just scowled, and quickly changed the subject. “Hey, they called us here for the Plinth Prize, right?” 
“Yes?” Bellova answered. 
“Because I heard Dr. Gaul’s in the building.” Felix scoffed. “Plinth,” he said, voice full of contempt. The group glanced towards the Plinth family, who were standing several feet away. “I mean, look at his spawn. Who would have thought that you could buy your way into the Capitol?”
“Well, you can’t buy class,” Festus added, smirking. “Did you see his mother’s outfit? Sorry, his “Ma’s.” 
Felix chuckled. Coriolanus chimed in, saying, “Dress a turnip in a ballgown, and it’ll still beg to be mashed.” 
Bellova snickered, and shoved him playfully. “She’s not wearing a ballgown, Coryo, it’s more like a hideous trench coat.”
“I was using a figure of speech, Bellova,” Coriolanus rolled his eyes. “But I agree, it’s pretty sore on the eyes.”
“Don’t do that, you two,” Arachne said pointedly. “We all know that you like him.” 
“We don’t like him, Arachne,” Coriolanus and Bellova said in unison.  
“We tolerate him,” Bellova corrected her.
“He’s district,” Coriolanus added.
“Tolerate him, just don’t encourage him,” Festus said, as Arachne mouthed ‘okay, sure’ at them. “I hear one more time how immoral these Hunger Games are, I’ll put him in the arena mys…”
He trailed off as Sejanus Plinth, the topic of the conversation, approached them, standing next to Bellova. 
“Sejanus,” Festus said, not trying to hide his disdain. “You made it to the Reaping for once.”
“And you made it to graduation, Festus. We’re both shocked,” Sejanus replied in the same manner, causing Coriolanus and Bellova to laugh. 
“Spill it. Who won the prize?” Arachne said impatiently, pursing her lips.
“Oh, no, I’m not gonna ruin my father’s big day. No one here actually likes him, but they do love his money.” Sejanus looked directly at the girl, smirking slightly. “You know what that’s like, don’t you, Arachne?”
She scoffed, clearly offended. “Funny.”
The television began playing Panem’s national anthem, signaling the students to take their assigned seats. Bellova sat down, smoothing out her skirt and crossing her legs. She saw Sejanus pull Coriolanus aside, and noticed Coriolanus’s sudden change in mood as he sat down next to her. 
“What happened?” she murmured quietly.
“I’ll tell you later,” Coriolanus snapped. 
Bellova rolled her eyes. “You are such a c-“
She was abruptly cut off by the sound of Dr. Gaul’s cackle echoing throughout Heavensbee Hall, amplified by the microphone in front of her. 
Coriolanus and Bellova sat quietly as she addressed the student body. Though Dr. Gaul was indifferent to most of the students at the Academy, they had always been given more of her attention than their peers. 
It was a blessing and a curse to be liked by Dr. Gaul. It never hurt to have the approval of a teacher, but she was off-putting and almost sadistic at times. Plus, she loved pairing her two favorite students together, which meant that Coriolanus and Bellova had an unfortunate history of arguing after High Biology. It had almost gotten physical a few times. Bellova was quick to anger and far too prideful for Coriolanus’s liking. He never laid a finger on her; the fear of being expelled was too strong for that. He did, however, contradict her at every possible turn. He took great pleasure in the muttered curses and insults hurled his way as she stormed off, causing the students around her to move away hastily.
“And now to that end,” Dr. Gaul concluded. “I am honored to introduce to you the creator of The Hunger Games themselves: Dean Casca Highbottom.”
Highbottom took a sip from his small vial, and began making his way through the middle of the student body, clearly inebriated. “Uh…” he cleared his throat. “Select students, faculty, and, of course, Dr. Gaul, I have summoned you all here today for the 10th Annual Reaping Ceremony in which we choose two children from each district to throw into the Capitol Arena to fight to the death in The Hunger Games.”
Bellova smirked. “I can’t believe they still allow him to speak in public,” she whispered to Coriolanus, making him smile slightly. 
“And here,” the dean continued, gesturing to the senior students sitting at the front of the hall. “Sit our own twenty-four top prospects all waiting to hear the results of hard study in this prestigious institution. Eager to learn who’s won that Plinth Prize, no doubt. And a golden future. However,” he said, causing Bellova’s brows to furrow. “I am here to tell you that there has been a change this year. One final assignment to prove your worth. Because… the esteemed citizens of the Capitol have grown bored of the Games and simply aren’t watching anymore. And if the Games are to continue at all, there must be an audience.” A few people chuckle. “So, Head Gamemaker Dr. Gaul has stepped in to… incentivize patriotic values with her own unique flair, starting with you. The Plinth Prize will no longer be determined by who has the best grades.”
“Excuse me?“ 
“But by who is the best mentor in The Hunger Games.”
The twenty-four mentors had erupted into complaints after that. After the Dean had settled them down, he read off the names of the tributes and their assigned mentors. Lucky for her, Bellova received the female tribute from District 1. But Coriolanus was humiliated by receiving the runt girl from District 12, Lucy Gray Baird. Not only was she small and seemingly malnourished, she appeared to be insane as well. 
As the Academy students filed out of Heavensbee Hall and made their way towards the cafeteria, Bellova approached Coriolanus. 
“I assume Sejanus told you about the change to the Plinth Prize conditions and that’s why you looked so upset earlier?“
Coriolanus nodded stiffly. 
“I see,” Bellova nodded. “I didn’t see it coming either.” 
Coriolanus glanced at her. “Why do you even care about the Plinth Prize, Bellova? You’re going to University regardless.”
She shrugged. “I like winning. But it’s really not crucial in this instance.” 
Coriolanus felt a pang of jealousy at her nonchalant attitude. “It is for me. And with the tribute I was assigned, failure is guaranteed.” 
Bellova frowned. “Are you sure? She made quite a spectacle of herself earlier. Almost everyone is talking about her.”
Coriolanus sighed. “It won’t do any good when she’s dead in five minutes flat in the arena.”
“Perhaps,” Bellova said. “But I know you, Coryo. You’ll do anything in your power to come out on top. It’s infuriating, honestly.”
He smirked. “Only because it results in you losing.”
Bellova pursed her lips in annoyance. “Only on rare occasions. My point is that it’s a good thing, being willing to do anything to win. If you stop doing that now, you can kiss the Plinth Prize goodbye.”
And with that, they reached the cafeteria and parted ways, Bellova’s words of advice still ringing in Coriolanus’s ears. 
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I have several more chapters finished, I’m just polishing them up atm. I’ll post the second chapter sometime soon hopefully. Let me know in the comments what you think and if you’d like to be tagged!
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sweetpeasummers · 1 year
Everything That I Want
Summary: Leon has been avoiding you and you’re worried about the reason why.
Word Count: 3.2k
Rated: Explicit (Language, Smut, Mentions of Death)
Pairing: Leon/Fem!Reader  
Author’s Note: I originally wrote this when RE4 first came out as Leon/OC, but am not comfortable uploading that. So I took my favorite bits (more to come), edited them on my own into something I’m proud to post and here we are. I will be uploading to Ao3 later.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Resident Evil nor any of the characters.
It's been a frustrating few weeks and you're trying to do anything to not think about why your partner Leon Kennedy has been avoiding you. Which is why you find yourself at the gym hoping to bench press your way into oblivion. You grip the bar, take a deep breath in, lift the bar and lower it to your chest, exhaling you push it out away from you.
You set a steady rhythm desperately willing the simple act to clear your mind the way it typically does, but you feel it start to wander again. What in the hell is going? One day he was Leon your friend and partner and the next he was...gone. He hadn't returned any of your phone calls and every time you were in a room together he'd make some weak excuse as to why he had to leave. It was confusing and as time dragged on downright hurtful.
You'd always had a bit of a thing for him ever since you were first paired together, his good looks had drawn you in, but his snarky one liners and compassionate, friendly nature had endeared him to you in a way no other man ever had. Initially it wasn't easy being paired together. Leon was leery and jaded though warmed to you quickly. He threw himself into the work, you admired his drive and told him as such. Though on more than one occasion he joked about being forced into it. When you pushed for an explanation he told you everything; the outbreak in Raccoon City, the creatures he fought, and how he barely made it out. Then admitted he wasn't given a choice to become an agent. His vulnerability made you confess to your share of misery, the T-Virus leaked in your rural town. Killing reanimated corpses of the people you knew and loved was a nightmare you'd never forget. Subsequently you weren't given a choice either. Your relationship was different afterwards. You turned to each other, shared secrets, doubts, and even fears with one another. The innocent crush you had on him developed into something so much deeper. The job was brutal and having a partner you could rely on was more important than a boyfriend, so you buried those feelings. It was so damn hard because sometimes you thought he was flirting with you but chalked it up to you seeing what you wanted to see. So you stayed guarded, pulled away just enough to still be considered professional, but weren't always successful. Maybe Leon finally figured it out, caught on to the fact that you had feelings for him beyond what a friend or partner should and it freaked him out.
You hated not knowing, sighing heavily, you look up at the man spotting you. Daniel was such a nice man, one of the few agents to have a normal life outside of the insanity that was your job. He owned the gym you were in, had a wife and a little family. He was happy. One of the more well adjusted agents you'd met and couldn't help but wonder if it was because of his life outside of missions. You attempted to date but every relationship fizzled out.
“Could you add more weight please?” you ask Daniel. You hope the extra weight will make you focus. He reluctantly does, you grip the bar and lift up your hand slips and the weighted bar comes dangerously close to crushing your throat, but Dan catches it in time and together you put it back in place. You sit up breathing heavy, shaken from what just happened.
“What is going on Y/N, you look like shit?” he asks gruffly.
“Thanks I feel like shit.” you reply still trying to compose yourself.
“You wanna talk about it or do you wanna hit something” Dan asks you. You always appreciated his bluntness.
“I wanna hit something.” you quickly respond. Not even knowing where you'd begin to explain your situation with Leon with any sort of anonymity. It'd be embarrassingly obvious who you're talking about.
“I can help you with that.” Dan motions to you to follow him. He leads you down the hall to a large empty room with a ring. He throws you a pair of gloves and gets in the ring. You spend the next half hour sparring, Dan was right it did help.
“Thanks for helping me out,” you say and truly mean it. You feel less tense, like you could go home and not mope around your apartment.
“Yeah no problem,” Dan answers cheerfully, “You seem like you needed it. If you don't want to be alone you could come and have dinner with me and the Mrs. You know Julia always makes enough to feed a small army.”
It's tempting, you feel better than you did earlier, but also you know you'd still be miserable company.
“Maybe some other time, thank you for the offer.” you respond with a small smile.
“I'll hold you to that,”Dan replies.
Before you can leave, you hear a door open and footsteps approaching, Dan looks behind you and waves. He calls out “Hey Leon long time no see!”
You freeze, oh you're tense all over again, suddenly it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. You hear Leon chuckle and answer with “Yeah I've been busy, had a lot to think about.”
Okay, Leon hasn't been avoiding just you it seems. You turn and see him walk closer to where you and Dan were standing. Well that's different you thought, but stay quiet whatever he was going through he'd made it clear he didn't want your help. You just look away and focus on a random spot on the wall. You tune out their conversation lost in your own thoughts. Normally Leon's presence was a comfort but now it was bringing a god awful stew of emotion you felt these past few weeks to the surface. You wanted to stay and try to talk to him again, but decide you have to go before it bubbled over and you did something embarrassing like sob or scream. You try to leave quietly, but you feel a hand softly catch you by your wrist.  You're shocked to see its Leon holding on to you. You get your first good look at him. He looks exhausted, nervous and unsure of himself.
“Y/N, please don't leave. I need to talk to you.” you hear Leon say. You pull your wrist out of his grasp and stay in place. Good or bad it seems like whatever is going on can finally be over.
“Well I don't want to keep Jules waiting so I'm going to head out, unless,” Daniel trails off looking at you with a nervous smile on his face. You look away from Leon to Dan then back to Leon and take a deep breath hoping it's enough to calm yourself before speaking,
“It's okay you can go Dan. I'm actually very curious as to what he has to say to me.” Your response does absolutely nothing to alleviate the tension in the room.
Dan breathes out a shaky “Okay, you two are the last ones in the building, you know where the keys are. Could you lock up on your way out?” Dan walks away quickly looking back and gives you both a small wave on his way out the door.
“Do you think you'd want something like that?” Leon asks you.
“Like what, you mean like what Dan and Julia have?” you ask and answer your own question. You don't give Leon a chance to respond before asking him what you've wanted to ask him for weeks.
“Leon, what's going on? Why have you been avoiding me?” you ask more hurt than you wanted spills out, perhaps the feeling hadn't completely faded. You cross your arms bracing yourself for his answer.
Leon winces before continuing, “I've been a real dick haven't I?”
You nod your head not trusting yourself to speak. Leon continues, “I'm sorry. I've gone about this all wrong. I didn't want to hurt you I just needed time to get this right.”
It feels like your head is spinning, you want to ask more questions, but you press your lips together and let him continue.
“It never felt right with anyone else and it killed me every time I saw you walk away with another man. For so long I couldn't understand why, ever since Raccoon City I've shut a part of myself down. Detached, because I thought it was the safest thing to do. It's easier. It's also pretty damn isolating. I finally figured it out. I want something more outside of just being an agent. I want something that isn't death and monsters and lies. I wanna be happy, every time I think about what that looks like it's with you. I know what I just said could make you uncomfortable and I will respect and decision you make.” he finishes breathlessly. He still looks nervous but like a weight has been lifted from him.
Your mouth falls open in shock, you slowly uncross your arms and let them fall to your sides. That he wants to be with you wasn't even in the realm of possible things you thought he might say. How could the two of you have gotten it so wrong. All this time you thought you were making him uncomfortable and he thought he was going to make you uncomfortable. You were so wrapped up in hiding your feelings you missed his right in front of you. Three years worth of memories hit you like a truck; so  many conversations, stories shared, dinners that weren't dates, shouldn't be dates but in hindsight very much were. You remember the night he admitted to you he didn't know how to keep living with what he'd been through.  You stayed with him until he fell asleep. He always returned the favor, some mornings you'd wake to the smell of coffee and his smiling face. How could you have been so blind? It didn't matter though Leon wants to be with you. You want to be with him. Happiness blooms and spreads in your chest, your lips lift in a brilliant smile. You can see the moment it clicks in Leon's head that you feel the same way he does. He's just waiting for you to say it.
“I want everything and I want it with you.” You reply. You're both so giddy you almost don't know what to do with yourselves. He steps towards you until there's the barest breath of space between your bodies. Leon is staring at your lips while slowly leaning down. Unable to speak you nod your head. He reaches his hand to cup your face and your lips meet. It's the sweetest and gentlest you've ever been kissed. You lift your hands up to hold onto to his arms afraid if you don't you'll melt into a puddle on the floor. You break apart, but he keeps his hands on your face Leon rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes.
“I want you,” he whispers roughly. A different kind of tension fills the room, heat flushes through your whole body.
“Then take me.” you simply reply. “Here, now, please. You heard Dan we're the only two people in the building..” You waited years for this you don't want to wait any longer.
His eyes snap open. He pulls his head back and drops his hands to rest on your upper arms. A delicious smile spreads across his handsome face at your suggestion. You reach up to grab his hand and without a lick of shame guide him down the front of your pants to cup your warm center. You whimper, your lasciviousness sends Leon over the edge. He yanks his hand away, wraps you in his arms and kisses you. There's nothing sweet or gentle about it this time. He's desperate, like a long-lost lover coming home. You give as good as you get wrapping your arms around his neck to press yourself closer to him. You feel him half hard against your belly and gasp, Leon slips his tongue into your mouth deepening the kiss. You continue on like that for a few minutes, barely breaking apart for breath, hands roaming each other's bodies touching everything and anything you both could reach. You run a hand through his hair, down his chest, and palm his erection through his shorts.
“God yes,” he whimpers.
He pulls away from you and reaches behind  himself to yank his shirt off and throws it down on the mat. You're a bit lost at the suddenness of it but follow Leon as he pulls you down to sit on his discarded top.
Aching to touch him again, to feel his bare skin against yours, you pull your shirt up and over your head, Leon grabs it and throws it behind him. You both try and get your sports bra off but the sweat coating your body makes it difficult and your arms are sore from your punishing workout earlier. This bra ain't coming off without a fight. In your frustration you pull from the bottom up enough to free your breasts. Your spandex bottoms prove to be just as difficult, you kick a shoe off and manage to get one leg out. Leon leans back and shoves his own pants and boxers down to his knees freeing his cock. He moves to balance on one knee awkwardly struggling with his clothes. It doesn't dampen the mood as you can see his thick cock bobbing with his every movement, you're keenly aware of how empty you feel as your cunt clenches around nothing.
Once his clothes were sufficiently dealt with Leon looks down at you, eyes heavy with desire and you shiver. He pushes you gently to your back and moves to cover your body with his. Your stomach tightens as he lowers his open mouth toward your chest. He runs his teeth along a hardened nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking. Your head tilts back and your mouth falls open in a silent gasp. Your hands find the back of his head and hold him close to you. He switches to the other breast lavishing attention there. His other hand slips down to pull your panties aside to slide two fingers through your wetness and into your cunt, fucking you open. When he crooked his fingers just right and rubbed your swollen clit with his thumb the pleasure was so intense you felt as though you were melting, but it wasn't enough. You needed him inside of you.
“Please,” you whine “I'm ready. Fuck me.”
His mouth moves away from your breasts, “Yes ma'am” he rasps against your ear.
He takes his hand away, you look down, spread your thighs farther apart plant your feet down and see him grab his cock and guide it into you. You both groan in pleasure as he smoothly sinks all the way in and finds his rhythm thrusting into you. You'll never be able to be in the room again without thinking of the delicious feeling of Leon inside you, your soft breasts pressed against his hard chest, his ragged breathing in your ear. The wet slapping sound of your bodies meeting. You kiss every part of him you can reach. Your hands run through his hair and nails score down his back. They finally land to hold on to his shoulders. Leon Kennedy is your entire universe at this moment and nothing has ever felt more right.
He moves a hand down between to where your bodies are joined and rubs his thumb against your sensitive clitoris again, its all you need. You move to wrap your thighs around his waist, the orgasm flashes bright and fast through your body. You come hard moaning his name.
You feel him stop moving and hear him say, “Shit no condom.”
He moves back slightly, removing your legs from around his waist and back down to the mat still spread wide apart. Leon pulls out of you entirely, gripping the base of his cock tightly. Through the haze of your orgasm you realize what's happening and before he can do anything you lick your own palm, bat his hand away and make a fist around his cock. You massage and stroke the jutting flesh between his thighs while encouraging him to thrust. It doesn't take more than five thrusts before you see and feel copious amounts of thick, wet come on your belly. He groans what sounds like your name, eyes tightly shut, mouth open with the mind numbing pleasure. You let go of his softening cock and wrap your arms around him, relaxing your legs to brush against his. He sags boneless against your chest uncaring of the mess now between your bodies.
Reluctantly he rolls away from you still trying to catch his breath. You sit up, push your bra back down, find your shirt and use it to wipe the come off your stomach then move to wipe the remnants of it off of his him. Luckily you have a change of clothes in your gym bag. He mumbles a thank you before pulling you down to cuddle by his side. He wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to the top of your head.  You can't wait till the next time when you're in a place where you can both take your time to explore and luxuriate in each other's bodies. You'd never been so hot for another person that you couldn't wait till you were in a private place. The thought brings you back to reality and you tense up, remembering where you are. Leon feels your discomfort.
“You finally realize how out in the open we are, haven't you,” he chuckles a bit. Too mortified to reply you simply nod your head still holding onto him. He sits up bringing you with him. He tucks a stray bit of hair behind your ear and says, “Go home. I'll meet you there in fifteen minutes.”
“Promise?” you ask, reluctant to be away from him even for a short time.
“Promise,” he breathes his answer against your kiss swollen mouth. He kisses you quickly and gets up to get dressed. You smile and do the same.
There would be consequences to what the two of you had done. A romantic relationship between agents was deeply frowned upon. Damn the consequences, you could worry about that later, besides you can't imagine Leon cares much about them either. The smile on his face echos the one on yours. Confident about the place in each other's lives the weight of life shifted, now balanced comfortably between the two of you. The odds weren't in your favor but you'd take the bad with the good as long as you had him.
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Hello my love!! For the mistake prompts:
Miracle Baby by Nothing but Thieves + Dealers choice!
This is such a fun idea😮‍💨 Happy drabbles!
Wasting My Time
This drabble is part of JJ’s Mixtape - a mini series based on my followers’ favourite songs and characters. You can read more of them here!
Song Prompt: Miracle Baby
Pairing: Matt Murdock x reader (romantic, no pronouns used but disclaimer that this one feels more female-implied than others)
Word Count: ~1450
CW: Swearing, mentions of drugs, explicitly implied sex
Note: First, I love the subtle roast calling this a “mistake prompt” thank you Ella 😂 this song is so cool and gave me hazy dive bar feelings, and going-home-with-hot-stranger feelings. Hope you enjoy!
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Matt hated things like this.
His fingers idly tapped against the cool condensation blanketing the beer bottle on the bar in front of him, halfway torn between thinking about his trial in the morning and debating whether to go out tonight. Either way, he was itching to leave.
It was loud. The obnoxious kind of loud, not the kind where you could feel the appreciation for life and joy and merriment. Being dragged along to these stupid law school alumni mixers was the worst way to spend a Sunday evening. Yeah, you hated things like this.
But you’d just spotted the perfect distraction.
At your 10 o’clock. Tall, dark, handsome, sitting alone at the bar. Better yet, he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but here, so, common ground.
You made your way through the masses, through the thick and clogged atmosphere saturated with terrible work-related jokes and the desperation to impress. Everyone else was in a sea of familiar faces but not you. You didn’t go to Columbia for law school. You only came because your roommate was too shy to come alone and promised she wouldn’t abandon you the exact way she did about five minutes ago.
Besides, you’d only lived in New York for three months and you’d spent so much energy settling into your dream law job that you hadn’t given much attention to making friends. Or to sex. But that was about to change.
Hence, the lone wolf at the bar.
After ordering some kind of sour cherry and lime cocktail with an over-the-top name, you settled on the stool next to the man. He didn’t acknowledge you and a quick glance at his walking stick gave you an indication as to why not.
“Let me guess,” you turned your head towards him and he looked your way. “Criminal law?”
He nodded, smiling with half his mouth. “What gave it away: the cheap suit, or the air of constant dread?”
You laughed, and the sound of it made Matt’s smile crack open. “You didn’t hand me a business card the second I sat down. And the lack of white powder around your nose.”
He laughed back, and you were successfully distracted.
His name was Matt, you soon learned. Past knowing he practised criminal law and that he graduated from Columbia you learned nothing more about his law career. You told him you were new in town, he told you he’d lived here his whole life, you told him you were grateful to meet someone so normal who’s been around forever and still thinks this city is worth staying in. He asked you why you chose New York and you said it just seemed like the right place to be. You couldn’t explain in. You blushed when you admitted it and your heartbeat picked up, so maybe you were doubting that decision.
He asked you about your hometown and turned his body completely towards you. You told him about it, about escaping on scholarship to Princeton, and your knees were soon gently resting against his. Somewhere throughout the course of the conversation, he rolled the sleeves of his white dress shirt up to just below his elbows. He took his time, made a subtle show of it.
You sipped slowly, Matt noticed; you weren’t here to get drunk. The citrus of your drink complimented the lavender in your shampoo, body wash, whatever the fuck it was that was the calmest thing in this place. It was clear you two were getting on well. So much so, no one bothered you.
Finally, he asked: “Where do you practise?”
“Nuh-uh,” you shook your head and pulled a knotted cherry stem from your teeth. “You and I are having a nice conversation here, Matt,” you chuckled. “All I do, all fucking day, is talk about law, think about law, breathe the fucking law-”
He grinned and held up an apologetic hand. “Message received.”
“Let’s talk about anything else.”
“Okay,” he held up that same hand towards you, putting the ball squarely in your court. “Shoot.”
You narrowed your eyes and twirled the stem between your fingertips. After a moment of contemplation, knowing very well where this may lead, you decided that this tall, dark and handsome distraction was worth the risky line.
“Do you think you could beat a grizzly bear in a fight?”
His eyebrows shot up but he didn’t stutter. “Excuse me?”
“No weapons. Pure brawn. One-on-one. Who wins, you or the bear?”
“The bear,” he waved his hand decisively. “No question.”
“Thank god,” you breathed in relief, nursing a smirk behind the stem in your fingers. His puzzled look was his question, so you answered. “Six percent of American men think they could beat a grizzly bear in a fight. Which means, there are about…” you looked around in a estimate head count, “four men in this bar who vastly overestimate their abilities.”
Matt bumped his eyebrows. Another question.
“I’m just making sure you’re not one of the four,” you said after another sip. Your glass was almost empty.
“Oh?” Matt cocked his head and found himself drawn in closer. “And why is that?”
You placed your now-empty glass down, letting it hit with a finality against the wooden bar. “Forgive me if I read you wrong, just seemed like you were searching for a reason to get the hell outta here too.”
Matt let your comment linger, and lifted the bottle to his lips to take another swig. He drained the last little bit and placed it on the counter next to yours. Your heart was beating pretty fast and you tried to calm your cherry-stained breathing, tried to look cool and collected. You wanted him, and you were the perfect distraction.
“You didn’t answer the question.”
Your breath in was shaky. Risky. No one else would’ve heard it.
“I’m just making sure I’m not wasting my time,” you said. “It’s not usually that fun, going home with a man who thinks they’re more capable than they actually are.”
He laughed once through his nose and pulled his beaten leather wallet from his coat pocket, placing thirty on the table to cover his beer, your cocktail and a tip for the bartender. “Trust me, sweetheart,” he stood and held his open palm out to you. You took his hand and left your stool with your coat and bag over your other arm. He leaned down, leaned in, so you could hear his husky promise over the sound of the bar. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
Sufficed to say, you had never met a more capable man.
His place was nice, his sheets were clean, he was strong and generous and attentive and that was a big problem. Because this was supposed to just be a distraction. A one-night thing. But it was hard to leave his bed at two thirty in the morning, it felt like tearing yourself away. And that was a problem.
Stay, he’d said. He had fresh towels, a toothbrush, he’d call you a cab in the morning after he’d made you coffee. I can’t, you said. On any other night you would have, but tomorrow was a big day. He understood, didn’t press the matter, and he called you a cab after wishing you a twenty-minute goodbye.
It was only at quarter to nine that same morning, when you were walking up the front steps with a takeaway coffee in hand, that you realised you didn’t have any way to contact him other than through your roommate, who might have his information. You didn’t even know Matt’s last name.
Matt thought about you as Foggy prepped the client in hushed whispers from the defence table. As he straightened files and pens and his personal voice recorder, he wondered when he’d run into you again. You’d been a good distraction. Too good. It was like you were still next to him, like he could still smell the cherry and lime, the lavender and honey and-… wait.
You settled next to your boss and put thoughts of last night out of your head, ready and focused to take on the day. It was a big one. For the first time since moving to New York, you were the lead on a case.
Matt’s mind raced as he listened to every whisper in the courtroom, and as he listened to them hush as the judge kicked off proceedings from the bench.
“Are we ready to begin?” Judge Wallace asked in a deadpan, looking straight to the defence’s table. Foggy stood.
“Defence is ready, Your Honour.”
From fifteen feet away, Matt heard the prosecutor stand. He closed his eyes behind his glasses and held in a sigh when he heard your voice say:
“Thank you, Your Honour. The State is ready to proceed.”
Oh… fuck.
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swordsandarms · 3 months
how would you describe the dynamic between aerys and rhaegar?? no matter what rhaegar was aerys's first and only child for a long time, and tbh i kinda love to delude myself thinking aerys loved him almost as much as he hated? him.....
Wrote about this before, but of course I can't find it, but since it's rarely given enough complexity anyways, might as well do it again.
This is the endless problem of not allowing Targaryens the right to be more than one dimensional and have complicated human feelings and Aerys is probably the sorest spot for it. A lot of people are finally backing down on the weird dehumanisation of Rhaegar, thankfully, but Aerys less so, as he is a big problem even for "Targaryen fans" - he is the sole Targaryen called fully "mad" - that can be acknowledged as that absolute sort of mentally unstable, and in a violent way that can be fully antagonistic, too - bringing that whole can of worms used against a whole 300 years worth of generations of a family, so everyone stays away.
Here comes the tired disclaimer that of course I've got to put out over and over before writing of Aerys as a mere person instead of a fairytale boogieman: he wasn't a good guy with particular virtues; he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed; he wasn't a proactive, great King, and although he spoke of great plans that sounded sound didn't put in the effort to accomplish anything; he wasn't a good father and least of all husband for most of his life, even in his better days with less excuses (well, explanation) to it. Etc etc
But he had the complexity of feelings and behaviour of a whole person! I've said it before but Aerys is one of these background characters dead before the story starts that gets TONS of interiority that adds so much nuance to this otherwise muddled portion of history, but he's not a "nice dead victim" and hence gets little attention while less "lesser" background characters get essays of made up fanon.
Aerys' desire for both successful lineage and grandeur for his House clashing with his deep personal insecurities is more of a downward spiral than his actual mental illness. (Again, something I touched on in a different post that Tumblr won't let me find) Aerys wants and fails to be anything grand, and Rhaegar being seen as great while being nothing like him is a sour spot, because if greatness is his opposition what does that mean? Of course he latches onto Viserys when it's clear he's got his character.
But what about Rhaegar? Did Aerys love him? Did Rhaegar love his father once? He was his prized heir in a positive sense for the longest of their relationship. He kept him close in detriment of his mother's claim on him (took him to Casterly Rock for a year when Joanna died). But does that necessarily say anything about love?
This is the man who would end up hurting his sister, who would be open about the intention to wish bad things upon his child, but he's also grieved these children with his sister once, he's turned to the gods humbled despite his self righteous arrogance, asking if it's him, if he can do anything to make it better.
And, in his madness, Aerys kills Brandon and Rickard for "threatening Rhaegar". Which is fascinating. I've been trying to think of whether he is trying to put Rhaegar in a worse position by it, but it doesn't work. If it were the case, he'd be glad to latch onto the accusations and make the best of it, instead of becoming the bad guy further by "protecting Rhaegar". If he weren't able to think that straight, at least his advisors would (he's got plenty of "whisperers" in his ears, we are told, and they are against Rhaegar's faction). But if they tried, but if they tried it's clear the "he threatened Rhaegar" convoluted thought won.
And I joke about the Rhaenys moment supposedly being the breaking point in Aerys and Rhaegar's relationship from his point of view (of all things) but... With these powerful families, the personal and political are in a constant clash. Yet it is quite something that political tensions are all high ("like before the Dance"), Aerys' undermining and threatening Rhaegar's position is open knowledge, and yet, what gets to Rhaegar finally is his father rejects his child - rejects family.
Was there only honour and "doing things right" in lieu of kinslaying? Was there a reason why it was hard to give up on his father and admit to himself he wasn't salvageable in any lesser ways until it's too late?
And oh, he was ever so aggravated by Rhaegar being so good at things and admired for it, but when he dies in battle... There surely must be some conspiracy, some betrayal for his shining son to be gone. Rhaegar himself wouldn't just be bested without a better explanation! Someone ought to answer for it, damnit!
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sctir · 1 year
out of nothing more then curiosity, thoughts on jinjae?
i would like to preface this with a disclaimer that i do actually, despite what it might seem, have non-shitpost thoughts about jinjae (touched briefly on their respective relationships with personhood & how their evolving partnership reflects that here, not enough imo but id only been reading for a couple of months at that point so i couldn't speak about shj with an appropriate level of confidence and we only have so much time on this forsaken earth anyways). especially since shj exists as a foil of sorts to yoojin (re:self-love vs "externalized" love, learning to love oneself through the "other", so on and so forth), with their character developments complimenting the other's in return, jinjae occupies a uhhh. lot of my brain all the time and i need to scream and possibly cry about them. unfortunately it is funnier to post about gay divorce.
second disclaimer: i am both 100% joking in the following post and, at the same time, so incredibly dead serious.
jinjae is a lot of things to me. first and foremost jinjae is a guy that hates the other guy so bad they made it everyone else's problem. jinjae is also a guy that likes the other guy so bad they made it everyone else's problem. jinjae is ALSO two guys that are so obsessed with each other it should be in the dsm-v somewhere. jinjae is a yaoi (early canon). jinjae is a yuri (late canon). jinjae has at least one scum gong. jinjae is brat4brat. jinjae is also brat tamer4tamer. jinjae is ALSO brat tamer4brat. yes that is how it works. jinjae is two single fathers meeting and falling in love except they have the same child and are actively getting divorced with plans to be married again in the spring. jinjae is that trope of some guy's kid liking a teacher/other adult authority or caretaker figure in their life so much they try to set their single father up with said caretaker figure, except the caretaker figure is the biological parent of the child and also the child hates the single father so much. jinjae is a sun/moon couple except SIKE. NO IT IS NOT. jinjae are married. jinjae have been divorced 7 times. jinjae are soulmates (pink thread of fate). jinjae is a threesome. jinjae are on a date at the aquarium right now. jin is poisoning jae's dinner and jae is kicking his feet giggling and twirling his hair with hearts in his eyes. okay i need to stop referring to them as jin and jae. jinjae are constantly embroiled in psychological warfare except one side thinks losing will mean forfeiting his life and the other side thinks losing will mean that he won't get to pay for lunch. jinjae have shared a bed and neither of them talk about it. jinjae is deeply homoerotic. like 'lighting your cigarettes with the same flame' homoerotic but even more (there were roses involved). jinjae is doomed. they're perpetuating the cycle. they're [REDACTED, SOUND OF CRYING, CAR CRASHING]. jinjae are making each other worse. jinjae are getting better together. and most importantly jinjae are in love.
i could say more but this ask has been sitting in my mailbox long enough im sorry. i don't actually have any thoughts on jinjae because as soon as i try to think about them The Horrors get me. and also The Love.
edit: i didn't even talk about the "you ghosted me so im going to blow up your house". not much more context is required. insane gay people.
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sehunniepotwrites · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS. There are many things Mark Lee wants to do with you. He wants to walk you home. He wants to dive into the deep blue sea with you. He wants to go on a drive with you at his side. But mostly, this crazy, head over heels in love boy just wants to make it with you.
PAIRING. mark lee x fem!reader
GENRE. college!au, friends-to-lovers!au, tooth-rotting fluff, humor WARNINGS. beach setting, profanity, mentions of food
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters or concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work. © sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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Three weeks before your summer break ended, you drove Mark’s car to your university’s athletic complex on an early Saturday morning.  As you made the turn onto the campus’ main road, the dashboard’s screen lit up with a familiar name. A simple button press allowed you to answer the call while your eyes remained on the empty street. It was a warm summer morning after all. No one else would even bother coming to campus unless they had work or summer school. “Hello?”
“Hey, Sunshine! You on your way to campus yet?” Mark’s bright voice filled your ears. You wanted to laugh. If anyone were pure sunshine, it would be Mark Lee and not you. If only the boy realized it himself. 
“Yeah, I’m only a few minutes away,” you replied as you stopped at the red light. Just as you finished that sentence, you saw a couple of charter buses drive past you as the other light turned green. You grinned, knowing that Mark and your other friends were finally home. “Hey, you just drove past me!”
The sounds of material shuffling around echoed through the speakers and you knew Mark made for the closest window to catch a glimpse of you in his car. “Oh shit, you weren’t kidding!”
“Would I ever let you down, Marky?” you laughed as green flashed before you. Feeling the wheel slip in between your fingers, you continued your way across campus and followed the path the buses took. 
“Actually, you—”
“Finish that sentence and I’m turning this car around,” you joked as you pulled into the lot where all the buses parked. As you drove closer, you saw all the athletes disembarking and gathering their belongings stored in the compartments. 
Every summer, your university required all student-athletes to attend a two-month-long training camp at a high-class sports facility. Your school wasn’t the only one in attendance, many others were invited as well. It was something every athlete looked forward to and dreaded at the same time. They loved being in their own bubble and meeting other teams to form a sort of friendly camaraderie but hated the long hours of training this camp asked of them. By the end of the month, they usually came back to school exhausted but in the best shape of their life. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he said and you could almost see him saluting you. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Yeah, I’ll come and find you, I just have to park.”
“Don’t be so shocked when you see Marky, Squirt. He’s a whole-ass man now,” a voice other than Mark’s responded. Johnny Suh must’ve been his seatmate during the ride back. The outside hitter of the men’s volleyball team always found joy in butting into other people’s conversations. The tall guy could never keep to himself.
“Dude,” was the last thing you heard before the line went dead. 
Johnny’s sentence left you wondering what he meant. Why would you be shocked?
You found out soon after as you stood by buses, standing on your tippy toes to catch a glimpse of your best friend amongst the crowd of athletes. Johnny, being the tall giant he was, spotted you first. Your friend gave you a shit-eating grin as he exited the bus alongside Ten Lee, a member of the ice hockey team, and another friend of yours. It was funny how you were friends with so many athletes but did not carry one athletic bone in your body. 
“Hey there, Squirt,” Johnny teased as you approached him. God, if you had the skills and accuracy, you wanted to spike a volleyball right in his devilishly handsome face. 
“Shut up, you menace,” you said as you avoided his hand that aimed to ruffle your hair.
“Yo, Marky, I found her for you!” he yelled over his shoulder. Johnny bent down ever-so-slightly to whisper in your ear, “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“For what?” 
“You’ll see, young one,” Ten chuckled, pressing a little kiss to your head before dragging Johnny to find their duffles and gear they brought with them during the course of the summer. 
And see you did as the athlete you didn’t recognize as Mark popped into view. You caught sight of him from afar but dismissed him because there was no way that man was your best friend. His shoulders were broader than you had last seen him. His chest and arms filled out the shirt he wore so well. As your eyes raked over his bigger build, you could not pinpoint that the shirt he wore was the very shirt you gifted him for his birthday last year.
When Mark first received the present, his lean build made the shirt appear fashionably oversized. It draped nicely over his shoulders and drowned the rest of his body in the softest fabric with a design that was so undeniably Mark you couldn’t resist buying it for him. His arms were thin compared to the large holes in his sleeves, he looked nothing but cute in the shirt.
But now, the design of the shirt was stretched out against the wide planes of his chest. A line appeared down the middle, drawing attention to his pecs, you could barely take your eyes away from the sight. The only things that caught your attention were the arms Mark frantically waved in your direction. Although not completely hugging his biceps, you could see his arms taking up more space in the sleeves. You couldn’t even bring yourself to blink when his flexed muscles hauled his hockey bag behind his back. 
And his face. Dear God, his face was even more chiseled than before, amplifying the good looks others would swoon over.
If someone were to ask you before Mark left for the summer, you would’ve called him your cute friend. If they asked you the same question now, at this very moment, you would say that Mark Lee was fucking hot. 
“You look different,” was all you could say as he approached you. A snort came from beside you. It was another athlete scouring through piles for their own gear. To him, you probably sounded like a lovestruck idiot. That was what you would call yourself at that moment anyway. 
Mark paused a few steps away from you, appalled at the first sentence you uttered to him since his return. “Like a good different? Or a bad different?” With the way his voice tilted up at the end of his second question, you could tell your friend (and crush) was beginning to pick at his new appearance.
Your eyes scanned his body again, appreciating the way his shirt was so deliciously filled in all the right places and how the curve of his butt still stood out in the soccer pants that hugged his toned legs. “No, uh, it’s a good different. Yeah, definitely—definitely a good different.” Since when were you the type to stutter? 
“Oh, good. Cool, yeah, I mean cool.”
“Yeah, um, Johnny took me under his wing while we hit the gym during camp and he showed me a couple of things I could do,” Mark chuckled shyly, “I’ve got a solid gym routine now.”
“I mean yeah, it’s really working for you.”
“Y-yeah, you think so?”
Before your brain could spit out your big fat crush on your best friend, you quickly changed the topic and flashed a bright smile at him—the one that he called sunshine. “I’ve missed you, Marky.” You opened your arms for a hug and waited for him to approach. 
“Oh my god, dude, I’ve missed you so much,” Mark practically sighed as he dropped his bags filled with expensive gear just to pull you into him. Being in his strong arms, feeling his chest against yours, and smelling the fresh scent of his cologne set your heart and skin ablaze. You were so in your feelings that you couldn’t bring yourself to respond. Instead, you shut your eyes and wound your arms around his waist to press him even closer to you. “I’m so glad to be back.” His voice was low and raspy, his breath hitting the shell of your ear, as he said those words and it sent a shiver down your body. 
“Glad you’re back too,” you whispered into the crook of his neck.
A loud slap rang in your ears and you felt Mark wince in pain. The hit broke your contact with Mark as you both shifted to see who inflicted the uncalled-for strike. Your neighbor, Jeno, just laughed as he hauled his gear over a shoulder. A shoulder that appeared wider than the last time you had seen him. Summer did him good as well. But not as good as it did for Mark. 
“God, you two are disgusting. Just get together already,” Jeno chuckled as he walked by, playfully shoving your head into Mark’s chest. 
Instead of denying the chemistry Jeno insinuated, Mark simply said, “Bro, shut up.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Jeno ignored Mark’s comment. “See you lovebirds at the beach later?”
The local beach was around one and a half hours away. A small group of friends—including Jaemin, Renjun, and Chenle—left earlier in the morning to secure a spot at the beach. You and Mark were going to stop by his apartment so he could drop off his hockey gear and change into beach attire before heading over to the rest of them. The remainder of the ice hockey team as well as some volleyball, soccer, and basketball folks were coming as well. 
“Yup, see you later, Jeno!” you waved him off before leading Mark to his parked car. Tossing Mark his keys, he caught them in his hand with his swift reflexes. You got into the passenger seat a bit sulkily. Your friend had a newer model than your beat-up, hand-me-down car; you were going to miss taking his car around the city. 
As Mark put his belongings in the trunk, he bit back a grin to see your things already there. It was such a weird thing to smile at but seeing your things mingling with his felt so domestic and right that it just brought him joy. The hockey player slid into the driver’s seat and you were off. 
It took ten minutes to get to Mark’s place. His apartment complex was closer than yours, which was why you crashed there half the time during the school year. You were there so often that you left extra sets of clothes in case of emergencies—meaning unplanned sleepovers—and Mark even had an extra key made for you. You could’ve gotten Mark’s things on the way to pick him up but your best friend insisted that he wanted to drop off his hockey gear first. It made sense, seeing as how expensive his gear was. No one would want to leave a bag as valuable as that in the back of a car trunk.
“Wait here, I’ll be quick,” Mark said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Before completely sliding out of the car, he turned to face you with a shy expression on his face.
“What’s up, Marky?”
His face shifted from shy to determined, like he was hyping himself up to do something. You’d seen your best friend make that face many times in all the years you knew him—before a game, right before a test, or asking a girl out—but it didn’t make sense as to why Mark would do it at that moment. 
Light pressure on your cheek pulled you out of your inquisitive mind and back into the present. When you took a deep breath, the smell of clean, fresh laundry took over your senses followed by a whiff of his birch and eucalyptus shampoo that you used every time you stayed over. His shoulder brushed against your own as he pulled away. And that was when you realized what had just happened. Mark kissed you on the cheek. 
“What was that for?”
His eyes gleamed and his bashful smile widened. “Nothing, I just missed you a lot.” Leaving you no chance to reply, Mark slipped out of the car and slammed the door behind him. You watched as he ran inside, his hands slapping his reddening cheeks while he entered the building.
Mark’s unexpected action left you in a dizzying haze for who knows long, time slipping away while you replayed that moment over and over and over again in your head. Sure, he had done questionable actions to show affection before, like nuzzling his face in your hair or tugging you by the arm into a big hug, but Mark never went as far as kissing you on the cheek. He pet your hair, shouting “cute!” in the most endearing way with the other younger boys following his lead but a kiss on the cheek? Never been done before. But that didn’t mean you didn’t like it. 
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The hour-and-a-half drive to the beach didn’t feel so long to the two of you, not when you were shouting into a Bluetooth microphone you saved for road trips. Singing in the car with Mark was one of your favorite past times. Whether it was headbanging (and almost losing control of the car) to a hard rock song or slowing it down with an R&B track that showcased Mark’s husky vocals, you loved every second of it and wouldn’t do it with anyone else.
It didn’t take you long to find where your friends camped out for the day, their loud shouts carrying over the waves crashing into the shore. They were the biggest group on the beach, with three canopies and two smaller tents all huddled in a circle. You saw Johnny and Jaehyun’s surfboards sticking out of the sand, the boys standing right by them with their rash guards hanging loosely around their waists. Ten was controlling the music while Jeno and Jaemin tag-teamed on grilling the food. Your other friends were either lounging about in their chairs, drinks in hand, and you swore you could Donghyuck shouting at Chenle from the shallow end of the water. 
Jaehyun, noticing how much you were struggling to make it through the sand with all your bags, ran to help. “Shouldn’t Mark be helping you with these bags?”
You shrugged as you handed the heavier belongings over to the star basketball player. “He sent me ahead with all the snacks and said he forgot something in the trunk.”
“How was your summer?” 
You elbowed Jaehyun’s side with a teasing grin. “Boring without you by my side.”
Jaehyun chuckled, elbowing you right back. “Don’t let Marky hear you say that.”
It was a weird comment to make. “Why?”
The basketball player shook his head knowingly before throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you to his side. “Ah, that’s for me to know and you to find out, Squirt.”
“And when exactly will I find out?” 
You heard Mark’s voice yelling your name, causing you and Jaehyun to turn around. The boy ran through the sand towards you with a grin brighter than the summer sun, bags tangled in his grip, and an unknown item tucked into his side. Jaehyun released you from his grip and with a gentle shove in Mark’s direction, he replied, “Soon enough I hope.” Your friend went ahead with the rest of your belongings, leaving you to wait for Mark. What did Jaehyun mean by “soon enough?” Was there something you weren’t aware of? Was Mark keeping something from you?
“Sunshine! Look what I brought for us!” Mark pulled out the item pressed against his side to reveal a kite. Your heart swelled with joy and all the feelings you carried for Mark increased tenfold. In the past, you expressed that you always wanted to fly a kite but never had a chance to. It was something shared in passing, nothing memorable by any means. But the fact that Mark remembered that tiny, childlike wish you carried touched you.
Mark stopped in front of you, setting his bags down, to hand the kite over to you. He gently placed it in your hold, giving you the time to admire it.  Its design was simple, just a diamond with rainbow stripes and a matching rainbow tail, but it was beautiful. Your fingers ran through the tail of the kite, feeling the thin fabric slip through the cracks. The breeze picked up, causing the tail to go with the wind, and the childish excitement inside you bloomed. “Can we try it now?”
“Yeah,” Mark laughed at your how your eyes grew brighter and brighter with each passing second. “We just need to drop off the rest of the stuff first and then give it a go.” 
Your gaze never left the kite.
“You like it?” Mark asked.
You shifted your gaze to look him in the eye. “I love it. Thank you, Marky.”
Tucking it to your side, you picked up half of Mark’s belongings. You used your free hand to tug Mark, causing him to stumble in the warm sand. “Now, what are we waiting for? Let’s go already!”
Mark wiggled his hand in your hold, twisting it so your fingers interlocked like it was nothing out of the ordinary. You felt heat rising within you and it had nothing to do with the warm weather. There were little catcalls here and there as you approached your group of friends. Jaehyun and Johnny, the ones who started it all, snickered as you shot death glares at them. You shoved the rest of the belongings into their hands. “Here take care of this stuff, will you?”
You dropped your beach bag under a canopy, quickly stripped yourself of your outer layers, and grabbed the pretty kite once again. Mark wasn’t too far behind you, chatting it up with Renjun and Doyoung, who preferred to stay under the shade. Taking your place beside him, you smiled at the other two. 
“You ready, sunshine?”
“We’ll be back!” you called to Renjun and Doyoung, who simply waved you off.
Mark led you to the shoreline, your feet sinking into the damp sand. You bounced up and down as you waited for your next step. As you held onto the kite, Mark unwinded a bit of the line from the kite spool with certainty. “Now, there isn’t enough of a breeze down here for the kite to launch, so you have to make a run for it.”
“That I can do.”
“As soon as you feel like you’re fast enough, let it go and run back to me. I’ll do the rest.” At that moment, Mark sounded so reliable and it made you melt into goo. “Sounds good?”
“Sounds great,” you whispered back, nodding at him before you broke into a run. You felt the tension of the kite line as your speed increased. And when the wind made its way through your strands, you lifted the kite up in the air and let it go. Your eyes followed its every move as it made its way up, up, up high into the sky, the tail of it fluttering so pretty below it. 
Mark called your name, motioning you to come back to him as he angled the kite to fly above the water. In no time, you were back at his side. Wordlessly, he handed you the reel and you held it with two hands. Mark’s toned arms wrapped around you so that your back pressed against his built front. Every little instruction that he whispered to you brushed against a weak spot of your neck, sending the slightest tingle down your spine. At times, his large hands would land on top of your hands to help you control the reel. When no further instruction was needed, Mark didn’t back away. Instead, he just rested his palms on your hips and watched you as you continued to control the kite. 
You flew the kite for the majority of the day, only taking a few breaks to eat or dive in for a quick swim with your friends. The others invited you to play a round of beach volleyball but there was no way you wanted to go against Johnny or Yuta in the sport. That was a losing game and you knew it. Besides, kite flying was more relaxing than chasing after a ball in the sand. 
When the sun began to set and the temperature dropped, it was time to set up the bonfire. When the breeze picked up, Mark handed you his hoodie and insisted that you needed it more than he did. Plus, unbeknownst to you, your best friend always left an extra jacket in the car for you in case you got cold. He took hold of the reel as you slipped it on, smiling ear to ear as you covered yourself in his clothes. Mark liked the sight of you in his hoodie so much, he loosened his grip on the kite and the flimsy item was picked up by the wind. The spool dragged on, leaving a tiny path on the sand, as the kite continued to drift away.
“Oh shit!” He yelled as the two of you chased after it. The kite landed right in the water, floating along with the waves. You laughed at the ridiculous situation, stopping right where the water met the sand, while Mark ran full speed ahead into the ocean.
“Mark, hey! It’s okay!” You yelled but your best friend didn’t listen. “Just leave it!”
Determined to get it back for you, Mark dived right into now freezing water and swam towards the floating item. He fought the cold temperature that was prickling his skin and the seawater that got into his brown eyes as he reached out for the rainbow kite. Once he latched onto the tail, he pulled it towards him, hugged it to his chest, and led himself back to the shore.
You met him as he made his way out of the water, immediately draping his beach towel over his wet shoulders. His teeth chattered as he winced at the breeze that wiggled its way through his wet layers. Feeling him shiver against your side, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders and ran your hand up and down his side. “You idiot, why would you go after it? It’s just a kite. Now you’re gonna get sick.”
Mark tucked his wet mop of hair into your shoulder, lips brushing against the skin of your neck. “Because you love the kite,” he muttered.
“You’re a dummy,��� you whispered back, leaving a little kiss at the top of his head. His free arm circled around your middle, drawing you closer to him. If it was anyone else, you would easily shove them away for dampening your dry clothes. But because it was Mark, you didn’t mind how the cold fabric tickled your skin. It was nothing compared to the way Mark clung to you. “Let’s get you to the fire.”
If Mark Lee was an endless ocean, you would easily dive into his embrace. And much to everyone else’s knowledge but your own, Mark would do the very same. 
If you were a siren, he would heed your dangerous call, no matter the risk. If you were the breeze that pushed the sails, he would go along with the wind. And if you were the bottomless sea, filled with the unknown, Mark Lee would willingly submerge himself into rough waters and dive into you.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. harvest break from work and school means i finally have time to relax and unwind by writing <3 i haven’t released anything mark lee related in a while and thought this would be a good time to drop a mark fic! please let me know what you think. proofread but i may have missed some things!
TAGLIST. @keemburley @johtenrecs @bat-shark-repellant  @bebsky @donutswithjaminthemiddle @suhnnyskhies @baekhyuns-lipchain @emmybyeakitty  @sokkigarden @inlovergirlsworld @iwishiwasthemoontonight @stvrrynight @loeycity @ppangjae @luvenshiti @renjuunsz @ferxanda @jaembby @jenosuh​ @mxrcayong-main​
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NETWORKS. @czennienet @neowritingsnet @ankathi-a 
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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alice-after-dark · 2 months
Okay, this might get me some hate but gonna chitter chat about the writing of the show for a hot second (full disclaimer that overall I very much love this show and am looking forward to the second season)
Sometimes I do feel like people just get highly amused by Vox and his hate boner for Alastor and forget that this guy is a fucking Overlord of Hell. He's not just some pathetic goofball. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE "Stayed Gone," but I do think that it and all his subsequent obsessing over Alastor, while hilarious and entertaining, overshadowed Vox's initial introduction as a scheming, manipulative, dangerous, and corrupt person to the point where the fandom views him as adorable and pathetic when we very clearly see in his introduction that he's not??? He has the public eating out the palm of his hand. He has wealth and power. He even manipulates his own allies. But after "Stayed Gone" happens, we don't see him do anything that isn't about Alastor. I feel like the show tries to recover his character with the meeting between the Vees (which at least does show that he can remain composed when discussing Alastor as the person he has a visceral reaction to is in fact Charlie, not Alastor) and the vitriol he spits at Sir Pentious when he fails to spy on the hotel, but even then, both of these things are ultimately about Alastor and any efforts here are pretty much forgotten with Vox's reactions during the battle with the angels.
The main problem I have with "Stayed Gone" from a narrative perspective (again, love that song and have watched the scene far more than is necessary) is that it directly contradicts the character that he is first presented as. He is literally introduced to us with him manipulating and defusing Valentino effortlessly from going on a rampage at the hotel. He is presented as someone who is obsessed with image and public opinion. Now, I had absolutely nothing wrong with him going off in front of Valentino about Alastor and showing this uncontrolled side of him while he has a borderline tantrum. Valentino is his ally and is clearly aware of his hatred towards Alastor. Having this explosion in private makes sense for the character the show has already established. However, by the end of "Stayed Gone," he is having a full blown meltdown in front of the public. The song starts sinister and foreboding, but it almost immediately devolves into petty insults and jabs from Vox. Now, there's a fair argument to be made that this is meant to show how Alastor gets under Vox's skin like this and utterly destroys his carefully crafted facade and I do fully believe that that's what the song was going for (that and setting up their rivalry). The problem for me comes in the fact that we don't see any of that masterful manipulation of the public that we saw in Vox's introduction. He instead gets played for a joke while Alastor is presented as clever and composed and someone to be feared and this just doesn't sit well with me. We're meant to believe that Vox is, at the very least, someone that Alastor sees as worth an actual response and clapback. If he wasn't, Alastor would have just ignored him or even straight up killed him. It's kind of a Show vs Tell situation. We're basically told that Vox is someone to be worried about but that's not what we're shown. He gets publicly humiliated and beaten by Alastor easily and we're supposed to believe that this guy is a threat? Honestly I would have loved to see them on even ground for most of the song as Vox slowly but surely devolves into losing his shit and Alastor eventually takes the win, showing that Vox is actually a worthy rival for the Radio Demon. There's just...a lot of mixed messages about Vox in season 1.
He's just kind of played for laughs and it's a little disappointing because he actually seems like a potentially fascinating character and I really hope we get to see more of exactly why he is a feared and respected Overlord in season 2 considering he is supposed to be a central character and villain.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 12 days
Disclaimer: before I start, dont attack me for these headcanons. This is just in my AU And made for sake od enjoyment And creativity.
Sorry for tagging y'all again o///o;
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @muppet-fan-real @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sayuri-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r
Heres now finally my class of 3000 characters headcanons!!! =^_^=
1st part: Sunny And his students
Number one, Sunny bridges
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28-29 years old|bisexual|personalities: sassy, laid back, sarcastic, sometimes arrogant, friendly, kind And polite
- Sunny has a very good sense of humor, even tho he can sometimes be extremely sarcastic and he makes very sarcastic jokes
- he is dating cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And they started dating after Sunny "BROKE UP" with Salieri after their first years of westley school, but they didnt really broke up, they just stopped interacting with each other but Salieri then broke up with Sunny for being "dumb" And "naive"
- he sees his students as his own kids he raised, And due to the fact that even lil' D, philly Phil, Madison, Eddie, tamika, kim And kam see him as their dad. And Sunny would never let anything bad happen to them even tho he is just their teacher, but maybe something more than just a teacher... A dad
- the reason why he is named "Sunny", is because he was born when a sunset was going up when he was born (thats just in my AU.)
- he hates, And I mean HATES oranges due to the fact he is allergic to them too. And once Salieri even tried to give him an orange cake, And he just threw it on salieri's face. And whenever someone would offer him an orange or anything with oranges, he would get annoyed
- he wears man heels And sometimes woman heels to look more like a "drag Queen"
- whenever he is with philly Phil, philly Phil is nearly his same height
Number two, lil' D
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12 years old|probably genderfluid 💖🤍💜🖤💙|personalities: confident, friendly, Bright, talented, tenacious when it comes to music, And sometimes sarcastic
- Even though he is a big fan of Sunny, he even sees him as his own dad just like how other six of kids do, And because lil' D never really met his dad
- he sometimes doesnt like cheddar man a.k.a Charles because he constantly calls them "brats" whenever Sunny isnt around, or when Sunny is around but then he just uses an excuse like "im just joking."
- sometimes People can mistake him for a girl And call him by female prounouns, but he sometimes doesnt mind.
- Big D is probably like his uncle, but not completely, its just because they have D at the end of their names.
- he, Madison, tamika, Eddie, kim And kam see philly Phil as their older Brother due to the fact he is older than them And kinda taller than them
Number three, madison
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12 years old|probably pansexual|personalities: optimistic, quirky, goofy, childish friendly, cheerful but even sensitive, naive and sometimes whiny
- she likes all the colors, but Purple is her favorite color, especially anything that has Purple color on it
- she can sometimes be whiny whenever she doesnt get what she wants, And she gets very sensitive when someone bullies her, ESPECIALLY tamika
- she sees cheddar man a.k.a Charles as her other dad just like how she, lil' D, philly Phil, Eddie, tamika, kim And kam see Sunny as their dad. But she sometimes cries when Charles is rude to them or calls them "brats"
- she likes eating Strawberry shortcake (the desert), And she likes anything with strawberries And even raspberries
- Nearly everyone call her "the flower child" or "optimistic lavender girl" but in a Nice And friendly way since she is an "flower child" And because she LOVES lavenders
- she likes any kind of jewerly, dresses And even hairstyles
- she sometimes has a crush on tamika even tho tamika often bullies her And teases her
Number four, Philly Phil
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13 years old|pansexual|personalities: briliant, clever, an oddball, friendly but even sometimes arrogant, sarcastic And sometimes easily annoyed
- philly Phil is the oldest And tallest one in music class of westley school, And he is nearly Sunny's height even tho he is literally 176 cm tall And Sunny is 183 cm tall.
- other kids in music class of westley see philly Phil as their cool, oddball And briliant big Brother, but he doesnt really mind
- he is allergic to red ants, And he gets disgusted by them
- he has a crush on both kim And Eddie, And he doesnt really wanna admit it because he sometimes gets nervous about what would others say, even sunny
- he dislikes cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And he calls him a "cheddar jerk" when he And Sunny arent around
- its Unknown why he has braces, but I gave him braces because thats kind of my thing to give nerdy And oddball characters braces, but philly Phil doesnt have an overbite like Brooklyn Bill
- he is an chocoholic, And he likes anything made out of chocolate, And he sometimes doesnt like being an chocoholic (but he doesnt eat too much chocolate but he still sure is quite addicted to it)
- he has two cuddly plush toys just like on the Show, called 'mr giraffe' And 'mr raccoon' And he sometimes gets embarassed if some of his friends would see it, because he wants to look mature for his friends And Sunny, but they actually wouldnt judge him for it
- he is even autophobic (fear of being alone), but he sometimes likes being alone but not completely
Number five, tamika And number six, Eddie
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First tamika
12-13 years old|bisexual|personalities: stubborn, rude, arrogant, sarcastic, sassy And tough
- tamika is probably the second oldest along with philly Phil And she is nearly as tall as him, but philly Phil is still the oldest one because tamika is Younger than him a few months
- she is considered as "the toughest girl in school", And some students are afraid of her, but not really her friends, sometimes Madison can be scared of her but mostly liking her too
- she likes the color cyan and blue just like how cheddar man a.k.a Charles does
- she sometimes really hates cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And whenever he is rude to them, she protects her friends, And sometimes slaps him or punches him right in the gut or on the lips
- even tho she has slight longer nails, she still plays the harp
- she is with Eddie And she often teases him And flirts with them, even gives him kisses on the cheek
Second Eddie,
12-13 years old|bisexual|personalities: greedy, sassy, Nice, friendly, polite but even spoiled, sometimes arrogant, sarcastic
- Eddie can sometimes brag about being rich And spoiled, but not always just to not annoy others
- he madly has a HUGE crush on tamika, but he is even in a relationship with her
- Eddie knows philly Phil has a crush on him, And he gets flattered by it And he sometimes teases him, leaving tamika to feel suspicious And jealous
- he often calls others "dear" or "Sweetheart" for sassiness And that stuff
- he has five pets. A poodle named "Maya", two persian cats named "Michi" And "Rose", a big parrot named "Rodrigo" And an pet horse named "Gus"
Number seven, Kim And number eight, Kam
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First Kim,
11 years old|still questioning her sexuality|personalities: Nice, friendly, sweet, cheery And sometimes tomboyish and sarcastic
- Kim has a great sense in Fashion just like Madison, And she finds any Fashion And hairstyles beautiful
- she sleeps with a stuffed toy Rabbit because she is scared of the Dark And doesnt like being in any Dark places
- just like on the original Show, she often fights And argues with kam, even tho Kam starts it first, And she hates when her twin Brother Kam brags about being the smartest kid in class And even school
- she And kam are the youngest in class, but kim is the shortest one in class, only her twin Brother being a few inches taller than her
Second Kam,
11-12 years old (presumably 12 years old)|still questioning his sexuality|personalities: smart, inteligent, most mature, sarcastic And arrogant
- Kam is usually the one to start the fights And arguments between him And Kam
- he always calls himself "the most mature" in the class, And he gets easily annoyed when someone ignores him or when his friends do something Stupid or childish
- Kam sometimes tries to make his sister Kim not do dangerous things just to keep her safe, And that makes her be annoyed by him
- he and Kim can sometimes speak their national Language, And others sometimes dont understand them
And also, i'll always make small or medium posts with more of the characters' infos because I'm still thinking about more info for them. Not only Sunny And his students' headcanons/infos, but even other characters' too
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bbokkie · 2 years
For The First Time
Scenario: You're rambling something to your boyfriend, you soon worry about being too annoying since he hasn't said anything to you whilst you chattered. You looked at him, only to be met with loving eyes and a love-struck smile. >_o
"It's just like seeing her for the first time again.."
Characters Included: Chamber, Yoru, Phoenix
Disclaimer: This will be in a Headcannon with Oneshot type of form
(hi schnookies i tots forgot u guys haven't eaten anything for the past month sowwy, here's expired food for u<3)
Song: For The First Time - Mac Demarco
Chamber - Vincent Fabron
- Chamber really likes when you ramble, I know this man can go on and on about something-- his looks, or his guns so he loves seeing his loved one ramble on about something because for one, he loves hearing your voice and two he gets to stare at you while all kinds of emotions appear on your face that he oh so loves.
You both sat down on a chair while you told him about your day, the mission you had was crazy, almost life threatening which made the story much more fun to narrate and interpretate.
For the first few minutes into your story, Chamber responded well with jokes and laughter, everything went well! After a few more minutes, you never really noticed him not responding back until you paused to drink water. You realized that you might've been annoying him, with worry in your system you looked at your boyfriend.
Your eyes met with his, his cheek resting on his hand while his eyes deemed soft and warm, his lips curved into a soft yet telling smile, eyebrows softened. Looking at him, your heart ached! You looked at him with a gaping mouth as your cheeks flushed with red.
"What's wrong, mon cheri?" He asked, slightly worried. You closed your mouth as you shook your head. He laughed. "Don't let this face ruin your beautiful storytelling." He said softly. "Trust me, I'm listening with full intent! It's just that the storyteller is such a sight for sore eyes." He chuckled. You looked away with a bright red face. The man laughs again.
"Pardon, do continue. Also, turn your face back to me, I really like looking at something while listening."
Yoru - Ryo Kiritani
- He convinces himself that he doesn't like listening to anything, or anyone to be exact. He hates having to just sit down and listen, ew.
- But.. he adores your voice, he hates listening but you, you were an exception. He could listen to you anytime. Even he's wounded and you're scolding him, he wouldn't be pissed off or annoyed, he'd just be happy he lived to hear you.
It's lunch time, the two of you got your food and sat down in the empty cafeteria.
Sitting down, you then started small conversation. "How was your day?" You asked. "Shouldn't you know already, you've been following me around all day." He said with rolled eyes. "Okay? If I don't follow you, you'd think I'm dead or in a white van." You fired back. He sighed in defeat, or cockyness.
He then asked how your mission was yesterday, he heard from Raze that your mission yesterday was funny and lighthearted unlike most missions.
When he asked you that your eyes widened and sparkles replaced your pupils. It's not everyday your boyfriend asks you about your day. With a skip of a heartbeat you explained the details of your day.
Of course, usually after 4 sentences or so you shove a spoonful of food into your mouth, saying words with a full mouth while making hand gestures only to swallow the food and repeat what you said.
In Yoru's pov, he drifted into his thoughts mid story. Whilst staring at you, he remembered when he fell for you. It was just as simple as a stare when he knew he fell. Before he knew it, his heart ached. It quickened and it started hurting, in that moment he realized something, he was irreparably in love with you.
You realized that your boyfriend hasn't said a word about your story. You stopped for a moment. You though to yourself, "That bitch definitely teleported away to fuck with me."
You looked beside you only to be met with your boyfriend with his chin on the table with a goofy smile and soft eyes. Within seconds, he realized you were looking at him and his back immediately straightened and his cheeks flooded red. You two sat there in silence. He held his hands out before teleporting away.
It took you a few seconds but you bursted into cackling laughter. That shit was so loud, wherever Yoru teleported to he heard it and his ears BURNED.
Phoenix - Jamie Adayemi
- Bro LOVES conversation with you. He'd literally do anything for you to even engage with him even though you two are dating. Honestly, he sometimes forgets you two are dating, even to this day he's still a little shy around you, and does over the top things to hopefully impress you. And every time you two start conversation, he's always lost into something, you.
The two of you sat on a patch of grass, you two were having a little cute picnic date! He first asked how your day went, a simple conversation starter. Without much thought and with a clap of your hands you started rambling about your day.
- I would like to think when Phoenix gradually loses his focus on a conversation he begins to drop from full blown sentences as replies to bland and hopeless "Mhm's"
You continued to talk about your day when you slowly realized that his replies were all sloppy and almost tired "Mhm's". Concern and worry filled your body so you decided to check up on him.
You looked to your side only to see him lying down on his stomach, two palms out and his chin in the middle, eyes soft and filled with love and a goofy, wide smile. You giggled at the sight. Phoenix quickly realized his girly ass action and straightened before laughing with you. "Do I have that much an impact on you?" You laughed.
"Yeah, you've got a pretty face and voice. How could I not be distracted?"
(nahh u got phoenix giggling and kicking his feet 🫶🫶 anyways girlie pops and slaybossers i hope u enjoyed ur monthly BANGERR!!! MAKE SURE TO SMASHGHH THAT LIKE BUTTON AND DESTROY THST GODDSMN SUBSCRIBE BUTTON SO I CAN PAY MY MORTGAGE !!)
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pancreasman · 11 months
Camp Camp S5E1 opinions (spoilers)
I just watched the new episode of Camp Camp and nobody cares but here's what I have to say, first:
(this is your disclaimer to please watch the new episode LEGALLY and in a way that supports the creators. Even if that means blocking spoilers for a bit so you can watch it for free when it's available. It's a small team, and they deserve all the support they can get because making cartoons is hard!)
All this is my opinion, if you disagree, let me know! I genuinely want to discuss it. If you agree with me, then feel free to vent along with me and we can be excited or dissapointed together. The show qualifies as art and is open to criticism. Also WARNING: SPOILERS FOR THE NEW SEASON PREMIERE OF CAMP CAMP!
Ok with all that garbage out of the way, here's what I have to say:
• Max’s new voice is pretty good. I got used to it pretty quick. Props to the VA!
• Dolph’s new design is cute. I totally understand why they changed it and the redesign is good.
•I think the idea of the whole camp hating the trio is funny and I kind of wish they made it real even though it went against the point of the episode kind of.
• The part where the trio is shaming Preston and they all move in sync was the one part that made me laugh. I love when they're all being goofy together.
• I liked the idea with the circle in the dirt at first because I thought it was just Max’s way of illustrating a point and I thought it was cute how he included his friends. Started as a nice moment
• Nurf lovingly flipping them off was funny.
• my gwenvid heart was soaring. They were very cute and I wish we got a more overt gwenvid moment as a send-off. Like, it doesn't have to be made canon and can stay subtle but something for the fans would have been nice.
• Gwen’s new voice did a good job. Slightly different vibe to her but it wasn't bad at all. I liked it. It was an interesting change and I didn't mind at all.
• The scene with Max and David’s hike was beautiful and the best part of the episode by far. They're both so in character, they are well-written and their dynamic is so sweet, and the message rings true. It was a nice moment and something I think Max needed to hear.
• “somebody. Fucking. Has to.” GUYS WHEN I TELL YOU I FJGKRNGKRHDNR WHAT A CALLBACK. I wish they made David’s reaction a little longer and made it more of a moment because I nearly missed it at first but once I heard it I got so excited. Really, Max’s whole pep talk in that moment is very good.
• The camera is such a thoughtful and fitting gift for Max because he's struggling with letting go of camp, and the fact he uses it himself too makes it all the more sweet.
• My lil Makki heart jumped when Max came back and Nikki shouts his name. It was sweet, the excitement and joy in her voice. I forgot it was meant to be a joke at first honestly it was so sincere.
• the animation was great! I loved the facial animations, especially on David and Nikki. Idk why those two had such good expressions but I'm not complaining.
• the trio. They're such besties. I'm love them.
• Honestly the fight cloud with Nikki and Neil was fun idk why I liked watching them wrastle. Children fighting is amusing.
• I'm glad Gwen finally got recognized for her talent. It’s a running theme throughout the show that Gwen is more talented and capable than she lets on and this was a fine way to end it. Good for her.
• opening narration was unnecessary
• wish they introduced Dolph’s new look more organically. It deserves to be it’s own moment.
• why can't Nikki write? She's 9 not 4. She was never stupid.
• plot is all over the place. It's like two or three episodes smashed into one and there's not enough extra time for any of them. It lacks focus. If it were up to me I would have cut out the first half with the social media app and the trio trying to get people to like them. It felt like filler.
• it's just not very funny. There was maybe one joke that made me laugh. And not even hard. Camp Camp is usually pretty funny to me so I don't get what happened. The comedy is all so slow despite the plot being so crammed so I wonder if the delivery was faster if we would have more time for plot. Anyway, they just lacked any sort of setup or punchline. Just nothing jokes.
• Why does Max go along with trying not to be bossy? He clearly didn't care before and the way it's written it isn't implied he's doing it for his friends. It's like he suddenly did care about being liked out of nowhere. I think it would have been funny and made more sense if maybe Nikki or Neil made him play along, like Nikki bit him until he stopped.
• the circle thing. It was a cute idea at first because I thought Max was just making some kind of metaphor, and I thought that it was cute. I wish they kept it like that and just made it a sweet moment of Max expressing his devotion to his friends in his own way but instead they stay in the circle and are just unfunny for a few minutes and then Nikki says they ran away?? Like first of all why are you running away and also no, you didn't run away because you're still at camp. WHY ARE THEY IN THE CIRCLE IT DOES NOTHING FOR THE PLOT AND MAKES NO SENSE?
• Is it just me or do they keep playing sad music like... A lot? It just keeps popping up every other scene and at some point it just became funny to me. It's so badly paced out lol
• I mentioned Max’s pep talk was good and it was but also I wish that it was in a better written context. Like, I think it would have been a better end to the cliff scene instead of a way to motivate David to... fight a robot cause... He thinks he can't... Because reasons? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense and I think that it's supposed to connect but it really doesn't.
• Too much Preston. Never liked Preston never will. Why did he talk so much.
• the running gag of everyone being like “oooookay” when the trio assumes they hate them is just... So unfunny omg
• This episode suffers from season 4 syndrome, which was a characteristic of season 4 that I heavily disliked where they sacrifice the outrageous personalities of the characters to have them sit around and discuss life lessons that aren't even that profound to begin with. It's boring, unnatural, and uncharacteristic. At least make it funny. I don't want to see them sit on the ground and calmly discuss basic friendship lessons like I KNOW THAT NOW PLEASE DO SOMETHING INTERESTING.
• I wish David and Max got a better goodbye. I kind of liked David’s line of “That's good enough for me.” but I wish they expanded on it. Maybe have Max struggle to be sincere and make it more obvious that he's trying to act tough and David still sees through it. So he's like “I get that's you're struggling to be sincere so ill take what I can get because I appreciate the effort.”
Overall, it was kind of a mixed bag. It had some very VERY good moments and a lot of good ideas, but I think it was messy and didn't use it's time well, as well as not taking advantage of a lot of potential jokes. I understand that they likely had limitations but they tried to tackle too much with one episode. If I were to change anything I would cut the first half and work on giving the characters a more clear and smooth arc from beginning to end. Pick a focus and stick to it! Still, I'm excited to see where this will go!
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