#directed at the anon i'm not answering
outtoshatter · 1 month
i'm sorry anon i am not going to do that. i just...am not going to feed the trolls lmao. I get that people are being dicks, right, but also like, I just...don't care about them or their opinions so I'm just not going to engage
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rongzhi · 1 year
What are some censorship rules that you feel you could most comfortably poke fun at without feeling like you could get in some kind of trouble or ending up on some watchlist for doing?
I guess the FOSTA/SESTA censorship law is a pretty miserable piece of legislation that has had a net negative impact on society since day 1. If I could find something funny about it, I'd definitely go for that one.
Although, you can make fun of it directly without being put on some watchlist, though keep in mind this is the law that laid groundwork for online surveillance/suppression of sex workers, and is basically the blueprint for some anti-abortion legislation proposals that would make it illegal to discuss obtaining abortions online. so if some people have their way, someday you COULD get put on a list for giving tips and info online to those seeking abortions. but i digress.
#yes i know anon was prob asking about china but i don't have an answer to that as i'm not at risk of ending up on any chinese watchlists#and i don't have a direct line to the NRTA to find out what gets you on any watchlists anyway,surprise surprise#You probably wouldn't get put on a list anyway#you'd probably just get perma banned from whatever platform you were posting on if you kept breaking their rules about what you can mention#the most basic of censorship rules for most sites i don't think anyone would have a problem with anyway bc most ppl in china agree w them#[these rules usually include no nazi flags or imperial japanese (rising sun) flag depictions, adhering to 1 china policy in discussions#not spreading superstition#or promoting belief in the superstitious]#I see netizens openly complain about topics being suppressed from search trends all the time it's probably (i'm guessing) not as sensitive#as you think#like you'd have to really be causing a scene to get taken note of#anyway sometimes i get what are essentially like. idk. essay prompts. in my inbox#and i just need you all to know i'm dumb as bricks and i don't keep up with international politics in any significant way#answered ask#text#...I guess to actually answer the question I think you could probably make fun of censorship of ghosts and witches a lot#the film censor bureau really shoots itself in the foot with the censorship laws. the chinese film horror genre is a fucking joke#and i see chinese netizens complaining that the domestic movie censorship has gone too far all the time#It's really a shame bc it's stifling some great story telling and everyone knows it
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fumiko-matsubara · 11 months
Heyy — I absolutely LOVE your art!! I’m kinda sad that there is not enough Rio Nakamura fanart in the Internet but you saved me. Are you willing to draw her again? Maybe with karma ? And I always thought about Shuu x Rio what is your opinion on that?
OH THANK YOU!! I draw Nakamura fairly often enough, usually when I'm on the verge of suffering from art block. She's fun and easy to draw and to think about. So, don't worry ❤💕
I might draw her with Karma too. The two hazards to mankind is a dynamic I've definitely thought about time and time again. Let's see if I'll find myself in the mood to draw them in the future 🤔
And about GakuRio... um
I'm sorry. I'm sure you'd want to know what my genuine thoughts about them are but I really just cant.
Nakamura being a sapphic bi who's only into feminine men (Nagisa) and all women is a semi-canon headcanon that is deeply ingrained in my brain, that the mere thought of her being with any guy outside that very specific category is something I just couldn't take seriously 😭
Not that I have anything against people who do ship her with other guys, that is. Y'all do you and I respect that. I'm just not willing to get anywhere near that lane.
It's just that this tweet has done serious damage to my brain and I can't go back 😭
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Even with Chiba, despite the amount of Bakamura content I've posted over the years, my body just fully rejects the mere idea of viewing the way I write out their dynamic in a romantic lense 😭 There were like two instances when I drew them in a romance shoujo-manga manner and you easily can tell how UNSERIOUS I am with them lmao
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
hi !! i was curious abt whether u have any om! reading recs? :0
ahh very sorry, but i don't do much fic-reading these days, especially for obey me ^^; maybe someone else can chime in?
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licncourt · 7 months
For me, I don’t think any of those things about Lestat are accurate unless you ignore a pretty large amount of content from the books BUT I don’t really give a shit your writing is so good it doesn’t really matter how you write Lestat, fan fiction is by definition not canon you can do whatever you want with it
I understand that perspective, definitely! That's totally valid, especially with Certain Things in mind. There's a reason I NEVER write anything set in 90s or 00s canon, I hate that version of Lestat and I think it was the wrong move for his established character. I feel like my Lestat makes the most sense in context of just the trilogy or post-PL when we're way farther removed from the worst of his bullshit. It wouldn't work at all in, for example, TotBT era.
That's actually very sweet though, I'm glad you like my writing! Fan interpretations are always going to vary, especially when the piece of media it's based on is so large and inconsistent. This is just mine.
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This is more ridiculous than Taylor Swift dating a million different men throughout her thirty-four years of life. You're telling me that Harry has had around 15 relationships/flings in his lifetime thus far, and yet this man, who talks about his favorite thing in a relationship being when you've been together so long that you become like a team, who talks about wanting marriage and kids, who sings "you've got my devotion, but, man, I can hate you sometimes," can only make a relationship last about a year before breaking it off?
The longest relationship he's officially had was two years with Olivia Wilde.
You cannot convince me this man can't make a long-term relationship work. It just doesn't make any sense.
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shyspider · 9 months
i hope its not rude to ask, and no pressure, take all the time you need, but will my favoritest soft fic be posted when you come back from hiatus
Not rude. I'm okay with readers checking up on the status of their favorite fics.
I'm going to say Yes. You will see updates when I come back from hiatus.
I have one more month to finish the spring arc for The Season of the Smallest Stars. I have finished the drafts of 7 additional chapters, and am in the middle of rewriting and expanding. Two are already done, leaving me with 5 to complete before my deadline.
You'll get your soft farm life with our little roomies.
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leofrith · 1 year
I saw that a lot of people hated the latest Mando episode but I'm not sure why? It didn't seem to contribute much to the story, like I'm unsure how it developed the characters or relationships, but I wasn't thinking "man this is terrible"
i mean. i think you pretty well answered your own question since the whole point of a show, a movie, a book, whatever is to tell a story of some kind. even episodes that qualify as "filler" will contribute to the story in some way, even if it's not in service of the Big Main Plot. whether in terms of character development or the development of relationships between said characters, filler episodes do serve a purpose, just not in a show that has 8 episode seasons that range anywhere from only 33 minutes to an hour, in which there has been more time and attention paid to meaningless action set pieces than, i dunno, actually developing the characters in any way?
and i disagree with you in saying that this episode didn't contribute anything to the story because it did! din has now given the darksaber to bo-katan! something that was previously established as being impossible because it must be won in battle! but hey, here's a stupid loophole we just came up with to justify wrapping up the "din as a reluctant leader" plot line in the most boring fucking way possible (also, we basically lifted it from rebels. sorry!! we don't do originality here).
honestly, it's really not just about this last episode. this episode was fucking bad, but for me it's just the final straw after a season (more like two, because s2 as a whole wasn't this bad imo but it still wasn't much to write home about either) of mostly awful, incoherent writing. it was 45 minutes of shiny colours and celebrity cameos that felt made to distract viewers from the fact that they have no fucking idea what they're doing with this show (and they have explicitly confirmed that they don't).
pretty well every remaining plot thread from last season has now been resolved in the most boring, narratively incoherent ways possible. din and grogu are separated? let's reunite them on a totally different show between seasons instead of actually exploring how their time apart affects them in any way that is remotely interesting!! gideon has been arrested by the new republic? no!! he actually escaped off screen almost immediately and who knows when we'll actually address that!! din has the darksaber but doesn't want it and bo-katan does want the darksaber but refuses to take it? we've just made up this insane loophole about how bo-katan saved din which means the darksaber should be hers, rather than exploring any of din's internal conflict as a leader or his external conflict with bo-katan over that title. etc etc.
they're even dragging out things that have already been resolved!! like din's dislike of droids, which was ostensibly resolved at the end of season one when ig-11 saved his life, but for some reason came back even stronger than we've ever really seen it in this episode. and for what? the comedic value of watching him kick droids and drop zingers such as "you had me at battle droids"? this show is incapable of resolving any of its plot lines in a satisfying way and is now retreading things that have already been addressed. and they're doing it with a $15 million per episode budget. there are people who are starving, jon.
i'm not even going to get into how shitty the politics of the show are because other people have already articulated that in ways far better than i am capable of, and i also really don't expect amazing political commentary from star wars to begin with. but they apparently can't even manage the low, low expectation of "show that tells a coherent story" for fuck's sake. because the whole show is just a product placement for toys and merch and other star wars shows. so i don't know what i expected.
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kaeyx · 4 months
I don't mean it badly but I sent two asks about four days ago and I'm wondering if you're planning on answering to older asks later? I'm just confused since you're answering to new asks especially from like the same three anons so I'm just curious if that means that older asks won't be answered? I hope to God this doesn't sound mean or entitled or something I'm just genuinely curious 🥲
No it doesn't sound entitled at all, and bar any deleted asks (usually very short ones with no substance because I don't want to clog dashes OR ones that break limits) I'll get around to answering eventually. I answer the ones at the top bc they're the ones I see first and have more fresh in my mind, and generally get to the ones I'm excited about first. When there's less asks and I have some downtime I try to get to older ones that might be longer/not about my faves, but please keep in mind I post 25-40 times a day as is!
(As a sidenote, I'm not going to be responding to asks about "did you post X?" or "where is X ask I sent in?" I understand you don't mean it maliciously and it doesn't make me mad at all, but they end up clogging the askbox and I'm going to have the same response every time.)
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moonelnone · 1 year
D-do people poach Ace and Luffy???? Do they try to scare Sabo????
Ok so like, you understand the original au right? A friend of mine suggested an evil organization in this au like most pokemon stories, but it kind of started going downhill wherein we started talking about the organization cutting down the forest the trio lived in and essentially finding Sabo and taking him away after being labelled as missing and awarding whoever found him. While Sabo gets taken away, the forest pokemon are unfortunately either driven out their homes or killed by the result of deforestation. Ace and Luffy are of course affected by this and it kind of leads down a rabbit hole where we discussed a scenario they both become heavily injured and Luffy just dies due to being weaker and Ace responds to it by turning into a Hisuian Zoroark out of grief and anger. Luffy eventually comes back as a Hisuian Zorua and calms Ace down and they just spend their lives in the now desolate place they call home and wait for Sabo to come back. Sabo does indeed come back, but it's been years and he's an adult now.
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saphushia · 1 year
Hi is your tumblr bot pic free to use? I want to use it for my pinned bio and I will make sure to credit!
I’m sorry if this was sent multiple times possibly, the app keeps crashing in the middle of me trying to submit an ask
yeah go ahead. gonna be honest i made it in like 15 minutes and i was really not expecting it to get <checks post> 22k notes. at this point i'd rather it get reposted by every user on this site if that would make my notifications usable lmao
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
I feel so chilled now that the theories are not about Tarlos anymore 😂 No more stressing out over promos and stills 🎉
Mateo having feelings for someone else that’s not Nancy? Ooohhh juicy
Maybe it’s a trick promo and it’s not about mateo? Oh okay~
What if it’s about Marjan? How about no but lol okay
Tarlos sitting behind Nancy while Nancy was saying that? Nancy be careful of that eavesdropping gossipy couple behind you
Tarlos themselves probably are relieved af too 😂
“wow carlos a drama that’s not about us! 👀”
“Can’t believe we are both here as just visitors!” (But imagine being the nurse there and seeing TK strand walk in for the billionth time and him busily assuring you that it’s not about him or his fiancé this time round 😂
"No more stressing out over promos and stills" 🎉
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slkjnwe'wfkn why the hell is Marjan putting in her notice?? What is the "institution" she runs into that changes her perspective? Why is she missing from that hospital lobby scene? what happened to her?? DOES THE 126 HAVE AN ENTIRE HOSPITAL WING DEDICATED TO TREATING THEM?? Who the fuck is Nancy talking about in that video? who is she talking TO? Is it Mateo? is it PAUL? are we getting Paul/Marjan??? but if we are then who the fuck is Paul supposedly meeting this season??
I am full of questions, zero answers. and I. am. stress.
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spkyscry · 6 months
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I got an ask in my inbox about it, so I'll say it here: After some bad experiences, I'll probably have anon turned off for at least a good bit.
Had some dicey interactions on other blogs so it's for the best to leave that privilege on the backburner for now. Sorry to anyone affected that's not an issue, but it's for my comfort at present.
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
congrats on 8k! also WHAT???
I like tossing some spider references into my poasts sometimes, gotta live up to my url
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please share the thoughts
agatha being this carefree and curious witch who explores magic for fun but once you show her the darkhold it twists that curiosity into an obsession with power that grows stronger every night you meet her 😵‍💫
also, demonstrating certain spells on her and in turn allowing her to practice them on you 😏🤤
Let me know if you want the alternative thoughts I had that were sparked by your ask as well! ❤️
Warnings: contains minor smut, mentions/allusion of abuse
You realizing how vulnerable Agatha is when she one day shows up sobbing on your doorstep about not being good enough.
"maybe you're just not being allowed to practice the right sort of witchcraft"
Poisoning her against her mother, slowly and carefully.
It shouldn't be very hard, but Evanora (quite literally as you eventually learn) had beaten Agatha into submission, doing her best to mold Agatha into who she thinks her daughter ought to be.
Agatha thrives off of learning dark magic
It calls to her in a way other witchcraft hasn't
She also has a budding crush on you
At first she thought it was the new form of witchcraft, that it just simply makes one feel like they're on fire and desperate to be touched
Turns out, it's just you
She figures it out when she finally gets brave enough to practice dark magic alone
After realizing this, she becomes an adorable mess for you, constantly tripping over her words and feet, blushing whenever you brush against her
She's not very subtle, you pick up on it fairly easily
So you find an excuse to 'help' position her, and you can hear how her breath catches as your front brushes up against her back
"you know, you just had to ask for me to touch you like this, you don't need to pretend to need help getting your body into the right position"
Agatha is stuttering trying to deny it, but when you give her neck an open mouthed kiss her own moan cuts her off
"there are some spells we haven't talked about, I didn't think you'd be interested, but now..."
"what spells?"
"pleasurable ones"
Agatha asks you to demonstrate, she doesn't quite believe you
You predict her needs and tell her to hold onto your shoulders, turning her around, before flicking a hand
Agatha's knees buckle as you magically stimulate her, her mouth opening wide in a big 'o'
She's always been innocent in most other things before, like magic and her understanding of the world, and this is just one more thing you take and claim for yourself, guiding Agatha forward on the dark path you've set for the two of you to share
You don't let up the spell until her eyes roll up and she collapses
She awakens in your bed, surrounded by the scent of you
She realizes it's because you're holding her against your chest, lightly dozing
She gently shakes you awake
"can I do that to you"
You smile at her, before asking her if she wouldn't rather undress you first
Agatha's eyes are big and round and so full of want and lust
They're pits ringed with ocean blue
You direct her to leave bruises and hickies as she slowly rids you of your clothes
"don't be scared of hurting me. I want you to mark me"
She gets rough fast, and surprises you by biting sharply into your skin, hard enough to draw blood
When she realizes she rushes to apologize but stops when you let out an unrestrained moan
Needless to say practicing dark magic quickly falls to the wayside for a few weeks while you learn each other's bodies and how to being the other the most amount of pleasure possible
You start to incorporate teaching her dark magic into it once you realized how hooked she is
"you're really just a slut, aren't you" you'd laugh, teasing as Agatha desperately whines "so willing to do anything I say as long as you get to have my fingers or tongue buried in you"
One day Agatha comes storming in, furious and angry
"someone's having a bad day"
"shut up"
You raise a brow. "Is that how you speak to me?"
"I said shut up"
You appraise her before you find the answer you're looking for
You get on your knees
Agatha is startled
"I- what?"
"you need to blow off some steam." You explain. "And to feel like you can control something. So use me. Tell me what to do, and I'll listen. I'll be your perfect fuckdoll."
Agatha doesn't want to admit how wet that makes her, but goddess is she dripping
"unless of course you want to continue to give up contr-"
You're cut off by Agatha squeezing your cheeks painfully, jerking your head up to meet her gaze.
"I thought I told you to shut up, bitch"
You're unbearably turned on by the dark look in her eyes
You do your best to nod, and Agatha smiles sharply as she lets go of you
It won't always be like this, you won't always let Agatha be in charge, but if it'll help further push her to become the darkest possible version of herself that you could see? You'd gladly pay any price as long as she stayed yours.
When she's brutally fucking into you with three of her fingers, it happens. Your magics connect on an intimate level, and you both peak at the exact same split second as Agatha's magic feeds off of yours, utter ecstasy coursing through the two of you
"more" Agatha gasps once she's able to draw breath into her lungs. "I need more."
She craves the dark magic now, can feel how powerful it is as it courses through her
"feed off of the darkhold" is what you say. Magic like that is so saturated in darkness that if Agatha were to do it she'd never be able to turn away from the dark magic
She'd also never be able to turn away from you, from the high your once pure magic can give her that the book can't, something you ensured by carefully ensuring there will always be a part of your magic that goes whole and untouched
It's not any wonder to you when the next month Agatha stumbles into your room in the middle of the night, babbling about how she accidentally killed her entire coven, how her mother's corpse now lays rotting in the middle of the forest
You guide her to lay down, and she doesn't realize what you're doing until you thrust into her, having fashioned a strap on out of magic, and she can't help the way she moans, how her eyes roll as you manage to somehow stroke that spot deep inside her
"you might not want to admit it" you whisper against her lips "but you're dripping wet. I'm willing to bet it's because murdering people turns you on"
And Agatha hates how right you are, hates that she realized how arousing it was to consume not just another's magic, but their life magic, hates how close she is from it all
She cries as she comes undone around you, she cries as she begs you to continue to make her body feel good, cries as she thinks about how she doesn't regret the deaths, but regrets her lack of ability to be good
She cries as she wishes she had more witches to feed on, cries because she wants the power so badly it hurts, and cries as she asks you to infuse her blood into the darkhold so she can fill the void that now sings inside her, demanding to be fed
You kiss every tear away, whispering reassurances and promises and
"use it. Use their deaths as a sacrifice to the god Chthon and ask that he bless you with more power"
After that, Agatha is no long quite human. But neither are you, as she had insisted the both of you be blessed, since you're the one to have helped her, the only person to love her as she is, and not as who you wanted her to be (what Agatha doesn't know won't hurt her)
And the death of an entire coven, one that Agatha was bound to by blood? A worthy sacrifice indeed.
Agatha is insatiable after that, constantly needing you, and you find yourself absolutely loving how desperate she is, how it gives you a thrill every time you remember how innocent she once was and how it was your guiding hand that corrupted her into a creature of your own doing
"you're perfect" youll tell her
"and you, my love, are without flaw" she'll purr back
And there is not a single person able to convince either of you otherwise
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lunasilvis · 10 months
Hello, if we know each other in person (or have talked before), could you be so kind to state your stuff to me under your own name? Asking you once more. Not only does the anonymous-option make you look hella passive-aggressive, I think it's just the most reasonable, fairest thing to do. Picture roles reversed. Ok, thank u and have a good day :)
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