#dinosquad headcanons
dinosquad-central · 10 months
Okay, longer post about a headcanon that is completely integral to my enjoyment of Dino Squad. (Largely copy/pasted from my rant on the Discord server)
I think Caruso might actually be very smart. Genuinely, classically, academically smart.
I know that sounds like a crackpot theory, but hear me out!
He's in the same science class as Rodger (the guy who's explicitly stated to be the smartest kid in school), as well as Fiona (who's also clearly very intelligent), Buzz (maybe not top marks, but since it appears to be a biology class, and Buzz is especially interested in animals it makes sense he'd be in a more advanced bio-class). Max may not be a genius, but most schools require members of the school sports teams to maintain a certain GPA, and he’s on the football team, so he can't be a complete idiot either.
And Caruso is in the same class as them and therefore it's implied that he's at the same level as them in that subject! Because of this, and the fact that the classroom is a lecture hall and not a regular classroom, I also headcanon that it's an AP bio class, or at least honors.
Plus! When Caruso told his parents he was dinosaur, their one insistence was that he not neglect his studies meaning A) his family cares about his education and B) he probably gets at least relatively good grades already.
AND! It's shown in the show that Caruso regularly and *easily* manipulates his friends into doing his homework for him (episode: “who let the dog out”). He also manipulated others during the show, including a TV producer or show host, I can’t remember which (episode: “Zoom in on Zoom” I think). You can't be that deliberately manipulative and a complete idiot like Caruso appears to be.
ALSO Caruso has a line of beauty products which he both invented, and markets/sells himself (episode: “Scents and Scents Ability”), meaning he must also have a small company/business that he personally runs, and the quality of his products are good enough to have a whole spa treatment devoted exclusively to them, which is named after him/his product, meaning the products themselves must be well known and trusted enough to attract customers. This demonstrates that Caruso has some level of skill with chemistry and botany (iirc he made herbal moisturizers but it's been a while, so that detail may be wrong). In addition to that he must have a good sense for business, finance, and marketing.
But wait! There's more! When they were trapped in a cage with seemingly no way out, it was Caruso who came up with the plan to use misdirection and social engineering to trick Veloci into not only letting them go, but also donating a sizeable amount to a local charity as hush money (episode: who let the dog out”). It wasn’t genius Rodger, or leader Max, or competent female character Fiona, it was Caruso, “the dumb one”. This indicates that he can also think on his feet and come up with quick solutions to difficult problems.
Furthermore! A lot of highly intelligent people learn to act like they're stupid because when people know how smart you are, they have high expectations of you, and that's stressful to the point of traumatizing sometimes. There's also an interesting type of stigma around intelligence where people tend to think you're pompous or unapproachable when you're highly intelligent and become intimidated or resentful, which, since Caruso highly values his popularity, would be extremely distasteful to him. Given his fixation with fame and popularity, I don't think it's a stretch at all to think he'd dumb himself down, even around his friends, to avoid that stigma.
So yeah, there you have it. That’s all the reasons (that’s I can think of at the moment, anyway) why I believe Caruso is a big fat liar pretending to be an idiot so he doesn’t have to be responsible for anything. I hope I’ve managed to convince you all because I am 100% committed to this theory lol.
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Headcanon that the reason the Dinosquad mutated into perfect dinosaurs is because their parents/grandparents/Ancestors were dinosaur survivors.
Lets be honest here: Only 2 dinosaurs survive??? What about the dinosaurs that were sleeping in their caves or managed to find shelter?
You're telling me only two motherfuckers managed to survive? Nah fam.
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choccochocco · 2 months
Hey, please tell me your thoughts on Dinosquad, I want to hear them so much.
I love/reluctantly watch it
So many inaccuracies. The autism episode was a one off, they should've had more disability representation. I think it would've been cool if ms Moynihan was an amputee. If she and veloci have been around for that long, one of them is bound to have lost a limb at some point, and I don't want it to be Victor, disabled villain trope and all. (If they rewrite and make her an amputee) They should also consult an amputee when writing ms Moynihan. She should also have a bunch of trauma of we're assuming that she lived through both ww1 and ww2
I want an episode where they slowly piece this together, and they realise that she's better at hiding it than they thought. They also debate getting her therapy, but realise she'll be seen as mad (not just the dino thing, but the experiencing ww1 and ww2), so they take it upon themselves to learn how to help, they learn from ms Moynihan that she prefers them to communicate what they're doing, as she was concerned about them potentially slacking. Or it's better written, as I don't know her character all too well
I ramble, sorry (but not really)
I think I love the concept of it, and wish to at least vocalise (? This is a text post so idk) how I wish it was done. also, hc that Victor only transforms his head in front of employees bc his raptor form embarasses him because they expect him to be bigger, and his intimidation no longer works (rewrite au)
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dinosquad-central · 7 months
Omg omg omg
Trick or treat!
*opens the askbox wearing an inflatable T-Rex costume* Happy Halloween!
The Squad’s Halloween costumes
Max: Werewolf because he’s a basic jock lol, but he did actually put a good effort into it.
Fiona: nascar driver Danica Patrick, whom none of the others have ever heard of, so they think she’s just dressed like a non-specific nascar driver. Fiona takes the opportunity to educate them and wax poetic about how cool Danica Patrick is.
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Buzz: he enjoys Halloween for the horror movies and spooky stuff than the costumes, so wasn’t going to wear one, but Caruso bullied him into it and helped him put together a pretty killer praying mantis costume.
Caruso: for the school Halloween party, he wears the most over-the-top dramatic queer coded vampire you can imagine. For the Dino Squad’s Halloween hang-out at the lighthouse, he dressed as Brad Boimler from Star Trek: Lower Decks
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Why? Because they have the same hair and I want him to. (Also I fully believe Caruso is the kind of drama queen who would have multiple costumes for different parties and the kind of closet nerd who would like Star Trek and only the dino squad knows.)
Rodger: Meticulously accurate storm trooper costume. He and Caruso subsequently get into a raucous debate about whether Star Trek or Star Wars is better.
Rump: Underdog
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Ms. Moynihan: generic witch, basically just a big witch hat and black shawl with her regular clothes. She’s not really into Halloween but the kids all are and she’s just happy to see them all enjoying themselves.
Bonus: Veloci doesn’t dress up, but he does turn into a velociraptor and go out on the town to terrorize children for fun.
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