dannimonart · 1 year
Veronica and Mantryamon Cinematic by DannimonDesigns
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Name: Shutenmon
Etymology: Shuten-doji (Japanese: 酒吞童子, a nickname meaning “little drunkard”. Shuten-doji was an oni, and was regarded as a king of oni and rampaged all across Kyoto.)
Level: Ultimate/Perfect
Ability: N/A
Type: God Man
Attribute: Virus
Family: Metal Empire | Nature Spirits |Nightmare Soldiers
  Great Oni Impact(鳴動体: 致死鬼一撃 - Meidō-tai: Chishiki Ichigeki) - lit "Rumbling Body: Lethal Demon Strike ":Shutenmon strikes the ground, air, or an enemy and sends a destructive shockwave through it. Enemies hit by this are dealt internal damage that is felt down to their digicore. It is more devastating the closer the enemy is to the origin point.
  100 Hand Quake(城門破壊百手 - Jōmon hakai momote) - lit "100 hands to destroy the castle gate ":Shutenmon multiplies the amount of arms it has and fires them out at high speeds in an open-hand thrust to crush the enemy. Depending on how many arms he creates, this can be a more concentrated attack on a singular enemy or a wide area attack against anything in the vicinity.
  Divine Shield: Rashomon (熾天覆: 羅生門­ - Ten kutsugae: Rashōmon) - lit "Heavenly Cover: Rashomon": Shutenmon claps its hands in front of itself, using the divine power of its holy rings to form a large barrier that takes the form of a gate to block an attack. This gate is incredibly durable and can withstand even some Mega level digimon attacks. It is especially effective against digimon of the Demon Man, Demon Lord, and Fallen Angel types.
  Akuma Cannon (豪鬼咆哮砲 - Gōki hōkōhōu) - lit "Great Demon Roaring Cannon":Shutenmon channels its fighting spirit before firing a dreadnought-class energy wave from its mouth.
Additional Information
A God man digimon that takes the appearance of an oni which has climbed to the pinnacle of its natural strength and has the title of "Walking Earthquake" and "Lazy Daimyo". It is one of the only known Virus attributed digimon to have holy rings on its body, both those and the shimenawa around its waist signify its divine nature. Its tough skin is engraved with a unique alloy of black and obsidian chrome-digizoid, known as Stygian Digizoid, which furthers its already impressive durability. The properties of the black digizoid was retained in the refining process and Shutenmon can access the data of it to move them around its body to defend from nearly any direction. Should an enemy bypass its impressive defense, it has a final trump card to repel attacks. It draws on its divine might to project a massive gate which can turn aside even a Mega level digimon's attacks [Divine Shield: Rashomon]. These strengths have caused most Shutenmon to be lazy digimon that rely on their towering physique and durable body to avoid fights it doesn't deem worth its time. It is often found being served by other oni digimon, such as Ginkakumon, Kinkakumon, Kidomarumon, and many Ibarakimon, who have either been subjugated and forced to serve Shutenmon. Though some willingly sought it out for protection or opportunities to test their strength.
Its right arm is made of stygian digizoid and is called "Demon God's Armory"(鬼神の七武器Kishin no shichibuki, lit. "Seven Weapons of the Demon God") which can morph into 7 different weapons of its choosing, but will only do so when faced with a worthy opponent. If forced to fight, it uses all 4 of its arms, which it can multiply and freely move in any direction, to crush the foe with its overwhelming physical might to end the fight as quickly as possible in a wide area attack[100 Hand Quake]. If they survive that, it will attempt to incinerate them with a powerful energy wave filled with its fighting spirit[Akuma Cannon]. If an enemy survives even that, its delight is immense and will fight honorably and with great vigor, trading earth shaking blows with the opposing digimon until neither can move. Its signature move is striking the enemy with its entire strength and sending destructive shockwaves through it that shakes them down to their digicore[Great Oni Impact]. Many Shutenmon never achieve a form higher than this, partly due to their lack of discipline. Those that fail to grow beyond their physical peak are doomed to fall to opponents not subject to ego and laziness. If a Shutenmon can overcome this psychological mountain, it will become a being that even members of the Royal Knights, Demon Lords, or Olympus XII would approach with caution.
Digivolves From:
Digivolves To:
Gaioumon: Itto Mode
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Episode 0
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In ages long passed, Digimon waged a merciless war against one an other until at last a cruel victor emerged. For centuries, the weak were subjugated to the will of the strong, and none dared fight for their freedom. Hope had been lost to them.
That is, until a handful of humans came from another world.
Although they were at first unwelcome, it was soon discovered that by working with the humans, the Digimon gained a new power and thus the Digimon Tamers and their partners rose to fight back against the Evil that had dominated the Digital World for so long.
A hard won peace spread over their world, but as expected, it was a peace that could not last. Digimon who desired the power of humans began to cross into the other world seeking partners of their own, and not always by respectable means. Others became revolted at the concept and sought instead gain power by their own means by eliminating humans and the Digimon who sympathized with them.
A great divide grew between the Digimon, and before long new factions were rising, falling and consuming the Digital World. Fearful of their own world becoming caught in the conflict, humans retreated from the Digital plain, but were reluctant to leave their partners behind. A bridge between worlds was created, a Safe Haven known as the City of Network where humans and Digimon could meet in peace while war continued to plunder the Digital World.
Yet even this solution will not bring lasting peace to the Digimon Tamers. Out of hundreds of armies, two now remain; the Court of Angels and the Court of Demons. Their war for control of the Digital World and the threads of destiny will now once again lead the Tamers to the center of the war.
And the choice of one will rule the fate of all
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kazooples · 4 years
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Woke up wanting to make a Digimon, his name is either KingGazimon or HolyGazimon, can’t decide. I was testing out new brushes with this and it shows.
Reblogs are appreciated! Please don’t copy, edit, trace, repost etc. thank you 💖
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