r0tten-s0ul2101 · 1 year
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Drazz has a knack for training and sparring sessions. Her fellow friend Ibarakimon was nice enough to jump in as a training partner. Enjoy!
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A piece I did a while back for a Digimon RP group I’m in. On the left is a Mimi the Flamon(my opponents digimon partner) and on the right is Ibarakimon (my OC’s digimon partner).
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reposting from my deviantART-- a secret, sneaky (very late) return-gift for @hereitcomes-thebigparade! ☆ I started working on this a few days after I received their own fanart of my baby Lindmon last month... but I started studying a Cert III in Hospitality full-time recently, and it's been so exhausting that I've barely had any time at all when I got home to chip away at it I uh, should have expected that from something "full time", but oh well lmao-- it's a whole different beast to when I studied my media degree at uni years ago, even though that was full time as well! that was verrrrrry cruisy in comparison a-ahaha /dies slowly
They’ve been a watcher of mine over on dA for nearly a whole decade now, so I wanted to whip something up as a huge thank-you for their kind words and support all this time! I'm still mired in the same artblock I've had for 7(?) years, so at first I was like "ok just a quick sketch"... that then turned into "what would it look like with some flat colours", "aight small detail shading only", "whoops"... it's such a cool design and I love the way its palette just works, so I got a bit carried away in the end-- I hope I did him justice! :'D
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Name: Shutenmon
Etymology: Shuten-doji (Japanese: 酒吞童子, a nickname meaning “little drunkard”. Shuten-doji was an oni, and was regarded as a king of oni and rampaged all across Kyoto.)
Level: Ultimate/Perfect
Ability: N/A
Type: God Man
Attribute: Virus
Family: Metal Empire | Nature Spirits |Nightmare Soldiers
  Great Oni Impact(鳴動体: 致死鬼一撃 - Meidō-tai: Chishiki Ichigeki) - lit "Rumbling Body: Lethal Demon Strike ":Shutenmon strikes the ground, air, or an enemy and sends a destructive shockwave through it. Enemies hit by this are dealt internal damage that is felt down to their digicore. It is more devastating the closer the enemy is to the origin point.
  100 Hand Quake(城門破壊百手 - Jōmon hakai momote) - lit "100 hands to destroy the castle gate ":Shutenmon multiplies the amount of arms it has and fires them out at high speeds in an open-hand thrust to crush the enemy. Depending on how many arms he creates, this can be a more concentrated attack on a singular enemy or a wide area attack against anything in the vicinity.
  Divine Shield: Rashomon (熾天覆: 羅生門­ - Ten kutsugae: Rashōmon) - lit "Heavenly Cover: Rashomon": Shutenmon claps its hands in front of itself, using the divine power of its holy rings to form a large barrier that takes the form of a gate to block an attack. This gate is incredibly durable and can withstand even some Mega level digimon attacks. It is especially effective against digimon of the Demon Man, Demon Lord, and Fallen Angel types.
  Akuma Cannon (豪鬼咆哮砲 - Gōki hōkōhōu) - lit "Great Demon Roaring Cannon":Shutenmon channels its fighting spirit before firing a dreadnought-class energy wave from its mouth.
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A God man digimon that takes the appearance of an oni which has climbed to the pinnacle of its natural strength and has the title of "Walking Earthquake" and "Lazy Daimyo". It is one of the only known Virus attributed digimon to have holy rings on its body, both those and the shimenawa around its waist signify its divine nature. Its tough skin is engraved with a unique alloy of black and obsidian chrome-digizoid, known as Stygian Digizoid, which furthers its already impressive durability. The properties of the black digizoid was retained in the refining process and Shutenmon can access the data of it to move them around its body to defend from nearly any direction. Should an enemy bypass its impressive defense, it has a final trump card to repel attacks. It draws on its divine might to project a massive gate which can turn aside even a Mega level digimon's attacks [Divine Shield: Rashomon]. These strengths have caused most Shutenmon to be lazy digimon that rely on their towering physique and durable body to avoid fights it doesn't deem worth its time. It is often found being served by other oni digimon, such as Ginkakumon, Kinkakumon, Kidomarumon, and many Ibarakimon, who have either been subjugated and forced to serve Shutenmon. Though some willingly sought it out for protection or opportunities to test their strength.
Its right arm is made of stygian digizoid and is called "Demon God's Armory"(鬼神の七武器Kishin no shichibuki, lit. "Seven Weapons of the Demon God") which can morph into 7 different weapons of its choosing, but will only do so when faced with a worthy opponent. If forced to fight, it uses all 4 of its arms, which it can multiply and freely move in any direction, to crush the foe with its overwhelming physical might to end the fight as quickly as possible in a wide area attack[100 Hand Quake]. If they survive that, it will attempt to incinerate them with a powerful energy wave filled with its fighting spirit[Akuma Cannon]. If an enemy survives even that, its delight is immense and will fight honorably and with great vigor, trading earth shaking blows with the opposing digimon until neither can move. Its signature move is striking the enemy with its entire strength and sending destructive shockwaves through it that shakes them down to their digicore[Great Oni Impact]. Many Shutenmon never achieve a form higher than this, partly due to their lack of discipline. Those that fail to grow beyond their physical peak are doomed to fall to opponents not subject to ego and laziness. If a Shutenmon can overcome this psychological mountain, it will become a being that even members of the Royal Knights, Demon Lords, or Olympus XII would approach with caution.
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Gaioumon: Itto Mode
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Name: Kidomarumon
Etymology: Kidomaru (Japanese: 鬼童丸, a nickname meaning “oni boy”. Kidomaru was an oni, and child of Shuten doji .)
Level: Champion/Adult
Type: Oni
Attribute: Virus
Family: Metal Empire | Nature Spirits |Nightmare Soldiers
Oni Lariat(鬼投げ縄-Oni nage nawa)   - lit "Demon Lasso": Kidomarumon wraps up his opponent with his tail before sweeping his left arm across their body, causing a large shockwave to pass through them.
Ushiōken(丑王拳) - lit "Ox King Fist": Kidomarumon punches the enemy or gathers dark energy around his fist before firing it at an enemy in the shape of a gyuuki head.
Kama Kiba(鎌牙) - lit "Sickle fangs": Kidomarumon's tail lashes out in rapid order cutting his opponents in vital areas.
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An Oni digimon known for its ferocious demeanor, Kidomarumon is a digimon constantly looking for the next test of its abilities. It has traveled extensively and developed its own unique combat style that is unorthodox, which makes fighting it troublesome. Its skin is tough from constant training and its large body is capable of taking extreme punishment. Its tail has a will of its own and has been known to cause trouble for it or refuse to fight when it doesn't feel like it. It is often caught fighting with its tail, but when the two act in unison, there is no digimon that can sneak up on them especially when its tail is looking for blood
[Kama Kiba]. Its left arm is bound in belts and metal bands that it uses in its daily training, this has made blows from them a force to be reckoned with. It's said that its left arm packs enough power to rival Leomon's Jūouken and Ogremon's Haouken when it throws a punch[Gozukiōken]. Its signature move is tangling up its opponents with its tail before dealing a devastating blow to their body that rattles them to their bones [Oni Lariat]. It's said that many Kidomarumon fall to ruin because of their lust of power, but if raised properly and with strict training, will become a digimon that can even shatter the heavens.
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Name: Ibarakimon
Etymology: from Ibaraki-doji (Japanese: 茨城童子), an oni featured in tales of the Heian period. Dōji" means "child", but in this context is a demon offspring. Ibaraki-dōji was the most important servant of Shuten-dōji.
Level: Rookie/Child
Type: Oni
Attribute: Virus
Family: Nature Spirits | Nightmare Soldiers
Oni Quake(鬼震 - Oni Shin) lit. "Demon Quake": Ibarakimon slams his fists or kanabo down on a surface or enemy, causing a small shock-wave to emanate from it that is stronger in the center.
Iron Tempest(鉄嵐 - Tetsuarashi) lit. "Iron Storm": Ibarakimon unravels the ribbon around his kanabo’s handle which shrinks to a compact version and begins swinging it around in wide arcs to form a defensive barrier and attack anyone in the vicinity. This move can also be used in close combat to trip the enemy or strike out at range by rapidly wrapping and unwrapping the ribbon around him.
Ironclad Body (体甲鉄 - Karada kō tetsu) lit. "Body Armor": Ibarakimon breaks down the data comprising his kanabo and cloaks his arms and chest with it, increasing his attacking and defense power while decreasing his speed and agility.
Additional Information
Ibarakimon are a rare sub-species of Goburimon found only in certain parts of the Digital World. They are smaller in height but pack significantly more raw power than their kin and are much more intelligent. Similar to Goburimon, they are known to form groups and enforce a strict hierarchy based on their own merits. They have been known to subjugate Goburimon and make them do their bidding under threat of deletion. They have an aggressive personality and a violent reputation among most digimon. Despite this, they are not above negotiations, so long as its in their favor, and they have an odd sense of honor when making deals.
Occasionally an outlier with appear that doesn’t have the same views as their kin. Those ones distance themselves from other Ibarakimon and strike out on their own to become noble warriors and protect those oppressed by other Ibarakimon. These Ibarakimon use scrap data to cover their faces so that they can hide their identity from those that would otherwise shun them.
Their signature move is is to strike the opponent with their full force using either the kanabo or their muscular arms and sending a shockwave through them [Oni Quake]. To compensate for their lack of speed they developed a unique fighting style that allows them to lash out at from a distance with the kanabo [Iron Tempest]. If an enemy begins to overpower them, they can access the data of their club and cloak their body with it, increasing their defense and attack power in exchange for their agility [Ironclad Body].
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A practitioner of Shugendo and a guardian of forests and mountains, Karabushimon is demon man digimon that makes its home in the skies and high mountains of the digital world. He is training in the art of Onmyudou techniques under the tutelage Sakuyamon. He freely controls the winds and flies on a great fan, doling out punishment to any who seek to harm the balance of the digital world.
Name: Karabushimon
Level: Armor/Champion
Attribute: Data
Type: Demon Man
Family: Nature Spirits, Nightmare Soldiers, Wind Guardians
-Whirlwind Deflection: Karabushimon spins its staff to create a swirling sphere of air around him that turns aside most physical projectiles that target him. This cannot turn aside heavy projectiles, or non physical ones. This is a channeled attack that will continue as long as he is twirling his staff but he cannot attack otherwise.
-Jetstream Strike: Karabushimon gathers powerful, twisting air currents around his staff and brings clubs the enemy with his staff, sending them flying . He can also use this to lash out with the air current at range.
-Flickering Scatterslash: Karabushimon ramps up his speed as fast as he can go and rakes the enemy with his talons and blades on his gauntlets in a flurry of attacks that is hard to keep track of. This does small damage in exchange for a large number of individual attacks.
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An art piece of my digimon oc Dallas and his digimon, Tetsukuchimon relaxing in a park on a stormy day.
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This is for the Jogress Dive OCT on DeviantArt. It seems like it will be really exciting! Check it out and join if you have the chance.
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Seeking out strong opponents, Onikademon relentlessly charges forward towards his target without thought for their disparity in strength. On his arms he has the same armament as Stingmon and Paildramon, though instead of spikes Onikademon has long electrified whips that he uses to transmit a paralytic venom that leaks from the tips of his claws. Onikademon are commonly found among Machine type digimon where he feeds off the electromagnetic fields they emit. His true power lies in his centipede-like tail on the back of his head. It holds a generator for dense magnetic fields at the base of it and his arms act as positive and negative current conductors for a deadly attack. Though not many live to tell of it once it hits.
Name: Onikademon
Level: Armor/Champion
Attribute: Data
Type: Insect
Family: Nature Spirits, Nightmare Soldiers, Metal Empire
- Battery Corrosion: Onikademon injects an enemy with a slow acting paralytic venom that limits movement. It is transmitted from his claws or leaked down to coat his whips. The venom functions like an oxidizing corrosion and is therefore more effective on digimon of the Machine type.
- Electron Lashing: Onikademon strikes the enemy with his left arm whip and charges them with a negative static electricity field. The static field can detonate to do additional damage when the next electric based attack strikes that enemy.
- Stormfall Buster: Onikademon rises into the air using an electromagnetic field and gathers electricity around his body before curls into a ball and crashes down onto an enemy, emitting a small lighting storm within 10 feet of it.
- Gigavolt Equalizer: Onikademon tethers himself to the enemy using his whips and charges up a powerful electromagnetic missile. It takes approximately 10-15 seconds to charge during which Onikademon cannot take any other actions but charge the attack as the pressure from the magnetic field is enough to prevent him from moving. As he charges, his centipede appendage lights up segment by segment until it reaches his head at which point a dense energy missile forms between his mandibles and rockets down the path between his two whips, striking the center point between them. This does massive damage, enough to even send some Ultimate level digimon flying if it doesn't outright destroy them. This attack can be interrupted if his concentration is broken or if the enemy is able to remove the whips from their body.
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