#digimon adventure tri stageplay
seventeenlovesthree · 7 months
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@izumikoushiroweek: Day 1 - What is your favourite Koushirou or Izzy quote? How about Tentomon?
I've really, really, REALLY tried to fit all my favourite quotes into one two edits, but that was very tough. In the end, I left out a lot of more humorous quotes by both Koushirou and Tentomon in both sub and (English & German) dub and instead picked the ones that were most iconic to me - and that also represented their personalities the best. The focus still lies primarily on Koushirou of course - his drive to gain knowledge and understand the world, things and people around him; his determination to get things done; him being driven by logic, but also willing to change and adapt for the sake of others, trying to speak what's on his mind and also from his heart; him caring deeply about his friends and family, being a proud mentor and role model, even if the people around him exhaust him sometimes. And of course he's got a loyal partner by his side who will always encourage him to take his time, take it easy and accepting himself as he is.
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breadbirdmp4 · 9 months
remember the idea in the stageplay that they keep going back to august 1st? thats what i feel like with the gif coming back every year
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taikouvember · 9 months
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Rules & FAQ
Even though most of the general rules for the week were already written down in the Event Announcement Post, we would still like to specify some of our Do’s and Don’t’s to make sure Taikouvember will turn out amazingly for everyone involved!
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Do's & Recommendations
The event goes from November 6th to November 12th, one day for each of the 7 prompts. 
You may choose either one or both of the contrasting prompts to use for each day. Interpret the prompts as you like, you can find some helpful tips in our Prompt Guideline. You may submit as many entries for each prompt as you like.
Every kind of entry will be allowed: Fanfiction, Drabbles, Poems, Fanart, Comics, Sketches & Doodles, Music, Playlists, Music Videos, Picture Sets and Edits, Gifsets, Meta, etc.
You can of course decide which series or medium you want to focus on: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, all corresponding movies, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, Digimon Adventure: The 2020 Reboot, games, manhuas, audio dramas, novels, the stageplay, etc.
You are free to choose how to interpret the relationship of Taikou - whether that's romantic or platonic is completely up to you!
Other canon characters are allowed to be included, as long as the entries contain the original ship Taikou, the original characters, Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi, and/or in extension, their partners, Agumon and Tentomon. You can also include multi-/polyships, OT3s, etc. as long as they contain Taikou.
Crossovers, Alternate Universes (AUs) or Own Characters (OCs) are allowed, as long as the entries contain the original ship.
When posting your entries, please make sure to @ us directly as @taikouvember in the entry post or use the following tags: #taikouvember2023, #taikouvember 2023, #taikouvember. You can also submit your posts directly to our blog.
We will search the different ship tags for your entries too, so regardless of what spelling you use, we will try our best to find it. Late entries beyond Taikouvember are perfectly fine, we will search the ship tags until at least the end of November. If we missed your entry, please contact us directly! #taikou #koutai #taishiro #taishirou
Old content may be reblogged by using our handle @taikouvember, so we can find it or you can send us content you would like us to reblog for consideration. We highly encourage creating new content though!
On Day 7, you may post whatever comes to your mind in regards to the ship, something you always wanted to shout into the world, but never found the opportunity to do so! We’re excited to see what you have in mind!
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Don't's & Restrictions
Do not post any ship or character bashing/hate concerning any other Digimon ships/characters. It will not be reblogged.
Only post your own content, art theft etc. will not be tolerated.
Spoilers for the most recent movie, "Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning" will only be reblogged if tagged accordingly and/or put under "read mores"!
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content may be submitted in moderation and in line with tumblr's guidelines, but only if it is hidden under "Read Mores". Any kind of adult themes and triggers need to be tagged accordingly. Please understand that we might not reblog explicit, disturbing or any kind of discriminating content.
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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly! Have fun!
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rockabelle · 5 years
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eisa96 replied to your post “Hey, older Digimon fans~ I’m reaching back into my fond memories of...”
Omg, a yamachi fan!! Hey there ^^ Oh? The site sounds pretty interesting and I'm glad someone gave the link for it ;-;
Yes, indeed! I hope you enjoy checking it out! Most of the art links are down, sadly, but the writing is still there and it is HILARIOUS.
Ahaha, a fellow yamachi fan, I presume? Hi, yourself!
There’s been some more yamachi content in recent times because of Tri, which warms my heart. I think there would be even more if more people watched the Tri stage play. Have you?
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ahiddenpath · 6 years
Digimon Adventure Tri Stage Play Reaction
Guys, this is not an analysis: this is my feels and obnoxious comments while viewing the stage play.  My initial goal was to use these notes to make an analysis, but they’re too funny/stupid/wow to hide from the world.  I typed these notes in real time, stopping the play whenever I had a thought.  It’s the closest I can get to having you watch me watch the stage play without using videos.  I will write an actual meaningful post soon, but for now, have a confused and jumpy/unpolished blob of feels.
The other thing I want to say is that I didn’t edit this after I wrote it, except for surface editing (grammar, spelling) and clarifications (mostly adding more names).  So if I formed an impression at some point, that’s what I really thought in that moment; I didn’t go back and change it.
That said: this will completely and totally spoil the stage play.  SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!  Read on below the cut (if you dare; it’s almost 4K words long and full of images).
Hidden’s Digimon Adventure Tri Stage Play Reaction
I am immediately not buying that Mimi wouldn't want to camp in the bungalow.  Isn't this the kid that went to Tokyo Tower instead of patrolling Tokyo because the tower has AC?  I guarantee she'd whine an hour in about wanting the bungalow, but wouldn't allow Koushiro to point out that she made this choice for all of them x__x
 Did Mimi just... just throw the laptop?  How bratty can you get?  I... wow, I really hope they don’t treat my Mimi so poorly the whole play.
From Sora's speech, I can see that nostalgia will be a major theme here, which, to be fair, is appropriate, lol!  Nostalgia is pretty much why we’re here.
TAICHI! It’s so good to see you get your big bro on again, lol???  Hikari:  "I'm not a kid who needs to wait for you to walk home with me."
 Taichi: "What?  Why not?  WHAT'S WRONG?!  CONFIDE IN ME!"  He’s so aggressive and clumsy about it, lol??
Jyou, amiably: "You, of course! Wait-"  I'm like 15 minutes in and I have already decided that Jyou is my favorite (not surprising lol).
Jyou:  "YOU ARE IN DANGER, TAICHI.  I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU STUDY."  Oh lord, Jyou is bashing Taichi with the stone of foreboding. Is Jyou okay?  Is he quite sane?  He isn't, is he.  Do you see that gleam in his eye?  No, no. He is gone and gone indeed.  Jyou’s actor is A+++
Annnnnnd oh hey, it's Yamyams doin' jamjams!  I can dig that bass, is he actually playing?  Oh hey, he's gonna sing for real, he's-  Oh my god, stop!  ABORT! He's terrible, hahahaha?!?!?!  IT BURRRRNSSS!!!  
Wait wow what is this weird ass vibe between the bros?  Teeks is accusing Yams of not visiting...  Did Yamato have that habit to start with?  Hmm...
So Takeru says, "I don't want to see us go our different ways."  I've mentioned it over and over, but this feeling is so important to me.  It's something I want to write an entire fic around.  On the one hand, it's such an easy topic, given the subject material. On the other, it's where my brain keeps going.  So... Let's see what happens!
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Also:  Takeru:  "Stay hidden, Patamon!" *puts Patamon on his head and skips offstage* Takeru, sigh...
OH SHIT IT'S ETEMON, saying Taichiiiiihehehehe like a creep ass creeper.  He done got beef, too.
Annnnd we cut to everyone reacting because Mimi has no supplies (did you all not bring any?). What I like here, though, is that Jyou can at least talk to her without getting shut down.  Poor Kou-chan -__-
Koushiro: "We're amateurs, is there anything we should watch out for?"  OH I DUNNO, MAYBE ETEMON IN A HAT AND A VEST god damn I know this is supposed to be funny, but they all look like idiots- 
Koushiro: "That old man had a feminine way of speaking"  Says the dude being portrayed by a male actor FOR THE FIRST TIME-
Koushiro: "Taichi-san, you're the closest thing to a caveman we have-"  Ah, bless.
(At this point, my husband is pointing out while playing Destiny that the puppeteers do really good digimon voices, and I'm explaining that the digimon voices are pre-recorded, lol).
ANNNNND Mimi is whining for supplies that she forbade people to bring.  I am shocked.
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Jyou is talking about how he wants to help digimon by being a doctor, by saving and protecting, and my heart is growing three sizes.  Best Chosen, y'all.
But oof, the atmosphere got so heavy...  Why do these kids refuse to talk about what they want to do???  Jyou remains refreshing.  Also, I'm just noticing how Koushiro turns his entire body around every single time towards whoever is talking?  He leans in, too.  It's both cute and unexpected (I would expect much more reserved body language, but I get that this is a play and that's what you do).
HAH!  Only Jyou can see the shooting star because he's the only one with his shit together!  I love that, lol!  (Also, is that really Tailmon's voice actress?  Hmm...)
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NO, ETEMON HAS KOU-CHAN, BAD TOUCH, BAD TOUCH although really it's painful that we're still pretending they can't recognize Etemon.
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Koushiro can't read the room...  Well, at least that's familiar, lol!
(At this point, my husband is asking what I think, and I'm stuttering over how annoyed I am at the ‘not-recognizing-Etemon’ gag.  My husband is laughing at me and saying I'm at a loss for words. Thanks, love.)
HOLY SHIT did Hikari and Mimi just use the tired "scary stories" trope to bring up the Dark Ocean? I'll give 'em points for that.  I AM INTRIGUED, let's go!!!  Oh.  Oh, they broke it off.  They're not doing anything with it.  That's... sigh.  Thanks, guys. (Caterpillar Sleeping Bag Mimi is cute AF tho).
Hmm, right now I'm thinking that Mimi's actress is so lovely and so lively and really feels like Mimi, but...  I also can't stand how they wrote her so far.  Throwing Koushiro's computer, talking over him, not allowing him to point out when she's contradicting herself, immediately requesting the supplies she forbade people to bring...  This stuff annoyed me in Adventure, but she was 10 and in a situation I would have strongly struggled to handle.  But now she's literally...  Making problems for everyone...  For nostalgia's sake...  At age 16? I'm so torn, lol, because the acting is so good but ahhhhh...  Let's see how this develops...
Hmm hmm, I'm listening to Sora talk about how she doesn't wanna grow up, either... Darling, you're already quite grown up, lol!  Lovely lady. I love how the digimon puppeteers echo their puppets, I can't get enough of watching Agumon's puppet and performer while Sora speaks.  They really did a great job!
I think I'm about an hour into this, maybe a little less?  45 minutes?  So far all that's really happened is that we've established that the characters want to be together as Chosen Children, and that with the exception of Jyou, they aren't emotionally or mentally prepared to seriously think of a future beyond that.  I'll be the first to say that this a compelling and interesting topic, and it's something I've wondered about for them, but...  Shouldn't... more things... have happened by now?  Hmm...  I understood that this would be an issue from Sora's very first bit of dialogue.  No one in the audience needs this much expansion and repetition, particularly with so few new ideas and so little momentum so far.  Tri is intended as a love letter for fans of Adventure, yes?  Mostly adult fans?  We don’t need this much repetition to understand, we truly don’t...
Ah!  Now Yamato is talking about Jyou and how to become an adult, finally dropping some new ideas in.  Love ya, Yams.  And ahh, man, Taichi is just... screaming all of his lines?  The actor is so sweet and cute, but the delivery...  I'm pretty sure it's supposed to reflect that Taichi is putting up fronts like nobody's bidness, though.  Yamato ain't buyin' it (Yamato is Almost Best).  I really want him to grunt, "Tell the truth or shut up." XD XD  GRUNT GRUNT.
 Augh, god, I can't take this tho?  Literally EVERY TIME someone tries to say something that will move the plot forward or inject some vulnerability into this play (except for Papa Jyou), they change the subject.  I'm about halfway through now and this has to be at least the 10th time we've been blocked from useful information and deeper thoughts with this method.  Tri suffers from this same issue, though...  Their plot is such that they can’t sustain tension if issues are faced in a natural way, so they CHANGE THE SUBJECT or DROP A LEAD or IGNORE A LEAD, etc, etc.  Here it's mostly saying, "Well what about you?" or screaming someone else's name, which...  Subtle???  Ah, Taichi's latest method of not saying anything is to ask Yamato to play his harmonica...  Oh my god, he's playing Walk on the Edge!  Okay, okay, you got me, stage play.  Hahaha, I remember Yams being better at playing a harmonica, tho!!!!  (I keep picking on this poor dude who is asked to do all of the awesome shit Yams can do, sorry my dude).
Taichi:  Should we sleep?
Yamato:  Let's talk some more.
Ahhh, and they fade out...  With no forward movement.  THANKS.  I mean we established mood, touched on Taichi/Yamato’s relationship, and set up the problems that will be address later (I assume), but...  It’s so drawn out...  
And now Koushiro is drawing on the ground with a stick, bless you, are you trying to compute something? Sigh...  Ah, bless, Tentomon is intervening, haha! 
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But...  As right as Ten-chan is, he's also... Wrong? XD  DON'T TELL YOUR FORWARD MOVEMENT MACHINE TO POWER DOWN!!!  Annnnd yes!  We're an hour in and SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!  I am so ready for something to happen. (Tony: "Can we handle the stimulation, though?")
Oh god, the kids freaking out over their partners acting weird, Gabumon's stage hand collapsing... God, right in the feels, I'm almost mad about how easy it is to get an emotional response this way, lol!  We just love our babies too much, lol!
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Wow, Yamato lost it at Kou-chan...  You know, we think of Taichi as carrying a lot of pressure (and rightfully so), but Koushiro carries just as much, as we saw in Kokuhaku.  He's not magic, Yams, he needs his tools, and he doesn't have 'em. Related:  Although I don't much care for how it happened, I definitely would love to read/write/see a story where Koushiro has no computer and has to adapt, though.  I'd also love to see one where a new tech wizard appears and he questions his role, but that's a whole' nother thing.
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EWW OH MY GOD DON'T UNDRESS ETEMON MIMI WHAT THE HELL, bleeeeehhhhhhh...  Oh god, he thought his outfit was obvious...  Well, you see Etemon, somewhere in the last 6 years, the kids completely lost their ability to read situations x__x  (I get that this is a joke, I really do?  But???)
 Oh huh, so they're claiming Etemon wandered the Dark Ocean for 100 years?  Didn't he...  Come back in Adventure as MetalEtemon?  Is he referencing his second defeat?  ?????
OH GOD POWER RANGER ETEMON WHAT IS HAPPENING.  Haha it's kind of cute that he's like, "Eh I don't know these two (Hikari and Tailmon).  I don't think Metaletemon saw them?  But honestly I don't remember.  I think he was around Jyou and Mimi mostly?
Wait shit are we seriously doing the actual conflict part WITHOUT JYOU AND GOMAMON?  I am so mad right now.  I kind of feel like they'll burst in at some point???  I hope...
...Etemon has a song and dance number.  I am rolling on the floor in pain with the Chosen.  I'm doing it, guruguru mawaru-  No, NO, YOU PUT TAICHI DOWN-  Goddamit how many bad touch jokes do I have to make-
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 OH THANK GOD, is Jyou coming back?  THANK YOU DIGI JESUS!  (Tony: "Wait is your favorite back? Did he leave?  It sounded like he wandered off and now he's wandering back in again."
Gomamon: "YOU'RE BEING GROSS JYOU" honey, oh child, you ain't seen nothing yet.  Oh bless him, he's so happy, can we just watch Jyou bounce around in joy please and no more singing power ranger monkeys?  I take back my complaints about nothing happening, haaaaaaaaaaaalp me Senpaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii
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Oh lord Etemon's back WHELP.  Oh shit, oh shit that Obon joke, THAT'S THE BEST JOKE IN THIS PLAY, isn’t it?  We can't beat that.  Should I... leave?
Taichi, in Etemon's gross ass digital Wonder Land:  "What's wrong, Hikari?"  WHAT'S WRONG?!  WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE-
(My husband has informed me that I'm growling.  He tells me that, when we were watching Gravity Falls and Mabel tries to tempt Dipper and the others to stay in the perfect imaginary world Bill made for her, I said, "What is she, Satan?  Tempting them to stay here in comfort instead of facing danger to save everyone?"  This is a similar scenario, and it's one of the few things I didn't like about Gravity Falls and OH NO, TAICHI IS THE MABEL OF THIS SITUATION, HELP!!!!  Oh thank goodness, Taichi's done with this too, whew, okay, okay, breathe, stop growling).
Oh God, the Agumon puppet looks dead without the puppeteer, that's actually really awful? These puppets are amazing, guys.  I cannot say enough good stuff about the execution with these puppets.
Hmm, Taichi just begged for mercy, and Etemon is unimpressed...  Reminds me of the fandom after Saikai.  I wonder where they'll take this...
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HOLY SHIT Taichi is losing his shit!  I won't say that all of that stammering and dodging earlier is accounted for here, since most of the characters did it to some degree, but it's nice to see the payoff within the same piece (instead of waiting months for the next Tri film and forming your own conclusions in that time period).  I'm actually happy to see a screaming breakdown like this...
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Man Koushiro speaks SO QUICKLY, dude, slow it down!!!  Ahhh, he says that we're granted whatever we want here, so Etemon is probably trying to trick us by having us hear Jyou.  SOMEONE IS THINKING USING THEIR BRAINSSS I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!
JYOU IS HEREEEE TO SAVE THE DAAAAAAYYY THE NEW DIGI JESUS, JYOUUUUUU!!!  (And while I 100% agree that you should be cautious, Kou-chan, c'mon, he arrived saying that you made his phone go off on the train and it made him feel awkward, that's pretty much proof that it's Jyou, lol!).  OH AND NOW KOU AND YAMS ARE ROASTING JYOU, classic.
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Koushiro finally takes a stab directly at the heart of this...  It's not even about being children and avoiding adulthood; it's about not wanting to leave August 1st.  I realize exposition is Kou's job, but I didn't expect him to be the one to lay it out after all of this dodging.  I’ll be honest, I’m so pleased with Koushiro in this stage play so far?  I love how he moves, I love how quickly he speaks, I love that he’s able to come out and say this.  I wasn’t into the way the play used him spouting off numbers to indicate intelligence, but that’s a nitpick compared to the ground they gave Koushiro here.  
JYOU.  JYOU.  EVEN IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, KOUSHIRO, I BELIEVE IN YOU.  He continues to be THE BEST, I am in awe, I bow before Jyou.
OH MAN is Jyou gonna work his awkward magic on Yams?  Where's my freakin' popcorn.  Oh, well, hell.  Yama said he... doesn't wanna talk.  *rubs forehead*  Great. Entertaining.  THIS IS FUN I AM HAVING FUN *curls up and cries*
Okay so now Taichi is freaking out and Koushiro is trying to talk to him (roughly 70% of this stage play is someone trying and failing to talk to someone else).  But I really like what Taichi says here- "I have nothing to hesitate about." We all know this isn't true; Taichi is hesitating all over the place right now.  Let's see where this goes!  (Please let it go somewhere this time, lord above).  WAIT- WAIT-  ARE YOU SHOWING ME KOUSHIRO POINTING FINGERS AT TAICHI'S BULLSHIT AND SAYING "I'VE BEEN BY YOUR SIDE FOR SIX YEARS!!" AND THEN CUTTING AWAY?!?!??!?!?!?!?  RAAAAAAAHHHH is this an aneurysm?  I think this is what an aneurysm feels like.  You can't drop lines that good and then CUT AWAY FROM IT GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN-
Sigh, tsk, groan. Hikari, Teeks.  Whacho got for me?  Whoa, I swear Takeru has been a second away from sobbing ever since Etemon revealed himself.  You... you okay, buddy?  Can I, uh, get you anything?  I love how much Hikari has her shit together in contrast.  Oh, and Takeru is about to say something usefu- ohhh, another cut. God, I have a headache.
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Hmm, Sora and Meems are cracking, too...  Sora says, "It was simpler when I was everyone's mom.  It's not like me to decide on someone or something."  I really need to hear Mulan's Reflections in the background right now...
Mimi saying "I want to do SO many things!" is refreshing my soul.  I know she's one of the most shippable Chosen, but honestly, if not for the fact that she has a kid that is clearly biologically hers, I would assume that she's too busy doing EVERYTHING to have a family.  My headache recedes just a touch.
Hmm...  I actually really like what Sulky (Yams) is trying to say here.  "I don't want to be with everyone because I'm Chosen.  I want to be with Gabumon because he's my friend," basically.  Part of me sides with Jyou- dude we all get that, it's not a shameful secret- but another part of me...  Deeply appreciates that Yams can separate his duty as a Chosen from his bond with his digimon.  Gabumon is his best friend, his number one.  It doesn't matter if Gabumon can't fight, if Yamato can never digivolve him again. It doesn't even matter that he's a digimon.  It just matters that they're friends, and that they be together somehow, which may seem a more tenuous position by the day.  ...Now I'm sad.  Well played, stage play.  This moment is wonderful.
...Annnnnnd now Yamato is overacting to hell, and I'm laughing instead of thinking and feeling, was that supposed to happen?  Sigh. I still don't understand why he has to be SO SECRETIVE about it, but I mean...  That's our Yams??? 
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And now we're back to Kou and Taichi, and they're pulling at each other's throats, as they will, and honestly this is the only "NOW KISS" moment for me, but where was I-
In all seriousness, I really like that the person to finally, FINALLY get the truth from Taichi is Koushiro.  That's how it often was in Adventure too, yes?  But I almost feel like Taichi's breakdown here is a reflection of what fans said in Saikai.  Taichi in Adventure always took action (although he grew so much during Adventure, I'd argue the version of himself he's referencing now wasn't there by the end of Adventure?). He can't fight in Saikai because he's concerned about hurting people/property/the tenuous relationship between humans and digimon.  He can't take action...  But the ability to see that is an indication of growth, not regression.  Will he understand that here?  
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Ok god, Agu-chan is dropping some truth bombs...  And the way he and his puppeteer crawl...  I swear these goddamm puppets will be the death of me.
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HOLY SHIT IS THAT A METALGRAYMON PUPPET?!  THEY HAD THAT SHIT ALL ALONG AND THEY BRING IT OUT WITH 20 MINUTES LEFT?!  WHAT WOT WOOOOT?!??!  I cannot believe I'm seeing this.  And I love how heavy and cumbersome the huge puppet feels.  Like, I always felt like Metalgreymon would be huge and slow, right?
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Etemon, I was done with your shit a LONG time ago...
WAIT he is admitting that he was Metaletemon previously. So... when... exactly did he fall into the Dark Ocean?  Sigh. This is one of those "Let it go, Hidden" things, isn't it.  Uh, wow, I am totally unfamiliar with Kingetemon.  That's... a... thing.  
The use of screens and images in the stage play are really fun!  It must have been awesome to see this show in person O__o;;
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OH SHIT, Yamato arrives in a cloud of smoke, that's how you KNOW shit is gonna go down!
OH MY GOD OMEGAMON ONLY GETS A HEAD OH MY GOD I'M DYING (Tony:  "HEY do you know how big that thing's supposed to be?!)
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HOLY SHIT JYOU'S "A" ON HIS MOCK TEST WASN'T REAL okay this is also a Good Joke, I applaud. Also I am LOVING sassy Koushiro in this? His way of being sassy is to do it in a way where you're not quite sure if he is trying to be a butt or not, which is 10000000% yes lol (In contrast, Izzy is intentionally awful usually lol).
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Annnnd I was right from the start; Jyou is carrying this entire thing, lol.  Oh my god, the delivery on this?!?!??!  AMAZING.
 Now the actors are coming out to speak!
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THIS.  LITTLE.  SHIT. I love him?  I...  I love him. The snark is strong in this one. I... he is so... so beautiful.  I...  I think I might be in love?  (This at least indicates that I wasn’t alone in thinking the computer toss was too much???).
YAMATO’S ACTOR JUST SAID "DON'T SAY GOODBYE," Well played, son.  I like the cut of your jib.
 AHHHHH OKAY OKAY I have no idea how I’m going to analyze this.  My surface thought is that this play features a lot of the emotions and inner thoughts of individual characters that can’t fit into Tri, and that (I personally think) Tri suffers from a lack of.  Because there isn’t really ship bait and maneuvering around a new character and plot, we’re able to see relationships that feel much more familiar to Adventure than we often see in Tri (ie, Taichi worried about Hikari, Koushiro worried about Taichi, etc).  As you noticed, I’m very unhappy with the way the play pushes the payoff back as far as possible, cramming it into an AMAZING twenty minutes or so...  But I loved those twenty minutes.
Also, Koushiro feels waaaay more like Koushiro than he does in Tri, except for Kokuhaku.  As your local insane Koushiro fan girl, I am standing and applauding and screaming and crying.  NO PERVY KOUSHIRO.  NO FASHION DISASTERS.  Just Koushiro being supportive and apt and sweet and trying so hard.  I am refreshed.  I am younger.
And the passion and love and energy that went into us, so visibly in human form...  I can’t describe how wonderful the actors and the puppeteers were.  And even though I kind of hated Etemon, his actor was incredible.
So the stage play has amazing points and really irritating points, but on the whole, it’s my second favorite thing Tri has given us (following Kokuhaku).  I will try to write about it more smart-like soon!  If you got this far...  I’m in awe, lol!  High five, my friend!
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jyoumifeels · 7 years
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amxlix18 · 5 years
[stageplay] super evolution stage! digimon adventure tri. ~august 1st adventure~
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Here is the download link for the stage play☺☺☺
I advice you to watch the stage play with VLC player because the subtitles is not visible in the regular phone video player...🤗🤗
Credit for the owner💖💖
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seventeenlovesthree · 5 months
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@taioraweek Day 3: Broadway / Theatre / Musical
A little redraw for one of my favourite "blink and you'll miss it" moments in the Digimon Adventure Tri Stageplay; while Mimi and Jyou have a little dispute in the forefront of the stage, these two are chilling in the back, exchanging teasing glances... And as I am completely and utterly enamored with the actors of the stageplay, I would love to see them reunited for another play. Since that's not very likely, unfortunately, I could still see an AU of them being actors, practicing together, rehearsing their lines, teasing each other about "tripping over their feet"... Just being the lovely dorks together they deserve to be!
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
I like those comic strips where someone met other version of themselves in different stage of life, the "woah, I will be like that/I was like that?" moment, which two version of Taichi meeting himself that will ge the most reaction? the 01 elementary? 02 middle school? 03 tri version? the kizuna version? also, do you think Taichi will fight himself ? ( because i've seen fanarts that show Yamato would )
Weeeeell... I personally tend to joke around a lot about "punching" being Taito's love language for each other - I'm actually pretty much like Daisuke in that regard...
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And sometimes, they frustrate me so much that I would like to punch them myself. However, all light-hearted jokes aside, I know comics like that too and unless they actually ARE meant in a light-hearted way, I don't agree with them. Because 02 already made a point about them needing to get over the past - and while Tri onwards still loved to drag out these "conflicts" between them, I am sure that they would never punch their past selves. Their younger selves might be baffled at what they may become... But even young!Taichi (who already faced a younger version of himself in Piccolomon's pocket dimension) would understand that things won't be getting easier for him. At least to some degree.
I still believe that the stageplay made a strong point in regards to Taichi mourning his younger self, scolding himself for his cowardice and indecisiveness - and I will never grow tired of recommending watching it. It had the perfect course (and maybe could have been the perfect end to the entire timeline if they had committed to it).
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(On a different note - I am still a fan of the multiverse theory and, while I wouldn't want them to punch each other, I'd find the canonization of something like this in an anime setting hilarious.)
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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Also, if you still haven’t watched the Digimon Adventure Tri Stageplay, you’re missing out on some of the most hilarious, most peaceful and most adorable interactions between the 01 Chosen Children to date. (Trying to stay as spoiler free in this as possible and these aren’t even all the wonderful moments I would have liked to show off, but... They’re still very close to my heart.)
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@jyoukidoweek Day 2: Relationships
In case you couldn’t already tell, I absolutely adore the Digimon Adventure Tri stageplay and there probably isn’t any better time to promote it than Jyou Kidou Week - because ya boy is amazing in this, the undeniable MVP and the beloved friend and senpai that everybody needs in their lives.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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As I could probably take approximately a million screenshots of all the moments that make the stageplay so great, I will never grow tired of mentioning how nicely the writers understood and wrote some of the characters. Granted, I still maintain that Jyou is the absolute MVP of the stageplay for being the voice of reason, the senpai that everybody needs, the emotional and inspirational support he always wanted to be - and his actor simply couldn’t have played him any better. I will definitely dedicate another post to all of his wonderful moments (besides the comic relief) as well. However, I also want to shed light on my favourite character the character who, in my perception, definitely was the 2nd MVP of the stageplay. 
As it is often the case within the Adventure universe, nobody would have gotten out of the threatening situation alive without Koushirou. So let’s talk about him for a bit, shall we? (WATCH OUT FOR SPOILERS THOUGH.)
Kudos to his actor, not only for having by far the most lines in the entire play (while also talking extraordinarily fast), but also for portraying him as such a layered, emotional and sympathetic character that I’m willing to say: This was among his best portrayal in all of the Adventure canon. Demeanour, speech patterns, body language, quirks... All of it was pretty much on point. Admittedly, he still has the Tri characterization of being pretty oblivious when it comes to picking up social cues...
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... But he is at least (starting to) recognize that something may not have been right.
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What makes him so fun to watch throughout the stageplay is not only the fact that he’s literally the second in command when it comes to giving directions and instructions to all the other characters (mostly alongside Taichi, when he’s not there or actually towards him as well). 
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It’s not even just the fact that he is the one noticing that something is up, what is up and figuring out how to eventually fix it - we’re used to him being the exposition dump by now, even though it is very much apparent that we wouldn’t even have gotten a plot if it hadn’t been for him explaining literally everything to everyone. (No spoilers so far, btw!)
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No, the most intriguing aspect about his role is his progression - because he is one of the few characters who goes through some kind of character arc. 
His most important “foils” - and thus interaction partners - in this regard are Mimi, Yamato, Jyou and Taichi, with each of them fulfilling different roles towards him.
Mimi is the one who gets him out of his shell in a lighthearted way - she is demanding him to leave his laptop at home during the camp adventure. And while he appears to be rather unhappy about that at first, he obliges - and eventually thanks her (and Jyou) for enabling him to actually sit down and think about what he wants to do in his future himself. Not only that - the two of them bounce off of each other in a very playful manner. In fact, while Koushirou appears to be somehwat obedient towards her at first glance, he doesn’t shy away to tease her back (”Cavemen didn’t use guidebooks...”) to the point of actually getting under her skin. It’s a fun dynamic and it’s nice to see how friendly and casually they act around each other (while he also exchanges grins with Sora in the back when Mimi gets a bit over the top, it’s very endearing).
Yamato is the one that gets him to get assertive and speak up loudly on several occasions - I already once pointed out that one of Koushirou’s main roles in Tri is to keep Yamato from strangling Taichi and that’s exactly what he does here as well. There are two instances in which Yamato acts in overly emotional ways - and each time, Koushirou asserts his point towards him, getting him to calm down again. And even if he appears to be somewhat exasperated by Yamato’s attitude, he still manages to remain calm, hitting the correct tone and finding the right words to reach him - and everyone else too for that matter.
Jyou and Koushirou, at first glance, are interacting mostly for comic relief reasons - this is the only instance where it’s played for laughs that Koushirou is “smarter” than Jyou. And while Koushirou doesn’t seem to realize how much that gets to Jyou, he still HIGHLY values Jyou throughout the play (”I’m glad you could come too”, “Listening to Jyou-san got me thinking...”) and is visibly distressed at the idea that (spoiler) Jyou might not be “real”. One of the best moments in the entire stageplay - in my opinion - involves Koushirou losing faith in his hypothesis and straight-up admitting that he’s pitying himself for not having figured everything out correctly. Just like in Tri itself, he’s close to falling apart because of it - if it wasn’t for Jyou reassuring and valuing him as well. And that’s what he needs to hear to move on - which is such a simple, but powerful scene that it’s easily one of my favourites.
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His relationship with Taichi is probably also one of their best portrayals throughout the entire Adventure timeline. Not only are they framed to be physically close (and constantly touching each other), they’re also comfortably fooling around together, which is a very refreshing take and an appropriate follow-up to their portrayal in 02. As mentioned above, Koushirou acts as second in command on several occasions as well - which is also visibly pointed out by the fact that he is the one wearing the goggles by the end of the stageplay, before handing them back to their rightful owner. The most remarkable part though is the way their most crucial interactions are mirroring the scenes in 01, where Taichi opened up to Koushirou about almost having killed Hikari as children. This time, Taichi is losing himself (spoilers) over the idea of being responsible for having everyone trapped in an eternal August 1st, he’s ridden by insecurities, feels weak and inept - and Koushirou is the one who tries to help him coming to terms with his true feelings, asking him to confide in him, outright shouting at him; he thought Taichi could be honest with him, since he was the one who had watched him throughout all these years... While it’s Agumon Taichi opens up to eventually, Koushirou is still shown in the back listening to him - and eventually, Taichi and him end up plan crafting together once again, directly and indirectly telling each other to take care of themselves, as Koushirou displays great confidence towards Taichi, smiling at and reassuring him. It makes the scene in which he gives Taichi the goggles back even more meaningful - because after Jyou had encouraged him, Koushirou had been the one taking charge, telling everyone about what was going on and how to handle the situation, just to end up giving Taichi both his courage and the sign of “leadership” back. It’s a great way to showcase that, while things may not be 100% alright between them, they’re still there for and complementing each other.
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What is also remarkable about his behaviour towards Yamato and Taichi is how he gets his points across. Koushirou wouldn’t be Koushirou if he didn’t explain his theories and hypothesis in great lengths - but in this stageplay, he also addresses things from a very emotional perspective. In fact, he repeatedly talks about feelings and tries to resonate with everyone to evaluate their own desires and wishes by doing so.
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So, tldr: Koushirou is not only portrayed as exposition dump, but also secondary leader (speaking up, asserting himself, giving instructions, towards Yamato for instance). His primary development revolves around relying a little less on his laptop and more on himself (inspired by Mimi), figuring out what he wants to do and believing in his natural skillsets more (inspired by Jyou). His secondary role revolves around being a foil for Taichi, reassuring and encouraging him to open up more, to be careful and believe in his leadership skills as well. And while being his usual rambly, theorizing self that may not always pick up every social cue out there, he is still trying his best - and displays a great sense of cheekiness, empathy and emotional intelligence with an emphasis on feelings while doing so.
Again, if you haven’t watched the stageplay yet, please do so: It’s amazing.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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Because I’ll literally never shut up about how soft they are for each other in the stageplay. Okay, the forehead touch didn’t actually happen, but it was close.
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Is there a place to watch g the digimon tru stage play with subtitles? I want to watch it so bad but i don't speak Japanese ):
Yes, you can download it here with subtitles!
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breadbirdmp4 · 9 months
"what do you want to be?"
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a leader, still
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seventeenlovesthree · 9 months
Listening to Joshua Seth swooning over voicing Tai once more just made me realize once again: Taichi Yagami is a very special character, who has a great impact on the people who play him.
Joshua Seth (English dub, OG), who calls this role his "life's work".
Natsuki Hanae (Japanese dub, Tri/Kizuna), who was so anxious about getting the role right, doing it justice.
Gaku Matsumoto (Japanese stageplay), who went on about how much Digimon means to people.
Toshiko Fujita (Japanese dub, Adventure+02), who still kept on voicing him until the end, even if her voice got weaker.
Florian Knorn (German dub, OG), who flew back from Austria and came back from retirement to voice him.
Zeno Robinson (English dub, reboot), who audibly put his entire heart into this role...
This boy is special.
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