#dfl answers
dragonflylady77 · 9 months
Tagged: @monsterpegger001 <3
Last Song: Separate Ways by Journey
Last Show: Um... hey bear sensory video for kids, it's dancing fruit and it calms Willow down
Currently Watching: Nothing right now... Started a rewatch of Justified. Got involved this afternoon when the 13yo watched The Summer I Turned Pretty though...
Reading: Just finished Love is a Sickness (lust is a madness), 28k of camboy billy x barista steve and W O W!
Obsession: you mean apart from Dacre & Billy & Harringrove?
No pressure tags: @thissortofsorcery @discodeviant @shieldofiron @lovebillyhargrove @fizzigigsimmer @pleasdonttalktome @80svhstapes
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pctaldrunk · 7 months
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it's a headcanons night baby (they're only sort of related, so, different posts, shh). After months (maybe literal years), we have returned to Ro's series on J.in G.uangyao.
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I was thinking about how in a great deal of circumstances when J.in G.uangyao likes someone - the less likely he is, almost, to accept any promises from them. Which - sounds counterintuitive, and it is, but - he knows he can't handle the emotional ramifications of someone he genuinely cares for and believes in go back on or retract their word, as they inevitably sometimes have to (and I do think he knows better than most that there is a circumstance for everything). Like everything with him - it's kind of a trust thing, though I feel even the people he trusts...will have to deal with this some, until something can resolve. Because he carries these walls with him from the beginning of his narrative - maybe from the beginning of his life.
The tragedy of his mother and the rather violent rejection from his father begins this thought process - and arguably I think, the events during, following, and after s.unshot, cements for him - that it only hurts worse and puts you in a worse position when you allow yourself to have any expectations or to believe in things that are subject to change. It's pessimistic but I think he genuinely prepares for and accepts it when people do turn on him...relatively quickly. He may or may not take measures, dependent on his level of panic and ability and energy availability to care about the outcome - but he accepts it very quickly. You can see that in G.uanyin T.emple - never let it be said that he wasn't shocked, because truly he was played, but he rolled with it, you know? Whether or not that screams repression - is a different headcanon, truly.
Likewise, I think it's hard for him to accept or consider someone's regard for him as the Solution to His Problems (tm), the sum of his worth or even a viable backup plan - feelings are fickle, feelings change, feelings can be acted - when you're stuck in a brothel, it's better to earn money yourself than to hope for someone to buy your contract. A relationship, whether that's platonic or romantic, is not a safety net he's willing to fall on. Barring his mother, he has accepted that it's easier if love is conditional, even if he is exhausted by it, because fulfilling his end of the bargain when he knows what it is is easier, safer and eons more reliable than counting on the ever elusive and easily changed thing known as human hearts. He's known to be eager to please - or rather, he's eager to bring something more substantial and demanding, shall we say, of attention and admiration, to the table other than being the blurry and mystifying concept of "a person another person likes."
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direwombat · 11 months
texture favorite change and alternate for syb please <3
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falfd; idk how the two of you did it but both you and @jacobsneed asked for the same questions, so i'm just going to answer this in one dfl;jakdf
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
she really isn't that picky and will wear what she can find at thrift stores. the only things she ever buys new are underwear/bras and shoes (and she'll wear those until they're falling apart). everything else is secondhand. most of her wardrobe is denim, cotton, and flannel. i like to think she had a satin nightdress that she got for a steal at goodwill that she absolutely loved the feel of. i don't think she's a big fan of velvet and she's definitely not a lace kind of gal (itchy and just not her thing aesthetically)
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
i...wouldn't necessarily say it's her favorite accessory, but the one with most sentimental value behind it is the saint medal of st. anthony her mama gave her when she was sixteen and started working on a fishing vessel. she wore that necklace every day until her mama was murdered and she lost her faith. but she never got rid of it since it is one of the last things she has of her mom. she was so afraid she had lost it when john burned down her/augustine's home, but she managed to find it among the ashes and she starts wearing it again after that :')
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
before the reaping? no more so than a person normally does throughout her life. i think she did buzz her head at around fourteen, not long after her mom got her and her brother out of their father's house. it was an impulse thing that was driven by emotion and a desire to make some sort of change now that she was "free" from him. she immediately regretted it because the second she looked at her reflection in the mirror she realized just how much she looked like her dad, and promptly punched/broke the mirror :// she wore a lot of hats and bandannas for a while while it grew out.
after the reaping? well...she goes undercover as a Chosen for like. two weeks. and she really tries not to think about how...natural...it feels to be back in uniform and living under a strictly regimented schedule. there was something bizarrely liberating for her in becoming entirely faceless and defined only by her skills and abilities. it's part of the reason why she's so willing to accept a place among the Chosen, as the Judge when she eventually gives in.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
f;lkjdfa answering for her herald au i guess since that's like...the most "opposite" of her canonical verse. but i mean really? it would just be jacob's outfit but with tighter fitting pants lmao. her fashion sense really wouldn't be that different from what it normally is. she is, at her core, a function over form kind of person when it comes to clothing.
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mariacallous · 2 years
In the 20 years since, there hasn’t been another Wellstone, exactly — no politician has talked like him, walked like him, wrestled like him. (A championship college wrestler, he had been inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2001.) Wellstone Action, the nonprofit formed to carry on his work, recently reconstituted itself as Re:Power to focus more narrowly on racial and gender justice, dropping Wellstone’s sons from its board and his name altogether. The green bus that ferried his campaigns across the state, in fits and starts, has been dragged from one farm to another around Northfield, its mercurial motor finally kaput.
Yet there has never been more Wellstone! in government. Senators Smith and Amy Klobuchar, Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov Peggy Flanagan, Attorney General Keith Ellison and U.S. Attorney Andy Luger — all were inspired, at some point, by Wellstone. In the statehouse, despite high turnover, many Democrats still have a Wellstonian pedigree. State Sen. Kari Dziedzic served as his executive assistant. State Rep. Frank Hornstein volunteered on his 1982 campaign for state auditor. House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler drove Mondale around during his short-lived 2002 campaign.
“His legacy is thinking about how to build power,” says Smith, who now holds Wellstone’s seat. “By organizing, by building power around people who aren’t rich and powerful themselves. He built power not for himself—though he was ambitious about what he wanted to accomplish—but for others. It’s certainly how I approach my job. And that is a straight line to Senator Wellstone.”
The ghost of Wellstone is so ubiquitous as to make Minnesota seem haunted by his memory. When the New Yorker profiled Ellison a few years ago, the writer visited the Twin Cities and reported that “Wellstone is a key figure in Minnesota’s long liberal tradition; while I was there, everyone I spoke to invoked him.”
If everyone knew Wellstone, however, it’s because Wellstone knew everyone. David Wellstone, his older son, remembers his father running parade routes “from side to side, sweating profusely” to greet as many people as possible. Connie Lewis, Wellstone’s former state director, calls him “probably the most extroverted person I’ve ever known.”
“He was everywhere all the time,” says former Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, who met him shortly after moving back to Minnesota in 1998. She was impressed by how much talent he had assembled around him: “smart, good-hearted people, who, for the most part, were in it for the right reasons.”
Tom Berg, a former U.S. attorney and state legislator who ran against Wellstone for the DFL endorsement for the Senate in 1990, had watched him build support for years. “We would sit in the back of the hall at various DFL conventions, and it was clear for a long time that Paul planned to run for office,” he says. The caucus and convention system really mattered then — you didn’t run without seeking the party’s nomination — and Wellstone knew it.
“He had excellent rhetorical skills that none of us could match,” Berg says, “and a flair for entertainment.” He remembers Wellstone bringing a grogger to a convention — a noisemaker of the sort that’s spun on New Year’s Eve or Purim, the Jewish holiday — to get people’s attention. “Theatrical is a fair word, he had a sense of that, but he also had a wonderful grasp of politics.”
Ellison first met him in North Minneapolis, in a park where a housing community had been demolished (now rebuilt as Heritage Park). “I was fresh out of law school and I was asking him a challenging question,” Ellison says, “sort of like here’s Mr. Senator Man, I’m gonna see if he can answer this. And you know what? He was so kind and so patient and he took me seriously. He looked me straight in the eye and gave me a straightforward answer, and then he asked who I was and what I was up to. And I thought, ‘This guy, this is a special person.’”
Ellison thinks of politics, in some ways, as Before and After Paul. “Look, before Paul there were always people who stood up for values of inclusion and the environment,” he says, “but they usually lost. Because they didn’t really make it pragmatic. Paul made sure his message made sense to those who would benefit the most. It’s moral politics and good politics, but it’s also winning politics. And he proved that.”
Ellison won his first race for office in 2002, joining the Minnesota House, and has won every race he’s competed in since. “Wellstone is the blueprint for my political career,” he says. “We do it like he did it. It’s the Wellstone way.”
In January 2004, I went to Camp Wellstone, an intensive weekend workshop organized by Wellstone Action. Over the next decade, at camps across the country, tens of thousands of activists and potential candidates would be trained to win hearts and minds the Wellstone way. This one was at the University of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, a little more than a year after Wellstone’s death. Things still felt raw. I was told to mark my nametag “PRESS” so participants could avoid me if they wanted: “Some people get uncomfortable.”
You could learn to make a campaign ad or write a press release or get an “ask” — a commitment to phone bank, door knock, or whatever needed doing. A PowerPoint slide advised, “Remember: Body position, eye contact, and SMILE!” (Full disclosure: One of the students I interviewed, who had volunteered for Wellstone’s 1996 campaign while still in high school and was apparently unfazed by my press badge, would eventually become my wife.) Ellison gave a talk. Flanagan, who had volunteered for Wellstone’s 2002 campaign while a student at the University of Minnesota, was a seminar leader.
The following year, Walz took the camp’s candidate class, as did Luger and Mark Ritchie. “I came out of it thinking this is a noble profession,” Walz told me. “Politics doesn’t need to be a pejorative.” Two years later, Ritchie was Minnesota’s secretary of state and Walz was Minnesota’s 1st District congressman.
Walz was Flanagan’s student at Camp Wellstone. In a statement to MinnPost, Flanagan says, “walking by the Wellstone for Senate office my senior year of college changed the entire trajectory of my life. I would not be where I am today if not for Senator Paul Wellstone and his vision for Minnesota.” Walz says it was “Wellstone’s passion that inspired me to run for Congress in Southern Minnesota. Senator Wellstone never wavered from his convictions or his commitment to improving the lives of working people.”
Hodges, too, had never run for anything when, in October 2002, then-State Rep. Scott Dibble suggested she run for Minneapolis City Council. She demurred. Two weeks later, Wellstone died, and she changed her tune. “Paul had done so much for so many of us,” she says. “I thought if someone I respect thinks some of that work should go on my shoulders now, I should take that seriously.”
Hodges, who now lives in Washington, D.C., and consults with corporate and civic groups on racial equity, says she sometimes thinks of Wellstone as Luke Skywalker at the end of Return of the Jedi. “He doesn’t forget that Darth Vader still has good in him,” she says, “just as Paul was capable of remembering the humanity of everyone—including people whose policies were inhumane, whose behavior was repugnant. We have a thirst for that as human beings that we don’t recognize or honor nearly enough.”
I wonder if Wellstone is also like Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose end marks the beginning of something larger. Hodges says, “You know, I am so grateful for all the good that has come in the wake of Paul’s death. But I can’t say with full honesty that I would trade any of it for him.”
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fyodorloveclub · 9 months
what do you do most of the time when you're not making fics or answering anon qns on tumblr?
during the semester my time is usually mostly taken up by school, work, and friends but this summer i had a brief unemployment era so i just spent most of my time with friends, crocheting, playing on my switch and taking naps dfl;kjsdlk i like going on walks too also being sad about how little money i had and my severe writers block
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lauren5420214 · 2 years
Week 10 - Completing the Loop
End of term reflections
Communications 2 allowed for an exciting term that provided a combination of resources and practical exercises which enabled me to develop skills in a range of practical methods for making and evaluating physical models as part of an iterative design process.
The experience has opened so many doors for me. In the past, I only viewed the unit as a stepping stone in which I could pick up skills and technological tools which Industrial Designers use. Now, I realise through this unit the significance of not only the practical skills, but also soft skills such as the ability to network, adaptability, communication, teamwork and openness to feedback.
During the period of this course, I learnt that the most effective way I learned was when I was in the DFL with my peers, actively connecting and seeking help from one another. I was able to not only learn how to use equipment in the DFL to model a prototype but grew from seeking feedback for my work regularly and open-mindedly. Another lesson learnt was knowing how useful it is to be able to research and utilise valuable sources beyond the provided material to broaden my learning. Making use of YouTube videos, even staff from the DFL, as well as tutorials beyond the course content really boosted the quality of learning and allowed me to effectively produce work when I was working remotely.
Although I thought that the emphasis on the content this term was on exploration and skill mastery, I came to the realisation that I really had only just briefly touched on how to actually use the interface of softwares such as 3ds Max. Practise and repetition being necessary to be able to delve below the tip of the iceberg, this wasn't the case for this unit as instead, we explored more broader processes of design from prototyping to 3d modelling. As such, I found it more eye-opening to begin my journey as an Industrial Designer by starting to learn how to use softwares and different equipment. I think it would have been perfect if we had more time dedicated to in-depth learning for some programs like 3ds Max and Rhino.
Something I felt I had the most fun with was developing my drawing techniques. It was intriguing to see what I could achieve with the addition of equipment I had never seen before such as the circle templates. I especially enjoyed the engineering drawings from Week 3 as it was comforting to have a set "right" answer within the boundaries of calculations and parameters.
Another key takeaway was the importance of paying attention to the smallest details of anything produced with the intention of it being presented. Although it not being exclusively taught in class, I think I've developed the habit of putting special consideration to the layout and aesthetic of assignments - even to assignments in the form of blog posts.
If I could redo this course, I would firstly acknowledge the importance of time management, especially the notion of getting started with something as soon as possible. I figured throughout the term I found myself pushing a task back as it seemed "too big of a task". Knowing it's better off to start with nothing than leaving it to the last minute in the hopes that I can make it perfect, I hope I can make use of my time smarter next term.
All in all, upon completing IDES1262, I was able to experience the design process from hand-sketching technical drawings to prototyping with blue foam and digitally fabricating, to finally reach the 3D printing stage. I hope I will be able to continue my learning with skills particularly that of actively seeking/providing constructive criticism, social and networking skills, and reflection. Thanks Gonz, Rob and Sarah!
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from drawing, to hand modelling and digitally editing
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unswides1262-22 · 2 years
Week 2 - Engineering Drawing
Engineering drawing is a formal method of design communication that enables us to describe our ideas and understand the ideas of others, in an accurate and consistent manner. It relies on a standardised system of conventions (lines, symbols, abbreviations and other elements) to convey information about form, scale, material, finish, manufacturing process and tolerance. To be able to use this language effectively, we need to be familiar with it, just as we need to know a verbal language in order to have a meaningful conversation.
The International Standards Organisation (ISO) is the source of these conventions. Each country further adapts and develops these to suit their own needs. In Australia, the body responsible for this is the Standards Association of Australia and the relevant standard for all Technical Drawing is AS1100. This week we will begin to look at these standard representations.
The ability to work with our hands is fundamental to the communication and design development skills we need as designers. Hand making has an immediacy that digital methods do not. Building on the skills we began to develop in our tutorial exercise last week, we will again utilise hand drawing methods. When it comes to learning engineering drawing standards, a useful advantage of hand drawing over CAD (computer aided drawing), is that it forces us to slow down and carefully consider every aspect of what we are doing. Nothing happens automatically. Any gaps in our ability to interpret and apply the engineering drawing standards we have read in the textbook readings, or seen in the lecture, will be made very clear.
The hand skills we are developing will soon be extended across to other skills such as model making and sketching.
By the end of this week you should:
1. Have a basic familiarity with some of the standards used in engineering drawing, including:
line types
line weights
drawing sheet layout
projection methods
2. Know where to go to look up relevant standards to ensure that you are interpreting and using them correctly
3. Begin to memorise some of the more frequently used standards
4. Begin to understand how to describe 3 dimensional form on 2 dimensional paper using orthogonal projection
These activities are to be completed prior to the commencement of our virtual class session on Friday:
1. Complete the Week 2 reading
Please complete the assigned reading on Engineering Drawing (see Week 2 Resources tab on Moodle). It covers dimensioning and orthographic projection. The tutorial exercise this week will combine the content covered in the Week 1 and Week 2 readings, so think of it an opportunity to test your knowledge of what you have read and prepare accordingly.
2. View the following video by Clan McCAD
A short visual explanation of Third Angle Projection versus First Angle Projection. Click here
3. Bring a small, simple object with you to class
The object should be about the size of a coffee mug. We will be constructing an orthographic projection of this object in the tutorial.
Suitable examples include:
tape dispenser
hole punch
phone charger / transformer
USB memory stick
Highlighter Pen
Face/hand cream tube
NOTE: A mobile phone is not a suitable choice of object!
4. Prepare your drawing equipment
You will need all of the same drawing equipment as last week. Please make sure you have everything with you and ready to use on the day. If you missed the opportunity to purchase any of the required equipment last week, you can still purchase individual items from the Design Futures Lab (DFL) prior to class day.
Below is the schedule of activities we will be completing during our virtual class time:
1. Week 1 review / question and answer session
Whether you are an online or face to face student, please come to class prepared with your questions!
2. Lecture: Engineering Drawing
3. Exercise: Orthogonal projection and AS1100 standards
In order to complete these activities you will need to have engaged with the Pre-Class Activities.
These activities are to be completed by the Monday evening evening following our virtual class:
1. Finish the class activity to the best of your ability
2. Make your weekly blog post
Write a reflection on your learning experiences within Communications this week. You might ask yourself:
What went well / what did I have difficulty with?
What did I enjoy / dislike?
What would I do differently if I had my time again?
What were some of the key things I learnt, or insights which I developed?
What led to those experiences or insights?
You can consider some or all of these, or any other questions which you believe are relevant. Try to write about 200 words.
Following this, post a series of images that help show the process you used to create the items you produced in the tutorial exercise.
3. Reply with a note on to two of your classmates’ blogs
You might make a comment that includes:
Identifying some aspect of their work you think they did particularly well at
Identifying something in common that you struggled with
Let them know how you have tried to overcome that struggle – maybe you found a resource, method or technique that was helpful?
Ask them if they have found a way to overcome something you struggled with
1. Each other
Here’s a reminder that your most important “additional resource” is each other. Hopefully the 'student help desk' activity during the week 1 lecture helped to kick-start that process. You are encouraged to reach out to your fellow 'help deskers' and to respond promptly and generously if they need help.
Your Peer Engagement mark is worth 25% of this subject. It will be based on the feedback comments you leave on each others’ blog posts each week. As shown on the Assessment Rubric, we are looking for substantial, meaningful interaction with your peers, and evidence that you are applying what you learn from others to your own work.
Not sure how to access the comments tab on Tumblr? Visit the Moodle resources tabs for Week 1 and Week 2. There you will find a Tumblr Interface Tour (video) and an infographic showing the comment icons.
Not sure how to give feedback? Revisit this link from last week: Click here
2. Having trouble with Tumblr?
If you’re struggling with anything Tumblr related and you've already tried contacting members of your 'student help desk', you might try opening it up to the whole class using the Student Questions and Answers forum on Moodle. You could also try to find answers at the Tumblr help centre. Click here
3. Revision from Communications 1 - What is orthographic projection?
This resource is a Linked In Learning video is from chapter 3 of the series by Kevin Henry called “Sketching for Product Design and AEC”. It can be found using the UNSW LinkedIn Learning gateway, then searching for “what is orthographic projection”.
For those of you who completed Communications 1 in term 1 you will have already seen this video, however it is included here as a useful bit of revision. For students who didn't do Communications 1 or haven't seen it yet, it is a helpful explanation that goes into more detail than the Clan McCAD video (see Pre-Class Activities).
3. Food for thought - Embracing Failure as part of the design process
During the Introduction to Sketch Modelling lecture, the importance of embracing failure as a normal part of the design process was mentioned. Identifying failures quickly makes it possible to learn from what didn’t work, and divert our efforts towards alternative, better approaches. We can make the likelihood of costly failures, caused by going too far down the wrong path, less likely.
This is the goal of a sketch modelling approach. By not getting bogged down in detail or being worried about getting it perfect, we are able to explore a wide range of creative possibilities rapidly. We save time and money by not investing resources unnecessarily at the front end of a project. We are simply interested in finding out what we need to know to progress a design idea to its next iteration, or whether to drop it all together and move onto something else.
In this TED talk, the head of X (Google X) describes how he has embraced the idea of failure in his team. Click here
...and for some great quotes on failure that might inspire you Click here
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*jumps on Christian* HELLO FIREBOY, DID YOU MISS ME
He tries to catch you, awkwardly, and barely, fumbling-ly succeeds.
“Oh, god. Um, hi. Yeah. Sort of. Hello. How are you.”
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so true! not to mention racist and homophobic posters, comments or other disgusting things that the dfb doesn't give a shit about... if they only had the same enthusiasm for actually important issues as they have for money....
They would have a lot more support if they did anything close to what they did in that situation for any of these things but they don’t which makes they’re decisions concerning the reaction to those banners so much worse for me.
Racism, homophobia and sexism we can over look but calling an old billionaire a Hurensohn is were we draw the line.
No money to be made and no money lost so it’s not their problem in there eyes.
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dragonflylady77 · 11 months
First Line of 10 Fics game
Rules: share the first line of 10 of your most recent fanfics and ghen tag 10 people. If you have written less than 10 fics, don't be shy and share anyways
I was tagged by @spaceofentropy
Finding peace together (harringrove, post starcourt)
Then one day Steve shows up.
2. A frankly ill-timed visit (harringrove, modern setting, older characters)
Steve stretches as he wakes up, arm reaching beside him to find the bed is cold.
3. Never fall for a straight guy (harringrove, post starcourt, mutual pining)
Billy is browsing the movies in the Horror section at Family Video, trying to find something Max hasn’t seen yet, when he hears Harrington whisper from the counter.
4. Wake me up (harringrove ficlet/drabble thing)
"Billy?" Steve wipes the sleep from his eyes and tries to remember where he is.
5. Steve can't take it anymore (might rename it to 'why punch a guy when you can kiss him instead') - THAT night at the Byers
"I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everyone has been telling me so much about."
6. Harringrove micro poems (User @/Plotwist_ing on Twitter has been posting daily prompts for micro poems and I got inspired.)
Ribbons around his wrists
7. Flirting? (harringrove text post)
Steve: are you flirting with me right now?
8. The start of something good (Power Rangers 2017 fic, jason/kimberly, based on the deleted scene with the kiss)
“Just be the person you wanna be.”
9. We talked about this (harringrove ficlet)
“Oh my god, pretty boy, just fucking do it already.”
10. A bold move for a Slayer (Spuffy, missing scene, S7)
“There endeth the lesson.”
no pressure tagging: @fizzigigsimmer @onstrangerthighs @lovebillyhargrove @bigdumbbambieyes @weird-an @ihni @thissortofsorcery @discodeviant @harringrovest @billyharringson @mourntheantagonist @intothedysphoria @bentnotbroken1fanfiction @shieldofiron @whenyouwishuponastar7 @adelacreations @passivenovember
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bd-formaggioandco · 4 years
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you ain’t slick
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sunshinesteviee · 5 years
do i ever like tell yourself that someday you'll met tom even though its a big fat lie WE GOTTA BELIEVE
uhhh yes 100000% relatable 
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lunacias · 6 years
Hey, I want to ask you something about your online store. I bought an art print from your store back in January and I was just wondering if you're waiting to get it restocked. If you are, then I conpletely get it, I just want to make sure something will happen.
Due to certain circumstances, I wasn’t able to send large prints out right away. But I actually just sent it out today so you should have received a notification about it already! Sorry for the delay!
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fabioquartararhoe · 4 years
wait didnt 4 other players also had the same hiarcut thing? why are sancho and akanji the only ones punished?
Idk... DFL said that Akanji and Sancho broke coronavirus hygiene rules.
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julianbrandtrelated · 4 years
Wie findest du es eigentlich, dass die Bundesliga wieder losgeht? Ich hoffe ja, dass Julian jetzt durch die Pause wieder besser reinkommt als direkt nach seiner Verletzung und früher oder später auch wieder einen Stammplatz bekommt😊
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Sending positivity to people on the "bad list"! You're amazing and I admire you loads ^^
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