#despite only being my “”“secondary”“” oc world
crabknee · 5 months
crab I would love nothing more than to hear about war of the elements….. do regale me with your wisdom
ok so the main idea for the world/story (gonna call it the story from here on out) is that people can conjure weapons from elements (or at least some people can, haven't really figured out the criteria yet) What element their weapon is conjured of depends on their heritage/what country they're from. I haven't figured out a lot of countries yet, but there are two major ones that I have figured out. The japanese inspired kingdom with the element of light/sun and the german inspired kingdom (might branch out to some other central european countries) with the lightning element. By the time of the story these two countries are at war with each other and have been for quite a while (thinking about making it a 100 year war, seems like it would be cool)
Archer lady is a high ranking general in the sun nations army, and she wields a sun-energy Yumi (which is a traditional japanese bow that is very tall) Another great drawing of her below that I'm very proud of
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The entire sun kingdom has a whole bird motif going on so that is encorperated in her design with the feathers on the yumi. She is also, like, early to mid 50's in age
There is also another character that I have yet to draw from the sun kingdom that is just stuck in my brain but I love her. She is the kings right hand woman and she will wield a long kind of katana (have to figure out which kind exactly) I also want her to have a helmet with a bird motif, somewhat like this (ignore fake png please)
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Also, the way I want sunlight weapons to look somewhat like this, with a white light in the middle surrounded my a warm soft orange (ignore that this is lightning which is litterally their main enemy, in my defense this is sunlight spear from dark souls which is both sun and lightning)
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But neither of these to people are the main character, the main character is this guy
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He is also yet unnamed but my irl friends (aside from pie) have taken to calling him john lightning (NOT HIS NAME) do with that information what you will
anyway, notice that he has a katana (japanese) that is lightning (german)? huh how curious, wonder why that could be...
To make a long story short (you can find his story in more detail under my save tag on my blog if you want, this post is just for an overview of the story, my save tag is "save" archer lady is also there as well as a demon slayer oc) His dad is an emmigrant from lightning kingdom who fled to sun kingdom after [something I have not decided yet] and fell in love with mcs mom and they had mc. Dad died when mc was pretty young but he lived a happy life with his mom until one day the lady with the bird helmet came to their village and slaughtered all the villagers because of a rumor of a lightning kingdom spy. She then kills mcs mom right in front of him and mc charges out from their hiding place full of anger to kill. The lady is surprised, but very interrested in mc because of his mixture of the cultures, which is a thing that almost never happens, especially between sun and lightning, and therefor decides to let him live, but she does cut of his arm as a warning. Then he ran. he ran far. he ran until he couldn't see the village anymore. And now he was alone.
After this I haven't really had his story as set in stone, but I want to things, I want him to rebel against the sun kingdoms tyranny and I REALLY want his story to follow maslows hierarchy of needs in some way, I think that would be very interesting.
That's about all I have so far, the sun kingdom is definitly the most fleshed out so far since it's where it all takes place, but I also really like lightning and german weapons and will definitly be expanding that at some point.
The things I also want to include are things like
A middle eastern inspired nation (the middle east has some sick weapons, especially their curved swords, fucking love middle eastern swords)
A fire kingdom (obviosly)
An extensive lightning kingdom noble family
possibly a spanish/italian country, they have some cool weapons that I could do something with, also france, but I need to research their weapons more
A water place (MAYBE with ice but that might also be sepperate)
Extra lightning guy pic here
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really proud of the arm on this one, I also have a few others, but they are from before his outfit got a major overhaul so I don't like them, and another one that I LOVE I can't really show because it was made by a friend and I haven't asked for permission and I don't want to disrespect my friend even though it would probably be ok
Anyway suggestions and feedback greatly appreciated!!!
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jeankluv · 18 days
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 10
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Words: 4,4K
Summary: You didn't like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you would use to describe him.
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball
ac: _3aem
Notes: I was not going to post but Gege made my day with that 260 chapter, so here you have.
materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
Pinteres board || Birdie playlist || ao3
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You placed Satoru in front of you, hoping his figure would shield you from view. Of all the clubs in Tokyo, why did you have to run into that jerk here? You nervously bit your thumb, trying to come up with a plan to avoid being seen.
“Birdie?” Satoru tilted his head and looked at your face.
You sighed. That was true. You and Satoru were about to cross a line that had no turning back, but seeing that person threatened to ruin everything.
"Huh..." You looked at Satoru, trying to make the situation lighter. “No big deal.” You mumbled, shaking your head.
But Satoru saw through you. “There's someone here you don't want to see, right?” He deduced, his tone soft but insightful.
Your heart sank. How did he know? 
"How...?" You started, before he interrupted you.
"Your face dropped when you saw someone behind me and positioned me to protect you.” He explained calmly.
You blinked in surprise, amazed at him. How could he be so observant? Despite your attempt to hide it, Satoru saw right through you, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. You swallowed hard, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension wash over you. 
You raised your gaze a little to face Satoru's. “I… Yes there is someone here I would like to avoid.” You admitted nervously. 
Satoru's expression was replaced with one of concern. “Do you want us to leave?” His voice sounded worried. 
You were conflicted, a part of you wanted to leave, the atmosphere had become somewhat uncomfortable knowing that that person was there. But the other part, the part that wanted to continue enjoying with your friends, that wanted to continue dancing with Satoru and that felt safe being close to Satoru's presence, wanted more than anything in the world to stay there. 
Taking a deep breath, you shook your head and smiled. “I want to stay.” You said firmly. 
“Okay birdie, but if you want to leave, tell me.” He said, leaning down to get closer to you. “Let’s go where everyone else is.” He grabbed your hand once again, just as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
As you and Satoru walked side by side towards where the basketball players and the girls were, you felt a pang of reluctance as you let go of his hand when you reached the group. It was like a part of you wanted to keep holding on to him, not ready to let it go.
Quickly sitting down next to the girls, you tried to distract yourself from the feeling of emptiness. Starting a conversation with your friends helped you momentarily, but your thoughts kept returning to Satoru and to that person. 
Looking at Satoru, you found him immersed in a conversation with his teammates, his smile illuminated his features. A bittersweet pain settled in your chest as you realized how much you enjoyed his company and the warmth of his touch.
“Something happened?” Kyoko whispered in your ear. You clenched your fists on your knees, Kyoko was the only one that knew about that guy and you knew her well enough to know that she would start to worry incessantly, so wanted you to  avoid telling her.
“Don't worry, you know that my battery wears out after drinking a little more than the usual.” You smiled, not giving any signs of importance.
Kyoko looked at you unsure as if she should believe you or try to get out of you what you were hiding but she ended up nodding and trusting your words. The conversation flowed normally up until Shoko announced her intention to step outside for a smoke, you rose from your seat, claiming the need for fresh air, you followed her lead. Satoru's concerned gaze followed you, but you reassured him with a simple gesture, telling him to stay calm.
Stepping out of the club, the cool night air greeted you, washing over your cheeks and your uncovered legs. As you took a deep breath, you felt a sense of relief flood over you.
Beside you, Shoko lit her cigarette, the glow illuminating her features in the night. You stood in companionable silence for a moment, simply enjoying the tranquility of the night and the gentle rustle of the breeze.
“You want?” Shoko shook the pack of cigarettes in front of you.
“It’s been a while since I smoked.” You told her.
“Oh you left it? Shit I shouldn’t have offered you.” She said, putting the box away. 
“I quit when we were in first grade, Kyoko hated that I smoked and helped me quit.” You explained.
“When did you start smoking?” Shoko asked you. “If you want to tell me, of course.”
“I think I was 15… I was dating my first boyfriend at the time and he was a heavy smoker, so he kinda dragged me in.” 
“Shit that’s awful.” Shoko gasped. “I was 17 and it was due to stress of not being able to get into college.” She let the smoke out of her lips. “At the end I got in but didn’t gave up smoking.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Now that Suguru and Kyoko are dating, maybe Suguru also quits smoking thanks to her.” Shoko smiled. “So you and Kyoko have been friends since the first year?” She said, taking another drag on her cigarette.
“Yeah, she was the one to approach me and ever since then we have been together.” 
You smiled remembering how Kyoko approached you that late spring when you were sitting on a bench alone eating a sandwich. She came at you like fresh air, like the morning sun heating your face. Kyoko entered your world to shake it completely.
“You care for her a lot right?” Shoko said.
You nodded still with a smile on your lips. “A lot, she is a sister to me.”
“She also cares a lot for you.” She rested her back on the wall. “When I met her, that time you were sick, she talked so dearly about you.” She smiled. “She even made Satoru sweat just by using her words.”
“Why would she?” You tilted your head confused.
“Oh you know, well it doesn't matter...” Shoko smiled. “Let’s head back.”
As you walked alongside Shoko, you suddenly felt a strong grip around your wrist, causing you to wince in pain. Surprised, you froze when you heard your name being called and instantly realized who was holding you.
Turning to face the source of the grip, your heart skipped a beat as you met the gaze of the unwanted individual you had been trying to avoid all night. It was him, the person you least wanted to meet.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" He scoffed, squeezing his wrist.
You tried to pull away, protesting against the pain coursing through your arm. "Let go." You demanded, voice strained with a mix of fear and defiance.
Shoko looked back, worried about etching his features as she watched the scene unfold. “Let her go.” She intervened firmly, approaching you.
The unwanted individual's gaze flickered between you and Shoko, with a smile on his lips. “She and I need to talk, don't we?” He insisted, with a possessive tone.
Panic surged inside you as you struggled against his grip, the weight of his words sinking in. “Naoya, you and I have nothing to talk about, let me go.” 
Naoya let out a throaty laugh and looked at you. “Come on doll, you quit the bar without saying anything, you completely broke my heart you know?” 
Naoya Zenin, your former boss. As his grip tightened around your wrist, a flood of memories returned: the days of working under his rule at the bar, the constant fear and anxiety that plagued you every time you set foot in that place.
When you started working at the restaurant, Naoya seemed like a normal guy, who treated you with respect and care. But as time passed, his true colors emerged, revealing him to be a complete macho asshole who harbored an unhealthy obsession with you.
The fear of running into him at the bar became one of your biggest nightmares. The weight of your debts hang over you like a dark cloud, threatening to engulf you if you didn't continue to put up with Naoya's harassment.
Fortunately, Kyoko came to your rescue, offering you a lifeline out of the toxic situation. Now you only worked in the grocery store and you didn’t have to worry anymore about that asshole. 
But there he was, once again in front of you looking at you with those sick eyes.
Shoko called you out and you looked back at her. “You know him?” 
You clenched your fists and nodded as you turned your gaze to him. “Unfortunately.”
“Hey!” Shoko spoke. “If you don’t want to get in trouble, let her go and stay away from her.” 
“And what will a filthy woman like you do?” He smiled arrogantly while still holding your wrist.
“Oh don’t worry. She will take care of you.” And she pointed behind him.
Yuki was outside the club and was standing right behind Naoya.  He laughed ironically and Yuki with a half smile grabbed the hand that he was holding tightly to you and moved it away from you, causing a sharp scream to escape from Naoya's lips. Shoko on her part grabbed you by your arm and pulled you closer to her, moving you away from him.
“Show me your wrist.” Shoko demanded, so you did as she told you. “It's red. It hurts?” You nodded slowly. “We better put some cold in it. That bastard.” She said, bracing you against her. “Yuki…”
“I’m done.” She smiled. “Get near her again and you will see.” 
As Shoko and Yuki took you back to the club, you felt a mix of relief and apprehension swirling inside you. Naoya was left laying on the ground, mumbling incomprehensible words.
Shoko walked up to the bar and asked for some ice to put around your wrist so the redness would go away. When the ice touched your skin you grimaced in disgust at the feeling of the cold hitting your skin. 
“What happened?” Kyoko appeared right next to the three of you.
“Kyoko…” You whispered, surprised she came that fast. “Oh this!” You pointed to your wrist. “It’s nothing I tripped outside and hurt my wrist but it’s okay.” You smiled. 
“Ugh…” She held your wrist carefully. “You need to be more careful.” 
“It’s okay, Shoko and Yuki were there.” You tried to calm her down. “Now go back to your boyfriend.” You winked at her. “He is waiting for you.” You said and Kyoko turned to see him and then back to you.
“Are you sure you will be okay?” She insisted again.
“Super sure. Now go!”
Once Kyoko returned with Suguru, you begged Shoko and Yuki to keep the incident a secret, fearing unnecessary worry and complications if Kyoko and also if Satoru would go find out. However, their solemn expressions told you that keeping it secret was not an option.
"I'm sorry, but we can't hide this." Shoko said softly, her voice tinged with sadness.
You understood her concern, although it weighed heavily on you. Knowing that Kyoko would start to worry only increased your distress, but deep down, you realized that they were right.
"If they ask us, we will have to tell them." Yuki added, his tone firm but compassionate. "It's best that you tell them yourself, for your own well-being and safety."
Reluctantly, you agreed to talk to Kyoko and Satoru, promising to address the situation but choosing to wait until the party was over. You didn't want to ruin the night with those news and preferred to enjoy what was left of the night.
You went back and sat with Shoko and Yuki while Kyoko enjoyed her time with Suguru. Briefly you saw Satoru speaking with the same girl you saw him that time he was acting strangely and something inside you stirred. You clenched your fists and looked away from where the two of them were laughing. You knew you had no right to be angry because you and Satoru were absolutely nothing, but you still were. You were completely jealous.
You grabbed your new drink and took a big sip, feeling how it burned in your throat. You looked pathetic, with your drink in your hand, the alcohol rushing through your system and your gaze fixed on a person who was absolutely nothing of yours.
You wanted to get up from where you were, approach them and take Satoru away, to a place where only the two of you could be, where you were the only one who looked into those eyes and they looked back at you. A place where only you could see his smile. 
Oh fuck you had actually passed the event horizon and fallen into the black hole that was Satoru Gojo. 
There was no turning point. 
There was no escape for you. 
You watched her lean towards him, close, too close for your liking. You wanted to scream for her to get away from him. You stood up from your seat and felt the world spin slightly. But with clumsy steps and through the people you made your way to where Satoru was. When you were close enough you grabbed his arm and pulled him towards you.
“What…?” You heard him say.
“Satoruuuuu.” You stretched out his name, while you hugged his arm tightly. The alcohol was causing you to do things that had never occurred to you but there you were.
“Birdie?” He opened his eyes when he laid his eyes on you. “You are drunk?” It was a question but sounded more like an affirmation. “How much have you drunk?” He said with a worried tone. 
“Hmm…” You tried to think. “Like three… or maybe it was four. But I’m not drunk.” You smiled. “I’m just happy.” You rested your face on his bicep. “You told me you would accompany me drinking, but I'm alone.” It was a lie, but you wanted him to come with you.
“You are clearly drunk.” He looked at you with a serious face. “Come on.” He put his hand on your back and you started walking. “Mei Mei we'll talk about it.”
So her name was Mei Mei. You had never heard of her, but certainly for the only two times you had seen her she was someone with money and who moved in the same world as Satoru.
The same world as him. You were far from that world, in fact it was impossible for you to even think about touching it with your fingertips. 
“What are you thinking about birdie?” His voice once again taking you out of your own thoughts.
“Just… nothing.” You said with a sigh.
You both sat once again in the spot where you were just a few minutes ago. This time Shoko and Yuki and everyone else were gone. It was just you and Satoru.
You felt them grab your wrist and you quickly pushed them away, scared by the sensation. “Birdie…” Satoru spoke.
“Sorry… I fell and my wrist still hurts.” It was true, Satoru didn’t know.
“You fell?” He said with worried eyes.
“Just tripped and fell, nothing to worry about.” You tried to laugh it out. 
“Let me check.” He insisted.
“It’s pointless, Shoko already treated me.” You said showing him your wrist.
He checked your wrist carefully and then looked up to you. “This doesn’t look like you tripped. Birdie what happened…?” 
You looked at him and then to your hands, it was pointless to lie to him, you were going to tell him anyway. “An asshole grabbed me, but Shoko and Yuki helped me out.” You were leaving a lot of information out.
“Which asshole? Why?” His voice tone was serious. “Birdie, look at me.” And you did. “Tell me the truth. Are you really okay?” 
You took a breath and then let it out. “I was scared at first, but now, I’m okay.” You could see he was not convinced with your words. “I swore Satoru, I’m fine. I’m okay. I’m here with you, so there is nothing for me to worry about.” You gave him a smile.
He hesitated but ended up nodding. “Alright but if you see the asshole nearby, just…” 
“Yeah yeah, I know…” You shook your head. “Now let’s go for something else to drink.”
“No way.”
“Why?” You protested.
“Because you are starting to get drunk.”
“I am not drunk, just…” Jealous. But you couldn’t tell him that.
“Just what?” Satoru tilted his head.
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” You looked away. “But c’mon Satoru, let’s have one drink together. I’m not that drunk anyways.” You stood up and started walking towards the bar.
“You are not going to stop, right?” He whispered to your ear.
“Nop, until I get my drink with you.” You said, showing off your smile. 
He laughed. “You better not throw up on me again.” You grabbed your cocktail and looked at him offended.
“I was sick, you know?” You drank a bit. “You are not going to order anything?” 
“No, it’s enough drinking for me.” He shrugged. 
You linked your arm with his and rested your head on his shoulder as you walked back to where you had been sitting. The alcohol and jealousy were giving you a courage that you wouldn't have thought you would have at the start of the day. 
When you rested your head you felt Satoru tense up, did you make him nervous? 
“Being drunk makes you incredibly clingy, you know?” He said when you both sat back down.
Maybe or maybe I want to be with you like that.
You wanted to say it out loud but even if you were a bit, just a bit drunk, you didn’t have the courage to do it, so instead you remain silent, listening to the loud music playing and feeling Satoru’s heat next to yours. 
“Don’t sleep on me, please.” Satoru whispered to your ear.
“I won’t.” You said, although you were a bit tired. “By the way, did you come here by car?” 
He shook his head. “I came with Nanami.”
“Oh… the tall blonde guy Haibara’s friend.” 
“Yeah the one you said was handsome.” He challenged. 
“Your feelings are still hurt, Gojo?” You tease back.
“Nah because I’m obviously more handsome.” He flicked his head backwards.
“Sure…” Yes you are Satoru. “I haven’t seen Haibara…” 
“Oh I think he was busy.” Satoru said, looking away from you. “Let’s play a game.” He looked back at you with a smile.
“Play a game?” You tilted your head. “What are you 16? You want us to spin the bottle so you can kiss me or something like that.”
You watched Satoru swallow as you said the words ‘kiss me’ but then he shook his head and a smile appeared on his face once again. “No, I want 7 minutes in heaven with you baby.” And he winked his eye.
Oh you did have a crush on him for sure but he was still an annoying pain in the ass. “In your dream Satoru Gojo. Now for real, what game?”
“20 questions.”
“20 questions? Oh for real you hit your head and turned back time to when you were 16?”
“C’mon birdie. This way we could get to know each other better.” 
“Are you going to ask me what my favorite color is?” You said teasing him.
“Maybe, but listen to make this more fun, every time we don’t want to answer something we have to drink.”
“You don’t even have a drink.” You pointed out.
“I will buy one now. But c’mon birdie it will be fun.” He pouted.
“I thought you said I was drunk already, now you want me to drink more?” 
“If you don’t want to drink more then you will have to answer honestly.” He smirked. 
Ugh that stupid, handsome smile.
“Deal.” You said. “Go for your drink, I won’t be nice with you Satoru Gojo.” 
“I hope you aren’t because neither I will be.” He winked and went for his drink.
As you watched Satoru approach the bar counter, a whirlwind of emotions swirled within you. Despite the occasional urge to strangle him, his playful antics and teasing comments often testing your patience, you couldn't deny the genuine affection that had grown in you over the course of these weeks.
His company had a way of lifting your spirits, casting a comforting glow even in the most challenging of times. And as you reflected on the night's events, a soft sigh escaped your lips, mingling with the ambient sounds of the bustling club around you.
The two of you had shared intimate moments on the dance floor, lost in the rhythm of the music and the warmth of each other's touch. And yet, in the midst of the euphoria of the night, the shadow of Naoya’s presence had caused you not to take a step forward, a tricky step that could have complicated your situation with Satoru.
When Satoru returned to the couch, his smile radiant and infectious, you felt a surge of warmth flood your chest, erasing any doubt or hesitation that lingered within you.
“Okay.” He put down his drink. “You wanna start?”
“What an honor.” You smiled. “Okay Satoru, hmmm…” You thought for a moment. “I will be nice and ask you something easy, cat or dog person?” 
“Cat person, definitely.” He nodded. “Wanted to adopt one but I think I’m not ready for that responsibility.”
You nodded. “Okay now it’s your turn.” 
“Favorite color?” 
“Definitely a question a 16 year old would ask.” 
“C’mon birdie, answer.”
“Is that why the dress?” 
“Yes and because it makes me have nice tits.” You smiled with all your teeth.
“Definitely.” He said looking down.
“Hey!” You snapped your fingers on his face. “My eyes are up here, you pervert.” 
Satoru blushed a little bit and then he chuckled. “Yeah… I was just corroborating your point.”
“Sure…okay my turn I guess. Why did you chose this degree?”
“Easy. When I was a child, the stars and everything related to space intrigued me greatly. And I always wanted to find an answer to each of the questions that arose in me, so I decided to study that career to be able to answer the questions of my inner child.” You could see how his eyes shone when he said all that and how a wide smile spread across his face, showing some small dimples that you had not noticed until that moment. “How about you? Why did you decide to study this?”
“My mother used to be an astrophysicist, when I was little she would take me to the garden of my grandmother's house and talk to me about the different stars and constellations in the sky.” She shrugged, feeling nostalgia course through your body. “I guess our reasons are a bit similar.” You looked at him smiling.
“I guess so.” He smiled back. “Go ahead, it's your turn to make a question. We still haven’t drink a bit, you know.”
“Alright…” You paused and thought about what you could ask him, and there was a question that had been on your mind for a while. “Who was that girl you were with before?” You clenched your hand, making your nails dig into your palm.
Satoru looked around. “Who? Mei Mei?” You nodded. “Mei Mei is an old family friend. Her family runs a company and we usually meet each other at business parties and stuff like that.” He explained as if it was nothing. “Why? Don’t tell me you were…”
“I was just curious.” You cut him before he could say any other word. “You seem to get along with her. That’s all.” His gaze was on you. “C’mon your turn.”
“Why don’t you practice taekwondo anymore?” 
Oh. That question. The answer was quick, you had broken your tibia and fibula, the reason was because it was more complex and you didn't feel ready to tell Satoru. Not yet. So you grabbed your glass and took a sip. Satoru looked at you strangely.
“I’m not ready to talk about it.” You told him, to which he nodded. “Have you and Suguru ever had anything?” You asked him, causing Satoru to choke on his own saliva. 
“What's with that question?” He exclaimed. 
“Don't blame me, the whole first year Kyoko and I really thought you two were dating.” You shrugged.
“No, nothing has ever happened between us. We are best friends." He said. 
“Okay jeez, you got really nervous Satoru.” You teased him.
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. 
“But would you?” You kept on teasing him.
“Jesus birdie! Suguru now has a girlfriend and I…” He shut himself. “Those were two questions.”
“Oh c’mon.” You cried. 
“My turn.” He smiled cockily. Oh this was going to be a good one right? “Why do you hate me?”
“Hate you?” He nodded. “I don’t hate you Satoru.”
“Then why did you avoid me?”
“Oh that… I guess you don’t remember it.” He looked at you confused and you sighed. “The first day you dumped me, I fell to the floor and well you didn’t even look at me.” You said.
“I… I did that?” He said.
“Yeah… then I found out you were the rich kid from the Gojo clan and I guess, I didn’t want to have anything to do with you.” You shrugged.
“Shit birdie, I don’t… I don’t remember it.” 
“Doesn’t matter, you were on your phone, angry and besides you turned out to be a pretty decent guy, unless you are faking all of this.” You raised your eyebrow.
“I would never pretend to be someone I’m not with you.” He looked at you with the most serious look and you believe every single one of his words. “You believe me?”
“That’s another question already.” You said still looking at his eyes. 
“Then ask me another question, birdie…” He whispered and when you felt his breath touching your skin it was when you realized how close, once again you were from each other.
Your eyes indirectly went down to his lips and then returned to his eyes, you salivated as you noticed how your throat had gone dry and you took a breath. “How many shots would you need to kiss me?” Satoru stared at your face and you felt that the seconds it took him to respond turned into minutes.
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Notes: Someone commented that every single Gojo fic has a Naoya on it to make the reader suffer, but let me tell you something I was going to put Mahito first but I needed someone with money for future events, but don’t worry he got get into Gojo’s and Birdie’s business 😊
Also, another cliffhanger lol and this time you will have to wait until the 30-31, I have exams next week and I’m also seeing Taylor Swift, so I won’t be able to post anything.
Anyways, I hope everyone liked and thanks for the comments and kudos ❤️
p.s: but daddy I love him chapter 2 this weekend
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🏷️: @lavender-hvze , @crybabytoru , @sanriosatoru , @norvacaine , @sadmonke , @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic , @gojoful , @kitzusune , @sh0jun , @manyno , @ropickle , @lolsasuke , @milk3evee , @crunchypotatoooooooooo , @catobsessedlady , @zoeyflower , @starlostwish
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coalescipede · 1 year
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Welcome to my Rain World OCs ask blog! This blog is ran by @dieselpvnk​ I don’t have experience running ask blogs, so hopefully I figure it out along the way! It’s just a silly little thing I decided to do on the side, so replies might be very slow but I’ll try my best. More about the guys you’re going to see on this blog below
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Entropic Stars (it/she) so far my only iterator OC. Her entire superstructure is built to be a communications hub for multiple local groups, most broadcasts, especially long distance, go throught its communications arrays first. Despite being an older iterator most of its superstructure is in pretty good condition. Has a ton of overseers and all of them are named after celestial bodies, names range from Nebulae to GJ 1214b.
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The Engineer (it/she/he/they), a slugcat that specializes in machinery and electronics! Her entire purpose is to perform iterator maintenance, but really it’s the thing they spent the least time on. They’re very sensitive to sunlight and can’t see very well, so they prefer darker regions of the world.
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Oil Spill (they/them) a slugpup that was adopted by everyone but mostly hangs out around Engineer, they don’t understand what she’s doing ever, but are a good listener nonetheless. The little loveable guy gets along with most slugcats, predators aren’t very interested in them as the substence their upper body is covered with is very bitter and unpleasant. But it’s also very flammable. Their favourite thing is rocks.
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The Dreadnought (they/she) a genetically modified slugcat made by an unspecified iterator not for any real purpose, but just to see what could be done with bio-engineering. They’re very slow on land but are a good swimmer, being significantly larger than any slugcat and having leviathan-esque jaws most creatures don’t mess with them. Secondary parental figure for Oil Spill.
There may be more to come!
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goddness-lunafreya · 7 months
Meet my Tav/OC!
Philrath, the Half-Dragon
Hello everyone, while I'm writing the next chapter, I thought I'd show a little bit of Philrath, the OC who co-stars in the story, and my Tav in the game!
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Race and Appearance: Philrath is a White Half-Dragon, children of dragons with humanoid races, usually humans and elves. Unlike Dragonborns, Half-Dragons are literally children of dragons, inheriting characteristics from them, but also from their parent's non-dragon races. They usually end up being an amalgamation of the two breeds, with certain characteristics. They are hybrids, just like animals in the real world, and are therefore infertile. Philrath has an elven body, white hair, with turquoise blue highlights. His skin is fair, with freckles on his face. He has white horns, with slight bluish tips on his head. She has white scales on her face, and on the rest of her body, in places such as: Back, Shoulders and Legs. Her eyes are yellow with these draconic pupils, which have a certain glow in the dark. I like to imagine that she would have fangs, very small, even though this doesn't exist in the game, it's a characteristic that I like to think about.
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Class, Alignment and Combat:
Philrath was initially born in my game as a ranger, but I chose to leave her secondary class as a bard, and that ended up being canonical in my story. So, she is a bard who seeks to bring joy to people, with songs, or with actions. Still, the patrol class is not there for nothing. She is very connected to nature, not as much as a druid, but she understands it in a way that benefits her. She uses Speak to Animals a lot to get advantages and to help the poor animals, protecting them from people's evil. She also uses her ranged attacks to help the team, always giving buffs to her companions (cough cough, Astarion, cough), healing them when needed and being deadly when necessary. Philrath as a Half-Dragon transforms into one, being small at first, but growing as he matures and expands his powers, understanding them better. This in gameplay is well... Overpower, but I always dosed it to only use it when it was NECESSARY (hello, Cazador???), so as not to ruin the gameplay. And in history this was cool, it was as if she was afraid to use her powers, and let them emerge as the journey became more difficult. In the end, for her group, she turned into a deadly white dragon, which freezes everyone in its path.
Her Alignment changed A LOT, as my perception changed. At first she was definitely Lawful-Good, trying to be a good person. However, in act 1 she performed very... Chaotic acts. In act 2 I would already put her in Neutral-Good, and in 3 she is certainly a Chaotical-Good or even Neutral-Neutral. My explanation for this was two: The Journey and its Dragon Side. Baldur's Gate's journey is not an easy one, and she has made chaotic and desperate decisions for the good of herself and the group, yet never evil ones. She helped the Tieflings, saved the Nightsong, helped Halsin, was always respectful to Jaheira and let very few die. For her companions, she is a hero, but Philrath doesn't see herself that way. She killed the hunter Guur, she killed all the goblins, she was always aggressive when necessary. But still, she forced Ketheric to seek to be better, not facing him in the end. But as many know, White Dragons are Chaotical-Evil, and she may have gotten that from her father, in part, which explains her impulsiveness in combat.
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(She judging Astarion AND the Hunter Gur)
Personality and Romance:
Philrath is someone kind despite the problems I mentioned above, she understands that she can be dangerous, and that's why she prefers to stay away than to get attached, but at the same time, she is afraid of abandonment. She grew up without her biological parents, always seeing herself as strange. Even though she had a great adoptive father, these problems persist with her to this day. That's why she has her motto: "The Group stays together". Philrath never abandoned any of them, he always gave them the chance to improve and stay with it. She never judged, she doesn't see herself in such a position, after all, she doesn't think she's worthy. As a bard, she likes to make people happy, even if the reason is sad. It's a way for her to make people ignore her different appearance, deep down she hates how she looks, but she loves being who she is. She loves flying like a dragon, loves the powers, the feeling of strength. But she hates being different from other elves, being seen as a monster and a freak. Hence her identification with those who suffer, how would she judge someone, when she is judged all the time? Maybe it was the identification that hooked her. She saw herself in Astarion when he revealed himself to be a vampire, when he declared his fears, when he showed his marks and scars. His words (sometimes false) were comforting. As a Demisexual, she is attracted to the self, not the form. And the Astarion being was interesting. She would love to write more about the relationship, but then it would be fic (more than I've already done in this post). Who knows, maybe I won't do it in my fanfic. She stayed with Astarion until the end, but had a light kiss with Wyll in a moment of excitement during a dance. And she decided to start a relationship with Halsin. I always imagined the "Teddy Bear" as her teacher in transformation, it's cute, right? But she loves Astarion, and always will. A Half-Dragon and a Vampire is a couple odd enough to appeal to me!
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(They look so cute in these clothes...)
What do I expect from Philrath in fanfic? I hope to be able to explore my Headcanons and address what the story of someone so unique would be like. A Half-Dragon would certainly have issues that Tav normally doesn't have in the game, some of which I mentioned above. In the end, I hope to be able to write everything in "Icy Serenade", my fanfic that focuses on Philrath and all the backstory power. I know, it's all silly and trippy. But this character became part of me, playing her was fun, and in the end she had a place in my heart that I didn't expect. It's crazy how such an INCREDIBLE game makes us get attached to the model we create... Philrath ended up having a lot of me, I'm Demisexual, I identified with the story of several characters in the game, and I was simply moved by see her, or rather they, as Non-Binary. Yes, I used "she" out of language and name custom, but Philrath is Non-Binary! She is Philrath! And it's okay to be called She, They or even "Astarion's Husband". She never saw herself as a real woman, just as she never saw herself as an elf or a dragon. She can be both, or neither. It can be "she", "he" or "they".
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This race is obtainable in the game via MOD! It exists in d&d 5e, but it is not normally playable. The MOD(which is not mine!!) is based on an expansion of this race, with extra things and an expansion of its mythology. These clothes are from MOD too, I can share them all in the comments, for anyone who wants them. And yes, a lot of things up there are FIC/HC, after all, Tav is the character made for us to play with our imagination and create his story. And everything is fine! We all create this ourselves when we play games like this. And I had to add these details to make sense of a Half-Dragon out of nowhere in the game. But remember that the game itself places us as Dragonborn in the dialogues, since this limitation exists.
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(There's no way we... She's so expressive!)
Thank you all!!
Thank you for reading what I wrote and will write, it is gratifying to put what I think here. It has been an environment that has done me a lot of good in the last few days.
I hope to meet everyone's Tav/Durge/OC too! Knowing your Headcanons, your stories, your fics, let's all think and create things together. Expanding this wonderful universe that is this Game and RPG. Finally, I hope everyone is safe.
And what did you think of Philrath? Or the Half-Dragons? I simply fell in love with them. I'd love to hear opinions.
See you soon, with more fics and random subjects. Tchau! (Bye Bye!)
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(BONUS: Her looking at Halsin like that is hilarious)
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nattravn-art · 3 months
In regards to these news, I'd like to precise that I've opted out of "third party sharing" (AI scraping) on this blog, my main @nattravn-stuff and my other secondaries.
I'm no big artist, but I still do not want my work to be used for AI purposes.
Following is personal feelings. The TL;DR is: I don't think I'll keep posting my personal art on tumblr/my socials any longer. That doesn't include zines/promo art and occasional fanart.
Quite frankly, it hurts and I'm tired of this all.
Drawing has always been a way for me to express myself and share what I love, drawing characters I love whether it's mine or other people's, whether it's fandom characters or OCs. However since a couple of years now, I've gradually lost the joy of sharing it on social sites, hence why I've posted less and less here.
I know I briefly mentioned it before but my mental health is not always the best, to put it simply, it never really was. Nearly two decades ago, finding online art communities was a lifesaver. First it was on forums. Then, after a wrecking art school year, I'd promised myself I would never draw again. I did pick up a pencil after a bit of not drawing due to OCs and fandom characters. Despite my art being bad at the time, I joined Deviantart. I'd found a community full of fantastic people there, and this community encouraged me to draw more of what I loved and post it online. I don't know where I would be artistically nowadays, or if I would still be drawing at all, if it wasn't for this community. Then I'd found tumblr, which was a fun way for me to share art among other things. DA was about to decline so I just stayed on tumblr, even if there was less engagement there for me aside on some specific fanart pieces.
I never was a popular artist and honestly, I didn't intend to be one. I just drew what I loved and appreciated the engagement. During DA days, I used to be more excited to share my stuff with the world than drawing, then the joy became equal between creating and sharing. That source of joy started vanishing for me, and it has affected my art. It affected it first because it felt that art only became "content" to be "consumed", it felt that it lost its personality and meaning. Then AI generated "art" and "artists" happened and it feels that it finished killing that joy for me. Today's news was the last nail in the coffin.
Not is all negative thought. Over the past year, I feel that I started regaining joy creating by telling myself that I don't need to share my art. It feels kind of stupid to type that tbh, but making art had been so tied to posting it online to me that I'd almost.. forgotten that. I started liking drawing for myself again. I started liking getting an idea and figuring how to express it visually again, even though the process could be so frustrating... I guess these are pretty words for me to just say "I love OCs and characters and want to draw my, my spouse's, my friends' and strangers' brains blorbos and the blorbos from my games too. I'm not sure I enjoy posting them on socials though."
All this to say that I've come to terms that I don't think I want to post my personal art on tumblr/my socials any longer, as long as it doesn't bring me joy. I will continue drawing and partaking zines and art events that bring me joy (such as Art Fight, or art challenges). I will also share art for promotional purposes + and I may post occasional fanarts if my brain gets in hyperfocus.
Eventually, if you're here reading this and liked seeing my personal art on your dash, I'm sorry and I hope you understand.
PS: if we're mutuals and you're on TH, shoot me a message I'd love to see you there!
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moonah-rose · 11 days
A Strange God (Part 3)
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Silver (oc) finally meets Alison.
It was hard to explain the passing of time when you're asleep for the best part of a month. She supposed in some ways, she was lucky. There was less time for her to get bored or frustrated. On the other hand, the world seemed to move past at a disorienting speed. Six weeks worth of days awake for her was basically half a year for everyone else.
But for a while, she barely noticed. Everything was usually the same whenever she awoke. Heather barely repainted a room and seemed willing to keep the same furniture that she'd inherited from her parents before her. The house was as frozen in time as the ghosts dwelling within the walls.
And then Heather died. Suddenly time seemed to catch up with the rest of them, once Alison and Mike arrived.
"That's...That's a phone?!" She gawped at the tiny computer screen in Alison's palm. "Where are the buttons?!"
"It's touch screen. See?"
Silver had gasped loud enough to wake the entire house as she'd watched Alison control the device with just a tap of her finger. She showed her videos that were crystal clear rather than stuttering and pixilated. Games with better graphics than she'd had on her PS2.
Out of all the ghosts, she was the closest to Alison in terms of generations, though a few years older. It twisted Silver's stomach a little to think she should be in her mid thirties by now.
Jess must be long dead. Her niece in secondary school. She hoped her mum remarried so she wasn't alone.
"I can always check on them...if you want?" Alison offered.
Silver gratefully declined. It seemed worse to find out something awful that she couldn't help with. She had her prayers to her gods and just trusted in her faith that her living family is okay, and hopefully, she'd see them in the next life.
Until then, she had her new family. And despite them only spending two full days a month, she felt a connection that she'd never had among her living brothers and sisters. Even Cap and Fanny, as much as they chided her and talked down to her, she knew cared in their own way. Plus it was never not fun to do or say something that made them both turn red as radishes.
Pat, Kitty, Robin and Mary she was closest to. Julian often made her teeth grind whenever he opened his mouth but she could silence him by letting him play with her phone, still better than anything Alison could give him without straining his finger. Humphrey was cool and good to talk shit with, though it was usually an effort just to find the dude.
Where once she'd relied on Robin carrying her to her forest bed when it was time to fall asleep, now the gang all made the effort to walk with her and stay as she got comfy on the mound, Silver able to bid them all goodnight "until next time", and hear them wish her pleasant dreams.
"It doesn't....hurt or anything then?" Alison had asked her one evening after she woke up.
"You mean bed sores? Not really."
"I meant it ain't like being in a coma or being locked in your body."
She shook her head; "Nope. I just have these really awesome dreams, like in my last ones..."
Alison, just like the majority of people, had suppressed a groan when forced to listen to someone describe their dreams in such detail. Silver was partly aware they would never be as exciting those listening as they had felt to her, but she had to share them. Robin, Mary and Kitty loved to listen - though they often shared their own dreams in return, some of which (Mary and Robin's especially) chilled Silver to the bone.
But before Alison, she'd never truly felt like she was missing a whole lot during her long slumbers. Heather rarely got up to much and there was little difference to the ghosts routines and group activities. Now she would wake to have them all excited to fill her in on whatever crazy scheme Alison and her husband were up to try to make money, or one of ghosts FINALLY opening up about how they died. First Fanny, then Thomas, then Humphrey. For once her fantastic dreams paled in comparison to getting to just be in the room when everything happened.
"Oh it ain't all that excitings, love." Mary comforted her one evening, after she felt down about having missed an actual lesbian wedding in the house.
"Of course it is! That weren't even legal when we were alive. Shit, my teachers at school still weren't allowed to talk about it if you asked."
She tried to ask Alison if she could persuade the next gay couple wanting a wedding to have it during the full moon. She said she'd think about it.
"And Humphrey! Can't believe he did that for a wife who didn't even love him. What a hero."
"Hmm. Fair dos, he earned that rather quick and painless death, he did." Mary shrugged. Silver leaned in against her arm.
"....Do you think you'll be ready to talk about yours?"
Mary didn't respond.
"S'okay if you don't. I don't think any different of you. I don't think you could get anymore awesome after headbutting Cap but I could be wrong."
Mary sniggered at that; "Bless your little heathen heart."
And she was wrong, as she discovered one morning when she'd been walking downstairs and Robin hissed at her to join him at pressing his ear to the wall, overhearing a quarrel in the next room. She'd stormed out of the same room barely an hour ago, sick of Fanny having a go at her about girls getting piercings.
Silver now stood next to the caveman.
"I have a right to voice my opinion-!"
"And I has a rights to swing at you for it, if you dares say another word against her tattoos or dress agains! She wanna mark herself with the signs of demons, that be her business. She only gets three night times a month with us, she don't needs you insulting her the whole time. Do it again, Fanny Buttons and you has me to deal with!"
At first, Silver had thought she was defending Alison. And then she'd brought up the whole three nights thing.
Fanny's snide comments were like water off a duck's back to her now. However, she'd never listened to anyone stick up for her like that. And having it be Mary....usually so quiet and timid...
She glanced at Robin who was grinning like a Cheshire cat, clearly just as amused and impressed. It did seem like Mary's confidence had grown immensely the past several years.
"That tolds hers, I reckons...Oh. Hello, darlin's." The Stuart era woman smiled at her after she passed through the wall.
Silver had tackled her with a hug.
"Oh! What's all this?" Mary asked, staring at Robin who just shrugged, failing at acting casual.
She shook her head, inhaling that comforting smell.
"Just....thanks Mu-Mary." She'd almost slipped up and it made her heart pang with guilt, as if betraying the mother she'd left behind.
The mother had raised her, despite all her flaws. The mother who was still out there, grieving.
Silver released her and made an excuse to go, dragging Robin by the hand to show her some deer.
"Me hear what you almost say." The caveman smirked.
"You heard nothing." She denied with a blush.
"You should say it if what really feel. Make her big happy."
One day. Maybe.
On that last night, Alison offered to be the one to walk with her to her bed.
"So I know you didn't want me to look into your family. But I did do a bit of digging." The older (or younger) woman explained.
"Yes, but...I just found out your birthday. Did you know it was today?"
Silver stilled. No. She hadn't thought about it. With time being so messed up for her, it was one of many events she lost track of.
"Well...Happy birthday."
Alison gestured to her bed.
Silver turned, expecting the dirt and blue flowers she knew so well. Except now there was more. More flowers, all sort of different vibrant colours and types she didn't know the names of - pretty awful for a pagan, she knew - surrounded the space for her to lay, which now had a black sheet decorated with zodiac signs, along with a pillow to rest her head. On the bark of the tree that served as the headboard, hung a sketch that Alison had drawn herself of Silver sleeping among the flowers.
It was so strange to see herself, to see how she looked to others as she slept all those weeks.
"You....made this for me?" She said, speechless. She knew about the effort Alison put into her gifts for the others but this....
"Well, if you insist on not sleeping in the house, you should have a proper nice place to rest out here. Just gotta keep an eye on the rain, not that you feel the damp-"
"I love it." She could cry, that's how perfect it was; "Thanks, Alison...I'm starting to see why Kitty loves you so much."
"Just now? I've been here nearly four years."
"Yeah but its been like a few months for me." If that. Even so, Alison was more of a sister than she'd ever had before, to all of them.
That dawn she lay her head down on the pillow, the moon hanging in her usual spot above her, and she knew she was going to have the best dreams ever.
When she woke, there was no moon. No stars.
It was cloudy. Not that unusual, it was England after all. But given how extra pretty her bed now was, she'd wanted that beautiful gentle glow upon her as she opened her eyes.
No matter. She was more disappointed to wake up alone. That almost never happened. Robin, if no one else, never failed to be there at her side when she rose.
Panic struck her at the thought he might have moved on. Oh gods. What would she do?! It was a rather irrational panic but the thought of him not being there, not carrying her back when she passed out too far from the bed...
Fucksake, girl, chillax already. She took a deep breath. Maybe something else was going on and he was just delayed. She was a big girl, she could walk herself back to the house.
It was raining, which was happy to enjoy, being able to appreciate the soothing noise without getting soaked. She smiled, inhaling once more as she stepped out of the woods, sending a silent prayer to Gaia.
Then her eyes fell upon what looked to be two scorched footprints in the grass. What..?
She looked up and saw, across the field, the smouldering remains of the gatehouse.
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akatsukitrash · 4 months
*awkwardly slides into your askbox with my toothpick limbs*
Anyways, just dropping by to say I love your Drag My Dark Into The Dawn universe and everything in it, could I request you tell us a bit more of Mikoto, Konan, and your OCs Genki and Kiyomi in your AU? 👀👀👀
Yes, thank you! Oh well, for Mikoto, she's going to go through a lot of development, Her first appearance is next chapter actually (chapter 9), from Kushina's pov, but there'll be chapters from her pov eventually and she'll become a main character. Right now, where she is, she's wearing a mask. She pretends to be the perfect Uchiha daughter, training to become the perfect shinobi, so she can later on marry the perfect Uchiha man and make him the leader of the clan (she's unable to become clan leader despite being Raijin's only child because she is a woman, which is perfect for both the clan and Konoha bc they don't want Madara's descendants to be leaders anymore). The reality is much different. She's proud, angry, and so, so confused. Her being mixed race, a woman, and a descendant of Madara have isolated her a lot, and made her unable to build a proper identity as she struggles to figure out her place within the clan. Instead of trying to do anything to change things or carve a place for herself, she dreams of having a daughter who'd save her and change the clan. She hides her fascination with Kumo and her Kaminari heritage, and fears awakening the Ranton kekkei genkai as much as she hopes for it. Much of her character development will be about her learning about and accepting all aspects of her identity, and rising to become an important figure in the Uchiha clan and in Pein's revolution. Darui will play a big role in it ! So I'm especially stoked for her chapters due to all the changes she goes through.
Konan I'm still working on ! I've already got the skeleton though, as she will be the leader of Amegakure in my AU (while Nagato fully commits himself to leading the Akatsuki). Her rôle as leader of Ame will be vital for the progress of the whole country of Land of Heaven (the name I gave to Ame's country, which is unnamed in canon), the safety of the Akatsuki (they will be based in Ame and live communally), and for certain clans in the future ;). Won't say more to avoid spoilers. Overall she'll definitely get more attention and development that's not Yahiko/Nagato's support.
Oh Genki, Genki is just a little baby. He may make himself sound more mature (you've read the first chapter where he appears already), but you should be able to tell from his outbursts and black and white thinking that he's much younger. He's actually only 18 years, which makes his being ready to become a nukenin and raise Akemi even sadder. He's barely 14 years older than her. Much of his worldview is shaped from his being part of the Lost Generation, the name given to the people who were kids or born during the 2nd Great Shinobi War, as it's during it that the rates of Senju murders and kidnappings were at an all time high, starting with the hunting and disappearances/deaths of Hashirama's eight children. More than half of his generation is gone, which is why the Senju clan calls it the Lost Generation. He himself lost much of his family to the black market and hunter-nins, and it's Mito who took him under her wing, hence his attachement to her. She even taught him Hiraishin, as he's an innate sensor. He'll stay a secondary character, but he'll appear more in upcoming chapters ! Especially around Raijin, and in the future, Mikoto and Akemi.
Kiyomi is a character who, if I may say so myself, is larger than life, but somehow always ends up as a secondary character lmao. She's literally got a Hero personality, but it's just- it's not enough. Having good morals overall and being a good person is not enough to change the world. She understood this when her coup d'état against Hiruzen failed. So she takes a page out of Tobirama's book, and decides to compromise. Settle for what she can do. So she starts a nukenin organization (think like the Akatsuki but bigger) specialized in saving people (especially kids, especially those with kekkei genkais) from traffickers and the black market. However, when Akemi shows signs of having the Mokuton, she sees it as THE opportunity to change the world. Her Katon expertise earned her the nickname Kagutsuchi (Shinto god of fire), and she thinks it is fate that her flames should burn down the old system, so Akemi can grow a new forest out of its ashes. Whether everything will work as she expects is unclear, and she will have a big impact on Akemi's personality and goals.
I can't say anything more abt any of them without risking spoiling events that will happen in FBWD and also I'm afraid I just infodumped a whole lot lmaoo but thank you for this ask !!! It's really fun to answer
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theyaoiparable · 9 months
sorry to see someone who doesn't know how fan-designs work (and has the audacity to wish for your death. like... girl why). i'm sooo proud you told them off !! hmm,, maybe you can tell me a bit about seraph !!! like fun facts or trivia :-] TSP's fan narrator designs always are so interesting to me hehe
UWAAA TYSM.. Im the worlds BRAVEST warrior 💪 as for trivia.. I have many facts :3
- I first designed seraph back in 2018 after watching a tsp playthrough for the first time. He didn't look much like a silly old british man, But I was still an art baby and i wasnt sure how to draw Old Men yet.
- Despite not always being named "Seraph", He's always had an angelic theme to him. His current design was actually going to be a sort of "secondary form" for him, but eventually became his main.
- He's Hawaiian! Just like me :]
- Although he's supposed to have strictly Seraphim traits, He still had the Throne-like trait of the ring around his eye. This is because when I came up with this version of the design, Seraph (And "Throne", my other tsp oc) Were the same person, but eventually I made them two separate characters. The trait simply never went away
- Character-wise, Seraph is a cuddly loving gentleman, though sometimes he allows himself 2 be a little "unhinged".
- Seraph actually created a sort of "test-demo" Between 432 and Stanley- this demo is "Character_File."
- Seraph's parable is actually alive!
- Seraph's office *is* the bosses office - and instead of that big window being there, it's a mural of "himself"
- Seraphs least favorite ending is the "Not Stanley" ending- his favorite is the Freedom Ending.
- Seraph's memory zone has different flowers that symbolize different parts of his life
- In paraverse ONLY, Seraph is married to @thatstarboi 's Narrator, Moth.
- Seraph is a NERD. He loooves talking about things he's passionate about and will go on for hours at a time, unless stopped.
- Seraph, in wondergate canon, HAD a child with a woman named Kaya Wyvern- this child still exists, but doesn't remember who her parents are
- Seraph has four 'siblings' and one niece- who are just my other narrator designs. (Vibratum, Vocare, Elliot, Haven, and Novella.)
- Seraph's favorite movie is The Time Travelers Wife.
- He actually prefers coffee over tea.
- If Seraph didn't have a "job" that was Narrating, he'd be an author. He also loves libraries
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highness-fangs · 10 months
what are your headcanons for Mel, Eris, and Tess’s listeners
Looookkkk, i don't have mommy issues, i don't listen to eris lots but let's do this
ES Hcs part 2 secondary pen edition
-an only child
-rich family
-That bitch is latino, ok? So they know spanish, and their cooking is just chefs kiss
-spoils mel at every chance they get
-since Hellhounds have 3 heads in their animal form, there are 3 voices talking in their head in their human form, so constant headaches and arguments, they only quiet down around mel
^ will some times say "shut up bitches!,I'm trying to work over here!" at random
^^they did it once when bb was by their side, they almost broke into a fight
-big ass eyeliner, and they do it perfectly, mel is so jealous
-speaking of jealousy, they get super protective of mel when people try to hit on her, will come over to the bar and ask for ask for kisses
^whines of they didn't get kisses
-has a thing for accents obv
-is so clingy and cuddly, can't wait to go home and cuddle with mel
-youngest child, while tess is an oldest daughter, so childish banter all the time
-they miss their life as a human but they won't trade what they have (tess) for the world
-would burn they world for tess
-so obsessed with her
-reckless asf
-actually suicidal
-We know that they n tess are over 50 years old, so yeah, their clothing style is old money but on the dark side
-very insecure about themselves, they're pretty sure one day tess will just up and leave them
-see how Hellhound does their eyeliner? Yeah they have that naturally bc of their powers
-30 years ago or so, tess tried dating around, every single person she had a liking or went out on a date with, is missing under Mysterious circumstances, tess doesn't know that though
-was working in a hair salon before they were turned, so they take care oc tess' hair
-they LOVE cats, pets each one they see in the streets, cats remind them of tess
-they were done fighting some bear shifter once, they cracked their skull and took like a quarter (from under the eyes up to the temple) and uses it in their costume
^their eyes glow so you can only see the light of the eye covered by the skull, tess told them it's creepy as hell, they told her that's the point
-they were so glad that their human eye color returned when it did
3.demon (i barely listened to this once, last year)
-rich mf
-they only smile around eris
-mommy issues
^(nsfw) therefore a mommy kink
-if you touch their tail/horns, they will either purr,or rip your hand off your arm there is bo in between
-very black/white mentality, they don't understand the rehabilitation process, despite being the one who roped eris into it
^they did it in hopes to understand it, it didn't work
-they train alot, even more with eris
^(NSFW) it ends up with them a moaning mess, as eris goes down on them
-very good at hiding emotions
^when they were dating the first time, eris had difficulty to figure them uo, take her DAYS just to have a clue, now she reads them like an open book
-they float alot, so instead of sitting they'll be laying on air,stomach down, near eris' shoulder as they talk
-brings her flowers everyday
-when they n eris broke up the first time, they fell into a depression up until she took them back
-they met tess and wendy wayy back before the pen
^they don't like tess n wendy, they have not explanation as to why, they just don't
That took longer them expected but i had fun
Again I'm sorry about the late reply, thoae are not my first choice when i open the channel, I'm an iris girl, a nyx girly, they're so underrated:')
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cringywhitedragon · 4 months
OC Rambles: Team Rapture Admins and the boss
(Me casually hyperfixating on my fanregion stuff again, sorry for the Pokémon Uranium crossover spam but here’s the basic rundown of Team Rapture’s upper admins and the boss that nobody asked for)
The Team is run by a total of 5 major figureheads, including the Boss himself at the top. The four directly below consist of the organization’s four Admins. Each of them are in charge of a specific function. Similarly to that of the Boss, all 5 of them use code names derived from elements on the Periodic Table (Which is also where most of them get their names from) as well as having their own respective “Hazard/Field Suits” which are derivatives of the Boss’s “RAPTURES Suit (Same goes for the Grunt’s alternate field suits which I’ll explain these more in depth in another post)
“Ir” : (Real name: Dr. Irrian) Team Rapture’s medical officer. He’s responsible for making sure that the organization’s members are in tip-top shape. He’s quite skilled when it comes to treating radiation poisoning as well as having some knowledge on cybernetics as well.
Irrian is best described as a big dork but can be serious when the matter calls for. Namely he’s rather concerned for his boss and fears that he may be pushing himself too hard.
His Ace Pokémon is a Miasmedic.
“Md” : (Real name: Mendel) The IT guy of the group. Mendel’s main job is to make sure that the group’s technology is functioning properly.
He’s a bit of a prankster and good friends with Ruth. It’s not uncommon that his fellow admins find themselves being victims of his pranks, but they are all in good fun.
His Ace Pokémon is a Haagross
“Rf”: (Real name: Rutherford “Ruth”) The maintenance man. While seemingly intimidating on the outside, Ruth in reality is a pretty jovial guy once you get to know him.
He’s good friends with Ruth and the two often pull pranks around base. Their favorite target is Irrian.
His Ace Pokémon is a Luchabra
“Bk” : (Real name: Berkeley “Berks”) Head of security and the Boss’s “Right hand woman”. She can be quite aggressive and ruthless when it comes to battling, espically towards any adversaries who may get in the group’s way.
Yet despite that, Berks cares greatly about her fellow subordinates and like most of Team Rapture, views the group as one big happy family.
It’s well known that her and “R” have a romantic interest in each other and it’s one of the few times a few grunts and Admins have described seeing the Boss “Truly be at ease around her.”
Her Ace Pokémon is a Beliaddon.
“R” (Real name: Rayman “Rames” Larkspur): The leader of Team Rapture. The enigmatic and mysterious head of the organization who is almost never seen without his suit on.
His real name is Rayman Larkspur, the biological son of Professor Larkspur whom only planned to use him as a tool to further his own goals and was later left for dead at Plant Epsilon during the meltdown after the former grew suspicious about his plans.
Driven by a desire of revenge for how he was treated as well as what happened to Dr. Lucile, whom he sort of grew to see as a mother figure. R will stop at nothing if it means to track down Larkspur and dispose of him for good, even resulting to tracking down certain groups whom the former had “debts with” through the use of intimidation tactics. He has also made a promise to help Lucile, “perfect what they had created.”.
Despite his outward behaviors and the fact he can be terrifying when mad, deep down Rayman does have good intentions. He wants to find a way to better the world and hates seeing innocent people suffer (Namely by finding a way to properly de-contaminate irratied areas and convince Tandor to switch to a cleaner power source as he’s seen just how dangerous Nuclear Power can be, these two being the main reasons he formed Rapture as a research organization. The Larkspur and Evil Tram hunting is more of a secondary goal.) He’s extremely slow to trust people and often comes off as cold and calculating but will relax around those he feels safe with (Such as Team Rapture, whom he views as pretty much his family).
Rames does struggle with some health issues, many of which were made worse by the Plant Epsilon incident and the main reason his body has a ton of experimental implants in it, curtesy of a “Good friend from Dranowa.” But even then, if he pushes himself it can lead to problems.
His Ace Pokémon is a Nulceon named Pierre and specializes in Nuclear Type Pokémon.
(Aka Rapture is just one giant dysfunctional family of goobers who happen to scare the crap out of whomever gets on their bad side (Namely Team Rocket or Cypher whom are their main targets))
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dwellordream · 1 year
Wayhaven OCs
in honor of book 3 dropping tomorrow, and since it’s been like 2 years since i really engaged much with the fandom, i thought i’d do a round-up post for my detectives. 
Detective Kamala Batra
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Kamala is my first and foremost detective, romancing Adam. Warm and charming, she is a natural people person, and her instinct is to try to keep everyone happy. She has the most positive relationship with Rebecca out of all my detectives - they have maintained a strong bond and hold a lot of trust for one another, despite the secrets and lies over the years. 
Kamala attended university for sociology, hoping to become a social worker or educator or some kind, but wound up working for Wayhaven PD while in between jobs, and ended up becoming an officer and then a detective. She has a wide social circle and many hobbies, and embraced Unit Bravo from the start as new friends and colleagues, though she has always found Adam the most difficult to gel with. 
Detective Holly Lin
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Holly is my secondary detective, romancing Nate. Though she has a reputation for being calm and collected, she tends to overthink nearly everything, and is a lot more indecisive and sentimental than she’d like to let on. Her sleek, professional appearance is hiding a huge romantic and while she comes across as quite ‘refined’, even snobbish, she loves nature and the outdoors. 
She has a lot of loyalty and respect for her mother, but they haven’t been close since Holly was very small. While she was considered a bit of a ‘queen bee’ around town as a teenager, Holly is a bit more reserved and hesitant to make new friends since returning to Wayhaven as an adult. While initially training to become a psychologist, her best friend Tina convinced her to join Wayhaven PD, and Holly quickly became set on becoming a detective. Ambitious and a bit competitive, she is at her softest around Nate, who she feels she can truly relax around.
Detective Leah Greene
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Leah is my third detective, romancing Mason. Guarded and snide, she has a wisecrack for nearly every occasion, and a pretty cynical view of the world, including the Agency and Wayhaven PD. She’s quick to point out hypocrisy and corruption, and extremely blunt at all times, though quick to apologize when she’s offended a friend. 
She struggled with drinking throughout her teenage and university years, and is pretty ‘straight edge’ as a result- she’s trying to quit smoking, her final ‘vice’. She has a very tense and hostile relationship with Rebecca, viewing her as a neglectful and self-absorbed parent who chose to have a child only to essentially abandon them for years on end in favor of her career. Both she and Mason are unwilling to categorize their relationship as anything more than ‘friends with benefits’, which they claim suits them just fine.
Detective Esme Kingston
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Esme is my fourth and final detective, romancing Felix. Socially awkward and incredibly independent, Tina was the closest thing she had to a friend before Unit Bravo arrived. Esme prides herself on her organized, self-sufficient lifestyle. She doesn’t need anyone, but others need her, and that’s the way she likes it. She attributes her self worth to her career (previously, it was academics), and is civil and polite with her mother, but nothing more than that. Rebecca believes their relationship is healthier than it actually is, because Esme never introduces any conflict- she doesn’t see the point.
Esme has never had a successful romantic relationship before Felix. She struggles to communicate her feelings and can pull away and go radio silent for days on end while trying to articulate something to herself. However, she is deeply attached to her hometown and its citizens; she has only left Wayhaven once, to attend university, and returned immediately after, determined to join the police force. 
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b1oodandchocolate · 10 months
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In this post:
About the Muse (Dr. Frederick Chilton, NBC Hannibal)
About the Mun (Hi, I’m Casper!)
I’ll Write...
I Won’t Write...
Character Headcanons (HC’s and Canon-Divergent Ideas) 
RP Rules
This is my secondary RP blog! Freddie Lounds (NBC Hannibal) is my main character. You can find my blog for her here, @thegreatestjournalistofalltime​ , on which I would also be thrilled to write with you if you’d like! Both are independent and selective.
I have the link to my RP Queue board on my side navigation, but for mobile users, you can click here to see all the stuff I’m working on.
All dividers used below were made by saradika​. Please go check out her work. It’s all lovely.
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Dr. Frederick Chilton is an arrogant, self-absorbed man who desires nothing more than to be admired and recognized in the world of psychiatry. He had initially attempted to achieve this notoriety as a surgeon, but he lacked the skills necessary and thus switched to a different medical field. He always seems to be in Hannibal's shadow, and it bothers him. So much so that he attempts to imitate the man more than he may even realize.
Like Freddie Lounds, he resorts to shady means to attain his desired status. However, he always seems to fall short, regardless.
Here’s Chilton’s Wiki Bio for more information if you haven’t seen the show ❤️
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Hello, there! My name is Casper. I’m transmasc non-binary (my pronouns are they/them/theirs or he/him/his) and I’m over the age of 30. I’m neurodivergent as fuck, and, despite writing for shady characters, I’m a soft boi  😅 
I’m kind of the stereotypical introvert, so I know I can sometimes come across as standoffish (especially online), but I promise that I’m friendly! I just have a super low threshold for socializing, especially with people I don’t know or don’t know very well yet, which sometimes makes it seem like I don’t want to talk to someone, when the reality is that I just can’t at a given time. Especially since it’s super easy for me to hit “burnout mode.”
Anyway, I’m hoping that I can actually do something of substance with this blog and stick around a while lol. Please don’t be afraid to say hi! Just please keep in mind that I may not be able to respond right away.
Lastly, this is my Ao3, which has been collecting dust and pretty much only has Chilton stuff on it (except for that one Nevada fic) lol: casperlounds on Ao3
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Fluffy stuff
Platonic relationships
Consensual NSFW stuff (please see rules below)
Violent or Dark Themes (please see rules below)
Canon-Compliant OR Canon-Divergent Stuff
RP with Non-Hannibal Characters from Other Shows/Movies
RP with OCs in OR Outside of Hannibal
And more...
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NonCon/Sexual Violence
Various Kinks (please see rules below)
Varying Degrees of Gore (please see rules below)
Burned Chilton (please see character headcanons below)
And more...
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His arrogance and superiority stem from deep-seated feelings of not being good enough (though, is this even really a headcanon? It's implied canon lol).
His father was a surgeon and incredibly tough on him growing up. His mother was a history professor and, though she was more encouraging, she wasn't too much better.
Only child. Didn't have very many friends growing up.
In RP where it's in his history that he was kidnapped by Dolarhyde, Chilton was rescued before the Dragon could maim and burn him. The details can vary based on RP (if it makes sense), but my HC is that he was being tracked and Jack and Will expected that Chilton might become the target instead of Will. This is the one canon-divergent thing I won't budge on because it fucked me up way too badly when I saw it in the show and I have to skip over it any time I do a rewatch. I don't care who was in that chair, that was brutal and nobody deserves that.
Hasn't had a romantic or physical relationship with anyone in a really long time. He gets lonely in his ostentatious house by himself, but he'd never admit it. He's also the kind of person to try to ignore it if he starts developing feelings for someone because he fears rejection.
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Please read these rules before requesting to roleplay.
This blog is 18+ ONLY. Therefore, I will also only write with people over the age of 18. Minors, please DNI.
If you want to RP with me, please PM me and let me know what you had in mind. Please do not post a starter without discussing things with me first. That way, we can also decide who will start things off!
I prefer public RPs, reblogging each other with our responses. HOWEVER, if you’d like to RP privately, please tell me so and I will try to work something out with you. Preferably on Discord.
That said, I cannot do RP in PMs. I tried that once and it was a bad struggle for me. Which is why I suggest Discord.
I will only accept random starters from certain people. If I get comfortable enough, I’ll let you know if I’m OK with your doing that. However, please don’t take this personally! As I stated in the About the Mun section, I’m both neurodivergent and have trouble with social spaces.
That said, if I post an Open Starter that reads “(anyone may reply),” I mean anyone, even non-mutuals. Any Open Starters meant solely for mutuals will be clearly marked to avoid confusion. However, for those who do reply (thank you!), please be aware that I may not get to yours or it may or may not turn into a longer RP.
Please understand that I often struggle with burnout and extreme fatigue, as well as other symptoms stemming from ADHD. Therefore, there will be times when I write more and times that I write less. I also might find it easier to work on one thing over another at a given time, but that doesn't mean I don’t value the partner or the RP I’m not working on. If this doesn't work for you, that’s totally understandable, just please don’t start writing with me if this is something you think will be a problem. That wouldn’t be fair to either of us.
On that same note, please be aware that I will not be writing page-long+ replies. Some of my starters/replies may be longer than others, but I generally write two or three paragraphs. If you’re looking for someone who writes lengthy replies, I’m not your guy. Realistically, I also know I wouldn’t be able to read those lengthy posts, so it wouldn’t be fair to you, either.
Despite not writing ultra lengthy replies, I do put a lot of thought and effort into them. I’ve been made aware that some people have started to use AI generated responses in RP (what a time to be alive). This is a hard no from me. I may take a while to respond, but when I do, I do so to the best of my abilities. I’d hope my partners do the same.
If you want to drop or rework/restart a thread or idea that we’re working on together, please let me know!
Please don’t message me asking when I’m going to get to your response. All that does is make me anxious. I’ll likely let you know, myself, when I can get around to it if you’ve been waiting.
Likewise, please don’t spam message me, especially if I haven’t responded. That makes me incredibly anxious and less likely to respond at all.
However, please do message me if you have questions or want to discuss an idea in the RP we’re working on!!!
I will not have exclusive partners for a given character (i.e. a single Hannibal Lecter that I write with and no other Hannibals). There may be people I write with most frequently for a given character, but I won’t exclude other people.
If you aren’t sure if I’ll be comfortable with something, please ask. This includes NSFW themes, dark themes, violence, and gore. I will do the same for you!
As a general rule, I’ll likely not be comfortable with most kinks. You can ask in PMs while we plan our roleplay, but please know that the answer will likely be “no.”
In the event that you want to RP NSFW stuff, please let me know at the start that this is something you'd like to explore. However, also keep in mind that if I’m not feeling the connection, if it it doesn't make sense for our muses after we get into the RP, I won’t force it. Likewise, I’m also aware that sometimes things will gradually, naturally lead to romantic or sexual places, so it’s fine if that happens organically as we go.
Also, please keep in mind, though I don't mind discussing more explicit NSFW stuff regarding characters, I may not want to RP super explicit stuff. Again, case by case and I'd prefer to discuss it first so that we're both comfortable.
This post and all its sections are subject to change or revision. If that happens, I’ll post that I’ve updated it.
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Lonely Together
(Warning: Cussing and suggestive themes. If any of Vizviepop's ocs are mentioned they belong to her. Xmas gift for @ynkaliko Prudence belongs to her.)
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
The tall skyscraper was quiet this chilly night. Funny how a place that was supposed to be depicted on constant hellfire would be able to get cold this year. But that's to be expected she guessed. But that wasn't the most surprising part of her night, she just hasn't discovered it yet hidden deep within the walls of the empty offices. It was cold despite being inside, staying in late to handle up things, not like she would be spending the holidays with anyone else right now. After all everyone else had plans already. Loona went ...somewhere (partying with that nice hellhound boy if she remembered right). And her other coworkers were off in another ring entirely visiting family so it was only her taking care of a few last things this late at night. Nothing but her, office work, and the ticking clock on the wall.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
She could even go home after this. All that was left to do was to drop these papers on top of the head honcho's desk for him to do with as he pleased. Easier done than said now as there was no distractions to take her attention away. Although it was too quiet for her tastes. The only noises being the clock and her footsteps walking through the lonely halls. Eventually the creak of the door was opened and she found herself walking past a desk and a giant aquarium of electric eels, the third one to be replaced just that month, The water was hell to get out of the carpet whenever it was eventually destroyed, and over to a secondary door that opened with a louder creak and she just walked right in without a care in the world. The office was big yet simple with posterboards with different business plans pinned to them, a white board with marker and horrible little doodles drawn onto it, and old framed posters hanged on the walls of peeling wallpaper. The old gray desk and worn out office chair was there in the dark room, thanks to all the blinds being shut, and she simply had to walk around the desk in order to place the papers on that...or she would've...if her leg hadn't bumped into something solid making her stumble a bit but thankfully not trip over. And her pink eyes turned to blink at the leg she had stumbled over...and followed it up to a face.
The lump of imp didn't even move for a second but eventually turned his gaze up to her in a weak smile towards her. "Oh Heeeeeeyyyy, Pru-Pru. Pru-Pudding. Sweet little babes! When did you get so tall?~ Not that I'm complaining. Y'know I always thought legs were your best feature." He made a bad attempt of an eyebrow wiggle at her.
She rose a brow back. "Well I could be wrong but aren't you just the one on the floor?"
"Oh fuck the little details will you?" He pouted a frown as big as his horns spread across his face. "If I want to fucking spread my ass on the floor like the aftermath of a train wreck that my own own dam business and yyyyooouuu-" he pointed an accused hand at her unchanging expression. "-stick that nose out of it! Why are YOU here huh!? Stop being so prying of things you shouldn't know!"
"....So what happened while I was gone this time?," she asked instead of commenting on anything he said and just turned to plop the papers on the desk.
He sprung up so comedically fast one would've thought he was a cartoon character. "Oh don't you dare assume anything! I own this fucking establishment and I have my own mod dam right to lay my ass where ever I please. So there!" He shouted which ended with him pouting and crossing his arms as she just calmly stared back.
"...I'll take a wild guess and say you literally have nothing else going on for you today."
She didn't even flinch when the body of said taller imp was suddenly on her. Dropping to his knees, Two arms wrapped around her, and a sad kicked puppy expression was pointed up to her from his face pressed against her stomach.
"Prrruuuudddyyyyyy!!!," he whined pathetically a hand 'dramatically' pressed against his forehead. "I'm already abandoned.~ *insert fake sob* NO ONE WANTS TO BE AROUND ME!! I SHOULD JUST A HORRIBLE AND LONELY DEEEMIIIIIISSE!!!"
"...You want to spend some time together?"
Again he comically sprung up faster than inhumanly possible and both his hands entrapped her between him and the desk. "Oh fucking hell, Pruddy.~ I thought you'd never ask.~" Again another eyebrow wiggle which she amusedly smiled at.
"You knew I'd be working."
"Hey. I am the boss. I make everyone's schedules.~"
"You planned this from the beginning."
"Oh what? No- No, no, no-....Ok, yes. But you can't blame me when I got a gift I don't even have to unwrap is walking right in front of me.~"
"I still don't understand the need to lay on the floor."
"Oh for fucks sake. Gives me a certain...angle on things.~" Translated too it just gave him a perverted view to some things. "Give me an A for being honest-"
A small boop to his nose from her made him give pause long enough for her to chuckle and for him to literally melt in her embrace. Eyes going nearly feral and tail wagging harder behind him as red claws dug harder into the desk.
"The paperwork can wait.~"
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fkevin073 · 1 year
damn idk what everyone in the comments on ao3 is on, BECAUSE OMGGG JACE IS NOW MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN IKYLAO! pardon the pun, but what a prince of a guy! sensible, compassionate, and honorable (i hope there isn’t a surprised twist that will make me eat my words and look like a clown lol)
like he is seriously the only one using braincells, and duh he wants aemond to kill daemon for him, for one vermax is a baby compared to caraxes. him not wanting to fight daemon isn’t cowardly it’s just sensible! what is he supposed to do? go on a suicide mission to kill daemon, and leave his siblings in daemon or the green’s mercy????
even aemond who is supposed to hate him, admires him and sees his point. they’re in a war the micro issues of relationships, endgames is naturally gonna be secondary to the greater issues at hand. my favorite thing about this fic is the nuance of the character dynamics, cause most often in fics it’s like romantic love trumps all despite everything. but here romantic love exists, but so does familial love, and the duties you and loves have to the realm and others. and it’s clear that even if aemond and alysanne love each other, they can’t just forsake everything because of that.
i know it’s not in line with escapist angle of fanfic, but it makes your characters more realistic because they behave like actual human beings. most people are multifaceted and they understand that love doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and that romantic love and platonic aren’t mutually exclusive.
and people calling alysanne selfish, like huh???? she is literally trying to be everything for everyone??? is she were selfish she would’ve parked herself right on aemond’s dick steered him and vhagar to essos and never looked back! and i think they’re forgetting that aemond’s family killed her mother! and she saw her die in the most excruciating way possible, and that she died indirectly because of her. obviously she is going to feel tremendous guilt over that and that she will in her grief try to make up for what her siblings lost. because in her mind she caused that loss.
i’m so sorry that you’re receiving so many criticisms and negative comments on the direction of the story. i just want you to know that i understand your vision and i appreciate you so much.
i hope you’ll follow your own vision for the story and don’t let others influence it. but most of all i hope writing IKYLAO gives you happiness and fulfillment. thank always for sharing! (SORRY FOR THE LONG AF MESSAGE)
((actually most most of all, i hope for a happy ending for jace. idc what happens to anyone, i just want jace to be happy, healthy and flourishing at the end. between this and your jacegon fic i am now 100% a jace stan. pls don’t hurt my bby:())
AHH omg this is so amazing of you to take the time to write this comment! it really means the world. but yeah, Jace's decision to ask Aemond to kill Daemon is definitely controversial, and with reason! I mean it's that balance between being brave and cowardly. Jace isn't an idiot - he knows his family needs him, and he's been tasked with the Song of Ice and Fire. He's trying to keep the realm together as much as possible.
Jace is kind of Robb when he refused to fight Jaime following Whispering Wood - he's smart enough to know when he'd lose a battle, and he knows he'd lose against Daemon. Aemond is the only dragon rider with a CHANCE. and he gives Aemond a pretty fair deal, from my point of view. Besides it'll benefit the Greens greatly if Daemon dies, namely because then there'll be no one to kill them even after Jace takes the capital.
and yeah, I get that this fanfic is perhaps a bit heavier than some of the other aemond x oc ones. maybe that's not fair to say, idk. I think I've made Aemond and Alysanne very attached to their family and their ability to be protectors, so it might make things murkier? idk.
I'm going to be honest, people calling Alysanne selfish for wanting to be with her family after what Otto did is something I'm not going to understand. I respect different interpretations, even tho I don't agree with it. she's certainly flawed - impulsive, naive, righteous, and occasionally ignorant. but yeah, she's trying her best lmao.
I wish people were a bit uh, kinder in their criticism. idk if it's me being sensitive, but there are definitely a few takes I've seen that makes me doubt whether I've conveyed anything properly in this story. I digress!! Jace is a fave of mine always, so writing for him has been sm fun!
thanks sm for the ask!!
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👣 How many OCs do you have? Which one is your favorite and why?
Munday Ask Prompt!
👣 How many OCs do you have? Which one is your favorite and why?
--I actually have over 30 OCs! I have been roleplaying for over a decade and these OCs have slowly migrated to an entirely fictional world that takes place in a story I am writing. ((Fun fact: Robin is a side character in it, that is only mentioned once and you don't actually meet him in the story LOL.)) I have been debating opening a secondary blog to place my writings/organize my thoughts but I'm unsure since it does contain some sensitive topics etc.
As for which is my favorite, that's really difficult. I have a quite few that I really deeply enjoy writing. I really enjoy Yoriichi and his story revolving around grief, growth, and eventually letting go of your wants in order to actually live a fulfilling life. I enjoy all of his inner complexities and nuances surrounding his story.
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I also have another OC, Kojima Soh, who is a 40 year old information broker (past Yakuza member) who ends up adopting Yorii and a few other characters in the story. He's your everyday dude who has WAY too much luck and somehow, despite being a normal human with no powers, survives clashes with Gods and somehow befriends a good chunk of powerful people. He often uses these friendships and "favors" for the betterment of the group. He's extremely smart, charismatic, and adaptable.
I could go on forever--so I'll stop now :)
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fehlicitaes · 1 year
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independent multimuse roleplay blog for various characters of various media. includes both canon and original characters. some canon divergence and headcanon based. written by ande / 29 / she/her they/them / of indigenous descent / est. 10/11/21 / revamped 2/21/23 / pri. sel. & mutually exclusive / do not follow if you aren’t 21+ !
                       𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶 / 𝑹𝑼𝑳𝑬𝑺 * 𝑨𝑺𝑲 𝑩𝑶𝑿
please read rules before interacting / please do not reblog my posts unless stated otherwise / if you do not practice reblog karma, do not reblog memes from me, reblog them from the source / this blog will be iconless.
i will be VERY selective with the blogs i follow back. please do not follow if you have no intentions of interacting ! i will softblock people who follow me first and go a month without any attempts at reaching out ! i prefer to be able to talk to my rp partners ooc so that rping doesn't become stale ! if you can't speak with me ooc, this is not the blog for you !
BLOGROLL: partysheart ( mike wheeler ; low activity ) ; rebelcliche ( nancy wheeler ; low activity )
ESTRADA-VASQUEZ, MIGUEL / 35 / CRIME OC / PRIMARY / FC: KEVIN ALEJANDRO / open-minded. honest. caring. a goodhearted, emt & firefighter raised in a life of crime that he tries time and time again to separate himself from, despite being continually pulled back into it for his medical prowess.
ROSSI, DIANA / 30 / CRIME OC / PRIMARY / FC: BETTY GILPIN / resourceful. brave. passionate. a hitwoman for hire who was raised up in an mafia family in new york & tried to get away from that lifestyle only to still wind up doing crime to make ends meet.
CAULFIELD, MAX / 18 / CANON / PRIMARY / FC: ALEXIS BLEDEL / adventurous. creative. curious. an aspiring photographer who moved back to her hometown to attend the academy of her dreams & got more than she bargained for upon reuniting with a childhood friend & trying to make sense of her newfound rewind powers that she acquired while saving her friend's life.
CHEN, ALEX / 21 / CANON / PRIMARY / FC: BRIANNE TJU / empathetic. artistic. imaginative. a reserved girl who discovers she has the power of empathy & can feel other people's emotions—sometimes to the point of detriment—who reunites with her brother after eight years, but her world is turned upside down by his sudden & mysterious death.
RONAN, ALYSON / 21 / CANON / TERTIARY / FC: VICTORIA PEDRETTI / curious. creative. responsible. the younger twin by five minutes to her brother, tyler, & the more reserved of the two, alyson struggles to navigate life once they're separated after the tragic death of their mother.
ADLER, SADIE / 31 / CANON / SECONDARY / FC: LAUREN GERMAN / brave. impulsive. resilient. a widow who is hell-bent on taking revenge upon those who killed her husband, is relentless & afraid of nothing & no one, & the wrong woman to cross, but very loyal to those she loves.
GASKILL, MARY-BETH / 22 / CANON / PRIMARY / FC: ALYSON MICHALKA / hopeless romantic. imaginative. compassionate. a kind, good-natured young woman, which makes her the perfect criminal & by the time people realize they've been duped, she is already on her way home with the money.
MARSTON, ABIGAIL / 22 / CANON / PRIMARY / FC: DANIELLE CAMPBELL / clever. adaptable. dependable. an orphan who grew up scraping out a living in dive bars & brothels in the west, she is a strong, straight‐talking woman who has seen a lot of life & knows what it takes to survive against the odds.
BYERS, JOYCE / 41-44 / CANON / REQUEST ONLY / FC: WINONA RYDER / clever. hard working. generous. a loving, hard working mother who takes no shit & would do anything for her loved ones, even if it means going into the depth of hell & risking her life for them.
HOLLAND, BARBARA / 18 / CANON / TEST MUSE / FC: SHANNON PURSER / reliable. supportive. sensible. a wallflower who would rather keep her nose in a book than go to a party, who tells it like it is, no matter how unfavorable, wants to escape the small town she grew up in & resident mom friend.
HOPPER, EL / 15 / CANON / REQUEST ONLY / FC: MILLIE BOBBY BROWN / reliable. loyal. compassionate. a girl who escaped a life of abuse and captivity, found friends and family in those around her, trying to navigate the world around her after being sheltered for twelve years of her life & just wanting to be happy and live a peaceful life despite always having to save it.
MAYFIELD, MAX / 15 / CANON / TEST MUSE / FC: SADIE SINK / capable. brave. determined. an outlier in a whole new world, away from what she's used to, trying to figure out where she belongs, burning up the roads with her skateboard, & dealing with the grief of constantly losing the people in her life.
SINCLAIR, LUCAS / 15 / CANON / TEST MUSE / FC: CALEB MCLAUGHLIN / level-headed. intuitive. idealistic. an awkward teen with a big heart, trying to find a healthy balance between his nerdy interests and his athleticism, while maintaining his friendships & relationship & having to help save the world at every turn.
WHEELER, KAREN / 41-44 / CANON / TERTIARY / FC: CARA BUONO / hard working. dedicated. capable. a hard working mother and housewife who just wants the best for her kids, who is perpetually exhausted & wants more from life than she has, all while being stuck in a loveless marriage that she sticks it out in for the sake of her children.
MILLER, JOEL / 28-53 / CANON / REQUEST ONLY / FC: PEDRO PASCAL / loyal. perceptive. devoted. a disgruntled, jaded man who lost it all & has survivor's guilt, but found new friends & family to care about & live for & who he'd do anything for, at any means necessary—even the less savory types.
SHULMAN, DINA / 19/20 / CANON / REQUEST ONLY / FC: MAUDE APATOW / social. charming. affectionate. a girl raised in the apocalypse that knows what it takes to survive, what it's like to lose everyone she cares about, but still has her humanity & loves to make friends, is a shameless flirt, & tries to keep her religion fresh in her mind.
ALLBRIGHT, LOUIS / 18/19 / CANON / PRIMARY / FC: JORDAN FISHER / charismatic. charming. humorous. a kid who was abandoned at a boarding school for his selfish behavior that he eventually grew out of & just wants everyone to be happy—always cracking jokes and trying to make people smile—while he secretly deals with his own insecurities.
BUCHANAN, RUBY / 18 / CANON / PRIMARY / FC: EMMA KENNEY / kind-hearted. hard working. polite. a southern belle who is as feisty as she is loving, tolerates absolutely zero bullshit, and won't hesitate to put someone in their place if she needs to, but also has all the love in the world to give—so long as that person has manners.
DIAZ-NARVAEZ, CARLOS / 44 / CANON / REQUEST ONLY / FC: EDUARDO NORIEGA / cautious. protective. intelligent. an overprotective father, doctor & group medic who is standoffish towards almost everyone but his daughter whom he cares about more than anyone else in the world & would do anything to keep safe.
GARCIA, KATE / 25 / CANON / SECONDARY / FC: JOCELIN DONAHUE / friendly. laid-back. loving. a tired, young stepmom who's just trying her best & previously trapped in a loveless marriage before the apocalypse put her into the situation of caring for her step-kids with the help of her brother-in-law, whom she develops feelings for & secretly smokes weed with.
BEAUTY / APPEARS MID-LATE 20S / CANON / TERTIARY / FC: AJ MICHALKA / captivating. faithful. attentive. the actual beauty from 'beauty and the beast' who left the homelands to hopefully live a better life in the real world with her husband, beast—though the two get more than either of them bargained for, going from their lavish lifestyles as queen and king to barely scraping by, being forced to live in a tiny apartment in new york.
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