#desperation in a physical form asf
sins0fthefather · 3 months
Cravings Run like Water.
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Entry II- J.I.N
It felt like ages since he had tasted a proper meal.
The smell of autumn was cool on his tongue as the crunch of leaves pervaded the deafening sting of the air, a chill running up the spine of anyone less protected. A chill he could not feel, nor see, nor taste. It had been ages since he had felt just about anything.
Well, anything besides the ache in his stomach.
His hands reached out to hold against the bending of tree lines, grasping and trembling for anything that could guide him along. It had been dark for a long time. Far too long. His limbs croaked with each movement in an unfamiliar urgency, much like a piece of himself that didn’t truly belong to him. He didn’t know where his feet had taken him— he didn’t bother to ask. It mattered very little in the end where his hunger took him, it wasn’t as if he had a semblance of control over it after all. He let his body have it’s way with him, much as it tore him apart. The smell of flesh pierced through his senses, granting him the briefest sense of direction. The presence of civilization was more filling than the former option.
I will not starve.
It wasn’t a request or passing comment, it was a command of a highest order. A slave to the being hidden away behind his mask, he was at his core torn from his own senses of morality. The legs that carried him stalked forward with a slow trudge that could only be compared to the wariness of a wild animal. He could no longer tell if he was the predator or prey. He would sacrifice anything to rip his mind away from his body’s actions, away from the eradication of beauty that he was responsible for, yet the hunger only drew him further and further. His hands reached out against the ridges of bricks and the grooves of wood, each stepping stone letting him stalk behind the outer limits of the town his other half had dragged him to. The scent of blood unlike his own filled his senses, presenting itself to him like a full course tray picked to his tastes. Would his trembling hands grasp at the throat of a son? A daughter? A family? A sacrificial lamb? Much of it was up for debate, left to the devices of the him inside of him.
Without much thought— much resistance— he had felt his way through the panel of a nearby window. Cold. Much like himself. His body slumped against the floor with little effort, the muffled squeak underneath him failing to showcase just how overbearing his form had become. The scent was unbearable, teasing him further throughout the domain that did not belong to him. Each step into foreign territory was hesitant, feeling around for furniture and obstacles his eyes could no longer perceive. Before long he had slinked his way up the structure of a staircase, the carpet underneath his skin almost familiar. Yet, it wasn’t, and the shadow that encroached as he followed his senses made it clear. Every step was torture, a breathless please escaping the confines of his mind with each thump. Yet, his other half refused to listen, much like the unfeeling being it was.
The low creak of an unkempt door rang out so clearly to him as he pressed against the wooden structure, a sound so loud to his ears and only his. It was sharp. Foreboding. Similar to the shifting of grass underneath his heel when paired with the elements. Yet it was a sensation unnoticed, one that many would excuse for something lurking around the corner in a bad dream. This case would not be so simple. He crept further, further, feeling, sensing, smelling for any hint of what his body craved. It was only when his legs teetered against the surface of a bedpost did he realize his instincts had carried him there, watching as he had trembled.
He could hear breathing underneath him, steady in it’s slowness as the calm remained. From the scent, he could pick up the fact that it was a female. He had cursed himself every step of the way, but the crisp clarity of undeniable hunger prevailed against all other odds. He didn’t register how his body had leaned forward on it’s own, his hand sliding into a nearby pocket for the familiar edge of a sharpened scalpel. The image of what he was doing was unclear, until the soft hitching of uneasiness caught his attention.
He could not see it, but he felt it crawling against his skin. The figure underneath him had awoken, her stare piercing in the fear that overtook it. Fear of him— of what he had become.
“… J—.. Jack?”
The sound of her voice was quiet, yet oh so jarring. He felt his hands freeze under such a simple plea, second guessing himself. Did this person know him? Was he unknowingly targeting the livelihood of his own familiarity? His kin? Even then, he couldn’t escape the sinking feeling that followed him. He felt her fingers brush against him, searching for answers just as desperately as he was. It was only when her hands found his ID wrapped around his collar did his stomach sink further into himself.
Of course she didn’t know who he was. That would’ve been too easy. She was merely reading off of what was provided to her, fumbling for any sense of security within the darkness. A low rumble left him in response, a hand traveling up to raise the mask that had hidden his more horrific features. Even if he had prayed for another outcome throughout the entire journey, a beast’s hunger still belonged to the heart of one. The cold handle of his blade reminded him of the fact that he was, at the end of the day, a beast all the same. His voice came out pleading, begging— asking for forgiveness long in advance. Yet, no amount of forgiveness would sway his hunger.
“… I’m sorry.”
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moremaybank · 1 year
hello! can i request a imagine Klaus Mikaelson x F!Reader where it all happens in season 4 eventually reader is Hayley's older sister and they raise Hope alone and then rescue Mikaelsons and Klaus and reader reunite etc etc with fluff ending.
pairing klaus mikaelson x marshall sister!reader
summary you and the mikaelsons finally reunite with klaus after his five years of captivity
warnings fluff, violence, physical fights, angry marcel
author's note kinda paraphrased everything from TO 4x01 and 4x02 so that this wouldn’t be a million words long lmao. not proofread bc it's new years and i'm drunk asf
klaus masterlist
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you stumbled out of bed, wiping the sleep from your eyes as you walked into the kitchen. in desperate need of coffee, you grabbed an empty mug, pouring in the hot, caffeinated liquid to the brim. you let the sweet aroma fill your nostrils, sensing each note of hazelnut and vanilla as you let yourself take a sip.
now feeling more awake, you made your way over to hayley, who was standing at the doorway of your niece's bedroom. when she heard your footsteps approaching, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at you when she met your gaze.
"she still sleeping?" you asked, leaning on the opposite side of the doorway beside your sister.
"yup. she was up all night, asking questions about her father. i think she was a little nervous about the idea of meeting him. i told her that you would tell her anything she wanted if she agreed to go to bed."
"always the little troublemaker, just like her mom," you smirked, shaking your head as you took another sip from your mug.
hayley rolled her eyes playfully, but before she could respond, you both heard the honk of a car horn coming from outside your shared house.
"that's mary. would you mind waking hope up and getting her ready while i get her settled in?"
"i'll get right on it."
hayley squeezed your shoulder in a silent 'thank you' before making her way outside to meet mary. you, on the other hand, made your way to hope's bed and took a seat beside her sleeping form.
"time to wake up, sleepyhead," you cooed as you rubbed hope's back soothingly. she began to ease out of her slumber, eyes slowly peeling open so you could get a look at her blue orbs. the very ones that reminded you so much of her father.
"morning," hope mumbled, turning around to face you.
"good morning, gorgeous. you sleep okay?"
"yeah, i'm still a bit tired, though," she responded, her small fists rubbing her eyes as she sat up.
"i bet. i heard you were up pretty late, asking questions about a certain someone," you smiled at her, smoothing her hair from her eyes.
hope's face lit up as she remembered what she wanted to ask you.
"yeah, mom said you would talk to me about dad before you guys leave to go save him."
"i'll tell you anything you wanna know, love bug. what's up?"
hope looked down at her hands in her lap nervously before she looked back up at you, "i guess i just wanna know if he'll be proud of me. proud to know me."
your heart ached with adoration for your niece. "come here," you said, pulling her into your lap. "hope, you are so beautiful, kind, and full of light. you're insanely smart, and you amaze me every day, and i have no doubt in my mind that you are everything and more than your father could have ever dreamed of in a daughter. you're going to knock his socks off, i promise."
"you think so?" she asked, blue eyes hopeful as they looked to you for reassurance.
"i know so, baby girl. you're going to blow him away."
she smiled, throwing her little arms around your neck and pulling you into a hug. you returned her tight embrace, your mind wandering into the memories of klaus's arms pulling you close to him.
it had been difficult, leaving klaus behind in new orleans with marcel. but being able to raise hope alongside your sister gave you comfort because it was as if you got to carry a piece of him everywhere the three of you went. it was the closest you'd ever gotten to feeling him there with you over the past five years of his captivity.
"okay, c'mon. your grandma mary's here, and i'm supposed to be getting you ready."
"and then you guys are going to go save dad?" hope questioned, excitement bleeding through her wide grin.
"and then we're going to go save your dad. i promise."
after making the journey to find the last remaining wolf of the malraux pack and extracting her venom, you and hayley finally woke freya from her five year-long slumber.
“are you okay?” you asked, pulling her into a hug after hayley did the same.
“yes. did you get everything i asked for?” hayley nods in return, and freya sighs in relief. “okay, then i need to get started. if i can’t use all of these things to concoct a cure, then elijah and kol are going to die. we don’t have much time.”
as freya scrambles to begin making the cure, hayley’s vampire-hearing picks up on intruders entering the warehouse.
“guys, we’ve got company.”
“then let’s go and take care of it,” you replied, ready for whatever was about to go down.
"let's do this."
you and your sister worked tirelessly, fighting off the enemies that were sent to track the two of you and keelin down. you’d both turned into your wolf forms, fending off your attackers as they came at you. it was gruelling, but there was nothing the two of you wouldn’t do to protect your family. it was the most important thing to you both.
“you want more?" hayley voiced out to your opponents. the two of you stood there, ready to take on anyone else that came at you, when suddenly, bodies started dropping all around you. your heads whipped around at the sounds of the vampires collapsing onto the ground. you turned to look at hayley, whose face transformed from confusion to utter relief. you'd recognize that look on her face anywhere.
he popped up behind the two of you, draping his suit jacket over hayley's shoulders and doing the same to you with his button-up shirt.
you clutched the fabric around your body, watching as your sister reunited with her love. she kissed him, holding him close before she wrapped her arms around him, drowning in his long-awaited embrace.
you smiled, happy that hayley could finally be with elijah after five years. however, you couldn't help but envy her. all you wanted more than anything was to feel klaus hold you again. to stroke your hair soothingly as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, assuring you that you were safe. but klaus wasn't there, and he couldn't pull you close. he couldn't kiss the top of your head or cup your face as he spoke to you comfortingly. not just yet.
reunited with the four out of five living mikaelsons, you all concocted a plan to rescue your lover once and for all. elijah and rebekah had gone to josh's loft, and the rest of you went to the bell tower so freya could perform a locator spell on klaus.
"was it absolutely necessary that you perform the spell here where marcel or one of his men could find us?" kol questioned.
"yes. when i first moved to new orleans, i embedded my magic here. i made this place my own."
"all the more reason to let freya do her magic. we can leave as soon as he save klaus." hayley responded.
"kol, just relax and let freya do her thing. i'm not leaving without klaus." you spoke, turning back to freya.
you, elijah, freya and hayley reach the abattoir, underground as you all searched for klaus.
your heart beat out of your chest in anticipation as you tried your best to track down the love of your life. eventually, you all found klaus, and freya stated that it would take time for her to break through the previously-cast spell. hayley allowed freya to channel her power in hopes of breaking klaus free without taking too long.
elijah's vamp-hearing picked up on marcel entering the compound, and he advised freya to keep working on saving klaus, no matter what, before flashing out of there. freya nodded, and you tried to help her as best you could from beyond the spell barrier.
"klaus? c'mon, my love. wake up. we're here," you pleaded over freya's chanting.
hayley followed elijah after hearing him arguing with marcel while you and freya tried everything to wake klaus up. miraculously, klaus awakened as things began to turn sour between elijah, hayley and marcel.
"oh, thank god," you breathed, stroking his cheek gently as he stood up with you and freya. he smiled at you before you all turned your attention to the drama brewing upstairs.
hayley and elijah yelled back and forth with marcel before klaus used the tunde blade to stab marcel. you all fled as quickly as you could, your arm supporting klaus as you zoomed through the tunnel to meet rebekah and kol. rebekah hugged her brother tightly, grateful for his safety.
"we have to go. marcel is right behind us," hayley said, motioning with her hand for all of you to hurry up.
"too late. i'm already here," marcel replied, shocking you all.
eventually, the mikaelson siblings managed to convince marcel to let them flee new orleans, and you all left with your limbs intact. you all piled into the car and made your way over to your and hayley's safe house. the drive was comfortably silent, your hands never leaving klaus's body as you held him close. you were in utter disbelief that he was in your arms again, and you never wanted to let go. not for anything, or anyone.
after the lot of you reached the safe house, everyone left to go inside the house and unwind while you and klaus remained inside.
"i'm so sorry, my love. i can't even begin to imagine what you've been through during these past five years," you said, your hands resting upon his chest as you looked up at him with pure sincerity.
"it doesn't matter. you've all made sacrifices for me throughout the years. it's only fair that i do the same in return for you."
"i missed you, you know that?" you spoke, running your fingers through his tousled curls softly. "i don't know how i've survived these past five years without kissing you."
"well, thankfully, that's all over. i'm never leaving you again," he replied, kissing your forehead as his hand cupped your cheek. "now, please tell me all about my daughter."
"klaus...she's wonderful. she's so intelligent and sweet. she's stunning, and she's the light of our lives. i can't wait for you to meet her."
"take me to her?" he asked, eyes glimmering with hope.
"i will. just let me hold you for a second. i need to remind myself that you're real," you said. you pulled him into your embrace, squeezing tightly as if he would disappear.
"i'm right here, sweetheart. i promise you i'm not going anywhere. never again."
you pulled away, smiling as you looked up at him.
"so...you wanna go inside and meet your daughter?"
klaus tag list (join here!): @princess-charming-01 @maybankslover @trenchmaniac @techlipse @the-kaya-aa @catmikaelson20 @hopesdadswife @amournoir @skydisneylover @kittyqrt @Iluvniklaus @diyabhanushali1 @your_best_hoe
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unisexobject · 2 years
Chapter V. Heart of Glass
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: The fallout from your first fight with Eddie hits hard, subsequently causing you to reveal secrets you so desperately wish to keep hidden.
Warnings: drunk asf reader, light fluff, some physical violence (dw Jason cops it), past trauma...
A/N: strap in for this one y'all, have some tea and some biscuits.
That morning at school was terribly uncomfortable, let alone the rest of the week. You and Eddie exchanged fake niceties over lunch, opting to not even talk at all, spooking Mike and Dustin as they looked between the two of you in utter confusion. Usually, you and Eddie couldn't ever shut up, sitting next to each other and gently nudging or touching whenever someone said something that made the two of you laugh hysterically or gasp with horror. The silence was defeaning and incredibly uneasy. But Friday was when the rest of the group had decided to point it out.
"So..." Dustin started, scratching the side of his face.
"I forgot to ask, how was your show on Tuesday Eddie?"
You peered up from your sandwich, looking briefly at Dustin before settling your gaze on Eddie. Even though you knew most of how his night went, spent in peaceful bliss with Chrissy, you couldn't help but pay attention. You secretly hoped maybe that she didn't show, even though that would completely crush him.
"Fine." He muttered, throwing a pretzel back onto his tray aggressively.
You swallowed hard, looking away with haste when his hazel gaze met yours.
Maybe she didn't show? Or maybe he was just angry at you for storming off like a child having a tantrum after being denied an overly expensive toy.
"Okay." Dustin remarked, terribly aware of the awkward tension that hung thick in the air.
"Well, what did you think of it?" Mike asked innocently.
You flicked your eyes toward his with a warning glare.
"I didn't go."
A silent oh formed on Mike's lips at your curt response.
The table fell silent, most of the boys exchanging uncertain glances filled with concern.
Ever since your fight with Eddie, you had an unrelenting headache. You never usually got headaches, maybe when you were sick or stressed out, but recently it felt like your head was always hurting. And today was no exception, especially considering the circumstances.
"You guys going to Harrington's tonight?" Gareth asked to the table, seemingly oblivious to all the tension. Bless him.
Almost everyone except you and Eddie erupted into excitement.
"I can't wait!" Dustin exclaimed, grabbing Mike by the arm and shaking.
Their pure elation acted as a perfect distraction from the weird vibes you and Eddie had.
"Eddie, are you going?" Mike asked. Mike always tried to mirror Eddie or gain his approval through doing the same things. It was sort of cute. Like a big brother, little brother bond. 
Once again you found yourself looking over at Eddie.
You and Eddie had plans to go together and meet up with Robin and Nancy. But after Tuesday, you weren't so sure if either of you were going to make it there at all.
Eddie looked at you briefly with a dark, scornful expression.
"Maybe. It depends."
You watched as he clenched his jaw before you turned to focus back on your lunch.
"What about you?" Asked Jeff.
You placed your sandwich down, turning over to your left where he sat. You hadn't sat next to Eddie since Tuesday and it felt weird to turn toward Jeff and not see a curly head of hair.
"Can't say." You replied.
Jeff huffed humorously.
"As if you'd miss Steve's party. Everyone knows he has a thing for you."
You whipped your head to face him.
Apparently not everyone knew, considering this was the first you were hearing of it.
Seems as if it was also the first time Eddie was hearing it too based on the questioning expression he wore.
"What are you talking about?" You asked incredulously.
Seriously, where on earth did Jeff get this information from? Robin had told you about Steve's past, being a total whore and all, but as far as you were concerned he was different now. He was dating Ashley or Tammy...wait no, was it Heidi?
"Don't act like you don't know Y/N." Gareth piped up.
All of a sudden both you and Eddie's interests were piqued, sharing a quick and furtive glance. Despite your recent shortcomings with one another, you couldn't help but exchange knowing looks.
"Have you seen the way he looks at you? Like you're even hanging around Family Video for any other reason but to see his stupid face."
The table was amused with your wide-eyed perplexity.
"I hang around Family Video because of Robin. Steve just happens to also work there."
Sure you had spoken to Steve quite a few times and felt like you knew him considering how he was always a fan favourite topic amongst you and Robin, but Steve didn't seem like the kind of guy who would ever want to date you.
I mean he had the perfect Nancy Wheeler who was a bit of a priss and before that, a plethora of stereotypically pretty cheerleaders. You on the other hand were far more darker and demure, a cesspit of thrumming obscurity. You were a little hidden and aloof, a complete contradiction to Harrington himself, let alone the women he attracted.
Gareth and Jeff exchanged glances before snickering.
"Ooh, sounds like Y/N has got a crush." Gareth remarked.
Eddie pushed himself up and away from the table, rushing away with urgency.
You jumped at his sudden and violent movements, eyes trailing his form as it rapidly moved out of view and disappeared between the cafeteria doors.
"Seriously, what the hell is going on between you two?" Dustin asked nonplussed, shaking his head and turning back to the table.
You were in math class with Robin when she decided to poke and prod you for answers about your week long mood.
"So what's up with you?" She asked with her usual judgemental sneer.
"Nothing." You replied nonchalantly, toying with a pen that rested between your pointer and thumb.
"So, it has nothing to do with Eddie storming off in the cafeteria and disappearing for the day?"
You scoffed at her knowing tone.
"He was probably going to see Chrissy or something." You muttered snarkily, sounding a little more jealous than you had intended.
Robin observed you and took in your words carefully. She hummed to herself for a moment before letting it go altogether, leaning back in her seat with an air of nonchalance.
"You coming tonight?"
You groaned at the thought, resting your head in your hands out of defeat.
"I don't know Robin." You muttered. "Not a fan of parties."
Robin laughed as she leaned forward, resting her chin atop her palm.
You didn't really want to go tonight. You quite simply just weren't in the mood. After your spat with Eddie and teasing from the boys at lunch, you wanted to just go home and crawl into bed and happily forget about the entire week.
"Oh come on, Steve's parties are really fun! I like watching the dingus get drunk and pine over Nancy. Maybe you and Eddie can have it out?"
You raised your head and turned to meet her. Well, the mention of Nancy had put you at ease. You were now certain Steve the hair Harrington wasn't crushing on you. If only Jeff and Gareth were here now.
"You think Eddie is going?" You asked, voice sounding small and insecure.
Robin placed a hand on your shoulder as she regarded you.
"Yeah. He's selling. Of course he'll be there."
You gently sighed and looked down at your notebook, still not making any sense of the equations Mr. Martin forced everyone to write.
"What would I even wear?"
It was 6pm and Robin had convinced you to wear her clothes after rifling through your own closet and coming up with zilch. An all black outfit that included a short skirt, inky stockings and chunky boots was how she had dressed you, utilising clothes from her goth phase. She even gave you her oversized denim jacket with the single eye on the back to keep you warm.
Robin was actually quite stylish but in a surreptitious way. She wasn't outwardly open about her interest in makeup and fashion, but she somehow tousled your hair like a pro.
If you were being honest, you looked good and if you weren't feeling confounded and guilty, you might have acted like it.
Throwing on a few silver rings and fixing any unpinned strands as you studied your reflection, Robin had decided you were good to go.
Fuck, it was loud and packed. You hadn't seen Steve's house before and you definitely couldn't make out what it looked like now. Not with the loud music, bustling teens and random trash scattered over counter tops and floors. Robin had abandoned you almost straight away, making a beeline for Steve donned in sunglasses and a redhead you hadn't seen before. But you weren't even mad, how could you be? You were in a crap mood, sucking up the oxygen like some sort of vibe arsenic.
You decided to look around, hoping to see Eddie cloistered in some dark and dingy corner selling joints like the little criminal he is.
Being alone in such a loud and crowded environment made you miss Eddie by your side. Made you miss his radiating warmth and the smell of cigarette and cedar.
Not talking to him all day and most of the week made you feel so terribly isolated. You laughed at the thought, considering how you once believed that you didn't mind being alone. But that was before Eddie.
Your headache returned with a vengeance, unsure as to whether the throbbing was from the pain or the excessively loud music. Looking over to the kitchen counter you spotted a bowl of punch, or probably some terrible concoction of straight alcohol in sugary syrup. Yet, it enticed you. Robin laughing with the bashful redhead and Eddie no where to be seen, you filled up a cup and went to town.
The violent burn that constricted the insides of your throat made you grimace. It didn't stop you from getting another and another and before you knew it you were unequivocally wasted.
You were enjoying your little corner in the kitchen, snacking on some pretzels before you felt a shift in the atmosphere around you.
"Hey look, it's the freak's slut." Called a masculine voice.
You turned your head toward the God awful sound of Jason Carver speaking. 
"Surely he isn't far behind, now is he?" Jason added.
Suddenly, you were encircled by a group of chuckling jocks all glaring at you with intention. They reeked of alcohol and wore expressions that made you uneasy. Why were they wearing those ugly jackets outside of school?
Jason's posse smirked as he stalked closer toward you. You huffed in the wake of your broken reverie, annoyed at the repulsive sight before you.
"I don't know where Eddie is, why don't you ask Chrissy? Or is this pathetic little display of peacocking to make up for the fact that you have a small dick?"
All of a sudden a cacophony of loud cheers accompanied the ringing music as your little kerfuffle with Jason garnered some attention.
As all of the jocks turned to Jason patiently awaiting his response, he clenched his fists by his side before leaning toward your face, his expression contorted in anger.
"You shut the hell up whore." He seethed.
You didn't know if the liquor emboldened you or if you just simply hated Jason for the way he had treated Eddie and your friends over the years, but the idea of simply walking away had been left in the dust. 
"You didn't like that did you? Tell me Jason, how does it feel to have your grass cut by the town freak?"
You were calculated and drunk off of Jason's humiliation more than the punch itself. Talk about liquid courage.
You leaned back on the lemon coloured counter, tilting your head to side as you sized him up.
"This is embarrassing, even for you. Maybe if you didn't have such a hard on for being a bully, you might be able to keep her."
Jason's eyes nearly burst out of his skull at your comment.
He somehow stepped impossibly closer, his hot breath fanning over your face. He lurched forward and gripped your wrist tightly. His hold left half moons in the plush of your skin.
"I'm sure you know how it feels. He rejected you. Who knew, even the freak has standards."  He replied snarkliy, words dripping with venom.
Maybe if you weren't so intoxicated,  you might have remained a little more dignified.
You huffed, pushing him back as tears threatened to spill. After he stumbled on his feet and collapsed into his group of friends, he shot back up fast and began to make his way toward you once more with renewed fervour.
You turned around to the counter and picked up the punch bowl with all of your might. Before you knew it, the glass bowl was empty and Jason was soaked in carmine liquid.
The music halted and everyone around you held their breath. The scene unfolding was ghastly. The relatively new freak giving it back to the jock.
Suddenly, a shaggy haired figure obscured your view. Eddie had placed himself in between you and an inflamed Jason.
"Look! Here he is to defend his slut." Jason chuckled straightening himself a little, acting as if he didn't look like a drenched gutter rat.
Now it was Eddie who was irate.
"Don't call her that." Eddie spat through clenched teeth.
They stood toe to toe, both parties brimming with an air of violence.
"What are you going to do about it, freak?"
You watched the scene unfold in front of you with sheer horror. Eddie was a sweetheart, but you wouldn't put it past him to beat the absolute shit out of Jason. Especially after your altercation with him still fresh in the air. So you decided to take action and back him up.
"We're gonna kick your ass."
Eddie's eyes widened in shock and fear as he turned toward you comically.
"We are?" He whispered to you.
As Eddie tried to come to terms with kicking ass as you so called it, Steve had magically appeared, standing to the side of Jason.
"Jason, get out. Now."
Robin stood beside Steve, wearing a wide eyed expression. She couldn't believe the scene in front of her.
Jason wiped his face with his jacket sleeve as he took one step toward your direction.
"This isn't over." He threatened, before turning around and leaving. Jason's posse trailed behind him, casting warning glares in your direction.
As they made their exit, everything had become too much for you as you abandoned the situation to rush outside. You pushed past the crowd that was already beginning to disperse, faintly hearing the sounds of Eddie trailing behind you as Steve turned the music back up. The party had returned in full swing, blurring the vague distinction of a previous contention.
Outside, you hunched over in a random lawn chair, staring directly into Harrington's swimming pool as if it held the answers like a crystal ball. You caught your disheveled reflection in the aquamarine, thoughts swirling as you wondered how you had got here.
As you mulled over your run in with Jason, your fight with Eddie and your past, you felt a presence at your side. Except this time you welcomed it.
Eddie had appeared, taking a seat in the empty lawn chair next to yours. You looked at him with your eyes rimmed red as you willed yourself not to cry.
It was like he could feel your pain, his face in all of its broad contours furrowed in concern.
"Are you okay?" He asked, reaching for your wrist that Jason had hurt.
You nodded your head slowly as he traced a calloused thumb over the marks. He clenched his jaw the more he continued to inspect your injured wrist. It was almost as if he were trying to calm himself down with your touch.
"What's the prognosis, doc?" You asked with a faint smile across your lips when he made no move to break the silence.
He looked up to catch your gaze. But he didn't want to joke, clearly tortured by everything that had happened throughout the week and night. Eddie let go of your wrist, opting to run his hands through his tangled locks. The sight threatened your resolve.
"Eddie." You muttered brokenly.
He turned to face you once more.
"What did I do?" He whispered, just as broken, leaning into your presence.
You allowed a single tear to spill. He wanted nothing more than to kiss it away.
Since you started getting to know Eddie, you had noticed how he was a little insecure. Of course he jumped on tables and acted like an apeman, but you caught glimpses of vulnerability. You could see in his eyes how he actually did care about what people thought and that his abbrasiveness was more of a reflexive and defensive measure.
"You didn't do anything." You replied.
Your defeated tone and wavering voice nearly killed him. The unsteady sight of you alone almost made him want to waltz up to Jason at school on Monday and punch him square in the jaw. That's if you didn't beat him to it first.
"Why'd you push me away?" He asked earnestly, nudging his knee against yours.
You exhaled deeply and looked toward the dark starry sky. I can't, you thought.
"Don't know." You whispered.
Eddie didn't seem completely satisfied with your answer, but after the events of the tenebrous night he didn't seem willing to push any further.
"I didn't see you come in." You started, hoping to shift gears.
He chuckled lightly, leaning back in his rickety lawn chair.
"I was upstairs, then I heard...I don't know what I heard. But, I came down and saw you." Eddie replied, studying your face.
"Didn't think I'd ever see you try and knock Jason Carver out." He added, clearly amused.
You both started to laugh, glad that some of the awkwardness had dissipated into the night. Hearing Eddie's laughter was relieving, almost as if the hearty melody were medicine.
It was only a few moments later you decided to take a leap into the abyss that was your fight with Eddie.
"Did Chrissy show?" You asked shyly.
He took a deep and tremulous breath.
"Yeah...but she wasn't there for the music. Or for me." He replied a little dejected.
He chuckled, feeling pitiful for himself.
"Turns out she was just looking for something to take the edge off. Being little miss perfect isn't easy believe it or not."
You stayed silent, uncertain as to what you could say. Part of you felt slightly relieved, whilst the other part felt sad for Eddie.
"I'm really sorry." You started.
"I didn't mean to act like a bat shit crazy person. I just thought..."
Eddie tilted his head in confusion.
"Thought what?"
You looked to your lap, chastened by his inquisiton.
"That you had grown, I don't know, tired of me?"
Your eyes flicked up to meet Eddie's, hoping to gauge his reaction to your own insecurities.
He had laughed, but not in a condescending way.
"I don't think I could ever grow tired of you. Not even when you don't talk to me for days or threaten to beat up the basketball team on my behalf." He mused, flashing that pearly grin and wide eyed smile of his.
You sighed in relief as an immeasurable weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
"And thank you. For defending my honour." You continued, matching his smile.
He started twisting his chocolately locks around his finger in a coquettish manner.
"Someone has got to defend your virtue."
You both laughed some more, except this time a horrendous wave of nausea ensued. You clutched your stomach and cupped your mouth in a feeble attempt to prevent vomiting.
"Okay, I'm taking your drunk ass home." Eddie remarked grabbing your waist and holding you to his side as he assisted you out of your lawn chair.
His touch made you giddy and you chuckled under his hold. Even though you almost hurled into Harrington's pool, the alcohol had taken hold of your head now.
You began to sway and laugh absent mindedly as the rest of the world around you went a little hazy.
Your new carefree attitude emerged thanks to cups and cups of mysterious punch.
"You're fucken crazy." Eddie muttered, slightly enamoured by your rapidly deteriorating state.
Eddie continued to guide you through the garden gate that lead to the front lawn.
When the two of you approached the end of the path, you halted in your tracks. Eddie bumped directly into your back, sending a rather large wave of nausea that had practically already arrived at its destination.
"Eddie." You whispered.
He craned his head around your right side to catch your gaze. Your face was pale and white as the moon, while your eyes were bloodshot with blown out pupils. You were going to be sick.
Faster than Eddie could register, you doubled over and vomited all over the emerald grass.
He quickly grabbed your hair in a loose ponytail, urging you to crouch with him. Lucky you were cloistered by bushes due to the route you were taking to Eddie's van, thankful no one could see you throw up your entire breakfast, lunch and dinner.
"It's okay, sweetheart." Eddie mused, holding you close to him on the outskirts of the path as he stroked away any unruly strands that didn't make it into his makeshift ponytail. You started to sob profusely inbetween your vomiting.
You absolutely hated this. First, you had lost your mind over Eddie using you to impress Chrissy. You had gotten so frustrated by your convoluted feelings you hurt Eddie. Then, you tried to fight Jason and his posse. And now, well, now you were vomiting on Harrington's lawn crying at how embarrassing this whole ordeal had been. To top it off, you had Eddie holding you to his chest watching your drunk ass vomit.
"When you first met me Eddie..." You started, wiping away tears that were uncontrollably falling down your face.
"You said I was lonely. And you were right."
Your voice faltered as you reached up to rub at your eyes. Any modicum of control or logic that you might have possessed earlier had completely dissolved.
Eddie held you a little tighter.
"It's not what I had meant to say, Y/N." He replied, still caressing your face gently as guilt bloomed in his chest.
"It's because it hurts to care. I know I care, more than you do. I care too much and I can't do it." You sobbed, clutching at his leather jacket like it were a lifeboat in an endless sea.
Eddie was struggling to make sense of what you were saying. It was quite literally pouring out of you. Your vulnerability overwhelmed him.
"I can't forgive myself. Not after...after Matt." You huffed, like you had just ran a marathon and exerted all of your energy. You barely registered in your drunken stupor that you had grazed the surface of a secret. A secret you desperately wished to keep from Eddie.
It was like alarm bells had gone off. What the fuck? Eddie thought, confused about your drunk ramblings. He knew you were holding back about why you were really upset near the pool, but he wasn't expecting...this.
Your admission caused Eddie to still. Who was Matt? A twinge of jealousy rolled off his tongue as he tried to repeat the name after you, after the name came so freely from your lips.
Eddie knew that you had...issues to say the least and that you were harbouring something dark. He could feel it bubbling beneath the surface whenever you zoned out like you always did. He swore he caught a glimpse of something painful in your eyes the first day you met in the woods, it was why he thought you were lonely. Why you were so defensive and pushed people away like you did earlier in the week. Why you needed to be listening to music or reading or talking incessantly about books or films. He knew you were hiding, he just didnt know what.
You on the other hand hadn't even realised what you said, still quietly sobbing and gasping for air. In your fractured haze of a state, you were suspended in complete and utter confusion.
One minute you were in control, holding back both tears and your past. Now all of a sudden the flood gates were open and Eddie had the privilege of bearing witness to it all.
Eddie held you tightly, even though his gentle strokes along your hairline ceased. He couldn't help it, his mind was reeling. After a long while of just holding you while you cried and drifted in and out of consciousness, he eventually came back to his senses.
"Come on." He whispered into the shell of your ear, as he dragged you up with him.
Before you knew it, he had lifted you into his arms as he carried you all the way to the end of the street where his van was parked.
With your soft palms draped around his neck like a dainty chain, he swore he was going to figure out who Matt was and what he had done to make you so inconsolable.
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whatlovelybones-if · 2 years
Ngl your ‘doctor’s office’ ask box prompted this so I claim innocence on the thirst. But which ROs are really just into Mc for MC, and it’s just a curiosity that they’re a brilliant doctor, vs who’s kinda into the whole ‘tailored sexy doctor’ thing (cough side eyeing the detective cough)
j park: i think the answer is pretty obvious for them. they loved you before you even became a surgeon, so your profession has nothing to do with why they're into you. honestly, you'd still be the love of their life as a garbage collector 🤷🏻
t kaufmann: they're very much attracted to intelligence so they'd pretty much fall for you even if you weren't a doctor. the MC is canonically smart asf (they went to stanford without having to bribe the mf university ffs) and the detective would be into them as long as their intelligence is proven.
vivienne malhotra: i'm gonna let you in on a secret, the reason why vivienne actually falls for the MC is less about their physical appeal and more about the kind of bonding you form when you're one of the only people who knows about someone's past traumas (even if it's not the complete picture). she has a slight saviour complex, as a result of her own past, so she's willing to go the extra mile to save the MC from themself and be there for them, which leads to her falling for them in the process.
sebastián navarro: his situation is kind of the reverse of vivienne's. he was honestly lost asf and his mental health was deteriorating with the disappearance (and the definite possibility of murder) of his best friend and desperately needed an anchor to hang on. even if you were not a doctor, a rare show of support would make him being attracted to you.
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ultimatedemonsimp · 3 years
It's come to my attention that there is not a lot of t-word content on Obey Me! And as a member of both communities, I am expected to provide what is lacking. This has MC as a switch.
Obey Me! Shall We Date? Tickle headcanons!
Whether you want to believe it or not, he didn't get into tickle fights much.
That being said, when he did, he was a ruthless ler through and through.
He didn't get involved because none of the brothers, not even Mammon, are dumb enough to provoke him.
Then MC comes along.
With their lack of self preservation instincts and common sense, provoking Lucifer into tickle fights, no matter how one sided they are, becomes almost a daily occurrence.
Finds himself now beginning to identify more as a ler-leaning-switch.
Main spots are his shoulder blades, sides, ribs, and hips. Rough tickles get the loudest responses, though reactions to light scratching, fluttering, and/or pinching his ribs are absolutely adorable.
Though he is a ler-leaning-switch, that doesn't mean he has at all left his ruthlessness at the door, he could still probably kill someone if he wanted to.
Uses all kinds of tickles depending on who and where it is. (Will die before telling anyone, but he really like to give and receive sillier stuff like nibbles and raspberries)
He was/is a bit gentler with MC because he, originally, though that the human was too fragile for what he normally does. If MC straight up tells him that they don't want him to be easy on them, then, believe you me, he won't. Do be prepared, MCs that believe they can take it, to be almost killed every single time.
8/10 for ticklishness.
If he says his middle name is gambling, he's lying, it's actually switch.
As a playful tickle monster of a ler and a blushy, flustered mess of a lee, this man can not take what he dishes out.
This mf growls in the most teasing way possible, the three times in at least a dozen millenia that Lucifer found himself in the position of lee even he found himself blushing at the second born's antics.
MC comes along and this man almost dies on several occasions.
He doesn't need to breathe, but gdi, he wish he did so he could use that to make them stop.
Don't worry about what gets the best reactions, all of them do.
Even though... go for the middle section (right where his wings pop out) of his back if you want him to beg, ribs+sides if you want frantic laughter, and thighs+ass if you want high notes.
Did I mention that he's a brat? 'Cause he's a brat.
He will do anything but what you tell him to, if he knows you'll tickle him. He's the kind of brat that thinks they can take it, but start begging before you even touch them.
Over all, 13/10 on the ticklish scale.
This mans...
Right off the bat, baby's a lee-leaning switch.
He lers to get revenge on some people and lees most of the time.
He ended up on the losing side of tickle fights nine times outta ten.
When he does ler though...
The tail in his demon form isn't just for direction and decoration, oh, no, no, he'll pin you with it so he can use both hands. If a majority of it is free, he'll use it to help tickle you, too.
His preferred method of tickling people in poking bc it doesn't require to much physical contact, but if he's really trying he'll go all out. Squeezes, raspberries, nibbles, pinches, and that's not even the end of the list.
Teases his lee by pointing out obvious shit, like how red their face is, how they've been bested by a "dirty otaku", how much their laughing, etc, etc.
Then Mc comes along and he just can't-
Malfunctions 75% of the time he's suddenly touched, and when Mc appears outta nowhere to start shit that gets bumped up to 80%.
Tease him, trust me.
He'll whine about it, but he wants it.
Lower back damn near kills him, underarms are torture, and stummy turns him into the giggly-ist, blushy-ist, adorable ball of mush you've ever seen.
12/10 for ticklish asf.
You can't even attempt to tickle this man.
Right below Lucifer when it comes to who wins the family tickle fights.
He's in a full on war with Lucifer for the No. 1 spot.
He has yet to win against his brother/father, and probably never will-
Ler all the way, and he's RUTHLESS.
Like, more ruthless than Lucifer, because Lucifer will let up so you breathe after a while so you don't suffocate.
Satan has spells that will force oxygen into and out of your lungs and, if he uses them, that's it. You're fucked. You pissed him off, now he's gonna get you back until he feels satisfied.
When Mc comes along, he's actually kinda happy when they challenge him.
Finally! I worthy opponent! Our battle shall be legendary!
Teasing will result in immediate termination by tickles.
He cackles like an evil mastermind if you squeeze his hips, will attempt to fist-fight you if you start poking around him back, and,- just,-... gives tf up if you go for the outer side of his thighs.
7/10 but just can't take it.
Careful, now! Asmo is just about anything and everything.
This baby is 100% a switch and changes for whatever his partner wants.
Lees, you want a ruthless ler? Merciful? Something else/in between? Asmo's got you.
Lers, you want a brat? Obedient? Something else/in between? Asmo's got you!
Fellow switches? Anytime, anywhere, Asmo. Has. Got you.
Asmo often tries to use tickle fights to feel people up, but it's kinda hard to do that when your arms are pinned above your head, so he'll just sit there and take it.
However, he has accidentally started them from attempting to feel someone up.
He's ticklish just about everywhere, but his thighs, knees and underarms deserve some special attention.
Absolutely the demon to tease his 'lees with compliments (unless it's Mammon, to which then it's straight up lecturing or insults)
Watch out for this man's nails because they're deadly.
That being said, he know just how tickly his nails are and uses them every chance he gets, so you really can't watch out for them.
I've said before that he'll be whatever the other wants, but when he wants to tickle, he's mean. The kind of mean that makes lees keyboard smash.
6/10, but it can and will change depending on the person.
Tickle monster 2.0
Tickle bear hugs!
He is a ler, but he's a very sweet ler.
Light tickles, nibbles, chomp-ies, kisses, the occasional raspberry here and there.
He teases by asking questions that would be normal to ask in any other situation, but it's flustering in this one.
Gets into tickle fights all the time!
He's the one holding the person who started it down, while the others go ham on them.
Hungy Sweetheart just wants to be helpful!
He's almost never lee'd!
Then MC comes along and figures out that's because he's only ticklish in very certain spots that's no one'd really checked.
The only other person to know where those are, is Belphie bc it's Belphie-
Baby is very scared of hurting you, so he doesn't try to fight you off, or buck, or anything.
Doesn't really laugh, but he does giggle. When you find those spots near his neck and stomach, he's giggling like a mad man.
4/10 but is very sweet.
Our poor, tired, murderous calf...
Yeah, in an alternate universe, he killed us with tickles.
We've got another ruthless ler on our hands.
You'd think he doesn't care about tickling people bc tired, but that's how he gets ya
If you're getting chased, you're more likely to run to the one place you know there's a person who wouldn't wanna tickle you, but, secretly, that person does want to tickle you and once you've locked the door and hunkered down with them, you've dug your own grave.
The ler that's gonna tell you to be quiet while they attack your worst spots.
He's a ler, but that doesn't mean he's not ticklish.
Over all, he's not insanely ticklish like Levi or Mammon, but he's pretty bad.
His neck, thighs and belly make him laugh desperately, but anywhere else is light giggles and squeaks to yelps and squeals.
Squeezing is his favorite, giving and receiving.
6/10 for the 7th born
That's it for now, I've had this sitting in my queue for months now and I had to get this out of it. Consider this a part 1 and part 2 will be the "Neo Dateables" or side characters.
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txdoroki · 3 years
please don’t leave me
warnings: character death sorta, i mean it doesn’t have anything to do with the mha storyline, but someone dies in this, blood/gore/fighting
desc: bakugou is breaking up with his partner, and they don’t understand it was for the greater good. idfk im bad at descriptions lmao
pairing: bakugou x reader
words: 1,444- woo
@frxggie hope this is angsty enough for you honey💗
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“suki what are you talking about?” you looked up at bakugou with your brows furrowed, confusion and fear laced in your gaze.
he’d said he was faking it, he didn’t want to be with you anymore.
“look, i never want to see you again. these past years have been fucking hell for me, i can’t stand you,” your boyfriend.. well, ex-boyfriend stood in front of our bed, scoffing when he saw tears begin to form in your eyes, “quit that, this is hard for me too,”
you felt like you’d been beaten to a pulp. you’d placed your heart in his hands, entrusting all of your secrets and trust into him, and he tore it up right in front of you. you trusted him, you loved him. he told you he’d never leave, that you meant the universe to him, and you took that as the truth. 
all good things must come to an end i guess 
“why would you lie to me,” your voice cracked as you bit your bottom lip to hush the cries that threatened to wrack through your body, trying your best not to breakdown in front of him.
“because you’re one clingy ass bitch, it isn’t like the lies were very difficult to pull off. you’re so fucking desperate for love that you chose me? why,” 
every word that bakugou said tore both of your hearts apart. he wished he didn’t have to do this, he loved you so much. you were his soulmate, and he had to ruin your year just because he was stupid enough to....
“get out of my dorm right now,” you choked on your sobs, and the dam broke before you could get him away from you. you lost it, more and more sobs and cries escaping your mouth with every passing second.
he instinctively reached out to hug you, and you screamed when his hand touched your shoulder. he pulled back, and stared at the ground. for the first time ever, he looked defeated.
he wished you understood he didn’t want to hurt you like this.
“get the fuck away from me, i can’t believe you, get away from me,” you covered your ears when he tried to say something. you didn’t want to hear whatever he had to say. tears flew down your face, and they seemed to be never ending.
all of that fire of joy and love that had been crackling in bakugou’s chest just a few hours before, was gone. its place was filled with. well. nothing. it’d always be empty.
it was a spot only your love could fill.
when bakugou just stood there while you cried, grief filled you. his presence no longer felt warm and comforting, instead it was quite the opposite. 
“i told you to get away from me, bakugou,” the use of his last name made him take in a sharp breath. 
“shut up and get away from me,” you bawled, grabbing one of your pillows to cry into.
you both wished it didn’t have to happen this way.
you both wished it didn’t happen in general.
you didn’t notice when he quietly exited your dorm, but you were thankful he did. you couldn’t stand the sight of him right now, and everything seemed to remind you of him.
the walls that he’d hold you against and kiss you. your bed that you cuddled with him on. the teddy bear he got you on your first date. everywhere you looked, a different memory you made with him would flood your mind. when he first kissed you. when you were cuddling with him and he said “god you’re such a dumbass, i love you.”. when you shared your deepest secrets with him.
when he promised he’d always be there.
when he promised he would always love you.
when he promised.
the love of your life just walked away from you. he just told you that you were useless to him, and that he didn’t love you anymore. 
all hell broke loose inside of you once more, and you were sure if someone was outside they’d be able to hear your cries.
a few hours later, you’d decided to walk to a nearby icecream parlor to try and cheer yourself up.
 although it was long forgotten when you saw bakugou walk out of the dorm building as you were turning the corner to go outside to your car. you decided to follow him even though every bone in your body begged you not to, but you were too worried as to what he was up to at two in the morning. he was usually asleep, the hell was happening?
you were really confused as you were following him to see you wound up at an elementary school playground. 
and even more confused when you saw a green, glowing figure stood next to the swings.
why was he meeting up with deku?
“so, are you ready to die?” midoriya laughed, although it didn’t really sound like him, as bakugou walked over to him with his head down.
when you saw your beloved nod sadly, your stomach turned.
they exchanged small talk for a short few minutes, talking about how midoriya was getting the “ultimate payback” for the years of bakugou’s bullying.
they nodded to each other before both getting into fighting stance and, i suppose you could say, you acted without thinking.
you ran out from behind a random bush you were hiding at and held them apart, “please don’t do this,”
“y/n, get away from here, now,” bakugou pushed you at least a few feet away, not paying enough attention to notice the punch that was about to land on his face.
he got launched into the ground, the cement cracking as he slid through it with the most force you’ve ever seen from izuku.
“katsuki,” you screamed, about to run towards him and help before izuku started charging towards you instead of his primary prey.
he almost kicked you with 20% of his power, but bakugou shot up from where he was laying on the ground and blocked it. 
“i told you, i’m not letting you,” he panted out as he took a moment to cough up a few droplets of blood, “i’m not letting you hurt them,”
“quit with your stupid savior shit and fight me, not so tough when your little love bird is here, are you?” izuku spat at your boyfriend, bringing his foot up from the ground then back down on bakugou’s ribs.
a disgusting crack came from the direction they both were as he dug his foot into bakugou’s body.
you wanted to puke. your boyfriend was going to die and you couldn’t do shit.
after izuku landed punch after kick after punch, he smirked and waved to you, then walked the opposite way of the dorms you all had came from.
you ran to bakugou, sitting on your knees as you held his head in your hands.
he slowly blinked at you, and began to cry. the dried blood that covered his cheeks and was around his mouth moved as his face scrunched up with hurt.
neither of you were sure if the hurt was mental or physical. probably both.
“i’m so.. sorry,” he coughed out blood again, and you nearly hit your skull against him when you leaned down and nuzzled your head against his.
“please,” you cried, “please don’t leave me!”
“i’m sorry, i never wanted to hurt you,” he weakly nodded, attempting to sit up, but his arm bones were cracked.
you helped him sit up for a moment, and you wrapped your arms as tight around his body as you could without hurting him.
your entire body hurt from the sobs that wracked through your body.
when he suddenly started going limp, you pulled back from the hug and looked him in the eyes, searching for something, anything in his gaze to show he still had hope of living.
“i’m sorry.... i love you so much,” he whispered, and his eyes closed.
you screamed, hot tears against your skin as you begged him not to die. not to give up. not to leave you alone in this cold world.
you watched his breathing slow, and you felt powerless.
“wake up, come on i know you can wake up,”
“please, babe, please,”
“i know you can live, just open your damn eyes,”
“please don’t leave me,” you screamed, your ears ringing and your throat hoarse from how loud you’d been yelling and sobbing.
you stayed there for hours, begging your beloved’s eyes to open, or for his chest to rise and fall.
it never happened.
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