#democrats don’t
tanadrin · 5 months
There’s something that has always struck me as ironic about discussions of, like, undeserved indigenous land and sovereignty in the same context as criticisms of colonial systems of property and ownership, in that the vocabulary being used fundamentally grants the premises of the system being critiqued. And it makes me wonder, in the long run, if this is the fate of a global civilization—trending gradually toward a political, material, even maybe a linguistic monoculture, on a level too fundamental to even really consciously resist, all while being dissatisfied about it but not actually being able to shape the incentives around it. Or even while loudly proclaiming that’s not what we’re doing, managing to give lip service to only the most superficial differences.
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menalez · 7 months
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starsandhughes · 9 months
“you don’t need me, eh?” *doesn’t let the man speak* “perfect” “i do need you-“ “nope”
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may-fires · 4 months
I’ve been constantly reposting about Palestine and other atrocities being committed around the world (Sudan, Congo, etc.) and it’s going to stay that way until EVERYONE is FREE. 🇵🇸🇸🇩🇨🇩
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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RepubliKKKlans are a numerical minority and can only win by suppressing minority votes, encouraging Dems not to vote, or encouraging Dems to vote 3rd party.
Republican cultists will always turn out in force and vote as a solid block no matter who their candidate is
We can only win if you turn out and vote blue from Biden/Harris down to every last Democrat on the ballot.
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sher-ee · 6 days
What do you think?
*Qasim Rashid, Human Rights Attorney
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banalityofambiguity · 9 months
“You can’t make a revolution in white gloves” people always seem completely unwilling to do literally anything they’d feel bad about in the name of their politics. Like they’re fine fantasizing about just killing everyone they don’t like, but if you ever ask them to do anything actually productive in politics they’ll whine about how unfair it is that they have to go vote for someone they don’t 100% agree with.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
The extent to which the tankie-lite "America Has A Magic 'Stop Everything Bad in the World' Button and Biden Just Refuses to Push It Because He Doesn't Want To!" mindset has infiltrated this website, even among supposedly sensible people, continues to be alarming.
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lumarkyt · 1 year
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Birthday cake disaster (the little lady deserves only the best)
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notanimposter · 2 months
seeing another wave of anti-voting posts so I will remind you all once again that the american empire will not “cease existing immediately” if you abstain from voting. so unless you have a Foolproof and Actionable Plan for how you’re going to make the most powerful establishment on the entire earth vanish before january, when donald et al. will make it legal to hunt me for sport, we all still need to vote for Less Genocide Joe
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im-just-a-mushroom · 3 months
Proud of all the Michiganders who voted “uncommitted”. I’ll be doing the same or “ceasefire now”.
As for the “blue no matter who” morons/blue MAGA screaming that you have to support Biden because Trump is worse, please fuck off and take a few moments to reflect on that. Realize that you’re treating millions of people as expendable to your own comfort. It’s not as if Biden keeps any of his decent promises anyway/he’s been doing conservative shit his whole career. I have problems with his drug policies, healthcare policy, lies about debt cancellation, and anti worker sentiments (his pro union stuff was weak as hell); all of this in addition to the genocide he is happy to participate in. Blue MAGA morons fuck all the way off 🖕
Free Palestine!
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awetistic-things · 4 months
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garsideofthemoon · 8 days
why is voting treated as mutually exclusive to activism
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firefly-sky · 3 months
i really hope tratt dont make an episode about the isr3@l genocide. i dont think i could be a fan anymore. it's too delicate for jokes and i know they would NOT treat it with any respect, or they'd just use the episode to be zionistic. free palestine
yeah. i wouldn’t like that much either. it would be in poor taste.
also like…not to get political but why censor israel and not palestine as well? it doesn’t make much sense to me. if you’re gonna censor one you should at least censor the other as well, pro israel or free palestine.
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terephin · 5 months
I’m honestly fucking terrified of what’s coming for America.
I looked into the notes of a post supporting Palestine and there’s all these Americans saying they won’t vote for Biden and like-
Sure, he fucking sucks, but have you forgotten who, no, what the other choice is??? Have you forgotten how everything got so much worse since 2016???
You have two horrible choices unless you manage to concentrate on a third party. But the fact is that the US is a two party system.
But if option one is the party that really hasn’t done much worse than what the US has been doing internationally for like a hundred years and option two is the party that’s platforming on the murder of POC and the LGBTQ+ and who’s leaders are publically planning political assassinations then for the sake of everyone I say it’s a moral obligation not to let option two win.
You can’t abstain on this, if you’re an American of voting age then not voting is the same as a vote for the Republicans.
Please. I don’t want them to make things even worse than they have.
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skypiea · 10 days
why is every post on this website right now “sure I know that genocide thing is bad or whatever but it’s your duty as an American to continue playing into our incredibly broken system where you pick your favorite fascist. And also if you don’t vote for Biden you must be a Foreigner interfering with the vote. What? no I’m not racist just pragmatic”. you know you can make a post about how you plan to vote without like. Making incredibly racist statements yes? Without telling people to just forget about bidens involvement in the Palestinian genocide because you think trumps potential involvement may be worse?
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