redreasoning · 21 days
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Upon the stars, there is a fine line of ink and the cosmos that echo through the universe. Your choices might be yours but who's path set them for you? Who paved your time in ink?
Deluz by @rbcomics
Art by Me
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wormfolk · 1 year
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severin-photocopy · 10 hours
why are Venus and Wanda always referred to as "Venus"? Wanda openly says that she identifies with the Greek world but throughout the novel the word used to address her is "Venus", the latin name for "Aphrodite". Wouldn't the latter be more correct?
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delusional-mishaps · 2 years
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obviousdude73 · 5 months
My Male OC: Sheppard Deluz
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guitarmod · 1 year
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Vintage singles from Teisco installed in the Deluze Orphean.
It wasn't easy. The shape of the gauges has a tricky perimeter shape that expands to the base, which caused the cutouts in the plastic to be made with fittings. Also, it was necessary to redo the mounts on the sides, like the original guitar from the game. I think I got it all right. It remains to find the right humbucker and I can start to solder the electronics.
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zololacan · 2 years
French poststruc​turalism might indicate, that texts
have no meanings and that one can ​make anything mean what one wants it
to mean. On the contrary, the life ​or problem of Deleuze’s philosophy
lay in the event: both the event of ​philosophical texts and the event of
works of art. The event is a disrup​tion, violence or dislocation of
thinking. To read is not to recreate oneself, ​using the text as a mirror or medium
through which one repeats already ​habitual orientations. Just as life
can only be lived by risking connections ​with other powers or potentials, so
thinking can only occur if there is an ​encounter with relations, potentials
and powers not our own. If we take ​Deleuze’s definition of life
seriously – that it is not a given whole with ​potentials that necessarily unfold
through time, but is a virtual power to ​create potentials through contingent
and productive encounters – then ​this will relate directly to an
ethics of reading. We cannot read a thinker ​in order to find what he is saying
‘to us’, as though texts were vehicles for ​exchanging information from one
being to another. A text is immanent to ​life; it creates new connections,
new styles for thinking and new images ​and ways of seeing. To read a text
is to understand the problem that moti​vated its assemblage. The more
faithful we are to a text – not the text’s ​ultimate message but its
construction, or the way in which it produces ​relations among concepts, images,
affects, neologisms and already existing ​vocabularies – the more we will
have an experience of a style of thought ​not our own, an experience of the
power to think in creative styles as such.
-adrian parr dictionary of deluze 2nd edtion preface
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i had a dream i went on a date with taylor swift and we kissed
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imadhatt3r · 8 months
You know what? That one line from that Phantom Liberty ending where V can call Johnny a "big ol' softie"? They're right. They're absolutely right.
Johnny is a softie. He goofs off on multiple occasions in V's field of view despite knowing that nobody can see him, probably to his own and V's amusement. He screams on the rollercoaster and grins like crazy at V. He adores Nibbles. He wanted to check on Kerry when he heard that he was suicidal. He finally took Rogue on that car cinema date and can flirt with her in a goofy way straight out of his favorite "Bushido" movies. He has fun on the reunion concert and gives Kerry his DeLuze Orphean as a goodbye gift. He narrates that one quest like a noir narrator just to mess with V. He understands Barry's grief over his tortoise. He's respectful when watching Joshua's crucifiction. He's nice to Spider Murphy and calls her "Spider". He sheepishly apologizes to Alt in "The Sun" ending. He puffs up his chest when Denny says she misses him. He's fuming over the kids in "Talent Academy" being treated like products, probably because it reminds him of how he was treated in the military. He feels for Solomon Reed because he sees himself in him. He feels for Songbird because her circumstances remind him of V's.
And speaking of, he really loves V. He just loves them so much; He's always on watch for any danger and does his best to give them advice. He promises that he will do everything he can to cure them. He will encourage them to take a break if they're feeling sick. He will attempt the most dangerous stunts to get them to Mikoshi. He promises V to let them wipe him from the Relic and he keeps that promise. He will realize that they're his only loved one left and will ask for the last chance, and when he gets it he does everything he can to make them proud and happy. He accepts their decision no matter what it is, because it's their body and life. His worst fear is getting to live again, but without his friend/partner/soulmate/beloved (depending on interpretation) with him. He's proud to be able to call himself V's friend. He's proud of them. He's sad that he won't be able to see how V will change. He choses to stay calm and positive before he will be innevitably killed so that his beloved V will live to keep them calm and comfort them.
That whole hardass, asshole act? It's a ruse, it's a front, it's a persona he had to put on due to bad childhood, PTSD from being drafted as a teenager, seeing other teenagers die horribly around him, losing his limb and being branded with the Arasaka logo he did his best to scratch out and being tossed into a rockstar life of drinking, drugs and fans when he was likely not much older.
He might fight it, but he will never be the detached, emotionless action hero he wants to be, because that's not at all who he is! I think that his slight grin when V says it is one of relief, that he was able to show his most vulnerable, tender and gentle side to the one person he holds dear and not be punished for it, playfully teased but with clear sympathy on V's part. After decades of struggle with who he is being so different from who he wants to be, he can finally be seen for who he is, and who he would be if his life went oh so differently.
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cryptotheism · 10 months
Yes yes congratulations on reading stirner. Me and the other terminally irony poisoned internet pseudointellectusls have moved on to lionizing Deluze. Keep up.
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zababova-pomsta · 2 months
Věci z mého oddílu:
-Vždycky jednou za rok se jezdilo na týden na Slovensko. V den návratu se šlo do hospody na jídlo. Pojmenovali jsme to Poslední Večeře. K tomuto bodu se váže bod druhý: Nejezděte nočním vlakem českých drah s žaludkem plným halušek.
-Kemp je vždy zásadně cestou do kopce.
-Na vodu s námi vždycky jezdil Pavel. Už se nepamatuju, jestli se tak fakt jmenoval, či je to moje předmaturitní deluze. Pavel nepatřil k oddílu. Nevím o něm, koho z oddílu původně znal, nevím, co dělá mimo naše ježdění mimo vodu, nevím, jestli přestává existovat po tom, co skončí voda. Pavel je strážce písně Jdou krysy kanálem. Tato píseň není nikde dohledatelná, předává se čistě ústní tradicí. Ne, tamta to není. Jako jeden z velmi mála lidí jsem si dokázala zapamatovat píseň Jdou krysy kanálem a teď jsem také strážce Jdou krysy kanálem.
-Pokud není alespoň jednou za výjezd alespoň jednou bordel o půl druhé ráno v kempu kvůli opilým slovákům, nateče vám do stanu, coopy budou zavřený a borůvky vám zkysnou v hubě.
-Kolikrát stihne vedoucí zmínit vedoucí hru Sekeráček?
-Co se stalo v Helfenburgu? Starší se jednou za čas se zmíní o Helfenburgu a pak odmítnou elaborovat. Někdo v nějakém bodě hodil špagety, ale víc nevím. Hodní mě duch Helfenburgu.
-Vysvětlování názvu našeho oddílu, protože jsme si za jméno vybrali semi-obskurní kachnu
Ráda si přečtu o věcech z vašich oddílů
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jupiter-rin · 2 years
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Nezha Deluze ink, from Warframe
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sophie-frm-mars · 21 days
On a call with my writing partner who is currently describing some of the logic of Daniel Paul Schreber, the case study for both Freud and Deluze as "very BPD girlie logic". she's right and she should say it
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luzdestellante · 9 months
Horas y horas sin parar de llorar,
¿acaso llegará el día en que logre sanar?
Tumbada en mi cama,
me hundo en la soledad,
el dolor que me causaste no parece cesar.
Dime por qué regresaste,
¿por qué al irte mi inocencia te llevaste?
Hubiera deseado que me abandonaras
en esa casa cubierta en llamas
sin una ventana para que la luz entrara,
sin una puerta para que alguien me salvara.
Sola con el fuego que tu mismo iniciaste,
con el fuego como mi único acompañante.
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rottingfacade · 5 months
thinking of what im gonna learn about next
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obviousdude73 · 5 months
3 Campers
Ft. Sheppard, Fable And Marnley
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