#delightfully devilish seymour
cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 month
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KARA?! LEX WITH THE GREEN AND PURPLE!! Is that supposed to be Firestorm or is it Heatwave again? (Edit: okay I get it that's atomic skull)
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i achieved every DM/GM's dream the other day by making one of my players cry after an NPC tragically died protecting someone else
heh. epic fail caring about this pretend person enough to cry as they're saying their last words to you with a smile on their face and wait why are my eyes getting watery too i'm the guy who decided this character was gonna die here what the fuck that's not fair at all
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startersword · 9 months
Hoho...a lone cokey coley in the fridge, you say...well...don't mind if I do...
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eraserheadadult · 2 years
i love when im drawing something and i figure out how to do a new thing and internally im like heeheehee i am cutting corners i am playing a little trick on everyone >:o) and its like buddy that’s stylization. thats having an art style. every artist does this
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sexgoats · 2 years
sending the homestuck aspect quiz to one (1) person in the group chat & analyzing their results for them in order to get all the non-homestucks in the groupchat to silently take the quiz and send you the results
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trashcandroid · 1 year
🍔 oddfavgoodhams Follow
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SEYMOUR SKINNER from THE SIMPSONS is an odd fellow, but steams a good ham!
Submit your odd faves who steam good hams here!
👽 deepfried-aliens Follow
idk if i’d say he steams a good ham since it was obviously grilled
👨‍🦲 son-of-simp Follow
Ok. Well. There’s a lot wrong with this post! First of all, as established in the episode, it is simply a regional dialect from “Upstate New York” (specifically “Albany”) to refer to “grilled hamburgers” as “steamed hams.” Thus this comment is uncalled for as the status of the hamburger being “grilled” has nothing to do with if it is a “steamed ham.” Of course, however, the very concept of a “steamed ham” is a lie by “Principle Skinner” in order to convince “Superintendent Chalmers” into believing his “delightfully devilish deception” of “purchasing fast food and disguising it as his own cooking.” That brings me to my second point which is that, technically, “Principle Skinner” doesn’t even “steam” the “hams.” He simply purchases them from the “Krusty Burger” across the street. Therefore we as the audience do not actually know if “Principle Skinner” does indeed possess the skills to “steam a good ham,” so the original post is inaccurate as well. In conclusion, this post is an overall mess, and I wish people would think through what they’re saying before they post.
🦉 friendlynbhdowlguy Follow
Hey man, I’m sorry if this post offended you or something, but it’s just a reference to the end of the clip. Chalmers calls Seymour an odd fellow who steams a good ham
👨‍🦲 son-of-simp Follow
You did not address any of the points in my comment. Clearly my thoughts are not welcome here. Good-bye.
👨🏾 apulover69 Follow
anyone here “smoke weed”
🍔 oddfavgoodhams Follow
Oh egads, my post is ruined!
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dostoevskydisco · 2 years
Steamed Hams But It’s a Shakespearean Comedy
Scene 1 
Enter Chalmers and Skinner
Chalmers: Good even, Seymour. At last I am here, Though thy directions led me far afield.
Skinner: Ah, Duke Chalmers, hail to thee! I do hope You are prepared for a luncheon that will Stick fast in thy memory till long hence. Excuse me while I attend to our meal. [Aside] Zounds! My roast burns black within that oven Like Iscariot in the bowels of Hell. But mayhap I could acquire dinner From the clown Krustard. The Duke need only Believe the food comes from mine own kitchen. Oh, delightfully devilish, Seymour!
Chalmers: Seymour, what keeps thee in thine scullery?
Enter a chorus of fairies, invisible to Chalmers and Skinner
Fairies: Now Skinner gives his wild explanations – The duke needs some balm to set himself right On hearing such falt’ring fabrications, For Skinner is cooking up mischief tonight!
Exit fairies
Skinner: Duke Chalmers! I was just stretching my calves Upon the sill. Must keep the body fit. Perhaps you would care to join me in this?
Chalmers: Why doth thine oven emit smoke, Seymour?
Skinner: Smoke? ‘Tis not smoke. ‘Tis steam! Steam for the clams Upon which we shall sup. Such delicious, Delicate, and delectable steamed clams!
Exit Chalmers
Skinner: By the skin of my teeth! Now on with the plan.
Exit Skinner
[Tragically, the second scene of Shakespeare’s incomplete masterpiece A Midsteamer Night’s Ham, in which Skinner presumably visits Krustard, is lost to time]
Scene 3
Enter Chalmers and Skinner
Skinner: Duke, please enjoy these succulent meat pies.
Chalmers: I thought we were to have steamed clams.
Skinner:                                                                          Oh no! I said steamed hams. ‘Tis what I call meat pies.
Chalmers: You call meat pies steamed hams?
Skinner:                                                              Indeed, ‘tis a Regional dialect.
Chalmers:             From what region?
Skinner: North Yorkshire.
Chalmers:                         Indeed? I hail from Scarborough, Yet I’ve heard no soul speak the phrase steamed hams.
Skinner: Not in Scarborough, no, ‘tis said in Selby.
Chalmers: I see. You know, these meat pies taste quite like The ones prepared by Krustard the mad clown.
Skinner: Oh, certainly not! These are Skinner pies, A venerable family recipe.
Chalmers: For steamed hams?
Skinner:                                      Yes.
Chalmers:                                           Yes, and you say steamed hams Though one can see plainly that they are baked.
Skinner: I – well – pardon me a moment.
Chalmers:                                                  Of course.
Exit Skinner
Chalmers: What’s in a name? That which we call meat pie May hold the same savor as a steamed ham.
Enter Skinner
Skinner: What wonderful times! All sing the praises Of this day. I grow tired.
Chalmers:                       Yes, I must be – Good lord, what hell burns within that chamber?
Skinner: That dawn which illumines boreal night.
Chalmers: The boreal dawn? Cast in the daylight? In this fair season? In this temp’rate clime? Imprisoned wholly within thine kitchen?
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers:      Perchance, may I glance upon it?
Skinner:                                                                 No.
Agnes: [Within] Seymour, our home is ablaze!
Skinner:                                                            No, mother, ‘Tis merely the arctic’s strange aurora.
Chalmers: Seymour, you’re an odd fellow, yet I must Admit, you steam a good ham.
Agnes: [Within]                           Help! Oh, help!
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kawaoneechan · 3 months
In Animal Crossing New Horizons, the various color variations of all the outfits are stored as separate items, each part of a clothing group that in turn holds the number for that item's base name and some information about fashion themes. All the important stuff is in the item itself. And therefore, each variation of a given outfit item has a separate entry in ItemParams.bcsv.
In the datamined JSON files for Project Special K, there's only one file describing all variations right now:
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I left out some details but the important part is the "variants" array.
In the villager data, this would be referenced to by ID:
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Right now, loading the villager data can resolve these references so the Villager object for Lolly has a member that's a Tops pointer to the Snowy Sweater. But to do that, the "gray" modifier had to be thrown out on load.
I wonder how to handle having an item like that retain things like outfit variant, or furniture item variants and patterns.
What if I turned it from a plain Tops into an InventoryItem? That in turn could hold the Item (which Tops inherits from so that's valid) and the variation data. Then that InventoryItem could reflect some pertinent stuff about the Item it boxes, and have AsInsertItemTypeHere methods like SimpleJSON's JSONValue does, to return the boxed Item as the type it actually is.
... delightfully devilish, Seymour.
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saturoslurper69 · 4 months
"if this gets 20 notes i HAVE to finish it. but i wont tell anyone so they dont know the goal, and i can sabotage it. delightfully devilish seymour"
*gets 23*
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noellevanious · 6 months
delightfully devilish, seymour
a sinful spirit has appeared in my askbox
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digital-magus · 2 years
“You didn’t have to lie. The food didn’t matter. It never mattered. Roast, clams, hamburgers, it never mattered. I agreed to come without knowing the menu, because the menu didn’t matter. You mattered. You were what would make the luncheon unforgettable. Just you, me, and the bottle of wine I brought. It was you, your panic and presumptions that threatened our good time. And yet, when your forked tongue spun its falsehoods, I could not help but play along. You always were delightfully devilish, Seymour… Though I new I must leave so you might save face, all I wanted was to stay there with you and watch as the lights of your lies, like hell’s own aurora borealis, consumed us both.”
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blueboyluca · 1 year
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Delightfully devilish, Seymour!
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p3arlpuppy · 2 months
A rendition of the Simpsons sketch, steamed hams, written entirely by memory.
Doorbell rings
Superintendent Chalmers: Well Seymour I made it, despite your directions
Seymour: Ah, superintendent! I hope you’re prepared for an unforgettable luncheon
SC: yes
They walk into the house and the superintendent sits down, Seymour walks into the kitchen.
S: Holy gods! (Or smth I can’t tell lol) My roast is ruined!! But what if… I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking! Delightfully devilish Seymour
The superintendent walks in and a theme song starts
*skinner and his crazy explanations, the superintendent’s gonna need his medication, when he hears skinner’s lame exaggerations there’ll be trouble in town tonight!*
S: Superintendent! I was just uh.. stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise, care to join me?
SC: Why is there smoke coming out of your oven Seymour?
S: uh that isn’t smoke.. it’s steam! Steam from the steamed clams were having. Mmm, steamed clams!
The superintendent leaves, and Seymour jumps out the window to buy some Krusty burgers.
S: I hope you’re ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!
SC: I thought we were having steamed clams
S: no, I said steamed hams! That’s what I call hamburgers.
SC: you call hamburgers steamed hams?
S: yes, it’s a regional dialect.
SC: really, what region?
S: Upstate newyork
SC: well I’m from Utica and I’ve never heard anyone use the phrase steamed hams
S: oh not in Utica no, it’s and Albany expression
SC: I see. You know these burgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty burger.
S: oh no, patented skinner burgers! It’s an old family recipe
SC: you have a family recipe for steamed hams.. and you call them steamed despite the fact that they’re obviously grilled.
S: I uh.. you know- one thing I should… would you excuse me for a moment?
SC: of course.
He walks into the kitchen and then immediately comes out, the door swinging and showing that it’s on fire inside.
S: Ahh well that was wonderful, good time was had by all. Well I’m pooped!
S: aurora boreales
SC: a-aurora boreales?! At this time of the year, in this part of the country, localised entirely within your kitchen?!
S: yes
SC: may I see it?
S: …no
They walk outside.
Seymour’s mother: SEYMOUR, THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!
S: no mother, it’s just the northern lights
SC: Well Seymour, you’re an odd fellow, but I must say, you steam a good ham.
Chalmers turns around, Seymour gives him a thumbs up and he keeps walking.
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startersword · 9 months
actually....I have this one poster I'm probably gonna take down..it's very crinkled and it's souring the mood
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sleepyserena · 1 year
but what if... i were to purchase a blahaj and disguise it as a christmas gift? ohoho, delightfully devilish, seymour
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kerbrobro · 9 months
With the Mazinger Z, you have the power to become a god or delightfully devilish, Seymour.
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