#deborah ann woll fc
atlatsofstories · 1 year
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NAME   Jacqueline Marianne Pomers DOB   July 15th, 1984 OCCUPATION  Art Museum Assistant Curator by day, thief by night ORIENTATION   Bisexual SPECIES   Human ​
& FAMILY: PARENT(S) Father: Oscar Pomers (deceased)                                         Mother: Catherine Pomers (deceased) SIBLING(S)  Jacelyn Pomers 
​& MENTALITY: POSITIVE TRAITS Charismatic. Patient. Loyal. Protective. Compassionate. Analytical. NEGATIVE TRAITS Stubborn. Sensitive. Vindictive. Moody. Cunning. Gullible. 
NOTABLE SKILLS Stealth. Lockpicking. Pickpocketing. Acting. Agility. Analytical skills. People skills.
&. APPEARANCE The lithe female is 5’10 tall upon her feet, though easily inches taller when wearing her best heels. However, her tall stature is not the only feature that makes her stand out from the crowd. Not just due to her current profession, Jacqueline prefers to exhibit in an elegant manner both on the inside and the outside when publicly displayed. Pencil skirts, blouses and dresses of elegant kind make most of her wardrobe. As striking as her features and put-together bearing is, it is also her hair that oftentimes attracts the attention of many. Her long and healthy hair is something that wheels many eyes on her. For the most she prefers doing it the ginger way, though sometimes her hair takes on different shades of red and sometimes a lovely blonde hue. Still, due to her side ‘profession’ by night, the usually elegant female is also capable of blending into the crowd by wearing wigs and changing her outfit to somethings much less attention attracting. She is quite well adapted in finding just the right fit for every occasion. 
       TW: mentions of substance abuse, cancer, death, grooming, abuse.      
&. BIOGRAPHY Jacqueline Pomers has certainly not had it easy, not by a long shot. Though born into a rich and happy family, growing up with two loving parents and a little sister for the first six years of her life, life took a drastic turn on her with her father’s company going bankrupt due to well-hidden gambling and drinking tendencies. By the time of her eight birthday her father had sunk deep, the family had lost their manor and their assets; the luxurious and happy life only a memory due Oscar’s worsening relationship both to his family and alcohol.  There wasn’t much that an 8 year old could do to lessen the distress the family endured the following few years after. Her father continued to spiral, and soon the family of four felt like a family three with the addition of a notable downgrade upon their lifestyle; it became down to her mother to keep the family afloat both financially and otherwise. The young girl looked after her four year old younger sister while their mother struggled to work to provide what they needed to keep a roof over their head and food on their table. It was a few months before Jacqueline’s tenth birthday when her mother came to pick her up from school, bleary eyed with Jacelyn on tow, with the information that her father had been found dead by an alleyway not far away from their home. After her father had passed due to alcohol poisoning, a part of her felt relief for she felt her father had check out on their family long before his abuse of alcohol had taken his life. Though it was quite a bit for the young girl to cope with, she felt like there was once again light at the end of the tunnel with her mother worrying a lot less about how much money Oscan would spent gambling and on the booze, or in which condition he would be when coming home. Though the family was grieving and recovering from their loss, the few following years were quite calm and straightforward amongst the family of three. The girls continued to grow, go to school and adapt to their less luxurious life, while their mother continued to provide them with love, care and devotion. During those years Jacqueline perhaps struggled with her new environment, but she continued to care for her sister while making sure she was never a stressor to her mother who she saw struggling, sometimes drastically. She was 14 when she was once again delivered with another shattering blow of news, though this time her mother waited until both of the Pomers were back at home from school. It was cancer, pancreatic cancer that had spread and would not give their mother many years to live. And that was when the Jacqueline’s life alternated altogether; she was left to look after both her mother in her worsening condition and her little sister who struggled to understand how severe their circumstances was due their mother’s sickness. While their mother continued with her attempts to provide for her two young children, she was hardly capable of endure the same as before. Witnessing her mother’s declining health and desperate attempts to keep the family afloat, Jacqueline made a bit of reckless decision by deciding to find her own way to provide for their family by following one of her friend’s example. The moment she made her decision about it, she knew it was not going to be a one time thing for her; she walked into a grocery store, walking out with a few groceries without ever paying for them. From that point onwards, every once while she would walk into a grocery store and walk out with an item or two up her sleeves. She told herself it was only about providing to her family, doing it subtly so that her tired mother would not notice the extra items she brought home with her. She told herself she did it out of necessity; at least until the unpaid items she brought home with her were not only for her family, but sometimes only for herself. Groceries turned into sunglasses, perfumes, clothes and other things that she and her friend stole only because they could. Sure, she still brought home unpaid items to provide her family; but at one point it also became her addiction. This went on months on end while her mother’s condition continued to worsen, Catherine too focused to notice what was going on due to fighting for her life while keeping the family afloat the best she could. The last months with her mother were traumatic to both Jacqueline and her sister to say the least, at that point shoplifting became both a necessity and coping mechanism. Though their mother did their best to put on a brave face for the two young girls, the last months were traumatic towards the end, and until their mother passed with both of her daughters by her bedside. After their mother’s death the two were lucky enough to have their mother’s sister to take them in, to give them a roof over their heads and giving them some sense of a family. Though they had never been close with their aunt, her husband and their one cousin, Jacqueline was enough aware to know that they had lucked out with the fact that the two sisters didn’t end up in a foster care. The grieving teenager kept her habit of stealing, even evolving in her craft, while keeping low-profile while switching schools and moving to a yet another new environment due to moving in with her aunt and her family. She was 17 when she caught the attention of one Kevin Layne, a 23 year old con man who was all charming and alluring to the 17 year old young female looking to find her place in the world. Though Jacqueline had attracted male attention before with a few sloppy makeout sessions on her record, no other had showered with her the kind of attention and care the alluring con man did. The first months of the two getting to know each other was close to a cat and mouse play; Kevin gave her attention while the two bonded over their keen interest on not paying for what they took from wherever they could, sometimes disappearing for a month or two whenever he had his own ‘businesses’ to deal with. What kept her hooked, was that he always told her he saw potential in her. It wasn’t until Jacqueline turned 19 before the cat and mouse play turned into something much more intense and serious; after over a year of their connection they pursued a physical relationship with a lot of romance on the side. They became almost inseparable with Kevin’s continuous pursued of her, all the while enabling her habit of stealing and taking what she wanted. In fact, he enabled it as far as teaching her how to con people into giving her what she had her sights on. After awhile Jacqueline’s skills became quite polished encouraged by Kevin, thus at one point she was able to move out from her aunt’s house with her sister due to the profits she made by stealing but also by working at a luxury restaurant to be able to hold up a front. As she had always been an ambitious and intelligent,  she was also able to study and get herself a master’s degree all the while becoming more skilled and taking upon riskier gigs with Kevin by her side, and sometimes off her side. She became fond of her life; becoming an art curator after her degree, providing for her sister, becoming quite confident and skilled in her craft and stealth of stealing. She continued to perform risky cons, sometimes for herself and sometimes for just Kevin as she appealed to her in his persuasive ways. Jacqueline didn’t mind the cons or stealing, for as long she did not harm nor took from those who had very little to begin with. It had become her life; a lift that she for the most part didn’t mind. Years went by, her little sister graduated and eventually moved on, and moved out. It was at that point when Jacqueline begin to wonder whether or not it was time for her and Kevin to commit to each other even more profoundly; perhaps a bit blind to the still occasionally occurring cat and mouse play, for the pair had known each other for almost a decade, she had come to feel as though Kevin was the one pressuring her into doing things that were out of her comfort zone and morals. It was that one gig that shaped both her relationship status with Kevin for once and for all. That was one gig Jacqueline was much too hesitant to take, though at that point she felt like she owned to the male for all he had taught her and given her throughout all of the years. So she agreed to the gig, but as she had predicted, the gig went wrong and the people she intended to stole from, were powerful and dangerous. She was caught, and at that time she became aware that Kevin did not only wish to steal from the people but he also owned them quite a bit of money due to dealings in his past. That was when he betrayed her, unwilling to to come to her aid even when all parties become aware of their connection and what went on behind the scenes. Rather than negotiating the she-thief out of her pickle, Kevin took it upon himself to trade her skills for his own freedom. It was agreed that Jacqueline would practice her craft so that it would benefit the powerful and immoral people until they saw fit. That took quite a few years from her life, tormenting her in her loss of control over her freedom to choose what she took and when she took it. After her, and Kevin’s depth had been paid, Jacqueline chose to leave her usual environment behind and moved to live her life elsewhere. Free from Kevin and his betrayal, from the people who were the most cunning and controlling over what she did and what she wasn’t allowed to do. She moved on, continuing excel in her craft but upon her own terms, doing a work that she had come to adore; but so at new environment with new freedom. 
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lomapacks · 2 years
in the source link, you’ll find ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT gifs of the actress DEBORAH ANN WOLL in DEBORAH (2022) all gifs were made by me from scratch, therefore i’d appreciate if they are not edited, redistributed, added to other gif hunts or claimed as someone elses. if you enjoy or plan on using them, please like or reblog the post. if you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee!  
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andthesunrisesagain · 2 years
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Deborah Ann Woll
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eddysocs · 6 months
🎄 + Briar Ivory!! ^_^
Briar is a little out of touch with Christmas, but will occasionally get the longing to celebrate it again. She has fond memories of it as a kid, and even a bit into her teenage years, but time (and Lucifer) have changed her, so she hardly thinks about it anymore. When that time of year does roll around and Lucifer gets the sense that she’s feeling a bit nostalgic, he’ll find some cheap christmas decorations, put them up at wherever they happen to be holed up at the time, and surprise her with his half assed effort and a genuine little gift. And honestly, that’s good enough for her.
Send me 🎄 + an OC and I’ll tell you what they do for Christmas (or whatever winter holiday they celebrate)
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foradnama · 2 years
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               M A E V E     -    W E S T
Name: Maeve Joanna West Nickname: Mae, MeeVee (by her father) Age: 34 Birthday: December 22nd Zodiac: Capricorn Occupation: Owner of TRANSCEND Gym Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single
tw parentification, tw violence/gore, tw parental abuse
There is something to be said about thinking there is normalcy in sitting at the edge of a gym parking lot after spending the better half of the evening waiting for your father to pick you up from school. An afterthought; it’s a concept that has lingered, clinging through most of Maeve West’s life. From the time she was born as an accidental ‘I didn’t know I was pregnant’ baby between two people who should have never been together, to the mother who promised to take her out on playdates only to never answer her phone, she spent the better half of her youth taking care of not only herself, but her father.
Jeremiah had the dream of being a professional wrestler in the same universe as Hulk Hogan and Macho Man. Despite the fact that he wouldn’t get beyond the local gyms and the ‘you owe me’ substitutions, he followed his dream all the way to the proverbial grave. Maeve would attend every single practice, show, after show, and financial hardship — because there was nowhere else for her to go. Sometimes he would forget that she was at school. Sometimes she would give up a dance or seven in order to support his career — and his face, as the injuries were always grave and cheap.
Once she entered her teens, Maeve became a reckoning at school. Suspended, expelled, and suspended multiple times at the school a town over, she constantly found herself using her fists instead of her words to anyone who tried to say something about her faded clothes or matted hair. Jeremiah wouldn’t show at the disciplinary meetings, appointing Maeve her very own teacher to watch over her as a guardian. The closest to a normal parent she could ever have, she ditched high school and instead decided to get into fighting professional herself.
Not just for stage, but the real deal. Real knuckles, real blood, real consequence.
Fights brought in a decent amount of money. Way more money than her old man was making, which had unfortunately put them out of commission due to the fact that he nearly broke his spine by a planned spot gone horribly wrong. Eventually returning to school to get her GED, Maeve took business classes at a local community university while pushing herself into MMA-oriented fighting rings to make extra while trying to do it all.
Her father remarried a woman he met at a bar only eleven days prior and moved in with her, allowing Maeve the opportunity to stand on her own two legs without the threat of weight crushing her. She signed to become the owner of a gym, lovingly named TRANSCEND, and currently runs a small but tight ship. She still fights at the tournaments she hosts, unable to fully rid herself of old habits.
+ diligent, reliable - combative, cruel
bisexual but doesn’t really identify as any set label openly as sexuality is more fluid in her eyes / not her main focus
her baseline threshold for bullshit tolerance is comically low
always sneezes five times in a row
compulsively cracks her knuckles from undiagnosed anxiety
wears the same seven outfits in her wardrobe
has broken twelve bones, her nose twice
childhood friends who knew her while things were tough with her dad
wrestling fans who may know the local jeremiah west
people who have memberships to TRANSCEND / interested parties
staff of TRANSCEND or just sponsorship business owners who get a free membership from helping her out with the business
someone she owes money to / is indebted to as she has a lot of debts collected in that closet
enemies who can’t stand her, that’s totally cool w/me bc she can be obnoxious SKJDFKSDF come 1 v 1 fight her bro
a confidante, someone she allows herself to be slightly vulnerable to
a mentor
some spicy stuff
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the-institute-rpg · 2 years
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Sunshine Bunny:  Deborah Ann Woll → Sydney Sweeny
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fcsources · 10 months
Hello🫶 Can you help me with suggestions of redheaded females that have a decent amount of resources? No matter the age! Thank you in advance!
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𝙝𝙞 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙚! this is gonna be a looooooooong list, angel, but it's as comprehensive as i could make it! all of these fcs have at least 300 gifs that i could find, so please let me know if you need some help locating resources ♡ **indicates the resources are available as gif icons and not small/medium gifs!
Abigail Cowen ( 1998, actress, white )
Ahsen Eroglu ( 1994, actress, Turkish )
Alicia Von Rittberg ( 1993, actress, white )
Alina Kovalenko ( 1992, actress, white )
Amy Adams ( 1974, actress, white )
Angourie Rice ( 2001, actress, white )
Anya Taylor Joy ( 1996, actress, white )
Asena Keskinci ( 2001, actress, Turkish )
Bebe Wood ( 2001, actress, white )
Bree Kish** ( 1996, model, one quarter Black, plus size )
Bridget Regan ( 1982, actress, white )
Bridget Satterlee** ( 1997, model, white )
Bryce Dallas Howard ( 1981, actress, white )
Camryn Grimes ( 1990, actress, white )
Charlotte Spencer ( 1991, actress, white )
Christina Hendricks ( 1975, actress, white )
Deborah Ann Woll ( 1985, actress, white )
Elcin Sangu ( 1985, actress, Turkish )
Eleanor Tomlinson ( 1992, actress, white )
Elena Satine ( 1987, actress, Georgian )
Ellie Bamber ( 1997, actress, white )
Emily Carey ( 2003, actress, white )
Evan Rachel Wood ( 1987, actress, white )
Freya Mavor ( 1993, actress, white )
Genevieve Angelson ( 1987, actress, white )
Gozde Turkpence ( 1984, actress, Turkish )
Hannah Einbinder ( 1995, actress, white )
Haley Bennett ( 1988, actress, white )
Hayley Williams ( 1988, musician, white )
Holland Roden ( 1986, actress, white )
Holliday Grainger ( 1988, actress, white )
Huh Yunjin ( 2001, musician, Korean )
Isla Fisher ( 1976, actress, white )
Isolda Dychauk ( 1993, actress, white )
Jane Levy ( 1986, actress, white )
Jessica Barden ( 1992, actress, white )
Jessica Chastain ( 1977, actress, white )
Joey King ( 1999, actress, white/Jewish )
Karen Gillan ( 1987, actress, white )
Kate Walsh ( 1967, actress, white )
Katherine McNamara ( 1995, actress, white )
Kennedy McMann ( 1996, actress, white )
Kennedy Walsh ( 2000, influencer with acting roles, white )
Lee Seo Jeong ( 2000, musician, Korean )
Liv Hewson ( 1995, actor, white, non-binary )
Luca Hollestelle ( 1996, actress, white )
Ludovica Martino ( 1997, actress, white )
Maddison Brown** ( 1997, actress, white )
Madelaine Petsch ( 1994, actress, white )
Madeline Ford ( 1997, model, white )
Maggie Geha ( 1988, actress, white )
Marina Ruy Barbosa ( 1995, actress, Brazilian (white) )
Melis Sezen ( 1997, actress, Turkish )
Millie Bobby Brown ( 2004, actress, white )
Miriam Leone ( 1985, actress, white )
Natasha Lyonne ( 1979, actress, white/Jewish )
Nicola Coughlan ( 1987, actress, white, plus-size )
Nicole Kidman ( 1967, actress, white )
Olivia Cooke ( 1993, actress, white )
Rebecca Ferguson ( 1983, actress, white )
Riley Keough ( 1989, actress, white/Jewish )
Romola Garai ( 1982, actress, white )
Rose Leslie ( 1987, actress, white )
Ruth Connell ( 1979, actress, white )
Sabina Karlsson ( 1988, model, half Black, plus size )
Sadie Sink ( 2002, actress, white )
Sadie Soverall ( 2002, actress, white )
Sarah Drew ( 1980, actress, white )
Sarah Snook ( 1987, actress, white )
Shannon Purser ( 1997, actress, white, plus size )
Sophia Lillis ( 2002, actress, white )
Sophie Skelton ( 1994, actress, white )
Sophie Turner ( 1996, actress, white )
Stephanie Martini ( 1990, actress, white )
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fearlessmuses · 2 months
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𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵…
[ #𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 ] --- ⁱ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ˡⁱᵛᵉ ᶠᵒʳᵉᵛᵉʳ, 'ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ⁱ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ⁱ'ˡˡ ᵇᵉ ˡⁱᵛⁱⁿᵍ ⁱⁿ ᵛᵃⁱⁿ
alcide herveaux ( fc:  joe manganiello )
jessica hamby ( fc: deborah ann woll )
please specify muse / or who for who
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packrulez1x1 · 3 days
26+, CST, she/her, dead dove a possibility! please be 21+.
hi tags! i'm taking this 1x1 thing on a test drive. please like this post if you're down for chill, low-to-med activity writing on tumblr (disco is a possibility, too, but just not my fav), 2-3 paragraphs if not more (probably more, but also some back-and-forth from time to time!). i write mxf or fxf pairings and prefer to double up. i love writing horror, slice of life, romantic comedy, supernatural/mythology (but loosely) and sci-fi. heavily influenced by grindhouse-type films, pulp fiction crime novels, and the like! a smattering of my taste in fcs below.
wanted fcs and wanted opposites!!
lauren lavera
lee chaeryeong
halston sage
ana de armas
son chaeyoung
minatozaki sana
kim chaewon
rosa salazar
giorgia whigham
madison davenport
jessica rothe
deborah ann woll
margot robbie
fivel stewart
karen gillan
dev patel
andrew lincoln
jon bernthal
charlie hunnam
lakeith stanfeld
ben barnes
matthew lillard
steven yeun
andrew koji
andrew garfield
pablo schreiber
jd pardo
josh hutcherson
paul rudd
winston duke
logan lerman
theo rossi
daniel kaluuya
oscar isaac
domnhall gleeson
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swlegends · 1 year
SWEU Used/Suggested FaceClaims
I’ve tried to note if a particular faceclaim is deceased. An asterix denotes a more commonly used/suggested fc. This is a very long post, so it is all under the cut. Some of the same faceclaims are used for multiple characters (denoted by italics). Alphabetized by last name.
Jaina Solo
Odette Annable*
Maude Apatow
Marie Avgeropoulos*
Peri Baumeister
Millie Brady
Millie Bobby Brown
Jessica Brown Findlay
Leah Cairns
Danielle Campbell
Lucy Carless
Raffey Cassidy
Anya Chalotra
Jenna Coleman
Lily Collins
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Zoey Deutch
Nina Dobrev*
Poppy Drayton
Eliza Dushku
Emilia Jones
Adelaide Kane
Aimee Kelly
Anna Kendrick
Billie Lourd (Carrie Fisher’s daughter, already a Star Wars actress)
Jena Malone
Alexandra Park
Dominique Provost-Chalkley
Margaret Qualley
Daisy Ridley (already a Star Wars actress)
Kaya Scodelari*
Kim Tae-ri
Phoebe Tonkin
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Jacen Solo
Robbie Amell
Ben Barnes
Gijs Blom
Nathaniel Buzolic
Chace Crawford
Matthew Daddario
Brant Daughtry
Adam Driver (already a Star Wars actor)
Drew Fuller
Kit Harington
Charlie Heaton
Liam Hemsworth
Anthony Ingruber
Skandar Keynes
Judah Lewis
Thomas McDonell
Kim Min-jae
Dylan O’Brien
Jared Padelecki*
River Phoenix (deceased)
Brandon Routh
Ben Schnetzer
Tye Sheridan
Sebastian Stan
Brenton Thwaites*
Herman Tømmeraas
Chris Wood
Anakin Solo
Temirlan Blaev (already a Star Wars actor)
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Asa Butterfield*
Maxence Danet-Fauvel
Iain De Caestecker
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin
Corey Fogelmanis
Colin Ford
Yeo Jin-goo
Logan Lerman
Alexander Ludwig
Jaeden Martell
Steven R. McQueen
Levi Miller
Rudy Pankow
River Phoenix (deceased)
Michael Provost
Theo Raeken
Brad Renfro (deceased)
Nick Robinson
Charlie Rowe
Tarjei Sandvik Moe
Daniel Sharman
Chris Sheffield
Cole Sprouse
Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Milo Ventimigli
Ferdia Walsh-Peelo
Charles Wandervaart
Fionn Whitehead
Finn Wolfhard
Kevin Zegers
Lorenzo Zurzolo
Ben Skywalker
Gabriel Basso
Park Bo-gum
Cameron Boyce (deceased)
Tanner Buchanan
Timothée Chalamet
Cody Christian
Taron Egerton
Finn Elliot
Colin Ford*
Andrew Garfield
Harry Gilby
Henry Golding
Ben Hardy
Timothy Innes
Tiernan Jones
Matt Lintz
Peyton Meyer
Cameron Monaghan (already a Star Wars actor)
Eddie Redmayne*
Tobey Regbo
Kevin Sateri
Alex Saxon
Tye Sheridan
Jason Smith
Sebastian Stan*
Anton Yelchin (deceased)
Mara Jade
Gilian Anderson
Emily Blunt
Jessica Chastain
Michaela Coel
Ruth Connell
Anna Diop
Angie Everhart
Rebecca Ferguson
Claire Forlani
Rila Fukushima
Karen Gillan
Linda Hamilton
Luca Hollestelle
Celina Horan
Bryce Dallas Howard
Scarlett Johansson* (particularly as Black Widow)
Hannah John-Kamen
Riley Keough* (particularly in Mad Max)
Dichen Lachman
Rachelle Lefevre
Laura Leighton
Rose Leslie
Kate Mara
Julianne Moore*
Clara Paget
Molly Quinn
Bridget Regan*
Susan Sarandon
Elena Satine
Sarah Shahi
Yara Shahidi
Sophie Skelton
Jurnee Smolett
Carmen Lee Solomons
Anya Taylor-Joy
Lisa Ann Walter
Ming-Na Wen
Deborah Ann Woll
Letitia Wright
Michelle Yeoh
Tenel Ka Djo
Madeline Brewer
Jessica Chastain*
Abigail Cowen
Tripti Dimri
Elle Fanning
Nicole Arianna Fox
Georgie Henley
Bryce Dallas Howard
Lim Ji-yeon
Rose Leslie*
Katherine McNamara
Amybeth McNulty
Kiko Mizuhara
Madelaine Petsch
Laura Prepon
Leven Rambin
Emmy Rossum
Sadie Sink
Sophie Skelton
Jennifer Sky
Sadie Stanley
Eleanor Tomlinson
Sophie Turner
Shantel VanSanten
Deborah Ann Woll
Bonnie Wright
Tahiri Veila
Freya Allan
Go Ara
Kaitlyn Bernard
Tabrett Bethell
Abigail Breslin
Erika Christensen
Mackenzie Davis
Millie Davis
Natalie Dormer
Ulrikke Falch
Dakota Fanning*
Elle Fanning
Mia Rose Frampton
Lucy Fry
Tati Gabrielle
Virginia “Ginny” Gardner
Maddie Hasson
Maya Hawke
Natalie Alyn Lind
Kim Lip
Sierra McCormick
Chloë Grace Moretz*
Erin Moriarty
Kathryn Newton
Nico Parker
Josefine Frida Pettersen
Lili Reinhart
Kylie Rogers
Halston Sage
Ava Sambora
Eliza Scanlan
Willow Shields
Paulina Singer
Zoë Soul
Amandla Stenberg
Emma Stone
Grace Van Die
Michelle Williams
Robin Wright
Allana Solo Djo
Abigail Breslin
Francesca Capaldi
Raffey Cassidy
Lola Cook
Abigail Cowen
Ana Dray
India Eisley
Ester Exposito
Elle Fanning
Cailey Fleming (already a Star Wars actress)
Mackenzie Foy
Kristine Froseth
Ruby Hartley
Georgie Henley
Rachel Hurd-Wood
Maggie Elizabeth Jones
Josephone Langford
Emma Mackey
Amybeth McNulty
Lily Rabe
Bella Ramsey
Diana Silvers
Sadie Sink
Meryem Uzerli
Ana Zubashvili
Danni Quee
Emmanuelle Béart
Eliza Dushku
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Andreja Pejić 
Billie Piper
Margot Robbie
Olivia Wilde
Vestara Khai
Kaylee Bryant
Tamsin Egerton
Jeanne Goursaud
Katie McGrath
Chloë Grace Moretz
Yoon So-hee
Hailee Steinfeld
Luna Wedler
Carlson Young
Siri Tachi
Dianna Agron
Wallis Day
Brie Larson
Caity Lotz*
Isabel Lucas
Florence Pugh
Lili Reinhart
Kiernan Shipka
Alona Tal
Eliza Taylor*
Emily Vancamp
Ferus Olin
John Abraham
Farhan Akhtar
Ben Barnes
Fabien Frankel
Pana Hema Taylor
Luke Pasqualino
Matthew Sato
Brian Tee
Aidan Turner
Jesse Williams
Steven Yeun
Roan Lands
Ben Barnes
Louis Garrel
Richie Jen
Riz Ahmed
Farhan Akhtar
Justin Baldoni
Adam Beach
John Cho
Mahesh Jadu
Avan Jogia
Dev Patel
Sendhil Ramamurthy
Caleb Ross
Kenta Sakurai
Antonio Te Maioha
Ricky Whittle
Sam Witwer
Jagged Fel
Asher Angel
Dane DeHaan
Casey Deidrick
Arnas Fedaravicius
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin
Jason David Frank (deceased)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Daniel Henney
Remy Hii
Theo James
Marwan Kenzari
Richard Madden
Blake Michael
Kavan Smith
Can Yaman
Byun Yo-han
Eick Yune
Darth Zannah
Elcin Afacan
Tanaya Beatty
Sofia Boutella
Jodie Comer
Anna Diop
Jourdan Dunn
Sky Ferreira
Jesse James Keitel
Nathalie Kelley
Q'orianka Kilcher
Dichen Lachman
Anna Lambe
Precious Lee
Erika Linder
Eve Lindley
Jessica Matten
Monica Raymund
Margot Robbie
MJ Roridiguez
Bahar Sahin
Antonia Thomas
Bastila Shan
Stephanie Beatriz
Chloe Bennet
Alice Braga
Ashley Callingbull
Anya Chalotra
Gemma Chan
Arden Cho
Jamie Chung
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs
Milla Jovovich
Elodie Jung
Nathalie Kelley
Tatiana Maslany
Jessica Matten
Gugu Mbatha-raw
Krysten Ritter
MJ Rodriguez
Sivan Alyra Rose
Meagan Tandy
Tasya Teles
Jade Willoughby
Ali Wong
Constance Wu
Revan (female)
Emma Appleton
Jamie Alexander
Sophia Ali
Anya Chalotra
Zita Görog
Ashley Greene
Eva Green
Lena Headey
Jessica Jung
Atikah Karim
Rinko Kikuchi
Katrina Law
Evangeline Lilly
Lucy Liu
Emmy Rossum
Revan (male)
Paulo Avelino
Charles Michael Davis
Kazuya Kamenashi
Andrew Lin
Lewis Tan
Xiao Zhan
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Richard Armitage
Charles Dance
Michael Fassbender
Matthew Goode
Lars Mikkelsen (literally plays the guy now lol)
Mads Mikkelsen
Lesley-Ann Brandt
Merle Dandridge
Gina Torres
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Ian Somerhalder 
Tony Thornburg
Talon Karrde
Robert Downey Jr
Oded Fehr
James Lance
Nick Offerman
Pedro Pascal (already a Star Wars actor, but was fancast prior)
Jeffrey Pierce
Sintas Vel
Morena Baccarin*
Auli’i Cravalho
Rosario Dawson (already a Star Wars actress, but was fancast prior)
Mona Goodwin
Salma Hayek
Lena Headey
Tessa Thompson
Ailyn Vel
Nancy Brunning
Auli’i Cravalho*
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs
Isabella Evans
Erana James
Victoria Justice*
Hayley Orrantia*
Keri Russell
Sophie Thatcher (already a Star Wars actress)
Tatum Warren-Ngata (recommended fancast as the actress is Māori)
Ciara Riley Wilson
Mirta Gev
Lacy Chabert
Kali Kopae (recommended fancast as the actress is Māori)
Sophia Lillis
Kehlani Parrish
Medalion Rahimi
Lily Rose-Depp
Taryn & Trista Zel (identical twins)
Amber Heard
Rose Leslie
Rachel Nichols
Elena Satine
Natasi Daala
Laura Dern
Famke Janssen
Angelina Jolie
Lucy Lawless
Dorothy Lyman
Sigourney Weaver
Ysanne Isard
Julianne Moore
Sela Ward
Marasiah Fel
Aiysha Hart
Winter Retrac/Winter Celchu
Michelle Dockery
Rosamund Pike
Miriam Leone
Elodie Yung
Teneniel Djo
Lucy Lawless
Ta’a Chume
Anjelica Huston
Lesley Ann Warren
Prince Isolder
Simon Baker
Kyp Durron
Christian Bale
Luke Evans
Valin Horn
Gijs Blom
Jysella Horn
Olivia Cooke
Tyria Sarkin
Brie Larson
 Ulic Qel-Droma
Diego Boneta 
Gael Garcia Bernal
Cay Qel-Droma
Polo Morín
Nomi Sunrider
Amy Adams
Ellie Bamber 
Vima Sunrider
Sophia Lillis
Exar Kun
Alex Landi
Zoe Saldaña
Arca Jeth
Wes Studi 
Tott Doneeta
Aldis Hodge
Aleema Keto
Naomi Scott
Jori Daragon
Amber Midthunder
Gav Daragon
Dakota Beavers 
Naga Sadow
Michael Fassbender 
Arnold Visloo
Joruus C'Baoth
John Hurt
Sam Neill
Donald Sutherland
Jenna Zan Arbor
Natalie Dormer
Bria Tharen
Sophie Skelton
Ona Nobis
Summer Glau
Bruck Chun
Gage Munroe
Quinlan Vos
Khylin Rhambo
Luminara Unduli
Sari Arambulo
If anyone knows more or has ones for characters not named here, please say so and I’ll edit this post. Also, I live under a rock so I don’t claim to know if any of these fcs are problematic or not.
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lostoneshq · 15 days
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Odette, A Escudeira (Alice no País das Maravilhas) e Boneco de Carvalho (Pinóquio) e os FCs Madelyn Cline, Deborah Ann Woll e Rowoon se encontram disponíveis para aplicação.
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hellsmouthhq · 22 days
fc ideas for jenna sommers?
do note that poc fcs are listed as well , this is because jenna could be adopted , a half sibling or for her and miranda's parents to have used a donor ( why they did is anyone's fun lil guess !! ) . regardless - fc suggestions !! madison bailey , ginny gardner , yasmine finney , sarah jeffrey , victoria moroles , kat mcnamara , jessica parker kennedy , janel parrish , elizabeth olsen , hailee steinfeld , erin moriarty , deborah ann woll , sophia taylor ali , zendaya & ellie bamber .
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eddysocs · 9 months
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Briar Ivory x Lucifer - Devil's Advocate
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies, @b1rvt4, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989
Briar Ivory: @hellbentredhead, @unwrittenletter, @monkeydoll5
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sosoawayrpg · 9 months
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Os personagens Panic, Hansel, uma vaga de vampiro e o personagem Mor'du encontram disponíveis para aplicações, assim como seu rosto mágico FCs Ana de armas, Sptephen Amell, Deborah Ann Woll e Sam Heughan.
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dear-indies · 1 year
hello there! do you have any female fc suggestions of red/ginger hair with innocence, upbeat vibe, but also surprisingly mature/wise? the age range is between 18-30s. was planning to make her of scottish heritage, but still subject to change. tysm cat and mouse mwah mwah <33
Mary Wiseman (1985) - is queer.
Deborah Ann Woll (1985)
Laura Spencer (1986)
Maggie Geha (1988) 
Holliday Grainger (1988)
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (1989) - has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with Marfanoid phenotype causing blindness in one eye and deafness - is a lesbian.
Jane Levy (1989) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, some Irish and Scottish.
Charlotte Spencer (1991) 
Jolijn Henneman (1991)
Su Kutlu (1991) Turkish.
Eleanor Tomlinson (1992) 
Colby Minifie (1992)
Louisa Connolly-Burnham (1992)
Jennifer Stone (1993)
Olivia Cooke (1993)
Freya Mavor (1993)
Ahsen Eroğlu (1994) Turkish. 
Bronwyn James (1994) - is gay. 
Marina Ruy Barbosa (1995) Brazilian.
Bree Kish (1996) ¼ African-American ¾ Spanish, Irish, Dutch.
Luca Hollestelle (1996)
Kennedy McMann (1996)
Katherine McNamara (1996)
Kiera Allen (1997) - is paraplegic.
Mathilda Mai (1998)
Duda Brandão (1998) Brazilian.
Erin Kellyman (1998) Afro-Jamaican / Irish - is a lesbian. 
Ellie Darcey-Alden (1999)
Julia Lester (2000) Jewish.
Talia Jackson (2001) African-American / White. 
Hey, anon! Here's everyone who has that vibe! In the future please remember that I don't offer suggestions under the age of 21.
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byenycfm · 5 months
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All marriages are sacred, but not all are safe.
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suggested fcs: betty gilpin, melissa barrera, jessica chastain, zoe saldana, jodie comer, deborah ann woll, ruth negga, natalie portman, gina torres,
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