#dean thinks cas is devastatingly handsome and cas thinks hes BEAUTIFUL CAN ANYONE HEAR ME
souporsaladnatural · 8 months
Oh god he thought he was beautiful. He literally looked at him for 12 years through war and heartache and betrayal and every single fucking time he did it thinking he was beautiful. He looked at dean, devastated and afraid, moments away from what wouldve been both their deaths, and thought about how beautiful he was just euthanize me now
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spnsmile · 4 years
Final Monday: Profound Bond
for #SPNstayAtHome Challenge by @helianthus21 @bend-me-shape-me @pray4jensen ❤ with beautiful art from @verobatto-angelxhunter  here!  ❤
When almost everyone—demons included— all but told Dean that his angel is the hottest, most devastatingly handsome angel in the face of the seven seas, he not only believed them, but he’s secretly and most exclusively Cas’ number one fan.
Cas is really the looker and even without all the buzzing acclaims from hell and earth, Dean’s already smitten from the start. Cas’ vessel is naturally attractive and really stands out with that crazy dominant eyebrow, lightning in a bottle blue eyes, cutting jaws and regal high-cheek bones— but more than the vessel, it’s the insane hot angel beneath trench coat that makes his insides swoon.
Dean can’t explain it—every time Castiel just goes all out wrecking doors, walls, even smashing on cars and smite a whole pack of demons and monsters alike in a blink of an eye— now that—that is really hot!
So he doesn’t blame them from noticing his strapping companion, he actually isn’t that surprised when someone approaches them one day to scout Cas to be a model while they are in a middle of a Djinn case.
“Dean is my model,” replies the angel with that dorky side tilt, getting Dean’s stomach to flutter.
“No, Cas he meant uh, you know… they wanna take pictures of you, you posting like Mr. Calendar,”
“Why?” Cas says sharply.
Dean tries his best to explain but at the end of the day, and because they still need to monitor the case on a closer level, they agreed with talent scout to have a screen testing the next day. Dean was also asked but he politely declined. The worse thing he can land himself in as a hunter is to be under the public scrutiny who will follow his every movement.
Cas on the other hand has a lesser risk because Cas doesn’t care. The angel is an enigma and can get himself out of situations with one flap of his wings.
So here they are, just another day with another case inside a studio with Dean trying to focus his attention to any supernatural occurrence around, but really the only supernatural thing happening at the moment will be Castiel half-naked in a setup of white clouds and overcast skies for of a Bruce Almighty segment.
And Cas’ theme?
Dean still can’t stop laughing at the irony and kept the hilarity of knowing how no one is capable of cracking any expression from the angel’s stony face.
It was all fun at first when Castiel was dragged away and Dean was hollering when he spoke to Sam over the phone about the developments of the Djinn case preying on dreamers in the modelling agency that has killed two victims so far. He waited for Cas to come out imagining the long white toga the angel would be wearing like one of those pictures of angels with harps. Cas hates those representations and Dean can’t wait to bawl his eyes out laughing.
Meanwhile, Dean smiles and winks at beautiful models passing by and to his credit, they all give him a disgusted look. Oh well. No one likes the police these days.
He was busy ogling at himself in one of those giant reflectors when Castiel’s team came out. Dean was ready to make fun of him imagining Cas finally in proper angel dress— only to get a slap in the face when he sees Castiel stripped off his trench coat and toga—but was wearing a blue tight jean showing a well-shaped round ass and loose white button-down shirt where the barest of holy skin is peeking.
[sexy Cas art here]
Dean gasps, electric shock hitting him straight to Manhattan because holy fuck this isn’t what he was expecting—what the hell happened to the angel theme?
It didn’t help that almost everyone has the same reaction and if the photographer wasn’t there barking his directions, Dean’s sure Castiel will be smothered to death.
“That magazine is going to be sold out.” Says one of the crew guys standing behind the lighting next to Dean, “I’ve never seen anyone so… cute and hot and…” a struggle for the right words then— “divine. How does he do that?”
“Exists?” Dean drawls with arms tightly crossed on his chest. The crew guy beside him snorts.
“He can easily get followers and we need models with huge fan base online, you know, free advertising.”
Dean half-rolled his eyes at the crew member mesmerized by the amateur model. Half an hour later, green eyes following Castiel’s every movement in the middle of a battlefield of flashing cameras and light reflectors, of smothering group of stylists with powders ready at hand and demanding photographers asking for a ridiculous mood board— and what’s with all those hands touching Castiel?
Dean can’t help feeling sour every time the assistant manager runs to Cas’ side just to dust his shoulder, open his collar more or when he simply tilts Castiel’s jaw the right way—Dean is livid—who touches his angel so casually with grubby hands!?
And he’s beyond control when he sees the man opening Castiel’s button-down wider like—just strip them out stop teasing! Dean finds himself shrinking to the wall while murmuring curses and snapping on the phone every time Sam calls. They have work to do and Sam’s been constantly asking for updates while he works the field over the victim’s family for any lead to follow and Dean only has eyes for his angel being instructed by the photographer. Cas was bewildered at first with all the goading and salacious comments, Dean cringing for his friend. Castiel looked miffed at some point, but Dean can’t go to his side yet. If he does, he might grab him and leave the premises and that’s not being professional.
They need to find the Djinn among these people soon.
Standing in the sideline watching his friend try different angle that surprisingly fits him— except the photographer is losing his patience with the dorky angel who doesn’t understand structure and context—
“This is like a dance, move those sexy hips, give me suave look, pout lips— that’s grumpy, baby—give me seduction—yes those blues, seduce me— seduce me, don’t murder me! That’s it, you got this sweetheart, make me melt with that look! Melt me—melt—where are you going—?”
“You said melt you—I” he raises a hand—
Dean nearly jumps from the wall to stop Cas smiting any hollering directors but then—
“Go back in position, sweetheart, don’t make me lose all my hair where you can’t see them—okay, look devious—devious—don’t frown— imagine a blade in your hand. Now that’s fantastic, a tilt of the head? Adorable, now quit that, we’re aiming for sex appeal! Now make me want to have you—pout those sexy lips—pout, pucker them—forward—no, don’t slump forward you’re not Quasimodo’
“I don’t understand that reference.”
“Give me passion—give me something you want so badly!”
Castiel glances at Dean.
“He’s not bad,” Dean grunts to himself as he meets the blue eyes. Castiel pulls back and stares up the sky. Dean doesn’t know what he sees there but the sigh that came out is drawn long.
When the photographer exhaustingly shouted five minutes break, Dean watches Cas get crowded by the stylists to one corner, hearing them praise the angel about not sweating and giving him googly eyes.
Dean leaves the room and heads straight to the vending machine stations. He was just about to push for a coke when two members of the crew stop beside him to use the next vending machine supplying chocolate bars. Dean would have ignored them except one of them says Cas’ fake agent name.
“Wright? Got everything wrong. Yeah, he got the face but he’s so stupid. Giovanni’s giving all the best instructions and the model just stands there like a wall. Doesn’t even bat an eyelid, he’s like a hammer, at least a hammer is lethal, that Wright guy doesn’t know any instructions.”
“You know what they say about pretty faces, they lack a brain.” says his companion. They snicker and press for chocolate bars.
Dean remains silent as two cokes slide down the port with clanking sounds. He bends to take them quietly.
“The bar is stuck,” says one of the crew members.
“Don’t add to my shit day, it’s a long day already with that useless model—” A loud crashing sound breaks in the corridor as Dean slams his fist on the metal side of the machine. The chocolate bars fall on the slot with the crew’s mouth hanging open.
“Your bars.” He says, walking away but not without leaving a huge dent on the corner of the machine. He hears the whispers after him, the comments about the public property but Dean doesn’t care. He could easily smash their faces but he’s not that violent.
He gotta get Cas out of there.
Speaking of the angel, Cas is immediately in his space the moment Dean returns in the studio.
“Dean,” he says in his usual gravely voice, “where did you go? Are you okay?”
“Hey, how’s the pretty model?” Dean dismisses him as he let his eyes roam the model’s gorgeous new look as he hands Cas his coke. “You don’t look bad, Cas, you’re killing it there.” Actually, killing them, he adds thoughtfully.
Castiel raises a hand to reach the refreshment, but he ends up pulling Dean’s other hand.
“Thank you, now why is your hand hurt?” blue eyes stare at him dead in the eyes. That kind that really goes straight to your soul.
Dean swallows hard. He can never understand why Castiel cares so much. He’s spent years without anyone watching his back and now he’s got his own angel. Dean really doesn’t know who to thank for that.
“Nothing,” Dean tries to pull his hand to no avail, “The vending machine was broken, had to get my money’s worth,”
“I don’t think that is a good displace of a public officer,” Castiel raises it closer to his lips and kisses the pain away.
“An angel would know, huh?” Dean sighs upon feeling Castiel’s grace smoothen the slight tingling pain and pulls his hand back once Castiel lets him. Castiel’s eyes are still intent on him.
“What’s the development with the Djinn?”
“Uh… yeah, Sam’s on it and since you’re playing the sexy bait—”
“I don’t think any Djinn would find me appealing,” Castiel confesses and it’s too adorable not to take the chance to tease so Dean grins.
“Oh, come on, who knows? You might marry one someday?”
“Angels don’t marry.”
“Sure, they don’t, they also don’t do modelling,”
 “Well, I’m not attracting them right now as I am anyone in this place, I’m failing you, Dean, I’m sorry.”
“Are you kidding? You’re like hot captain garrison out there—very good mood play with the face, it’s so uh—angelically unreadable, and nice button toss,” Dean reaches a hand to Castiel’s collar and in swift movements, because his hands have been itching, he buttons it all the way up Castiel’s throat. “Let’s just not show too much when your off-duty.”
“Off—like uh turn off the sense responsibility?”
“I see,” Castiel narrows his eyes. “The basic human response when feeling lethargic. Indifference to things that do not directly harm them. I am not that. I am feeling quite fit, in fact, even when my thighs can’t freely move from this…  suffocating jeans,”
They both look down the angel’s thighs and Dean licks his lips. When opportunity just presents itself, who is he to deny himself the pleasure? But then—
“It’s impossible to get in that dress alone—Cas did they—?”
“I ripped two pairs,” Castiel says quietly. Dean stops, eyes wide.
“I tried putting them on my own, they won’t fit. I tore them to shreds whenever I pull it up, so they had to help me,”
Dean makes a face, “Yep, dorky Hercules,”
“I don’t understand that reference.”
“Sam ripped his jeans once too,” Dean smiles from ear to ear, “We were digging and he’s so tall and his jeans are frigging tight and he bents down and—" he makes a tearing sound which makes Castiel slowly smile.
“That I understand.”
Dean laughs.
“You do. Look, Cas, I know the photographer’s being a hard dick on you…but it’s not your fault you can’t understand the references because we’re the ones not adjusting to you… now look here, buddy… you can’t trick a fish to climb a tree so it’s okay to just be you…um… you get what I mean?”
Castiel is still smiling softly. “I understand you are trying to comfort me,”
Dean shrugs. “Is it working?”
Castiel tips his head, “Have you been a model, Dean?”
“I’ve been everywhere,” Dean tells him mysteriously and gives his friend a pat on the shoulders, “So later you’ll go get em, little tiger,”
Castiel nods
“Excuse me, Mr Wright?” they both turn to a young lady in a black crew shirt with a clipboard is standing behind the angel. “We need to set up your wings for the next op,”
“Set up my wings?” Castiel quickly turns at Dean and if that doesn’t get the hunter to act quickly, nothing will. He immediately holds Castiel’s shoulder and tightened his grip so his friend doesn’t interrupt.
“Where is it? I’m going to help him,”
“There’s really no need, we have plenty of staff—"
“I insist,” Dean gives her his most brilliant flashing smile and she quickly points the direction of the props room. Dean drags Castiel there.
Dean picks up a fake white wing with wires and holsters and shows it to Cas who easily frowns who presses it back to Dean’s hands.
“I have wings,”
“Yeah, not like you can let people see the shadow flip-flap thing, okay?”
“Flip flap thing?” Castiel repeats uncertainly, eyebrows raising. Dean shrugs.
“You know, making your ginormous shadow show in the flashing lights—you can’t do that. They want a model and yeah, they need to do marketing, but not that kind. No flip-flap of wings,” Dean throws the wings back at the table.
“I will use my wings I just have to contain my power so it doesn’t break into its real form.”
“You can do that?”
“I can do anything.” Castiel’s eyes suddenly glow without warning and Dean steps back as Castiel raises his magnificent wings with the cracking sparks of fluorescent lamp and there is Castiel, the angel of the lord, in all his glory and dorkiness included max out—Dean’s eyes reflect and behold its beauty. Until the power steadily holds and shrinks down to a fitting one enough at least to make him fit a door.
The power in the air subsides and Dean realizes how he is holding his breath. The beauty of his friend did not strike him in its real essence until now—where Castiel is actually bare in front of him with his black wings’ appearance. He exhales and stands next to the angel where he can see his wings.
It strikes Dean yet again how Castiel is an angel. But every time he looks at his friend, in this form, in this vessel, he's just ultimately... Cas. 
"That's fucking hot, Cas,"
Castiel smiles all gummily. "Thank you, Dean."
“Can mortal eyes see this now?”
Dean whistles. Then there's that question that's been itching to be said, a question Dean knows won't leave him in peace if he doesn't ask now. Because it's now or never.
“Uh...Cas...can I touch it?”
Castiel's glance is an automatic sharp look that Dean can describe as a shock, but then the angel nods slightly without looking at him. He doesn’t reach. Something about Castiel’s reaction is bugging him.
“Are you sure I can?”
“Yes, please."
Dean takes him to his word and runs his fingers on the wings, his fingers sinking on the soft feathers like it’s made of cloud. Castiel trembles under his touch with a slight moan escaping his lips. Dean stares and sees the tip of Castiel’s ears are red.
"It's beautiful..." Dean licks his lips, "Cas... you... you're truly magnificent, have I told you that?"
"Not in so many words," Castiel doesn't look at him.
Dean just knows he is also having a mental breakdown.
“It’s fine,” the angel whispers, head bent. “Just a little… it’s never been touched by human hands.”
Dean wavers on the spot and takes steps back in shock.
“Y-you mean—I’m the first one—I’m your first?!”
Castiel glances over his shoulder, his eyes leveled. He nods. "What's mine is yours, Dean. I'm yours."
Dean Winchester's head is a puddle melted and stirred by none other than the hottest angel in the garrison. He wants to tell Castiel never to say something like that- not when they are in a room alone because Dean is only a man- instead, he pulls Cas into a deep kiss. It's unexpected and truly catching them both in surprise, but when Castiel doesn't pull, Dean sighs and holds Castiel's shoulders steady. He doesn't know if he can tell Castiel that, but Cas is one of the best kissers he knows attributed to the pizzaman. 
To Dean's delight, Castiel kisses him back. It's swift and lingering when Cas bites his bottom lip and runs their tongue together in a dance. He never thought he'd be kissing Cas like this. Then there's the noise Cas makes, especially when Dean runs his palms on the smooth surface of his chest. Dean pulls only to breathe because angels don't do that, the moment he does, Castiel is there capturing his mouth in another heated kiss and Dean drowns in him.
Castiel is absurdly hot. All the bumps and contours his palm lands into, Dean can't help getting electrified. He knows he is getting hard and there's only one thing left to do- he slips his right knee between Castiel's legs and grinds his steadily hardening groin on Castiel's thighs. The sensation is instantaneous and Castiel doesn't let up. The angel kisses him between the soft moan and sighs that all can Dean do is cling tight on the angel's hipbones. He wants to do many things to Cas aside from pressing hard on him with hands roaming all sacred places that make Cas catch his breath too. He wants to tell Cas to take them away but the thought of his brother facing a Djinn stops all his thoughts.
But he promises himself he will take this. He and Cas, later, tonight, they will have this.
Dean pulls back knowing anyone can come to get the model and when he did, Castiel flaps his wings demandingly, frowning at Dean's withdrawal. Dean doesn't know what to say to that so instead, he soothes the angel by running his hands on the smooth surface of the wings. He sees Castiel's eyes droop, sees the contortion of eyebrows leaving the heavenly forehead, knows that Cas is relaxing under his care. There's a long sigh when Dean is done and he stares at his shaking hands next.
“Dean, can you stay beside me,” Castiel says looking slightly put out and Dean quickly steps right into his space and stares Castiel in the eyes. Castiel doesn't even question the kiss. Dean thinks they still need to talk about it later. For now...
“What’s up?”
“I don’t want anyone else touching it,” Castiel says deadly serious. Dean is about to point to himself but the angel holds his gaze and adds, “Except you.”
Dean wants to hide his face somewhere.
“Dean, are you okay? Your face is red—Dean?” Dean turns away from the angel, body reaching boiling point if he thinks more about what else Castiel is allowing him to do when his phone rings. Still a little shaken, he answers softly only to be greeted by his impatient brother—
“Dammit, Dean! I’ve been trying to reach you for a full ten minutes! I got the Djinn in the warehouse—you may want to help me out! And stop making a pass at Cas! Now is not that time!”
So the kiss was only ten minutes?
“I’m not making a pass, give me the location, bitch,” Dean listens carefully and once he’s done, he turns to the angel apologetically. Castiel’s expression turns serious.
“I understand, we are here for a case, after all, I am sorry my job is in your way.”
Dean stares at him in awe.
“Cas, you’re not a real model, we’re ditching this job!”
There’s a beat.
They were just about to leave the building when Castiel remembers to get his trench coat. Making a side trip back to the changing areas, Dean meets Sam halfway who informs him the Djinn has been taken care of no thanks to Dean daydreaming about his model boyfriend.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Anyway, where’s Cas?”
There’s a scream from the changing room.
The Winchesters exchanged glances and together they run inside to find Castiel standing in the middle of the room wings spread out and on his hands is the talent scout they’ve spoken to yesterday. Dean’s mind reels—is this another Djinn?
No, that’s human!
“Hey, Cas—no, no we don’t smite talent scouts!” Dean hurries beside the angel, firm grasp on his arm as he tugs it back, causing the talent scout to fall on the floor coughing. Sam is beside him at once while Dean deals with the hot-headed-angel. “Cas, what the hell!”
“He says he wants you,” Castiel growls back, pure anger hatred in his eyes.
“He says he wants to take you and you have given me permission to defend myself
Dean throws the talent scout a dirty look. “What exactly did you say to him?
“I said I wanted to recruit you, okay?”
“Not your exact words,” Dean narrows his eyes. The talent scout grimaces.
“I said I want you, that’s it, is it hard to understand? I want him too,” the talent points at Sam while massaging his throat, “You brothers would make the best boxer models,”
Dean blinks at Sam who stares back in disgust.
“No, thanks,” his brother says, “not my dream come true.”
“Might be mine,” Dean turns to the agent, “Okay, dude, here’s the thing—we’re done being models and frankly, it’s not even the safest job. Now leave Cas alone too, he’s cut for it, but not for us...”
“What made you choose him anyway?” Sam wants to know. Dean throws his brother an incredulous look.
“The man was smiling like a real angel when I saw him, of course, I’d recruit him.”
And Dean looks back to when it was before the scout approached them, he and Castiel standing side by side and talking about the most mundane things Dean has done that day. It’s weird because not once has Castiel said about not understanding reference when the topic is about Dean.
Castiel gets him. Dean is his reference. It makes sense.
Sliding an arm around Castiel’s shoulder, he pulls him closer and smiles.
“Come on, Cas, time to go home.”
Castiel slowly looks at him, really looks deep inside his soul, and the angel smiles—and Dean’s glad he can crack that from such a handsome face.
“Yes, Dean.”❤
-end- ao3- ❤
Thank you for giving us this escape during quarantine! We enjoyed it! :)
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sharkfish · 7 years
sleeping devastatingly handsome
They can’t figure out this fucking curse. Cas is still as a corpse but still breathing, heart still beating, limbs still warm to the touch, but he won’t wake up no matter what they do.
“Fuck this,” Dean says for the upteenth time, shoving another book with another worthless antidote away.
“We’ll find it,” Sam says, turning pages quickly as he scans for more options.
Instead of continuing what feels like a fruitless needle-in-haystack search, Dean stomps off to Cas’s room. Cas looks just like he did last time Dean was in there, laid out flat on his back with his chest rising and falling slowly. He looks peaceful, like he could be dreaming about something other than the hell-hole he’s found himself trapped in on earth.
“Cas, buddy,” Dean says, flopping in a chair next to the bed. “We’re not finding anything. But I’m going to get you out of this, ok?”
He doesn’t expect Cas to respond, but he sits there in silence for awhile anyway, just staring at the wall above Cas’s inert body.
Every day since Cas went under, Dean has been coming to the room to talk to him. He’s not actually sure if he hopes Cas can hear or not, because he’s been saying the kind of shit he would never say if Cas were conscious, speaking quietly between them like the walls have ears. (They might; Sam is always lurking around waiting for Dean to have a moment of Feelings that he can take advantage of.)
“I hope you’re ok in there,” Dean says, leaning forward in the chair, elbows on his knees. “I, um. We miss having you around.”
Dean drops his head into his hands, scrubs his hands through his hair. “You’re part of us, you know? Team Free Will, remember? I can’t -- we can’t -- do this without you.”
Next time Dean visits Cas, he is disastrously drunk, went through most of a fifth of Jack on an empty stomach while everyone else keeps researching.
“I’m the shittiest guy,” Dean says to Cas. “I’m the shittiest fucking friend you could ever have, Cas. We’re gonna figure this out, and then you gotta leave, ok? You think you love me, but it’s just cuz you don’t know anyone else. Someone else will be better for you. Wouldn’t let this happen in the first place.”
Dean reaches out and touches Cas’s hand, his slender fingers. This vessel never gets gun and shovel callouses like the one covering Dean’s hands. And because Dean is drunk, he does something he’s only done in life-or-death situations before, touching Cas’s face, just the back of his knuckles brushing down Cas’s cheek. He kind of expects the skin to be clammy, but it’s not; it’s rough with stubble that’s not any longer than it was the day Cas went under but soft and warm underneath. “Cas,” Dean says quietly, voice breaking. “Need you, man.”
And because Dean is drunk, he leans further forward and brushes his lips over the place his hand just touched, just a barely-there caress of Cas’s cheek.
Dean is half turned towards the door, heading out, when Cas says, “Dean.”
Dean turns in a flash. “Fucking hell -- Cas!”
Cas sits up and gives Dean a smile far too wide for someone who’s been comatose for months, but Dean falls into it like he always does.
“You -- how -- ?”
“You kissed me,” Cas says, touching his cheek like he can still feel the ghost of Dean’s mouth.
“I’m really fucking drunk, I’m sorry, it didn’t mean --”
“It’s a Sleeping Beauty curse, Dean,” Cas says.
Dean gulps. He can guess what Cas is going to say next.
“True love’s kiss,” Cas says, “is the only way to disable the curse.”
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awed-frog · 7 years
Stuck in the Middle (with You)/Awesome Crowley
[For a meta about Reservoir Dogs and Tarantino’s use of gay subtext, click here.]
I don’t want to be the person who ruins everyone’s fun, so I’m saving my one big criticism of this episode for last. This meta is completely positive, even saccharine, until the very last paragraph. Also, I’m borrowing one of my favourite AO3 tags as a title because, let’s face it, Crowley was the real hero of this episode and where the action was, and that’s perfectly okay and long overdue. Crowley’s been around for years now, and he’s gone through huge bouts of character development, and yet we still know next to nothing about him and he’s often treated like an afterthought, both by our heroes and by the writers. This episode finally (finally!) corrected that, because no matter how intriguing and plain beautiful everyone was, Crowley was magnificent - as I fully expected him to be.
After all, they’re good - but he’s Crowley.
Like anyone with eyes, I loved everything about this episode, and especially how it was filmed. I have to say - this is the first episode in a long time that actually had me in tenterhooks about a possible character death, because you never know, right? Theoretically, Crowley could die, and so could Cas. Theoretically. And also the music, did I mention the music? I think that scene of Cas crawling away from Ramiel and the shot of Ramiel stabbing him - that’s just become my favourite Supernatural scene ever, bar none. It was so powerful and dramatic and visually magnificent and that damn music - wow. 
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I adored that symbolism, because Cas’ been a Christ figure for a while now, and seeing him like that, on his back, defeated and stabbed by a lance - you can’t get more Golgotha than that. Beautiful stuff.
I also loved that this episode was, in a way - off-centre. Sam and Dean were there, of course, but the story was not focused around them. The real protagonist was the supernatural world itself - Cas, Crowley, Ramiel; even Lucifer, to me, was more present than he’s been in a while, what with this vague threat of his child hanging over the world, and him taunting Crowley and flashing his red eyes at this most undemonic demon in the very last scene. The truth is, I love everything about Sam and Dean, and that includes the incredibly talented actors who play them, but I feel the show could benefit greatly from approaching their story from a different perspective every once in a while. I’d love to know more about their childhood, for instance, or about this world of monsters and hunters around them; and a completely Outsider POV episode is, at this point, something I’d probably sell half my soul for.
Anyway - lately, this show reads like very good fanfiction, and considering how engaged, loving and talented this fandom is, this is high praise. I particularly appreciate the fact they’re going back to important plot points and filling them in with completely new details - after all, we’ve been wondering for years what’s up with demonic eyes, or how Crowley became king in the first place (or, at least, I know I did). This new class of demons appearing out of nowhere - creatures powerful enough to wield an archangel’s weapon - that’s incredible stuff. I’m guessing we’ll see more about them, and I can’t freaking wait.
So, yes - Ramiel was spot-on. Jerry Trimble managed just the right mixture of underwhelmingly normal and terrifyingly amoral - so much so I’m sort of sad we didn’t get to see more of this character, even if everything about him, including his death, was handled just right - there was no room for anything more.
My one slight criticism there would be the fizzling nature of Cas’ abilities. For instance, didn’t we establish that Cas can smell lies? So why couldn’t he guess Mary was hiding something? And what about demons’ true forms? I always assumed Cas could see that (was it ever stated in canon? it must have been), and I was therefore almost disappointed that Cas couldn’t recognize Ramiel for what he was. Maybe it can be explained away by him slowly becoming closer and closer to a human being - I don’t know. In any case, I’m truly appreciating how obsessed everyone seems to be with him lately. After years of taking angels for granted, we’ve got two characters in short succession fangirling over angels (in a creepy, murderous and definitely non-con way, but still) - and, yeah, I know that basically everyone spent the entirety of Supernatural pointing out how different and unique Cas is, and I’m grateful for that, but it’s also nice to get a reminder that angels are awesome (in the other sense of the word) in and of themselves.
(I’m still loving Mr Ketch, by the way. Aaaaaw.)
Let’s now come to our unsung hero: Mr Crowley.
Crowley was magnificent in all this. And we’ve now learned he never seriously planned to become King of Hell - my headcanon, which I’m considering confirmed, is that Crowley simply wants control. He’s been tortured for a century or more as some demon tore his human soul out of him, and he’s never putting himself in that position again, which is very sensible of him, and also very Scarlett O’Hara.
(Then again, he is his mother’s son.)
So, well, there he was, sort of loyal, licking the right boots, quietly ammassing a fortune in paintings and cursed objects and rumours and secrets on the side, when suddenly one of his craziest schemes actually works and Lucifer disappears and Ramiel doesn’t want the throne and Crowley realizes he’ll probably be safer sitting on it than he would be taking orders from some mindless, blood-thirsty underling who doesn’t know the first thing about governing a kingdom.
It breaks my heart, really.
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And this is why I’m guessing, really, that the reason that demon was so gleeful about the possibility of killing Sam - I mean, sure, he’s Sam Winchester and all, but she had to know, because everyone does, that Sam and Dean are under Crowley’s protection. That no matter what he says, he considers them friends. And since he basically stole the throne from her (sort of), I’m thinking she was careless because this was a kill she was really relishing.
Also - look, as happy as I am with Cas finding his place - with his speech, with Dean’s soul-shattering Let’s go home, this dark side of the mirror is now hurting more than ever, because Crowley keeps risking everything so that Dean can live, and can keep choosing someone else over him. And I don’t think Dean is rude and obnoxious because he doesn’t notice - I think he’s rude and obnoxious because he does notice, and he doesn’t know what to make of it. Like Cas, Crowley sees right through him and loves him for who he is, and that’s something Dean just can’t accept.  
(“Your problem is that nobody hates you more than you hate yourself.”)
This doesn’t mean Crowley’s love isn’t skewered, borderline toxic and an enabling mess, but it’s still love, and it’s still directed at Dean’s true self, and it’s still - this is now definitely confirmed - completely selfless, like human love is supposed to be.
(Breaking the Lance of Michael to save Cas - that was -
Also: recognizing Dean’s impatience and anger for what they were, and choosing to do the right thing even against his own interests -
- because, of course, Dean’s got a history of saying the wrong thing when he can’t deal with reality and other people’s feelings. That We don’t have time for your - for you was Nobody cares you’re broken all over again, and Crowley already gave his answer to that when he pointed out the Winchesters - and especially Sam, of course - have got plenty of faults of their own: And yet, I endure.)
And maybe Lucifer’s still got it, or maybe he simply watches the show, because he knows exactly where it hurts: “Do you really think they care about you? I mean, think about it, Crowley. They kill your kind. And you know... you know...it's only a matter of time before they come for you.”
(What worries me the most about this statement is that there’s no traditional happy ending in sight for Crowley; there never was. The only question at this point is which way this is going to go. Will Dean be forced to kill Crowley? Will Crowley sacrifice himself for Dean? Or will he, finally, become human? After all, Lucifer’s right: no matter what Crowley does or doesn’t do - and saving Cas’ life by destroying the most powerful weapon left on Earth, that’s a big favour to pay back - as long as he’s a demon, the Winchesters will never fully trust him, or even accept him. But if he were to become human...
It’s a big gamble, sure. Then again, Crowley’s much less calculating than he’d like people to think.)
From a Destiel point of view, someone should probably look at that diner scene again and check how it was shot - because I’ve got this feeling that the first time, it was from Cas’ perspective, and we spent a lot of time learning about what Dean wants in his sexual partners - but the second time, we saw it from Mary’s perspective, which means we spent more time actually noticing the way Dean looked at Cas. Also hearing Dean describe Cas as ‘shy, but devastatingly handsome’. Mh.
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Again, all the kudos to the title, which basically refers to everyone except Sam and Dean, because, as I said, this wasn’t about them and yay!
The weapons and the gadgets and the special effects! Heart-eyes and grabby hands over here. More, please.
(Though I’m slightly disappointed that the Lance didn’t break the shovel’s handle on impact, but whatever.)
Immortal creatures collecting paintings instead of repeating high school for all eternity - much love for that.
Crowley calling everyone out on their shit, including the screenwriters’ indulgence in silly rhymes - aaaaw. You do you, sweetheart.
(The fact Crowley was genuinely saddened by the prospect of Cas dying - *cries forever*.)
“I don’t have friends.”
Mary - Mary continues to be an interesting character and also someone I wouldn’t invite over for dinner, which is perfectly fine and much better than the alternative. Though I am slightly disappointed by the fact she didn’t even try to come clean about the Colt. Guess her brand of unhinged is the same as John’s, after all - birds of a feather and all that.
Finally: the big Destiel moment. Look, I have to say - I’m as excited as anyone that Cas was fully recognized as family (because, yeah, no matter what Dean said, this was like the first time they don’t leave Cas out somewhere to die?) and I’m ecstatic by this confirmation that Cas understands what love is and feels it himself -
- but one, I’m worried about the effect this will have on Dean and two, I’m getting really tired of the ambiguity.
Because, well - this is the first time Dean hears it flat-out: he changed Cas, he destroyed Cas in almost every way that matters, in fact, and Cas is grateful for it and considers him family. Will this lessen the guilt Dean’s been experiencing for years, or will it increase it? Knowing Dean, I’m not optimistic.
And as for the other thing - look, no way that I love you was a singular, and directed at Dean. I’m just thinking from a translator’s point of view here - if I had to dub or sub something like this in a language with normal pronouns, I’d never use a singular - not in a million years. Cas’ never said anything like this before, he wasn’t looking at anyone when he said it, the sentence was preceded and followed by plural yous, and imo the only reason they included it at all (instead of going directly from You’re my family - which was clearly a plural - to I love all of you) was the usual subtextual bs they’ve been having fun with for eight seasons. Because this episode, like so many other Supernatural episodes, could have been 10/10 TV instead of the 9.6 it got on IMDb if they’d only stopped being weird about this. Don’t get me wrong - I love the uncertainty and the drama and the UST and this classic I’m not good enough for you so I won’t even try trope - love them - but they could still make it textual without ruining any of that. One conversation between Sam and Mary would be plenty enough. Two sentences and a half, and it’s canon, and Dean and Cas are still oblivious, and we’ve still got everything - but BAM - it’s not possible or probable queerbaiting anymore, it’s not this thing that mostly makes me bitter and gives me anxiety - no, now it’s a beautiful love story and everything’s alright with the world. 
At this point, it’s incredible how little it would take, really. Or, well - not incredible: supernatural.
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