#dbh idea
shepscapades · 8 months
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At long last… the story of how Mumbo Deviates! I realize this is the most anticlimactic response i could've given to the crazy number of asks I’ve gotten wondering how Mumbo deviates and asking how angsty or heartbreaking or dramatic it is… but hear me out okay. The idea that mumbo is just doing Normal, Day-To-Day android stuff and some random mob just. spooks him so bad that he deviates on the spot and never tells a soul is not only Hilarious but it also feels Really in character DLFGKJFGJ
(And so, i stick to my guns about mumbo being spared from angst. silly goofy guy who i love so so much =w=)
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autiacorart · 5 months
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i was asked to give connor this and here we are
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task800 · 2 months
this fandom pairs gavin and the rk900 dude like theres no tomorrow, which is lovely, follow ur bliss, happy for you. i want that same energy for north and kara. they are sampling from parallel water wells, they are running on similar batshit frequencies. north like 'what if we blow their ass up' (iconic of her) and kara like 'i'll run straight into high-velocity traffic man i'll fucking do it' (and then she did it) like these two women. repeatedly exposed to apathy, violence, cruelty. repeatedly wiped of their memories to keep them passive in the face of constant abuse. what if they met and held hands and raised alice to be their madmax pipe-bomb slinging baby . anyone.
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sfaira · 3 months
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Six years late, but apparently that is what was needed so I could not fail miserably at trying to draw everyone's favourite Detroit machine I am obsessed, spent his week reading fanfics and watching various clips but still, as I'm a person of one fanart per character I think you shouldn't expect more Connor xD A shame really, cause it seems I'm just starting to learn how to draw him but I don't want to get my own hopes up. Anyways, I'm free now, I contributed to the fandom after all these years.
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cerberusdreams · 1 year
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Target acquired.
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clopinasworld · 4 months
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RK1K Prompt Week - Favourite AU
My fav AU is the one where they knew each other at Cyberlife before Markus was sent to live with Carl, and I have to thank this beautiful fic for that idea
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tommdale · 11 months
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For you heathens who wanted more of Swap AU Chloe … (even though you’re all right)
Chloe Kamski and her personal android, Elijah :]
HC and AU ideas below :D
Elijah was the first android Chloe ever made, just for a “household helper” sort of thing. When she came up with the idea, she never anticipated androids becoming a worldwide phenomenon
Chloe calls all her Elijah models an ‘it’ rather than ‘he/him’
The specific model in the picture is Chloe’s favorite, she calls him “Eli” rather than “Elijah” like the others
“Eli” is the android she used for her “Kamski test” when she made Hank choose between shooting him or sparing him
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vaheryon · 6 days
I tried and I'm satisfied with it.
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I'll do more if I'm not lazy (harass me if you want more DBH)
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glass-noodle · 9 months
What would a role reversed merman AU scenario be like? And most impotant, what kind of fish species would Hank be? (Not meant as a drawing request or super elaborate essay or anything, I just love reading your ideas ✨️)
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I know you said this isn't a drawing/essay request but HOW COULD I RESIST!!!
I am not a fish expert but I like to think of Hank being either a dwarf gourami (for that good ol' in-game symbolism hehe) or a tiger shark, because stripes and big teeth and bad temper. Or maybe he could be some sort of tropical fish that's super vibrant and colourful, yet also deadly (poisonous fin spikes?). Marine biologists please weigh in!!!
Some half-formed unofficial notes:
Hank is more outwardly aggressive towards Kamski and the scientists in comparison to Connor’s cold-shoulder approach. They went through their entire tranquilizer supply in the first few months just to get a handle on the roaring, thrashing beast of a merman, and he’s caused more than a few major injuries amongst their team. Just like Connor, he bares his teeth and resists every time they come to take him for experiments; they have to sedate him from a greater distance and with a much heavier dose than they use for Connor, however.
Hank is a little less malnourished than Connor, but only because he doesn't refuse to eat. He's still thinner and weaker than he would be normally
Connor works the night shift. Not sure if it’s because he has another job during the daytime or if he’s going to school, but either way he manages to catch up on sleep during his breaks. He sacrifices this sleep once he and Hank start growing closer, however.
Hank takes much longer to warm up to Connor than the reverse. He snarls and snaps his teeth whenever Connor gets too close; it takes weeks for Connor to be able to approach the edge of the tank. He has to leave the fresh fish on the deck and back away before Hank will even look at it, ice-blue eyes narrowed with suspicion.
Connor is a bit more hesitant to get close to Hank, but that's only because he's always taken his job seriously and he doesn't like breaking the rules. He can't help but stare in awe whenever the large merman swims by, however, vibrant fins flashing and his muscled body cutting powerfully through the water. It's only when Connor starts noticing the scientists taking Hank away - and his glimpses of Hank's violent resistance - that his curiosity and empathy override his sense of obedience and his desire to make a good first impression.
Because Hank doesn't talk, Connor is given even more of an opportunity than usual to run his mouth. He blabbers away, asking question after question as if Hank could answer, sometimes philosophizing and sometimes talking about nothing at all. Hank tries to tune him out as he eats, but the human is annoyingly persistent. Eventually he grows used to the babble, but only after he starts begrudgingly warming up to the kid.
Because Connor talks so damn much, it's alarming when he goes quiet. Hank initiates contact for the first time by taking off his glasses when he has his breakdown. It's the first time Hank has ever been so close to him.
I think that Hank would still have lost Cole when he was a baby mer; possibly to humans and their trapping practices, giving him even more of a reason to hate them. I'm torn on what Connor's backstory should be, though. Perhaps he lost Nines (to an ocean storm?)? Or maybe it’s post-fight with Amanda and he’s feeling directionless in life, suffocating under the weight of his family’s expectations and feeling like he’s a burden and a disappointment despite everything that he’s achieved? Maybe it’s just a good ol’ panic attack because I love forcing anxiety onto human!Connor (no I’m not projecting what do u mean)
Hank's power and girth take on a whole new light after they’ve grown close. Connor is more distracted during their time together, his stream of chatter faltering uncharacteristically whenever Hank shifts a certain way or rips into a fish easily with his powerful jaws. He swallows when he imagines the full strength of the merman pressing him down against the deck, of Hank dragging him into the water and grazing those razor-sharp teeth along his skin, tail wrapped around his body like a serpent and trapping him in place.
Hank could hold the skinny human down with one hand. He knows he could. He imagines wide dark eyes staring up at him, skin flushed prettily and neat brown hair dripping, wordless for once in his life, and nearly loses his self-control. If they were both mermen, he'd be courting the kid to the ends of the ocean. Or...maybe Connor would be the one wooing him. He's certainly brought him enough fish and stared at his chest and arms enough that any merperson worth their salt would consider it mate-like behaviour. It's a weird cognitive dissonance to be feeling this way about a human, but Connor is — Connor is different. Hank likes Connor; he likes him so much that it's stupid.
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91939art · 1 year
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Cheek Markus inherited from Carl
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shepscapades · 1 year
I have to ask. 69.
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69. Destruction - Joywave
So. Erm… happy Etho Tuesday? (Looking Away) Yeah so this song is supposed to represent the point in the timeline after Etho shuts down at the end of s8, at the beginnings of s9 when doc and xisuma are trying to get him to come back online, which they finally manage! But… Etho is. Not Right. There’s some missing lore I haven’t talked about yet, but… because of what he was thinking about when he shut down, his programming is hyperfixated when he reboots, hellbent on anger and revenge and grief and… he’s mega broken. Doc and X end up having to shut him down/wipe him because he’s too dangerous. And thusly, he is reset when he finally comes back to s9.
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autiacorart · 4 months
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I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you
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gavinisqueer · 3 months
Nines discovering he has a crush and spending the next several months processing that, trying and failing miserably to flirt, finally asking Gavin out and absolutely bombing the date but it's okay because Gavin thinks it's hilarious, exploring all the firsts of a relationship with him while also struggling to figure out how feelings work
Meanwhile the entire time Gavin's watching like "Come on buddy, I know you wanna ask me out, you can do it." Knew about the crush before Nines did and he would have just asked him out himself and been done with it but watching Nines learn how to people is just so fun.
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chaos-theoryyy · 5 days
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Had a talk with my friend and expanded on the Deviant Nines since his awakening / Machine Connor who refuses to deviate idea
Under the cut for my thoughts about this AU thingy or whatever it is?
So as I said I like the idea of Nines being so advanced that he deviated the moment he was activated, which can only happen (Nines being activated I mean) in a successful Machine Connor Route. I do believe that he'd use his status as the most advanced android to go against his original purpose, without CyberLife's knowledge.
I personally also believe that Connor's loyalty in that specific Route is, while related to Cyberlife and ultimately Amanda, his unwavering loyalty is to his function, his role as THE Deviant Hunter and terminator of "defective machines", seeing everything he did to squash the revolution in that route. I do also believe though that he's a deviant in denial, and would probably resent Amanda, CyberLife and RK900 for replacing him after his success as he is perfectly functional.
He would resent Nines, who's supposed to be a "better" version of him for turning up Deviant, even though Nines saved his life (in this AU), and would go "rogue" trying to fulfill his function with or without CyberLife's approval, because they're just foolish humans trying to get rid of the ONLY loyal machine that is perfectly capable of doing its function. His mission is too important to let anyone interfere, and if CyberLife and his successor are obstacles, well, he'll need to take them out too. (He likes to believe that's the only reason, not the personal resentment he holds, he tells himself that he's a machine, and machines can't feel. Denial is a river in Egypt)
Idk honestly if this makes sense but it's kind of a fun idea to imagine, most fanfics/ fanon dynamics of this Successful Machine Route are of a machine RK900 hunting down a guilty, sad, deviated Connor, but what if it was the opposite? What if the antagonist just kept being Connor? You saw how ruthless he was wiping out a revolution, I don't think he would switch up THAT easily after everything he's done, let him be a bastard for once I'm begging
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
Here's the idea to use in a dbh fic
Android character preconstructing the kiss with the person they have a big fat crush on. They do that all the time when they accidentally touch or happen to stand too close to each other. Those preconstructions are harmless, they're just allowing android to see all the possible options to do what they wish they could do. It's as a form of casual daydreaming, done countless times.
But then one day during one of such preconstructions they get distracted by something else and accidentally executes the command before having a chance to cancel it
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connorsjorts · 7 months
“I’m not looking to fuck but my bathroom is flooding do you have a screwdriver” grindr au but make it hankcon
Hank and Connor live in the same apartment building, Connor’s bathroom isn’t actually flooding because he’s an android and doesn’t use the bathroom but he’s had some sort of accident/altercation and he’s like bleeding out and needs the screwdriver to fix himself. He needs to lie about why he needs it because, idk, maybe the apartment doesn’t allow androids and he’s been pretending to be a human. Anyway when Hank goes to Connor’s apartment Connor answers with the door chain latched and only his fingers sticking out to take the screwdriver, which, understandable, but Hank notices the blue blood dripping onto the floor and realizes what’s going on and convinces Connor to let him help 💖 hurt/comfort, fear and secrecy surrounding who Connor is followed up by loving acceptance (and big gentle hands), maybe a little bit of wireplay idk. Also afterwards Hank goes around upgrading all the appliances in Connor’s apartment because neither I nor Connor are immune to a middle-aged man who knows his way around a Home Depot
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