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feline17ff · 3 months
I stopped watching Hindi movies years ago after I kept coming across sexist tropes
But I just watched 12th Fail and it's awesome
In the last year or so, I've watched
An Action Hero
Nazar Andaaz
Dangal (but it was someone else watching it was a watch through review on YouTube, I forgot what those are called)
Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food, Hindi dub (not critically very good but good enough light family flick)
and now 12th Fail
And gosh these are movies. Non sexist, non-romance focused good films exist!
And non Hollywood so that's a plus because I absolutely adore the ambience and detail in films like 12th Fail, Dangal, and Hera Pheri,
Like you're there, in the village, part of the village, with minimal Western influence more or less.
Those old traditional everyday items, skills, and jobs my parents talk about that have never been a part of my life but my parents and grandparents did experience them a little bit at least
I definitely don't want to live in a village, but watching these characters and their families have deep roots in their community or village just feels nice :)
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sho3aibi · 9 days
امبارح اتفرجت على فيلم هندي من الأفلام العظيمة اللي حبيتها زي Slumdog Millionaire, PK, Life of Pi & 3 Idiots. أفلام أقرب لقلبي -أحياناً- بحرارتها وحركتها وأغانيها من الأفلام الغربية الباردة. العظيم إنها قصة حقيقية وتلامسني أنا شخصياً من تجربة حياتي، فلو كان فيه فيلم بيعبّر عن حياتي فمش هلاقي فيلم قريب منها غير الفيلم ده! الفكرة إن القصة نفسها لها كذا زاوية وانت حسب رؤيتك ليها 🚨 Spoiler Alert🚨 زاوية إن فيه أب كان عنده حلم ومقدرش يحققه فقرر يخلّف ولد يعتمد عليه في تحقيقه، لكن يشاء ربنا إنه يُنجب أربع بنات، وهنا اعتمد على بناته وحوّلهم من مجرد بنات مسيرها الزواج والبيت لأبطال خارقة حققوا ما يعجز عنه رجال كثيرون! وزاوية إنك ممكن تشوف إنه أب أناني مهتم بحلمه فقط بغض النظر عن بناته واللي يناسبهم، جرّدهم من أنوثتهم، حلق شعرهم، تدريبات بدنية عنيفة، حطهم يصارعوا أولاد وحطهم تحت سخرية وتنمر المجتمع. أكيد الصورة مش وردية زي اللي كانت في الفيلم؛ البنات مهما كان ليهم طبيعة وفسيولوجية خاصة، وتعامل المجتمع و"الذكور" لن يسلموا منه بسهولة؛ لكن هل ده مبرر للاستسلام؟! في أول الفيلم كانوا بيشتكوا من اللي قسوة أبوهم وإجبارهم وبدأوا يعاندوه، لحد ما حضروا زفاف واحدة قريبتهم اللي عمرها متعداش ١٤ سنة وقالتهم إنهم في نعيم على الأقل إن أبوهم مهتم بيهم وبمصلحتهم على خلاف أبوها اللي عمره ما اهتم بيها ومش شايفها غير إنه يجوزها لواحد عمره ما شافته وحكم بالسجن مدى الحياة ومن هنا تُدرك البنات حرص أبوهم على مصلحتهم وقرروا إنهم مش هيخذلوه، لكن بمجرد إن بنته الكبيرة بعدت عنه وراحت المدينة هناك أدركت إن فيه عالم تاني غير عالم أبوها، هناك بدأت تحس بأنوثتها وسابت شعرها يكبر وتاكل الأكل اللي تحبه وتشوف حياتها وتتمرد على رغبة أبوها لكن في مقابل ده مستواها الرياضي قلّ وخسرت البطولة .. لحد ما ندمت ورجعت تاني لأبوها وسمعت كلامه وكسبت! تقاطعات كتيرة ما بين القصة دي وقصص حياتنا احنا، ما بين طريقة أهالينا وحياتنا اللي إحنا عايزنها. في معظم الأحيان بنكون إحنا على غلط لأن خبرتهم وعلمهم أكبر بالظروف المحيطة وإمكانياتنا الحقيقية، أحيانا احنا عايزين نستريح ونتمرقع ومش عارفين الصح من الغلط وهما اللي بيزقونا ويضغطوا علينا عشان نبقى أحسن ونكتشف ده بعدين بعد الفوز أو النجاة من المهالك. حاجات مش هنفهمها غير واحنا في مكانهم ونعمل زيه بشكل ما مع أولادنا! وأحياناً حرصهم الشديد بيقوّض تجاربنا ويقصص أجنحتنا، ونضيع لو بعدوا عننا لأننا معندناش أي تجارب ومنعرفش نعمل ايه لوحدنا! معضلة كبيرة .. بس الثابت إن كل حاجة لو زادت عن الحد بتبوظ، وأهم حاجة إنك تربي إنسان سوي، وتدعمه إنه يقدر ياخد قرارات سليمة، وتطلع من إشكاليات النديّة والتعنيف والتبعية ومين الصح ومين الغلطان، علاقة أساسها الحب والعطف والدعم. التحدّي وبلوغ المجد شيء عظيم لا خلاف عليه، لكن إذا كان في مقابل ده إنسان فارغ غير سوي؛ فاحنا محتاجين نعيد حسابتنا. نظريات كتير ممكن ��حطها، وجهات نظر مختلفة عن الصح والغلط، بس إحنا مش عارفين كل التفاصيل اللي حصلت والتحديات اللي قابلتهم ولا الظروف اللي كانت حواليهم ولا رغبة البنات الحقيقية وده المهم! تعرف أكتر حاجة معلّقة معايا هي البنت الصغيرة اللي اتجوّزت بدون إرادتها، المواقف اللي مرت مرور الكرام كده والناس المنسية والمآسي اللي حصلت ومنعرفش عنها حاجة، وما خفي كان أعظم! أُلطف بينا وبعبادك يارب.
والصورة الجديدة التي يقدمها “دانجال” للمرأة الهندية، هي صورة رمزية يكون فيها فعل الإغتصاب معنوياً بحيث يغتال إنسانية المرأة أكثر مما ينال من أنوثتها، كما أن فعل الإنقاذ يأتي على يدي المرأة نفسها وليس الرجل، الذي كان يقيم بطولته على أساس من ضعف المرأة وقلة حيلتها. ليس هذا فحسب، بل يمكننا القول إن المرأة في “دانجال”، بجانب إنقاذها للمرأة الضعيفة بفعل التقاليد المتخلفة، فإنها تحقق حلم الرجل (الأب) الذي فشل في تحقيقه بنفسه. والصراع بين الرجل والمرأة ليس هو الأساس، ولكن الصراع بين التقاليد القديمة والتقاليد الجديدة. وبهذا المعنى، تكون المصارعة رمزاً لصراع أكبر يتجاوز المعني الفردي للداخلين فيها. د. ماهر عبد المحسن | الدستور العراقية
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oneawkwardcookie · 1 year
She’ll teach you a lesson She’ll beat you by performing a brilliant reversal manoeuvre She’ll defeat you, she’ll defeat you She’s so bold and strong
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Qasim Pehlwan Gujjar
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gerilya · 10 months
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DANGAL Painting by Gerilya Acrylic on Canvas 8" x 10" 2023
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criticfilm · 7 months
14 Intriguing Trivia About “Dangal”: Unveiling the Inspiring Journey of the Indian Wrestlers! ⚡
1️⃣ Based on a True Story: “Dangal” is based on the true story of the Phogat family, hailing from the state of Haryana in India. The film draws inspiration from the life of wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters Geeta and Babita, who went on to achieve great success in the sport.
2️⃣ A Worldwide Sensation: “Dangal” became a worldwide sensation, resonating with audiences of all backgrounds. The film’s universal themes of determination, family, and breaking barriers struck a chord, making it a global phenomenon.
🎞 For more reading, you can visit:
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potato-withanxiety · 2 years
dangal ne sahi keh diya yaar...
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bbqhooligan · 11 months
Dangal goes insanely hard as a movie its absolutely in my all timr favorites but the soundtrack needs to be acknowlwdged seperately because Dangal title track, Idiot Banna, Haanikaraak Bapu and Dhaakad are such fucking bangers i listen to them to feel better and they give me power and strength it works fr
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hazellevessque · 2 years
My dad blasting the Dangal soundtrack for the 174926383516th time on a road trip:
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Finished Watching: 4/1/2024
Genre: Action, Biography, Drama, Sports
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 (4/5, a little biased tbf)
Expectations: I didn't have any expectations going in. Why? Because I've already watched the film before. It's been a while, but I watched it back when it came out in theaters in 2016. However, it's been a while since I watched it, so my memory of the movie was a bit fuzzy, and this rewatch fixed that. I noticed many more details that I previously didn't and I think I got out of my watching slump, which is always a plus.
Not a Favorite
Summary: Mavir Singh Phogat is an ex-national wrestling champion who had to long give up on his dream of winning a gold medal for his country as his family could not afford it. He dreams that his son will win one instead, but he has four daughters back to back. As they grow up, he slowly distances himself from wrestling, but when his two oldest daughters, Geeta & Babita, start showing promise, he trains them, much to their dismay.
Thoughts (*SPOILERS*):
Like I said, I've watched this film before, but OH MY GOD!!! I love Bollywood so much and this film reminds me why. Obviously, this isn't stereotypical Bollywood with lots of romance and drama. However, the tension in many of the scenes had me sitting on the edge of my seat. And of course, I was vibing to the music. Did I think it was too often? Probably for somebody who is not used to films with music. But these are the types of movies I grew up with so I was enjoying it to the max.
Did I love the characters? (Should I even call them characters?) Yes! Were they also a tad bit dramatic? Even more so. The villain in the second half of the film, the training coach, was almost comically villainous. I actually almost laughed when he locked the father in the closet because Geeta was listening to him. Like??? He still sucked at coaching, the fact he still has a job is crazyyy even in the film's world.
Now I am not a huge wrestling fan. The closest you will see me watch wrestling is from all the fighting webcomics I read. So I can't really confirm how accurately the movie portrays wrestling. However, I can attest to how it stays exciting. It makes me want to watch more wrestling matches (I won't, but it made me want to!).
Would I recommend this to anybody? Abso-fucking-lutely. Anybody who wants to try a Bollywood film out, but doesn't really get excited by the idea of a classic rom-com and wants something a little more wholesome? Try this one, I beg. Aamir Khan really did eat this film up, and I actually don't expect anything less from the man. In fact, try more Aamir Khan films if you want to watch Bollywood. They always get me.
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playermagic23 · 2 months
Dangal actress Suhani Bhatnagar was diagnosed with dermatomyositis, reveal reports
Reports reveal that Suhani had a rash about two months ago, which later resulted in excess fluid being accumulated in her lungs.
The news of the demise of the young Suhani Bhatnagar sent shock waves across the Indian film industry on Saturday. On February 17, after news reports were abuzz about the demise of the teenage star, the reason for this remained mystery. Now, her parents have thrown light on the sudden death of their 19-year-old daughter and revealed that she was suffering dermatomyositis, a rare disease which affected one out of millions in the world.
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For the unversed, the Faridabad-based Suhani Bhatnagar was admitted at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on February 7. However, her condition worsened which eventually led to her demise, revealed reports. In an interaction with ANI, Suhani’s father Sumit Bhatnagar mentioned that it all started with her developing rash-kind of issues on her skin, which was later diagnosed to be dermatomyositis. But her lungs started failing which eventually led to her demise.
“She developed a red spot on her hands about two months ago. We thought it was allergy and we consulted with doctors in different hospitals in Faridabad but it couldn't be diagnosed. When her condition started deteriorating, we got her admitted to AIIMS. But there was no improvement and her lungs were damaged due to accumulation of excess fluid," he told.
Suhani Bhatnagar catapulted to fame with her debut sports biopic Dangal based on Mahavir Phogat and his daughters, featuring Aamir Khan as Mahavir, Sakshi Tanwar as his wife, Fatima Sana Shaikh as their daughter Geeta Phogat, and Sanya Malhotra as Babita Phogat. Suhani played the younger version of Babita whereas Zaira Wasim played the younger Geeta.
Suhani, however, took a break from acting to complete her studies and was not taking up any acting projects. Her demise left the entire team of Dangal shocked, and Nitesh Tiwari, Aamir Khan Productions and even the real-life sisters Geeta and Babita Phogat shared their condolences to the Bhatnagar family.
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celeb-stalkerr · 2 months
Remembering Suhani Bhatnagar: The Dangal Star Who Left Us Too Soon
Suhani Bhatnagar dies at 19. Suhani Bhatnagar, who charmed us with her performance as young Babita Phogat in the 2016 blockbuster Dangal, passed away on February 17, 2024, at the age of 19. She was reportedly suffering from a rare autoimmune disorder, dermatomyositis, which caused severe complications after a leg fracture. She breathed her last at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences…
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dharanews · 2 months
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Mir wrestling
Syed akbar pahelwan tealangana kesri 2017 doing workout in lockdown
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famegala · 2 months
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दुखद क्षति: दंगल की युवा बबीता फोगाट, सुहानी भटनागर का 19 वर्ष की आयु में निधन
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