#dainichi nyorai
crazyfox-archives · 4 months
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A sculpted image of the cosmic buddha Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) dating to 1176 by the Buddhist artist Unkei (運慶) at Enjōji Temple (円成寺) in Nara
Image from "運慶と鎌倉彫刻 (日本の美術12)" [Unkei and Kamakura Sculpture (The Arts of Japan 12] by 水野敬三郎 [Mizuno Keisaburō], published by 小学館 [Shōgakukan], 1972, color plate 15
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cyberianpunks · 2 years
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few are those who go to the further shore
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Dainichi Nyorai (the sun) also dies - Esoteric Buddhism 2 (essay)
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In 1995, Shoko Asahara, the founder of Aum Shinrikyo, who caused the subway sarin gas attack in Japan that killed and injured thousands of people, said that Esoteric Buddhism was a superior sect within Buddhism. In Japan, there is a tendency to praise Kuukai, who introduced esoteric Buddhism, as an exceptional religious figure. Is that so? The supreme deity of Esoteric Buddhism is Dainichi Nyorai, the incarnation of the sun. Kuukai has been certified as Dainichi Nyorai through rituals, so he is a hardcore figure.
The blazing sun is a being that never rests for a moment, emitting energy of light and heat and giving blessings to all things. However, science teaches: ``The sun also has a lifespan, and someday it will burn out and die.''Currently, the sun is in its prime, but the teaching of Buddhism is that everything that exists is subject to ``birth, old age, illness, and death.'' This is the fundamental point, and the Buddha made his argument from there. It would be foolish to think that only the sun can escape birth, old age, disease, and death. It is irrational to think that the sun will live forever by capturing only a fleeting moment of life.In that sense, the teachings of Esoteric Buddhism go against the entire teachings of Buddhism and are laughable.
By the way, as proof of the worship of light and heat, there is a strange practice in Esoteric Buddhism called ``burning goma,'' in which a pedestal is made of wood and a fire is lit inside. It seems like they want to imitate the energy of the sun's light and heat, but even if they repeat this childish behavior, certain death will come to them. It would be a wasted effort. You could say that Kuukai was an idiot.
Rei Morishita
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eirikrjs · 2 years
Glad to see you back! I saw some people online talking about Tao's Amaterasu form and saying it was referencing vairocana (I hope I spelt that right). Is there a connection between Amaterasu and Vairocana?
Thank you!
Yes, a connection between Amaterasu and Vairocana/Dainichi Nyorai was considered under the old theory of honji suijaku, where the kami were considered to be local manifestations of Buddhist deities. This is probably the most easily-remembered example. From the Encyclopedia of Shinto:
Amaterasu was considered a "manifest trace" (suijaku) whose "original essence" (honji) was the Buddha Mahavairocana (Dainichi Nyorai); this idea was part of a more general doctrine known as honji suijaku concerning the relationship between "essences" and their visible "manifestations"
As for Tao:
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I'm not really seeing where the Vairocana references might be in her. There's the sun, of course. They just really got cold feet about this entire character.
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Namu Amida Butsu! Utena - Dainichi Nyorai
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roaringwish · 4 months
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Assorted Okina doodles
Based on the jewel-crown Dainichi Nyorai statue from the Motsu-ji (right), that one wooden Shinra Myoujin statue mostly (middle) and just some old lady (left).
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fiddlestickstwo · 7 months
Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken! Take heed, do not squander your life.
~ Dōgen Zenji
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Dainichi Nyorai “Great Sun Buddha” Represents Center or Zenith. Cosmic, Great, All-Encompassing Buddha. Life Force Who Illuminates the Universe.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 3 months
The Solar System
I'm thinking of how we technically have all the solar system represented in the world of One Piece. There's the sun, Nika. The planets Mercury to Saturn in the form of the Gorousei. The remaining outermost planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are represented by the three ancient weapons. Then the Earth is just the world itself.
Certainly sensei did swap out Neptune for Poseidon, but it could be a distraction to obfuscate the themes. Because then the three ancient weapons just looks like they're named after Greek/Roman gods, and people might not necessarily think of the planets.
A while ago, I started formulating theories about the moon because I saw the kuyou/Navagraha symbol on the Koudzuki crest. It is a big circle with 8 smaller circles around it. I have since saw other people pointing out that similar-looking symbols were sighted in other One Piece locations. The Arabasta symbol and Skypiea, for example.
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Also arguably, King Neptune's tattoo:
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The symbol stands for the sun (the big middle circle), the moon, and the 5 planets. The Skypiea symbol even has the word "god" in the big middle circle, which is interesting. Anyway. The moon aside, which we have very little info about as of now, the 5 planets' current representation is the Gorousei, who are "evil". This seems rather odd.
So, I wonder if Imu is the "dark/evil sun" and the Gorousei is also just the "evil version" of the planets. Some time ago, I mentioned that a Japanese fan thought that if you combine the katakana for Imu's name, Nerona Imu, you will get the kanji "kami" (god) and "hotoke" (Buddha):
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How does this imply the sun? The most important kami in Japan is Amaterasu, the sun goddess. One of the most important Buddhas in Japan is the Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来 (Vairocana). Dainichi literally means "great sun".
In which case, if the WG's Gorousei is "evil", maybe in the past there is a "good version" of the 5 planets' representations, and that maybe later a new "good Gorousei" will be formed in the fight against the World Government.
That is, maybe the final fight is "the solar system" (Luffy, 5 "planets", the 3 ancient weapons, and something representing the moon) will fight Imu and the WG.
Related to my Yonkou elemental analysis. Maybe the "good planets" will be the Yonkou + 1 more person (representing the "land", as opposed to the pirates that represent the "sea"). The Gorousei is "stars", celestial bodies. So people representing the seas and land, the "opposite" of the skies, fighting them is thematically fitting.
Luffy is the sun, so a new Yonkou might take his place. And it's hard to see Blackbeard helping, even though he has the "D" name, so maybe the Yonkou members will shift around some more later.
Or it might not be the Yonkou. It's way too early to tell, but this is just a preliminary thought.
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rggtattoos · 2 years
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桐生 一馬, Kiryū Kazuma 応龍 - Oryu, “Responsive Dragon” (Yinglong)
Type: Traditional
Artist: Utabori
Features: Ascending Black Oryu (Yellow/Yinglong "Responsive Dragon") holding a Pearl with Sanskrit for Dainichi Nyorai/ Vairocana (the Buddhist guardian of the year of the monkey- 1968. Kiryu’s birthday.)
Oryu - Depictions of dragons in Japan are greatly influenced by the Chinese dragon, though Japan does have its own native dragon myths. While in China dragons are primarily associated with the element of wood, in Japan dragons are also associated with water and rain. Japanese myth tells of a coral Dragon Palace in the ocean. Eastern dragons are powerful and fearsome, but mostly benevolent creatures known to protect temples and help and reward virtuous people. One of the 4 Guardians of Kyoto is the Azure Dragon, who protects the east. (The others are The White Tiger to the west, Black Turtle to the north, and Vermillion Bird to the south)  
"Oryu" is the Japanese name for the Chinese "Responsive Dragon" or "Yinglong." It is a rain deity, and lends its power to The Emperor, in one case pointing out where channels should be dug to divert flood water.
Black -  Black is associated with death in Japan, but is also used in formal settings like weddings and is considered a masculine color. Black dragons are associated with experience and wisdom.
Pearl - Eastern Dragons are often depicted carrying a pearl, sometimes clutched in its claws or beneath the neck. While the exact origin of the pearl is unknown, it has come to represent the dragon’s authority, the moon, the sun, and control of water.
In Buddhism the years are assigned guardian deities, with the year of the Sheep and the Monkey being overseen by Dainichi Buddha (known as Vairocana in India) Dainichi is called the “Cosmic Buddha” and represents the center, light and the sun.
(Being born in 1968, Kiryu is an Earth Monkey, who are characterized as being intelligent, frank, optimistic, fearless and lovers of practical jokes.)
Flames - Passion, Energy, desire, movement
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crazyfox-archives · 8 months
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Stamped images of the cosmic buddha Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来) dating to 1179, possibly from Negoroji Temple (根来寺) in Iwade, Wakayama Prefecture
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lierrelearns · 1 year
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(I've mostly given up on the Chinese sections since it's not a language I'm studying, but if anyone can figure out the characters I'm missing, I'll happily amend the post. Also feel free to create a Chinese vocab list, if you'd like. :3)
祇王寺 (往生院) 往生院祇王寺と号する真言宗の寺である。寺伝によれば、この地は、平安時代に、法然上人の弟子、念仏房良鎮が往生院を開創し、後に祇王寺と呼ばれるようになったと伝えられている。 平家物語によれば、祇王は、平清盛に仕えた白拍子であったが、仏御前の出現により清盛の心が離れてしまったので、母刀自、妹祇女と共に出家し、当地に移り住んだ。後には、仏御前も加わり念仏三昧の余生を送ったと伝えられている。 現在の本堂は、明治二十八年 (一八九十)に再建されたもので、堂内には、本尊大日如来像をはじめ、平清盛と祇王ら四人の尼僧像を安置している。 境内には、祇王姉妹寺の墓と伝える宝筐印塔及び平清盛の供養塔などがある。 京都市
Gioji Temple (Ojoin Temple) The Gioji Temple, of the Shingon Buddhist sect and formerly known as Ojoin, is said to have been founded by Nembutsubo Ryochin, a disciple of the priest Honen. The main building, reconstructed in 1895, enshrines a statue of the Buddha Dainichi, who symbolizes oneness with the universe. There is also a statue of Taira no Kiyomori, the 12th century Taira clan chieftain, and fours statues of nuns, one of whom is Gio, a great beauty who had renounced the world while still young after she had lost favor with Kiyomori. In the precincts stands a pagoda which is said to be the grave of Gio and her sister, and another pagoda dedicated to Kiyomori. Kyoto City
祇王寺 (往生院) 祇王寺属真言宗派寺院、据寺传记載、在平安時代、法然上人的徒弟念佛房良镇开创了往生院、后来被称为祇王寺。于1895年得到重建的正殿内、除供*着本尊大日如来佛像外、还安置着平清盛以及祇王寺4位尼姑的*像。 寺内还保存着据说是王姐妹等人之墓的宝筐印塔以及平清盛的祭祀塔。
기오지 (오조인) 절 진언종 사찰로 절에 전해 오는 이야기에 의하면 헤이안시대에 호넨 큰스님의 제자 넨부쓰보 료친이 오조인 잘을 갸창해였으며, 후엘 기오지라 불리게 되었다고 한다. 본당은 1895년 재건된 것으로 그 내부에는 본존 다이니치여래상을 비롯해 다이라노 기요모리 상 및 기오 등 4명의 비구니 상이 안치되어 있다. 경내에는 기오 자매 등의 묘라고 전해지는 부협인탑과 다이라노 기요모리 공양덥 등이 있다. 쿄토시
Japanese 号する (ごうする) to name, take a second name 真言宗 (しんごんしゅう) Shingon sect 法然 (ほうねん) Honen 上人 (しょうにん) holy priest, saint 念仏房良鎮 (ねんぶつぼう・りょうちん) Nembutsubo Ryochin 開創 (かいそう) initial opening [esp. of a temple] 平清盛 (たいらのきよもり) Taira no Kiyomori 仕える (つかえる) to serve, attend 白拍子 (しらびょうし) dancing girl [end of Heian period] 仏御前 (ほとけごぜん) Hotoke-gozen, a dancing girl 母刀自 (おもとじ) mother [archaic] 祇女 ? Gio? 出家 (しゅっけ) entering the priesthood 念仏三昧 (ねんぶつざんまい) being deep in prayer; praying fervently to Amida Buddha 余生 (よせい) the rest of one's life 送る (おくる) to spend (time), to live one's life 本堂 (ほんどう) main temple building 再建 (さいこん) rebuilding (a temple or shrine) 本尊 (ほんぞん) principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a Buddha or bodhisattva) 大日如来 (だいにちにょらい) Daichi Nyorai/Vairocana/Mahavairocana 尼僧 (にそう) nun, priestess 安置 (あんち) enshrinement, installation (of an image) 境内 (けいだい) grounds (esp. of shrines and temples), precincts 宝筐印塔 (ほうきょういんとう) a type of pagoda that's a grave/memorial tower 供養塔 (くようとう) memorial tower
Korean 절 Buddhist temple 진언종 Shingon sect 사찰 Buddhist temple 큰스님 great Buddhist monk, monk of virtue 제자 student, disciple 본당 main temple, hall of a temple 재건 reconstruction, rebuild 내부 the inside, interior 본존 the object of worship, principal icon 다이니치여래 Mahavairocana 상 statue, figure 비롯하다 to begin, start 및 and, as well as 자매 sister 묘 grave, tomb 전해지다 to be told, conveyed; passed down 공양드리다 to make an offering to Buddha
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana) the Cosmic Buddha Dainichi Nyorai--referred to in Sanskrit as Mahavairocana Tathagata--is the Supreme Buddha of the Cosmos from which the entire universe emanates, and the central object of devotion in Esoteric sects of Buddhism.
Dainichi is said to be everywhere and everything, like the air we breathe, with all other Buddha and divine beings considered as emanations of Dainichi.
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mistbow · 1 year
Also they are two different things (not at all the same things even), but I've been wondering how, if we think of Sorey as a Fudou Myouou figure, it can be connected to the whole seraphim as the Four Symbols again. Fudou Myouou is likened to a dragon (as in, 竜/龍, the East Asian dragon and not ドラゴン) and Kurikara around his sword (Mikleo and Azure Dragon), has flames behind his back symbolized by the bird Karura that consumes poison (Lailah and Vermilion Bird), sits on a large rock representing his stable mind (Edna and Black Tortoise), and in some depiction, wears tiger skin too (Dezel/Zaveid and White Tiger).
Worth noting that Fudou Myouou is an emanation of Dainichi Nyorai, "the Great Sun", the center of the Five Tathāgatas, the central deity of Esoteric Buddhism and often linked to Amaterasu too because of syncretism between Buddhism and Shinto in Japan. Maotelus is modeled after Amaterasu, and it's always curious how Sorey has Maotelus' crest on his profile in the Perfect Guide.
Dainichi Nyorai's iconography also has his mudrā (of the "knowledge fist") symbolizing that the five fingers of his right hand are for the Godai (Void, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind) and it is penetrated by his left hand symbolizing Buddhist essence.
This is all so fascinating to me. Everything has a meaning. Or more than one meaning.
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kyotodreamtrips · 2 years
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Inside the Tahōtō pagoda is a seated wooden statue of Dainichi Nyorai (木造大日如来坐像) sculpted in 1176 by Unkei. Although it is a replica today, the original can be viewed in the museum behind the entrance.
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eirikrjs · 2 years
If Ahura Mazda is Asura, and Asura is Dainichi Nyorai, and Dainichi Nyorai is Virochana, and Virochana is Amaterasu, does that mean Amaterasu is Ahura Mazda?
This logic does track with the series' own.
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Not a great logic, mind you. And I feel they may be loathe to lump in Amaterasu in with all the "cursed by God" Asura King nonsense.
Besides, the one trick they have with Amaterasu is sealing her away, mimicking the Ama-no-Iwato.
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I also just noticed this in the LP:
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After the Amatsu are freed, Amaterasu suggests to Hiruko that they go to the Kongokai/DIamond Realm to heal. The central deity of the Diamond Realm is none other than Vairocana! I doubt this is an Aeon Genesis invention, either.
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