chrisevansleftpeck · 1 year
Family Snuggles
Word Count: 777
Content Warnings: mention of wine, nothing else just pregnancy fluff.
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Wine night at Rossi’s. Shit. Normally wine night at Rossi’s was good, well, mostly the aftward when you and Spencer drove home and had some of your own tipsy fun. But now, it was just about the worst thing that could’ve been scheduled. Rossi hadn’t called for wine and pasta night in months and of course, once you’re pregnant, he wants everyone over. 
You sifted through your side of the closet, looking for a dress or dressy pants and blouses of sorts. You decided on a silky olive-green dress, one that was form-fitting which wasn’t a problem for you yet because you were only about four weeks pregnant. 
It was a little tight around your waist, but it still worked. Spencer froze in the doorway between the bedroom and the bathroom for a moment, watching you admire the dress around you in the standing mirror. “Can I say that you look maybe even hotter while pregnant?” Spencer asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Hmm. Thank you. You don’t look too bad either.” You looked at Spencer behind you in the mirror. He was wearing a cute black blazer with a plain button-up underneath it and normal black dress pants. Pretty much what he wore to work minus a vest. And damn he looked hot as always.
 “At what point tonight do you think I can unbutton this shirt?” You turned around, placing your hands on his chest and running them up to his neck.
“After Rossi’s.” He said sternly with a smile. You threw your head back with a groan. “You're still trying to put off telling them you’re pregnant.” 
You frowned, arms around his neck with Spencer’s hands relaxed on your waist. “It’s not that I don’t want them to know-”
“I know, baby. You’re just nervous.” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You sighed, relaxing in his kiss. “How are you not?” 
Spencer walked you over to the bed, sitting you down so he could put your shoes on for you. He slid you into your fancy black flats. “Well for one, I’m not the pregnant one. And two, I’m not quite sure how much it’s hit me yet, I guess. I’m very busy taking care of you and your supplements and the doctor appointments that I haven’t really just sat with you or talked to the baby in your stomach. Maybe I’m distracting myself.” 
Spencer finished the sentence quietly as he analyzed himself. He lightly touched your right foot, sliding the last shoe on. “You enjoy those ankles before they bloat.” Spencer laughed a little, up and sitting beside you. “Hey, I have an idea before we go to Rossi’s.” You say, Spencer nodding. 
You scooted towards the headboard, laying down on the bed. Because the dress was form fitting, your very small bump was easier to see. “We’re napping?” Spencer asked, confused. 
“No, come here.” You pulled him close, resting his head on your chest and placing his hand on your bump. “Family snuggles.” You whispered, feeling Spencer brush his thumb over your belly gently.
“Wow.” Spencer whispered, all choked up but you couldn’t tell with his eyes on your belly. “I love you.” He whispered, placing a small kiss on the bump, leaving a little tear drop on your dress.
You scratched the back of Spencer’s head, soothing him however you could. It was very real to him. Surreal at that. “I’m so excited, Spencer.” You said, letting him rest his head on your stomach, his face towards you. “Two to three more weeks we can hear its heartbeat.” 
“I’m going to listen to it all the time.” Spencer laughed, inhaling deeply as he stood up. He loved intimate moments but they always caught up to him afterward. He exhaled, closing his eyes. You met him standing and gave him a small kiss. 
“We can listen to it as much as you want. We also get an ultrasound tomorrow.” You remind him. 
Spencer’s eyes widened. “Crap, right. Three pm. I almost forgot. I need to work on my list of questions.” 
You let go of Spencer, making your way to the front door as he followed you. “Oh god, Spencer. Don’t bother those poor nurses.” 
“They should’ve picked a different profession if they don’t like being asked questions.” He replied sassily, holding the door open for you. 
You rolled your eyes at him, watching him lock the door behind the two of you. You couldn’t wait to turn that guest room into a nursery. You couldn’t wait to be a mom. You couldn’t wait to have Spencer Reid’s kid.
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radiant-reid · 1 year
DadSpencer in an apron trying (idk maybe he is an awesome cook) to cook a meal for reader and the kids 👀
Reader would think it’s adorable because he looks even more serious but at the same time hot and one day when they have alone time just wants to rip it off him
Him cooking pancakes, shirtless with an apron on, on Sunday morning for our three kids who are sitting around the kitchen island laughing hysterically at his singing to the radio is all I want in life
Honestly I’d be dragging him away to make baby number four
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ssahopelessly · 1 year
A Little Writer's Update
Yes, I know. "You're still writing?" Well there's a technicality on that answer. No technicality, I just have had severe writers block. Though I can't turn every spark of an idea into a story, I do have few that have survived and are now sitting on the WIP list. But I know what we're all thinking, "what's really on the WIP list?"
The WIP list:
A thing inspired by My Date With the President's Daughter
(Untitled Thing) with UnitChiefSpencer AND DadSpencer
“Between the Lies”
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desideriumwriter · 2 years
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(9x27) he looks so happy omg this was so adorable 
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plumlatte · 4 years
@jemilys @subspencer I can't send submissions but this tiktok literally sums up how DadSpencer's kids are brought up
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
OMG I saw this on tik tok and immediately though of DadSpencer and Jo.
This is something he’d to do and watch her reaction and just be so happy that she’s happy
no, you don’t understand how OBSESSED i am with this. i want one.
may incorporate this into the fic later 🥰
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gemstone-roses · 4 years
Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of dead pets and animal killing.
DadSpencer and daughter reader
AN: this sucks and I'm sorry. Sorry its taken so long. First time writing Reid.
"Okay my lovelies today we have a bad one, five teenagers have been found dead after being kidnapped and held for a few days, three other teens were let go after the unsub forced them to kill an animal, looks like he kills when they refuse" garcia shuddered as she clicked off the PowerPoint
Panic washed over Spencers face when garcia said where they were going, that w as where you went to boarding school, you being Dr Spencer Reids teenage daughter. Maybe I'll go see her when this is over Spencer thought as he gathered his things.
It wasn't that he was ashamed of you no, he just wanted you to be safe.
Unfortunately it became apparant you were not safe when they arrived at the precinct and Spencer learned you had been taken.
Not long after two uniformed officers burst through the doors with you trailing behind them.
"Spencer what's wrong"
It was like everything had slowed down, Spencer didn't care the whole team was about to learn he had a daughter as he ran to you with open arms.
"I'm so sorry dad I had to I'm so sorry"
"your safe y/n, that's all that matters"
"I'm sorry did you say dad" jj said with a look of confusion. You smiled shyly at them
"This is my daughter everyone y/n Reid"
The team were visibly confused and shocked and jj was hurt even but soon they had all introduced themselves and you were all getting along great.
"garcia is going to be so mad when she finds out that one you kept this from her and two she didn't get to meet your incredible daughter pretty boy" Morgan said.
"Well I don't know about you y/n but I think you deserve a couple of days off don't you?"
You grinned at your father, excited to meet the infamous garcia.
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meganskane · 3 years
So I have this request, about DadSpencer! comforting her daughter, after her boyfriend broke up with her.
just please don't make reader be the daughter
damn right i can! one dad!spencer comin right up!
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chrisevansleftpeck · 1 year
Little Angel
Word Count: 852
Content Warnings: None :)
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“Daddy you get three guesses. What’s in my hands?” Natalie swayed side to side, looking up at Spencer with a mischievous smile, her little hands clamped together tightly behind her back. The fluffy santa hat sitting snug on her head swayed with her.
You watched from the kitchen, stirring the big pot of hot chocolate before the team came over. You didn’t even notice the big smile on your face, but watching your daughter and her daddy giggle together made you the happiest lover alive.
“Hmmm,” Spencer hummed curiously, even though he could easily profile his little girl given he’s had lots of practice with her. Natalie loved testing Spencer, making him profile her and play puzzles. “I think,” Spencer swayed his head to the side to peek as Natalie screamed loudly, giggling too. 
“No peeking!” She said, funny at first, but eventually a pout grew on her face and little tears began to run from her honey-gold eyes, just like Spencer’s. Spencer got on his knees next to her to sit criss cross on the living room carpet. 
Natalie wattled over to him, finding a seat on his left leg and her body facing him. She revealed to him what he profiled wrong. He was almost certain it would’ve been her favorite plastic cookie from a small baking set you’d bought her for her birthday. He was wrong though. 
She extended it towards his face, a little glittery, paper angel ornament she’d made in school the other day. In her wobbly five year old hand-writing it said “I'll always be your baby girl”. Morgan always called Natalie baby girl and Spence always called her baby. It was the first thing she thought of writing.
Spencer gently took it from her hands, holding it in front of his face, trying to make out the writing. He looked back down at his daughter, her arms now wrapped around his waist but too short to wrap completely. “Thank you.” He whispered, kissing her wavy mousy brown hair. 
A part of her was still upset he hadn’t guessed it though, and Spencer could clearly tell. “Hey, let’s put it on the tree, Nat.” He said lifting her up and letting her wrap her scrawny legs around his hip. He walked her towards the half-decorated tree. You guys were so busy at the BAU that Spencer didn’t even have time to assemble the tree until today.
“Can I do the star too, Daddy?” She said grabbing onto and twirling a little piece of his hair in her hand.
Spencer looked to you, waiting for the boss’ approval. You nod your head, “Sure, why not.” You said, turning the stove off and letting the hot chocolate rest. You walked over to Spencer and Natalie and dug through a box on the floor for the star.
You handed it to Natalie as she made an “oooo” sound at its intricate detail. “Thank you, Mommy.”
Spencer lifted her up to the top of the tree as she took a minute to steady it on the tree top. Spencer let her back onto his hip and stepped back, letting her look at her work. 
“Perfect, Daddy. Thank you.” Natalie began to sway her legs, a sign she was getting antsy and wanted to get down. Spencer gently let her off of him as you took her place at his side. You stood next to him, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“I love her.” He whispered to you. “Thank you for having my baby.” Spencer kissed your forehead, his words sending butterflies to your stomach. You turned to Spencer to give him a little kiss just as Natalie poked at your side. 
“Mommy you should hang the angel I made.” She handed the paper angel to you then pointed at the tree. 
“Isn’t this for daddy?” You asked her, recalling moments ago when she presented it to him. 
A moment hit Natalie, disappointment on her face. “I only had time for one star. Can you share, Daddy?” She turned to Spencer with a little pout.
“Of course, baby,” He assured her, tucking a small strand of loose hair behind her little ear. He then turned to you, holding the hand-made star, “You hang this one, Y/N.” 
You took the angel from his hands gently, then rose to your tippy toes and scanned the tree. You felt Spencer's arms come around your waist, lifting you a bit higher. You grabbed one of the faux pieces of pine and slipped your daughter's angel around it. 
“Mommy’s short.” You hear your daughter whisper by Spencer’s side, causing you to giggle.
“You know, you’re pretty short too.” You point out, throwing sass back with a smile.
Natalie put her little hands on her hips, “But I’m gonna be big like Daddy soon. You won’t.” 
Spencer’s mouth formed an “O” at the uncalled for sass, leaving you laughing. You pulled Natalie into a big hug, Spencer joining in too.
“I’m gonna be squished.” She said, wiggling her way out just as the oven dinged. “I’m hungry.”
“Okay,” You said, picking her up, “Let’s eat.”
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chrisevansleftpeck · 2 years
That’s the stupidest title but i thought thanksgiving was bland 😭
Spencer Reid x Wife!Reader
Word Count: 800 (exactly 💅)
Content Warnings: slight mention of ED (mostly just reader forgetting to eat bc she’s so in love with this man)
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You tumbled into the kitchen, rifling through your grocery bags. As you unloaded your thanksgiving groceries you smiled, hearing tiny footsteps and little nonsensical babbles. You turned around to surprise your daughter and lift her into the air.
“Silly, wanna help mama cook for daddy and you?” You help her on your hip, sifting through the kitchen drawers for a pair of scissors. You heard a little “daddy” in your ear, and that was enough convincing for you. You placed the red kitchen scissors on the kitchen counter and placed your daughter in her high chair behind you. 
You walked over to the record player Spencer bought you last Christmas and put on some Taylor Swift. Back in the kitchen you cut open the package of frozen bread rolls and popped them in the oven to cook. Then you started on your turkey, mostly completely helpless. You had no idea how to cook a turkey, and you weren’t expected to know until you had a kid and you wanted to give her a real at-home thanksgiving. Basically a thanksgiving that wasn’t prepared by Rossi. 
You hummed to Taylor Swift as your daughter babbled in the background when your husband entered through the front door or your big apartment. You didn’t notice him, preoccupied on your phone searching for how to cook a turkey. Maybe you should’ve figured that out yesterday. Suddenly, Spencer’s arms wrapped around your waist as he planted a sweet kiss on your cheek.
“My girl.” He whispered, arms still around you as he stared down at the raw turkey. His eyebrows furrowed, “It’s three pm.”
“Yes.” You exhaled.
Spencer let go of you, standing beside you instead. “Want help?” You looked at him, wanting to reject him, but a desperate neediness shone through your eyes. He nodded, “How about I’ll take the bread out when it’s done-”
You cut him off, looking down at your feet then at your daughter. “It’s not homemade, sorry. Just frozen. I was busy.” Your face winced a little, trying to ignore the stingy feeling starting in your nose and the water building in your eyes. 
Spencer just walked over to his daughter, lifting her from her chair and placing her on his chest. He carried her over to you then pulled both of you into a hug. “I don’t care about homemade, as long as I get to eat it with my girls.” You smiled against Spencer’s neck, as he ran his hand along your back. “Also she’s one years old, she probably won’t remember this after two to three weeks.” 
You giggled, pulling away from Spencer and your daughter. You exhaled deeply, releasing your own built up tension. “Okay, what was your plan?”
Spencer set your daughter down in her high chair again then headed back to you, “I’ll take the bread out later, I’ll try to deal with the turkey, and you can make the mashed potatoes. Hopefully we’ll be on the same page by then and we can make the sweet potato casserole together.” You took all of his words in, so much clearer than before. You loved watching his mind work.
You simply nodded and got to work. Throughout the next hour you’d take the rolls out and feed a cool sample to your daughter, letting her chew on the bread. You’d also boop Spencer’s nose, leaving a little dot of mashed potatoes that he licked off. 
“Oh, god I hope our daughter doesn’t have that gene.” You laughed. 
Spencer smiled widely, “What?! It’s a talent. She’d be lucky to have it.” Spencer danced his way over to his daughter, holding a spatula in one hand, “A lucky ten percent, huh?” He smiled hearing you and your daughter's giggles mix together. 
It didn’t seem to matter to Spencer that dinner wasn’t finished until 4:50. He was still the happiest man in the world. 
When all three of you finally got to sit down and eat dinner Spencer moved your hand away from your daughter's spoon as you tried to feed her. “I’ll feed her tonight. For once you only have to worry about feeding yourself.” He smiled at your daughter, not breaking his gaze from her. You watched the scene, him flying the sweet, soft casserole into her mouth. 
“You enamor me, Spencer Reid.” You spoke, unable to keep the thought to yourself. He broke away from the two of you’s daughter to look at you.
He twitched a little, smiling softly, “What a beautiful woman.” He nodded at your plate, “Made with love, no reason not to eat it now.” 
You laughed, coming out of a trance only his eyes and his daughter’s could hold over you.
“Happy Thanksgiving, my loves.” Spencer looked at both of his girls, smiling proudly of his sweet little family.
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ssahopelessly · 1 year
How would y’all feel if I said I’m thinking of writing a DadSpencer fic with DaughterReader… maybe an OC but… [redacted to prevent spoilers], you know?
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