daddymortfest · 14 days
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A Moodboard by @chaos-bear for their work in the daddymort fest.
Chaos_Bear ao3
Daddymort Ao3 Collection page
25 days left!
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cubeberries · 2 months
omg, imagine if tom kills his father and grandparents in the riddle manor and then walks into a room to find a tiny one year old baby. and since tom looks exactly like his father, the baby mistakes him for tom riddle sr. and calls him dad.
so that's how voldemort ends up raising his half-brother. by becoming his pseudo father.
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liquidluckandstuff · 1 month
At this point I think I care more about dadmort than anything else.
Why is Darth Vader raising or reuniting with Luke and Leia acceptable (THERE ARE eVEN CHILDREN BOOKS ABOUT IT)
but when I say dadmort i'm the crazy one?! Like Darth Vader can run the empire while having two unruly toddlers/teenagers underfoot and have actual published books about it, but its weird when Voldemort does it.
Vader killed SO MANY more people than Voldemort too. Like its not even a comparison. Vader is on a different level when it comes to genoc*de.
I want good dadmort, I want evil dadmort I want parent teacher conference dadmort. "Oh but Trippy that's too ooc" Do look like i give a fuck?!
Dadmort in every way shape or form please.
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apicelladonna · 4 days
Look away as I muse about Professor Tom Riddle once more.
Either as Thomas Moregrave from Methods of Humanity by local_doom_void
Or as Marvolo Gaunt from The Oprhaned King by silenceinwinter2019
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racfoam · 7 months
Your turn. How does Voldemort handle Harry’s nightmares?
It depends on Harry's age, I guess.
If it's little kiddy Harry, Voldemort will make sure to hold his hand and open all the cupboards in Harry’s room to show him there are no monsters (yes, he even goes under the bed) and he gets into bed with Harry until Harry falls asleep (of course Harry clings to him)
If it's teenage Harry it depends whether Voldemort is present physically? If he is, he’d first deal with Harry's rapid breathing and help him calm down. Then he would just summon a chair and stay there reading a school book to Harry. If he isn’t present, he’d completely make the dreams go away with Legilimency.
Whichever way, Harry is soothed by Voldemort’s presence.
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laserswordtraining · 5 months
New years disaster and absolutely Voldemort, the horcruxes and Harry
Drabble(or more than) below!!!
Feel free to send me more! Prompt suggestions here! :)
Voldemort had managed to discover that Harry was a horcrux early on since his own rebirth, and captured him from the muggles, keeping Harry eternally asleep with a draught of living death.
It had been nearly a year since Voldemort had captured Harry when he first awoke his living horcrux. He wasn’t sentimental. He had the ambition of eventually having Harry working alongside him, but first he’d need the young boy to feel comfortable, to lure him into believing all Lord Voldemort wanted him to.
So, Voldemort reawoke his living horcrux when he could afford to, which was a rare occurrence due to not letting any of his followers have knowledge of his horcruxes, let alone Harry’s existence.
Over the years, young Harry had been awoken and given the attention Voldemort deemed appropriate. Young boys liked teddy bears and stories and blankets. These gifts and the requested food of macaroni and cheese and can of pears comforted the child and allowed Voldemort to approach him without more than a glance of fear from the green eyes.
Once Voldemort believed Harry was trustworthy enough to not want to runaway(to the terrible life he had before Voldemorts care) he began introducing him to his other horcruxes. Let him play with Nagini. Dressed him with the locket as he let young Harry dress up in wizard robes and silk pajamas. Added to the diary with crayons and colored pencils, logging his dreams.
Knowing his purpose, Harry had grown to understand his place with Voldemort. He asked every time to be reawoken sooner, more often, and requested something specific to look forward to for next time Voldemort awoke him with a kiss to the lightning scar on his small forehead.
Now, after nearly a decade of becoming fully comfortable with the horcruxes, which radiated a special magic into him, he could fully feel the connection between him and Voldemort. Harry awoke to Voldemorts face on his forehead, the long fingers tucking Harry’s hair behind an ear.
“My horcrux, welcome back to me,” Voldemort said.
“Voldemort,” Harry smiled. He sat up in his sleeping chambers, “Happy birthday? Is it?”
The dark lord closed his eyes, “Yes, I followed your request. December 31st, you are now the only person to know my day of birth. You, my darling, ensure I’ve a life still to live.”
He sadly ran his fingers along Harry’s chin. His sweet boy, precious treasure.
Harry frowned, “why, what, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Voldemort allowed his scowl to show, and seethed at needing to admit the truth. But he found Harry could always drag it out of him. Became able to read his mind.
“You’re in danger,” Harry said, “How? What happened?” He turned and planted his feet on the floor next to Voldemorts.
“Plans have gone awry. My horcruxes, have been discovered, searched down, and destroyed. You my Harry, are the only one left.”
Harry gasped and grappled for Voldemorts hands. This was the man who had kept him safe, kept him captive, took him from living life but gave him as much life as he could afford to give.
Harry had grown conflicted, but in the end, he was loyal. If he was Voldemorts only chance, he would be it.
“I can’t be, what will you do? What can I do?” Harry asked.
Voldemort shook his head. “It’s a disaster. Forget it. My reign is over and we have our chance for escape.”
Harry smiled at the half truth, and pulled Voldemorts hands closer, “No, it’s more than that,” he sensed Voldemort was covering what was the truth, “You want to keep me safe, you want me to live. To live together, in whatever world is left.”
Voldemort held his lips tightly together, “You are precious. A way to ensure that none else could discover my true being.”
Harry shook his head, not needing the man to admit what he already knew. “Alright, alright, so where will we go? What do you plan for me now?”
Voldemort exhaled and confirmed what Harry had already said. “You will not be placed back into sleep. We will go where we may live, may learn what you aspire. I will protect what is mine.”
He smiled again, he had a whole year to look forward to, a whole life, a life with Voldemort that he believed he would be denied.
Harry nodded, “Then maybe it won’t be such a disaster after all.”
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[X] dadmort @/LiquidLucknStuf - 6h The only hate I am here to support is Dumbledore hate
Dadmort obviously understands me on a spiritual level. Many of our fellow shippers feel the same. As we should.
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isalisewrites · 4 months
I saw dadmort and thought of this guy
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I have so many questions
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acnara · 4 years
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Tentative by Acnara, posters and aesthetics. For @moonlight-modoki
Everyone has a soul mark. It is not inherently  romantic, it just means someone fits you, completes you. Lord Voldemort  grew up believing he did not have such a thing, that he was above common  folk. Then, one day, a prophecy happens. Someone who is his equal.  And the Dark Lord would laugh at the very idea, but not a month later he  finally earns a soulmark. Harry James Potter.
The war kind of goes downhill from there.
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daddymortfest · 2 months
Time to sign up!
Daddymort 2024 sign up link
Please choose only one prompt.
If you have any questions, please check out the FAQ page or send an ask.
Check out our page for last years submissions link
Prompting: March 11 2024 Choose Prompts: March 30-April 7 Create: April 8 - June 14 Post: June 15, 2024
Ao3 page
View submitted prompts here
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cubeberries · 16 days
i love dadmort so much 🥰🥰🥰
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liquidluckandstuff · 4 months
do you have anymore headcanons of dadmort?
I always have more headcanons of Dadmort!
I have endless plots and scenes in my head for like.. casual dadmort or dark dadmort or anything and everything in between.
Right now, i'm stuck in this idea of during ootp everyone (death eaters, order, Harry and friends etc) get stuck in a sort of au hell scape with them all being forced to work together to survive.
Harry wants to help plan and fight but no one in the Order is taking him seriously. During the day, they travel together with the Order protecting Harry and not allowing him out of their sight.
At night it's a little more lax.
Due to their close proximity, Harry and Voldemort's connection is stronger than ever, but they are both silently agreeing to keep that on the DL.
Voldemort learns that Harry has chronic night terrors that often have nothing to do with him (usually his child abuse) and Harry learns that while Voldemort is of course an ass hole, he actually does care about his death eaters more than the Order let on and is a really good teacher.
Harry actually uses silencing charms around himself at night because he often wakes up screaming and gets TERRIbLE sleep. Voldemort gets irritated 1. because he hates harry and 2. Harry IS a strong wizard and if he doesn't get his rest then they are down a capable defender.
Anyways, through their connection they learn more about each other until Voldemort learns about Harry's abandonment issues, and childhood trauma (Harry learns the same).
During their travels/attempts to escape/ The order fails and fails again to protect Harry from one thing or another.
And there comes a moment where a monster/creature/swarm of something come to fight them all and while Harry is of course an amazing fighter on par with some of their strongest wizards, he still makes mistakes and ends up about to be slaughtered.
Boom, Voldemort swoops in in front of everyone and protects Harry.
After that, harry finds more and more reasons to sneak off to hang with dadmort because he ACTUALLY is capable of protecting him. One night he falls asleep near Voldemort and has the most comfortable sleep in his life. No night terrors.
The thing he is scared of? Muggles(his relatives)? Of course Voldemort is going to protect Harry from them. He would kill any muggle easily. Harry feels guilty about it but he is getting the first full nights sleep in SO LONG.
The Order end up catching on to what is happening. They walk into Harry full ass sleeping on a couch curled up with Voldemort's robes and when the order barges in Voldemort just looks up and silences them so Harry can keep sleeping undisturbed.
Anyways its all mumble brain fog nonsense but its a fun little idea that im just in love with rn and I think about these kinds of things all the time.
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limonium-anemos · 3 years
Hello inya! i am feeling the tomarry draught 😔 requesting some well-written tomarry fics 🙏❤️
henlo! i can hand over these fics i recently re/read:
a rather useless inheritance (kinda gen but it's worth it i promise) by blood_stained_fingers (check all of their works asdfgghjkl
ǟʟʍǟɢɛֆȶ by eldritcher
genius by the numbers by lomonaaeren
of kings, of pawns and of men (wip) by madstoryteller999
the incantation of the oak-priest by relic_crown
what souls are made of by emeralds_and_lillies
the world is yours and mine (wip) by othernight
tentative by acnara
theories of interest by chubbypanda15
enouement (open-ended) by accipitae
until death do us part (wip) by yireum
nemo by phnx
the customer is always right by metalomagnetic (i recently rbed this asdhdjffk)
there's a solstice exchange event recently too
i havent re/read these yet but please check them out as well:
methods of humanity (dadmort but still a dark lord, as my friends said) by local_doom_void
hunting season (wip) by rudehellion
the tangled woods by mendacium_dulce
i answered a recent ask for recs too!
sorry for the delay, enjoy reading! 🌈
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laserswordtraining · 5 months
Happy holidays! Check out my Christmas first year Harry time loop fic! Rated G- words:12k - one chapter
It seemed that Harry alone was trapped, as two days of Christmas turned to ten, turned to twenty. No one else seemed to remember anything from the previous loops or believe him whether Harry told the people he thought he could trust, or tried to prove it by saying everything he remembered happening just before it did. There was no explanation to be had, and more frustration than hope.
The snow sculptures seemed to taunt him, having come back into existence due to Christmas Magic, when he was raised without knowing of magic in any form, for so long. The Dursleys had kept Harry from magic, from Christmas cheer and Christmas gifts, and now he was just as clueless without anyone to blame.
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liquidluckandstuff · 7 months
Excuse me I need to attract new friends.
Dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort dadmort Papamort? Daddymort? Fathermort? dadmort dadmort
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liquidluckandstuff · 7 months
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Twitter dadmort posts because I’m obsessed
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