limonium-anemos · 3 years
Hello inya! i am feeling the tomarry draught 😔 requesting some well-written tomarry fics 🙏❤️
henlo! i can hand over these fics i recently re/read:
a rather useless inheritance (kinda gen but it's worth it i promise) by blood_stained_fingers (check all of their works asdfgghjkl
ǟʟʍǟɢɛֆȶ by eldritcher
genius by the numbers by lomonaaeren
of kings, of pawns and of men (wip) by madstoryteller999
the incantation of the oak-priest by relic_crown
what souls are made of by emeralds_and_lillies
the world is yours and mine (wip) by othernight
tentative by acnara
theories of interest by chubbypanda15
enouement (open-ended) by accipitae
until death do us part (wip) by yireum
nemo by phnx
the customer is always right by metalomagnetic (i recently rbed this asdhdjffk)
there's a solstice exchange event recently too
i havent re/read these yet but please check them out as well:
methods of humanity (dadmort but still a dark lord, as my friends said) by local_doom_void
hunting season (wip) by rudehellion
the tangled woods by mendacium_dulce
i answered a recent ask for recs too!
sorry for the delay, enjoy reading! 🌈
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clarasghosts · 4 years
I saw you reblogging some content of the terror and I am definitely intrigued with how you would incorporate it with tomarry?👀
the terror au is a ‘timeline what timeline’ au where harry and tom are both crewmembers on an expedition to an isolated part of the world in the hopes of discovering some truth about an old, magical legend. harry joined up because, in true gryffindor fashion, he wants the adventure and to feel that he’s contributed to some noble cause. tom goes in search of deeper, older magic that isn’t accessible to them otherwise, but more than that, he wants to raise his image beyond that of the penniless orphan boy with a muggle name that everyone still sees him as.
dippet, in charge of the expedition, and under pressure from the ministry to complete it as quickly as possible, makes some bad decisions that get them all stuck. just as tom and harry start to get to know each other, a magical beast that none of them have ever seen or heard of begins to attack and kill them off one-by-one. (i imagine luna, at this point, furiously sketching it in a notebook.) harry becomes increasingly concerned with keeping everyone safe and getting them home, while tom becomes increasingly obsessed with learning everything he can about the creature.
i love the idea of tom, who’s so academic and ambitious, stuck in a place that wants them all dead, but being fascinated by every new discovery. he and harry have such different motivations, but would arguably match up a lot when it comes to social status in such an environment, as well as why they’re all in danger, and who put them there.
(also, my brain, picturing hermione in a 19th century-inspired seaman’s uniform, is really pushing me on this one.)
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circleofplanets · 3 years
Tumblr media
Summary :
He would always identify his B with a Blaise and his T with a Tom. He will dot his ‘i’ with a star and his ‘o’ with a broken heart.
Harry Potter hadn't expected the turn of events that would occur when the newly hailed school King, Tom Marvolo Riddle, had entered the bathroom. That doesn't mean he was averse to it.
It all started with his giant mouth, the rascals he calls friends and a posh git in a posh bathtub.
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luxken · 4 years
tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with
@fixstationed​ bro legit yeah im just so tired bc im starting my last year of high school and i gotta???? do hw. its not very proggalicious
last song: door by caroline polachek (this song is so vibey pls listen to it everyone it’ll make ur day)
last film: uh i dont remember. i wanna say a hp movie but legit dunno
currently watching: i dont watch tv
currently reading: fanfic wise? nothing. ive got to read like 8 books for school in like a month tho so ig im reading a taste of honey by shelagh delaney for lit and extinction by hannie rayson (they're both plays btw so i obviously hate them)
currently craving: the will to write a word. like. a single word pls
tagging (but not limited to)
@circleofplanets, @treedaddyd, @yeetmeintotheunknown, @unholy-lesbian (we rlly gotta talk more ur all characters) anyone else is free to do this as well lol
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cutcontinuity · 3 years
Late to do this, sorry @circleofplanets but tysm for tagging me!! I think this is super cute: list some snippets of literature/media that live in your head rent-free to the point where you have them memorized; write them down from memory, no cheating allowed.
Love the fact that you and I both have Baudelaire rattling around in there <3 but I have seen variations of this quote attributed to a fantastic number of people, so I’ll give his French first, “la plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas,” which I’ve seen translated a few ways but I like it as, “the devil’s most beautiful trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.”
Shakespeare’s Hamlet has, “For here lies the point: if I drown myself wittingly it argues an act: and an act hath three branches - it is, to act, to do, to perform. Argal, she drowned herself wittingly.”
Ovid said, “perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim,” and I usually see it as, “be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.” 
Atwood says: “I know you would like a god/to come down and feed you/and punish you. That overcoat/on sticks is not alive”
Sarton: “The beast/is the god. How murder the god?/How live with the terrible god?”
And NBC Hannibal when he goes, “Killing must feel good to god, too. He does it all the time. And are we not created in his image?”
There is... more but I will stop here hdhdhdh and I’ll tag a few people! No obligation whatsoever, and if I didn’t tag you... know that in my heart, I did. @amourduloup @wildersage @goldturnedgray @katharine-hepburn @bluebeardsbride @byronicism @abigaylhobbs @chaosandeternalnight @snailmailthings 
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twentytworoses · 3 years
Silence of you (Rewrite)
Tagged by: @eboytomriddle :> Thank you for tagging me! I just wrote this scene
Post 7 Lines from a WIP you're currently working on.
"I closed the office when I left, and I certainly didn't see any flowers. So how the hell did they get in?"
Simultaneously, they whipped their heads at the closed window.
"It's the second floor," Harry deadpanned, more wary than flattered. "There was no way anyone could just climb here so easily."
"Well, someone's playing Romeo for you," she eyed the flowers again, observing them keenly. "And from what I can see, somebody likes you a lot.
Im tagging: @immxrtalbi @circleofplanets @penmanner if you already done this, feel free to ignore me :3
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cordeliawrites · 4 years
Tag people you want to know better
Tagged by @circleofplanets thank you for the tag I would love to get to know you! 🥰🥰
Favorite Color: Lilac  ✨
Last Song: ghostin by Ariana Grande because i’m a basic bitch 
Last Movie: Borat (its too funny)
Last TV Show: Reign 
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Spicy always. 🌶️
Bubbly water, coffee, or tea: To be honest I don’t drink any of these but if I had to pick tea? 
tagging: @fixstationed​ @purplewitch156 @hiredhorse @penmanner i don’t really know anyone but i love all your works 💘💘💘
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lordmarvoloriddle · 4 years
tag meme
Tagged by @circleofplanets thank you and apologies for the late answer:)
Favorite Color: Light blue
Last song: ‘comme des garcons’ by isaac dunbar
Last Movie: The Devil of All Time
Last TV Show: The Haunting of Bly Manor
Sweet, spicy, or savory: always spicy
Bubbly water, coffee, or tea:  Tea, especially black tea 
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creative-reading · 4 years
An unexpected dare. Depraved morals. Sinister intentions. Friend turned foe. What's at stake? A valuable property and Harry Potter's virginity.
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limonium-anemos · 4 years
hey!! You know so many tomarry fics i was hoping if you could recommend some new authors or works? I have read everything n i was hoping for some new ones, that even may not be much popular? I hope this isn’t rude!
it isn't rude at all! i would say you've come to the right place but i haven't caught up yet to newly posted fics or found new authors for the ship. (im stressed irl 😂😅so ive been off ao3, tumblr and discord) but i can help you start somewhere! 😉
for new fics to discover, i often go through the ao3-feed here on tumblr. you can also play with the many tag combinations on ao3! (which is my preference when hunting down fics) i use the filters for each tomarrymort ship tag
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Harry Potter/Voldemort
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
and also tweak it by:
date updated
kudos or hits
completed or wips
and relevant tags (fluff, angst, time travel...)
for new authors/underrated works (or probs a second account from others, we never know) i havent actively checked ao3, but i do follow:
@soughs - their fics are wonderful and heartwrenching and just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
agonizeddaily - they have the spectre!tom fic and im a big fan, this is honestly so underrated 😭❤️
icefall - pls read this fic, they wrote tomarry brilliantly here
@circleofplanets (circleofplanets on ao3)
@relic--crown (relic_crown on ao3) - this fic i swear
@greenbriars (greenbriars on ao3)
phnx - wrote nemo! and they have a new fic titled liminality
ophidias - mentioned on their blog they'll return so let's patiently wait! (they wrote stars, hide your fires)
@maeglinyedi (maeglin_yedi on ao3)
may_may_0_0 - im following their dripping fingers fic, although i havent checked it out just yet!
@fixstationed (fixstation on ao3)
@ambivalens999 - this fic!
these are the ones i can easily remember 😅 you can also go over your favorite authors ao3 bookmarks (this is mine) and hop onto the tbb blog to check the recent bigbang!
hopefully, if anyone else who follows or know more new authors or works kindly tag you in the replies! (a shoutout to my moots as well if they have more recommendations! and self-recs!) 🌈
hope this answers your ask 😭✨
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clarasghosts · 4 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! 
tagged by @circleofplanets​ thanks!!!
i’m currently writing across a few fandoms, so i’ll organize them by that!
tomarry (harry potter)
a hollow grave (canon divergence with sleepy hollow inspiration)
that’s actually all i am currently writing at this moment for tomarry because all my other ideas are like cursed aus that i’m trying to convince myself not to write, but live rent-free in my brain anyway. if you want to know more about them, they are:
hill house au
deep space nine au
the terror au
and if it turns out there is any real interest in them, then i might actually get to writing them! (the terror au might just force itself out at this point)
whouffaldi (doctor who)
in these times
she sought death
charmed au (still untitled for now)
stars of leo part three (dw/aos crossover, also currently untitled)
clavioli (izombie)
not afraid of running away with you
garashir (deep space nine)
Radiance/Wellenore/Garashir au
so many things i want to write! 2019 & 2020 have been difficult writing years for me, not going to lie, but i’m working on it! everything else in my wip folder is original fiction or research, so i’ve left those out (though i’m open to talking about them!)
tagging: @agentmarymargaretskitz @loversandantiheroes @elloette @giveamadeuschohisownmovie
if you’ve already done this, and i missed the post, tag me in a reply so i can read it!
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limonium-anemos · 4 years
your wips...I'm too curious abt all of them but everytime i tell my story, i begin with you was </3 i wish i could have more it sounds so angst-riddled😭 for the wip game, I request 'who returns from the shadows' pretty please?
omg aaa that soulmate au... is angst... (also check out the song that inspired it! we had everything by broods)
7. who returns from the shadows
This is a time-travel/dimension travel au, but aaaa i haven't decided on the worldbuilding.. exactly... yet...
I had just jotted this down back in June! this is my newest plot bunny to date; it hasn't gone far with regard to planning and plotting (I was working on as flowers bloom), and it's kind of a big mess 😂 I remembered a fantasy book I read years ago and wanted to incorporate some elements from that story. anyway, a few bullet points from my notes:
Harry can travel using his Cloak
shadows are indicators if a person is a traveler
When Harry is in Tom's world, he has no shadow
the Death Eaters is an organization after these "travelers" to acquire the objects they use for travel as well as information
the Order of the Phoenix is a "magic guild"
Harry and Tom become good friends, eventually
Tom is someone... prominent... perhaps a missing... heir??? (for some drama?)
Harry dies (temporarily)
please excuse this mess of an au, but really, i think i need to keep this on a simmer since i have a lot of holes to fill 💕 sorry if this may still be lacking in content but feel free to let me know what you might think! 🥺🌟
the wip title came from AURORA'S song it happened quiet btw (the exact words were, i will return from the shadows)
thanks for the ask! 🌈
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luxken · 4 years
rules: list 5 otps from 5 fandoms, then tag 10 people to pass it on
tagged by: @captainremwrites​ well more like i saw this and was obligated to do it and hey free realestate
hp; harry/hermione/ron (they are amazing together the og ot3),the golden trio (they are brilliant together ppl should appreciate their friendship more), wolfstar (I am tRash leaf me alone-), the marauders (tragic boys D;;;;) tomarry/harrymort (I love both of these sm, the dynamic is legit everything and I love the aesthetics associated w these two), harry/cedric (this is a ship full of romance, written in the stars type bullshit they are such husbands omg), harry & ginny (wlw/mlm solidarity right there) luna/ginny (cute little lesbian gfs what more could u want), severus/death (just cute tings), marlene/dorcas (AHHHH they are such a guilty pleasure of mine), hermione/pansy (they are conniving and will rule the world if no one stops them), harry/regulus (they would be so sad and cute together my heart bleeds), harry/sirius (also a guilty pleasure lmao), harry/george (george is just so calm and harry rlly needs that sometimes)
atla; zukka (tell me u didnt see this coming and I will accuse u of being more oblivious to love and affection than zuko), sokka & azula (they are both mad scientists and will blow shit up u cannot tell me they wouldn't be a grand time together), sokka & mai (yESS pls) teoaang (I havent posted anything for them yet but I will bc I luh them), suki/yue (they are so soft and happy pLS), katara/yue (this is top tier sappho in love w the moon shit right here), katara/suki (they are bad ass fighters and will crush anyone) suki/katara/yue (just some wlw nothing to see here), mai/ty lee (they are the epitome of goth girl/uwu), toph & zuko (sibling. siblings right there), azula/jin (this is relatively new compared to the others and im mad abt it for that very reason. azula is just so angry and jin is so soft and can help her heal skjka I love), hakoda/bato (just bros being husbands), sokka/jet (ik this is so weird but I just love the dynamics also their height difference is great), kanna/yugoda (I dont need to explain this u understand), kanna/hama (the tragedy of it all is very good, not good good ew I just like the circumstances they'd be in and I read this rlly good fic once sjdsdh it was amazing)
got; sansa/margaery (they are soft and feminine and lovely just pure femme/femme love), jon/robb (donthateme this is my comfort ship. also ppl ship jon/danaerys which is worse bc they're far closer in blood relation anyway imsosrry it just happened), lyanna/elia (they are WIVES), danaerys/missandei (wlw at its finest they are bestfriends who are in love), viserys/drogo (dont even get me started-)
gravity falls; dipper/bill (dont even @ me yes I ship dipper w a demonic triangle), pacifica/mabel (it just makes sense), dipper/robbie (for the lols)
skam france; elu (ur mad bro if u didnt see this coming its legit the icon for my ao3 acc), Daphné/Emma (I just like the vibes emma’s rlly chill and daphné’s batshit crazy so it works!) (im mostly here for elu bc they're are my love lmao)
damn I rlly didnt think I would go off that hard but guess what ya boi is full of surprises. this legit took me half an hour to do. also im in like less than ten fandoms full time so it was hard to find something that had enough for me to talk abt lmao. the amount of shit I had for atla was both surprising and not at all?? like we all know im obsessed but to that degree- 
if u guys want thats cool if not also cool @fixstationed @circleofplanets @treedaddyd @yeetmeintotheunknown @khaleeseas also anyone else who wants to do if u want tag me too!
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luxken · 4 years
wip game
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
tagged by: @fixstationed​ ur a darl legit saw this and was waiting for someone to tag me :D obvi it would be u u sexy bitch (edit: im a dumb bitch and forgot but- those spy and jack frost aus :::0 i want u to rant abt them to me personally legit would beta for u for them they sound amazing and all i have is an au name lmao)
1. harry potter on zombie island (scooby doo au)
2. in the tall grass
3. this boy is in love (fake dating au)
4. husband in the making
5. techno-wizard!harry au
6. vampire au
7. kidnapped bender!sokka au
8. among us au (zuposter!verse)
9. my honest face (sokka in a band au (the song the title’s named after basically sums up the plot lmao))
9. moon spirit!sokka au 
10. myth of icarus zukka au
tagging: @circleofplanets @treedaddyd @sokkadyke @khaleeseas @kahtara @exarite @lesbian-yue @sokka-with-his-hair-down whoo whoo if u dont wanna totally understand dw
these are all the viable ones i can deffo see myself writing at some point- or at least attempting to bc i have a horrible habit of getting bored. some of these are just me losing it in my notes, some have actual plans lmao
but yeah if u want totally ask! i don’t really have snipers from any, maybe one or two, but i have so much trivia and shit it’s lit :D 
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limonium-anemos · 3 years
i re-checked my reading progress for this month (i counted from jun 25 until yesterday) and it was pretty okay.. i had to comfort myself since it was definitely a stressful/sad few weeks irl 😓
jun 25 - july 22
finished re/reading (not in order im horrible lmao):
- all your stars, lordmarvoloriddle
- mirabilis, lomonaaeren
- relativity, ideasofmarch
- scary love series, littlecupkate
- don't trust the b* in apartment 7b, aroundloafofbread
- a series of unexpected events series, riddleme_this
- case number: not found, doshu
- second chances, Slayer_of_Destiny
- snake scales and serpent tails, ethril
- jonquils and lightning, lomonaaeren
- we will rebuild (of course we will), katology
- the fates (maleficent au), fujirouge
- dabbling with the dark, nyx myst
- harry potter and the shadowed light, itshannieee
- if you come softly (or not, barrel in), hq_wingster
- ouroboros, metalomagnetic
- an altar to an unknown god, lomonaaeren
- a rather useless inheritance, blood_stained_fingers
- the other path, doshu
- times he remembers, spitfire97
- wer solche freunde hat, braucht keine feinde mehr, spitfire97
- hayloft, anon
- send dun(c)es, hypnagogia
- legacy of a shaman, renderedreversed
- five times people were shocked about Tom and the one time they weren't, frankieraven
- to sir with love series, spatzi
- you're the star, staccato
- viperidae, asterismal
- everything has changed, just_amberr
- gods & monsters, anon
- three turns should do it, doshu
- sky full of glass, sofiabane
- iron and sapphires, lomonaaeren
- there's no such thing as magic, doshu
- meeting of minds, cauchy
- the riddle children, isleoffanfiction
- the consequences of a binding ritual series, teecup_angel
- no more, doshu
- man down, classlesstulip
- resurrection, spork_in_the_road
- the customer is always right, metalomagnetic
- god killer, circleofplanets
currently reading: animus, serpentknife
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limonium-anemos · 3 years
Happy New Year!
Back at the beginning of December, I was tagged on another tag meme post:
Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
I was tagged by two lovely people: @tomarryherewewhoaagain and @tomriddleswearjar 🌟🥺 They said tag 5 or more but why not make this post as my heartfelt message of thanks!
This made me a bit emotional, one hundred percent. 😂 Had to type it on one of my notes too to avoid accidentally posting it prematurely.
@oneoftheoddones-art @wuxian-chalory @exarite
-- to the three of you, who holds a special place in my heart! I will never tire of having you guys around. (I know wain and exa has been very busy this year, and as always I pray for your success, and rabbit, you are so patient af I want to cry) I always want you to know and remember that I love you all very much.
Thanks for letting me spam sometimes??? Always??? For putting up with me and my absent-minded rambling. For being too quiet. For disturbing you when you're offline 😂 Thanks for letting me ping all of you with hugs and cuddles. Thanks for being understanding and thoughtful and having vibing conversations.
I will always be here to talk or wait for you when you need to take a break. ❤️ You were the first people I've met in the fandom, and you are more than just fandom friends to me. I'll keep saying thanks for always being there. You are the best.
-- Sanya, I have no words to express how you've become a dear friend to me. You are just an amazing and kind-hearted person. (Your kindness is just endless.) I'm really glad we met. For all those silly shit I send you and talk and laugh about with you, I'm grateful for your patience and for always listening to me ramble 😂 You were also the reason I met a lot!!! A whole ass lot of kind people!!! If I ever bother you too much asdfghjkl just let me know ❤️🥺 (I believe you when you said you'll single-handledly keep me alive lmao I'd do the same for you) You are a precious human bean!!! I love you!!
@seagates-are-open @darciartlett (to mo, ara, bitter, niko, moth, motts, chibi, kelly, amalia, panda, vers, churro)
-- to all of our among us??? minecraft??? buds (istg i will tag everyone if i knew or if they have tumblr) I love all of you!! You are all precious human beings who deserve so much happiness. And sleep. Seriously guys, we gotta get our shit together 😂😂😂 I'm very happy, that I found friends in all of you. To more dumbass interactions with everyone 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
@purplewitch156 @greenbriars @fuji-lyrical @circleofplanets @penmanner @audair @tomriddleswearjar @duplicitywrites @minryll @fixstationed @treacleteacups
-- and many more moots in this community!! You all made my year better! I'm always happy to see you guys popping in my notifs and most especially on the tl. I hope, this new year, you'd get more smiles and positive energy!!! Thank you, I'm glad our paths crossed!
I would not know how I would've survived 2020 without all the people I've met and interacted with in the tomarrymort fandom, even outside of it, and tumblr. Everyone has been very kind to me and most days my heart is full. 💓
Thanks for being brave, to take that first step (whether it's a like, a reblog, a tag reply or an ask, or even a reply to a comment i left on any of your works) to interact with me, just as I've been putting my best, being just as courageous to reach back too. I hope that for this coming year, we'll meet more brave and courageous and kind people; just as we all have been to each other.
See you guys around!
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