#d.va cinematic
reformedmercymain · 1 year
Like how does one try to make a story be “oppression is bad” but then say “the second they’re given the opportunity, oppressed groups will do the same thing back to the people responsible for what they’ve gone through” while the REASON they’re oppressed is *because* they were instigators of a violent war that hasn’t cooled off???
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Overwatch Women Relationship/ General Headcannons:
These are very specific, but I find them cute.
This is super long, because it’s All. Of. Them. I was going to break them up, but then I forgot, and rolled with it.
No warnings, all sfw.
Is very much allergic to pollen.
With that being said she has the loudest damn sneeze
Cannot cook to save her life but makes really good concoctions of stoner type food. That and she is a dip girl. Every woman from the south knows one good dip they can make and it’s been imbued in us since birth. No one else at the party has the same dip either, wonderful how it works really
Has vintage luggage she uses for long term missions
Sleeps on her back with her arms folded like she is dead just to freak you out.
Hates pressure cookers
Is really good at Pilates (she took it up instead of physical therapy after her injuries in the cinematic)
Can fold gum wrapper swans
Disassembles her blaster when she is bored just to put it back together again (she times it and keeps the times in a golf notepad)
Junker Queen
Really good at electrical engineering but has only seen YouTube lectures about it on a shitty rebuilt mac
Listens to nickelback unironically
Prefers fruity drinks, but that’s the closest you will get her to eating a god damn fruit
Can and will sit you down to explain the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy
Is a Jojo’s fan. Thinks it’s under appreciated.
Cannot tell you the difference between jams, jellies and preserves.
Hates chain steakhouses (outback, Texas Roadhouse, ect) Loathes the atmosphere.
Has favorite poisonous plants
Is better than you at Mario kart
Is not good at social cues to the point she will put on the complete wrong music for a situation (think Disco Inferno while she is trying to Rez a burn victim levels of bad taste)
“Does not like coffee” but if you make it she will drink from yours
Spins her blaster when she puts it back in its holster
Likes shows like “How I Met Your Mother” and “Rules of Engagement”
Wakes you up in the middle of the night to go with her to the dingiest convenience store to acquire the best sandwich of your life
Hates coleslaw
Doesn’t count her reps, only times them with specific tools (a song, a show, a podcast)
Has helped her father defy the Geneva Conventions
Thinks The Grand Canyon is made up (Torb told her as a joke when she was little and has believed it since)
Has been to the secret Russian lab where they keep stem cells of every known disease to exist. (It’s a real thing, I think don’t quote me-)
Brings back small rocks from places she goes
Doesn’t like birds
Snow ball has a built in dance party mode specifically for when she is sad.
Doesn’t like using Amazon
Knows all of “Yakko’s World” and sings it to herself
Tries to tip well but doesn’t know the math so she leaves way more than is needed
Has tried to convince Winston to give her a laser beam inside of the accelerator
Wears Velcro for convenience
When she is able to settle down and stop being on the move, she catches up with reality shows and calls you to tell you about them
Puts little stickers on her little healing vials to make them look friendlier… not that anyone is gonna notice
Doesn’t like to eat breakfast. Just has tea in the morning.
Has special pads on her visor because she doesn’t like the way it sits on her face
There is a disco mode in her turrets that she will never tell a soul about
She commits to bits to get you out of trouble without even knowing the full scope of the situation.
Sweater thief, but in the worst possible times. If she forgets hers on a mission, she takes yours and dips
Likes those little strawberry grandma candies
As good of a hacker she is, she is absolutely terrible at 1v1 combat games. Mortal Kombat, Smash, Jump Force, you name it. She isn’t winning.
Phone is set to military hours. You never ask her for the time
Does not nap
Makes jokes about her legs. When you compliment her she knocks on the metal and goes “Quads of steel”. She thinks it’s the funniest bit in the world
*bonus* she may be rough around the edges but she is the loudest laugher at a comedy show
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nitewrighter · 1 year
I was playing Overwatch with my brother last night and we were on the Meka base at Busan and he’s like “wait—is this where they made D.Va’s robot?” And I’m like “yeah? Kind of? I mean it’s literally her map. This is the Meka base. It’s a whole team of pilots. They’re like power rangers kind of.” And we get down to the control point and he’s like “wait is that a launch pad??” And I need to stress here that he has been playing this map since it came out, more or less. And I look over and it’s that green hologram frame thing and I’m like “yeah that’s where she flew out to fight the robot in her cinematic short. It’s where they launch the mekas.” And I need to mention at this point that my brother is a D.Va main and he goes “I’m going to check it out.” And I’m in the process of saying “It’s just set dressing it doesn’t actually go anywhere—” and I just…watch him fly up through those green hologram frames, turn around long enough to realize his mistake, and immediately plummet off the map and die. This map has been in the game for four years.
Anyway we lost that match.
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dvadvadva · 6 months
Nano Cola + other food from the Shooting Star cinematic concept art
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"More concept art from the #Overwatch short, this time focused on food and Nano-Cola!
We are getting a Nano-Cola skin for D.VA in the future, but there's not too many details about that yet. The Nano-Cola skin features a pony-tailed D.VA."
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docholligay · 1 month
Overwatch currently has a theme event with an alternate universe where Talon and Overwatch characters have swapped (There's even a voice line where Widow hisses at Tracer that one of the newer heroes (Ramattra) to Talon in the game 'only wanted peace' clearly swapping their cinematic roles). Obviously they're just doing it 'for fun' with no convincing narrative reason for doing so (maybe they've said something to this effect but I haven't caught it and don't care; it wouldn't be convincing coming from them).
This is all to say, if you were asked to write out how the characters you play with ended up on the other side, how would you go about it? (I'm curious about either/or the entire side changing swaps or just personal character profiles on how they individually might have ended up on the other side.)
Your versions of these characters are so much more interesting, so I just had to bring this idea to you and see what content I could squeeze out =P
Oh wow, what a terrible idea! But so fun, let's do this.
Fareeha I don't think would be so hard to do this to, IF you got to her before she had decided that Overwatch was the correct course of action. Fareeha is rigid, and inflexible, and if you convinced her that the only way to bring order to the world, to make the world fall into place in a way that made sense, was to join Talon, i think she would do it. But I think you would have to get her young.
I would love to believe she's spiteful enough to join Talon because her mother blocked her from joining Overwatch, but I don't actually think that's true, i think Fareeha is much too principled for that shit. So maybe I actually do think it's harder, I just think that IF she decided this, it would be damn near impossible to deradicalize her. Once she believes a thing, she believes it to the bone.
Lena. If I were going to turn Lena, I would not have Winston be the one to find her, take care of her, and watch over her when she got ripped out of time. he can find her, even, but if they hadn't had the chance to bond, if she'd woken up and she's disabled now, and her father is dead, and they deliberately hid the truth about what happened to her, and she's being kept from everything she loves, and she feels ALONE...I can see her taking any bargain from Talon, and being so furious with Overwatch that she is going to burn the whole thing to the ground.
I do think that, unlike Fareeha, she would come around back later and think "Hm. Might've put me foot in it, there." But the line for me is very clear with her because unlike Fareeha, I can seeing her putting immense weight into her personal anger and hurt.
Winston is the easiest. Wherever Lena goes, he will follow, after they connect and bond. He'll think it's stupid, he'll think they're actively doing the wrong thing, but if Lena goes, he won't know how to oppose her (I do not think this is a good trait of his)
Angela, she might be the hardest. Given what Talon is, and given what I think about her personal moral code and background, I'm having a lot of trouble carrying her over. I have her turn on Overwatch, and think it maybe shouldn't be resurrected, but for Angela, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. That's not how she works fundamentally as a person. She can have a big ol hating Overwatch party, and hate Talon on top of it. Angela Ziegler has two hands.
So i don't know, for her.
Hana, well she spends so much of her life sort of out of Talon's reach that it would be difficult for them to find her enough to make it happen. I mean, maybe she's fucking pissed about magic only being real in japan, apparently, or something like that, but by and large I don't think we've seen a lot of Talon's presence in east asia.
If I set that aside, I can see them appealing to her at JUST the right moment, when she's tired of being "D.va! Product!" and wants to really have a command of her own life and not be Korea's top PR character. This is something I think is fun to have her struggling with anyway, and when i get back to writing more I intend to delve into it. So tempting her with the idea of being Hana Song, of never having to blow bubblegum and pose like she's a naive 14 year old ever again, of being a true force to be reckoned with and allowed to be just that? I could see her taking the brass ring.
Remind me some other time and i'll try to do the other way round!
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wildissylupus · 8 months
We know how there was a Overwatch TV show back in the day, who do you think each character idolized of the older gen? Non heroes like Alejandra who might just start using Morrison as a figure to live by. I'm just thinking of heroes like Sombra, Tracer, Illari, Ashe, Lucio, D.va, etc...
Who would the heroes idolize out of that TV Show or just Overwatch in general?
Here's the thing, considering the fact that it's confirmed that Tracer was a character in this cartoon I think only the kid characters + Illari would have watched that cartoon. It also makes sense since it seems that near the end of Overwatch they were releasing a lot of things like posters and other media to try and get public favour back. So for this post I'll only talk about the character I think were either in the age range or would have watch the cartoon.
Timmy - he's the younger boy who appears in the Cinematic trailer for Overwatch and he confirms his favorite member is Tracer. So going by that assumption we can probably say that the same can be said for the TV show.
Brian - He's Timmy's older brother and was either never interested in Overwatch stuff or disillusioned by it because of Overwatch's fall. After watching the cinematic trailer again I would have to say his favorite character probably was either Sojourn or Tracer.
Alejandra - This one is easy, Jack, Jack was her favorite character. Though I also think she'd like Reinhardt, and if he's characterized in a good light, Cassidy, mostly because they have a similar moral code and outward attitude to Jack.
Efi - Efi is also an easy one since it's confirmed that her favorite character is Sojourn.
Akari - I honestly don't know who her favoite character would be, maybe Winston and Angela? Winston because she seems very fond of animals in general and Angela because I think she just likes people who help heal and protect others.
Illari - I don't really think Illari would have watched the cartoon a lot but I do think her favourite character would have been Ana.
Lucio - He absolutely watch that cartoon, he's an Overwatch fanboy so no matter at what age he was, he would have watched that show. I think he would have been the type of person to say the everyone was his favourite character, though I think he would have a preference towards the old guard.
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ottoslab · 11 months
I know overwatch has like dug itself its own grave and whatnot but sometimes I’ll watch the d.va intro cinematic on YouTube and get sad. Like for the longest time I only knew about her as a character through the online content made for her and well. You know how that usually is. But I was genuinely so surprised by the cinematic because like. She’s a competent character. She’s a genius, she’s well-known, she’s a little silly but it’s not the ridiculous sexualized over-the-top anime waifu-ification that I knew her as thru what little popular fan content I saw of her. This doesn’t really have a point because “video game targeted at teen/young adult men results in misogynistic characterization of female character” isn’t a hot take at all but also like. Man.
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lenaperseveranceoxton · 10 months
Shower Thoughts Time!
I think it’s obvious how much I can’t wait for the comfort, humor, and angst that the Story Missions will hopefully provide between our favorite heroes, but I’m also excited by the thought of not everyone getting along or seeing eye-to-eye. Does that make sense?
Specifically, I was thinking about the interaction between D.Va and Torbjörn where Hana says “I heard your inventions take five minutes to boot up!” It is OBVIOUS who she heard that from. Torbjörn’s incessant bashing of the rookie in Uprising continues to haunt him, just when he thought endlessly hearing “The cavalry’s here!” after he said it once was the end of it. Of course, Angela was also ruthless towards him in Uprising. I just think everyone harrassing him is funny. I don’t think Torbjörn dislikes Lena in the seven or eight years that have passed, but I hope to see more of their back-and-forth bickering.
There’s also the many lines towards Cole when reviving him in PvE, like:
Pharah: “Cassidy went down again! Somebody save him!... Again!”
Zarya: “Cole, you are being a baby.”
Tracer: “YoU’Re WeLcOmE, PaRtNeR! (giggles)”
But those are all playful. On the other hand, I thought about the contrast between Zarya’s “Revive Dr. Zhou! Quick!” line and “The British one needs to be revived” line, and I found it to be strange. The latter doesn’t sound inherently nasty, but it’s just weird of Aleksandra to not even use Lena’s call sign. I believe the only other generalizations we see like this are when people call Cassidy “cowboy”, probably because the lines were written before the development team settled on a new name, and people calling the various scientists by some form of “doctor”. Maybe I’m reading into it too much, because Aleksandra can be friendly with Lena (See: “You sure know how to bring people together!” / “And you know how to blow them up!”)
I just think it would be interesting to see a clash in ideologies across the newer generation of Overwatch, because no one ever gets along with everyone in real life. What if Aleksandra didn’t agree with how Lena views omnics, for example? I would imagine that she is struggling after meeting Lynx Seventeen. She wasn’t even sure why she felt compelled to rescue them, and she said she would have killed them herself days prior. Even then, she hasn’t grown close enough with an omnic only to lose them much like Lena has with Mondatta and Lady, so she might not get it, you know?
Then, there are characters like Hanzo, who has “This is no place for a scientist” for a revive line. We can presume that Hanzo will join Overwatch after both the Dragons cinematic and whatever happens in his short story in the Heroes Ascendant collection, and I would imagine that he would find fighting alongside a super-intelligent talking gorilla from the moon to be preposterous, for example.
Or is the line, perhaps, directed towards Mei? Proto VI’s video of PVE voicelines claims that the aforementioned line is directed towards Winston, but AFAIK from my own experiences, there is no way in the fanmade file extraction tool to tell how a line is triggered or who it is directed towards.
I say this because there’s also Satya (who might defect to Overwatch alongside Niran after her upcoming short story), who has an interaction with Mei in PvP.
Symmetra: “I can't imagine that you're here to do research. Why are you fighting?“
Mei: “I'm here to make a difference in the world. Just like you, right?“
Jack also had a now-removed interaction with Mei in Overwatch 1.
Soldier: 76: “The front lines are no place for a scientist.”
Mei: “I guess it’s a good thing I have you to watch my back.”
Hanzo sounds condescending, Satya sounds curious, and Jack sounds disappointed, as if he’s guilty that someone like Mei feels they have to fight for the better world that he, a soldier genetically enhanced for combat, could not achieve. Still, their sentiment is all the same: Mei does not belong in combat.
We also have characters like Lúcio.  Lúcio was literally created to be the embodiment of Lena’s phrase “The world could always use more heroes.” He is a freedom fighter and political activist who, I would say, has definitely proven his worth in the fight against Vishkar, but we can’t forget that Lúcio is also a celebrity DJ. I love, love, love this interaction you can hear from 2019 demos:
Lúcio: “All we can do is fight. If we can beat them in Rio, then we can beat them anywhere, but we start here.”
Tracer: “We? I like the sound of that...”
The Rio team saw Lúcio in action as they were deploying, and they knew they could use his help just as much as he could use theirs. However, I can’t imagine that, say, the New Blood team will roll up to Watchpoint: Gibraltar and not raise eyebrows at the sight of international celebrity DJ Lúcio Correia dos Santos standing there, glowing green hair accessories, roller blades, and all. Imagine early 2010s Skrillex in his place if you can’t imagine how ridiculous that must look to everyone, as capable of a fighter as Lúcio is.
All of this is to say, I think it would be great to have conflict between our heroes in the form of childish bickering amid trivial disagreements, sure. I would also like to see heroes have disagreements in the beliefs that stem from their different backgrounds. Lastly, it would also tie into the overarching theme of “The world could always use more heroes” if we see a few of our heroes be brushed off and doubted by their peers only to prove that everyone can dare to see the world for what it could be, as Dr. Harold Winston put it.
Okay, that’s all! I will see you all next week when I feel an urge to write an essay about Overwatch characters again. <3
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gamingow · 1 year
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7j2d6YCQbg D.va Cinematic Short
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D.Va is a beloved and iconic hero in Overwatch 2, known for her tanking abilities and unique personality. She is a former professional gamer who now pilots a powerful mechanized suit in defense of her home country of South Korea. In the game, she is a formidable tank hero with a range of abilities that allow her to soak up damage, disrupt enemy lines, and deal massive damage to enemy fortifications. D.Va has been a staple in the Overwatch meta for many years, with her abilities and playstyle making her a popular pick among professional players. Players like Poko, Space, Fury, and many others have made a name for themselves playing D.Va, showcasing her immense strength and versatility in various game scenarios. As a tank hero, D.Va's role is to draw enemy fire, protect her allies, and disrupt the enemy's offensive. She is equipped with powerful boosters that allow her to quickly close the gap between her and her enemies, as well as a defense matrix that can absorb enemy fire and protect her allies. Additionally, she has a set of micro missiles that can deal significant damage to multiple targets, and a self-destruct ability that can deal massive damage to enemy fortifications and wipe out groups of enemy heroes. D.Va's unique personality and fun-loving attitude have made her a fan-favorite among the Overwatch community. She is known for her quirky and entertaining banter, as well as her impressive skills in the cockpit of her mech. Whether you're looking for a hero that can soak up damage, disrupt enemy lines, or just have a good time, D.Va is the hero for you in Overwatch 2.
D.Va's Hero Stats, abilities, kit Position, Basic Information
Hero Stats D.Va is classified as a Tank hero, which means she is responsible for absorbing damage and providing protection for her team. Her stats reflect this role, with high health and strong defense abilities. - Health: 350 - Armor: 300 Eject - Health: 150 health - Casting time: 1.5 seconds - D.Va's mech will automatically eject her when it reaches 1 Health. This forces D.Va into Pilot Form.
D.Va's Abilities
Fusion cannon - D.Va's primary weapon is a pair of automatic Fusion Cannons. These cannons have unlimited ammo, but they have a slow rate of fire and deal less damage up close. - Damage:0.6 - 2 - Falloff range:10 - 20 m - Spread angle:Constant: 3.75 degrees - Move. speed:-40% penalty, except when using Ability-dva2.png Boosters - Num. of pellets:11 per shot - Rate of fire:6.667 shots per second - Ammo:∞ - Headshot:✓ Light Gun - Description: Rapid-fire blaster that deals damage to enemies from a distance. - Damage:14 - Projectile speed:50 meters per second - Rate of fire:7 rounds per second - 1 round per 0.128 seconds - Ammo:20 - Reload time:1.4 seconds - Headshot:✓ Booster - Description: D.Va propels herself forward with her mech thrusters, dealing damage to enemies in her path. - Damage:15 - Move. speed:12 meters per second - 17 meters per second (booped target) - Max. range:Up to 23.98 meters - Duration:0.4 seconds min. duration - 2 seconds max duration - Cooldown:4 seconds - Headshot:✕  Defense Matrix - Description: D.Va creates a barrier that absorbs enemy projectiles and deals damage to melee attackers. Please let me know if you would like me to include additional abilities or information. - Max. range:10 meters - Duration:0.5 seconds min. duration - 3 seconds max. duration - Cooldown:1 second - 6 seconds to full charge Micro Missiles: - Rapid-fire missiles that deal damage to enemies. - Effective against multiple targets and great for suppressing enemy fire. - Unleash a barrage of missiles to take down your foes. - Damage: Direct hit: 7 per missile - Splash: 1 - 4 per missile - Self: 1 - 4 per missile - Projectile speed:40 meters per second - Area of effect:1.5 meter radius - Rate of fire:11 missiles per second - Ammo:18 - Casting time:0.256 seconds - Cooldown:7 seconds - Headshot:✕ Self-Destruct: - Massive explosive attack - Deals huge damage to enemies - Can wipe out multiple foes at once - Damage:100 - 1000 - Area of effect: 20-meter radius - Casting time:3-second fuse - Headshot:✕ - Ultimate cost:1540 points
Kit Position
- D.Va is best played as a front-line Tank hero, leading the charge and absorbing damage for her team. She is also effective as a flanker, using her mobility to get behind enemy lines and disrupt their formation.
D.Va's Basic Information
- Real Name: Hana Song - Age: 19 - Nationality: South Korean - Occupation: Former professional gamer, Mech pilot - Base of Operations: Busan, South Korea - Voice actress: Charlet Chung
D.va: An In-Depth Look at the Evolution of Her Strategy D.va has been a fan-favorite hero in the Overwatch universe for many years, and her playstyle has evolved significantly over the years. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the different strategies that have emerged for D.va in the past and present, including the dive meta of 2016-2017, the goats meta of 2018-2020, and her current state in 2022-2023. 2016-2017: The Dive Meta During the years 2016-2017, the dive meta was prevalent in Overwatch, and D.va was a must-pick hero in this composition. She was often coordinated with characters like Tracer, Genji, Winston, Mercy, and Zenyatta to execute high-speed and aggressive plays. This meta was dominant for a while, until the emergence of the goats meta. 2018-2020: The Goats Meta The goats meta, which was ongoing for a long time, saw D.va become a staple pick with a whopping 96% pick rate. Many amazing plays were made during this time, from Fury's 0.2 second grav eat to countless others. D.va's versatility and ability to disrupt the enemy team made her a key player in this meta. 2022-2023: The Current State of D.va At the launch of Overwatch 2, D.va was a strong hero, but she has since been overshadowed by the Ramattra and Roadhog meta. Despite this, she remains a viable option for players looking to make a big impact in their games. With her unique abilities and playstyle, D.va is sure to continue to evolve and remain a popular hero in Overwatch for years to come.
D.Va's Match-ups
Doomfist Hard - Doomfist has more flexibility and reach around the map - Doomfist can bypass D.va's defense matrix - Doomfist has better mobility and reach than D.va - Note: Matchup against Doomfist is more team comp reliant and not a direct counter. Junker Queen Medium - Defense Matrix can counter Junker Queen's Knife, so be sure to keep an eye on her and use it when necessary. - D.va's boosters can push Junker Queen away during her axe swing animation, causing her to miss her attack. - However, Junker Queen's Shout ability makes it difficult to fight her, as it increases her HP and movement speed. It's best to retreat or use Defense Matrix during this time. Orisa Hard - Despite Orisa's range reduction, she remains one of the strongest tanks in the game - D.va should use her Defense Matrix as often as possible to absorb Orisa's Javalin - Play around Orisa's Fortify ability to reach the enemy backline - Cycling Defense Matrix optimally is crucial, as Orisa's damage output and her team's coordination can pose a threat - The best course of action is to coordinate with your team to dive into the enemy backline. Ramattra Hard - D.va can absorb Ramattra's Ravenous Vortex before it lands with her Defense Matrix, so try to time it accordingly. - One major challenge in this matchup is that D.va's Defense Matrix cannot block Ramattra's punches while he is in his nemesis form. During this time, the best option is to kite back and wait for the nemesis form to end. - While Ramattra is in his Ultimate, there's not much that D.va can do to stop it, but one strategy is to use D.va's ultimate to force Ramattra to hide, causing his Ultimate tp hit no one and run out as your Self-Destruct explodes. - Like with Orisa, D.va can try to avoid Ramattra and dive his backline with her team, but keep in mind that in Ramattra's normal form, he is relatively squishy and vulnerable, especially without his cooldowns. However, be aware of his nemesis cooldown since he can also bait D.va into it. - This matchup requires a high level of focus and skill, but it is still playable for skilled D.va players. Reinhardt Easy - Defense matrix Reinhardt's firestrikes to slow down his ultimate charge rate - Keep your distance and effectively kite Reinhardt - When Reinhardt charges, you can either peel for your teammates or engage the enemy backline - Adapt your playstyle based on how the enemy Reinhardt is playing - Note: It's important to understand the enemy Reinhardt's playstyle in order to effectively counter them. You can gain an in-depth understanding of Reinhardt here. Roadhog Easy - Roadhog is a straightforward matchup for D.va - Defense Matrix his shot every time he hooks to make his kit useless - Utilize Micro Missiles to burst him down quickly - Keep track of his location around the map for an easy win Sigma Medium - Sigma and D.va have similar defense matrix-style abilities, but Sigma's rock can't be absorbed, giving him an advantage - D.va can wait for Sigma to use his shield to block her self-destruct and then use her ultimate, as the downtime between taking the shield back and reusing it is not enough - D.va needs to be aware of Sigma's Gravitic Flux and dodge it with her boosters - This matchup is skill dependent and requires a medium level of focus. Winston Easy - D.va can easily boop Winston mid-air, making it difficult for him to stick his landing. - D.va can burst Winston down with micro missiles when he lands. - By paying attention and marking Winston around the map, D.va can ensure he becomes useless and unable to reach his targets. Wrecking Ball Medium - Wrecking Ball can easily bypass D.va's boops and engage on her team, making him a bit of a challenge. - However, D.va can still use her boosters to peel and defend her team effectively. - D.va can also dive the enemy backline with her damage, but she must be mindful of Wrecking Ball's diving potential. - In very situational circumstances, D.va's ultimate can be used to clear all of Wrecking Ball's mines in an area, but this play is considered niche and not commonly used. Zarya Hard - While Zarya is commonly thought to be a hard counter to D.va, the matchup is more complex than that. - It's important to keep Zarya's energy low and monitor her bubble cooldown. - If you catch Zarya with no bubble, she is the squishiest tank in the game and can be punished and bursted down with your team. - You can also negate Zarya's ultimate by using your defense matrix and forcing her to play differently.
D.va's Story/Lore:
D.va is a popular hero in the Overwatch universe with a rich history and lore. She started out as a professional gamer and national icon in her home country of South Korea. When the omniums, giant robots designed for the production of energy, began to attack her home, D.va was recruited by the military to pilot a mecha and fight against the omniums and the forces of Talon. As a member of the elite "MEKA" (Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army) squad, D.va became known for her skills as a pilot and her bravery in the face of danger. She and the other members of MEKA fought against the omniums and protected South Korea from the Talon threat. Later, when Overwatch was reformed, D.va joined the organization as a member of its strike team. Her mecha, equipped with advanced weapons and abilities, made her a valuable asset to the team. She helped Overwatch fight against various threats and was considered one of its most talented pilots. However, when Overwatch was disbanded and the world plunged into conflict once again, D.va found herself without a purpose. She returned to her former life as a professional gamer and continued to pilot her mecha to protect her country. Today, D.va remains a beloved hero in the Overwatch universe and continues to fight for what she believes in. With her unmatched skills and bravery, she is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Whether she is fighting against the omniums, the forces of Talon, or the challenges of professional gaming, D.va is always ready to protect what is most important to her.
D.va Images and wallpapers
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morbid-darkling · 2 years
So, I'm an Overwatch fan, and I had this radical idea of translating my name into Japanese based on the meaning of my name.
I mean, I think it's because I thought Kiriko's name meaning was adorable and I wanted to try being cute for once. So, I was there, eating junk food with my headset on, playing Overwatch as D.VA and afterwards...
Finding out that my Japanese name is Hana.
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Allow me to watch that cinematic again and accurately see if I still relate to D.VA this hardcore. It's so hilarious and weird and I'm going to scream and laugh as tears pour out of my eyes--
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libertys-lovers · 1 year
Film Noir, Joyride, and Nintencore for Lucio! (I know you like p.okemon so I thought you'd have fun with the last one. If you don't know them well enough like me, then replace it with red academia)
OOOOOHHHHH!!! Thank you so much for the ask! This is gonna be f u n 😈😈😈
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🔍Film Noir🔍 ~ Are there any questions about Lúcio that I want Overwatch to answer?
I don’t think I have any… like… specific questions I need answered? I would love to know more about his relationships with his family though, especially his dad (since his dad was the one that developed the tech he now uses)!
That being said… I’d like for his source to tALK MORE ABOUT HIM AT ALL?!?! I can tell they’ve been utilizing him more for OW2, but I would commit heinous acts for at least one cinematic piece to come out about him.
🚎Joyride🚎 ~ How would a road trip with Lúcio, his friends/associates, and I go?
Ooh! I guess that depends on who I assign to him as an associate! He seems to get along with almost everyone, so it’s a little difficult to assign specific people. I’m definitely assigning Orisa and D.va to that, of course! The fact him and Tracer were fighting together in the gameplay trailer inclines me to add her too.
I think them all as a group would be a BLAST, like there’d never be a dull moment. I can guarantee we’d be exchanging stories and jokes the entire time; D.va and I could bring our switches so everyone could game while we’re on the road! I think Lúcio & Orisa would probably switch between driving, and it’s just a HUGE shift every time, ‘cause Orisa would drive in dead silence while Lúcio drives blasting his tunes. I’m not gonna complain tho, ‘cause whenever Lucy’s sitting up front I get to be his passenger princess 🥰.
🎮Nintencore🎮 ~ Make a Pokémon team for Lúcio!
Bro I am ON IT!!
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This is a possibility on what his team would look like! Ludicolo and Loudred would be his “main” Pokémon, since they both heavily revolve around sound. Ludicolos dance when they hear fun music & get stronger as they do, while Loudreds are literally speakers. Not only do they have utility for his concerts, but they have (theoretical) advantages in fighting because Lúcio is their trainer (they benefit from sound, he can make sound, boom). Plusle and Minun, he mainly has them ‘cause they’re cute and supportive, but they can boost audience engagement with their energetic personalities & use their electric to keep the show running. Chatot and Politoed mainly are just gimmick/pet Pokémon for him. Chatot can imitate rhythms and human speech super well, which he’d find cool, and Politoed is literally his entire aesthetic.
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haneys · 2 years
I csnt stop thinking about how there's so much wasted storytelling potential in overwatch, especially with the characters that didn't get to be the fandom favorites. like one of my favourite champions was orisa and there was SO much that could've been done with her. Literally just putting her in a trolley problem situation. Orisa, the protector of Numbani, programmed to save the people at all cost. What would happend if she was placed in front of a evil vs lesser evil situation, ESPECIALLY since she's an omnic following her programming? Or what if she FAILED to carry in her mission, defeated by Doomfist for example? Shattering the hope of the people who she swore to protect? How would Efi cope and react?
Or like. Reinhardt, Torbjorn and Bastion. Now that Bastion is officially under Torbs care on ow2. How would Rein react, knowing that he's the omnic crisis veteran who lost his mentor and many comrades to the omnics during the war, seeing his best friend, trusted and closest ally shield a BASTION. Rein's loterslly the God father to Torb's children AND has his DAUGHTER as a squire. Show me CONFLICT. Because the onky time Rein "grew" past the HAHA COMERADEST LETS US FIGHT WITH HONOR thing was in his cinematic short... and it was onky because we actually saw the Past self of Rein changing after a traumatic event into the current Rein, so that's bit even really. New character growth.
And Symnetra and Zenyatta were SO SLEPT ON. Literally the "X has more lore than Zen" used to be such a meme. Like he's litersly such a good oppirtinity to explore themes such as what truly is humanity and what does it mean to be human? When exactly does the consciousness of a being becomes worthy of recognition and respect? Do you even HAVE to experience "humanity" to be seen as an equal? Etc etc like it's LITERSLLY RIGHT THERE the most obvious shit. Or like. COMMUNITY. What does it mean to find strenght in a community? What if such a community happens to get inflated with false hopes and an loop of like toxic positivity feedback where you loose sight of how life actually looks like outside of the bubble.
And Symmetra... Literally just her finding out that the Vishkar is actually the bad guys. Having to cope with the idea that she's been manipulated all this time, doing wrong while she believed she was a positive change in the world. How would her autism and extreme difficulties with change influence her reaction to basicislly her whole moral compass shattering. Symnetra meeting Lucio. I know we've got the Sym Zen story (THANK GOD but it's been 5 years. cmon) and it was a step in the right direction but not enough at all.
I'm not good at wording myself but it's just so frustrating to see so much potential in something but people doing fuck all with it. How does Mei cope with being the only one to wake up from a coma ami gst the frozen bodies of her dead friends and colleagues. Years in the future, trapped in an abounded base. What wpuld Genji have to do to break down Zarya's walls amd warn her trust and respect. Conflict between D.VA, a new gen soldier and Soldier76, a veteran of the past. Ughhhh there's just so much neat things that could be done with these characters. Can bl*zzard alrwady hand them all over to me. At least I'd fuck around and find out instead of whatever the fuck they're doing. - _-
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lovphobic · 1 year
ngl the only lore i consider worth checking is d.va's LMAO its just. so so good and interesting plus i adore mechs so it was like made for me. tho i'm going to explore more of symmetra and lifeweaver's lore so i'll let you know about it! as for the skins i have equipped for ashe... i only use her default one ansdnfng but i have so many d.va skins i use i feel it makes up for it. what are your favorite skins? also i WISH i could play mercy but my support skills are terrible terrible
LMAOOOO fair fair fair... the shooting star cinematic was so good.. id LOVE to know more ab her team (i forgor the name for it.. with overlord and d.mon) honestly
my favorite skins ?!?!? oh my... ok to make it easy ill keep it to just dva and mercy..
for dva i LUV the nano cola skin, cruiser + the cat skins (black and white cat), edm (legendary battle pass) and sleighing. i haveee cruiser + black cat :) the rest i missed bc i only recently got good internet (i suffered the first 7 years we dont talk ab it)
and for mercy i like the pink bcrf skin ofc as well as atlantic all stars, royal gladiator, combat medic ziegler, and dr ziegler, her witch/mage skins, camouflage (archives) and the sugar plum fairy skin! very tragic that out of all of these i only have the witch skin. but to make up for it i have the eidgenossin skin from the summer games! from the lootbox days haha
also!! i like to think im pretty good w mercy! like im definitely not yknow masters level (speaking of i kinda avoid comp) but i feel like i at least Understand a lot of the techs used in masters. actually putting them to use and having an equally competent team is the tricky part (cant heal when im dead ykyk)
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nitewrighter · 2 years
How somebody managed to "leak" a whole ass cinematic is beyond me, but there ya have it. From a character design, I'm not feeling it. I dunno maybe was hoping her facial features would be more distinct or that her fox spirit gimmick i=wasn't as subtle as billboard. And once again I'm sitting here how any of this magic stuff works. Also the "OV2 is free to play" showing its true self by locking characters behind paywall or grinding to hell to get them. Wow, great job
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They really just hit the middle slider between Tracer and D.Va, slapped in some kawaii Japanese design elements, and called it a day. What the hell is that headband? It looks like they momentarily considered giving her a cool Anbu Black Ops-esque mask but then chickened out and went "Nooooo you have to see her cutesy sameface!" and now she's stuck with what looks like the fox shrine equivalent of mickey mouse ears. God, I used to be so hyped on any kind of Shimada lore but this is pretty embarrassing.
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bandzboy · 1 year
(ovw anon) omg d.va is my fave too!! she means a lot to me and i love seeing other people loving her :'3 and god you're right, kiriko's cinematic is amazing and it was so refreshing to see it after a content drought tbh. she is such a good character and i can't wait to see more of her! i personally haven't played overwatch 2 yet because being the only tank scares me lmao but i might try?? i play on console so as much as i'd like to play widowmaker console isn't ideal for her so enjoy her for me bansdbfng
yes d.va is very cool to me 🥹 but also i saw the cinematics in order the other day hers was so good :< i genuinely wanna see more of her story and see her in more cinematics in the future <3 overwatch 2 is the first ever overwatch i ever played so i don't have an actual comparison to the first one but yeah it's pretty rough being the only tank bc you sort of have to defend everyone by yourself which is a challenge 🚶‍♀️but i think i'll get better at it i also play console too and yes it's a bit rough 😭 i imagine on pc is way better to play her tho oping is already hard as it is and doing it in console it is ahm.... something else but with practice i'll hopefully get the hang of it 🥲
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"Coming from Blizzard"
*D.Va mech clone in cinematic*
You don't say
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