#d. johnson (mirror)
offier · 1 year
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deena + sarah
fear street part one, dir. leigh janiak / “the chronology of water: a memoir”, lidia yuknavitch / fear street part three, dir. leigh janiak
do not reblog!
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voxmortuus · 11 months
Smut prompt 1 for ATJ (possibly tangerine?) some semi public smut would be amazing :D xx
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✧*̥˚ PAIRING: *̥˚✧ Tangerine x F!Reader ✧*̥˚ UNIVERSE: *̥˚✧ Bullet Train ✧*̥˚ PROMPT: *̥˚✧ From THIS prompt list: 1. "i need you right here/now" ✧*̥˚ WORD COUNT: *̥˚✧ 348 ✧*̥˚ TRIGGER WARNINGS: *̥˚✧Slightly Public Smut | Sex in a changing room | Unprotected PiV | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ✧*̥˚ NOTES: *̥˚✧ I hope this finds you well, and I hope this prompt answer hits all the right notes with you. ✧*̥˚ IMAGE & DIVIDER CREDIT: *̥˚✧ @nyxvuxoa ✧*̥˚ My Master Masterlist | Aaron Taylor-Johnson Masterlist *̥˚✧
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Imagine this! Your hips would sway side to side as you looked through the different summer dresses, and he stood there watching you, admiring you, licking his lips as he watched your hips. Running his hand over his face a moment he moved behind you and wraps his arms around you. Leaning in he kisses your neck causing you to giggle.
"What are you doing?" You ask him with a small chuckle.
"I can't help myself, Love, you just… you do things to me." He smirks kissing your neck again.
"Well the things I do to you can wait till we get home." You chuckle turning around kissing him sweetly and placing your choice of dress over your arm. "I'm going to the changing room, I'll be right back. Watch the cart." You smile and walk off.
At first, he watches you and looks back at the cart, and sighs. Grabbing the bar handle on the cart he looks around and decides to follow you. Catching what stall you go into he waits a few moments before he looks around and walks in. Checking the other stalls you're the only ones in here. He smirks. He notices you've already changed into the summer dress and he opens the curtain and walks in.
"That's the dress, Love." He smiles.
"What are you doing?"
"I need you, right here, right now…" He tells you.
"Right now?" you chuckle.
Lifting you up he presses you against the wall and looks over you both in the mirror and smirks before looking back at you. "Right now." He smirks.
You chuckle softly and lean in and kiss him deeply. "Well, what are you waiting for… you know I don't wear panties." you chuckle.
He groans and licks his lips. "One of the many reasons why I love you." He chuckles as he leans in and kisses you again, moving just enough to brace you against the wall and undo his pants. Slipping in you both gasp.
"Fuck…" You groan against his lips as you continue to kiss him.
"Fuck indeed." He groans back.
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
hello ! i would like to ask if u know any fics about crossovers between the 1992 movie script & any other alternate good omens universe . any kind that somewhat has them interact w the characters there (like a body swap or an au meet up, anything of the sort)
thank you for the hard work, this blog was a godsend (haha) !!
Here are some fics which crossover with the 1992 movie script...
Crowleys Anonymous by IneffableAlien (T)
The boys meet 1992moviescript!Crowley.
A Cursed Case of Accidental Identity Theft by hellsteeth (G)
Sometimes, the universe likes to play tricks on us. Perhaps to teach us a lesson. Perhaps for its own amusement. Perhaps because nothing actually matters, and reasons are stories we tell ourselves to help us sleep at night. Regardless, this is a story about one of these tricks, in which an angel and a demon stare into the funhouse mirror of reality and catch a glimpse of their cursed counterparts. Welcome to the circus. Bring out the clowns. (Crowley and Aziraphale are exposed to the other's 1992 screenplay counterpart)
The Tadfield Secondary Players by attheborder, malicegeres (G)
Colin "Greasy" Johnson's aspirations as a prodigy playwright are put to the test by a panel of judges. After all, who better to evaluate a play about the apocalypse, than an angel and a demon who were really there? Even better: three pairs of angels and demons, each from a slightly different universe. Boundaries will be pushed. The limits of theatrical good taste will be tested. Narratives will be deconstructed. Vomit-inducing quippy one-liners will be dished out. From the mists of the multiverse, GOOD OMENS: A STAGEPLAY will arise. And nothing will ever be the same...
Limitless by SmokingMirrorChaos, Yvesriba (T)
Crowley has never known a world with Aziraphale. Where he's from, his counterpart was the angel Anathema. 6000 years of friendship eventually lead to them traveling between worlds until they discover one where there has never been a Crowley. But, there is an Aziraphale. They met and fall in love and with Aziraphale, Crowley finds the happiness he's always sought. A tale told in Crowley's stories to Aziraphale and flashbacks.
The Other Side by Fanlan (M)
Summary: She works in mysterious ways, keeping every timeline and every alternate version of each universe windingly like threads on the tip of her fingers. Maybe it was an accident, maybe it was to fix something or maybe it was just a test, but she twisted two of those threaded universes together, making a small change in each one: switching an Aziraphale for an Aziraphale. (A what if take if Show! Aziraphale and 1992 Script! Aziraphale swapped places)
- Mod D
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anglophiletraveler · 1 month
And Baby Makes...Eight?
This little fic was written for the Deano Bingo, unfortunately, I didn’t get it done by the end of April, but I’m putting it out there anyway.  For clarification, I refer to Mitchell in this story most of the time as John, because Anders calls him John, but the rest of the family still call him Mitchell.  I hope you like this little fic that turned out way longer than I first anticipated it would be, and has not been seen by a beta.  
The scene looked like it was something from a Lucille Ball movie - a waiting room in a maternity ward of a nondescript hospital with the typical baby colours and decorations and signs giving advice to new parents.  Various chairs are arranged along the walls of the room with white cubes in the middle of the room holding various magazines such as ‘Parent Life,’ ‘First Time Parents,’ ‘Working Mother,’ ‘Autism Parenting,’ and ‘Green Parenting’.  Along one wall was a large coffee maker to assist in those long nights of labour.  
On this particular day, the waiting room started out quiet and empty. The nursing staff was enjoying a slow day. But soon the Johnson family would be descending upon the room like a battalion storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. There were going to be various uncles pacing the waiting room like the expectant fathers they weren’t.  
Ty and Dawn had waited to start a family until the Norse gods had ascended from their human vessels, leaving them behind to lead normal human lives, whatever that may be. To Mitchell’s surprise, Bragi had granted Anders' wish of John becoming a mortal once again.  The former vampire could now see his reflection in mirrors, and his eyes no longer turned black and he could now have a normal toothache without fangs!  So the Kiwi and the Irishman had taken the plunge and married in a nice civil ceremony at the courthouse.  After John had graduated from nursing school and was now working as an RN at the hospital, the couple had finally left Anders’s bachelor flat and bought a home with a large back garden where their two rescue dogs ran around.  They weren’t sure of their breeds but the small grey one looked like the combination of a weiner dog and a poodle, so of course they named him Tank, and the larger brown and black dog could have been a mix between a great dane and a labrador retriever. So his name had to be Tiny. 
Throughout Dawn’s pregnancy, Anders always put on the cocky front that this was going to be an ugly baby just like the billion other babies out in the world.  But of course when nobody was watching, he doted on Dawn in the office whenever he could.  He often made her recline on the sofa and put her feet up on pillows.  
John was thrilled about Dawn’s pregnancy.  He had always wanted to be a father, but his previous circumstance of being a vampire had snuffed out that dream.  For the most part, Anders had gone along with John’s constant talk about babies, but occasionally felt he had to reign John in a wee bit.  He really didn’t want to hear about his sister-in-law’s birth canal and the stages that it went through, sore nipples, nor did he care to hear about something called a placenta.  John started reading baby books and whenever he found something that he thought Ty and Dawn should know, he immediately called them or went over to their home to tell them about it.  It really was quite sweet, and secretly Dawn enjoyed all of the attention.  Ty hadn’t minded it until the day after Mitchell had read the chapter on breastfeeding.   It was on that day that Anders and Mitchell had actually showed up at their house with multiple nursing bras, nursing nightgowns, a breast pump and various essentials including breast pump wipes, hot and cold breast pads, nipple shields, and of course nipple cream.  At first Ty thought they had brought all of this over as a joke, until Dawn pulled him aside and explained to him that it was done out of love.
So it was no surprise that Anders and John had been the first uncles to show up at the waiting room after Ty called them at 8 o’clock in the evening with the news that Dawn was having contractions and they were on their way!  The couple had tried to wait at home for news from Ty, but after they had both bitten off all their fingernails, they grabbed the hospital bag that they had packed for themselves (uncles need their own hospital bag?) and headed to the hospital.  Once they had arrived at the waiting room, they had set up camp in the corner of the waiting room closest to the coffee maker.  For a while they kept their wits about them, watching the staff go about their duties.  Every once in a while a nurse that John knew, would stop and chat with him.  
One nurse that John had gotten to know from his clinicals in the labour and delivery unit tried to talk him into coming to work for the labour and delivery department, “John, I was really surprised that you didn’t try for a position here.  You were such a natural during your clinicals, and worked really well with the moms.”  Anders watched John closely when she mentioned this.
John shook his head, “Aw, Julie you’re sweet.  Have you met my husband Anders?  Anders this is Julie, she’s the charge nurse for labour and delivery.”  Julie and Anders exchanged pleasantries.  Anders was impressed that this nurse was so impressed by John’s skills and spoke so highly of him.  He hadn’t met very many of John’s coworkers so he enjoyed this exchange.  John had his trademark smile on his face, “I did enjoy working here, but I think that it would be really hard working here and not being able to have one of my own.”
“I get it.  Well you and Anders could always hire a surrogate or adopt!  Where there’s a will there’s a way!  Well, I better get going.  It was nice seeing you again.”
Anders noticed the large sigh that John let out as Julie walked away, and the smile disappeared.  “Um, I’ll be right back, going to the loo,” Mitchell mumbled as he left Anders behind.  It broke Anders’ heart a little to see John's gorgeous smile disappear.  He knew how much he wanted children.  Anders had always discouraged the idea because he knew he would be a shit dad. As much as they loved their dogs, sometimes it didn’t seem like quite enough for John.
At one point Ty took a break from the birthing room and came out for a cup of coffee and some reassurance from his brother and brother-in-law.  
Anders noticed that his brother looked worn out, “Ty, are you alright?  Would you like one of us to go in with Dawn for a while?”
Mitchell and Ty both looked shocked at what Anders was offering.  
“I appreciate that Anders, but I don’t think you realise what goes on in that room.  And I don’t know if Dawn would want you in there, no offence.”
“None taken.  Well, if you change your mind, the offer still stands.”
Mitchell was interested in how the new mother was doing, “So Ty, how’s Dawn doing?  How far is she dilated?”
Ty sighed, “She’s tired, but she’s doing really well.  I’m so amazed by her strength.  She’s still dilated at six, so hopefully she starts progressing soon.”
Mitchell was shaking his head in agreement, “She will mate, don’t worry.  Don’t forget that since this is her first bairn, the labour can take longer.”
Ty finished his coffee, “I’ll keep that in mind.  I better get back in there.  Thanks for being here guys.”
Anders and John got up to give Ty a big hug.  With tears in his eyes, Anders clasped Ty’s face, “We’re here for you baby brother.”  
After Ty left the waiting room, Mitchell looked at Anders, “You know, I’m totally shocked that you offered to go into the birthing room to help Dawn out.  I’m actually pretty impressed, Anders.”
“Nah, I care about Dawn.  I’ve seen her at her worst, and she’s seen me at mine.  What’s a few contractions between friends?  People forget that I’ve known Dawn longer than Ty has.”
Mitchell smiled at Anders and gave him a quick kiss.
Later on, Mike, Michelle and Axl carrying an extremely large teddy bear, came strolling in at just about the time Dawn’s screams went up a decibel or two.
Axl was standing around with his hands in his pockets while the rest of the Johnsons were chatting.  Finally he asks, “Who is that screaming?”  They all stop talking and turn around and look at Axl in disbelief and yell, “Dawn!”
Axl came to the realization, “Are you fucking kidding me?  That’s Dawn screaming?  Holy shit!”
“Axl! If you get us kicked out of here, I’m going to shove that bear up your arse!” Anders threatened his brother.  John put his hand on Anders’s shoulder to try to calm him down, “C’mon love, lets go sit down.”  The other three followed suit and sat down.
Mike looked at his watch, “So Anders, how long has Dawn been screaming like that?”
Anders looked at John, “I don’t know, what do you think John? About a half hour?”
“Yeah, her contractions have really started getting closer and harder.  I’m sure that Ty’s losing the feeling in his hands by now,” John replied.
“Better him than me!” Michelle was her typical supportive self.  
Axl was holding the teddy bear looking pale, “I thought that was only in the movies that women screamed like that when having babies.”
Mitchell smiled at his young brother-in-law, “Every mum is different, Axl. And it also depends on if it’s the mum’s first bairn or not.”  
Axl nodded his head like he understood what Mitchell just said.  
There were the typical overhead pages for a hospital going off.  Mitchell and Michelle listened to them instinctually but didn’t react to them since they weren’t working.  At one point there was a Code Blue called that raised Mitchell’s attention.  Anders looked at Mitchell, “Isn’t that where you work, babe?”  Mitchell nodded his head, “Yep, sure is.  I don’t know who it would be though, there wasn’t a patient in that bed yesterday when I worked.”
“Well, do we know if this new Johnson is a boy or a girl?” Michelle asked.  
Anders chuckled at Michelle’s coldness when asking about the baby, “No we don’t know.  Ty and Dawn decided not to tell anyone the sex of the baby.  Michelle, weren’t you there at the baby shower?”
“God no.  I can’t stand those things and all of those stupid games they play.  And then some mother starts talking about how long her contractions were when they were in labour and where she was when her waters broke.”
Some more screaming came from the birthing room, which made Michelle clinch her legs together.  
Axl stood up all of a sudden, “Oh shit, more screaming!”
Michelle stood up now, “Of course she’s screaming Axl, she’s pushing a watermelon through her vagina!”
Anders huffed at Michelle, “Well Michelle, nobody can accuse you of being overly maternal.”
Mike stood up and steered Axl away from Michelle, “Why don’t you just have a seat Axl, this could take a long time.”
The main doors to the unit opened and everyone looked to see who it was.  It turned out to be someone from environmental services riding the floor cleaner that looked like a little zamboni.  
“Jeezus, the fumes that thing leaves behind is almost as bad as a real zamboni,” Mike observed.
John looked at his watch and got up and made more coffee for everyone since it seemed like it could be a long night ahead.  He was starting to feel a little nervous on the inside but he didn’t let anyone else know how he was feeling.  It had been five hours since he and Anders had arrived at the hospital, and another six or seven hours that Dawn had contractions while at home, and while 10-12 hours wasn’t a horribly long time for labour, it was enough that it was making him nervous.  The nurse in him wished that he was in the birthing room and knew how dilated Dawn was and what the baby’s heart rate was.  He found himself staring out a window at the dark night and the street lights lighting the way for those drivers who happened to be out at this time of night.  He heard a voice beside him, “She’s going to be fine.” John turned his head to find Michelle standing next to him.  “Sometimes being a nurse or a doctor is harder when you know what can go wrong in a situation.  But she’ll be fine,” John was surprised by Michelle’s soothing voice.
He let out a big sigh, “Yeah, I just wish that I was in there and knew what was going on.  I don’t like being on this side of the waiting room.”  John turned around and noticed that Mike and Anders were pacing, and Axl was pouting in the corner holding on to the large bear with a face like a little boy. The scene made Mitchell smile.  
The double doors to the birthing rooms opened causing everyone to turn and see Ty come through wearing scrubs.  He sat down exhausted rubbing his face with his hands, “The nurses are changing Dawn’s bed so I came out here for a break.”
Everyone spoke at once asking for the latest news on Baby Johnson.  Ty raised his hands to get them to quiet down, “The nurses say they don’t think it will be much longer, maybe another hour or so.  I feel so bad for her.  She’s getting tired.  I wish that I could take the pain away from her.”
John sat down next to Ty and put his hand on his shoulder, “Aw, it’ll be over soon, mate.  Just keep rubbin’ her back for her.”
“I feel so helpless, like I’m not doing enough for her…”
Michelle interjected, “I’m sure you’re doing everything you can Ty.  Mitchell’s right, just keep rubbing her back.  Fall back on what you learned in the birthing classes.”
One of the ward nurses came back out to get Ty, so he went back in with Dawn.  
Michelle’s personality changed as soon as he walked out of the room.  She turned and looked at Mike, “Don’t ever think of getting me pregnant!”  Mike’s eyes got big as saucers and raised his hands to let her pass through.
Two pots of coffee and two hours later, the Johnson brigade was back to pacing in the waiting room, although Axl had managed to fall asleep in his chair still holding the gargantuan teddy bear.  Throughout the night the brothers had managed to move the teddy bear in different poses and took several pictures of Axl holding it!  
Mitchell suddenly noticed the nurses in the nursing station got busier and left the station to go back towards the birthing rooms. Then the scream from Dawn got lower. John turned to look at Michelle but she was already looking at him.  
Then there was silence and everyone stopped in their tracks.
Then there was a tiny cry!  Everyone let out a sigh of relief and laughter.  One of the nurses that Mitchell knew came back out quickly and gave a thumbs up to the family and went back in. That was a huge relief to everyone, in particular to John.  Anders looked for his husband and finally found him sitting on a chair with his face in his hands crying.  Anders kneeled in front of him and put his hands on John’s, “Hey Babe, it’s okay.  It’s over… Love?” He moved to sit in the chair next to him and started running his hand through John’s hair to try and comfort him.  Anders let John take a moment to get himself together.  When John dried his eyes he raised his head and Anders gave him a big hug and kiss.  He placed his hands on Mitchell’s face, “I’ve been watching you all night.  You’ve been worried about Dawn this whole time, haven’t ya?”
John had a few tears roll down his face  and nodded his head, “Yes, I have to admit it.  I’ve been worried off and on.  I’ve been going nutter not being in there to make sure Dawn was alright.”  Anders gave John another hug.  
“What the hell is going on?” Axl’s voice coming from the corner.  Everyone looked at him and laughed.
As soon as Dawn was cleaned up and moved to her room, and all of the measurements of the newborn were done, four uncles, one aunt and one bear were gowned and allowed to go meet the newest Johnson.  The door slowly opened and three heads stuck through the door to find a pink cheeked Dawn sitting up in bed holding a bundle of joy with Ty standing next to her with the biggest smile anyone has ever seen on his face!
A smiling Ty waved everyone in, “Come on in, come in!” And they all pushed through, including the giant bear.
Dawn was laughing at all of the family, and everyone was asking “What is it!  Is it a boy or a girl” 
Dawn couldn’t stop smiling, “Look what we made!  This is Miss Johnson!”
Everyone was oohing and aahing at finally having a baby girl in the family to spoil!  Even Mike was smiling at the baby.
“Dawn, you look amazing!  How do you feel?” Michelle asked the new mother.
“I feel great! Kind of numb, but very happy!  Mike, would you like to hold her first?” Dawn asked the eldest brother.
Mike looked shocked, “Me! Why me?”
Anders laughed at his brother, “Because you’re the old man, bro!”
Ty gingerly handed the baby to Mike, “It’s been a long time since anyone in this family has held a baby.”  Mike started cooing at her and looking at her tiny hand.  “She’s so tiny! Aren’t you a beauty!  You like your mum, thank goodness!”  Everyone chuckled at that.  Mike looked up at Axl, “Axl do you want to hold her?”
Axl looked pensive at the thought and rubbed his hands on his pants.  He looked at Dawn, “I don’t know how, I don’t want to drop her.”
Ty looked at his baby brother, “Go ahead Axl, you’ll be fine.”  Mike carefully handed her to Axl and showed him how to support her head.  Axl got a grin on his face and just stared at her for a moment, and then she fussed a bit, “Here you better take her back Mike.”
“Hang on you egg, it’s my turn,” Anders walked over to Axl and took the baby from him like an old pro.  “I used to hold you when you were this young Axl.  Look at you gorgeous!  Look at that beautiful blonde hair just like your favourite uncle’s.  You are certainly a beauty, and we are going to beat off any man that looks at you twice.”
Mitchell stood behind Anders with his hands on his arms while he held their new niece.  He had tears in his eyes watching Anders hold their new niece.  He was definitely a natural at it.  Anders looked up at Michell, “Are you crying again?  You are such a sap!”
Mitchell shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t help it!  I love babies, especially this one.  Here, hand her over to me now.”  Mitchell took her from Anders.  Instead of holding her in his arms like everyone else did, he held her up close to his shoulder so he could smell her.  “I love that new baby smell.  Dawn and Ty looked at each other briefly and then smiled at Mitchell.  He lowered her to his arms so that he could stare at her some more.
Michelle spoke up, “So you never said…what did you name her?”
“Well, it was a hard decision.  We couldn’t agree on a name that we both liked,” Dawn said.
“So then we thought of family names…” Ty said with an unsure voice.
Mike cringed, “Oh don’t tell me that you named her Agnetha.”
Dawn was still smiling, “No of course not.  Well none of us have mothers that we loved enough that we would want to name her after except… Mitchell!”  Mitchell was still in awe of the baby and didn’t catch on to what was being said around him.  “Mitchell loved his mother very much, so we named her Mary Elizabeth.”   Finally Mitchell heard something to make him pay attention, “What?  You named her after… my mum?!”
Dawn looked at Mitchell a little more seriously, “Is that alright?  I know we didn’t ask you.  If you don’t want us to, we can always change it.”
Anders was watching the shocked look on John’s face, “Oh fuck he’s going to start crying again!”
“I can’t believe that you… what an honour.  Thank you so much!  That means the world to me!”  Mitchell leaned down to kiss Mary Elizabeth on the head.  Anders wrapped an arm around John’s waist and leaned in to his husband, and smiled.
Anders cleared his throat and looked at the new parents, “That’s really lovely.  Thank you.”
The door opened and a nurse stepped in the room, “Alright everyone.  It’s late and this new mum and babe need their rest.  You can visit them tomorrow.”
Mike spoke up, “Alright guys, you all heard the lovely lady, time to go.  Congratulations Ty and Dawn, you have a beautiful daughter.”  They all said their goodbyes to the baby still in Mitchell’s arms on their way out the door.  Anders and John were still standing, staring at Mary Elizabeth.  
“Babe, I think it’s time to go,” Anders patted John on the shoulder.
“I guess,” John walked over to give the baby back to Dawn, “Here ya go all safe and sound.  Thank you so much for naming her for my mum.  It’s really special for me.”
“You’re welcome, Mitchell,” Dawn said.
Anders and John shuffled into their house dead tired.  It had been a long night at the hospital and they were just ready to go to bed but Tank and Tiny came running over to greet their parents with a high pitch, yappy bark and a deep ferocious bark.  If one didn’t really know Tiny’s personality, you would think he was going to swallow you whole, but he was just a teddy bear.
"Oh fuck I forgot about you two,” Mitchell’s voice was tired and a little hoarse.  “Come on you two wankers, I’ll let you outside.”  This was one of the times that he was very grateful that the back garden was fenced in and all they had to do was open the back door to let the beasts out.
Anders had already started to strip, “John do you want anything to drink or eat?”
John sat at the kitchen table waiting for the dogs to come back inside, “Something cold.  Do we have any bottled water in the icebox?”
Anders smiled at John calling it an icebox, a reference to his childhood days in Ireland.  He opened the fridge door, “Uh yes, yes we do.  You want that?”
“Yes please.  I can’t believe how exhausted I am.  I’m more tired than if I had worked a normal 12 hour shift,” John saw that the dogs were just playing around now so he whistled for them to come inside.  He followed Anders’s lead and started taking his clothes off. He chugged one bottle of water down right away and grabbed another to take upstairs.  
Anders wrapped his arm around John’s naked waist and kissed his neck, “C’mon babe, let’s go to bed.”  He locked the back door and turned off the kitchen light and pulled John to go upstairs with him, the dogs following right behind them.
Tank and Tiny jumped up on the king-size bed and took their place waiting for their masters.  Anders had tried to train them to not sleep on the bed, but eventually gave up when he caught John several times allowing the dogs on the bed.
“Are you going into the office tomorrow?” 
Anders sighed, “Fuck no, at least not right away.  I do have some afternoon appointments that I have to attend to.  What about you?”  Anders finished stripping and climbed into bed.
“Umm what’s today?”
Anders looked at his phone, “It is now officially Thursday the 10th.”
John looked at his work scheduled on his phone, “I guess I’m off today.  Well, Miss Mary Elizabeth has great timing!” The smile had returned to John’s face as he crawled into Anders’s arms.
“Yes, I guess she does!  She’s such a beautiful baby isn’t she?”
John raised up, “Wait a minute, I thought you said that all babies are ugly?”
“Well, all babies are ugly except for Mary Elizabeth.  No other baby can compare to her.” 
John gave Anders a long kiss, “Mmm I agree, love.  I still can’t get over that they named her after my mum.  I didn’t want to give her back to Dawn.  And YOU mister ‘I don’t want to have any kids’… YOU were a natural when you were holding her!”
“Hold on, hold on, you’re forgetting that I helped raise Ty and Axl from when they were born.  Holding a baby doesn’t scare me, being a father scares me.  And can we please stop talking so you can start kissing me!”
Mitchell’s laugh lit up his face, “I love you Anders Mitchell-Johnson.”
“I love you too John Mitchell-Johnson.”
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sanemifromcriagslist · 9 months
Works in Progress
Requests are opened; headcanons only
My Fics ♡
( 1. ) Obamitsu x Reader!! xx
↳ Romantic! { Unrequited love ? }
↳ Reader falls for the two, but when she learns of their relationship, she distance herself from them.
( 2. ) Tanjiro & Nezuko x Reader!! xx
↳ Platonic! { Siblings }
↳ Reader has finally recovered and is excited to reunite with her brother and sister once they return from the Swordsmith Village.
( 3. ) Genya x Reader!! xx
↳ Romantic! { Unestablished relationship }
↳ Kimetsu Academy Au
↳ Reader had gym next, but has forgotten part of her uniform and Genya offers his.
↳ Sanemi makes an appearance 🤠
( 4. ) Sanemi x Reader!! xx
↳ Platonic or Romantic { Depends on Readers interpretation)
↳ Sanemi grows suspicious as someone he’s not seen before walk his neighbours dog.
( 5. ) Muichiro x Reader!! xx
↳ Romatic! { Red string Au }
↳ While on a mission, reader feels a tug on her red string, ultimately saving her life.
Requests ♡
( 1. ) Larry Johnson x reader!! xx
↳ Hello! how are you? I hope good, I was wondering if you could do a headcanon of Larry being your boyfriend, I really love to 😅 ♡ (and sorry my bad english😭😭)
↳ Requested; 30th August, 2023
( 2. ) Jeff the Killer x reader!! xx
↳ Hello! Your account is so cute! <3
↳ Was wondering if I could request Jeff HC's with a s/o that's really sweet on him and kinda just acts like a puppy whenever he's around because she just loves him so much - thought it would be really adorable :D
↳ Thank you!!
↳ Requested; 30th August, 2023
( 3. ) Ticci Toby x reader!! xx
↳ Hiiiii, my creepypasta phase seems to be back after 10 years, so I wondering... do you have any headcanons for Ticci Toby as a romantic partner? he was the love of my life back in the days and I dying to know what you think about him. Thanks <3
↳ Requested; 30th August, 2023
( 4. ) Jeff the Killer!! xx
↳ Hey! What if... Jeff The KIller found a Time Machine and used it to go back in time before the events of the birthday party to kill Randy and his goons and even get revenge against his parentrs for putting him and Liu through hard times?
↳ Requested; 30th August, 2023
( 5. ) Sanemi - Kyojuro - Obanai x reader!! xx
↳ Separate
↳ Hiii so I was wondering if you can do a sanemi kyojuro or obanai x abused fem reader if you are not comfortable with it can you pls switch it to inscure reader plss????? thanks 🤗🤗
↳ Requested; 30th August, 2023
( 6. ) Sal Fisher x reader!! xx
↳ Hiii, hru?
↳ I wanted to know if u could do hcs of Sal with a black and alternative s/o 👉👈 u can do wtv scenarios u would like, but it would be cool to see how he interacts with a different culture than his own
↳ Tyy!
↳ Requested; 1st September, 2023
( 7. ) Brian - Tim - Toby x reader!! xx
↳ Separate
↳ Hellooo! Idk if creepypasta requests r open rn and this is like my first time sending a request butttttt can u make Brian, tim and toby react to s/o just vibing and dancing infront of the mirror while 21 by Millionaires play in the background? It's fine if u don't decide to do this, I'm not forcing u:)) thank uu!
↳ Although, if ur not doing multiple people then feel free to choose one:)) although I'd prefer tim!! Thanks againnn
↳ Requested; 1st September, 2023
( 8. ) Cody U̴̙͊ͅn̵̼̙̏k̶̖̲͌n̴͉͘o̵͈͊͛ẁ̶͕̪͗n̴͈͓͒̔ x reader!! xx
↳ Can you write Cody with a soft girly girl? (She loves sundress, cardigans, shopping... general girly stuff(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧)
↳ Requested; 1st September, 2023
( 9. ) Kanao - Shinobu x reader!! xx
↳ Separate
↳ Thank you so much for answering the question regarding rules! If I may, can I ask request some headcanons for Kanao and Shinobu with a Male!SO who seems a bit distant at first, but once they warm up to them they are super affectionate and always support them, even if there are a few things they don’t agree with them? Thank you!
↳ Requested; 2nd August, 2023
( 10. ) Miya Chinen x reader!! xx
↳ Could you write Miya Chinen with a reader that has severe social anxiety? (In a romantic relationship) . In case you don't feel comfortable writing it, feel free to ignore.
↳ Requested; 3rd September, 2023
( 11. ) Reki Kyan x reader!! xx
↳ Can I request a Reki x reader where the reader pretends to not know how to skate and Reki offers to teach them. Some days later at S Miya is confused about why Reki is saying he's teaching the reader when they already know how to skate. He's seen it before. Then reader has to confess they just wanted to spend more time with Reki. Headcanons are awesome!
↳ Requested; 4th September, 2023
( 12. ) Kyojuro Rengoku x reader!! xx
↳ perhaps a,,
↳ modern au rengoku with a partner who wears decora kei fashion?
↳ just how he feels abt the outfits n if he likes or supports it n reactions n stuff like that!!
↳ Requested; 4th September; 2023
( 13. ) Sal Fisher x reader!! xx
↳ Hello! May I request something for Sal Fisher? Basically reader is a new student and she is sitting on her own during lunchtime until Sal witnesses how Travis is bothering her. She does nothing but ignore him hoping that he will go away, but it's not until Sal and the others step in and Travis backs off. Perhaps they ask her if she'd like to hang out with them and she agrees and, slowly but surely, Sal and reader begin to develop feelings for each other specially since they are quite similar in the quiet and reserved yet sweet personality department once she becomes part of the group. Please and thank you! No pressure at all!
↳ Requested; 4th September, 2023
( 14. ) Eyeless Jack x reader!! xx
↳ Hi! Um sorry if this seems a bit awkward or weird, this is my first time ever making a request for something, but could you possibly make eyeless jack X fem reader hcs where the reader is kinda hyper? You don’t have to if you don’t want to ofc, I was just wondering if you had time. Thank you!! :D
↳ Requested; 4th September, 2023
( 15. ) Ben DROWNED x reader!! xx
↳ Yandere Ben with my favorite MBTI(ENTJ, INFJ, ESFP, ISTP, and ENTP separately) Reader?
↳ Requested; 8th September, 2023
( 16. ) Ben DROWNED x reader!! xx
↳ What if Yandere BEN Drowned encounters the Entity! S/O who has same exactly personality as him?
↳ Requested; 8th September, 2023
( 17. ) Miya Chinen x reader!! xx
↳ Skemthing for miya chinen please like reader could be teasing him or something
↳ Requested; 12th September, 2023
( 18. ) Aoi x reader!! xx
↳ This is kinda silly but can I ask for aoi x reader who has stealth skills and they use these skills to surprise kiss her before vanishing like some kind of flirty ninja much to her frustration
↳ Requested; 25th September; 2023
( 19. ) CherryBlossom || Kaoru Sakurayashiki x reader!! xx
↳ Heyoo !! Could I please request headcanons of cherry with a s/o that is goth / dresses in the gothic aesthetic ?
↳ Thanks so much !
↳ Requested; 2nd January, 2024
( 20. ) Lulu || Lucille Greatfield
↳ Hi!! If you still write for Creepypastas, could i request Lulu with a reader who is a little younger than she is but is super clingy towards her? Like giving Lulu constant hugs and stuff
↳ Requested; 13th February, 2024
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thank you!! ♡
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A bill in Iowa that would allow the state to arrest and deport some migrants is stoking anxiety among immigrant communities, leaving some to wonder: “Should I leave Iowa?”
The legislation, which is expected to be signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds, would make it a state crime for a person to be in Iowa if previously denied admission to or removed from the United States. It mirrors part of a Texas law is currently blocked i n court.
Across Iowa, Latino and immigrant community groups are organizing informational meetings and materials to try to answer people's questions. They’re also asking local and county law enforcement agencies for official statements, as well as face-to-face meetings.
As 80 people gathered in a Des Moines public library community room last week, community organizer Fabiola Schirrmeister pulled written questions out of a tin can. In Spanish, one asked: “Is it safe to call the police?” Another asked: “Can Iowa police ask me about my immigration status?” And: “What happens if I’m racially profiled?”
Erica Johnson, executive director of Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice, the organization hosting the meeting, sighed when one person asked: “Should I leave Iowa?”
“Entiendo el sentido,” she said. I understand the sentiment.
Schirrmeister, who hosts a local Spanish-language radio show, explained how long organizers have worked to build a bridge with law enforcement.
“It’s sad how it’s going to hurt the trust between local enforcement, pro-immigrant organizations and the immigrant communities," she said.
Des Moines Police Chief Dana Wingert told The Associated Press in an email that immigration status does not factor into the department's work to keep the community safe, and he said it would be “disingenuous and contradictory” to incorporate it at the same time law enforcement has been working to eliminate such bias.
“I’m not interested, nor are we equipped, funded or staffed to take on additional responsibilities that historically have never been a function of local law enforcement,” he added.
In Iowa and across the country, Republican leaders have rallied around the refrain that “every state is a border state" as they accuse President Joe Biden of neglecting his responsibilities to enforce federal immigration law. That’s led Republican governors to send troops to support Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star, and legislatures to propose a variety of state-level strategies.
Iowa’s lawmakers advanced the measure to address what one lawmaker called a “clear and present danger” posed to Iowans by some migrants crossing the southern border. Republican Rep. Steve Holt acknowledged questions of constitutionality around the bill but ultimately argued that Iowa has “the right, the duty and the moral obligation to act to protect our citizens and our sovereignty.”
“If we end up in a court battle with the federal government, should this pass, bring it on,” Holt said during a subcommittee meeting in February. “I think it’s time for every state to stand up and say … ‘we’ve had enough. We will defend our people.’"
The Texas law is stalled in court, after a challenge from the U.S. Department of Justice, which says it conflicts with the federal government’s immigration authority. The department did not immediately comment on the Iowa bill.
The Iowa legislation, like the Texas law, could mean criminal charges for people who have outstanding deportation orders or who have previously been removed from or denied admission to the U.S. Once in custody, migrants could either agree to a judge’s order to leave the U.S. or be prosecuted.
The judge’s order must identify the transportation method for leaving the U.S. and a law enforcement officer or Iowa agency to monitor migrants' departures. Those who don’t leave could face rearrest under more serious charges.
The bill in Iowa faces the same questions of implementation and enforcement as the Texas law, since deportation is a “complicated, expensive and often dangerous” federal process, said immigration law expert Huyen Pham of Texas A&M School of Law.
“How are Iowa law enforcement agencies going to determine if someone has entered Iowa in violation of an immigration order?” Pham asked. She said questions remain about which country a detained person would be sent back to, how they would get there and how agencies would communicate with those countries.
Deportations are a binational process, she said, meaning the federal government negotiates with the governments of other countries. Disjointed immigration policy state-by-state could threaten those international relationships, Pham said.
Mexico has already said that it would reject any state or local government enforcement of immigration laws.
The Iowa State Patrol, as well as representatives of multiple police departments and county sheriff’s offices across the state, declined to comment on the bill before it is signed into law.
Shawn Ireland, president of the Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies Association and a deputy sheriff in Linn County, said in an email that law enforcement officials would consult with county attorneys for guidance if the bill becomes law.
But Ireland added that community-police relations are a priority, and law enforcement’s focus “is not on looking for people who came to this country illegally and are not committing crimes."
Manny Galvez, leader of the Escucha Mi Voz (Hear My Voice) community group based in the rural city of West Liberty, said the bill has galvanized immigrant communities, including some that are in harder-to-reach areas of Iowa, to send the message that immigration is a human issue and that the state’s meatpacking plants, cornfields and construction projects rely on immigrant labor.
Lawmakers advancing a bill like this one are disconnected from that reality, Galvez said.
“Criminalizing the immigrant community is not the answer,” he said. “We tell people: ‘Don’t be afraid. No tengan miedo. We are going to keep fighting this.’"
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locuas642 · 2 years
I have watched more than half of Critical Role Vox Machina
"I Heard Campaign 1 starts mid-campaign, is it hard to follow?"
It's only hard depending of how familiar you are with D&D in general and how resilient you are to the awkwardness of "We are still trying to see how this streaming thing goes." In terms of the story and plot it's easy to follow, if you can get over the way it is being told.
Despite the claims that it starts mid-campaign, it in fact starts right after a major Time-Skip, so the first episodes does establish plenty of things. You just have to accept this is a story that starts in the middle rather than the beginning. If you ever had to deal with having to find a starting point for Doctor Who or COmicbooks, you can deal with Vox Machina. Just accept that there were off-screen adventures.
if that is still an issue, the show eventually does offer a video narrating the pre-stream adventures that is shown during episode 36. If that is too long for you to wait, I think someone has uploaded it to youtube as it's own thing.
"I heard of Tiberius/Orion Acaba and how he eventually left because he was toxic. can I jump straight to the epsidoe when he leaves?"
You can easily skip most of the pre-Briarwood stuff and just pretend that also happened off-screen. tho there are some major plot points present that you will not get to see. The Briarwood arc is a bit more complicated, because he is present for the first four episodes and you will start with the arc already started, but if you watched the animated series and then jump to episode 28 (which while not the episode when officially announced, it is the first episode after his departure. SPoilers: The quality of the show increases immediatly) as long as you understand the show did some tweaks and should, you will not be lost.
If you think you can tolerate Toxic People, you can watch episodes 24, 25 and 26, skip 27 (seriously, even if you can tolerate Orion, it is at best a dull, boring episode. There is a reason why whenever anyone talks about this episode, the only thing they can mention is Orion and his goddamn mirrors) and go ahead with episode 28.
"I heard Tiberius was a Good Character with an Awful Player, is it true?"
In my perosnal opinion, Tiberius was a good baseline for an interesting arc. But he was also the kind of character who can become annoying. I personally think people are more enamored with the idea of what Tiberius could have been than him being a pretty fleshed out character (bear in mind, for the first 20 or so episodes, most of Vox Machina doesnt feel very fleshed out, again part of the initialy awkward first phase). Likewise, this might be a possible unpopular opinion but... I dont feel Tiberius had as close a friendship as Vox Machina as some might think? this comes back to the player and stuff, but by the end I felt Tiberius saw Vox Machina more like a professional partnership than the family the rest of the characters became.
In terms of Orion, yes he becomes increasingly annoying as the show goes. Initially you dont notice it, but as the show goes, he becomes harder and harder to ignore. He eventually tries to take part in every. single. scene the rest of the cast is doing and tries to steal the spotlight. He tries to force his storyline even when other things are going down. etc. etc. (and this is not counting the stuff regarding him as a person). Tiberius is tolerable in small doses, but Orion cant shut the ef up.
"I heard because of her job, Ashley Johnson's Pike had to leave the show and the animated show expanded her role."
This is a half-truth. Because of Ashley's commitments, she could not consistently be in the show and, in the pre-Briarwood stuff Pike is given a send-off.
BUT Pike continues to show up after that and shows up a solid number of times, it's just she cant be there consistently. In fact, Pike showing up in the middle of the Briarwood arc to save everyone's ass and take part in the final battle? Pike was present in the show and played by Ashley via skype. the thing they changed was that they gave Pike an arc that wasnt present in the show.
Pike is the Gandalf of Vox Machina. She constantly has to leave to do something else, tho in this case it's because of the unpoken rule of trying to not use a player's character if the player is not present.
ETA: Another way you can REALLY tell Orion was no longer welcome is that, whenever Ashley had an open slot in her schedule, the rest of the cast would immediatly jump at the chance to have her join them for the session.
Here be (minor) Spoilers
Now here is an interesting thing I noticed. Which is that because of the Chroma Conclave events, Whitestone sorta becomes Vox Machina's base of operations, replacing the keep they had been given by the king of Emon. In the main show, this is a simple change in Status quo. but for the animated show it would mean they got that old keep and are about to abandon it merely like a few weeks after obtaining it, and that's kinda funny.
Other than that, it is interesting to see how the actors do become more comfortable portraiyng their characters and get past that initial awkwardness where it still feels like Players first.
it's also interesting how often a huge narrative moment will have a Natural 20, either saving the characters or fitting the narrative so well.
it is a difficult medium for one to adapt. and there are moments in which the characters will scre-up easy tasks because of the rolls, which can be funny or frustrating. But the high points are really good. and there were some moments and battles that felt as engaging as in any other medium. The Dragon attack in Emon was more tense than The hobbit's use of Smaug. I was genuinely cheering when Grog delivered justice on the tribe that abandoned him.
And the story feels as High Fantasy Epic as you can get from more "normal" storytelling mediums. and Critical Role is a great example of how D&D can be a game, but it's also a form of collective storytelling.
103 notes · View notes
The Breakfast Club members dating someone who's nonbinary
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A/N: more pride content, yay! :D also this is set in the 80s, but it's pretty loose when it comes to accuracy since the term nonbinary wasn't coined until many years later
Warnings: being nonbinary in the 80s, some transphobia mentioned, swearing
Claire Standish
As uptight as Claire might be, she's pretty well-versed when it comes to gender politics
Around her friends, she acts like she doesn't care all that much, and she probably won't even correct them when they misgender you due to fear of judgment, but when you're alone she shows you that she really does by using your correct pronouns and stuff
If you don't like the clothes you own because they make you dysphoric, she'll happily take you out for a "gender affirming shopping spree", as she likes to call it
The look of pure joy on your face when you see yourself in the mirror for the first time, wear clothes that truly fit you- it makes her smile to know that she helped give you that kind of happiness
Andrew Clark
Andy may be somewhat of a himbo, but he's not just some dumb jock; he listens when you explain things to him about your gender identity and always corrects himself if he makes a mistake when referring to you
He always protects you from transphobes, even if it's from someone he's on the wrestling team with
He's even gotten in to some fights before over someone purposely trying to make you feel bad for being nonbinary, I'm not gonna lie
He always comforts you afterwards, telling you not to listen to those dipshits and reassuring you that you're perfect just being you
Brian Johnson
Brian is literally so sweet about it; he does his research and always checks with you before using gendered terms to make sure you don't feel uncomfortable
All of Brian's friends are supportive, too, which means you're probably close with his inner circle
If some annoying transphobe tries to pull the "there's only two genders" argument he's definitely the type of person to tell them how wrong they are and will even use science to back it up
You end up having long discussions over gender roles and politics together, sometimes with his friends and sometimes when you're alone
John Bender
Bender doesn't know too much about pronouns because of how little he pays attention in English class (or in any class, for that matter) but for you he definitely tries to get it right
For example, when he's about to use the wrong pronouns he always ends up catching himself and uses the correct ones before he accidentally misgenders you
Like Andy, he's gotten into fights for you over people making fun of your gender before; but unlike him it's a significantly higher amount as he doesn't have any potential sports scholarships to worry about
He not the best comforter, but if he sees that what someone said genuinely hurt your feelings he'll hold you as you cry (and make sure to beat them up afterwards)
Allison Reynolds
Allison knows what it's like to feel like an outcast for something you can't control, so she gets it
She always affirms your gender and uses the correct pronouns, so there's no worries there
Like Brian, you also have deep and thought out talks on gender roles, but it's usually only when the two of you are alone
If she sees someone openly harrass you, she probably won't do anything about it in the moment because of her hatred of confrontation, but she'll definitely check up on you afterwards and make sure you're okay
She ends up painting a landscape for you in the colors of the nonbinary flag, which you proudly hang up in your locker
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @your-next-daydream
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
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summary: damage is assessed, an explanation is given, words unsaid are finally said.
warnings: MINORS: DNI (18+ only) -mentions of violence, mentions of drug & alcohol abuse, mentions of blood, trauma, ptsd, catatonic. Etc
<w.c> 4.8k (6/??)
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader, mechanic!eddie
A/N: this chapter is kinda heavy, it took longer than I anticipated to write, the top image is from the 1986 film, “Stand By Me” if you’ve never seen it I highly recommend it it’s both hilarious and sad.
Ps. We finally made it to the 4th of July in this fic. 🫠 the slowest of burns and I’m sorrrrrryyyyyy 😅
Hearing someone talking but not knowing where it’s coming from you imagine you’re floating as you feel yourself being lifted.
“Shit! Is she okay? Eddie! What the hell happened?! Let’s take them upstairs to clean up! Robin! You and Lucas take Steve to the bathroom down here and clean him up! Mike and I are taking Eddie and Y/N.” You aren’t sure who is speaking, only catching bits and pieces of it as you slide in and out of consciousness.
You feel yourself being carried up the steps in someone’s arms, the smell of blood thick in your nose as you open your eyes a sliver and see Eddie. Tears and blood are racing down his chin onto his Hellfire shirt. You look up to his face and touch it lightly with your fingers. Eddie looks down at you and sobs rake through his body as he sees your eyes are open.
“D-Dustin! She’s awake! Oh my God, I’m so sorry baby, I’m so so sorry!” He’s kissing your head as he carries you into your bedroom and heads towards the bathroom.
Eddie lays you gently on the big counter, Mike places a pillow under your head and Eddie sits next to your head as he sits on the closed toilet.
Dustin starts to look over Eddie’s cuts and nose, Eddie pushes him away, “not me! Her! Help her!” he yells as blood pools out of his mouth onto the floor.
Mike throws Eddie a towel and tells him to hold it to his mouth. Dustin looks over to you and goes beneath the sink finding a first aid kit and some tweezers. Cleaning the tweezers with some rubbing alcohol, Dustin sets everything up getting ready to take the glass out of your face.
“Alright Y/N, this is gonna suck, no fucking doubt about it, so just try to lay still and don’t move, Eddie.. come hold her hand or something so she doesn���t move.” Eddie gets up and slides next to Dustin holding your hand as tears still run down his face.
“It’ll be over soon sweetheart,” Eddie says, kissing your knuckles. “I promise.”
“Okay,” you say with a sleepy smile.
You close your eyes listening to Dustin and Eddie talk. “What hit her, Eddie? Actually, start from the beginning.. What the hell happened?! I thought she was dating Steve? How do you know her?!”
Eddie goes into a long winded speech about how you two met at Johnson’s barn party and really hit it off, how you told him you had a boyfriend and everything about the weird magnetic connection you both felt. And how he felt like he had known you his entire life and how familiar you were to him and the same for you. He explains how you had broken up with Steve the next day and how you two have been together since.
Dustin listens intently to Eddie as he picks more and more pieces of glass from your face. Eddie moves to the sink and grabs some hydrogen peroxide, dumping some into a small Dixie cup he puts it in his mouth, swishing harshly. After a long minute Eddie spits, a fountain of crimson spewing from his lips. Wincing, he bares his teeth in the mirror but thankfully none are chipped or broken, just a large cut running along the inside of his cheek, and his bottom lip is split.
“Well that explains why Steve has been acting fucking insane” Mike chirps in.
Opening your eyes slightly, you look at Mike and ask, “what do you mean?”
Mike shifts his weight from one bony leg to another, “I mean, since Saturday afternoon Steve has been acting, I don’t know, unhinged? He called all of us asking to go to Indianapolis because you two had broken up, but I already had plans with El for the weekend and Dustin was helping Susie’s family move in, and Lucas was with Max. So when none of us could hangout he went to see Billy and has been hanging around him all weekend. None of us had seen him until today when he called Dustin and sounded fucking plowed. We all went to check on him and he was snorting something and was piss drunk. He said he was driving to come and see you and we stole my mom's car, picked up Robin and flew here trying to follow him before he killed himself.”
“Special K,” Eddie says, palms pressed into his eyes. “That’s what Billy uses, it’s a downer so it wouldn’t have this kind of effect…I only know because he once kicked my ass because I refused to sell it to him, and because I don’t carry it. Rick did and some of the other dealers that Billy goes to have said that he mixes it with cocaine and snorts it all at once.”
“So if Steve was doing cocaine, special k and drinking vodka how messed up would he be?” Dustin asks.
Motioning to your face and his, Eddie all but shouts, “I mean look at us Dustin! That’s how fucked up he would be. Attacking his ex-girlfriend, smashing a fucking vodka bottle against her head. We tried to get him to calm down and leave but he was crazy!” Eddie slides onto the floor, grief over taking his body, “and I couldn’t s-stop him, I tackled him and he just wouldn’t stop. I don't know what would have happened to her if you guys hadn’t shown up. It’s my fault, I should have gotten him to leave. ” he finishes, his eyes blinking away tears.
“Eddie, no,” you say gently lifting yourself to sit on the counter, “this isn’t your fault, you didn’t force Steve to do drugs or become an alcoholic overnight. And you— you're not the one who broke up with him over the phone either.” You hang your head low accepting that this truly was your fault. Steve going off the deep end, Eddie’s bloody face, it was all your fault. You practically egged Steve on by saying Eddie was a better lover. A loud cry emerges from your chest as your body starts shaking. Eddie reaches his arms out to you, pulls you onto his lap on the floor, shushing you as he rocks you slowly side to side, one hand in your hair and the other on your back.
Dustin is walking back and forth in your bathroom looking like a broken toy glitching out. “TWIN FLAMES!”
“What?” Mike and Eddie say at the same time.
“Eddie and Y/N are twin flames! Also referred to as a Quantum Entanglement. It’s a Quantum Mechanic Theory that explains if two particles meet and vibrate and are separated no matter the distance it could be galaxies or universes, no matter the length of time they will come back to each other. And that connection is unbreakable. It defies any sort of logic and nobody can explain why it happens but it does! Have you guys tried to figure out if you've had similar things happen to you?”
Your head lifts off Eddie's shoulder and you look him in the eye. In unison you say, “drowning”. You go into detail about how you both almost drowned when you were kids. And how you have similar birthmarks on the inside of your elbows.
“See! See! Twin Flames!” Dustin yells, throwing his hands in the air. “It explains the magnetic connection and the thoughts of knowing each other on a solar level. When they meet it’s hard to be separated again. This actually explains so much, it makes sense why Y/N would dump Steve.”
“Yeah yeah you’re right Dustin!” Mike begins, “I saw Y/N and Steve at that party on Friday, they were happy! And Y/N would have never known Eddie before that because she lives here in Bridgeport and Steve doesn’t play D&D. And Eddie would never be at a pep rally or a basketball game. So she would have never bumped into him!”
You are still staring intently into Eddie’s eyes and he into yours. “It makes sense,” he whispers to you, “I told you I heard a voice in my head to go into the barn that night and then when I found you, it was like my soul was reuniting with itself, like I was meant to be there at that night, at that time to reconnect with you.”
Tears well in your eyes from both exhaustion and the explanation of your very intense feelings for a guy you had just met 48 hours ago. You kiss Eddie gently being careful of his split lip and his swollen nose.
“So what do we do from here?” You ask, “what do we do with Steve?”
Dustin and Mike both rub the backs of their necks, Dustin speaking first, “we’re going to go see how he’s doing, he’s obviously messed up but we all know Steve. He wouldn’t have done this sober or even if he was just drunk, it’s nobody’s fault. It’s just a shitty situation. But we all need to move on from it, I mean for Christ sake it’s Steve! He nicknamed himself ‘The Babysitter’!”
Eddie sits up a little straighter and adjusts you on his lap. Sitting on his leg both facing the boys, Eddie speaks, “I agree, he wouldn’t have done that sober or drunk. And I feel bad for him, special k is nothing to mess with. He probably doesn’t even know or remember what happened, depending on how much he took and what was mixed with it.” He shakes his head and rubs your back, “I will stop by Steve’s house tomorrow and talk to him and have him describe to me the shit he was on so I can help him get off of it, but for right now, I need to take care of my girl.”
Mike and Dustin fist bump Eddie and make their way out of the bathroom. You can’t believe the events that had taken place tonight.
With the younger boys gone from the bathroom, Eddie helps you stand and pulls himself off the floor, he starts a bath for you and helps you undress, lowering you into the tub and making sure you were comfortable, Eddie begins cleaning up the bathroom, spraying down the sink with a bottle of Clorox he found under the sink, he scrubs the blood down the drain, gently picking up any leftover pieces of glass on the floor and tossing them into the trash. If there was one thing Eddie knew it was that trauma could be triggered by anything. And this was definitely something traumatic that you nor him wouldn’t be able to forget anytime soon. He hurriedly went to your dresser and got you some clean pajamas.
Coming back into the bathroom, Eddie sees you sitting in the tub catatonically. You aren’t responding to him at all. He’s waving his hands in your face and shouting your name, but you aren’t hearing him, your mind frozen, stunned, shaken watching on replay as Steve pummels Eddie in front of you. The blood from Eddie’s face flying all over the living room. The sweet stank of roses being trampled and the petals squished into the carpet underneath multiple pairs of shoes.
How did this happen? Weren’t you just laying on the couch with Eddie watching Stand By Me? Didn’t you just come back from meeting Eddie’s uncle Wayne? And having sex in the shop with Eddie? You can smell the syrup from your pancake breakfast. You can feel the rough material of the life jackets on your legs and the taste of pineapple on pizza. You can feel the tiredness between your eyes as you answer the phone at 4 o’clock in the morning, and you can definitely feel the electrifying kiss a long haired metalhead gave you in the back of his van.
All the happiness you had felt the last 48 hours were laid out in front of you like a deck of cards. Like a viewfinder begging to be clicked through to find the next series of beautiful images. But you couldn’t move your hands to go to the next picture. You were stuck, staring at the damage caused by tonight’s events. It was your fault, you broke up with Steve and caused him to spiral out of control. You had Eddie stay the night with you causing him to get hurt. The blood was on your hands, the havoc seeping through your skin, etching its way across your mind. You couldn’t fathom what happened to Eddie. His sweet face, bloody and cut. He didn’t deserve this, didn’t deserve someone who could only cause him more pain. How could he ever look at you the same after you let this happen to him?!
A faint voice is heard somewhere beyond the realm of your current state of mind. It’s calling out to you like a parent calling a child home for dinner. It’s beautiful, purring into your ear, but also tinged with desperation. Like a rainbow in the dark, a storm still blazing on, but the rainbow starts creeping through, ever so slightly to remind you it’s there. To remind you to constantly look for the positive in any situation. You reach out for it. Getting closer to it you can hear the voice more and more. The voice is sobbing, you reach out to comfort it. A warm sensation growing inside your chest, like a flame licking at oxygen begging for more. The voice is becoming clear. It’s coaxing you out beckoning you to come back with it. Your senses are returning to you slowly. You’re wet, chest deep in a pool of water. Your eyes ache from being open and one is very heavy. Vision previously failed, now fuzzy outlines of your surroundings flood back to your eyesight. The voice is even more frantic, and it’s finally clear that it’s Eddie calling to you. You felt the water shift beside you and the sudden feeling of your body being submerged under, a hand ring covered hand clutching tightly to your nose and covering your mouth.
“Come back to me baby, please! Please! Come back to me!” Tears are rolling down Eddie’s face stinging the cut on his lip as he tries to shake you awake out of your stupor your eyes are still staring wide open, “DUSTIN! ROBIN!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!”
Desperately thinking of whatever would wake you from this state of numbness, he jumps into the tub with his clothes still on. Water sloshing all over the floor, Eddie gets behind you and clamps one of his hands over your mouth, the other plugging your nose. He leans his body back, takes a deep breath and slides under water with you on top of him.
Opening your eyes you feel Eddie’s hands on you, feel his arms wrapped around you as you are brought upwards towards the surface of water. Gasping for air you turn around to see Eddie’s face, his eyes are bloodshot and he looks terrified, he takes a deep breath and kisses your cheek, tears falling from his eyes. Relief washing over him.
The sudden noise of feet on linoleum is heard galloping towards the tub. Eddie yells for them to wait, he clampers out of the tub and grabs as many towels as he can.
“Eddie, I’m so—I’m so sorr—” you choke out through wet sobs.
Eddie helps you out of the tub and dries you off, “shh baby it’s okay, look at me! This isn’t your fault! Okay? It’s not. Your. Fault. I’m okay, and you will be okay too, I’m just glad you’re still here with me,” he holds you tightly and kisses the top of your head, “let’s get you dressed and I’m going to change and then we can talk to Dustin, okay? Come here sweetheart.”
Eddie’s clothes are soaked. You help him get undressed and go to the bedroom to grab his bag, wringing out his clothes the best you can. You throw them over the shower wall allowing them to dry before throwing them into the dryer. With both you and Eddie dry; Robin, Dustin, Mike and Lucas make their way to your bedroom.
Eddie holds you in his arms similar to the way you were in the tub. Him leaning back on your pillows and you sitting ahead of him leaning close and snuggling into his neck, careful to avoid the right side of your face.
Robin and Lucas start talking first saying that Steve is passed out in Karen Wheeler’s car and that they will be taking him home and they will both be staying with him overnight.
“Is he going to be alright?” Eddie asks, rubbing your shoulders and lacing his fingers with yours.
Robin wipes a tear from her long lashes, “he doesn’t remember anything that happened, so it’s hard to say.. I know you wanted to go over and see him tomorrow but maybe it’s best if Y/N goes instead.”
Eddie lets out a sigh and looks down at you, his whole world in his hands. As calmly as he can he says, “No! Absolutely not! You can’t be serious?! I’m not letting her out of my sight, she’s traumatized by what happened, Robin! You didn’t see her when she was in the tub, she wasn’t even blinking! I don’t want her to be triggered by what happened by seeing him!” Eddie takes a deep breath as you squeeze his hand tightly, “I’m glad Steve doesn’t remember, I only wish we didn’t either.”
“Robin, I’m really sorry but Eddie is right, I can’t see Steve right now. At least not for a while.”
The boys, Robin and Eddie make a game plan to have Dustin and Robin tell Steve tomorrow afternoon what had happened. Mike and Lucas were taking out the trash in both bathrooms and the garbage gathered from the living room. Dustin had wiped everything down in the living room that was smeared with blood. Thankfully the carpet in the living room is maroon so a few swipes of some carpet cleaner made it look new again. All evidence that a tragic accident had happened was erased before you would ever have to see it. Agreeing that everyone should go home and get some rest, Eddie goes downstairs and makes you both some oatmeal and toast, bringing it back up to your bed.
Now that you two are alone you let your guard back down, being with Eddie has made you comfortable since you met him, and that hasn't changed. “This is good, Eddie..thank you for making it,” you say, swirling around brown sugar and milk with the cooked oats. Eddie is watching your every move like a hawk. He has taken maybe two bites making sure you’re eating.
“Eddie, I’m not made of glass I won’t break” you say while taking a bite of toast, trying to make him laugh.
A smile that doesn’t match his eyes, pulls at his lips.
You set your bowl down on your night stand and grab his away from him, setting it next to yours, “baby please, please talk to me.”
Eddie stares down at his socked feet crossed in front of him like a pretzel. He is moving his rings in circles around his fingers. “I couldn’t protect you, y/n. You got hit by a fucking bottle of vodka and I just stood there and watched. What kind of man am I if I can’t even protect my girlfriend? I’m a fucking loser, can’t even graduate high school on time. You don’t want to be with someone like me. And I don’t blame you, I’m nothing! I promised myself I wouldn’t be like my dad but I’m—I’m worse!” He slams the palms of his hands into his eyes letting out a small sob, “I thought you were d-dead. You’d passed out twice and I thought I lost you. And then in the tub you were in a daze or something, I’ve never been more scared in my whole life, and it’s all because I couldn’t stop him. I should have shoved that fucker out of the door before he could even start talking shit. But I didn’t, I just froze.” Eddie’s shoulders began to shake as his crying took over his entire body.
You wiggled your way around to him and held him as he cried. Running your hand through his hair and rubbing his back. After everything you two had been through the last few hours you couldn’t imagine anyone else by your side but Eddie. He made sure Dustin helped you first, he carried you up the steps even though he was bleeding profusely from his mouth and in a lot of pain. He was the most devoted person anyone could ever dream of being.
“Eddie? Please look at me, baby,” you said softly, moving his chin up to look at you. “You’re the most caring person I’ve ever come across. You’re different from anyone I’ve ever met, in the best ways possible. You took Wayne’s truck in to work on it on your day off and told Jimmy to take it out of your wages. You drove all the way here with two pizzas just to surprise me after I got off work, you still asked if Steve was okay and volunteered to help him after he kicked the shit out of us. When Steve said that shit about you I went absolutely feral. Because you’re not at all like you’re dad Eddie, you’re a fucking angel! So please never tell me that I don’t deserve you or say that I don’t want to be with you. That’s so far from the truth it’s not even funny. I’d pick you again and again and again, in every lifetime, I would find you, because I love you, Eddie. I love you so fucking much, you’re it for me. There will never be another for me, only you.
Eddie’s heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest. The tears fall slowly now from his eyes as he smiles widely. “You mean that? You’re not bullshitting me are you?” He says with a sniffle trying to clear his nose.
“Of course I’m not bullshitting you! Eddie, I love you! I love the way your tongue pokes out when you’re trying to concentrate on something, I love how your hair looks in the morning, I love how you care about everyone around you whether they deserve it or not. I love your passion for everything you do, and I love how you take care of me. I love you, Eddie Munson.”
Eddie’s cheeks go pink and he is trying to hide a smile.
“You know you’re the first person who has ever said that to me right? I’ve waited 19 years to hear those 3 words from just one person and it took me going to a party on the hottest fucking night in July so I could sell some drugs to a bunch of over privileged assholes in letterman jackets, to meet the most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, girl I’ve ever seen, to hear it. And I would wait that long again if I knew you would be the one to say those words to me,” Eddie kisses your lips and moves slightly so he can whisper in your ear, “I love you Y/N, you’re my girl.”
The rest of the night is spent with you and Eddie spoon feeding each other oatmeal and watching Stand By Me. Giggling as Verno looks under the porch for his jar of pennies and crying with Gordie as breaks down in front of Chris about his dad hating him. The previous shitty part of the night erased by the devotion and admittance of love for eachother. The love you and Eddie have for one another is cosmic, and nothing or no one would ever change that.
The next morning you wake to the sound of Eddie humming lightly as he gets dressed, he’s wearing a red flannel with the sleeves cut off, black jeans littered with holes and he’s lacing up his boots. An unlit cigarette hangs out of his mouth as he plays air guitar spinning around your room. You let out a cat call whistle and giggle as he jumps out of his skin.
“Christ! Oh hell you scared the shit out of me!” Eddie says clutching his chest, he walks to the side of the bed you’re closest to and sits down, giving you a sweet kiss, “go back to bed baby I’m gonna go get us some breakfast,” he says while twisting your hair around his finger.
“Mmm, what time is it?” You ask rubbing the sleep from your eyes wincing at the swollen one.
Eddie hands you some Tylenol and a glass of water, he runs downstairs and finds an ice pack for your eye and gently helps you rest back on the pillows while placing it on your eye, “it’s around 8, I’ll be right back sweetheart, I ordered some food from the diner out off Mill Rock Rd.. I think? I looked in the phone book for it, do you kind if I borrow your car?”
“Of course not, go ahead.” you say with a smile. “Thanks for doing all of this,” you say gesturing around your body and your room with your hands.
Eddie leans down to kiss you and waves at the door with a smile across his face. The cool compress of the ice to your face and the Tylenol seem to give you small relief to the pain your head is experiencing. You drift back off to sleep lightly and wake to the smell of breakfast mixed with the light smell of smoke and Eddie’s cologne. He’s balancing two containers of food and silverware, a half gallon of chocolate milk and two plastic cups that are clamped tight between his teeth.
You sit up quickly and and reach your arms out to help Eddie. “Let me guess, you’re a one trip while bringing groceries in kind of guy.” you giggle as he smiles and plops down on the bed with you.
“Oh for sure,” he says opening a container of biscuits and gravy and handing it to you, “why make more than one trip if you don’t have to?” He opens the other container and it has hash brown and chicken fried steak with scrambled eggs.
“Again, I didn’t know what you wanted so I got a little variety, eat what you want I will pick around you.” he says, “bon appetit or whatever the saying is” he says with a laugh.
After finishing the breakfast and watching Eddie lick the container of biscuits and gravy clean, “what? It’s good!” he says with gravy on his cheeks and chin
Taking any opportunity you can to touch him, you grab his face and lick the gravy off of him, “mm you’re right it is good.” you say with a wink.
“Oooo, you’re being naughty this morning, sweetheart.” Eddie says. He grabs the trash and brings it downstairs. Along with the cups and chocolate milk. You get out bed and make your way to the bathroom, stopping by the mirror to assess your face. The cut which thankfully ended up being a scrape is red and angry, your right eye is catered with small bruise around it and is completely red like you yourself were the patient zero starting the zombie apocalypse. Small cuts on your face are in the beginning stages of healing, scabs trying like hell to form. You reach below the sink and find some neosporin, slathering some generously against the large gash, bandaging it with some gauze. Eddie comes into the bathroom and holds you from behind studying you as a look of bewilderment crumbles your face.
“You will always be the most beautiful girl in the world, baby.” He whispers gently into your ear.
You turn to him and smile. “You’re too good to me, how did I ever get so lucky to have you?” you say. You kiss Eddie slow and taste blood from his split lip. He winces at it as you pull away. “Here,” you say trading places with him. You apply a generous amount of neosporin to his lip. You can see the beginning of bruising aligning the bridge of his nose and under his eyes, you lightly touch it and he winces.
“This isn’t the first time my nose has been broken sweetheart, I’ll get Wayne to shift it back into place later today, no worries,” You nod reassuringly and lean up on your tippy toes to give him a small peck to his nose.
“So, what do you want to do today?” He asks, wrapping his arms around your waist, “we could get some fireworks and set them off at Lover’s Lake. We could lay low and watch corny kid movies. We could pick up Jeff and Gareth and get higher than Willie Nelson. We could paint eachothers nails and make cupcakes. We could fuck like bunnies. Whatever you wanna do baby I will do it.”
“Let’s do it all,” you say with a wicked grin.
Thank you for reading ❤️‍🔥
Taglist @boomhauer @b-irock @manda-panda-monium @idkidknemore @munsonficdump @sidthedollface2 @syrennna
Thank you for the ones who have binged the series😘 I see you 👀 and I love it!
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paintedteddy · 4 months
Masked Men Mayhem (Simon “Ghost” Riley and “Konig TF TG)
MDNI Because this story has:
- Swearing
- Mentioning of male and female private parts
- Moaning
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Samara went to the clothing rack where all the guests put their jackets.
19-year-old Samara Johnson was never a party girl herself, she is more of what people describe as a casual girl. When she’s not doing homework that is very-very-long-cuz-it’s-fucking-college bitch, she would be reading books, or play games like Stardew Valley, or Animal Crossing. Just your basic calm lifestyle.
Samara just joined the party because it’s her roommate’s cousin’s birthday and she decided to try some change in pace for once.
She looks around and sees the party guests playing Call of Duty.
“Hey, Sam!” Her roommate, Kailey calls out to Samara. Kailey Kurtis is the Ultimate Extrovert, going out to the latest party, always having a fun conversation in mind and overall a really fun person to be around.
“Oh uh, hey Kailey…I was just about to-“
“Sam, I need…”
Sam felt embarrassed.
“Nevermind, what do you need?”
“Follow me”
You know…this might be interesting, Sam thought, I hope I’m right because if it’s not interesting, I’m just wasting my time.
“Open your eyes.”
Samara opens her eyes to see two masks.
One is a ski mask with a skull in which the eyes are supposed to go, six thin line are drawn under the skull while two thick lines are on the top of the skull piece.
The other looks like a blanket with two holes. Said two holes have a red triangle underneath them.
“Kailey, what are those?”
“Oh, these are masks that two of the characters from Call of Duty,” I thought we could wear them before we give him you leave.
Huh, Randy’s still getting presents. Sam thought.
Kailey hands her the skull mask.
“Okay Sam, three, two, one!!!”
The two put on the masks and both look in the mirror.
“Damn, this looks so cursed!”
“Heh, I know ri- ugh…”
Samara clutched her stomach. “God, it hurts…”
Samara didn’t know what to do, her abdomen was burning in immense pain.
Samara moved her right hand vertically. She begins feeling a…two…four…oh did she just.
Samara looked up and see Kailey been through the same change as Samara was.
“Oh, oh fucking god…” Kailey placed her confused hand on the bottom of her six pack and slowly made her way on to her D cup bosom, pain and pleasure began mixing up as she clutched her breast.
Kailey looks down and notices her tit. The fat on her chest began to stiffen to the point that her tits don’t feel like stress balls.
“Holy-“ Sam begins to feel a burning sensation on her chest. Her tits aren’t that big, size a. But then started to swell, going from A size to the pec size where it prominent beneath a shirt.
Samara placed a hand on her/his right leg, it just…feels so hot. Samara let out an erotic moan as she gave her a newfound man boobs a little squeeze.
Samara tried to take the mask off but it wouldn’t budge “Kailey, where did you get those masks from?”
“I-I can’t remember b-but they’re from the same store.” Kailey was probably too aroused to speak. Samara thought.
Samara looked at her arms to that they are now getting more thicker and muscular. Samara also feels her sleeves tighten to the point that they are just ripping.
Samara heard the sound of Kailey whimpering and looked up to see that Kailey had a little growth spurt, so little that her hello kitty shirt looks more like a tank top. Samara looks down to see Kailey’s now gorgeous abs now exposed to the bathroom light. Sam couldn’t help but blush over the sight of the six pack. Fortunately Sam thinks, Kailey was looking at the abs with lusty look in her eyes. “You look kinda…” Sam paused at the sound of her voice deepening a bit, but then finished her sentence. “Kinda hot.”
Kailey looked at Sam. The stare was both a mixture of lust, confusion, and nervousness,
Kailey groan as pain began surging through her thighs, the have become more thicker and harder but the most interesting part about this is the crotch. Kailey put her right hand on the area between her legs.
“Oh~ oh, fuck, fuck,”
“Kailey, everything is gonna be- oh my…fuck~”
Samaran covered her mouth with confusion, herhis hand went to her crotch Oh…oh god…Samaran’s mind was racing. God, this new pleasure is to much. She finally let go and finally analyzed what was going on the event she(?) and Kailey(?) put the masks on. She’s …she…he’s a man now.
Samaron’s hand goes up and touches her aching jaw. His jaw begins to feel more square and masculine.
As Samaron looked at Kailey, he (Kaileng) was caressing his new cock right in front of Samara. When Kailey looked at Samaon he stopped doing it as he saw Samara looking at him. Kaileng then, looks away from the confused Samaon. Shaking a little.
Samaon doesn’t care though, he was feeling a little dizzy.
“So that’s the skull boy you said could kill ya in a flash,”
“Don’t go near him”
“Already there, and I ain’t even dead, I mean just ust look at him, he’s wear the most skimpiest outfit God has ever seen,”
Skimpy? Skull boy? Where’s Kai…who’s Kai…nevermind. Samaon lift his head up and scanned the area, explosions, deaths, war…wasn’t he supposed to be used to it.
“What do you mean skimpy?” Samon looked up to see a soldier standing right in front of him while Samon was sitting. He looked around his area. His eyes darted to a gun. The next thing you know, he picks up the gun, points it at the man, and pulls the trigger.
Samon picks up the gun and runs to the nearest washroom.
The washroom reeks of grimy flesh and compost. It looks like the type of place you would see in you would see in a stereotypical haunted house horror film.
He ripped off his now-really-tight clothes. He looked in the mirror and saw a really hot man in a mask… shirtless right in front him.
He groaned in pain as scars formed on his body. Scars that were so familiar to him. from those time where he was tortured?
After the scar was fully formed, his eyes darted to the mirror, the sight of his hot body that had been formed when he began to put on the mask. The body in which he had for a few minutes after it fully formed started to feel…familiar to him.
His hand reaches to his right pec, it’s…bigger than he thought. The soldier gave it a squeeze…arousal surges through his new body. “Oooh~ Fucking hell~,” he moans under his breath. “My- my voice…,” it was really deep, and is it… British?
He took his other hand, placed it on his left pec, and give it a gentle squeeze, even if it’s gentle, that darn thing still worked a punch.
He kept masturbating, exploring his new body parts that he gained during his transformation. Moaning and groaning.
When the soldier finished, a military uniform started to strap on his new body.
New (and traumatizing) memories started to form. Samara Johnson is gone… all that remains is a Ghost.
A female voice called on his walkie talkie.
“Present Laswell.”
“Meet me, Price and Gaz at the helicopter,”
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
The Boys Who Wouldn’t Grow Up - Chapter 13
Summary: All hell has broken loose at the Johnson house. David and Marko finally realize what's going on and while David would rather run and hide, Marko is determined to help his brother. The question is, can he really do that?
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****Credit to @boys-from-santacarla for the Thorn gif
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"Marko, get your fucking dog!!" David shouted, struggling to hold the German Shepherd back from snapping his teeth in his face. Thorn had come sprinting from the other room and leaped up to pounce on the bleach-blond boy.
The usually peaceful, well-behaved dog had his fangs bared, fur on his back standing up and his ears tucked back to show he was not messing around. He snarled and barked loudly at David, pushing back against his arm to attack. 
When Marko finally scrambled back to his feet and grabbed onto Thorn's collar, the dog had finally managed to bite down on David's hand, his powerful canine teeth breaking the skin. The curly-haired boy was horrified to see deep, red bloodstains on his white fur.
"Jesus, Thorn! Calm down! Heel!" Marko snapped at his dog. He tugged back hard, getting Thorn away from his brother. Panicked, Marko stared at the bite on David's hand, blood dripping down the fingers. David's face was pale and dripping with sweat, his eyes wide with fear, and his wounded hand shaking from his nerves. He moved painfully slow as he stood up from the ground, still clutching his bleeding hand in the other as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. 
"Thorn, what's gotten into you?!" Marko scolded the pooch. "Why did you do that?"
"You…" David said, barely above a whisper.
"Huh?" Marko asked.
"He did that…for you…to protect you…" 
Marko wasn't entirely certain what his brother meant. With the winds calmed down and the strange shadow of a figure outside the house gone, there wasn't any danger. Even if there was, Thorn usually only gave a low growl or some barks in the direction of something that upset him. Marko never trained him to attack as a means of defense. 
Little did he know that David was very well aware of what Thorn was protecting Marko from. It was David himself. 
With a sense of clarity in his head now, he realized the gravity of the situation. What could have happened? He had wanted to taste that blood. Maybe find a way to get more than just a drop, even if it meant seriously hurting his brother. 
When he saw Marko’s bloody nose, he felt ravenous. As if he had crawled through the blaring heat of a desert and finally saw a source of water on the horizon. He didn't even think of what that meant for the younger boy.
You could have killed him, he thought. That's your baby brother. You're supposed to protect him and you almost killed him.
David felt sick to his stomach. He was disgusted with himself. His heart was pounding hard and fast against his ribcage, and his limbs felt weak and weary. Nothing in his body felt normal. What was going on? 
"Uh…David…?" Marko spoke up. David managed to find the courage to look his brother in the eye after staring so at his wound for so long. Marko's gaze went past David and his hazel eyes were as wide as they could be. It was as if he had seen a ghost. 
"What's...wrong with…your reflection?"
Confused, he turned around to face the mirror that hung on the wall behind them. Marko's reflection was normal. David's reflection was not. It was translucent. His entire body was faded with items behind him showing through. Marko stepped forward to stand beside his brother for a better look. He held a hand up behind David's back to further test the appearance. It should have been unseen behind his brother, but the reflection in the mirror showed it well.
"David…you're a…a…"
Marko couldn't say the word, but David knew perfectly well what it was. 
It shouldn't have made sense, but it did. He had survived a fall off of a cliff. He slept an entire day and felt pain from the sunlight. He had no appetite for food but felt starved at the sight of Marko's blood. And now this. 
Marko was just as baffled. He thought back to his interactions with Dwayne and Paul. How he thought they were crazy or just joking around with him. Vampires weren't real, after all. Yet he saw with his own two eyes how David's reflection was disappearing. He honestly didn't know what to do, but before he could even think of anything, David bolted. 
The older brother ran up the stairs, putting as much distance as possible between himself and Marko. Now that his fears of hurting his brother were justified, he needed to get away. He would never forgive himself if he let Marko see what a real monster he could be. 
"No! David, come back!" The curly-haired boy called after him. David was moving a lot faster now, adding to the growing list of signs of him being inhuman. Still, Marko ran after his brother, desperate to help fix this mess. 
"Don't tell Dad about this!" David yelled over his shoulder before disappearing into his room. The slam of his door rattled the wall. 
Marko cursed under his breath, frustrated and uncertain about what to do. This was all so scary and he was barely able to process this as actual reality. Everything he thought he knew about the world and what was fictional and what was real was turned upside down. Despite how confused he was, one thing was still evident. 
He needed help if he was going to save his brother. 
"C'mon, Thorn! Follow me!" Marko called his dog, continuing his run up the stairs. Thorn followed closely, now much calmer with David out of sight. When he reached the top of the staircase, Marko bolted down the hall and into his room. Inside the copy of Dracula on his desk was the business card that Paul and Dwayne had given him along with the book. 
He frantically flipped through the pages before finding the card stuck between the paper. With the number ready to go Marko grabbed hold of the blue, plastic rotary phone on his desk and hurriedly put in the call for help. 
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David had locked the door tightly behind him. There was no way he was going to let his younger brother near him after realizing what was going on. He put his back against the door and slid down to sit on the carpet of his room. He wondered if he'd have to spend the rest of his life in this room to protect his family from himself. 
If he even still had a life at all.
Everything was overwhelming him. The confusion from how this was all real. The guilt from nearly hurting Marko. The fear of all these inhuman changes and what else could happen. 
He tucked his legs against his chest and crossed his arms on top of his knees. His hand was still wet with blood, but he didn't even care about it. David wanted to make himself as small as possible. After being scared and lost in the world with his struggles for so long, this new problem made him feel like he was in a waking nightmare. He was violently shaking all over. Sickness was building up in his throat. His vision blurred from a layer of tears in his eyes.
The world was going to be a lot lonelier now. He had no idea how he was going to survive with this kind of change. How the rest of his family would react. He was just starting to make friends again, and now that was going to be a problem, too. 
David was so caught up in the fearful thoughts swimming around in his imagination that he hadn't noticed he was floating upward until his head smacked against the ceiling. 
"Holy shit!!" He shouted, limbs now frantically waving around. The floor wasn't far down, but the fact that he was levitating above it was enough of a problem. David reached backward, pressing his hands and feet against the ceiling. 
Sweat dripped down his forehead, his chest was aching from the rapidness of his heartbeat and it was getting harder and harder to breathe properly. Back in school, his counselor had given him a pamphlet on what to do in situations like this. When he was experiencing a panic attack. He wished he had his hands on that right now. 
He was paralyzed with fear, gripping against the ceiling without a plan on how to get down. All David could do was hang his head and quietly talk to himself. 
"I'm a monster…"
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Never in his entire life had Marko been so anxious to make a phone call. He hoped with all of his heart that one or both of the brothers would pick up. He was cutting it close with their business hours and if they were on their way home, that meant more time being wasted. Waiting for the line to be answered was agonizing.
One ring. Two rings. Three rings.
“Wolfsbane Books, this is Dwayne”
Thank God!
“Dwayne! It’s Marko! Get Paul on the line too. This is an emergency!” he quickly explained. 
“Yo! Right here, Bud!” Paul called out a moment later. “What’s up?”
“Okay, I know this is gonna sound absolutely insane, but my brother’s gone full vamp! I had a nosebleed earlier, and he totally freaked out on me. My dog had to attack him to keep him away!” Marko was talking too fast for his breath to catch up, but he was desperate to share the situation in full detail as quickly as possible. “I thought he was just sick or in one of his moods, but his reflection is disappearing! I saw it myself!”
He was certain they were going to laugh at him or hang up out of annoyance. Even if they were obsessed with vampires, surely they thought they were still fictional. Not to mention he sounded crazy just saying this stuff out loud. Thankfully, neither one of those things happened.
“It’s gonna be okay, Marko,” Paul assured him, his cheery voice now gentle to help with his nerves. “We’re glad you called us. We just need some more details. When did this start happening, and what else did you notice?”
Marko felt himself start to calm down a bit more. He really did pick the right guys to make friends with this summer.
“Um...he was fine last night, but when he came home…he totally fell asleep for the entire day. The curtains were shut, and he still thought the sun was too bright. He had sunglasses on up until it was dark out,” Marko explained. 
“He keeps acting spaced out too. Something was in our yard earlier. There was a big wind storm that only lasted for a minute, but David still tried following the thing. It was like he was hypnotized. I don’t know if it was another vampire or something else, but he seemed really drawn to it…”
If that was another vampire, Marko had even more things to worry about now.
“Marko, this is really serious. I’m sorry it had to happen to you, but your brother definitely sounds like a vampire,” Dwayne spoke once he finished rambling. “Listen to me carefully. You’re vulnerable with the sun gone. If he tried attacking you once, he’ll try again. You need to get a weapon to defend yourself. Something long and sharp with a good grip”
“Dwayne, you’re seriously not implying what I think you’re implying, are you?” Marko asked. He nervously ran his fingers through Thorn’s white fur, desperate to calm his nerves. 
“He is implying that, my dude,” Paul said. “If you’re too scared, we can come over and help protect you. We told you we knew our shit, and that means we know how to defend ourselves from vamps”
Marko stood up from his desk. His knuckles were white from how tightly he gripped the phone in his hand. There was absolutely no way he could possibly do that. David was still his brother, and he wasn’t about to go all Helsing on him. He wanted to help him, not hurt him. 
“Please, no! I just need to buy some time and help figure out how to fix this,” Marko pleaded. “He even locked himself in his room so he wouldn’t hurt me. He won’t try anything, I swear! There’s gotta be something else I can do”
The line was silent on their end for a bit too long. Marko worried they were going to insist he do it or offer to kill David themselves. He would do anything to make sure that didn’t happen. Even if they were his friends now, he wouldn’t choose them over his family. There was an exhausted sigh on the other end, but the words that came next seemed to involve a better solution.
“Okay, here's what you can do,” Dwayne said. “You said you’re living here with your dad, right? You need him nearby, at the very least. You’ll feel safer with someone you trust, and your brother should back down from a fight if he’s there with you. Newborn vampires need some kind of authority to keep them in line, and your dad might be your best bet”
Why did his dad have to be out on a date the one night he was needed at home? Marko hated to do this, but if he was going to get the most out of Dwayne and Paul’s advice, he had to get his dad to head back. He only hoped he wouldn’t end up grounded for this. 
“Thanks, guys. You’re both real pals,” Marko thanked them.
“Don’t die on us, Bud. Come by our shop first thing in the morning so we can work out a plan together. Stay strong!” Paul added. With that, their phone call ended.
Marko was still worried. He feared for his safety but feared for his brother more. Right now, he needed to be brave enough for both of them and work to find a way to get this mess all fixed. The first thing he had to do was call the restaurant their dad was at tonight. 
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offier · 1 year
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fear street part one, dir. leigh janiak / "21" richard siken / mahmoud darwish
don't reblog!
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teonys-jf · 1 year
so we follow sadie {sylvanna}, a mermaid who lives with her older brother pascal {pierce} in queen elinor {elizabeth's mother/travis' grandmother} castle with her daughter eliza {elizabeth}. after their parents passed away protecting their children from a shark attack, the kids were left with mirroring scars going down their arms
years ago, tavari fell for a human couple. he talked with them easily, and they weren't disturbed by his tail. so tavari decided that they would be good examples of how humans could help the mermaid population
they asked hazel {hyria} and locke {luke} to meet them by the ocean at night. tavari managed to capture hazel, but locke was late and tried to fight tavari, but he forgot that he couldn't swim or breath like tavari can underwater
so locke became a regular at drake and uma's {dr doctor and urla's} bar, trying hard everyday to band people together for help. no one believed the couple as they talked about tavari, and all assumed hazel left after a certain point and let locke blame the merman
tavari would try and get zale {zianna} to help a potion that turns someone into a different species, but needed the proper things for it to work {like hair or skin}. eventually, tavari couldn't find a willing participant after queen elinor their ideas, and tried to find another way to make it work
he decided to turn into a human instead, after being shunned by all the other mermaids. he couldn't be close enough to land to get some hair, and needed someone with human arms help…
after helping thea {teony's mom} practice for her guard certification, eliza asked her friends if they could swim with her for a bit. they got pascal to come with and, once far away enough, eliza revealed that she stole one of her mothers sea crystals
thea immediately tried to reprimand eliza, pascal joining in, before sadie grabbed it to get a better look at it. she had been sent over the coral walls that were heavily guarded, and started to freak out
eliza tried to show her what to do, sharing that she had done it before, but thea was yelling {worried for friend} and pascal was yelling {for his sisters safety}
eventually eliza talked over the mers who were freaking out and said that she would come back with more sea crystals. little did they know, sylvie {ivy's mother} had caught eliza stealing the queens sea crystals and turned her in. she got called a goody-two-fin and was told about the situation after eliza was locked in her room. later, sylvie would come to help thea and pascal, but for now
thea and pascal stayed on the other side of the coral fence by sadie. eventually, sadie saw a whale and told the other two her plan: to swim up by the whale and ask if they could swim her over the city to get back home. the coral almost reaches the top of the sea, and whale's like to go up there sometimes
thea was excited and said to do so, but pascal was worried for his sisters safety. he was reassured, and reluctantly let her try her idea
turns out! that whale was a boat. captain garrisons boat.
garrison {garte} was a loud, foul-mouthed sailor who grew up on the ocean with his father and sister. once he was out in the world on his own, he went right back into piracy
he picked up most of his behavior from what he had seen while on land as a child thanks to the crew and townspeople. no one really talks to him about it, since his crew don't really care and they don't stop at places for too long
he is, however, rivals and sworn enemies with the meteli ship and their captains. johnson, harrison, and solaire {joh, hayden and glenda/luna {head meteli guard woman, shadow knight}} have even brought kids onto their ship. leo, piper, and abram {laurence, cadenza, and caleb} are small, with piper being the oldest at 7 and leo at 5, but still won't be all that fun to try and censor himself around smaller ears when insulting the meteli captains
anyway, to sadie the whale is 'singing loudly' and she tries to check up on it. she sees humans singing instead, dancing on two legs and a boat full of laughter. sadie is enraptured by their joy and watches for a moment…
garrison notices a beautiful woman in the ocean watching his crew, and tries to invite her onto the ship. she's scared away and ducks underwater. he's too drunk in the middle of the day to notice that she doesn't come back up for air
after this, sadie notices that the strange whale had led her farther from home. she heads lower into the ocean and catches sight of a mers fin
she tries to catch up, and finds a merman sitting around as if he was waiting for her. he explains that he wants help, because the 'witch' who's passed out in the glass chamber trapped them as a merman. he explains that they fought for a bit, and now he has to wake her up to get the recipe for a permanent solution to his problem
sadie, having heard stories of witches {and not knowing that they were about tavari themselves}, gladly helps. tavari says that they had been up above the ocean for too long, and needed to rest for a few days and stay underwater. zale comes around and suggests that sadie helps in their place, promising to help keep her safe and keep track of time while she's on the surface
everyone says it sounds like the best solution, and tavari tells sadie how to be safe with the potion and to take it around the top of the ocean and to keep her upper half above the water
tavari pulls zale aside and tells her again to make sure sadie is okay, as her help is required for his plans. zale salutes and takes sadie to the top of the ocean
garrison had reached land after seeing sadie and docks. he promised diego and river {derek and rachel} that he would pay them after the prince pays him first. they roll their eyes and say 'sure' before maho {nana's mother su-ji} comes up to speak with all 3 of them
garrison tries to 'welcome' her into his presence, but she doesn't care and instead takes all of them to prince tobias {terry}
tobias tells them about his wants of marrying someone who loves him romantically, not just for power or anything like that. at first the for-hire mercenary couple don't really care until tobias says he'll double {possibly triple} everyone's pay. they gladly accept after this
tobias gives them a couple conditions: they must find someone together, because garrison can find people easy and the married couple would be the most likely to tell who would be the most compatible in the long run with him
the head guard, alexa {originally amber} secretly watches over them because she doesn't trust garrison to do his job properly after tobias sends everyone on their way, maho hangs back to talk with tobias before going to drake and uma's to see how this will go- and to spend time with her friends mica and nelson {martin {vylad’s dad} and michi's dad}
as garrison prepares to talk with people and sets everything up, the couple go to their hang out spot by the ocean to prepare for headaches
they see sadie come up from the ocean with a crab in her arms, barely covered up in a soaked cloth that looked like an old pirate flag
the couple try to help warm her up and talk with her. zale snuck in a language translation potion before sadie entered the cave. the 3 of them talk for a while before garrison goes out to look for river and diego. he makes fun of them for 'not inviting him' to their get together, the couple groans as they leave. sadie asks to come as well, and she's sent to the bar at DaU's {'dow' from dowry}
maho talks with her friends as garrison accidentally falls into his habit of being creepy towards women before they walk out. river smacks the back of his head to try and regulate him, diego sighs and compliments her. some of the suitors hit on members of the team and have to be sent away before the married couple kills them
alexa, watching from across the room, is disappointed and unimpressed with their work. she eventually wants to come over and ask if she can just… give them someone to work with, but mary {michi's mother} walks up to the table with confidence before coming across as the perfect fit for tobias {or close enough to by everyone's standards. they want to be paid quick}
sadie sits and talks with maho, nelson, and mica. nelson and mica point and laugh at garrison as he's almost slapped a bunch, and maho sarcastically debates on going up to the table to give them pointers and tips. once mary gets there, though, nelson is too distracted to hear his qpr partner point out the head guard leaving the establishment. maho notices, though, and sighs before trailing her
sadie leaves the queer-platonic couple at the bar and goes to follow maho. zale has been able to come along this far because sadie has been saying that she helps her calm down. which isn't wrong, but it isn't completely true either
sadie loses track of them outside the bar. she sees oscar {gene and dante's father}, and locke fighting in the center of a street. alexa is breaking it up as some of the normal guards show up, telling both of the men that they're drunk. locke waves it off and tries to leave, oscar taunts him about hazel before alexa has to step back at the force locke threw himself
sadie notices maho watching everything going down and tries to scoot next to her to talk some more. she happily obliges, and tells sadie the whole story about hazel, locke, and the 'merman' that befriended them before trying to kill them
sadie immediately tries to set the record straight, saying that a mer would never do such a thing. maho eyes her, unsure of what to do with this information. eventually, after talking some more, maho goes back to the castle to check up on tobias. she tells him what she thinks of this new person called 'sadie' and tobias immediately wants to know more about her. maho lightly bonks his head, chiding him for his childish interest in mermaids and such
tobias asks if he could meet her and asks if she really is a mermaid. sadie doesn't care to try and stop him, and as they go to leave, Alexa tells tobias that the pirate and mercenaries found him a bride and that he has to come immediately before they try to get the money early. she wants to make sure that they mesh well before giving one of her closest friends away to his job and such, knowing that she'll miss him and that her position can only interact with his before rumors try to spread after marriage
tobias sighs and agrees to go. maho, alexa, and tobias go to garrison’s boat. garrison had to be stopped from hitting on mary many times by alfredo and randall {rhys}. randall would use physical roadblocks as alfredo logic's his way out- but garrison is usually upset by alfredo no matter what and has him thrown under the ships deck. sad!
as that was going on, sylvie had finally reached thea and pascal with 7 sea crystals. thea was shocked, as sylvie always did as the queen asked. pascal took the crystals as sylvie sheepishly admitted her blunder and that this is how she's trying to make up for it. before they all go, though, eliza comes barreling towards them with guards behind her. she crashes into her friends, activating the crystals just before the guards reached her
as everyone tried to catch their water, sylvie told them that she got out of her room. her mother saw, and since she was still mad, sent the guards after her to safely get her back home. syvlie and thea rubbed the area by their gills to try and calm down before pascal pointed out that he saw a mers fins from far away
sadie, back on land, is by the seashore and talking with zale. sadie is sad that she can't get the hair right, and zale tries to cheer her up {mostly because she doesn't want tavari to be mad} and tells sadie that the potion she took only lasts 24 hours. sadie realizes how much time she's wasted before picking herself back up, not noticing her family and friends coming out from the ocean the opposite way she was walking
the couple had gone back to their cave to try and calm down from the day, and instead found the same sight from before but with 4 people instead. they're annoyed and irritated, wanting them gone as soon as possible. they give them some of their own clothes and give short answers to their questions before sending them away. they finally have a chance to relax in each others arms, and do so for a while
the 4 go down the beach in the direction of sadie before seeing someone playing a string instrument by the seashore. they sit and listen. at the end of the song the performer opens her eyes and introduces herself as bella {betty's parent}. they all talk for a bit before bella tells them what she saw that had to do with their friend. she saw the fight between oscar and locke, saying that maho had walked away
she did notice, however, their mouths moving to form the word 'merman', shrugged, and went back to playing
tavari is anxious {and getting mad} about his plan. he wants to go check up on how it's going, but bella and oscar would notice him immediately. he regretted giving the others some of his hard-made potions in exchange for their help
they did, however, get a kick out of having to explain that they'd have to do it sneakily. not just 'going up and taking some' like eliza and pascal said, or 'asking them nicely' like sylvie and thea countered with. tavari laughed to themselves and went up to the glass box containing hazel
he misses her. he misses locke. he gave up on trying to turn her into a mermaid, not wanting to stay like this himself any longer than he has to. he runs a hand by hazel’s face and goes to work on a temporary potion once more. it's difficult getting human objects naturally for this, but he's been doing it for this long and it's fine by now…
sadie had reached the ship and saw that there were 2. she wasn't sure about which one had the people she knew, and headed toward the 2nd one
she stepped on board and saw children coming up to her. sadie, always being a sucker for guppies, immediately started coddling them and making them laugh. she heard someone laugh and ask how she's so good with children. sadie looked up to see 3 adults in front of her, smiling as she played with the children. the woman had a baby in her arms as sadie stood up
she apologized for coming onto the ship without asking, and the parents waved her off and thanked her for distracting the kids. they all heard yelling from the next ship over. garrison was yelling for the throuple to 'come over and fight him like men', waved his hand and added that solaire could kick his a… butt anytime
they rolled their eyes at their friend's antics and waved to him. sadie sees maho, river, and diego and excuses herself. the parents say that she's welcome to come back at any time as long as they're docked. piper had asked to hold zale earlier, and after asking zale if it was okay and going over proper safety, sadie handed her over. sadie, however, forgot to pick the crab back up. zale is yelling after sadie and pinching her claws as piper gets amped about crabs with leo
sadie realizes that she's been so focused on the task at hand, that she hasn't properly shown niceties towards the humans. she goes out and finds some flowers to make wreaths, only finding enough for a couple crowns and bracelets, and walks aboard as she focuses
mary is getting ready with river's help, helping mary do her hair and such. diego silently watches garrison try to talk to him, giving up and instead talking to himself or randall. randall tries to calm his captain down
randall points to what's happening above deck and sends garrison, tired after the captain talks at, with, and around him. diego pats the barrel next to him, and randall takes a seat
maho pointed towards sadie as she came aboard, telling tobias that she was the possible mermaid. alexa starts to say something about being sarcastic in the right spots, but tobias is already giving a formal greeting
he bent to one knee, took sadie's hand and brushed his lips over his knuckles, and gave her his full name. alexa was aghast, as this is what people do for tobias' family to show respect. maho sees her friends face and starts laughing loudly, attracting the attention off the ship's crew towards the sight of the prince and sadie
alexa swats her friend's arm and tries to get tobias to stand up, telling sadie that she should be doing that instead if the prince was in her presence. tobias turns to speak with alexa about being proper with mermaids before sadie holds out the wreath she was in the middle of making. everyone pauses to see what's going on, crew pretending to work
sadie says that she couldn't make wreaths for everyone, but that her people make these for introductions. she puts the wreath around tobias' shoulders, then goes around and asks for maho and alexa's hands to give them bracelets. they're all stunned as tobias' eyes shine and sadie asks where the others are
alexa silently points to the lower deck, sadie stops by garrison to give him a flower ring before getting to river and diego. tobias starts to go on about his theories for mermaids and such, the crew gets back to work and pretends like they weren't watching. garrison messes with the ring on his hand, cursing that he missed the chance to hit on another girl today
alexa hears this and starts to run after garrison, who gives a high-pitch scream as his crew laughs
diego sees sadie and rubs the bridge of his nose. sadie asks for his wrist, gives him a flower bracelet, and asks where river was- diego realizes that sadie doesn't know either his or his wife's name
he jerks a thumb to the changing room, saying that river is helping mary and that sadie will have to wait. as sadie sits on the ground, the women come out from the double doors
sadie excitedly gives river the bracelet and asks if mary would like a ring. she declines, saying that she's about to be rich and won't need flowers. sadie is taken aback, as that's usually the sign of disrespect and wanting to avoid the offer-er in mer culture. she's still stunned as mary walks to the deck
mary sees that the others have flowers and starts to get bad. why would that woman give her man flowers, and he should be making an expression like that because of her! not some--
mary is cut off mid thought as she hears yelling from the side of the ship. on land, two of the town's music men were trying to get her attention. well, one was. the other did not look too excited
mica, sour expression, was holding nelson on his shoulders. nelson proclaims to mary, holding his arm out to her, declaring that he fell in love with her the moment she saw him and that he would love to spend the rest of his life with her. mica rolls his eyes, annoyed that nelson is doing this
mary looks to the prince, wrapped up in flowers, and accepts nelsons proposal. she hikes her dress up and jumps to the men, all of them falling over. the new couple starts laughing as mica is sour about the whole thing. the 3 hear laughing from the next ship over, and see the crew congratulating them on their relationship and getting a kick out of the scene that played before them. nelson is bashful as mary pulls him up and dips him for a kiss. mica sits and simmers on the ground as they do this
bella saw this from far away, small images that looked like mary jumping off a ship to nelson and mica. she laughed to herself and started to head into town to tell everyone at DaU's
by now, sylvie and pascal complain that their weird tubes hurt. thea and eliza push on, agreeing that it's strange, but that they need to find sadie. eliza reminded everyone that this potion would only last so long before their scales, fins, and gills come back. pascal told eliza that tavari said the gills would come in about 30 minutes after the others, she then thanked him for the correction
they eventually leave the town and see the pirate ships. sylvie asks if it's a whale, and eliza refutes her with a slight bump on the head. sylvie calls her mean as they head towards the ships
alexa tells tobias that his date just jumped overboard into the arms of another man as river and diego come up to see what all the noise was about. river starts to pull out a small knife that she carries, saying that she worked too hard on her hair for her to skip out on this. diego puts a hand on her shoulder and points towards tobias- specifically the flowers
river looks down to her wrist and puts it together. she puts the knife away before going up to sadie and asking if she wants her hair done. sadie happily agrees, not knowing that she is about to be courted
as they go back under the deck, diego tells tobias and alexa that sadie is getting ready. tobias thanks him profusely as he dances around with the wreath. diego shakes his head at the princes behavior, not caring enough to stop him
garrison tries to offer sadie help with her dress before river smacks him on the side of the head. she tells him that sadie is the prince's new target of love, and garrison deflates. he huffs out a 'fine' and goes back to talking with randall about whatever pops up
eventually, the meteli captains notice that their kids are stressing out the crab and tell them that they have to take it back to the nice lady sadie. leo and piper groan, not wanting to stop playing with zale, but zale clips her claws in vivid agreement to the throuples words. they giggle at the crab before handing off abram to their second in command
they walk the kids over to garrisons ship, happily greeting the crew as they usually do. they ask around where sadie went, and alfredo calls up that she's getting ready for her date with the prince. they thank him and go to sit while waiting. piper lost hold of zale, who ran away as fast as she could. leo starts to try and go after her, not wanting to see his sister sad, but johnson puts a hand on his sons shoulder and reminds him why they're there in the first place. he apologizes and gets his hair ruffled, harrison saying that it was okay as solaire went to sit on the ground in-between the kids
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roseartsandfics · 1 year
Alexander -- Boredom
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Can y'all tell that I am into this movie? :D
So I drew Alexander last night at his mirror desk, feeling the moment of boredom lol
As stupid idea, I know, I just don't know what to draw for a Galaxy Quest fanart, might not be as good, but oh well ^^;
Just watched Galaxy Quest while drawing and I cannot tell how good it was ^^
What y'all think?
Alexander Dane and Galaxy Quest ©Dean Parisot, Mark Johnson, Charles Newirth and DreamWorks Pictures
Artwork ©SuperShadowSilver
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: regular basic pencil and 48 pack colored pencils
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Another round down, and hoo boy! Look at all those fucking 9's and 9.5's! On the one hand, I think it was a uniquely strong selection (and there were just *so many* albums this time), but on the other, I think I'm probably just becoming more lenient with my scoring as I go on, and we come closer to approaching the end of this. Oh well! Who cares!
Alice and John Coltrane- Cosmic Music (8.0/10)
Arthur Russell- World of Echo (8.5/10)
Bedhead- Beheaded (8.0/10)
Black Tape for a Blue Girl- Remnants of a Deeper Purity (8.5/10)
The Body- Master, We Perish (7.5/10)
The Brian Jonestown Massacre- Methodrone (10/10)
The Brian Jonestown Massacre- Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request (8.5/10)
Buffy Sainte-Marie- Illuminations (10/10)
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band- Mirror Man (7.5/10)
Caroliner Rainbow Susans and Bruisins- The Cooking Stove Beast (9.0/10)
Cecil Taylor- Unit Structures (8.5/10)
CHIHIRO (チヒロ)- BEST 2007-2013 (6.5/10, deleted from library)
Chris Corsano- Another Dull Dawn (7.5/10)
Clams Casino- Instrumentals (8.0/10)
Codeine- The White Birch (8.5/10)
Craig Finn- I Need a New War (8.0/10)
Crass- Christ: The Album (8.5/10)
D/P/I- redneks 2013 (8.5/10)
Dean Blunt- Skin Fade (7.5/10)
Destroyer- We'll Build Them A Golden Bridge (8.0/10)
Digable Planets- Blowout Comb (9.0/10)
DNA- DNA on DNA (8.5/10)
Dusty Springfield- A Girl Called Dusty (8.0/10)
Enya- Dark Sky Island (8.5/10)
Enya- The Memory of Trees (8.0/10)
esc 不在- midi dungeon (7.0/10, deleted from library because i just have too much vaporwave)
The Ex- Joggers and Smoggers (9.5/10)
Ferry Corsten- Blueprint (9.0/10)
Fuji Grid TV- Prism Genesis (8.5/10)
The Fun Years- Baby It's Cold Inside (8.5/10)
Germs- (GI) (8.5/10)
Harry Pussy- What Was Music? (8.0/10)
The Haxan Cloak- Excavation (9.0/10)
Heatmiser- Dead Air (7.0/10)
Hijokaidan- Noise from Trading Cards (8.0/10)
Hiroshi Sato- Super Market (7.5/10)
Hüsker Dü- Warehouse: Songs and Stories (8.5/10)
Hype Williams / Paradise Sisters- Crowned Regional Sadat X Awareness Project (8.5/10)
Iannis Xenakis- Orchestral Works Vol. I (9.5/10)
James Ferraro- Skid Row (8.5/10)
Jeph Jerman and Tony Whitehead- Placed (7.0/10)
The Jesus Lizard- Liar (8.5/10)
Julee Cruise- Floating Into the Night (7.5/10)
Leatherface- Mush (9.5/10)
Lemon Demon- View-Monster (8.0/10)
Leonard Cohen- Various Positions (9.0/10)
LiLiPUT- Kleenex / LiLiPUT (8.0/10)
Lolina- Live in Paris (8.5/10)
M83- Hurry Up, We're Dreaming (8.0/10)
Madonna- Madonna (8.0/10)
Man is the Bastard- Thoughtless (7.5/10)
Marvin Gaye- Let's Get it On (7.5/10)
Mater Suspiria Vision- Inverted Triangle II (7.0/10)
The Mekons- The Edge of the World (8.0/10)
Melvins- Gluey Porch Treatments (9.0/10)
Menomena- I Am the Fun Blame Monster (8.5/10)
Merzbow- Rainbow Electronics 2 (7.0/10)
Meshuggah- Selfcaged (7.5/10)
Miles Davis- A Tribute to Jack Johnson (8.0/10)
Minutemen- What Makes a Man Start Fires? (9.0/10)
Miranda Lambert- Four the Record (8.5/10)
Morton Feldman- Rothko Chapel + Why Patterns? (9.0/10)
Naked City- Radio (7.0/10)
Neu!- Neu! 2 (9.0/10)
Nine Inch Nails- The Slip (8.0/10)
Philip Jeck- Stoke (8.5/10)
Whitehouse- Birthdeath Experience (4.5/10, deleted from library)
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aza-writes · 2 years
Blood Red : Chapter 3
Thank you, Mr. Fisk
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Hell's Kitchen : 2016
I wake up to darkness, something that's not exactly unfamiliar. I feel a small tug at something over my head and light floods my eyes. I groan at the intense lights on my face. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust until I can check my surroundings.
Okay, my hands are tied to a mental chair, I can easily slip out of the ropes. Someone is behind me to tear off the bag over my head. There is a metal desk in front of me with a glass of water on it. Not to mention a two-way mirror in front of me. This isn't a police office due to the lack of security cameras, the man behind has no badge on, also the rope instead of handcuffs is another dead giveaway. I've made enemies in my past but I rarely leave a witness or even someone to mourn them. I'm stumped by this until I remember the man from last night. He was wearing a suit with expensive fabric so he has some money. I try to remember more but my head is pounding.
The door unlocks revealing a dark-haired skinny man with thin, black glasses. Confidence radiates off of him. I tilt my chin up to combat this, I want him to feel small although I'm the one tied to a chair. He seems to pick up on this and lifts an eyebrow. I wanna smack him.
"Thank you, Johnson, you may leave." The guard behind me leaves the room as the skinny, smackable-faced man sits down. The door slams shut, and neither of us flinches. There's intense eye contact happening, like both of us are declining to speak first, trying to gain the upper hand. He smirks then opens up a folder while keeping eye contact. This son of a bitch, now I really want to smack him. Not punch, smack.
Looking down at the folder he looks back up at me. "Ms. Alice Solovyova, 16, was born in North Dakota on February 5, 2000." He looks back up at me, emotionless. "Nice to meet you" he extends his hand "James Wesley." I keep my stoic look. Then he makes a light, fake giggle with a tiny smirk growing. "Oops, I forgot. Let's be realistic here, you're just a kid and Alice isn't your real name is it." The confidence in his voice is so annoying. "Now, tell me your real name, and I'll untie your"
"You're lying."
"Why do you think that."
"We both know you're not that stupid. I killed a man twice as old as me with double the muscle mass I do, you would snap like a toothpick."
"So you did kill him?"
"Don't patronize me."
"Don't patronize me. Drop the façade. Who are you, where are you from, and how did you kill one of our best men."
"He was your best? That's sad for you, you must not be a very good organization." His face tightens, clearly annoyed. I can't help but smirk a bit. "Ooh, that struck a cord."
He aggressively slams the folder. "If you want to be stubborn that's fine. My employer won't too pleased."
"I don't careee," I say in a sing-song way. "You think I'm afraid of any of this?" I scoff "you clearly don't know how to do your job. I killed that man with ease, and he was your best. Your boss must be incredibly soft."
Wesley is pissed, ready to say something when the lock on the door clicks. I keep my eyes on this Ублюдок (bastard).
"That's enough Wesley, I'll take it from here." I look over to see the giant of a man. His voice was a sharp baritone. Wesley wasn't the biggest threat in the room anymore.
Wesley walks over to him and whispers something in his ear, which causes both of them to look back at me. The giant then nods at Wesley, allowing him to storm out of the room. Oh, I really pissed him off.
"Hello Miss Nikitina." I look at him confused. "You can drop the act, the man at the hotel was all too ready to get rid of that stuff in your room. Of course, we also ran some background checks, then a deep dive and a little investigating. The Russian government isn't as clean as they think they are, of course not after recent events exposing the Black Widow program."
"Sir, I-"
"Mr. Fisk."
"Mr. Fisk, I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Stop the lying." He looks down at the folder that he brought in. "Aleksandra Nikitina, born March 19, 2000 in Moscow, Russia to Igor Nikitin and Vera Nikitina. Former Black Widow." He looks me dead in the eyes "Does any of that ring a bell."
My voice turns sharp allowing my accent to show. "What do you want?"
"I believe we can help each other." He looks back down at the file, he knew everything about me so there was no point in hiding anything. I could even see that he had pictures of me in there from when I was first brought into the program and everything else. "You have very high marks here. You have the highest kill percentage." He smirks. "Here it says there is speculation that you are so ready to kill due to your bloodlust." He looks at me as I visibly stiffen. I can feel my pupils widen and my heart rate pick up. "Ahh, so it's true?"
"The legend of the Bloody Widow."
"Excuse me?" I try not to show that the word blood has such an effect on me. Shit, even the thought of it makes my throat dry.
"A young girl who is so willing to kill that she gets excited. It's a sixth sense. And now she's here, after killing one of my men."
"He deserved it," I mumbled under my breath.
"Did you say something Ms. Nikitina?"
"I said he fucking deserved it." I look him in the eyes. "He was ready to hurt me, that man was a pervert and a pedophile. He's lucky I allowed him the mercy of death." Fisk was visibly pleased to hear my confession. "I regret nothing."
"I don't expect you to Ms. Nikitina. But I think we can help each other. You killed one of my men, you need a job and a place to sleep. I can offer you both of these things and more."
Fisk smirks like he can offer me the world. "A list." He pulls out a different folder and slides it to me already opened. There are names, statistics, and pictures of hundreds of people. I look up at him, wanting more information before I agree.
"These are people who are, let's just say they're getting in my way. I would like them away from my operations," he stands up and holds out his hand "By any means necessary."
I smirk softly and finally let the rope drop from my arms, I slipped out of the knot as soon as Weasel entered the room. I stood up and shook Fisk's hand. "Thank you, sir."
He smiles and hands me a vile of blood to me, "please, Sir is too formal. Call me Mr. Fisk."
I tuck the vile into my pocket "Thank you, Mr. Fisk."
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