#cuz gwen dying is not a canon event
My take on what will happen at the end of „Beyond the Spiderverse“ :)
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:D the whole thing ->
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seriously tho, the whole "it doesnt end well" dialouge feels like forshadowing, PLUS gwen telling her father "dont worry, i'll be back soon" is such a she's gonna die thing to say
anyways, i love my queen gwen
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evilbunny111 · 11 months
nah cuz I'm pretty sure Miguel was the one who told Gwen that in every universe where Gwen falls for Spiderman, she ends up dying or smth. Which makes me hate him even more. Like maaaybe it's a bit of a stretch, but c'mon, he sees everything that happens in other universes, he keeps track of the canon events and all. and he knows Gwen is in love with Miles. he knew the moment she could travel to the universe, she would immediately see Miles. and in his eyes, Miles is a whoa super dangerous anomaly. so he needs to keep her from doing that, and that's when he tells her that.
my poor baby is always being manipulated by the Society, specially Jess and Miguel...
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
A continuation of the the spot is peni's dad au please I want to know what ha next?.
Continuation of this? Sure thing!
Okay, so, there’s two divergent possibilities here:
1) Peni’s dad has enough sense of mind to calmly approach Miles and ask for help
2) He doesn’t, and tries to Force Miles to help
I’ll address both under the cut cuz I have a feeling this is gonna get fairly long, lol
So! Option One: the Peaceful Approach
Miles is approached by a Mysterious Figure during a patrol. This figure cannot remember his name and cannot control the dimensional holes that appear over his body and the places around him. He knows that he is not of this world and that Spider-Man can help him return to his daughter. There is no hesitation from Miles to Help.
Timeline-wise, this figure approaches Miles weeks before he would’ve encounter canon Spot in the movie. So, Miles and this Figure (nicknamed several things but mostly called Blot) work together to experiment on making a gateway for Blot to return home (added bonus that Miles will finally be able to see his friends again). However, Blot’s unstable form complicates things in big and small ways, from misplacing things he needs to grab to holes appearing during crucial steps of experimentation that make them start over again.
It also doesn’t help that Blot can’t remember his past without experiencing pain and more instability. Something that Miles quickly realizes, so he knows to keep chatter light no matter how curious he is.
Blot cannot stay in Miles’ universe without glitching, so he takes regular, very reluctant, breaks in the endless space he’d been trapped in.
It’s during one long break that Gwen appears. Helping Blot has yielded the same concerns from Miles’ parents, so he’s still brooding in his room when they reunite. She convinces him to sneak out, they catch up, and Gwen explains the Spider Society.
Miles realizes they can help Blot (another added bonus that he gets to be with his friends if he joins the Society). Before he can explain, though, Gwen has to Leave to take care of some business. Miles follows.
During this time, Blot returns to their makeshift lab to continue experiments by himself. Frazzled by his time in the empty space and no friend to distract him with lighthearted chatter, Blot becomes unstable and sets off the machine they’re working on and is caught by the resulting explosion.
Gwen and Miles see the aftermath. Gwen scrambles to fix this, and Miles once again follows.
Blot’s been hopping from universe to universe, unstable and having trouble keeping his thoughts together and rambling about needing to find his daughter and unwittingly causing chaos with his dimensional holes. He’s confronted in Pavitr’s world and Miles puts himself at odds with the other Spideys and tries once again to explain. Blot is calmed somewhat by his presence but cannot stop himself from destabilizing again even more violently, causing a disaster that the Spideys have to manage while he slips away to another universe.
Miles isn’t shown a vision of Inspector Singh and his dad dying interposed with one another. He saves the Inspector despite that and is brought to the Spider Society. The Blot does not cause a huge hole in Pavitr’s world, so there’s less evidence for Miguel to tie Miles breaking a Canon Event as Bad (he’s still gonna be an ass about it though, lol). Miles is less focused on trying to be recruited as he is trying to find Blot and help him.
Canon Events are Not explained to him, yet. Miguel lets Miles interact with the Society so he can give information on the experiments he’d been working on with Blot. He’s brought to a lab where a bunch of Spideys are already working on tracking him down and gets another meeting with Margo and oh there’s Peni, too! And oh, she’s… why does she look so tired and sad? What Happened??
Miles continues to feel Out of the Loop and gets frustrated enough to Just Ask!! Peni, who’s probably been a bit dismissive to focus on calculations and stuff, relents and takes Miles aside, maybe with Gwen and Peter B, and they break the news about Canon Events.
Yes, his Uncle was meant to die. Yes, he Shouldn’t have saved Inspector Singh because a Police Captain important to a Spidey is always supposed to Die. And Miles gets quiet and says to them “My dad just became Captain…”
Now, he has no forewarning on What event could kill his dad, but he wants to go Home and Check. The others try to calm him down. Peni gets a bit nasty and says he should just cherish the time he has with him but they have More Important Things to worry about right now and turns away to keep tracking down Blot.
They work in awkward silence for a bit before Peni sighs and apologizes for her tone. She never had a chance to save her dad. She hadn’t even Known he’d been SP//dr until after he’d died. Since joining the Society, she’s done the math, and there’s really nothing she could’ve done (right?) for him nor for Addy or her Aunt May.
But Spidey can’t just give up, Miles thinks. There Has to be a way to save his dad!! But Peni’s right, he needs to Focus.
There’s a Ping on Blot’s location and lo-and-behold… he’s in Peni’s Universe.
Miles convinces the team Miguel assembles to take him with since he’d been mostly successful in calming Blot down last time.
Peni leads the charge in her new mech. Blot’s holes are once again causing Chaos. It splits the team up a bit trying to save folks while chasing him down. Peni realizes he’s heading for Oscorp and charges ahead with Miles to cut him off.
Imagine Blot shambling towards Oscorp, tripping though his holes and gaining distance in a jagged sort of movement. “I’m home I’m HOME” he mutters to himself. “Where is she? Where Is She??”
A wall of webs doesn’t stop him. He just keeps moving. Miles call out to him, and Blot finally pauses. He turns and recognizes Miles. He doesn’t recognize the mech but something in his head Tingles with a Connection.
Spider feels it, too. The little creature alerts Peni who narrows her eyes cuz no is supposed to be connected to Spider but her and-
Miles startles when he hears the mech cockpit open. Peni stares at Blot, no recognition on her face until he Speaks.
And now her world has Flipped and Miles realizes what this could mean cuz her dad’s death is supposed to be a Canon Event so what does that mean if her world hasn’t been affected by that for the years since his supposed Death??
Miguel is Definitely Not gonna like This.
I imagine this’d be a great and excruciating place for the movie to stop and leave it on a cliffhanger, lol
- - -
Okay, and Now: the Aggressive Approach
I think this would mostly play like the movie with a few key differences:
First, where meeting canon Spot was just a coincidence, Peni’s dad would actively be on the hunt for a Spider-Man. Maybe his dimensional holes would be causing problems for the neighborhood and Miles would investigate and be confronted by this figure.
Blot (name gained this time by citizens trying to describe the holes he makes) has more combat training than Spot so he’d probably give Miles way more trouble on top of being actively aggressive. He’d gain the upper hand at some point during the confrontation and demand Miles take him to his daughter which, of course, Miles is totally confused by!!
His lack of control over his powers would eventually kick him back into the Empty Space where he’d find that his hole can finally see to dimensions other that Miles’. He doesn’t need Spider-Man’s help. He just needs the Right Equipment.
Movie plays the same again for a bit. Where Spot had been seeking Alchemax labs to gain more power for revenge, Blot uses them as a jumping point to another universe because he keeps ending up in the Wrong Ones. He gets more and more agitated. He sees Spideys as villains for getting in his way because he Just Wants to get Home and see his Daughter.
Second main difference, when Miles clashes with Blot again, the vision he sees isn’t of Inspector Singh and his dad, it’s of a man holding the hand of a young girl wearing a backpack that looks Weirdly Familiar. He tries to reason with Blot, tell him that they could help him find his kid. But Blot’s too wrapped up in his own head to accept help at this point.
He’s been on his own for Years. He doesn’t Need Help anymore. He just needs to be Home.
The Blot would very clearly make the Big Hole in Pavitr’s world and disappear again. Miles is taken to the Spider Society. The scene with Miguel plays out the same until…
He sees her, exhausted and the light gone from her eyes, and he remembers her Backpack. He asks her about it, derailing the gravity of the situation he’s in. She has it on her, of course she does. Her Dad gave it to her.
Miles connects the dots. In front of Miguel and Gwen and Peter and Hobie and all these other Spideys, he blurts out the Truth. Eyes shift from him to Peni who is looking at him with wide and tear-filled eyes. Her voice breaks.
“He’s Alive? My dad.. he’s ALIVE??”
Miguel tries to clear the room. Things have become very Very Complicated and the Whole Society is going to know very shortly. He needs a moment to think, to talk to Peni and grill Miles about How He Knows. Peter (with Mayday) and Gwen stay, because of course they do. Jess stands by Miguel. Hobie sticks around because this is about to be a Whole Show and he’s gonna stick with his drummer and the new guy and the old dude with the anarchist baby and the kid with a punk rock soul.
Miguel’s belief in the importance of maintaining Canon Events stands, despite seeing the mirror in Peni and her dad and Gabriella and him. He repeats what he said to Miles. To him, there is no choice in this matter. Blot being alive endangers the Multiverse.
He still places the blame on Miles, the one who destroyed Fisk’s super collider, the one who didn’t stop Blot when he first made his presence known. Peni is the first to his defense. Miles has hope that he can save his dad; and now that she knows hers is still alive, she has hope that she can save him, too. Him being alive after all these years is proof enough that Miguel is Wrong.
A chase. A scramble for transportation to the right universe. Miguel needs two teams now, one to stop Miles and the other to stop Peni. The news has spread. The Spideys are split. Sides are chosen, and Miguel sees the organization he has so carefully built breaking apart.
Gwen escapes during this madness, realizing her watch has sent her to her dad and No Longer Works. She reconciles with him, gains a new watch, and gathers the Spideys she can to help in this coming conflict.
Miles realizes he’s in the Wrong Universe. Peni uses all of the resources of her universe’s Oscorp to locate her dad. And her dad? Well, he’s losing hope, sees all these universes without him or his daughter striving and happy and that’s Not Fair.
Why do they deserve what he could never have? He remembers parts of his former life, of a service that took everything from him including time with his lonely daughter. If he couldn’t have happiness, why should THEY?
There are holes in his brain, in his heart, a void that keeps growing and growing and he’s close to ready to letting it consume Everything.
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dailyunstableeve · 9 months
Just feel like sharing my Spidersona details here.
All words cuz I'm still trying to somehow draw it out-
Eve Rylie Parker
Age: 22
August 09 2001 11:58 pm (five minutes earlier than Peter Parker.
Born with brown hair but she dyed it red.
Brown eyes
A small fade cut on her nose, because girl can't stay still on the baby chair when she's a baby and falls off from the chair, leaving a cut on her nose.
Hobby: Music, drawing, cooking and writing.
Family: Peter Parker (younger brother), May Parker (Aunt), Ben Parker (Uncle), Dad and Mom (went on vacation, only come back to see their children once a year)
Workplace: F.E.A.S.T, she loves to stick around with May, she's basically the one who's in charge of the activities and events. (So she can disappear sometimes for her SpiderWoman's activities)
She chose that name because she finds out her webs can turn invisible, she would use her web and make it into some sweater or jacket when the weather got cold.
Suit image:
-mask design is like Pav, she loves the feeling of her hair moving when she swings around.
-color would be red and pastel purple.
-a small pouch hanging on the side of her hip, it allows her to carry earphones, some goober and Peter's own made smoke bombs.
-she would wear boots if she's rushing to put on her suit, usually she just puts on shoes pads.
The one SpiderWoman who doesn't lose her bags because she just gives it to Peter.
Some facts:
-Eve hates food that is made out of banana, she's fine with eating the fruit banana but as long as it is made into something else, she won't eat it.
-Since she has a small cut on her nose, during Halloween she would draw a small heart on her Spider mask, it's just a thing she does for her to love herself.
-Eve and Gwen are besties, which sometimes Eve would crash at Gwen if Eve happens to swing nearby but Gwen doesn't know Eve is the CloakWidow.
-Eve would swing Peter across the city if he has something to get that's on the other side of wherever they are, and Peter always screams which Eve would sometimes tape his mouth up so her ears won't be damaged after the swing.
-Her favorite playlist is where she puts Taylor Swift and Billie eilish songs together, she loves the mood swings of that the two artists gave, especially if she's fighting the villains.
-Peter's birthday is August 10 but she's born earlier than Peter which is August 9. So she would just ignore August 9 and celebrate her birthday with Peter together on August 10. Peter would always be the first who gives Eve a present while she'll be the first to give Peter.
"Canon Event"
-Harry Osborn. Harry is a close friend with the twins before Eve met Gwen. When Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin and CloakWidow was fighting him, Harry was at the scene. Harry died at the hand of the Green Goblin. After Green Goblin was beaten, Norman returned to himself and the first time he saw Harry 's bloody body on the ground with CloakWidow crying next to Harry's body. CloakWidow was furious, she thought of killing Norman but she could see the fear in Norman's eye and decided to turn him to the police. During Harry's funeral, Eve and Peter are the one who cry the most there, they were best friends.
-A year after Harry's, Eve met Gwen. CloakWidow met Captain Stacy. CloakWidow and Captain Stacy fought a lot of crimes together. Their first time meeting each other was when Captain Stacy mistaken CloakWidow as the villain and tazed her. His death was getting thrown off from a contraction by Doc Ork, CloakWidow was able to catch him with his web but it's too late. Ever since that incident, Eve would look after Gwen, making sure she doesn't get close to the crime scenes. Even if Captain Stacy doesn't know Eve is CloakWidow, Eve knows she has to look after Gwen in the place of Captain Stacy.
How she got the power
-Harry invited Peter and Eve to his father's company. During the tour, Harry was called away so he told Eve and Peter they can walk around while they wait for Harry to return. Since it's the twins' first time here, they have no idea where is off limits and they end up in the Spider Den. Eve was protecting Peter from the spider and got bit by one of it. They quickly left the Spider den and rushed to the washroom because Eve's hand was bleeding from the bite, which it's weird but they didn't care much about it.
That's pretty much it for now, maybe I'll add more in future :3
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dysiver · 11 months
Miles flat out said 'you were right Gwen you should have never come to see me' since it's obvious most of the things in the movie happened because of Gwen's recklessness. Why did no one point out that Spot wouldn't have gone to Pav's world if she just did her duty instead of ignoring Spot to spend time with Miles? The canon event in Pav's world probably would still need to happen eventually but not to that scale with so many destructions. I'm sure Pav's canon event is his uncle Bhim dying because of Pav's carelessness instead of inspector Singh's death. So like I'm confused how could people say it's not Gwen's fault at all for what happened to Miles and Pav's world after she accidentally changed so many things too lol.
YEAH, EXACTLY! Literally everything happened cuz she decided that she wasn't gonna do her job and instead she was gonna go play with Miles. I'm not saying she couldn't have said hi, I'm saying she could have DONE HER JOB FIRST!
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joyfuladorable · 11 months
What peni's role will be in beyond the spiderverse perhaps beyond will do for peni like what across did for Gwen?
Hmmmm, good question…
Personally, I don’t think it’ll be much more prominent than her role in ITSV, especially now that the team is Bigger. She’ll likely be paired with Margo for tech stuff and then of course probably fall back with Noir and Ham during combat. Spider-Verse has that very fun thing I love in voice direction where it lets the VAs talk over each other and stuff so there’ll probably be a lot of that happening since Spideys are Naturally Chatty. Maybe there’ll also be a convo between Miles and Peni about her dad and how she’ll do everything she can to help Miles save his dad because he has the Chance To. Also Also!! I’m SO excited for whatever action scenes they’re cooking up cuz the team up sequences are Literally some of my Favorite parts of the films and it’ll be awesome seeing the new SP//dr suit in action!!
Now, if you’re asking me my take on how Peni could have a larger role in BTSV, we can dig into it a little.
Imagine the film opening on a computer screen, running calculations after calculations that keep being Rejected. A lone girl is working on a mech, slapping silly stickers where she wants to and letting a Spider crawl around her arms and pointing to equipment and tools she needs. A PA crackles and calls SP//dr to action.
The girl finishes up what she’s doing as Spider skitters to his spot in the mech to start it up. Putting aside the equipment, the girl listens as a man, her Uncle Ben, informs her of the situation. She climbs into the mech, stares for a moment at the computer still rejecting calculations, and lets the hatch close shut.
The console lights up. Music plays, techno pop, the volume low at first as SP//dr swings through the city and confronts a Baddie. All the while, a narration plays:
“My name is Peni Parker. When I was 9, I was bitten by Spider and followed in my father’s footsteps to become SP//dr. I didn’t know he was a hero until the day he died. He was just there, one day, and gone the next and then I met my Aunt May and Uncle Ben for the first time, and they gave me a Choice.
“To be honest, it hadn’t really felt like one.
“I made it work. I had to. What would Oscorp do without its best asset! I did everything I had to and More. I had Ben and May and Spider and that was it. I was alone.
“And then I wasn’t.”
Cuts of ISTV of Peni with everyone.
“Five other Spiders!! And the potential for so many more.”
Cut to Peni returning to her dimension and rebuilding SP//dr. Her working on how to dimension hop willingly. Her meeting Addy and eventually becoming friends.
Her going out with Addy for VE#m’s first real field mission. Her having to Fight VE#m as her Aunt May enters the mech to rescue Addy.
Her opening the mech after the fight and realizing it’s Too Late.
Her huddled on her bed with Spider and going over how to rebuild SP//dr Again.
Then, a portal opens, and Gwen steps out and finally (Finally) Peni isn’t alone again.
“The Spider Society. I thought it was everything we needed. But…”
Canon Events are explained to her. She sees the endless row of Spiders huddling over their dying loved ones and sees herself standing quietly over her father’s grave. She hadn't been with him during his last moments. He’d taken her camping the week before he died and the last thing he’d said to her after dropping her off at school was that “things will be different soon. Better.”
The last words she’d heard from Addy and her Aunt had been of terror. Not goodbyes.
And I’ve mentioned this before, but at first Peni rejects the idea that Things have to go a Certain Way. Cut to her computer that continues reject calculations. Cut to her as techno pop roars and she beats the Baddie.
She gets a message from HQ. Miles has finally (temporarily) been allowed in. They’re going to Explain, and she should be there to help Soften the Blow.
Peni knows it’s not gonna work, but she goes anyways because Miles is her Friend.
“…I was wrong.”
Miles explodes containment with his venom. SP//dr takes a moment too long to right itself and everyone else is already in hot pursuit. She lags behind and eventually stands in the Go Home room and watches Miles escape and Gwen call the Society out.
Peni shares a look with Peter B, with Margo, and then leaves for her dimension. She rips her watch off her wrist and throws it on her workbench as she turns to her computer.
She enters in a new calculation, something she hadn’t thought of before.
Miles was a factor she’d never considered.
The computer hums as Peni fiddles with a different watch with Spider. A “just in case” machine that Hobie had suggested in passing one day.
She slaps it on as a chaotic portal opens up and Gwen waits for her. Peni grabs her jacket and drapes it over her shoulders as she climbs into SP//dr.
The computer beeps.
A probability. A Chance.
Peni smiles and follows after Gwen.
(Imagine Peni handing Miles a new set off web shooters as he adjusts a punk rock dimensional watch on his wrist. She lingers in the moment and tells Miles that if she’d had a chance to save her loved ones, she’d have taken it and done everything she could. She tells him that he’s got the chance and the probability for success is Low, but when has that Ever stopped a Spidey from Trying?
Imagine her confronting Miguel as they hold him down from making Another Mistake. Lyla going over the calculation herself and agreeing. And Peni opening up her mech to look into the eyes of a still mourning father reflected in her gaze as a mourning daughter. “There’s Hope, Miguel. It doesn’t have to be this way.”
And imagine her at the end of it all, coordinating with other tech Spideys to Prevent Tragedies. They’re the good guys. They’re supposed to Help People and they will and they are and This is the feeling of Togetherness Peni was chasing and has finally Caught.)
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