legionnaireslover · 7 days
In his own words...
To hear him speak about his children is so... 🥰🥰🥰
We all know he gives the best HUGS!
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Benedict Cumberbatch & his wife Sophie Hunter in Sag Awards!
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lovercumberlover · 6 years
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Happy International Women's Day🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 Benedict Cumberbatch for Marie Claire (December 2010)
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addictedtobrits · 7 years
Congrats to Ben and Sophie!!! (And welcome baby Hal!)
Congrats especially for being able to keep it a secret for such a long time!!! I think there was a sighting a couple of weeks ago and the girl kept her mouth shut about the lil one (which is great). I'm still not completely sure about the name, it's not what I was expecting...but it's Ben's and Sophie's choice so I totally respect it and I suppose is only a matter of getting used to it :)
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mrk-marika · 2 years
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#doctorstrange #benedictcumberbatch #fanart #trovatesulweb #cumberfamily #cumberlover #mybeautifulben
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dinner--starving · 3 years
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annashipper · 4 years
Mom Anon
found the link on a nans blog but still. And again no mention of Pilo 3. They are supposed to be there together with the kids. Well, pics or …. you know. Also some old quotes from people who saw him (alone if I interpret the wording correct). Nothing on Ophie or the kids being seen out and about, just that they are there and his rep confirms. Yeah well, what else would they say? The nans overlook the fact Finn isn’t mentioned or put it down to the fact that Ben never publicly confirmed his birth as he did with the others. And again, didn’t Sofa change her name?
Don’t you worry Mom Anon!
It seems that Ben (or perhaps Karon) has finally realised that ignoring the Shrodinger Pilo narrative was a ridiculous option (especially considering how happy Weirdo looked on their trip to Paris the first time she ditched the prosthetic for the 3rd “pregnancy”), so today the Fail updated their article (LINK) and we don’t just have 3 pillows mentioned, we also have Ben’s parents:
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It’s good to know that the Intern monitoring our blogs, who reports to Karon, who then reports back to Ben is till among us.
And who knows?  If we keep asking the same questions over and over and over again, perhaps by the end of the week the Fail will put up another article, casually mentioning Emily joining the CumberFamily of much togetherness and even more surrealism in New Zealand.
P.S.  Intern, you may tell Karon to tell Ben that I’m fully prepared for a pap walk in New Zealand now that the country is considering opening up their borders.  If Ben knows what’s good for him, he’ll make sure to pull as many strings as his celebrity status will allow him, and fly Weirdo and 3 rented boys (hopefully appropriately aged) to Hawke’s Bay for a pap walk extravaganza BEFORE the country officially opens their borders.  Perhaps FrugalBatch could spring for a private jet since he’s desperate enough to convince everyone he has a real family of his own (I still haven’t forgotten about that unfortunate balcony pap op dearest Intern) to pull it off.
P.S.2.  Dearest Intern, please tell Karon to convince Ben to go for a tandem bike / ice cream binging pap walk this time around.  Ms Ballsy has had her heart set on it for years...  Ta!
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thisdancingheart · 5 years
Yes, if you google "royal albert hall front of house" and click on the first image from royalalberthall(.)com you can compare it to the photo of the Cumberfamily and see quite easily their location is IN the Hall. Haters love to deny reality, but they also love to aggravate antis with their contrariness if you confront them about it :-/
You are assuming that the septics are clever enough to be “contrary” but I believe that they are just vile and choose to live in constant denial rather than admit that their crush is a happily married man with three children. This is a problem that is not unique to Benedict but is an unfortunate thread that runs through female subgroups of many male celebrity fandoms. 
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nathsaucerbatch · 5 years
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Mais registros com as migles e os presentes hehe 😍 PS: @vvreis2013 ganhou uma plaquinha do muso tbm, mas só quem é da #cumbercollective consegue enxergar 😂🤣 #parquelage #migles #friendship #nature #natureza #christmasgifts #imaginarium #funko #cumberfriends #cumberfamily #cumberdrawing (em Parque Lage) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsBf1yEgPZlotwcr1gaRtDN-TP-XRMD0E8hxHE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h1mjfn74pqz3
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legionnaireslover · 15 days
New Interview with BC in The Times!
Stephen Armstrong
Sunday May 19 2024, 12.01am BST, The Sunday Times
When did Benedict Cumberbatch go from aspiring actor to a star with the world at his feet? For some it was Sherlock, which started in 2010 and won him an ardent following of “Cumberbitches”. For others it was his Marvel films, including Doctor Strange, which was when the money started to roll in. But for his father, also an actor, it was a play his son did while at Manchester University.
“After Dad saw me in Amadeus at university, he put his arm around me and said, ‘You’re better at this than I ever was. I cannot wait to support your career. I’m so proud of you,’” Cumberbatch tells me. There’s a pause as he gathers himself, touched by the memory. “For a man to say that to his son is absolutely huge.” He grins. “And it’s not necessarily true … But the generosity to go, ‘Your turn now.’”
In previous interviews, for Sherlock and his Sky drama Patrick Melrose, I found Cumberbatch chatty, amusing and curious. Today, wearing a T-shirt, grey hoodie and cream cords, he is in a more sombre mood. He is prone to embarking on long trains of thought that sound as if he’s debating his answer as he delivers it. Perhaps it’s because he’s very tired, he says. When we last met, in 2018, his second son was barely a year old. Now he is a 47-year-old father of three boys, aged eight to four, with his wife, the theatre and opera director Sophie Hunter.
In his new television series, Eric, he plays Vincent, a dad in 1980s New York who loses his son, aged nine, near a dodgy disco with a history of child prostitution. He wasn’t sure about taking the job at first — filming was in Budapest and he worried about time away from his family, but he found the script compelling so flew back and forth.
Lucy Forbes, the director of Eric, says Cumberbatch drew on his own experience of fatherhood for the role. “We were filming a scene where he’s standing outside the school, he’s been drinking, and a single tear falls from his eye,” she says. “Five minutes before that he’d been kicking a football around. He stepped on set and wept. I said, ‘How did you manage that?’ He said, ‘Because I have three boys.’”
I relay this to Cumberbatch and he stirs uneasily. “I think drama can teach you an awful lot about yourself. If they knew where my mind was going in that scene, good luck, because even I don’t know. And I don’t need to play a bad father to realise my shortcomings as a dad.” He gives a brief laugh and shrugs. “I can’t escape myself completely. There’s always going to be elements of me at play.”
This may be why he loved the puppet work he had to do in Eric. His character is a puppeteer who runs a Sesame Street-style show called Good Morning Sunshine and Cumberbatch performs song and dance numbers with the aid of a marionette (he can sing well). “Puppets are like masks, they say the things that we can’t,” he explains. “They’re like jesters in a medieval court able to expose truths, lies, hypocrisies and idiocies. And they can risk things that we can’t.”
Cumberbatch is guarded about his family — “and this is where we come to my privacy”, he says to deflect any questions about his personal life. It’s something he has been careful about since becoming a father, and with good reason. He has been the subject of intense attention since he broke through as Sherlock Holmes — the former chef Jack Bissell was given a three-year restraining order in 2023 after he attacked and vandalised the Cumberbatch home while the family were inside.
Stephen Moffat, the co-creator of Sherlock, says Cumberbatch has always been conflicted about stardom and the attention that comes with it. “Stars need talent, appearance, the right role at the right age but also ambition,” Stephen Moffat, who was a writer on Sherlock, explains over the phone. “Benedict is not ruthless — but he wanted it. He was getting impatient. Everyone was saying he was the coming man in his mid-thirties. At the time we cast him, Martin Freeman was the show’s big name. And [Benedict] became a star in one night. He was on a motorcycle coming over to my house as the first episode went out and by the time he arrived he was a celebrity. Our phones were jumping off the table.”
Cumberbatch’s mid-thirties impatience was understandable. He’s from a family of actors — his father, Timothy Carlton, has a long career on stage and small screen while his mother, Wanda Ventham, converted early roles in Carry On films into regular comedy work in Minder and Only Fools and Horses. They played his parents in the third series of Sherlock.
Since Sherlock, however, his career has outstripped his parents’. He’s played Doctor Strange in six Marvel films, voiced Smaug and the Necromancer in three Hobbit movies, the Grinch in two and Shere Khan in Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle. He was never entirely of that blockbuster world, though, also playing Dominic Cummings in Brexit: The Uncivil War and Henry Sugar in Wes Anderson’s version of Roald Dahl’s story. As the superhero franchise world falters, his Eric performance delivers with the intensity of The Power of the Dog or Patrick Melrose, his 2018 drama about a posh Englishman struggling with addiction after his father abused him.
Eric is an emotional thriller written by the screenwriter and playwright Abi Morgan, whose previous work includes The Split and Suffragette. She was inspired by her time as a teenage nanny in New York and wrote it with just one actor in mind. “I thought [Cumberbatch] has got to be an asshole,” she says. “The surprise for me was that he genuinely wasn’t.” It co-stars Gaby Hoffmann (who played Adam’s sister Caroline in Girls), superb as Vincent’s increasingly estranged wife, and McKinley Belcher III as Detective Ledroit, a gay cop in a homophobic force investigating the boy’s disappearance.
The longer his son is missing, the more Vincent loses his hold on reality. He conjures up an imaginary giant puppet, Eric, to help him to find his son. Cumberbatch provides the voice for the beast and there’s rich, dark comedy in his battles with the plodding fluff monster, who trails him through the city offering dumb plans or mean critiques.
The New York we see is beset by problems, grappling with the Aids epidemic and widespread homelessness, which Cumberbatch got his teeth into.
“Mental health, homelessness, racism, sexism and a host of prejudices.” He ticks them off on his fingers. “We’re always told to arc away from that, or pivot is the term, I think, in PR talk. But drama should always have relevance, however sad.
“It has to speak to the world and have resonance. It doesn’t have to be worthy, but it has to be worthwhile.
“We may not have an Aids pandemic today, but we’ve had Covid, which created fear, it created isolation and created intolerance,” he points out, noting the battles over masks and vaccines. What’s unique to the here and now is the disconnect between us all as people welded to our phones, says Cumberbatch, who has said he subscribes to Buddhist philosophy. He sighs as he speaks about “the electric babysitter we carry around in our hands, which feeds a disconnect through the promise of connection. I mean, that’s a whole other conversation.”
Morgan based the show on her time as a teenage nanny in the city when New York looked just like it did in the movies — and the production captures that era’s look with precision. She wrote her story of “two little boys lost in the city” with just one actor in mind.
“We were pretty far down the line in terms of the scripts, and I knew Benedict had range,” she says. “He can do Doctor Strange, The Imitation Game, The Power of the Dog, Patrick Melrose. But I thought he has got to be an asshole, hasn’t he? The surprise for me is that he genuinely wasn’t. I suddenly understood why those actors get the big bucks they do because they get on stage or camera and there’s an alchemy.”
Cumberbatch has his pick of parts but says, “You gravitate towards things that mean something to you or the zeitgeist. It has to speak to the world and have resonance. It doesn’t have to be worthy, but it has to be worthwhile.”
He adds, “If there is a choice …” but he’s at that rare stage in an actor’s career where he can not only pick the roles he wants, but studios will wait for him. The Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson recently revealed that Marvel postponed the movie’s release date from the profitable summer to the less bankable autumn to ensure they could cast Cumberbatch as the eponymous lead.
Eric shows Cumberbatch slowly collapsing from arrogant artist to hopeless bum in a grinding, catastrophic arc. He passes through so many states in the six episodes — does Vincent encompass themes from his entire career?
There’s the New York heroin addict of Melrose, homelessness as in Stuart: A Life Backwards (2007), where he plays a writer creating a memoir of a homeless alcoholic, and with the complex and unlikely solving of clues from a map scrawled on a wall, Vincent even resembles Sherlock Holmes.
“I see where you’re going,” he says. “But look, at one point I was the clever outsider scientist with problems communicating. The next, I was the know-it-all arrogant lead. Next, men wrestling with homosexuality, then posh people. Around the Oscar campaign for The Power of the Dog I was giving an interview at a film festival and somebody said, ‘You’ve played over a hundred characters on film alone.’ I was like, ‘Bloody hell!’ So there’s bound to be crossover.”
Many of his roles — including Vincent — are also troubled men with unsupportive parents, but he’s keen to stress his loving upbringing.
He muses for a moment and concludes: “I suppose that’s one of the best things about my career … I love that I make my parents proud.”
Eric is on Netflix from May 30
The Haters aren't going to like this one little bit. BC as a father and a husband (as well as many more things) is heavily featured in this article. There are DIRECT QUOTES from BC and the director of Eric referencing his sons.
It's a Haters' nightmare!
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Happy Belated Birthday to Mark Gatiss Beloved Myrcoft Holmes & Bamber Gascoigne! Benedict Cumberbatch & Mark Gatiss!!
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doctortwhohiddles · 5 years
I'm wondering if the septics realise that that tweet was in reply to someone asking about the most surreal encounter people have had with famous people? Or did they just choose not to see it? Because the amount of replies that tweet got, it was statistically likely that someone would mention Benedict. It's bloody hilarious how they all think it's a PR stunt without thinking about that first. Talk about grasping at straws 😂
The haters have grasped at so much straw, they could open their own wicker furniture store. It doesn’t matter why that person tweeted that anecdote, she dared mention that Ben is married with kids. That’s all they care about. The haters are always going on about why there is so very few sightings of the Cumberfamily, and when it happens, they deny it’s real. What cracks me up is how little the septics seem to know about PR. If Sophie is such a famewhore, then why does she only gets small inaccurate blurbs and few mentions on social media? Hator said that the contract Sophie signed forbids her to have social media accounts and to give interview. The level of stupidity they’ll go to deny reality is amazing.
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lovercumberlover · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, Cumberfamily 🎄🎅🔔❄🎁🎉
Benedict Cumberbatch
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conchs82 · 6 years
Six year anniversary
My six year anniversary in the sherlock fandom is coming up!  Every year I am amazed that I am still here. I have learned a lot,spent some money and made good friends.  People ask me why and I say, if it were just about Ben and Martin  or the show you know that would have worn off.  Its about finding your people. When my hometown made the news my text alerts were blowing up with my cumberfamily.  Its about discovering that even you can get Shakespeare when Andrew Scott tells you a story about a grieving young man and his family.  Its about carrying on when your hero jumps off of a rooftop.  And then by accident discovering that St. Barts is real place. I left  a note in the red phone booth outside Barts and nearly got hit by a bus!  Making the semi-annual trip to Speedy’s on Gower St.  Memories of the first night of previews for BC’s Hamlet when I discovered that that when the curtain rose, BC was sitting on the stage in front of my seat.  I have seen most of the main cast on stage. Martin x 2.  I saw Mark and Ian in Boys in the Band.
  I have read all of the original stories--some many times and have loved the fanfic authors.  I have grieved people who have taken a break from tumblr and then returned...only to leave again. Lots to look forward to in the coming months. So many memories--enough for a lifetime.  I will be eternally grateful to this show.
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annashipper · 5 years
"In the case it’s actually him… shall we expect a family pap walk soon?" - nope, they don't do that anymore. "Everyone" is convinced ,what would be the point. I think the only point in a pap walk now would be to confirm the amount of kids he has. Which would be 3 if he was smart (or cared about what people will assume happened)
But... the paparazzi hound Ben.  Especially when he’s in the States Nonny  :P
In all seriousness, I agree with you.  We haven’t had a pap walk featuring the entire CumberFamily since Pilo 2.0 was introduced into the showmance, so my expectations for a pap op being anywhere near realistic have already crumbled to dust.  
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twerkdatbatch · 7 years
Wellie, wellie, well. Most of the bloggers on both sides of the fence have blocked me, so I don't get stuff like this on my feed. And I did see the post of someone comparing the pap pic of C3 with the pap pic of Hal. Theory: BC and SH lied about birth dates, I guess for the kids' privacy? Lmao, idk.
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