simplywlde-blog · 5 years
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Olivia Wilde
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
Text from Sam: Wanna grab dinner tonight by the fireplace?
Text: Look at you being all romantic. Hm, well can I have you for dinner?
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
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[From Candice] Happy Galentine’s Day to you, my love! I can’t wait until we can catch up and have some much needed girl time on this trip!
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
Hey guys, i’ll be taking a few days off and keeping Olivia on a reduced activity. I lost my sister to cancer exactly 43 minutes ago. She was my half sister and I didn’t get to spend too much time with her, that’s one of the things that’s getting to me the most. 
Love your family, love your friends, love them deeply, love them hard. No matter the mistakes they make, they are your family. Talk to them every day, call them if they are far away, even if it’s to say hello. life is so short, so live it to the fullest. and just love and keep loving. 
i’ll be back.
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
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Life Itself (2018)
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
Text ↬ Liv👑
Tyler: well getting something thrown at you makes you a quick learner. see i'm a morning person so i just don't get not being one. and i know, i know. next time though i'll make you breakfast.
Tyler: good, and you're damn right i'll always be there. it's one of the best parts about the brotp, obviously. ;) oh things have never been awkward between us, i'm glad it never has been. and oh i know there's nothing wrong with comfort sex, though i'll admit i wish i had been a tad bit more sober. but since you told me i was still great, i'm glad i still brought my a game. lol and there's no one's ass you need to kick. i sobered up and i'm in a good place, much better place i was when i showed up at your door.
Tyler: and when's good for you? cooper comes back next week so i'm still free for a little while longer.
Liv: Oh come on, it was just a comb! And i bet it didn't even hurt, you're a tough guy ;) and i don't get how a person can like mornings. hm, okay now i wouldn't mind breakfast. i love waffles, can you make waffles?
Liv: It's because we get each other lol so no awkwardness there. not going to lie my ego is taking a hit because you don't remember how good /i/ was. smh at you. But since you weren't doing okay, i'm going to let it slide.. for now. are you sure? because when i had to do Tron Legacy I learned muay thai and i'm actually pretty good at kicking people's ass. but if you say you are doing better, i believe you.
Liv: how about this weekend? and how's the little guy? I miss him terribly. And so does Otis.
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
Jennifer had run away from her feelings, literally, for long enough. She had moved back into her Spanish inspired home and resettled in. Just as the blonde felt like she was no longer drowning, the divorce papers had arrived at her lawyer’s office. The news sent her back into the ocean, she needed a distraction. To be around someone she was completely comfortable with. Olivia was always someone Jen could count on for just about anything. Hence the current plan to hang out, bourbon was a very welcome bonus. Ava barked, hearing the knock on the front door. Jen flipped open the pizza box before dancing over and opening the door. “Hey! You have perfect timing, the pizza guy just left.” Wrapping an arm around Liv, she guided her inside. “Shall we get drunk?” The blonde smiled with a laugh.
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A wide smile quickly came upon the girl’s face the moment Jen opened the door to let her inside. She was quickly greeted with a hug, one that she immediately returned. “Hey stranger.” Olivia beamed, still keeping that same smile on her features. “Goodddd, because I’m starving.” The green-eyed actress commented as she settled the two bottles on the nearest table. “Let’s get drunk.” She said with a chuckle, noticing that Ava had also come to greet her. “Hey girl, I missed you so so much.” She bent down and started petting Jen’s dog before returning her attention back to the blonde. Olivia had been in Jen’s house several times before, and she knew her way around the place. “I’ll get the glasses.” She announced as she walked towards the kitchen and grabbed two glasses from the top shelf, bringing them back to the living room where the bourbon awaited. “Come here.” She patted the spot on the floor next to her, where she had settled down comfortably in front of the low table and had begun to pour down the amber liquid on both glasses. “How have you been doing?” The girl asked, with honest concern and with a slight tilting of her head as she looked up at the blonde.
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Let me show every single layer ;; wildeson
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
{TEXT}: I'm really not, you're making me blush! xD All right, can't wait!
[ Read ] 
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
Let me show every single layer ;; wildeson
Ever since her most recent break-up Olivia had found herself making rather questionable decisions. One after the other. After a number of failed relationships under her belt, you’d think the New Yorker would know how to handle break-ups a little better, by now. Which wasn’t the case, with every person it was different. Always finding a different way of coping, this time? She took it back to her younger years and she was driven by alcohol and hook ups. Not the healthiest behaviour and she was perfectly aware of that fact. But what could you do what all you wanted was to numb everything out and simply try to move on? That’s exactly what she was doing, trying to keep herself afloat. And honestly? She needed a night where she could be herself, so when Jen’s text arrived, she didn’t waste the opportunity to see the blonde that night. She needed it that, the comfort and familiarity the other girl brought. She was getting more excited by the second. She hadn’t seen the blonde in the longest time and now it was time to change that. When she finally pulled in front of the other girl’s house, Olivia grabbed the two bottles of aged bourbon she had been saving for a special occasion, and this definitely seemed like a special occasion. “Open uppp. I’m here!” Olivia called out with a soft chuckle after ringing the bell of the main entrance. @hf-jmorrison
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
{TEXT}: I'll get the guest room ready, just let me know when you're on your way and I'll order the pizza so it's here when you are.
Text: You are seriously the best, did you know that? Will do! I’ll just take the kids over to Jason’s and I’ll let you know. 
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
text; ollie
Ra: and i don't think i'll start any time soon!
Ra: nothing a little day drinking couldn't fix. forgot about it within the hour!
Ra: no pressure, right?
Liv: good thing i'm here to remind you that you are ;)
Liv: worddd, nothing alcohol can't fix. i've been doing a lot of that lately, and i need to stop.
Liv: do you want me to lie to you?
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
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Let’s just take a moment to admire the definition of beautiful: Dr. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley 
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
{TEXT}: That sounds even better, we can make it a PJ party 😁 you know the way to my heart, burbon. Pizza or Chinese for dinner?
Text: I haven’t had those in the longest time, so absolutely. And that way I don’t have to drive back, you’re a genius. I got you, babe ;) And gosh, pizza please. I haven’t had a  good pizza in what it feels like ages. 
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simplywlde-blog · 5 years
Text ↬ Liv👑
Tyler: oh believe me sweetheart i learned my lesson that one and only time i woke you up, i know better now. lol but i still feel bad that i didn't leave at least a note, my head just wasn't right.
Tyler: i know i don't need to thank you, but i want to. i wasn't in a good place and you're a great friend. and i'm glad i was there to give you what you needed as well...which sounds awkward after you thanked me for sex. haha but i'm glad it was great as always, good to know i haven't lost my touch. and i'm still not in the best state, but i'm sober and i'll be alright. i appreciate the worry but don't, it'll pass.
Tyler: again i know i don't have to make up for anything, but i want to. and i think a sober night out would be good. there's this place i've been wanting to go to called nightshade that i really want to try out.
Liv: Look at you, your a quick learner. In my defene I'm not a morning person and i'm not myself in the mornings, i feel bad for people. Babe, it's me remember? Not just a stranger so don't feel bad, at all.
Liv: I'm always going to be here whenever you need me, and i know you will always be there too. that's the cool part about this brotp ;) haha when have things ever been awkward between us though? you needed a relief, and so did i. we were both in a bad place, and there's nothing wrong with comfort sex. You just tell me whose ass i have to kick and i'll do it, it works both ways lol
Liv: yeah?? that sounds like a cool place so we definitely need to check it out, i really hope the food is good because you know how much i love to eat.
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