#culture tag: armenia
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jasperthehatchet · 7 months
🦎 My name is Hatchet! I'm an adult human who uses any/all pronouns
🌞 I'm an anarchist, passionate about disability rights, inclusivity, queer trans nonbinary and intersex rights, indigenous rights, environmentalism, prison abolition and restorative justice, and all those wonderful things <3 as well as fighting against racism, antisemitism, police brutality, fascism, capitalism, colonialism and oppression/bigotry of all kinds
*** Tags with resources and donation links include: #palestine, #sudan, #armenia, #congo ***
🌵 Hobbies: sewing, mending, upcycling, painting, embroidery, bookbinding, dream-journaling, thrifting, cooking, jewelry making, basket weaving, and various other punk crafts as well <3 basically I was put on this earth to Make Stuff. I'm also a collector of shinies and trinkets like dice, coins, shells, rocks, crystals, rings, keys, thimbles, bells, etc. Any shiny trinket you can think of I probably collect it
Hobbies I'm looking into starting: paper making, paint/ink making, stone/wood carving, leather working, terrarium building, gardening and lino printing/stamp making :)
🌻 I am very active on Pinterest for art inspiration, if you'd like you can follow me here (or search @juno_monsoon)
1. I block empty blogs
2. Minors: I have no authority over you but please beware. This is not really an NSFW blog but I do reblog stuff about sex/kink positivity
3. You can dm me or send me asks whenever, i encourage you to reach out if you want to talk about hobbies, politics (in good faith), crafting, art, music, fandoms, or whatever! Just don't be a jackass
4. I don't respond to being tagged in chain posts
5. DO NOT repost ANY of my art or creations please and thank you
6. I tag critical role spoilers with #critical role, #critical role spoilers, #cr spoilers and #critrole spoilers
7. Spam liking/reblogging is perfectly fine I don't mind it at all. Go nuts
8. Things I've made/mended are tagged with #hatchet mends things and #hatchet makes stuff
- you are a terf, swerf, radfem, transmed/truscum, "gender critical" or exclusionary in any capacity whatsoever
- you're "anti men" or into that "i hate men" nonsense. It's not cute, its annoying and shitty. No anti-masculinity nonsense here
- you're antisemetic. If you're weird towards/about Jewish people in any way you will be swiftly blocked. I mean it. You need to be okay with hearing about leftist antisemitism and how deep it runs in leftist/pro-palestine circles if you're gonna follow me
- if you're islamophobic, weird towards/about indigenous people/cultures, or or even just racist/xenophobic in general, that will not be tolerated and you will be blocked immediately
- if you're (loudly and annoyingly) anti-porn, anti-kink or anti-fetish in any capacity. It's okay if you're personally uncomfortable with those things for any reason obviously just don't make it other people's problem
- you're against: xenogenders, multigenders, aro/aspec people, mspec people, mspec lesbians/gays, intersex people, non binary lesbians, he/him lesbians, she/her gays, amab transmascs, afab transfems, or any identities or labels that "don't make sense" or are "contradictory". Queerness cannot be sorted into any boxes and labels don't matter so if you're gatekeepy or gross about identities you don't understand then this blog isn't for you
- you're fatphobic. If you're in any way fatphobic or infantilizing towards/about fat people? Blocked. Don't be weird about people's bodies.
- you're not normal towards/about deformed or disabled people. If I see any kind of ableism or weirdness about any disability or disorder? Blocked. Don't be weird about people's bodies.
- if you're a blog that promotes or romanticizes dangerous things like eating disorders, self harm or anything like that you will be blocked immediately AND reported.
- I hate reblog bait and guilt tripping posts. I don't care what they're about, if I see that on your blog or my dash I'll block you because I think those posts are annoying as hell. Also of you think suicide baiting and telling people to kill themselves for ANY reason is okay, get blocked. No exceptions to this.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
I really don’t mean to come off as rude or mean nor am I intending to harass you, this is just a genuine question; why do you constantly tag your posts with Hetalia? I’m with you with the whole russian propaganda stuff, but this isn’t a political show it’s a satire with often very inaccurate information from a Japanese guy’s perspective. Unfortunately many fans are going to go with canon material over real world history in relation to Russia and other characters.
Again, I’m sorry if this came off as rude or dismissive of your views, that was not my intention. You’re free to ignore this. Have a good day/night.
You're not coming off as rude or mean.
There are more than 40 000 000 copies of that inaccurate satire worldwide. Plus, unofficial copies, merch, and anime. "Very inaccurate", btw, is a very soft term for what he draws, and the fact he doesn't draw Ukraine or Belarus anymore only proves he realises that as well.
Imo, political shows are more satirical than hetalia.
Japanese people proved to know about Ukraine and Belarus muuuuuuuch more than Himaruya. Their law about life imprisonment for insulting the Ukrainian flag proves that.
What's more dangerous, hetalia is very fucked up only when it comes to Eastern Europe. Which allows people from other countries to suggest everything there is true.
People genuinely say my countries are russian sisters while russia kills my people. Since Grand Dutchy of Lithuania.
People genuinely should not underestimate a prorussian manga, which was being spread among teens and children. It's a good tool for raising people who will excuse any russia's war crime. Look, people genuinely don't care about russia officially financing HAMAS, bombing of Syria, occupation of Georgia, invasions of Qazaqstan, I am pretty much sure they are responsible for Armenia genocide as well, and, of course, occupation of Baltics, Belarus and Ukraine.
I am not gonna give up just because many people still prefer this manga. Just like people didn't give up while being occupied by hitler. I will not give up until it's worldwide shameful to glorify or excuse russia.
You can't have a physical deoccupation without cultural and linguistic deoccupation. Belarus is a good lesson to us all.
Thanks, you too.
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fluidstatick · 14 days
Y'know, it felt harsh at first, but I think I've found Tumblr Dashboard Enlightenment. I used to see a post that Bothered me and Do an Essay in the Notes about it. Then I graduated to finding an Uncomfy Post, scroll past, and huff to myself, only to get irritated when i saw the same post again being Debated Over.
Now - Post that's bothering me? OP blocked.
"Youve gotta face the truth of what's going on! Complacency is Complicity!" My sphere of influence ends at my fingers and toes. The same goes for everybody. I have Three Dollars in my bank account. The Horrors Persist, but if I gave weight to all the horrible things going on in the world Right This Moment, I'd be fossilized in bed, crushed under the weight. We can't share resources we don't have, and spreading awareness is fine until it becomes a race to see Who Cares The Most. Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Armenia, Georgia - May We All Be Free. I can't feed you all. I can feed myself. I can't donate to every aid org and fundraiser. I can't explain the transphobia out of a terf. I can't yell everyone on the internet into voting democratic or dismantling the electoral college with their bare hands. I've gotta eat lunch, take my meds, get fresh water for my cats.
Fandom I don't engage with that won't stop evading my blocked tags? Sorry OP, you're probably cool, I hope you're well. Blocked. Somebody's horny on main and I'm feeling Particularly Sex Averse? Enjoy that kink, Love that you're having fun. Blocked. Post going into elaborate, furious detail regarding why [ideological nuance] or [behavior of certain cultural subgroup] is Bad? Listen - maybe you're right, maybe I even agree with you a little, but I apologize, reading that gave me a headache. Blocked. Somebody's username makes me uncomfortable? Hey you're on this planet with me too. I hope you're doing good. I hope you thrive. Blocked.
The block button doesn't mean Burn In Hell. it means hey, Be well, be happy. May we all be free. I gotta go.
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terranautica · 3 months
this blog loves planet earth and the people in it.
some notes:
I generally try to identify places + groups
I try to make conscious decisions about tags that respect cultural identities, consider historical context and reject imperialism. I realize this is impossible and messy and doomed to be inconsistent. choices I've made include one Korea, one Ireland, and multiple tags for separatist states, i.e. Scotland, Catalan Countries.
I am currently unsure when or if it makes sense to tag the "bigger" nation in a post about an autonomous region, ex. China and Tibet, Faroe Islands and Denmark. I want to respect widespread independence movements, but also not become bloated with regional tags. Tibet deserves to be free of China but I have to laugh at modern Texas separatism.
Israel does not get a tag. Jewish diaspora, Free Palestine, genocide, USA, and anti imperialism are used.
I am not always sure when to use the indigenous peoples tag. if I am unsure I will probably leave it out.
except the history and prehistory tag, I currently am not tagging things that no longer exist, ex. Soviet Union, Ancient Greece
Some tags like EU, UK, Africa, Asia, Latin American, Polynesian, etc. are used in posts that refer to many places/groups collectively ex. Lunar New Year in Asia
I try to tag the country/group that an artist/writer/creator belongs to, ex. a post featuring Baldwin tagged with USA, literature, black diaspora
tags are ever-evolving
country/place tags:
Africa, Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Asia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Catalan Countries, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Emirates, Estonia, Ethiopia, EU, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawai'i, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, free Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, free Tibet, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, West Papau, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
diaspora + ethnic group + cultural group tags:
Ainu, Apache, Bahá'í, Basque, Black diaspora, Chechen, Choctaw, Chulym, Dakota, Dolgan, Galician, Gavião, Guarani-Kaiowá, Hui, Igbo, immigrants, Inuit, Ixil, Jewish diaspora, Karakalpak, Kashmir, Kazakh, Ket, Khakas, Lakota, Latin American, Lezgin, Mah Meri, Maka, Makonda, Mohegan, Ojibwe, Pataxo, Polynesian, Q'eqchi', Rapa Nui, Rohingya, Romani, Rukai, Ryukyuan, Sakapultek, Samburu, Sámi, Selkup, Sioux, Tamil, Tatar, Tigray, Tlingit, Tokalau, Uyghur, Yazidi
culture + other tags:
agriculture, airports, animals and wildlife, architecture, art, children, clothing and textiles, dance, ecology and environmentalism, festivals and holidays, film and tv, food, geopolitics, history, infrastructure, language, literature, maps, music, myth and legend, my posts, nature, prehistory, postcards and stamps, public transportation, religions and belief systems, solidarity, sports and games, traditions and customs, true spirit of the blog, urban landscape, water and boats
ugly tags:
acab, anti capitalism, anti imperialism, anti misogyny, anti xenophobia, genocide
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globalfocus2022 · 10 months
Medical Marvels: Why Choosing Armenia for MBBS Could Be Your Best Decision Yet
Are you an aspiring medical student with dreams of pursuing an MBBS degree? Are you looking for a reliable and reputable partner to guide you through the process of studying medicine abroad? Look no further than Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd! In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the remarkable journey of studying MBBS in Armenia with the expert assistance of Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd. Get ready to embark on an exciting path towards your medical career.
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Why Choose Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd? 1. Expert Guidance and Consultation At Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd, we pride ourselves on providing unparalleled guidance and consultation to students aspiring to study MBBS in Armenia. Our team of experienced education consultants understands the intricacies of the admission process, university selection, and documentation requirements. We tailor our guidance to your individual aspirations, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free application journey.
2. Exclusive Partnerships with Reputed Armenian Universities Our partnerships with renowned Armenian universities open doors to exclusive benefits for our students. Through our collaboration, you gain access to top-notch medical programs that align with global standards. We ensure that you receive the best possible education and training to lay a strong foundation for your medical career.
3. Personalized Support Throughout Your Journey Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, and at Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. From initial inquiries to post-arrival assistance, our team is dedicated to addressing your concerns and providing solutions. Your success is our priority, and we go the extra mile to ensure your academic journey is both fulfilling and rewarding.
The Benefits of Studying MBBS in Armenia 1. Quality Medical Education Armenia is renowned for its high-quality medical education programs. With a focus on practical training and clinical exposure, Armenian universities prepare students to excel in their medical careers. The curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to become competent and compassionate medical professionals.
2. Affordable Tuition Fees and Living Costs Studying MBBS in Armenia is not only an enriching experience but also a cost-effective one. The tuition fees are significantly lower compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for students seeking quality education without a hefty price tag. Additionally, the cost of living in Armenia is affordable, allowing students to comfortably focus on their studies.
3. Cultural Enrichment Armenia offers a unique blend of rich history, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. As an international student, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a diverse and welcoming community. Engaging in cultural activities and exploring historical sites will not only enhance your educational journey but also enrich your life in ways you never imagined.
How Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd Supports You 1. University Selection Our experienced consultants assist you in choosing the right university based on your academic profile, preferences, and career goals. We provide detailed information about the universities, their faculties, and the courses they offer, empowering you to make informed decisions.
2. Application Assistance Navigating the application process can be overwhelming, but with Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd by your side, you can rest assured. We help you compile and submit all necessary documents, ensuring that your application is complete and error-free.
3. Visa Support Securing a student visa is a crucial step, and our team guides you through the visa application process. We provide you with the necessary documents, information, and support to increase your chances of a successful visa application.
4. Pre-Departure Guidance As you prepare to embark on your journey to Armenia, we provide you with essential pre-departure information. From accommodation arrangements to travel tips, our guidance ensures that you are well-prepared for your new academic adventure.
In Conclusion Studying MBBS in Armenia through Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd offers a seamless and enriching experience. With our expert guidance, you can confidently navigate the application process, secure admissions in reputable universities, and embark on a transformative academic journey. The combination of top-tier education, affordable costs, and cultural immersion makes Armenia a prime destination for aspiring medical professionals.
If you're ready to take the first step towards realizing your medical dreams, contact Global Focus Education Pvt Ltd today. Together, we will shape your future as a successful medical professional.
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harminuya · 3 years
Artsakh is officially Nachijevan #2 :) (az*ris will still lie even when you show them proofs)
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romegreeceart · 3 years
Cultures and Places  (tags)
Mainly Roman and Greek artworks from different parts of Europe. Also some pics from Etruscan and other non-Roman/Non-Greek cultures.
Arabia Petraea
Ariccia (sanctuary)
Asia Minor
Augusta Raurica (Switzerland)
Aurunci (people)
Bad Kreuznach Römerhalle
Baths of Caracalla
Berthouville (silver treasure)
Black Sea
Bosporan Kingdom
Caere / Cerveteri
Caesarea Mauretania
Campus Martius
Chiusi / Clusium
Czech Repuplic
Dura Europos
East Roman
Eastern Mediterranean
Esquiline Hill
Felix Romuliana
Forum Romanum
Gallic empire
Gaul 2 (gallic)
Germania Inferior
Germania Superior
Greek colony
Herakleion (sunken city)
Horti Lamiani
House of the Citharist
House of the Centenary
House of the Epigrams
House of the Golden Bracelet
House of the Hanging Balcony
House of Julia Felix  
House of Lovers
House of Lucius Cecilius Jucundus
House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto
House of the Vettii
Houses - Case Romane del Celio
Italic peoples
Kingdom of Aksum
Lavinium (Italic cult site)
Leptis Magna
Magna Graecia
Moesia Superior
Mycenae 1
Mycenae 2
Nemi (sanctuary)
North Africa
Osteria dell’Osa necropolis (early italic cultures)
Ostia Antica
Palatine hill
Picentes (italic people)
Prima Porta (Livia’s villa)
Roman Britain
Roman Britain (England)
Roman Britain (Scotland)
Roman Britain (Wales)
Roman Egypt
Seleucid empire
Southern Italy
Spain 1
Spain 2 (Iberia)
Spain 3 (Hispania)
Tomis (Ovid died here)
Tunisia 1
Tunisia 2
Villa del Mitra
Villa Farnesina (Trastevere / Palazzo Massimo)
Villa of the Mysteries
Villa of the Papyri
Villa of Poppaea
Villa Romana del Casale (Sicily)
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moonsubinpr · 3 years
NOTE: Rather that posting each response separately alongside the messages sent through the inbox, I have decided to compile all of the headcanons to a single post for better reading as well as organization. I hope you all enjoy! 
✨: What motivates them? Is it a deep rooted passion/motivation, or is it something they struggle with from time to time?
      Mother is a driven individual. Once something is in her mind, she perseveres in order to accomplish her goals---regardless of whether or not people have faith in her. English is not her native language, and she did not perform well in the subject when younger in South Korea. Thus, when arriving to the United States due to her husband's career, she was forced to assimilate as well as to study the language. It was especially essential due to the fact that not many Koreans lived nearby in the same neighborhood as them in Iowa City. She had to learn in order to provide a better future for her son, Subin. She would attend late ESL classes at a community college, she would attend book clubs in order to practice her language skills, and she even became a regular guest at an English speaking church as opposed to driving an hour to attend a small Korean speaking church. Subin, despite being young, witnessed and recalls the difficulties endured by his mother. All she wanted was to be a voice for her newfound community as well as for her father's life. That is why she kept trying, even if she did struggle a lot. Her drive to learn a language for communication is what drives Subin to be a voice for people today. 
💞: What was their first love like?
Complicated. Upon his arrival to New York in order to attend university, the young Korean-American never pursued a relationship with another individual. He did not even go on a date with anyone until his second semester at New York University. The male was always too focused on his education as well as career, never favorable of becoming distracted with a romantic relationship. However, his perspective on the topic altered once befriending more people in the city---these people made him realize that he does, indeed, want to fall in love. And he did. Dahlia embodied a persona in which Subin very much admired. An intelligent woman enrolled in the Fashion department of a nearby university, she was passionate with her creative visions and pursuits. She spoke with much enthusiasm and hope, and Subin held her in his arms as if she was an antique porcelain doll. He never wanted to stunt her glow. He loved her dearly, and she loved him. However, their love never did compare. Their romance only lasted thirteen months before she was sending him a voicemail announcing her leave from the country. Dahlia had to leave the program in order to return to Armenia where her family awaits. One year later, he finds Dahlia's new Facebook account, and he discovers the she was engaged to someone else from back home. Subin learned that he was only her entertainment while her stay in New York City. 
🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at?
Subin is not one to fall asleep at unusual places, for he struggles with falling asleep in general. Even in the most comfortable bed, he cannot catch slumber as easily as most people. He has tried counting sheep, taking steady breaths, as well as taking medication to better his sleep; however, the press secretary continues to be kept awake during the late hours with his eyes wide open and body tossing and turning between the sheets. Thus, due to his insomnia, he cannot recall an unusual place where he’s been caught asleep. 
💣: Did they ever get caught in a situation because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Only once before did Subin have to be attained for questioning due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The male was twenty-two, and he attended a party hosted by the school of engineering that was rumored to be one of the best party of the year. Little did Subin think that his image would be in jeopardy simply because he was alongside a group of people partaking in unlawful activities. He needed something to eat because he drank a bit more than he should have. When the group suggested going to a nearby pizza parlor, he tagged along because the thought of a greasy cheese pizza did not leave his mind. While on their way, though, he noticed a few of the people stumble about, taking a turn he did not expect. Suddenly, the two were standing outside someone’s home, and glass was shattered. Someone threw something, yelling profanity to whoever resided inside. Handcuffed and taken in for questioning, Subin begged to be released, for he did not want this incident to taint his image nor his volunteering opportunities in politics. Luckily, the officer took notice of his innocence, and Subin was released with no charges.
🌟: Do they have any places they want to go before they die? For what reasons do they want to go there?
South Korea. Despite his family being from Seoul, Subin has never gone to his family’s upbringing due to conflicts concerning their visas as well as due to tight financial support. He has never experienced his family’s culture in their home country, and he has never met his extended family still residing in the country. He would like to visit sometime soon, and he would like to take his parents with him so that the two can reconnect with family and friends. 
☣: Have they ever been severely ill? If so, did it leave an effect on their overall health in the long run?
Moon Subin has never been severely ill or injured. He counts himself lucky for never undergoing a critical condition concerning his health. 
🔥: What’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion?
Years ago at his first political convention. He was young and a bit ignorant on a lot of the political language. But, Subin wanted to get involved with the environment, for he thought that it would be best to dive in head first with little to no preparation. At the convention, the college freshman witnessed a powerful speech delivered by a political candidate. At that moment, he could have sworn their eyes met, and he felt a rush of adrenaline run through the course of his body’s nervous system. He knew that this is where he was meant to be. 
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eurosong · 4 years
My ESC ‘20 ranking
Good morning folks, on this rather melancholy “Eurovision day.” Whilst this year may be cancelled and its songs pretty callously binned by the EBU, 2020 was a diverse year that deserves taking a close look at too, so here goes my customary full ranking of the year. I express some candid opinions, but they are just my take on things, no shade intended if you disagree.
41. Estonia - What love is It’s always most difficult to pick a last place because, no matter how sleek Eurovision gets, there are still a few abject horrors that sneak into the contest. With a score that would have been dated 30 years back, and lyrics that manage the peculiar double act of being both pompous and anodyne, this is horrid enough before Uku’s dubious xenophobic comments and his prevailing over a field of much more compelling songs get taken into account.
40. Macedonia - You The Macedonians, having achieved their best result ever last year (I’m happy for them, but also, Kaliopi deserved that), decided that they soared too close to the sun with Proud and decided to crash land this year to build their energy to soar again. That’s the only reasonable explanation I have for this effort which deeply repels me, doubling down on Luca Hänni’s “cocky guy in a sleazy bar” æsthetics and adds to it even worse lyrics, castrato singing and the unintended levity of the interpreter being far more interested in the bartender. Also one of a maddening number of duplicate titles that were nowhere near as good as the originals.
39. Cyprus - Running What is this void in the space of a song? I’ve listened to it dozens of times to do ratings over the past months. I’m still left with an icy emptiness because it does nothing to me, says nothing to me. The only thing that I can say in its favour is that it’s not a replay of replay aka Fuego 3. That’s it. It’s like it’s designed to leave little impression and hope to cruise by on diaspora and friendly votes alone.
38. Austria - Alive Austria have been on an interesting Eurovision journey, going from winning with Conchita to serving up this chirpy homophobe doing his best impression of Timberlake. A monumental step back from the singular tenderness of Pænda.
37. France - Mon alliée (The best in me) La déception de l’année sans doute. France, one of Europe’s cultural powerhouses, really said “forget Destination Eurovision, which showcased our music scene’s diversity and was one of the fandom’s favourite newer NFs. Let’s abolish it all and bring in the guys who made Bigger than us, because we really want a piece of that Big 5 bottom place action! Let’s throw away our cultural caché and get something about as French as flatpack furniture!”
This is like going to a pricey restaurant in Paris, expecting haute cuisine and instead getting some microwave-reheated IKEA köttbullar. And can we talk about how Amir of J’ai cherché fame is partly to “thank” for this in one of the biggest heel turns of the year? It’s like he wanted to ensure that France TV beg him to return by safeguarding his excellent score from being equalled. I also have to say, Tom Leeb seems like a nice guy with a good voice. He did his best to salvage this with the acoustic version, which lifts it up a few places. But not so many given that that Westlife reject b-side ending with a key change remains.
36. Germany - Violent thing Speaking of major cultural players dumping their national finals for no good reason, guten Tag, Deutschland! Germany once had one of the best and certainly most diverse NFs going. Instead of dumping Barbara Schönenberger as hostess - every year she’s presented, Germany have had calamity, and the one year they did well, 2018, she wasn’t host - they decided to pin all their hopes on a bewildered looking gossoon from Slovenia with yet another Timberclone song and some rather dubious live vox. As his countrywoman Lea Sirk said, it’s a hvala ne from me.
35. Spain - Universo Yes, it’s another year of the Big 5 not living up to its automatic qualification rights (except you, Italy, thank you for being the exception to the rule.) So here we’ve got a bland effort from Spain to avoid being bottom 5, except that ain’t how ESC works - you need something to get people to waste their money on voting for your song. And for me, this surely is not it. This was a bit higher on my ranking before because there are more objectively objectionable songs out there. But the nonsensical, repetitive lyrics, the painful attempt at a high note on perdónameeee, and getting stuck on a bus where I had to put up said screeching being played 5+ times means #35 is about right for where it deserves.
34. Armenia - Chains on you Armenia, usually a reliable mainstay in the top half of my listings at least, instead served up one of the most bewilderingly impalatable NFs of the season where every song sounded imported from the ESC anni horribili of the 00s. This has grown on me a little bit - I like tin drums and I like her weird accent - but the lyrics are amongst the year’s most pitiful (“ya wanna take me to a party, because you’re naughty”) and it just feels cheep to me. 33. Bulgaria - Tears getting sober I don’t see the appeal in this bewildering merger of dirge and Disney, and this is coming from someone who likes melancholic music more times than not. I find this one straight up unpleasant to listen to. The lyrics are of someone passive-aggressively glorying in the pain they wallow in to return the hurt, in “look how much you’re making me hurt myself” style. The syrupy score replete with key change is a bizarre, ghoulish accompaniment. Only this high because I recognise some artistic merit in its production.
32. Azerbaijan - Cleopatra Are Azerbaijan now at the stage where they’ve decided to pastiche themselves? The country with the worst LGBT rights of all contesting ESC having the monumental neck to send a song about “gay or straight or in between”? The country who have almost religiously avoided sending anything with any actual Azeri national character or heritage sending a song written by a Canadian, an American and a Frisian about a Greek-Egyptian ruler with a Japanese mantra and Latin affectations, so sending us around the world to pretty much everywhere except Azerbaijan? What can I say in favour of it? It’s a little bit catchy. So are venereal diseases.
31. Poland - Empires How can a country who started their ESC journey with aplomb - and experimental gems like Sama and Chcę znać swój grzech - and who continue to serve in the junior contest, how can they be so almost studiedly bland in ESC these days? This is our 564th knockoff Bond tune, sung a little awkwardly and with lyrics written by a Year 8 who’s been given a creätive writing assignment where they have to use metaphors. “We’re gasoline and a match!” Wow. If it passed to the final, it would only because of loyal Poles abroad.
30. Greece - Superg!rl We leave the territory of complete dirges and enter that of songs I can sort of live with. This one’s a huge step back for the Hellenes though after the gorgeous Better love. Its odd chorus is memorable, but not for the best reasons. Its saving grace is its unintentionally humorous promotional video. A better use of those superpowers would have been to come up with a better song.
29. Moldova - Prison Remember the fun Moldova that used to bring songs like Hora din Moldova and Lautar, with some actual national flavour and flair? That’s long gone. Even the Moldova that brought terrible songs but fun stagings, like that of My lucky day, seems far lost into the fogs of time too. Another wholly unremarkable and mediocre production of the Scream Team that would be lucky to scrape into the finals.  28. Belgium - Release me Has Belgium learnt absolutely nothing in the years Blanche where the wheels of their ESC renaissance have fallen decidedly off? My feeling is no. I have to salute them to some degree for creating nice, very musical compositions, but just like in the past two years, they have forgotten to add a few key elements: some sense of progression or dynamism. This plods along repetitively on one track, one note, and that note is nice enough as background music, but my hunch is that track would have led them to another unsurprising “surprise” NQ.
27. Serbia - Hasta la vista It’s an earworm, but some earworms leave you wanting to get an aural exorcism. Somehow, some sort of collective insanity overcame Serbia and they decided to dump on their beautiful oeuvre of songs, go completely against their trend for qualitative, classical, brooding, orchestral music by instead picking a bunch of time travellers who had been a third rate girl band in Transnistria. How enough Serbians thought they’d win over Europe by going for a sound that was dated even when they made their début bemuses me. 26. UK - My last breath The UK are really soaring high in my rankings as... the last amongst the 26 songs that would make up my notional perfect final. Baby steps. I still think it’s pretty lame how the BBC tanked their own national final for this. It’s not so adventurous. It has so little to say that it’s half a minute shorter than the ESC standard and yet still consists of repetition. It has one of the most annoying chorus quirks with that beat in “my last... breath.” How did this get up this high again?
25. Albania - Fall from the sky It absolutely pains my heart to put Albania out of the top 20 after two thunderous years in which they captured my gold and bronze respectively. What makes it worse is that they could have had a perfect hat-trick, because the original, Albanian language version “Shaj” was my #1 song from December up until mid-March when they released this thin gruel of a revamp with all the things that gave Shaj some authenticity and flavour gone, and with beautiful, heart-rending lyrics replaced with cliché. Only this high because there are plenty of worse songs.
24. Czechia - Kemama I have a soft spot for poor Benny, the interpreter of this song. Ok, so it beat a field containing some vastly superior songs, but it’s nice to have a Czech song without weird lyrics about women for the first time in a while, and the way the kid was put through the ringer for his more Afrobeat-influenced revamp made me sad. For me, it gained a bit of flavour with that change. The lyrics are still poor but I like the colourful musical backdrop.
23. Israël - Feker libi 🇮🇱 Sometimes, you don’t think much of a song but the artist elevates it enormously. Such is the case with Feker libi, a bizarre pot pourri of styles with a very discordant tropical verse (which I like), mid-90s dance track chorus (which I don’t), middle eastern post-chorus and African-sounding outro (jury’s out on both.) Yet Eden Alene is so full of natural charm and exudes “I want to be your friend” that I can’t help but rewatch just because of how joyous she makes it.
22. San Marino - Freaky 🇸🇲 Speaking of atypical countries flying high in my ranking, all was set for San Marrano to take non-pride of place at the bottom of my ranks yet again, but somehow, I ended up quite enjoying their track this year. Yes, San Marino is still a weird zone where, when you descend to Rimini in Italy, you enter the new millennium, but returning up the tiny nation’s steep slopes, you head back to a time in the 70s when disko was king. This disco is fun though. In part thanks to Senhit, a sympathetic performer who deserved more in 2011, in part the lyrics - who doesn’t want to rip up the rules, write new ones and then destroy them too?
22. Switzerland - Répondez-moi It’s nice to have the Swiss singing in a national language for the first time in ages. It’s also nice that they didn’t fall back on their success with Hänni by going with a similar so-called bOp. I also really love some of the artist’s other tracks, like Babi. And I liked this a fair bit more upon first listen, but the combination of less than stellar lyrics - just a succession of somewhat emoïsh rhetorical questions; just because they’re in French, doesn’t make them deep - and a wailing falsetto have made my will to relisten to this often take a serious hit for me. A shame, as musically, it has some undoubted quality. 20. Denmark - Yes 🇩🇰 Denmark seems to be doubling down on 2019 to develop its new niche - catchy, sweet but ultimately a little overly gooey love songs. There’s always something a little bit imperfect about them though: last year it was Leonora’s serial killer-esque nervous gaze; this year, it’s the “I’m not going to even try to make pretend we’re an item” lack of energy from Tan. It’s a little bit too reheated “Little talks” but it’s decent enough.
19. Russia - Uno 🇷🇺 When this first was released, days after the deadline for submitting songs, I was pretty peeved at what seemed like a pisstake against the contest, a bizarre rehash of Aqua for the meme age. And yet.. maybe it’s the quarantine slowly driving me insane, maybe it’s the sheer infectiousness of this that just makes you want to dance, maybe it’s the epic energy of the backing singer (Rosa from Brooklyn 99’s twin) who looks like she wants to kill everyone else... but I’ve actually grown to like this enough to put it top 20. I’m not always entirely predictable!
18. Norway - Attention 🇳🇴 There’s a lot of things that tick my yes boxes with this song, like the beautiful orchestral music laid out by the famed Mørland or the simple but sincere performance. There are also things that take a Sharpie and scrawl in my no boxes too, like the somewhat whiny tone of the vocals or the adolescent and lyrics which, with their “oy’d change anyffink abaat moyself fur a boi” tone, don’t flatter the singer, and from Mørland, I expect better. There’s more good than bad here though, and it has been an earworm since the day it was selected.
17. Belarus - Da widna 🇧🇾 I don’t know what was in the water this year, but we got a bunch of great Slavic language songs, including from countries that don’t typically send songs except in English. I like the chilled out vibe and the curious lyrics. Their live version for Eurovision Home Concerts with just an acoustic guitar sounded a whole lot better, I must say.
16. Australia - Don’t break me 🇦🇺 I’m finally overcoming the horror of the bizarre clown mise-en-scène complete with ropey lyrics at Australia decides and judging this on its potential. Hands down Australia’s best entry at the contest for me. Musically, it’s strong, and lyrically, it’s compelling and very saudadic. I’m sad we won’t see what a glow-up their final staging could have provided. I really hope it wouldn’t have involved clowns, which seriously tanked the song in my ranking for months, no joke.
15. Portugal - Medo de sentir 🇵🇹 A Portuguese entry outside of my top ten? Given their form with me since 2015, this might seem like a harbinger of the apocalypse. I still like it quite a bit, but there are stronger songs this time. It’s heartfelt, the lyrics are powerful (about being afraid to feel again after being hurt) and the melody is pretty. The live was a bit cagey especially because of the not particularly well synchronised voices of Elisa and the pianist, who composed the song. Still a very nice song and it is great to see Portugal staying faithful to its language, but I can’t help but feel sad that songs more in line with its riskier, more trailblazing previous few years. Passe-partout or Gerbera amarela do sul would have been in my top 3 like last year.
14. Latvia - Still breathing 🇱🇻 If you told me in January that not only would this song not be disliked, it’d also end up in my top 15 of the year, I’m sure incredulous laughter would have been the most polite response you’d have probably gotten. And yet - the song I couldn’t stand in Supernova has won me over and I do want to see Samanta Tina return for 2021 since she evidently cares so deeply about ESC so is pretty much one of us. I’ve come to love the weirdness of the track - real meat and gravy given the number of anodyne tracks - the iconic pre-corona hygienic leitmotif of its staging. ST’s joie de vivre and command of the stage. It’d be a guilty pleasure except I don’t feel guilty for it.
13. Georgia - Take me as I am 🇬🇪 Georgia once again are dancing to the beats of their very anarchic drummer and I love them for that. This thinly veiled swipe at both the Big 5 coasting in mediocrity and at narrow-minded fans’ reäctions to Georgia’s extremely varied oeuvre just hits the spot for me. I love the musicality of it, the dark electro-rock vibes, Tornike’s voice and how it blends perfectly with his captivating backing singers. I always vote with my feet for something different in an era where people are aiming to qualify with safe and bland rather than taking risks.
12. Romania - Alcohol you 🇷🇴 Roxen provided one of the most iconic moments of the season by deliberately tanking the ordained bop amongst her national final songs. Her eventual song is one of the most emotional of the year, and also one of the most surprisingly literary: there are tonnes of nuances, allusions, wordplays and so forth in this text, most of which are a lot more graceful than the titular terrible pun. I humbly put it to folk who thinks that this romanticises alcohol that they are missing the point - it’s instead being used as a metaphor for toxic relations which, by the end of the song, Roxen has broken away from. I love her voice, I love the music. It fell briefly out of my affections because of the weird mini-revamp, but it’s risen again.
11. Ukraine - Solowej 🇺🇦 It’s fabulous to see Ukraine singing a song entirely in their language and I hope this trend continues across the Slavic nations like was notable this year. The timeless folksy elements mixing with modern beats makes a curious and entrancing blend, delivered with aplomb. It takes where Poland 2019 went wrong and puts it right. I could have done without the unnecessary revamp, but it’s still one of the year’s freshest cuts. Well done, Widbir!
10. Slovenia - Voda 🇸🇮 In an age where the likes of Albania is stripping away all the beautiful orchestral flourishes of its entry to make a pared and muted revamp, Slovenia went full throttle in the opposite - and in my mind, right - direction and made one of the very few good revamps of the season. Performing with the Budapest philharmonic orchestra, Ana Soklič, who, for my money, has one of the best female voices of the year, unleashed the cinematic, sweeping beauty of Voda. I think this would have surprised many people by doing quite well. On musical and vocal merit alone, and adding to that the subdued saudade of its lyrics, it deserved a lot more love.
09 Malta - All of my love 🇲🇹 In 2018, I would have sooner said that it was more probable for me to have become Grand-Duke of Luxembourg than it was for me to have loved a Maltese song, let alone two i n a r o w. I didn’t expect much of this at all, because I expected we’d get a wailing vocal exhibition, as Ian used to say, focused on exhibiting Destiny’s range rather than giving her a genuinely good song. But this is a genuinely good song. Once again, I love for the gospel edge it has, and Destiny’s vocals soar to impressive heights, without feeling unnatural or ostentatious. I should have known to expect good things with the regal Cesár Sampson on board.
08 Lithuania - On fire 🇱🇹 Prior to this year, few people had any hopes for Lithuania’s long-winded national final selection process. The idea of it being must-watch viewing when there were many other more compelling choices on offer was hilarious. In 2020, that changed. They changed the name to the hilarious but hopeful “Let’s try again”, had a number of fantastic songs, and became one of the most diverse and qualitative highlights of the NF season. The eventual winners, The Roop, deserved the accolade with this cool, super contemporary track with a brilliant dance routine and a genuinely important message about not giving up on yourself.
07. Sweden - Move 🇸🇪 At MF this year, the Swedes put a match to its protracted ‘cocky fuckboi with polished, soulless overproduced pop song’ era, hopefully for good, with an all-female top 4. I will always lament Dotter missing out narrowly, but I’ve still been brought plenty of joy by the radiant Mamas with their fabulous hand-choreography and genuine warmth, and this song of resilience through the tough times. I love gospel-tinged music and this really makes me smile.
06 Ireland - The story of my life 🇮🇪 Before this was announced, I heard Ireland’s track being compared to the oeuvre of pretty much every major 00s female pop star. I was quizzical, but upon hearing it, could see why. In a year with a lot of beige, this is just one big orange and yellow blast of colourful late 90s/early 00s nostalgia, hope, resilience. The kind of anthem I never knew I needed but came right on time. I can’t listen to its wry, conversational lyrics without wanting to dance along. And Lesley Roy herself is an icon. My favourite effort from Ireland since Playing by numbers, and I really hope she returns in 2021.
05 Finland - Looking back 🇫🇮 I’ll never forget a mural in the part of València where I used to live that said “we’re not different for the sake of being different”, and that could sum up my attitudes to Eurovision. Whilst it seemed almost everyone was behind Cicciolina in Finland, I had scant hope for my favourite, and was blown away when it actually did win. This melancholy meditation on the passing of time and people - “we never know what we have until it’s over and we’re looking back” - became emblematic of this year for me and added to what was already a really poignant and moving track. I love the musical style too and the smoothness of Aksel’s voice and how it contrasts with his evident awkward shyness. It has moved me so much that it had to end up top 5.
04 Croatia - Divlji vjetre 🇭🇷 I always will represent and bring love for the Balkans and their adhesion to their musical traditions. This was one of the most pleasant surprises of the NF season for me - I was expecting very little from Croatia, and instead, it greeted me with this beauty. You have the understated classic grace of the music, the exquisite melancholy and poeticism of the lyrics, and one of the finest male vocals of the season. My favourite Croatian track in almost 15 years.
03 Italy - Fai rumore 🇮🇹 Sanremo isn’t just a national final, it’s a cultural experience that digs into your heart over the course of a whole week. This was one of the most memorable I have followed yet - and what a truly deserving winner. It’s just another example of the seemingly endless supply of heartfelt tunes by classy, sincere performers that Italy has on tap, with one of the best lyrics of the contest and the extra level of poignancy from how the lyrical theme of isolation would come to represent us all.
02 Iceland - Think about things 🇮🇸 One of my nerviest and happiest moments of the entire NF season was seeing Daði Freyr and friends win Söngvakeppnin in Iceland. As much as I loved Svala’s Paper, I had also adored his song three years prior - the delightfully awkward and similarly irrepressably earwormy Is this love. And now he was back with a groovy, fun, heartwarming tune about fatherhood that has only continued to grow in my estimations. The bridge still full on gives me goosebumps. It’s the kind of song that just makes me marvel at being human and being on this earth.
01 Netherlands - Grow 🇳🇱 My top few songs are all very closely entwined so much so that they could be considered joint winners, but I’ve been pretty unequivocal ever since Shaj got torpedoed by its revampire: silver turned to gold and my previous 2nd place, Grow, became my new favourite. I love the heartfelt, sparsely poëtic, bravely confessional lyrics. I love the way that it goes from something minimalist and intimate with just organ and voice and slowly builds upon the hints of gospel to something truly anthemic. Such a meticulous arrangement where there’s not a single sound out of place. This song is pure art and, like Soldi, Mall, APD and all those preceding songs which had the magic of being my personal favourite, it moves me upon every listen.
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jerkfulatina · 5 years
State/country tag
List at least 5 things about your state/ country. It can be about anything. From what the people say or do! I was tagged by @richukibaby
1. In-n-out is our pride and joy in la or anywhere in southern California (at least for me it is lol). They have some of the most amazing burgers ever and a secret menu that is to die for and it's really affordable!! A combo is like around $6
2. We have sooo much diversity food from all over the world, ppl from all over the wolrd its crazy. In downtown la you will find little neighborhood's dedicated to different parts of the world and their cultures its pretty cool bc there is Korea town, little Tokyo, little Armenia, etc
3. No one calls California, "cali" that's such a werid thing to say and its sounds ugly tbh lmao idk it's just weird bc it's California, nothing else
4. We always have nice warm weather in socal so anything that's like 60 and below is pretty cold tbh
5. Everything is within proximity in la, there is so much to do and see and all the touristy places like universal studios, six flags, Disneyland isn't that far away from one another if you are living in like I wanna say the heart of la. Its pretty cool bc there is always things to do no matter where you are
I tag: @bighoe @erickspretend1 @christophersdicc @juneninetynine
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whoopigirlberg2015 · 5 years
thanks to @al-ly-dream for the tag!! i don’t have many interactions w other people on tumblr, so i am excited to participate. plus, we’ve been rbing each other’s stuff for so long, it’s about time we actually interact lolll
nickname: my name is mary and i can’t stand that name, but what can u do :/
sex/gender: cis female
zodiac sign: taurus (the stereotypes about us apply to me sooo much)
height: 5’1” and happy to be smol™
sexuality: ha. gayyyyyyyyy
fave animal: it’s hard to name a favorite animal, but i really like dogs bc of how diverse and unique they can be
number of blankets: i have one thin top sheet and a fleece blanket on my bed, but i tend to toss and turn a lot during the night, so they’re usually on the floor by the morning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
where i’m from: north carolina, u.s. (don’t find my address and snatch me up pls xo)
dream trip: i wanna go to russia, turkey, or armenia just for the sake of going back/meeting family, but i’d prefer to go to greece or maybe dubai just bc of how beautiful as well as culturally rich those places are
when i made this account: ummmm i’d guess 2013-4???
why i made this account: one direction, but moreso fifth harmony
pls dm me and be my friend! i just graduated college and have free time i’ve never had before and i have no idea what to do with it :))))
i choose @oharascabellos , @its-the1975band , @the-psyche-stirs , and @boyinside87 to answer next :)
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wordsnstuff · 6 years
Resources For Writing Period Pieces: High Middle Ages & Renaissance
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Major Events Of The Time Period
The Black Death kills approximately a third of Europe’s population {1348 - 1350}
The Great Famine {1315 - 1317}
The Hundred Years’ War {1337 - 1453}
The Western Schism {1378 - 1417}
The Gutenberg Bible published {1454}
Leonardo DaVinci is born {1452} and dies {1519}
The Crusades
Popular Culture & Society
Johann Gutenberg
Joan of Arc
Vlad The Impaler
Culture in the Middle Ages
Society in the Middle Ages
Culture in the Renaissance
Renaissance Life
Renaissance Entertainment
Middle Ages Women
Kings in Middle Ages
Middle Ages Food
Life in the Middle Ages
Middle Ages People
Medieval English Terms
Old English Insults
Medieval Knight Clothing
Middle Ages Ladies Dresses
Medieval Lord Clothing
Medieval Peasant Clothing
Medieval Kings Clothing
Medieval Women's Clothing
Monks Clothes in the Middle Ages
Nuns Clothes in the Middle Ages
Simple Dresses from the Middle Ages
Middle Ages Hairstyles
Middle Ages Knights
Middle Ages Castles
Knights Templar
Middle Ages People
Middle Ages Torture
Middle Ages Weapons
Siege Weapons
List Of Renaissance Figures
List Of Medieval Figures
Medieval/Renaissance Female Names
Medieval/Renaissance Male Names
Medieval/Renaissance Surnames
English Renaissance Name Generator
Italian Renaissance Name Generator
French Renaissance Name Generator
German Renaissance Name Generator
Spanish Renaissance Name Generator
By Country
Medieval Afghanistan‎ 
Medieval Albania‎ 
Medieval Algeria‎ 
Medieval Anatolia‎ 
Medieval Armenia‎ 
Medieval Austria‎ 
Medieval Azerbaijan‎ 
Medieval Belarus‎ 
Medieval Belgium‎ 
Medieval Bosnia and Herzegovina‎ 
Medieval Bulgaria‎
Byzantine Empire‎ 
Medieval Croatia‎ 
Medieval Cyprus‎ 
Medieval Czech history‎ 
Medieval Denmark‎ 
Medieval Egypt‎
Medieval England‎ 
Medieval Estonia‎
Medieval Ethiopia‎ 
Medieval Finland‎ 
Medieval Georgia (country)‎
Medieval Germany
Medieval Great Britain‎ 
Medieval Greece‎
Medieval Holy Roman Empire‎
Medieval Hungary‎ 
Medieval Iceland‎
Medieval India‎ 
Medieval Iran‎ 
Medieval Iraq‎ 
Medieval Ireland‎ 
Medieval Israel‎ 
Medieval Italy
Medieval Jordan‎
Medieval Lebanon‎ 
Medieval Lithuania‎
Medieval Luxembourg‎ 
Medieval Montenegro‎ 
Medieval Morocco‎
Medieval Netherlands‎ 
Medieval Norway‎
Medieval Poland
Medieval Portugal‎ 
Medieval Romania‎
Medieval Russia‎
Medieval Scotland‎
Medieval Serbia‎
Medieval Slovakia‎
Medieval Slovenia‎
Medieval Somalia‎ 
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Ottoman Empire‎
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Armenian. It will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! if you have any issues or things to add, please reply to this post!
about world languages
encyclopaedia britannica
fun facts
indiana university - informational brochure [pdf]
introduction by @ayearinlanguage
intro to armenian by @the-caravan-languages
language breakdown by @linguisticsbunker
playlist of samples
world atlas of language structures
gus on the go: western armenian for kids [ios]
birthright armenian
peace corps - armenian language competencies [scans]
peace corps - introduction to armenian: pre-departure language materials [pdf]
pimsleur [audio]
cultural & historical info
acultura’s culture tag
list of given names
bablefish [translator]
declension tool
elementary modern armenian grammar [scans]
wikibooks - grammar guide
personal pronoun [table]
listening practice
lyrikline [poetry library]
armenian apostolic church library
list of armenian writers
Lord’s prayer
rosary prayers
universal declaration of human rights
wikisource [virtual library]
ted talks
movie & tv recommendations
music recommendations
disney songs [youtube playlist]
voice of america
phrasebooks & travel guides
common phrases - wikibooks
loecsen [audio phrasebook]
a report of the stanford phonology archive [scans]
forvo [pronunciation dictionary]
ipa key
overview of adjarian’s law
pronunciation comparison between eastern & western dialects
transliteration and IPA guide
quizzes & exercises
quia [user-submitted games]
public radio of armenia
radio in yerevan
sbs radio
alphabet chart
alphabet guide
armenotype [typography & fonts]
flash learning tool
keyboard - branah
overview of the armenian alphabet
overview of the romanization systems
repertoire of letters [pdf]
transliteration chart
transliteration tool - translit.cc
unicode character codes [pdf]
unicode fonts
social media
speaking tips
armenian proverbs and sayings [pdf]
armenian conjugation [ios]
overview of armenian verbs
present tense
verb table
animals / animals
around the house
babadada [vocabulary tool]
business terms [glossary]
colors / colors / colors
days of the week
greetings & introductions / greetings
medical terms [glossary] / medical terms [glossary]
numbers / counting / numerals / counting
star signs
swadesh list
learn armenian from the streets [playlist]
E A S T E R N . A R M E N I A N
verb table
wikivoyage [phrasebook]
yerevan state university - eastern armenian for the english-speaking world [pdf]
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sandwichbully · 6 years
Sammy’s Avenue Eatery, 23 November 2018
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   “When people are hungry, you feed ‘em.”
   OK, so about three years ago, I was working at UCare - “UCare, health care that starts with denying you your oxygen!” - and it was a slow afternoon one afternoon. Most afternoons were slow and the mail room was overstaffed for what we needed, so I logged a lot of time on Facebook and I saw this joint, Sammy’s Avenue Eatery, and I thought their sandwiches looked pretty good, so I made it a point to go there.    ... aaannnddd I never did.    I was broke as shit at the time, working fourteen hours a day six days a week between two jobs (and still being broke all the time) and feeling like shit because I was a terrible letdown to my then-girlfriend (the one from this episode) because I was always tired and just wanted a goddamned beer and two cigarettes. Eventually things improved but not by much and yadda yadda yadda, a whole bunch of shit happens, and going up to Sammy’s Avenue Eatery has been low priority.    But I never forgot it. It kind of even nagged at me. And today, with it being almost fifty degrees for what is surely the last time this year if it isn’t the next to last time this year, I made it a point to go to what is likely going to be the final Sandwich Bully episode for 2018 - unless y’all want to come pick me up in your petite bourgeoisie automobile with “the heat” on in December and January.    So I rolled up on the corner of Emerson and Broadway and walked in and looked over the menu and waited for the nice lady to finish making a chai latte for this other lady and I asked her which she preferred, the Hot Roasted Chicken or the Turkey Bacon Club.    She said honestly that she preferred the chicken but they were out of that so turkey and bacon (I had to specify because I’ve had exactly one experience with turkey bacon and that shit is fucking gross and it’s so gross that I’m compelled to put up a picture of my first ex with a caption mocking her voice in which she chides me for having high blood pressure but that is seriously some SD&A shit and - Hm? Oh, Sound Design and Assembly. That was my old record review blog but I didn’t review records so much as I bitched about pop culture and waxed poetic on having picked up nookie the night before.)
   Wait. Where are we?
   OK, let’s start that over.    She said honestly that she preferred the chicken but they were out of that so turkey and bacon (I had to specify because I’ve had exactly one experience with turkey bacon and that shit is fucking gross) it was and I grabbed a cranberry ginger ale and I found myself engaged in a conversation with her. Lot of personal stuff that isn’t my business to put up here but I guess maybe I can talk about the political side of it and that part was refreshing because nobody was bringing out words with “-ism”s on the end, we were just on the same wavelength, talking about how Minneapolis government is mishandling or outright ignoring a bunch of problems and how there are easy - very easy solutions to them. The homeless encampment whom the city couldn’t decide to house in either a warehouse or a vacant fucking lot? Well, hell, how many boarded up houses are there in north Minneapolis? I figured put the homeless at least in the warehouse out of the elements. The woman I was talking to told me they had plenty of empty houses in this neighborhood. A solution I never thought of. And even thinking about it now, I realize that there’s a lot of red tape and the banks own those empty houses but why does the bank own an empty house? Why is it held by a private entity and not by the state? What are the escheat and adverse possession laws in Minnesota? (And that’s over thinking it but that’s because capitalism doesn’t provide for simple solutions without the transfer of liquid assets.)
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   And enough of that.    Anyway, at one point, this dude comes in and says he doesn’t have time to stop in and eat at the moment but he was just wondering what the soup of the day was for when he came back later and the woman said it was alright if he didn’t have time to eat, she’d fix him a “little” to-go cup (it was more like an eight ounce cup and I don’t know how metric people measure soup; by volume - 237mL - or by mass - 227g) and she handed it to him and told him to have a good day and he said thank you and he walked out the door and she stared out the window and she said, “When people are hungry, you feed ‘em.”    No conditions, no clauses, just simple straight to the point action and solution.    And she told me about how she wanted to start a homeless shelter, not like the ones downtown where you have to "tell ‘em everything about your life just to get in the door”, she wanted to start one where if you were tired, you could sleep, and if you got caught fucking up, you got kicked out. Simple as that.    And my brain goes to how dangerous that would be because what about all the rapists and murderers and then my privilege checks itself and I got to remember that homeless folks aren’t homeless because they’re murderers and they do just want a warm place to sleep and a little something to eat.    She told me she wanted to open a soup kitchen, too, and told me that one place downtown was in such a great location because it was centralized and somebody could even walk for forty blocks to get there, and they would, too, because, as she put it, “hunger travels”. I know that. I remember the time, it was like ten years ago or so, that I was with Georgie and we were starving and I walked two miles in a snowstorm to the food shelf and I lied on the paperwork and told them our twenty eight year old roommate was our four year old son because I thought I could get us more food that way (and, hey, there were three people in the house). I remember being dismayed at what we got and dutifully trundled it back home. I remember all that.    Maybe it was meant to be that I didn’t get to Sammy’s until today to have this conversation. Maybe as a (timely) reminder to be thankful for what I do have, maybe as a reaffirmation of my beliefs, maybe to just talk to somebody over lunch, which I never get to do because I live alone and work alone.
ANYWAY!    How was the sandwich!? How was the fucking sandwich, Charlie!? Remember how this blog is called Sandwich Bully? And it’s about sandwiches? And how it’s not a place for you to peddle your bleeding heart commie* beliefs or pontificate on how we need to be good and charitable toward our brothers and sisters!? HOW THIS PLACE IS MEANT FOR SANDWICHES!?!?!? TALK ABOUT THE FUCKING SANDWICH, CHARLIE!!!    It was good. As I was grabbing a pop, the woman (I know her name I just don’t know how she spells it) told me that if I wanted to bundle the sandwich and drink into a combo, that she had chips and I told her nah, I had to watch my salt and she said she knew that was right. I watched her slice my tomato right out of a whole fresh tomato which I’ve seen maybe only Trieste do - slice fresh to order. And she asked if I liked onions and I said I did and she asked if I liked pickles and I said I did and then she held the pickle slices over the container and gave them a little wiggle and told me, “Getting the salt off them for you,” which was cool. Aint ever had anybody do that for me before. And then we set to talking while I ate at the counter and you read about all that.    Well, let’s start with the size issue. I ordered a half sandwich (around seven dollars) and it was big enough that I feared what I might have gotten if I had gotten a whole one (around eleven dollars). Trust me, I beg of you, please trust me, I am on my knees begging you to trust me: Order the half sandwich. That is the reasonable human serving size.    The tomato was crisp (natch) and the pickles and onions added necessary sour and bite. The cheese, I don’t know what it was but it was white and it was creamy and, tag-teamed with the bacon, it kind of overpowered the turkey but the bacon-cheese combo overpowers most things. The mayo on the sandwich was applied to the bread pre-grilling which, a few years ago, I would have said “ew” to but recently I had the revelation that mayo is just eggs and oil (no, not that part) which are both things that are perfectly alright to be applied to direct heat (that part) and I’ve been waiting to try frying my grilled cheese with mayo on the outside but I never buy bread and I never buy mayonnaise - Why buy mayo when you can make aioli? - so I finally got to try this technique at Sammy’s and I have to admit I didn’t notice anything inherently distinguishable about it but, again, bacon-cheese combo. Overpowers everything but...    OK, probably the last time we get to do this this year unless somebody wants to drive me somewhere during December and January so we have to make this one good.    Let’s see, let’s see, let’s see...    [clears throat] But the real blackout drunk correspondent of Armenia Decides, 2018... No no no.    [clears throat again] But the real evil twin unplugging the good twin’s life support so she can assume her identity and run off with her husband... No. Come on, man, you got this. You have literally nothing else.    OK, I think I got it.    But the real guest star in the dangers-of-huffing-gas-as-a-pregnant-teen episode of this highly rated Saturday morning teen show never to be seen again as, metafictionally, her character had been shipped off to an island of misfit one-off characters, each themselves never to be seen again, turned cannibal after the last hunt didn’t yield the boar’s head required to appease the god behind the sun, he who in-turn took his great veil from the white ball in the sky and scorched their crops in anger and now, teen pot dealer and teen wheelchair basketball player and teen army brat and teen with an eating disorder and all the rest, none of whom were ever seen again, are forced to turn on each other for survival, their malevolence a dance for the god behind the sun’s enjoyment, for when enough blood is spilled he veils his white ball and grants them rest from the heat, but now, a new arrival - The Pregnant Teen Gas Huffer... is the house sauce, which I suspect is a honey dijon vinaigrette. It was sweet, a little complex but not so complex that I couldn’t guess what it was while I was eating it. It stood out and balanced the savory fattiness of the bacon-cheese combo.    The lettuce?    We don’t have to do the lettuce thing, do we?
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   I mean, it’s probably the last time this year.
   Overall, not a bad bike ride, it was a pretty decent sandwich - it was good but I’m not falling over stupid for it. I mean, hey, it filled me up and I ordered the half sandwich. If there was a quarter sandwich option, I’d go for that. It tasted good, too. She asked me how it was and I told her it was wonderful and she said she was glad I liked it and I told her I was glad she made it.    I guess that there was a sense of openness, of community to the place, which we’ve been over before: I prefer to go to places that feel worn in and homey. Places like Band Box and Ideal where the proprietors and the patrons are literally neighbors, where people have been going for years, people who are eating there now worked there in high school because their parents knew the manager. Sammy’s has that vibe.    It’s kind of like Nye’s.    I liked Nye’s (yes, past tense) when you could walk in and say hi to Phil, sit down, and have an ice cold Żywiec and there was a college football game on you could ignore and it was red Corinthian leather booths and tacky martini murals on the walls and mirrors behind the bar to make the liquor selection look more impressive (or whatever the mirrors are back there for) and it was locals in there.    Last time I was in Nye’s, there was no Phil, the new guy didn’t know what Żywiec was, the interior designer clearly got all their ideas from IKEA (still love you, IKEA, but you are not meant for a bar), and the only patronage in there were literally tourists asking about the history of the Mississippi River.    I can’t fuck with that scene because it doesn’t feel like it’s a part of the community that supported it through the years. Ownership changed and nobody gave a fuck about preserving the community aspect of the place, it’s clearly a cash grab more cynical and distasteful than when they made Game of Death with B-roll of Bruce Lee and two actors who looked nothing like him.    Sammy’s, on the other hand, feels like it’s part of its community. Established in Near North, playing a role in Near North, employing Near North, feeding Near North.    GO.    GIVE.    THEM.    YOUR.    MONEY.
* I was once briefly involved with a Randian Libertarian who called me literally a “bleeding heart commie” because I told her Atlas Shrugged was “right-wing oriented”. Ah, to be young again.
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh News
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Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh News
Curating the news about Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh.
AEF Announces 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Recipients
2108, 2020
AEF Announces 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Recipients
wpaadmin2020-08-21T16:27:51-05:00August 21st, 2020|Categories: Society|Tags: Armenia, Armenians, Gyumri, Yerevan|
The Tufenkian family The Armenian Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors and Scholarship Committee announced the 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Award recipients. Three $3,000 scholarships have been awarded to Armenian undergraduate students at accredited United States colleges or Universities. To qualify for this scholarship, students had to be of Armenian descent, have a minimum 3.0 grade point average, show financial need, and be actively involved in the Armenian community. In total, 51 applications were received for the Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship. The committee diligently reviewed and selected the following three students. Arman Ghazaryan Arman Ghazaryan (Vayk, Armenia)Arman Ghazaryan was born in Armenia [...]
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the best way to stay in a saddle while suffering of #insomnia is to eat some hot Karvacharian #mallow #soup with #vinegar and #garlic #Karvachar #Artsakh #Armenia #recipeoftheday
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Minister of #Education, #Science and #Culture met with a group of #Artsakh students studying in #Armenia https://ift.tt/2Er8dvr
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The Eurovision Song Contest: more important than ever? https://ift.tt/34x6oaP #News #Armenia #Artsakh #Covid19
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#Harvestseason: Tomatoes for juice, tomatoes for eat and tomatoes for ttu, which means salted #tomatoes. Bon appetit! #Artsakh, #villagelife, #colours
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Russia's Lavrov Addresses Causes Behind Deadly Clashes On Armenia-Azerbaijan Border
Russia's Lavrov Addresses Causes Behind Deadly Clashes On Armenia-Azerbaijan Border
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Australian MP condemns Azerbaijani aggression and nuclear threat against Armenia
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Armenian, Russian Defense Ministers reach agreements on future military cooperation
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Hikmat Hajiyev: Azerbaijan provided constructive engagement in negotiations on Karabakh conflict …
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ARF Bureau Leader Meets with Artsakh President
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To the Armenian Community with Our Deepest Gratitude
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wpaadmin2020-08-21T14:10:50-05:00August 21st, 2020|Categories: Society|Tags: Armenia, Artsakh|
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Bulgarian media highlights Hikmat Hajiyev's comments on Armenia's national security strategy
Bulgarian media highlights Hikmat Hajiyev's comments on Armenia's national security strategy
wpaadmin2020-08-20T11:27:00-05:00August 20th, 2020|Categories: Politics|Tags: Armenia, Karabakh|
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Bulgaria's "Cross" news agency highlights Hikmat Hajiyev's comments on Armenia's national …
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wpaadmin2020-08-20T11:10:00-05:00August 20th, 2020|Categories: Politics|Tags: Armenia, Karabakh|
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Today we live in a society, which can not imagine life without expressing views on social media. Probably it does have certain advantages. Nevertheless, many [...]
Serzh Sargsyan: Karabakh issue can be resolved through "int'l coercion"
wpaadmin2020-08-19T07:45:04-05:00August 19th, 2020|Categories: Politics|Tags: Armenia, Artsakh, Karabakh|
Serzh Sargsyan said on August 19 that Armenia emerged victorious in the Four-Day War of April 2016.
Published February 20, 2020 at 08:00PM. Read full article at Stem Cells in the News Portal.
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